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Name: Pruthvi SJ

Personal life:

1. He is very healthy person

2. Loving and caring person
3. Think positively
4. Dawn to the earth

Spiritual life:

1. Spiritual person
2. Always try to find the meaning in prayer
3. Very much devotion for the Eucharist
4. Regular for the mass and prayer

To improve

1. Not reading about spiritual books

Intellectual life:

1. Take heard to learn the subjects matters

2. Creative person
3. Put his heart and soul for study
4. Take studies seriously

To improve:

1. Sleeping while studying

Emotional life


1. Builds a healthy relationships

2. Understand the person
3. Knows how to mingle with others
4. Knows how to handle the situation

To improve

1. Not outgoing person

Community life

1. Responsible person
2. Always available for the community
3. Think creatively
4. Joyful person

To improve
1. Sit with only province people
2. During meal not mingling with others

Jesuit life


1. Think about the society

2. Concern about the poor and needy
3. He has the clear idea about the vocation
4. Knows the Jesuits life

Main strength

He believes about his strength and capacity, loving person and always thinks positively about
his life and others

Main weakness

Always Mingle with own people, not mixing with others

Name: Almon SJ

Personal life


1. Physically healthy person

2. Loving and caring person
3. Always try his best in any work
4. Heard working person

To Improve
1. Need to listen to others opinion
2. Lack of tendency to listen to others

Spiritual life


1. Always regular for the prayer

2. He finds meaning in prayer and faithful for the prayer
3. Take the prayer in seriously
4. Depth in sharing

Academic life


1. He always tries his best to learn his subjects

2. He uses all the available souses to learn
3. He is strict to his time table
4. Take studies seriously

Emotional life


1. Build up healthy relationship with everyone

2. Think positively and speak positively
3. Take think positively
4. Calm and quite person

To improve

1. Not strict with the work

2. There is no strict in doing announcement with regards to work

Community life


1. Heard working person

2. Available in any time
3. Responsible person
4. Ready to accept the mistakes
To improve

1. Not ready to accept

Religious life


1. Understand the meaning of religious life

2. Positive idea about the life that he has chosen
3. Eagerness to know about the society
4. Great concern for the needy and poor

Main strength

He is a heard working person, takes effort to learn subjects matters and other things and
knows how to handle to the situation


Not much strict with regards to work during the announcement and sometimes not try to do
everything along
Name: Goldenstar SJ

Personal life


1. Systematic person
2. Cleanliness is very much visible
3. Creative person
4. Simple person

To improve

1. Not doing his responsibility properly

2. Self-centred person

Spiritual life


1. Creative person
2. Regular in for the Eucharist and prayer
3. Take prayer seriously
4. There is depth in his spiritual sharing

Academic life


1. Take study seriously

2. Good in studies
3. Regular for the classes
4. Heard working person

To improve

1. Not ready to share the subject matter with others

2. Think always he knows everything

Emotional life


1. Calm and cool person

2. Healthy relationship with both the sex
3. Friendly person
4. Joyful person
To improve

1. Grambling person
2. Try to escape form responsibility

Community life


1. Creative person
2. Gentle person
3. Sociable person

To improve

1. Self-centred person
2. Not available to for the community need
3. Not doing his own responsibility properly

Jesuits life


1. Love for the society and religious life

2. Knows the society well
3. Knows the Ignatian sources well
4. He has got cleaner vocation

Main strengths

He has got good voice and talent optimistic person

Main weaknesses to be point out

Always think about himself, not willing to share with others ( subjects matters) , not available
to the needs of the community

By: Sithum Chinthaka

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