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Ascending Empires rules summary

Object: Players use their starships to attack enemies and to land on planets to
build structures. Victory Points (VPs) are gained for attacking enemy starships
and structures, for mining, and for developing new technology faster than your
opponents. When the game end is triggered, additional bonus VPs are gained.
The player with the most VPs wins.

1. Assemble the game board pieces, noting that the board is divided into Alpha,
Beta, Delta, and Gamma quadrants.
2. Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding homeworld, pieces,
and placard.
3. Set up the homeworlds and any asteroids face up as per Step 2 in the rulebook.
4. Set up a group of face down, shuffled planets and asteroids in each quadrant as
per Step 3 in the rulebook.
5. Each player places 6 troops in the supply area of his placard and places 2
starships in orbit around his homeworld.
6. Your remaining troops and starships remain in the box, out of play.
7. Place a corresponding colored marker on level 0 of each technology track on
your placard.
8. Place your 4 colonies (cylinders), 4 cities (tall cylinders), and 8 research
facilities (cubes) next to your placard.
9. Place 32, 36, or 40 VP tokens next to the board as a VP pool based on 2, 3, or 4
players in the game. You can add more tokens for longer games if desired.
10. Randomly determine the first player.
Note that you are limited by the number of starships and items that come with the
game (although they can be rebuilt if destroyed).

Asteroid treated like a planet except that research facilities may not be built on
Battleship if you develop the 3rd level orange technology, immediately place
your battleship into your supply and return two of your starships (from the
board and/or your supply) to the box.
Battleships are treated as starships except they count as 2 starships when
attacking or defending and are worth 2 VP if destroyed in combat. A battleship
only requires 1 troop to launch and only places 1 troop when it lands.
Homeworlds a homeworld is not considered to be a planet.
Homeworlds can never be attacked, blockaded, or mined.
Troops are the only items that can be placed on a homeworld.
Item any game piece that can be placed on a planet (troop, colony, city, and
research facility).
You may have a maximum of 3 items on a planet at a time.
Occupied a planet is occupied if a player has any items on it.
Orbit a starship is in orbit if any part of it is touching the colored area around a
Range used for starship combat. Short range is the default.
Long range is used if you develop the 2nd level orange technology.

Game Turns: You may perform one of the following actions on your turn.

Action Recruit Troops: Distribute up to 2 troops from your supply onto any
planets you occupy and/or your homeworld.
Or you can use this action to remove any number of troops from your occupied
planets (even blockaded planets) and return them to your supply.

Action Move: You get 2 movement points with this action.

Each option below costs 1 movement point:
Launch return 1 troop from an occupied planet to your supply and place a
starship from your supply in orbit of that planet. Note that launching a starship
so that it touches an enemy starship does not count as ramming.
Navigate use your finger to flick or strike (but not push) one of your starships.
It is okay to ricochet off of planets and your own starships.
If your starship rams an enemy starship (including a battleship), both ships are
returned to each owners supply. Only the first two starships that collide are
destroyed. No VPs are generated for ramming.
If your starship lands on its side, wait for it to stop rolling. Then the player to
your left places it face up as close to its stopping position as possible.
Land return 1 starship in orbit of a planet to your supply and then place 1 troop
from your supply on that planet.
You may not land on an enemy-occupied planet.
If the planet is face down, flip it face up.
Once you are done moving, all of your starships will attack (even if they were not
actually flicked). Starships can attack after being launched.
You can fire through your own starships range is the only thing that matters.
You win an attack if you have the highest strength.
Each starship may only attack once and all possible attacks are mandatory.
Attacking only occurs after you take a move action.
If you have 2 starships in range of an enemy starship, it is destroyed and
returned to its owners supply.
Destroying an enemy starship earns you 1 VP.
Battleships count as 2 starships when attacking starships and planets, and
when attacked.
Destroying an enemy battleship earns you 2 VP.
If you have a number of starships in orbit greater than the strength on the
planet, all enemy items on that planet are destroyed and returned to the
owners supply.
You gain 1 VP per destroyed item.
You may not attack a planet if there are enemy starships in orbit belonging
to any player.
Each starship is 1 strength. Each battleship is 2 strength. Strength on a planet is
calculated as 0 per research facility, 1 per troop, 1 per colony, and 2 per city.

Action Mine: Remove 2 troops from a single planet and gain 1 VP, or remove 3
troops from a single planet and gain 2 VP.

Action Build Structure: Build a research facility, a colony, or a city.

Research Facility return 2 troops from a planet (but not an asteroid) to your
supply and replace them with a research facility.
You may only have one planet with 2 research facilities built on it.
Colony return 1 troop from a planet to your supply and replace it with a colony.
City return 1 troop and 1 colony from a planet to your supply and replace them
with a city. Then add either 1 troop or 1 starship from the box to your supply
(even if the city was rebuilt after previously being destroyed).
You cannot voluntarily remove one of your structures from a planet.

Action Develop Technology: Increase one technology by one level (from

lowest to highest) if you have a number of research facilities on planets of the
same color as the technology equal to the technology level being developed.
Each technology level grants you special rule-breaking abilities.
If you are the first to develop that level of that color technology, you gain VP
equal to that level of technology.
If you have now developed an entire row of technology (e.g., you have all four
technologies at level 1 or higher), you gain the bonus (from the box) shown to the
right side of the technology track.
You do not lose technology levels if your research facilities are destroyed.

Scan Planets: After you have performed an action, you may peek at all face down
planets in which you have a starship in orbit.

Blockaded Planets: An occupied planet is blockaded if any enemy starships are

in orbit.
While blockaded, you may not use that planet to Land/Launch starships, Recruit
(new) Troops (although you can remove troops with this action), Build a
Structure, Mine, or use any research facilities there to Development Technology.

Off the Game Board: Any starship that leaves the board for any reason is
considered lost in space and is returned to its owners supply.

End of Game: When a player takes the last VP token (no matter who takes it), the
active player finishes his turn and then all of the other players get one final turn.
Use VP tokens from the box once the VP pool has been exhausted.
Once finished, add your VP tokens to the following bonuses:
Each planet or asteroid you occupy = 1 VP
Each colony you have = +1 VP
Each city you have = +2 VP
If you have cities in 3 different quadrants = +3 VP
If you have cities in 4 different quadrants = +6 VP
The player with the most VP tokens wins.
If tied, the tied player who took the most VP tokens during the game wins. If still
tied, the tied player who developed the most levels of technology wins.

Level 2 Orange Technology grants multiple attacks, which means that a starship
could make attacks against two starships or against a starship and a planet.
Level 3 Purple Technology starships gain an effective strength of 2. Battleship
strength does not increase.
Level 2 Brown Technology allows you to choose 1 starship or 2 troops when
you build a city.
Level 4 Brown Technology allows you to recruit onto unrevealed planets (which
are then revealed) and to planets that have starships in orbit. It does not allow
recruiting to an enemy homeworld.

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