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The Dewey County Record

Lt. Gov. Lamb tours towns

ts to discuss his vision B

Sep Lamb suggested that six or C
seven Oklahoma lawmak- a
07 ers and the governor just c
freaked out when it became
2017 apparent that they would face f
a budget shortfall year over R
y year of more than $800 mil- &
Page s lion. E
A001 Lamb said that he is not 7
convinced that the state has S
Clip a revenue problem but thinks
resized on a
the issue is a management
46% problem. p
said Lamb. Z
Lamb suggested that the a
state should consider focus-
ing on eliminating some of $
at of trying to raise taxes. Ac- I
er cording to Lamb the state c
spends over $6 billion to $10
Pictured: Mike Sanders, Clay Sander, Todd Lamb, billion annually on the same.
and Dillon Berry Lamb would not be spe- w
common education money to
/W *RY 7RGG /DPE 5 exemptions should be elimi- S
t be spent inside the classroom
&DVKLRQ YLVLWHG 2NHHQH DQG nated. For example agricul- g
Hennessey last Friday to ture producers are exempt
room as money spent on the
campaign for his bid to be IURPSD\LQJVDOHVWD[RQIXHO o
teacher and the students.
Oklahomas next governor. IHUWLOL]HUDQGPRVWIDUPXVHG a
Lamb said that he would
/DPE DQ (QLG QDWLYH IR- supplies. Lamb wouldnt
pursue policy that would en-
cused on his roots in north- say whether such an exemp- S
sure that third graders could
west Oklahoma. tion would be eliminated or t
read third grade level and per-
e Northwest Oklahoma is not but said that all incen- b
form third grade level math
the backyard and the front WLYHFUHGLWVDQGH[HPSWLRQV
before they move on to 4th
\DUG LWV MXVW KRPH VDLG should be looked at on a cost t
grade and that social promo-
tion was not acceptable.
,P D UXUDO JX\ VDLG help the states economy and C
When questioned whether
st Lamb. The sun doesnt set if they pay back more than it c
he would seek to reinstate re-
on Oklahoma City and Tulsa cost the state. Lamb also said '
pealed law that mandated in-
ty every day. that there needed to be ceil- s
tensive 3rd grade testing and
Lambs campaign distanced ings (total annual cost lim-
common core type require-
d )DOOLQV DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ HYHQ credits implemented by the t
he would not advocate point
y as his tenure as Lt. Governor state. p
has served concurrent to her Lamb said the whole bud-
be imposed on local school
election as governor. The two get process in Oklahoma p
positions are completely sep- needs to be reformed. He W
Instead Lamb said that he
e arate and independent posi- pointed out that the governor W
would listen to school admin-
tions under Oklahomas con- is required to present a bud- E
stitution. Lambs campaign get ever year in the state of
board members and see what
FRRUGLQDWRU IRU %ODLQH &R the state address one month W
s they suggest.
0LNH 'REULQVNL RI 2NHHQH before the state equaliza- e
railed against current Gov. WLRQERDUGHYHQFHUWLHVKRZ e
Fallins accomplishments and much money is projected to
Lamb said that he would
efforts as governor. EHDYDLODEOHWRVSHQGWKDWV- m
have handled Oklahomas
Lambs campaign is focus- cal year. 
current budget crisis much
ing on a platform of what he /DPESURSRVHVWKDWWKHUVW b
different than Gov. Fallin and
considers reform and renew- month of the legislature ev- f
the current legislature did.
ing Oklahoma. ery year should focus only on
es General goals were dis-
Lamb resigned from Gov.
Fallins cabinet back in Feb-
policy laws and that the re- e
cussed by Lamb but no spe- maining three months be fo- 0
FLFSURSRVDOVZHUHJLYHQWR posal to raise taxes on over a
attendees or local press mem- 160 services that had not pre- Continued on pg. 4 s
bers. viously been taxed.

Prompt immed

Hurricane Harvey facts

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Dewey County Record

Free downtown parking zark Wines, Salina (Okla.); F

Lamb... O
Sep (From page 1)
cused entirely on the budget million was a liability be- Sh
2017 after the equalization board cause the state does not have 9
Page FHUWLHG WKH IXQGV DYDLODEOH enough people to purchase Fi
A004 to use. everything made within the m
Clip Lamb, age 45, was elected state. Therefore he suggested It
75% as Lt. Governor in 2010. focusing more on exports and tru
From He previously served in the helping home grown busi- la
A001 Oklahoma State Senate from nesses increase their exports on
2004 to 2011. Before elected to other countries, giving Th
RIFH/DPEVHUYHGDVD6SH- Taiwan as just one example
cial Agent with the United of a country the state could
States Secret Service. He expand into.
graduated from Enid High Lamb will be facing a
School, received his bach- JURZLQJ HOG RI FDQGLGDWHV
elors degree from Oklahoma for the 2018 election. Other
State University, and his Ju- Republicans include Okla-
ris Doctorate from Oklahoma homa City Mayor Mick
City Universitys School of Cornett, State Auditor and
Law. Inspector Gary Jones, for-
Lamb was accompanied by mer state representative Dan
local lawmakers Rep. Mike Fisher, former U.S. Attorney
6DQGHUV 5.LQJVKHU DQG for the Eastern District of
6HQ'DUF\-HFK5.LQJVK- Oklahoma Gary Richard-
er, one campaign staff mem- son and businessman Kevin
ber, and his state assigned Stitt. On the Democratic side
security detail. former Oklahoma Attorney
Around two weeks ago he General Drew Edmondson,
announced a statewide panel House Minority Leader Scott
of manufacturers and fabrica- Inman and former Oklahoma
tors to serve on an advisory state senator Connie Johnson
SDQHO UHJDUGLQJ GLYHUVLFD- have announced their candi-
tion. He noted that the state dacy. Other candidates who
has never had a detailed plan have announced are libertar-
on how to diversify. ian candidates Rex Lawhorn,
Lamb said the state would Joseph Maldonado and Chris
need to look at its assets and Powell.
liabilities. He said the state's
population of around four

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Sep 2017 Page resized
07 0012 66%

Johnston County Capital-Democrat

Southeastern Democrats
plan picnic at Lake Texoma
Swimming, singing, eat- The project is an effort ances by one or two Oklahoma
ing, and politicking all to- of the County Democratic singers. At press time, Joey
gether! is how Southeastern Partys Events and Funds Ac- Todd is committed; and Lisa
Oklahoma Democrats are de- tion Team headed by Ronda Wilkinson, who is in charge of
scribing an upcoming event. DeCaire. entertainment for the picnic, is
Democrats from Bryan, Earlier in the year, then- negotiating with others.
Marshall, and other south- State Chairman Mark Ham- Of Todd, Wilkinson says,
eastern counties are gearing mons circulated a description Joey is a singer songwriter
up for a late-summer picnic of Bryan Countys restruc- in the rock/blues genre. His
at Lake Texoma on Saturday, turing as a model for other latest release is Before They
Sept. 16. counties. Dropped the Bombs, and a
The picnic will be held Democratic candidates \new album will be out soon.
at Bens Campground on for the office of Oklahoma My Name Is Shame and
Texoma Parks Catfish Bay. Governor will be among the Six Gun Hands are earlier
The eating, singing, and poli- picnickers and will give brief recordings.
ticking will be at Pavilion 8 campaign talks. The picnic at Bens Cam-
from noon until 2 p.m. The candidates who have pground on Catfish Bay is a
st Participants may come committed are Scott Inman, potluck event, and all Okla-
earlier and stay later to enjoy House Minority Leader, in his homa Democrats and think-
other lakeside activities like final term as Representative, ing-about-it Democrats are
swimming and sunbathing. and Connie Johnson, former invited.
The Bryan County Demo- State Senator. Lunch will be served
cratic Party and the Bryan Drew Edmondson, the from noon until 2 p.m., but
County Federation of Demo- former Oklahoma Attorney participants may come earlier
O cratic Women are sponsor-
ing the potluck event, and
General, had not committed
at press time.
and stay later for swimming
and sunbathing.
other Southeastern Oklahoma Among the days other The event will run from
Counties have been invited. activities will be perform- 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Chickasaw artist tops Paseo Art contest
Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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