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1. How often do you eat in restaurants?

I eat in restaurants every weekends. (Ai t in rstorants evri ukends)

2. What do you do in your free time?

I often travel with my family, in my free time. (Ai ufen trvel uith mai
family, in mai fri taim)

3. Do you like circuses? What can you see there?

Yes,I like circuses.I can see: clowns,magicians,jugglers,horses and other

things there. (Yes,ai laik crcases.Ai can si:
launs,mayshians,yglers,jrses end oder things der)

4. What are the parts of a house? Which one is your favourite?

The parts of a house are: Living room,dinning

room,bedrooms,kitchen,bathroom,yard,garden and garage.(De parts of a
jaus ar:Lvinrum,dininrum,bdrums,kitchen,bthrum,yard,grden end

5. Where are you from? What attractions are there in the place where your live?

Im from Lima,Per.There are many attractions in Lima: Main

Square,several ancient and beautiful churches,like Limas
Cathedral,museums,historical monuments and so on. (Aim from
Lima,Per, Der ar meni atrcshions en Lima: Mein skuer,several
nshient and bitiful churches,laik Limas Cathdral,miusams,historical
mnuments end sou on)

6. How often do you go to church? How long do you stay there?

I go to church every Sundays and I stay there,for an hour. (Ai gou tu

church vri Sndeis end ai stei der,for an uer)

7. Do you use a mobile phone? What can you do with it?

Yes,I use a mobile phone and I can call with my family and friends,send
messages and e-mails,post pothographs,articles and many other things
in facebook.I can also investigate and find information.
(Yes,ai yus a mbail fon end ai can col uith mai family end frends, sen
msayis end i-meils,poust ftografs,rtiquels end mni der things in
fisbuc. Ai can lso investiguit end faind informishion)

8. How do you ask for a bill in a restaurant?

I call the waiter or waitress and tell them:*Can I have the bill,
please?.(Ai col de uiter or uitress end tel dem:*Ken ai jav de bil,

9. When is the Summer in Peru? What do you?

Summer in Per is from December 21st to March 21st .During

summertime,I usually go to the beach,with my family.(Smer in Per is
from December de tunti ferst ti March de tunti ferst. Diurung
smertaim, ai yshuali gou uo de bich uith mai family)

10. Do you have holidays? When do you have holidays?

Yes,I have,during summertime.(Yes ai jav,during smertaim)

11. Who do you live with? Who do you contact well in your family with?

I live with my husband and children and I contact very well with
them.(Ai liv uith mai jsband and chldren and ai cntact very uel uith

12. Are you single? Married? If you are single, do you have a boyfriend /
girlfriend? If you are married, do you have children?

I am married and I have two daughters and one son.(Ai am mrried end
ai jav tu doters end uan son)

13. What is your favorite sport? How often do you play it?

My favourite sport is volleyball and I play it on weekends.(Mai

fivourit sport is vleibol and ai plei it on uicends)

14. Why are you studying English? How important is English for you?

I study English because its necessary in my career and I like it.This

language is very important for me and for all people.(Ai stadi nglish
bics its ncesari in mai carr end ai laic it. Dis languish is very
important fou m ems ol ppol)

15. What MUST / MUSTNT students do at school / in the classroom?

Students must learn,investigate,practice,do works ,listen to the teacher

and partners and they musnt play ,chat ,eat in class.(Stiudents mast
lern, investiguit, practice, du uercs, lsen tu de tcher end ptners end
dey msent plei,chat,it in clas)

16. What kind of music do you like? How often do you listen to music and where
do you listen to music?

I like ballads,in English and Spanish.I listen to the music

everyday,specially,whwn Im driving or at home.(Ai laic ballads, in
nglish end Spnish. Ai lsen tu de miusic vridei, speishali uen aim
draiving or at jom.

17. What is you favorite TV programme? Which channel is it on? Is it an

educational programme?

My favourite T.V. programme is Sucedi en el Per,it is an

educational programme on T.V.Per channel.(Mai fivorit tivi prgram
is America Noticias,its an eduquishonal program on tivi Per

18. How important is Internet?

Internet is very important for me because it is part of my career.(Internet

is very important for m bics is part of mai carrr)

19. What are the risks of the Internet?

Internet have some risks.For instance,someone can steal your personal

details,or you can meet bad people or somebody can use your
photographs.(Internet jav sam risks.For nstans,smuan can stl yor
personal ditils,or yu can mit bad ppol or sambadi can yus yor

20. How often do you use Facebook? What kind of photos shouldnt we post on
I use Facebook everyday and we shouldnt post pornography or photos
of mutilated people or animals .(Ai yus fisbuc vridei end ui shdent
poust porngrafi or fotos of mutileited ppol or animals)

21. Are / Were you a good student? What is / was your favourite subject?

Yes,I was a good student and my favourite subject was Math.(Yes,ai uos
a gud student end mai fivorit sabyect uos Math)

22. Do you like shopping? What do you like shopping most? Where do you like

Yes,I like shopping .I love to shop shoes at Plaza Lima Sur.(Yes,ai laic
shupin.Ai lav tu shup shus at Plaza Lima Sur

23. How did you celebrate Mothers / Fathers day?

I celebrate Mothers and Fathers Day with my husband, daughters and

son.We always go to a restaurant.(Ai celebrit Mders ens Fders dei
uit mai jsband, dters end son. Ui lueis gou tu a rstorant)

24. What do you have for breakfast?

I have some fruit juice,a cup of coffee and bread with cheese for
breakfast.(Ai jav sam frt yus, a cap of cfi end bred uith chis)

25. What do you have for lunch?

I have salad or soup,some meat,chicken or fish and fruit for lunch.(Ai

jav salad or sup, sm mit or sup, chquen or fish end frt for lnch)

26. What do you have for dinner?

I have a glass of milk or some soup and bread with olive for dinner.(Ai
jav a glas of milk or sam sup, end bresd uith liv for diner)

27. What do you do at weekends?

At weekends,I visit my parents or go shopping with my family.(At

ukends,ai visit mai pirents or gou shuping uith mai family)

28. When did you last go to the cinema? What movie did you watch?
I went to the cinema last Saturday and saw Ice age five(Ai uent tu de
cinema last sturdei end so Ais eish faif)

29. What is your opinion about selfish people?

I think selfish people are egocentric.(Ai think selfish ppol are


30. Do you like photos? Selfies? How often do you take selfies?

Yes I like photos,but not selfies .I never take them.(Yes ai laik futos,
bau not slfis. Ai nver tik dem)

31. Do you go to the gym? How important is it?

I go to the gym twice in a week.It is important to keep my body healthy

and thin.(Ai gout tu de yim tuas im a uc, It is important tu kp mai bdy
glthi end thin)

32. What do you do to be healthy?

I do exercises,eat natural food,drink eight glasses of water in a day,take

a bath everyday and visit a doctor each six months.(Ai du eccersises,it
ntural fuds,drink it glas of uter ,tic a bath vridei end visit a doctor
ch sics months)

33. How do you greet people for the first time?

When I meet people for the first time,I tell them: Nice to meet
you.(Uen aim it ppol for de ferst taim,ai tel dem:Nais tu mit yu)

34. Do you like Skype? What can you do with it?

Yes I like Skype .I can talk with my relatives and friends who live
abroad.(Yes ai laik Skaip.Ai can toc uith mai rlativs end frends ju liv

35. Whats the weather like today in your city?

The weather is cold and rainy in my city.(De uder is culd end rini in
mai city)

36. Do you go out with your friends? What do you do together?

Sometimes I go out with my friends,we go to a restaurant or to the
cinema.(Smtaims ai gou aut uith mai frends, ui gout u a rstorant or tu
de cinema)

37. What is your favorite dessert? What are the ingredients of your favorite

.-Arroz con leche is my favourite dessert.The ingrdients are:

Rice,milk,sugar.some water,raisins,cinnamon,clove and some vanilla.(
Arroz con leche is mai fivourit disrt. De ngreduents ar: Ris, milk,
shgar, sam uter, risins, cnamon, clouv end sam vanla)

38. What are you future plans?

Im planning to finish my new career and then work as a Contadora.(

Aim planning tu finish mai niu carrr end den, uerk as a accountant)
39. What makes a person happy?

It depends on each of us,I believe happiness is inside us;but love,health

,a good job,some money and specially our family can make us happy.
(It dipnds on ch of as, ai bilv jpnes is insid as; bat lav, jelth, a gud
yab, sam mni end spishali ur family ken meik as jpi)

40. What do you do on a normal morning?

I prepare breakfast for my family and leave my children at school.Then

I study.(Ai pripr breakfast tu mai family end lv mai children at scl.
Den ai stdi)

41. What do you do on a normal afternoon?

I eat lunch with my children and help them to do their homework.(Ai it

lanch uith mai children end jelp dem tu du der jomuerk)

42. What do you do on a normal evening?

I share my time with my husband and children.We watch T.V. and play
together.(Ai sher mai taim uith mai jsband end children. Ui uotch Ti Vi
end plei tugueder)

43. If you had the chance to travel abroad, what would you take with you
according to importance?
If I travelled abroad,I would take clothes,personal documents,some
medicine and CDs I prefer.(Of ai traveld abroud, ai vud ueik clouthes,
personal documents, sam mdicin end ci ds ai prifr)

44. Do you like pets? Do you have one? Talk about it? If not, Why?

No I dont have a pet because my children are little.(Nou,ai dont jav a

pet bics mai children are ldel)

45. Can you cook? Name a dish (Nombra un plato) What are the ingredients of it?

Yes,Ican.I prepare causa .Their ingredients are:

Potato,salt,lemmon,oil,chicken or some vegetables and mayonnaise,
(Yes ai ken. Ai pripr causa Der ingredients are: Potitou, solt, lemon,
oil, chken or sam vyetabols end miyoneis)

46. What suggestions can you give your tutor?

I want my tutor to give me more exercises.This is my suggestion.

(Ai uont mai titor tu guiv mi mor eccersises. Dis es mai sayshion))

47. If you had S/ 10,000 , what would you buy? why?

If I had S/ 10,000,I would buy a computer,a T.V.,clothes and shoes

because we need these things.(If ai jad ten thousand soles, ai vud bai a
computer, a Ti Vi, clouthes end shus bics ui nid dis things)

48. Do you sing? Where do you sing? Whos your favourite singer / band?

Yes I love to sing.I sing at home or in meetings with my family or

friends.My favourite band is The Beatles.(Yes,ai lav to sing. Ai sing at
jom or in mtings uith mai fmili or frends. Mai fivourit band is De

49. When do you visit your relatives?

I visit my relatives at weekends.(Ai visit mai rlativs at ukends)

50. How did you celebrate your last birthday?

I celebrate my last birthday with my family and some friends,at

home.(Ai celebrit mai last brdei uith mai family end sam frends, at

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