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Within social psychology self-stereotyping (or autostereotyping) is a process described as part

of social identity theory (SIT)[1][2] and, more specifically, self-categorization theory (SCT).[3]
Self-stereotyping occurs when an individual integrates commonly held characterizations (i.e.
stereotypes or prototypes) of an in-group into his or her self-concept.[1][4]

According to SIT, group membership is most likely to influence self-concept and self-esteem
when the cognitive processes of identification and categorization interact. In other words, when
an individual identifies strongly with a group and categorizes him or herself as a member of that
group, group membership becomes integrated into the persons identity.[1]

Self-stereotyping has been described as a form of depersonalization in which the self is viewed
as a categorically interchangeable member of a salient ingroup.[4][5] The growth of ones social
identity can directly relate to a decline in one's personal identity since conforming to group goals
influences an individual's beliefs and behaviors.[6]

Self-stereotyping has also been characterized as an overlap between how a person represents
their ingroup and how they represent the self.[4] Members of low-status groups have been found
to be more prone to self-stereotyping than members of high-status groups. Research suggests that
members of low-status groups attribute ingroup characteristics to the self via a deduction-to-the-
self process. That is, they accept stereotypical characteristics (both positive and negative) of their
ingroup as reflective of themselves. In contrast, it has been suggested that members of high-
status groups tend to project their personal characteristics onto their ingroup using an induction-
to-the-ingroup cognitive strategy.[4]

Research examining gender-based self-stereotyping has characterized female ingroups as low

status and male ingroups as high status. This is because in modern society gender inequality still
exists.[7] Women have been show to self-stereotype more than men. Furthermore, implicit gender
self-categorization has been identified as a key mechanism underlying the tendency of women to

Some researchers have found that self-stereotyping is somewhat dependent upon an individuals
belief that he/she and the group are capable of change.[8] If the individual believes that the groups
needs are different from their own, they may have to adapt his/her self-representation in order to
maintain membership within the in-group. However, if other in-group members are flexible to
change, an individual is more likely to maintain his/her self-image and avoid self-stereotyping.
Individuals tend to adapt to group characteristics more readily if they see this change as an
enhancement to the self. Therefore, the individual's perception of the group influences how much
he or she is willing to sacrifice in order to be a member.[8]


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