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Lesson Plan:

Teacher: Miss Reegan Ker

Week/Session: Term 3, Week 7, Thursday the 31st of August, 9:40am
Class: Year 6
Learning Area: Mathematics/Numeracy
No. Students: 8-10
Length: 20 minutes

Australian Curriculum: Strand: Number and algebra: Number and place value: Apply place
value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least 10 000 to assist calculations
and solve problems (ACMNA053 - Scootle ) .

Teaching Objectives: On completing this lesson each student should be able to:
- Explain and understand why it is important to know the value of each digit in a
- Understand how to expand numbers using addition
Students prior knowledge: Students have experience with addition and have worked
with the place value of numbers.

Materials/Resources: 8 white boards, a big white board, 9 white board markers, 4 bags of
cards with numbers 0-9 (2 of each), + signs and = signs, blue tac

Prepare cards with a variety of different numbers on them and place into 4 separate bags,
roughly 6 numbers in one bag with some addition cards, prior to lesson. Put addition signs
in the bags.

Introduction (3 minutes)
- Introduce yourself and tell the students they will be learning about expanding
numbers using addition
- Ask: Does anyone know what this means? Give the students 30 seconds to 1
minute to think about it, then ask, Why do you think that?
- Explain to them what it is by showing them a card with a number on it and when
you expand the card out it shows the addition behind the number
Engagement (15 minutes)
This school follows the teaching methods influenced by the educators John Fleming and
John Hattie. This is where the teacher does an example then the teacher and the students
do one together then the student does it on their own, I DO, WE DO, YOU DO.

- Pull out 3 different numbers from one of the bags, make a number, read the
number out.
- For example, if the number is 123, explain to them that you know what the
number is because there are 1 hundred, 2 tens and 3 ones.

- Ask- Does anyone know what the place value system is? Allow for time for them
to think about it. What is it?
Answer: It determines the value of the digit depending on its place in a number.

- So, if I wanted to pull the number apart to make it an addition sum, it would be
100 + 20 + 3, this is called expanding set this out by adding more number cards
- This is showing the students an example of what they will be doing

As a class
- Do an example with the students
- Get one student to choose 3 numbers out of the bag, make a number and read it
- Write on the board the number and stick the chosen cards up with blue tack
- Ask another student to come and expand that number using addition with more

- Ask: Who can tell me how many hundreds are in this number? How do you know
- Ask: Who can tell me how many tens are in this number? How do you know that?
- Ask: Now who can tell me how many ones are in the number? Why?

Student activity in pairs
- Get the students to in pairs (they can choose), sitting down at the area chosen
with their white boards, white board markers and erasers. Give them a bag of
numbers and signs as shown below

- Explain to them that they will need to make a number up out of the cards in the
bag, expand the number using addition with their cards and then finding the place
value, they can use their white boards for assistance if need be
- Ask them if they understand what to do
- This can be done lots of times with a variety of numbers until they have
- Walk around and see if everyone is on track, if they arent ask them if they need

Conclusion (2 minutes)

Class discussion - Ask the class remember put your hands up, why is it important to know
the value of the digits in a number?
Answer: Helps you understand the meaning of a number

Assessment and Evaluation:

(a) Were all students able to work the place value of the digits in a variety of
- I plan to find his out by, ensuing all students have a go at figuring out the place
- I will be walking around looking at their white boards to see if they have had a go
- Making note of who has and who hasnt

(b) Were all students able to change a number into an expanded form using
- I plan to find this out through asking questions of what the students came up with
and by looking at their attempts
- Giving them assistance when is needed to see which level they are at


Best part of this lesson

The best part of this lesson is when I was explaining and teaching the students about
number place value, some students were confident and were excited to solve the
questions with harder numbers. This was great for me because I noticed that they were
enjoying the lesson and having fun.

Trouble spot
I didnt expect the students to know as much as they did, from what my mentor teacher
told me. So I prepared what I thought might have been harder for them but they
understood it quite fast and I was able to give them more advanced questions and
problems. This was the only trouble spot and it was easily fixed.

What would I do differently if I was doing that very same lesson tomorrow
Prepare harder numbers for them to find the place value of so I am prepared for any
students who get the concept quite easily. Prepare an extension exercise.

Catering for diversity

Ask mentor teacher:
Are there any students on an individual education plan?
There are 2 of the students on IEPs (individual education plans)
All the students have a lower ability
No formal learning diagnosis of any student
Behaviour Management Plan/Contract?
Are there any students with special needs?
Is there a health/emergency plan? E.g. Epi Pen
There are two student with asthma

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