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Classroom Observations Rm 19 Observer Kristie

Lesson: Target Group-Writing Video Date: 28.8.17

Before the Observation During the Observation After the Observation
Focus Points What happened during the lesson? Reflective Questions:
Students are to write a Began session recapping goal for writing- How am I recording
recount including who, what, what was it that we have to include when we feedback/feed forward?
when and where. write a recount.
When asking students to find
Work through the modelled text. Identify where they have used who,
Planning / Preparation what aspects are included- who, what, why, what, when record in
Model and LI is written up in where, when- modelled underlining them as their books what they arent
the modelling book to identify students do with a yellow highlighter in using so that can refer back
goal and make adjustments their own stories. to it the next day.
with target group. The students will be able to
Draw out detail- do we know who he is? Get see through the highlighter
Posters to refer to are on the students to give ideas on how to extend to system what they are using
wall as prompts for students include detail for the reader. and read what they need to
to refer to when they are work on/
writing. When- does it say when? When could we
have gone? - questioning students to get Ideas to help:
Students were set with their them thinking. When verbally brainstorming
writing books and pens ready with students, write down key
to get started- forgot to tell Write words at bottom of page as a words in their books for them
them to get a highlighter reference that we could use to describe to refer back to.
(created disruption as they when- students can refer back to when
found one) writing own stories. Good questioning skills used
to enable students to think
Lots of PRIDE language used Students turn to their latest independent about their writing and what
throughout lesson story- those that have completed their they can do next
highlighting independently, I recapped their
4:1 is evident goal with them before they went and Great way of getting
worked independently. Work alongside students to think about how
Clear Learning Intentions students that havent yet highlighted their they can add detail to their
goal. Discuss with each students on a 1-1 writing
Modelling outlines basis about their stories.
expectations and steps Great to see the high lighter
If its not added in, what do you need to strategy being used
add to meet your goal? Students add to
their stories independently then highlight Think time applied
to show theyve met their goal.

Once all has highlighted, work with If you were to do a PMI on

students to get them started on a new the videoing process what
story. Verbally brainstorm with students 1- would it look like and how has
1. your teaching practice
changed from doing this

Next Steps: Support needed:

Record feedback/feed forward Deb for advice
Observation and critical feedback on what has
worked and what hasnt

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