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Golang Cheat Sheet

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Basic Syntax Operators (cont) Functions (cont)

package main <= less than or equal return

import "fmt" > greater than }
func main() { >= greater than or equal var x, str = returnMulti2()
fmt.Println("Hello Go") Logical Functions As Values And Closures
} && logical and func main() {
|| logical or // assign a function to a name
Packages ! logical not add := func(a, b int) int {
Other return a + b
- package declaration at top of every source file
- executables are in package main & address of / create pointer }

- convention: package name == last name of * dereference pointer // use the name to call the
import path (import path math/rand => package <- send / receive operator function
rand) fmt.Println(add(3, 4))
- upper case identifier: exported (visible from
Functions }
other packages)
// Closures, lexically scoped:
- Lower case identifier: private (not visible from // a simple function
Functions can access values that
other packages) func functionName() {}
// function with parameters
Operators func functionName(param1 string,
// in scope when defining the
Arithmetic param2 int) {}
func scope() func() int{
+ addition // multiple parameters of the same
outer_var := 2
- subtraction type
foo := func() int { return
* multiplication func functionName(param1, param2
/ quotient int) {}
return foo
% remainder // return type declaration
& bitwise and func functionName() int {
func another_scope() func() int{
| bitwise or return 42
// won't compile because
^ bitwise xor }
outer_var and foo not defined in
&^ bit clear (and not) // return multiple
this scope
<< left shift func returnMulti() (int, string) {
outer_var = 444
>> right shift return 42, "foobar"
return foo
Comparison }
== equal var x, str = returnMulti()
// Closures: don't mutate outer
!= not equal // Return multiple named results
vars, instead redefine them!
< less than simply by return
func outer() (func() int, int) {
func returnMulti2() (n int, s
outer_var := 2
string) {
inner := func() int {
n = 42
s = "foobar"
// n and s will be returned

By [deleted] Published 7th September, 2015. Sponsored by Last updated 7th September, 2015. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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Golang Cheat Sheet
by [deleted] via

Functions (cont) Declarations Arrays, Slices, Ranges (cont)

outer_var += 99 // attempt var foo int // declaration without var a = []int {1, 2, 3, 4} //
to mutate outer_var from outer initial. declare and initialize a slice
scope var foo int = 42 // declaration (backed by the array given
return outer_var // => 101 with initial implicitly)
(but outer_var is a newly redefined var foo, bar int = 42, 1302 // a := []int{1, 2, 3, 4} // shorthand
// declare and init chars := []string{0:"a", 2:"c", 1:
variable visible only inside inner) var foo = 42 // type omitted, will "b"} // ["a", "b", "c"]
} be inferred var b = a[lo:hi] // creates a
return inner, outer_var // => foo := 42 // shorthand slice (view of the array) from
101, 2 (outer_var is still 2, not const constant = "This is a index lo to hi-1
mutated by foo!) constant" var b = a[1:4] // slice from index
} 1 to 3
Variadic Functions Type Conversions var b = a[:3] // missing low index
func main() { implies 0
var i int = 42
fmt.Println(adder(1, 2, 3)) // var b = a[3:] // missing high
var f float64 = float64(i)
6 index implies len(a)
var u uint = uint(f)
fmt.Println(adder(9, 9)) // 18 // create a slice with make
// alternative syntax
nums := []int{10, 20, 30} a = make([]byte, 5, 5) // first arg
i := 42
fmt.Println(adder(nums...)) // length, second capacity
f := float64(i)
60 a = make([]byte, 5) // capacity is
u := uint(f)
} optional
// By using ... before the type // create a slice from an array
Arrays, Slices, Ranges
name of the last parameter you can x := [3]string{"", "",
indicate that it takes zero or more ""}
var a [10]int
of those parameters. s := x[:] // a slice referencing
// declare an int array with length
// The function is invoked like any the storage of x
10. Array length is part of the
other function except we can pass
as many arguments as we want. Built-in Types
a[3] = 42 // set elements
func adder(args int {
i := a[3] // read elements
total := 0
// declare and initialize
for _, v := range args { //
int int8 int16 int32 int64
var a = [2]int{1, 2}
Iterates over the arguments
uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64
a := [2]int{1, 2} //shorthand
whatever the number.
a := [...]int{1, 2} // elipsis ->
total += v
byte // alias for uint8
Compiler figures out array length
rune // alias for int32 ~= a
return total
character (Unicode code point) -
var a []int // declare a slice -
very Viking
similar to an array, but length is
float32 float64
complex64 complex128

By [deleted] Published 7th September, 2015. Sponsored by Last updated 7th September, 2015. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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Golang Cheat Sheet
by [deleted] via

Control structures Control structures (cont)

If switch operatingSystem {
func main() { case "darwin":
// Basic one fmt.Println("Mac OS
if x > 0 { Hipster")
return x // cases break
} else { automatically
return -x case "linux":
} fmt.Println("Linux Geek")
// You can put one statement default:
before the condition // Windows, BSD, ...
if a := b + c; a < 42 { fmt.Println("Other")
return a }
} else { // as with for and if, you can
return a - 42 have an assignment statement before
} the switch value
// Type assertion inside if switch os := runtime.GOOS; os {
var val interface{} case "darwin": ...
val = "foo" }
if str, ok := val.(string); ok
// There only for, no while, no
for i := 1; i < 10; i++ {
for ; i < 10; { // while -
for i < 10 { // omit semicolons
for { //omit the condition ~
while (true)

By [deleted] Published 7th September, 2015. Sponsored by Last updated 7th September, 2015. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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