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Each year the USDA records 4.5 billion slaughtered animals for human consumption.

Animals are emotional sentient beings who have the intelligence to perceive and adapt to the
environment they reside on. Humans do not have the right take any animals life, humans are
intelligent and should feel empathy to another living, breathing sentient being. Particular
animals share 98% of their DNA with humans, they are used and mistreated in cruel methods as
test subjects for human advancement. The needless slaughter and carnage are unjustifiable,
furthermore, a vegan diet is more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Land and resources
used to feed livestock could be used to feed people and reduce world hunger. Animals require
more rights for them to live their time safely and naturally on earth just as humans wish to do.
Additional animal rights need to be procured in order to ensure the well-being of
sentient creatures. Empathy must be extended to animals, not because they are humans like,
but because it is the morally just decision. Oppositions against animal rights may dispute that
animals are not human; consequently, animals do not deserve to be treated humanely because
they are not intelligent and emotional. I wholeheartedly disagree with this mindset due to the
research and evidence produced proving that such an ideology is false and nonfactual. In
controlled experiments, scientists at Oxford University reported that two birds named Betty
and Abel were given a choice between using two tools, one a straight wire, the other a hooked
wire, to snag a piece of meat from inside a tube. Both chose the hooked wire. A Change of
Heart About Animal (LA Times). Nations in the European Union have implemented laws as a
result of scientific research produced by universities such as Oxford. In Germany, the
government is encouraging pig farmers to give each pig 20 seconds of human contact each day
and to provide them with toys to prevent them from fighting. A Change of Heart About
Animal (LA Times). Unfortunately, even though conditions in first world countries are improving
for animals it will never be enough because profit matters more to the industry than animal
well-being. That will always remain true due to the high demand for meat at a low price tag.
Humane slaughter does not exist due to the act of murder itself being morally unjust.
Animals do not deserve to be mistreated, abused, and slaughtered. Animal rights make
it legally unlawful to mistreat another sentient living being. Throughout history, animals have
coexisted with humans, consequently, they have received undeserved atrocities due to human
selfishness, such as being slaughtered for human taste buds. Human empathy is essential for
animal rights laws to develop into our society so that animals may live in peace. The belief in
the perception that humans are above animals, therefore, they are more superior morally and
genetically has produced unjustifiable animal exploitation. Kindness to animals is morally right
and obvious, but somehow we as a species have developed a superiority complex as a result of
our achievements ignoring the emotional innocent outcry of breathing sentient animals. Do you
want to keep the chain of animal slaughter to continue or do you believe in the natural rights
that animals should justifiably have?
Sources:, A Change of Heart About Animals,

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