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Rajib Chattaraj & Bhubaneswar Koner

Rajib Chattaraj Bhubaneswar Koner

Abstract :- The definition of historic and heritage structures may vary from country to country and from
culture to culture. But the need for the existence of these assets of historic values is no where denied rather
they are worth preserving. The design, construction and the materials used for these structures are often
drastically different to survive against the threat of present days hazard. The technique that is used to make
the life of the structures longer is called retrofitting. It is used as a general term consists of a variety of
treatments: preservation, rehabilitation, restoration and reconstruction. It is not that retrofitting is done in
case of the structures of historic importance only. But in such cases the technique of retrofitting is lot more
challenging with many restrictions imposed. Retrofitting of the historic structures generally involve an array
of diverse technical considerations such as fire safety, remedies against weathering and water infiltration,
chemical attack, geotechnical hazards, structural performance under earthquake and wind loads etc. In this
paper different retrofitting techniques adoptable for historic buildings are discussed with a focus to Indian
1. Introduction:- Retrofitting (Kelly et al.,2005), the general term in broader sense means preservation
which is the process of applying measures necessary to sustain the existing form, integrity and materials of a
historic structure. Rehabilitation refers to the process of creating new application for a structure through
repair, additions and alterations while preserving those features which convey its historical, cultural or
architectural values. Restoration is the process of accurately restoring a structure as of existed at a particular
period of time. Reconstruction is described as the act of replicating a structure at a specific period of time.
Having said that, retrofit specially aims to enhance the structural capacities (strength, stiffness, ductility,
stability and integrity) of a structure that is suspected to be deficient or vulnerable. In the specific context of
enhancing the resistance of a vulnerable structure to earthquake the term seismic retrofit is used. The
building need not be deteriorated or damaged, seismic retrofit is intended to mitigate the effect of a future
The principal difference between a heritage structure and a regular or traditional structure is that a retrofitting
technique can not indiscriminately be applied with the sole aim of improving structural response to
earthquakes and other components in case of a historic structure. Application of techniques and materials
should be chosen very cautiously and judiciously so that the authenticity and heritage value of the structure
in its entirety is maintained.

2. Basic principles of retrofitting of structures of historic and heritage importance: Structures of

heritage and historic importance present a number of challenges in restoration and retrofit which limit the
application of codes and building standards of modern times. However, recommendations and guidelines are
necessary to enable rational methods of analysis and restoration work fitting to the cultural context. Thus,

Executive Engineer, PWD, Govt. of West Bengal

Engineer-in-Chief & Ex-officio Secretary, PWD, Govt. of West Bengal

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some relevant recommendations of International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) are listed
below :-
ICOMOS, 1964
A. The restoration of monuments must have recourse to all the techniques which can contribute to the
safeguarding of the architectural heritage. (Article : 2)
B. The intention in conserving and restoring monuments is to safeguard them no less as works of art, than
as historical evidence. (Article : 3)
C. The aim of restoration is to preserve and reveal the aesthetic and historical value of the monument and is
based on the respect for original material and authentic documents. (Article : 9)
D. Where traditional techniques prove inadequate, the restoration of monument can be achieved by the use
of any modern technique of construction, the efficacy of which has been shown by scientific data and
proved by experience. (Article : 10)
E. The valid contributions of all periods to the building of a monument must be respected, since unity is not
the aim of a restoration. When a building includes the superimposed work of different periods, the
revealing of the underlying state can only be justified in exceptional circumstances. (Article : 11)
ICOMOS, 2003
A. The removal of the inner structures maintaining only the facades does not fit the conservation criteria.
(Article : 1.3)
B. No action should be undertaken without having ascertained the achievable benefit and harm to the
architectural heritage, except in cases where urgent safeguard measures are necessary to avoid the
imminent collapse of structures (for example, after seismic damages). Those urgent measures, however,
should not be irreversible. (Article : 1.7)
C. Therapy should address root causes rather than symptoms. (Article : 3.1)
D. Safety evaluation and an understanding of the significance of the structure should be the basis for
conservation and reinforcement measures. (Article : 3.3)
E. The choice between traditional and innovative techniques should be weighed upon a case-by-case
basis and preference given to these that are least invasive.
F. At times of the difficulty of evaluating the real safety levels, the possible benefits of interventions may
suggest an observational method, that is an incremental approach, starting from a minimum level of
intervention. (Article : 3.8)
G. Where possible, any measure should be reversible, so that they can be removed and replaced with
more suitable measures when new knowledge is acquired. Where they are not completely reversible,
interventions should not limit further interventions. (Article : 3.9)
3. Degree of Intervention:- Retrofitting of historical building is a difficult compromise between
requirements of structural theories and conservation principles. Intervention should be reversible to give
room to incorporate better solutions with technologies to come in future. That way, intervention must be as
much as necessary, but as little as possible. Temporary interventions must be carried out to prevent
Catastrophic Collapse if such situation occurs. Before the final retrofit procedure is tested and arrived at,
safety against collapse such as during the post-earthquake investigation may be ensured by temporary
For a monumental building, eight degrees of interventions in the ascending order of intrusion are possible :-
(i) Prevention of deterioration
(ii) Preservation of existing state
(iii) Consolidation of the fabric
(iv) Restoration
(v) Rehabilitation
(vi) Reproduction
(vii) Reconstruction
(viii) Translocation
4. Investigation and collection of information:- Investigation and collection of information can be broadly
be classified into four categories :-

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(i) Foundation and geologic
(ii) Architectural
(iii) Structural
(iv) Services such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), sanitary plumbing, fire fighting,
illumination (energy retro fitting) etc.
4.1. Foundation and geologic investigation:- This part deals with the investigation of soil strength and
stiffness parameters for consideration of foundation-load deformation characteristics, collection of specified
data for site characterization, outlining procedures for mitigation of geologic site hazards and specific
requirements for seismic rehabilitation of foundations.
4.1.1. Load-Deformation characteristics for foundations:- Foundation-deformation behavior of
foundation characterized by both stiffness and capacity can have significant effect on both structural
response and load distribution among structural elements. Load-deformation characteristics are required
where the effect of foundations are to be taken into account in Linear Static and dynamic procedures, non-
linear static (pushover) procedures (NSP) or nonlinear dynamic procedures. Because of the difficulties in
determining the properties of soil and the possible variability of soil supporting foundations, an equivalent
elasto-plastic representation of load-deformation behavior is recommended recognizing the load-deformation
behavior of foundation being non-linear. The sources of uncertainty include variations due to rate of loading,
assumed elasto-plastic soil behavior, level of strain, cyclic loading, variability of soil properties.
4.1.2. Collection of Specified data for site-characterisation : Site characterisation shall include
collection of information on the structural foundation, sub-surface soil and condition and seismic geologic
site hazards. The following structural information should be obtained for the foundation of the structure to
be rehabilitated :
(i) Foundation type.
(ii) Foundation configuration, including dimensions, locations, depth of embedment of shallow foundations,
pile tip elevation, and variations in cross-section along the length of the pile or belled caissons.
(iii) Material composition and details of construction.
Information on sub-surface soil conditions should be obtained as required by the selected performance level :
(i) For collapse prevention and life safety performance levels, the type, composition, consistency, relative
density and layering of soils shall be determined to a depth at which the stress imposed by the building is
less than or equal to 10% of the building weight divided by the total foundation area. For buildings with
friction piles, the depth so calculated shall be increased by two-third of the pile length. For end bearing
piles, the depth of the investigation shall be the pile length plus 10 feet.
(ii) Location of water table and its seasonal fluctuations beneath the building should be determined.
(iii) For enhanced rehabilitation objectives, the unit weight of soil , soil cohesion C, soil friction angle ,
Soil Compressibility Characteristics, Soil Shear Modulus G and Poissons ratio , for each type shall be
4.1.3. Seismic Geologic Site Hazards :- Seismic rehabilitation shall include an assessment of earthquake
induced hazards at the site due to fault rupture, liquefaction, differential compaction, land sliding and an
assessment of earthquake induced flooding or inundation.
Fault Rupture : A geologic fault shall be denied as a plane or zone along which earth materials on opposite
sides have moved differentially in response to tectonic forces Geologic site information shall be obtained to
determine if an active geologic fault is present under the building foundation.
Liquefaction: It is denied as the earthquake induced process in which saturated, loose, granular soils loose
shear strength and liquefy as a result of an increase in pore-water pressure during earthquake shaking.
Subsurface soil and ground water information shall be obtained to determine if liquefiable materials are
present under building foundation. If present, the information required are: soil type, soil density, depth of
water-table, ground surface slope, proximity of free-face conditions and lateral and vertical differential

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Differential Compaction : Differential compaction shall be denied as an earthquake induced process in
which foundation soils compact and the foundation settles in an inform manner across a site.
Land Sliding : It is denied as down-slope mass movement of earth resulting from any cause. Subsurface soil
information shall be obtained to determine if soils susceptible to a landslide that will cause differential
movement of the building are present at the
Flooding or Inundation : For seismic
rehabilitation of buildings for performance
levels higher than life safety, site information
should be obtained to determine if the source
of earthquake induced flooding or inundation
are present such as : (i) Dams located
upstream, subject to damage by earthquake
shaking or fault rupture. (ii) Pipelines,
aqueducts and water storage tanks located
upstream, subject to damage by fault rupture,
earthquake induced landslides or strong
shaking. (iii) Coastal areas within Tsunami
zones or areas adjacent to bays or lakes
subject to seismic waves. (iv) Low-lying areas
Leaning Tower of Pisa Before the restoration work with shallow ground water, subject to regional
(April,2012) subsidence and surface pounding of water
resulting in inundation of site.
An unique example of restoring a very famous historic structure by mainly solving the geotechnical issues is
the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The person who was instrumental behind the great and challenging job is Prof.
John Burland. It entailed drilling out slivers of soil from beneath the northern side of the tower-away from
the lean-and allowing gravity to coax the structure back upright. By this process the tower itself was not
touched, thus, the famous heritage structure could be restored with all of its glory, still leaning but stabilised.

4.2. Architectural Investigation:- Architectural investigation of an historic or heritage structure is the

critical step in planning an appropriate treatment after assessing how a structure has changed over time
causing the deterioration. For retrofitting of the historic structures, the need of a meticulous planning prior to
work on the irreplaceable cultural resources can not be denied. It actually necessitates proper investigation.
Whether investigation will be undertaken by professional-architects, conservators, historians or by property-
owners, the process should essentially be comprised of a four-step procedure: Historical Research,
Documentation, Inventory and Stabilization.

4.2.1. Historical Research :- The primary resource for carrying out historical research on a structure of
heritage importance are generally drawings, maps, plates, paintings, photographs, legal transaction
documents, account books, insurance policies, letters, diaries etc. Oral statement from peoples
remembrances can also be had. Secondary resources comprised of research or history already complied and
written about a subject, are also important for providing a broad contextual setting or a project. Historical
research should be conducted well before physical investigation because it can not be over-estimated that
proper historical research can give many important clues for structural investigation and solutions as well.
For example, the historical research on a structure through deed records may not only determine the
sequence of owners but also is turn, aids to investigate the chronology of ownership and the changes each
owner had made on the structure. A letter may indicate that an owner / occupant of the building / structure
painted that in which year.
4.2.2. Documentation:- A simple but comprehensive method of documentation is to take photographs of
every wall elevation (interior and exterior), as well as general views and typical and unusual details. The
systematic numbering of rooms, windows and doors on the floor plan will help organizing this task and also

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be useful for labeling the photographs. Video coverage with annotated sound may supplement still
photographs. Additional methods of documentation include written descriptions, sketches and measured
drawings. It is very important to note that the documents created during investigation might play an
unforeseen role in future treatment and interpretation. Documentation is particularly valuable when a feature
will be removed or altered.
The date of original construction and later changes has to be searched and documented. In absence of such
information, architectural histories and field guides to architectural style can help identifying a structures
age through its form and style.
The architectural investigation usually determines original construction details, the chronology of later
alterations and the physical condition of a structure. In details investigation of the fabric of historic building,
its materials and features are to be documented properly such as :
Masonry & Mortar:- Studying historic brickwork can provide important information about methods of
production and construction. From colour, size, shape and texture of brick ideas and information can be had
whether, it was hand molded and traditionally fired or machine
molded and fired in a kiln using modern fuels. Similarly whether
the mortar is lime or cement, if lime, whether hydrated lime or
hydraulic lime, can give information about time, place and
human variables of construction such as type of bond, special
brick shapes, decorative uses of glazed or rubbed brick, joints,
coatings and finishes. The same types of questions related to
production and construction characteristics can be applied to all
types of masonry work, including stone, concrete, terra cotta,
adobe (sun dried earthen brick) and coquina construction.
During surface mapping a complete survey can outline the
This 18th century pediment and materials and construction practices for the various periods of a
surrounding wall exhibit distinctively structure, distinguishing the original work as well as the
different mortar joints. Photo: NPS files. additions, alterations and replacements.
Wood & Timer :- A considerable number of historic structures or a part there of are constructed with timer
or wood. As it is light, easy and fast to build, resistant against the horizontal forces, easy to curve craft
works, timers are preferred construction material for structures which were built in historic times.
Investigations may be carried out on type of construction timber frame structure or otherwise, evidence
seen on wooden surface indicating whether production was by ax, pit saw, mill saw or band saw, what are
varying dimensions of timber used, whether the timbers are fastened by notching, mortise or tenon pegs or
nailing ? From the mails also, important information can be obtained about the period of construction.
Irrespective of region or era, the method of joining, framing and finishing of a wooden structure will reveal
something about the original construction, its alternations and the practices of its builders.
Roofs of many historic buildings are constructed as wooden single roof. In such case the following
information are required :-
Original wood type.
Size of shingle (length, width, butt thickness,
taper etc.)
Exposure length and nailing pattern.
Type of fabrication.
Distinctive details (hips, ridges, valleys, dormers
Decorative elements (trimmed butts, variety of
pattern, applied colour coatings, exposed nails
Type of substrate (open shingle lath or sheathing,
closed sheathing, insulated attics, sleepers etc.)

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Steel & Concrete are two important construction materials which are generally of lesser use in historic

Roofs :- Exterior features are specially prone to alteration due to weathering and lack of maintenance. Roof
covering typically lasts not more than fifty years. If roof covering are done with some layers in different
times, clues can be obtained from that. Or if, earlier coverings
were removed and new causing were done. Clues can be
obtained from that too. The roof pitch itself can be a clue to
stylistic dating and unlikely to change unless the entire roof
has been rebuilt. Apart from wooden shingles, metal shingles,
sheet metal, asphaltic or asbestos shingles were also used in
historic building roofs. Slate, clay tiles and lime-terraced roofs
are also found.
Floors: - Floor finishes, covering, pattern, floor tiles can give
sufficient clues.
Walls & Plasters: Inside and outside walls along with their
associated trim and plaster over them, ornamental plaster,
stucco etc. hold many clues of buildings construction and
changes made over time.
Clay tiles emphasize the prominence of
Attics & Basements: - It is very common that Attics & the peaked roofs of these late 19th
Basements have been used as collection points of out-of-date, century rowhouses. Photo: NPS files.
out of style, cut-off pieces, rejected furniture, furnishing,
family records, architectural fragments. These and out of the
way places of a structure provide an excellent opportunity for non-destructive investigation because these are
the areas where structural and framing members may be exposed and escaped from alterations done in more
lived parts of a building.
Overall, to investigate, identify and record the architectural features, fabric and character of a historic
building some checklists are necessary which involve the steps: (i) Overall visual aspects (ii) the visual
character at close range (iii) Visual character of spaces, features and finishes. Considering the intangible
aspects of a building or structure are already enough to establish the building or structure with historic or
heritage status, the checklist of the tangible aspects may be short listed on the follows items :
Step I :- (i) Shape (ii) Roof and roof features (iii) Openings (iv) Projections (v) Trim and Secondary
features (vi) Materials (vii) Settings (alignment or orientation etc.)
Step II :- (viii) Materials at close range (ix) Craft details
Step III :- (x) Individual spaces (xi) Related spaces and sequences of spaces (xii) Interior features (xiii)
Surface finishes and materials (xiv) Exposed structures.
It should be remembered that the documents created during investigation might play an unforeseen role in
future treatment and interpretation. Documentation is particularly valuable when a feature will be removed
or altered.
4.2.3. Inventory:- The historic building and its components should be carefully inventoried prior to taking
up any action. Premature clean-up of structure or site may be a mistake which should be avoided. Inventory
list should also include material which have fallen off due to deterioration, fragments removed and stored in
basement, attics or out of buildings, parts of fragile components and even materials which have seemingly
been discarded. From the very beginning, anything that seems even remotely meaningful should be saved.
Even if the period of significance or interpretation is known from the beginning, evidences from all periods
should be protected.
4.2.4. Stabilization :- In urgent cases, immediate stabilization is necessary to ensure that a structure does
not continue to deteriorate prior to a final treatment or to ensure safety of current occupants, investigator or
visitors. Very severe cases may call for structural remedies, but generally preliminary stabilization would be

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undertaken on a maintenance level. Such work would involve making arrangements for keeping water away
from the structure particularly from roof and foundation, removing plants those are too close to the structure
that hold water or securing structures against insects, animals and vandals. Stabilization may add to the cost
of any project, but human safety and protection of historical evidence are well worth the extra money.
4.3 Structural Investigation:- The condition of any structure typically deteriorates with age. Moreover,
if there is inherent design or construction defect, then there is detrimental effect on performance. Any
rehabilitation in past may have boosted the performance. But that may not be sufficient to cater present days
hazard, the required performance may
be even higher. For historic structures
which are supposed to survive through
generations, this requirement is rather
more critical. Thus, proper condition
assessment is necessary before retrofit
is undertaken to assess the actual
condition of the structure in relation to
the current requirement. The actual
condition or performance of a building
with time is depicted in figure :
After the retrofit scheme is
implemented, the structural
performance is expected to improve to
meet the requirement throughout the
remaining life of the structure. Figure showing actual performance or condition with time of a
4.3.1. Condition assessment includes
the following steps :
(i) Initial inspection and appraisal
(ii) Review documents
(iii) Detailed investigation
(iv) Reporting and recommendations
In initial inspection and appraisal, a visual inspection helps to plan a strategy to inspect the structure further,
using more sophisticated techniques.
Review of documents involve after collection of documents mainly available structural drawings,
architectural drawings, geotechnical report, construction specifications site plan, inspection reports, reports
on previous investigation, previous repair works, any complain letter and inspection reports after site visit
and with the technique of Rapid visual Screening (RVS) as per FEMA (Federal Emergency Management
Agency) 154 and 155, taking the right decision in which way the detailed investigation should be carried out.
Detailed investigation includes the following :-
(a) Obtaining properties of the structural materials used in the structure.
(b) Locating deteriorated materials and other defects, and identifying their causes.
(c) Determining the type and disposition of reinforcement in reinforced concrete members if at all present in
historic structures.
Reporting & recommendation:- After completion of detailed investigation, a report should be prepared and
suitable recommendations should be prescribed.
4.3.2. Materials for Structural Inspection :- The construction materials for inspection are
Masonry :-
Quality of bricks, masonry units such as stone mortar.
Cracking and differential movement.
Concrete :-

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If concrete is used at all in historic structure
Pattern, location and orientation of cracks
Scaling, sapling, staining, disintegration of the surface, honey-combing.
Express reinforcement and corrosion.
Steel :-
Stress concentration (evident from crack in the point).
Crippling, misalignment, deformation, twisting.
Cracks in welds or missing welds.
Missing bolts / rivets.
Timber :-
Defects in wood.
Insect damage.
4.3.3. Detailed Structural Investigation :- For conducting detailed structural investigation, three types of
tests are generally carried out (i) non-destructive (ii) intrusive and (iii) destructive test Non-destructive Tests :- First, some basic tests may be done, which are to follow visual inspection.
Key Test :- Scrapping by a key or sharp knife will enable to identify porous portion of mortar at the joints of
masonry wall. The week portions of mortar can be identified and suitable further investigation at these
locations can be carried out.
Spray Test :- Cleaning the concrete or masonry surface by water spray which will clearly show the cracks
and their pattern.
Push Test :- A weak portion of wall
may be identified sometimes by
pushing it. Weak portion, if any, can
be identified by some movements.
Next step follows the followings
Rebound Hammer Test :- It is of
two types in Pendulum type which is
applicable for lower strength
concrete and masonry block (ii)
Schmidt rebound hammer type,
suitable to assess the strength and
quality of concrete near the surface.
Depending on volume and strength
of concrete, the types may be M,
N or L type however the
procedure of the test is as per
IS:13311 (1992) Part:2.
Penetration Techniques:- Such as
Windsor probe method work on the
principle of resistance to penetration
of a probe that is shot into the
concrete surface with a definite
amount of energy. The depth of
penetration of the hardened steel
alloy probe is empirically related to

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compressive strength of concrete. The procedure of the test is as per ASTMC803-03. This test is also able to
assess the surface condition of concrete.
Thermal Methods :- It is as per ASTMC 1046-95. By infrared thermography technique, the detection of
heat flow through a body can indicate the presence of flows or defects. However, there are limitations such
as accuracy is somewhat limited to near surface area and application depends on particular weather
Radiography :- In radiography, X-rays or neutrons are passed through the structural element and resultant
image is captured on a film. This film is then studied to find the location of defects as per ASTME 748-02.
Internal flaws are easy to detect using radiography. The limitation of this method is the hazard associated
with the test and higher cost.
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test:- The procedure of this test has been laid down in IS: 13311 : 1992, part : 1
UPV method is used to establish :
Homogeneity of concrete,
pressure of cracks, voids and
imperfections, change in structure of
concrete with time, quality of
concrete in relation to standards,
quality of one element of concrete in
relation to other, values of elastic
modulus of concrete.
In this method, the velocity
of a pulse traveling through concrete
is measured and co-related to
different characteristics of concrete.
It is conducted in three transmission
modes : direct, semi-direct and
indirect. By this method, although on
overall assessment of the quality of
concrete can be obtained, it may be
difficult to point out the exact Equipments for Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test
location of a defect.
Impact Echo / Pulse Echo Method :- In the impact echo method, sound waves are created by impacting
device such as hammer. The waves those reflect off defects or other features are picked up by a receiving
transducer and
conveyed to a
processor, where
analysis is done to
evaluate the amplitude
and travel time. In pulse
echo system, the pulses
are generated by a
pulsing transducer (IS :
3664 : 1981).
In this method
defect lying under other
defects are not easy to
detect. Also, reflections
from sides, edges and
corners can confuse the
Schematic Diagram for Impact Echo and Pulse Echo Methods (T: transducer, R:

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Measurement of corrosion of reinforcing bar by half cell potential test:- Corrosion in reinforcing steel
bars inside concrete is detected by half cell potential test. By this method, electrostatic potential of the bar is
measured with respect to reference electrode. Depending on the potential values, the likelihood of corrosion
of the bar is judge as per provision of ASTMK C 876-91.

Half-cell Potential test equipment.

Intrusive Test :- Where the non-destructive tests have limitations in suitably detecting the defects, intrusive
tests are carried out. These tests can cause some damage to the structural members, which are needed to be
Core Tests :- In order to ascertain the compressive strength of concrete or masonry, a cylindrical core is
usually drilled out from the structural member. IS: 1199 (1959) describes the procedure of obtaining cores
from hardened concrete. Proper care should be taken so that no damage is caused to the member for drilling
core. For a R.C.C. member, the location of reinforcing bars inside the concrete should be carefully mapped
before drilling a core from it. Concrete core can be tested as per the procedure of IS : 516 (1959). Compared
to non-destructive determination of the in-place compressive strength, the result obtained from core tests
yield a much more reliable data. In general, cores removed from a concrete structure give lower strength
compared to cylinder specimens cast along with the structure and cured under specified condition. According
to American Concrete Institute Guideline, if at least 3 cores are removed from a representative part of
concrete and none of them shows less than 75% of the characteristic strength and the average is not less than
85% of characteristic strength, then the concrete is considered to be in sound condition.

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Testing of a core sample from Masonry work Petrographic examination of concrete using thin section.
For masonry buildings, samples taken along the horizontal and vertical directions tend to give different
compressive strengths.
Apart from determination of compressive strength and elastic modulus, core samples may be used to further
study the material proportions and microstructure. By chemical analysis the cement content and water-
cement ratio of concrete may be determined. The microstructure can be studied for the presence of excess
voids in case of durability problems.
Few other tests are also generally done on cores :
Determination of depth of carbonation:- Phenolphthalein solution is sprayed immediately on the
outer surface of extracted core. The depth of
carbonation is measured as the depth up to
which the concrete does not develop any
pink colouration. When the colour turns to
pink (pH above 10), the concrete is ok. No
colour change indicates, the concrete is
affected by carbonation.
Sulphate, chloride and pH are also
determined from the extracted cores.
In Situ Shear Test :- The in-situ shear test
is used to find the actual shear strength of
the mortar joint in a masonry wall. First, the
mortar joints around one or two masonry
units are removed. Next, a small jack is In-Situ Shear Test.
inserted in the wall and the in-situ shear test
on mortar joint is carried out. The procedure
of the test is described in ASTM C 1531-03.
Flat jack Test :- The flat Jack Test is used to
find the in-situ compressive stress in a
masonry wall. Flat jacks are inserted into
horizontal slots cut in a wall. The pressure
required to bring back the deformation across
the opening is used to arrive at the in-situ

compressive stress in the wall. The procedure of the test is

given in ASTM C 1196-04. The flat jack can also be used to
measure deformability properties of masonry (ASTM C 1197-
04) and shear strength of mortar joints (ASTM C 1531-03). Destructive Testing :- In most of the cases of historic
structures, nothing more than historical research, surface
examination and non-destructive tests are required. In very rare
instances, the investigation may require a sub-surface
examination and removal of fabric. Such destructive testing
Exploratory testing was used to verify the should be carried out in most accessible spaces, such as
location of an abandoned fireplace. retrofitted service and mechanical chases, loose or previously
Plaster and brick were carefully altered trim, ceiling or floor boards. This type of subsurface
documented and removed to determine the testing and removal is sometimes called architectural
fireplace's type, size, and location. Photo: archeology because of its similarity to the more well-known
Travis C. McDonald, Jr.

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process of trenching in archeology. The analogy is apt because both forms of archeology use a method of
destructive investigation.
4.4 Investigation for services to be provided such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC),
sanitary plumbing, fire fighting, illumination (energy retrofitting) etc.
In the historic structure is a building, then suitability of incorporation of mechanical electrical and sanitary
plumbing systems for provision of creating, ventilation, cooling (air conditioning), fire fighting etc. has to be
taken up with due care. As such, no set of formula exists for determining what type of mechanical and
electrical system is best for a specific building. For a historic building, it is rather more critical. The
difference of temperature and humidity level in interior and exterior of a historic building has considerable
effect on damage. Methods of controlling interior temperature and humidity and improving ventilation must
be considered in any new or upgraded HVAC or Climate Control System. Certain energy retrofit measures
will have a positive effect on the overall building but installing vapour barrier in the walls of historic
building often results in destruction of significant historic material.
5. Retrofit techniques and measures:- Various retrofit techniques and measures for vulnerable
heritage structures include intervention at a component level and intervention at the structural level.
Component intervention include strengthening of walls, arches, vaults, domes, towers and spires while
structural level intervention will include strengthening of soil and foundation, reduction of forces by based
isolation and energy dissipation and seismic retrofitting.
5.1. Strengthening of masonry walls:- Various techniques are available for strengthening of different
types of masonry walls, while choosing the method of strengthening, the type and quality of the masonry
material and the structural integrity of the building are main criteria to be considered.
Many methods are there like repairing of cracks by grout injections, coating with a cement concrete and
with a wire mesh in addition to grout injection, re-pointing of bad joints by replacing parts of the existing
deteriorated mortar in bed-joints and sometime placing steel bars, stainless steel bars, fiber reinforced plastic
bars along the bed joints, reinforced concrete jacketing, grout injection, wall reconstruction where excessive
bulging or collapse has occurred, strengthening using fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) which is non-invasive
and reversible, thus, suitable for historic building, strengthening using Shape Memory Alloys (SMA),
repairing of wall corners and intersections by stone stitching or metal stitching. Figures of some of the
repairing techniques are shown as follows :-
5.2 Strengthening of Arches, Vaults and Dames:- Dry stone masonry offers very high strength in
compression, but their joints provide limited shear and tensile resistance as they depend purely on friction.
Shear and tensile strength can be improved by inserting dowels, cramps or special type bars or structural
connections inserted through specially prepared holes in joints without being visible from outside.
5.3 Strengthening of Soil and Foundation :- The
methods of strengthening soil and foundation of
historical buildings can be grouped into the
following (Przewlocki et al, 2005) :-
Increasing the area of foundation, lowering the
foundation level and strengthening the existing
Inclusion of structural elements such as piles
and different ground improvement techniques
like micro piles, underpinning, nailing etc.
Modifying the effective stress of soil by
drainage or consolidation.
Improving the subsoil by chemical or cement Application of soil nailing technique in Basement
grouting or electro-osmosis. Parking, Golden Temple, Amritsar (Dr. Satyendra
Replacement of entire sub-structure. Mittal,IIT,Roorkee)

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Section of wall strengthened by re-pointing of bed joints. Re-pointing of bed-joints with steel bars

Reinforced concrete jacketing with shear connector. Re-building of a wall (Tomazevic,1999)

Steps in repairing cracks in a masonry wall using FRP strips.

Repair of wall intersections using stone and metal stitching.

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Connecting stone blocks with dowels (Croci,1998)

Strengthening of Arches.


Strengthening of dome (Corci, 1998)

Restoration scheme for leaning Al Hadba Minerate

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5.4 Seismic Retrofitting
Minimum Seismic Resistance:- The required minimum seismic resistance (MSR) is expressed quantitative
by design seismic co-efficient as per IS : 1893-2002 which includes
The basic seismic co-efficient of the zone
The fundamental period of the building and
Importance factor of the building.
Available Seismic Resistance:- The available seismic resistance (ASR) is expressed quantitatively by the
earthquake force under which the first of the columns of any building storey will reach its ultimate limit
strength, when the remaining structure remains in the undamaged state.
Theoretically, if ASR equals MSR, no damage should be expected, provided a reliable value of ASR could
be determined. If reliable value of ASR is determined analytically, the ratio ASR/MSR would be a safe
indication of expected damage. But to determine the reliable value of ASR is a challenge because of the
dynamic character of the problem, the inelastic behaviour of structure, the materials, the infills and many
others. The retrofitting of an existing structure, therefore, must be based on ASR/MSR.
Level of Retrofitting:- Three level of ratio ASR/MSR are adopted for decision making purposes.
ASR/MSR is more than 0.8
In such cases, the seismic resistance is considered satisfactory with the probability of somewhat deeper
excursions into the inelastic range, without approaching the failure limits Retrofitting may not be needed.
ASR/MSR in the range 0.8 to 0.5
If enough ductility exists, the building could have safety against collapse in a strong earth quake, but this
type of structure could reach the failure limits. The structure needs strengthening by retrofitting.
ASR/MSR is less than 0.5
The safety of the structure is clearly unsatisfactory, hence, it will require retrofitting / or upgrading the
strength as well as ductility.
5.5 Base Isolation Technique: Isolation of superstructure from the foundation in known as base

Conventional strengthening methods for seismic retrofitting.

isolation technique. It is a very powerful tool for passive structural vibration control technique. It gives
significant protection to the structure of building, non-structural components and contents but is a costly

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Seismic Isolation are classified as follows :

Base Isolated Structures

Elastomeric Base Isolation Systems:
This is most widely used base isolator.
The elastomer is made of either natural rubber or neoprene.
The structure is decoupled from horizontal components of the earthquake ground motion.
A layer with low horizontal stiffness
fness is introduced between the structure and the foundation
Sliding Base Isolation Systems
This is the second basic type of isolators.
This works by limiting the base shear across the isolator interface.
Advantages of Base Isolation
Isolates building from ground motion, hence causes lesser damage to the structure and minimal repair of
Building can remain serviceable throughout construction.
Does not involve major intrusion upon existing superstructure.
This technique is suitable for historic building because it reduced the extent and intrusion of seismic
modifications on the historic fabric of the building.

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Disadvantages of Base Isolation
Can not be applied partially to structures unlike other retrofitting.
Challenging to implement in an efficient manner.
Allowance for building displacement is required.
Not effective technique for high rise building.
Not suitable for buildings rested on soft soil.

Elastomeric Isolators Metallic Roller Isolator.

Steel Reinforced Elastomeric Isolator Cross section of a viscous fluid damper

Energy Dissipation System:- Energy dissipation System are considered in a somewhat broader context than
isolation system. For the taller buildings where isolation system may not be very effective, energy
dissipation system should be considered as a design strategy. Certain energy dissipation devices are
economical and might be practical for performance goals that address only limited safety. Energy dissipation
devices may also be useful for control of building response due to small earthquakes, winds or mechanical
These devices are used in forms of seismic dampers in place of structural elements like diagonal bracings,
for controlling seismic damages in structures. If partly absorbs the seismic energy and reduces the motion of
Types of Seismic dampers are :-
Viscous Dampers: Energy is absorbed by silicon-based fluid passing between piston-cylinder
Friction Dampers: Energy is absorbed by surfaces with friction between them rubbing against each
Yielding Dampers: Energy is absorbed by metallic components that yield.
Tuned Mass Damper (TMD)
It is also known as an active mass damper (AMD) or harmonic absorber.
It is a device mounted is structures to reduce the amplitude of mechanical vibrations.

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Their application can prevent discomfort, damage or outright structural failure.
This type of dampers is suitable for tall buildings and other taller structures like transmission tower.

TMD in Taipei 101

[Largest TMD sphere in the world and weighs 660 metrictonnes with a diameter of 5.5 metre and costs US$4
million (total structure costs US$ 1.80 billion).]

Some Energy dissipation devices:

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6. Effects of various retrofit measures on structural performance :

7. Case Studies :
Mani Mandir (Temple) Complex (100 m x 100 m in plan) is an important historic monument of the town of
Morbi in the State of Gujrat which suffered significant damage during Bhuj earthquake (M7.7) in India
during 2001. Morbi is situated in Western Region of Gujrat at a distance of about 125 km from the epicenter
of the 2001 Bhuj earthquake. The Mani Mandir is located in the Central Courtyard of Willingdon
Secretariate Building in the western bank of river Macchu just outside the fortified walls of the old Morbi
Town. The complex was built during 1930s by the ruler of Morbi. It comprises of a very ornate masonry
building built in yellow sandstone in the tradition of Indo-Saracenic style of architecture.
As a part of earthquake reconstruction program, Govt. of Gujrat decided to seismically retrofit the complex.
A detailed condition survey was carried out and measured drawings were prepared. A comprehensive retrofit
program was formulated. In the retrofit program due weightage was put on conservation principles,
minimum intervention and consonance with the heritage character of the building. The complex was
modeled using finite elements and behaviour was studied of the existing structure as well as retrofit
structure. The recommended retrofit measures included discriminate use of internal reinforced concrete skin
walls, providing a rigid diaphragm behaviour mechanism in existing slabs, introducing stainless steel
reinforcement bands in the existing masonry walls, cross-pinning and end pinning in walls and pillars and
strengthening of arches and elevation features. The structural retrofit program has tried to limit the
intervention to most minimum. The total area of the new reinforced concrete skin wall introduced is less than
10% of the area of the existing masonry walls. The estimated cost of retrofit program worked out to less than
Rs.4300/m2 compared to a standard new reinforced concrete building of Rs.3000/m2. The cost of
constructing a similar ornate masonry building would be many times more, if at all it could be built.

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A view of Mani Mandir Complex Plan of the complex

Collapse of Arches Partial collapse of bastions

RC skin wall nogged into masonry wall New RC skin wall foundation

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Strengthening of Arches using Ties Strengthening of Arches by pinning

Photos of some damaged part & some details of Retrofitting program in Mani Mandir Complex.
The region of the Sikkim and Darjeeling Himalayas is known for seismic activities and the state Sikkim is
located in the Seismic Zone IV of Indias
Seismic Zoning Map. On 18th September 2011,
earthquake struck Sikkim with a magnitude of 6.9, the
epicenter located near the India-Nepal border about 68 km
NW of Gangtok, the capital of the State of Sikkim. The
tremor was felt across a wide region including India,
Nepal, China, Bhutan and Bangladesh. The most affected
areas with the highest level of ground shaking were
Chungthang and Lachung with maximum intensity of VIII
in North Sikkim and greater area of Ganghtok with an
intensity of VI on MSK Scale. The earthquake, aftershocks
and heavy seasonal rains triggered more than 300
aftershocks and heavy seasonal rains triggered more than
300 landslides which caused most of the fatalities and
damage to the infrastructures including several buildings
out of which many are of heritage status.
After this earthquake an investigative study was carried
out, based on the inventory Cultural Properties of
Sikkim which was complied in 2003/2004 by INTACH in
collaboration with the Cultural Department of Sikkim. The
total number of 287 heritage properties were documented
including precincts, settlements, buildings, sacred
structures, places of worship etc. The principal aim of the
Map of Sikkim showing Epicentre and study was to evaluate the degree and kinds of damage to
Aftershocks of 2011 Earthquake the cultural heritage properties of Sikkim caused by
earthquakes. Restoration proposals were also suggested in particular cases where repair, restoration and
retrofit were required immediately.

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The study revealed two distinct damaged property categories. The first one are the old stone masonry
buildings such as Buddhist monasteries and kothis which are an integral part of Sikkims heritage. Though
those structures have shown decays related to again combined with survival against several earthquakes
during countries, the performance has been considered as
moderate, however, immediate repair and retrofit works are
required, however, immediate repair and retrofit works are
required. The second group of major damaged buildings are
recently built religious structures such as Gumphas and
Mandirs and institutional buildings, constructed
predominantly by R.C.C. Major structural damage was
occurred in this buildings by 2011 earthquake which proves a
rather poor seismic performance mainly due to low quality
standards involved in the construction work. For example the
old Rumtek Gompha has stone masonry walls in ground and
first floor, which suffered only superficial damage such as
cracks in plaster due to 2011 earthquake. The roof level and
second floor built as RCC frame suffered severe damage such
as column failure and separation of the staircase. Picture of Rumtek Gumpha, East Sikkim.

As per the study, the assessment was done as

Damage occurred mostly
to R.C.C. structures in
roof level.
Several damages occurred
to R.C.C. Pillars and
R.C.C. Stair Case prone
to collapse.
Slight cracks in walls.
Several collapsed R.C.C.
pillars were replaced by
brick pillars.
Non Earthquake related
damage: impermeable
cement concrete plaster at
plinth caused dampness in
lower wall portions and
damage in paint layer Damage in columns above roof level in 2011 Earthquake.
Suggested recommendations as per the study are
Consolidation of the ground around the building and the courtyard.
Structural consolidation of the building: dismantling of temporary brick pillars and replacing missing
structural members of roof level and grouting of slight cracks.
Retrofit: additional reinforcements for R.C.C. pillars in roof level.
Replacing the R.C.C. structure by wooden frame structure where possible / necessary.
Replacing cement plaster of plinth level.
Provision of drainage.
Replacing of damaged moulding in second floor.
Retouching of wall paintings.
References :-
1. FEMA 356
2. Preservation Briefs (1-47), National Park Service, U.S. Department of Interior.

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3. Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings (April 2007) CPWD & Indian Building Congress in
Association with IIT, Madras.
4. Seismic Evaluation of Existing RC Buildings by Prof. D. K. Paul, Emeritus Fellow, IIT, Roorkee.
5. NDT Evaluation : Durability Tests by Dr. U. K. Sharma, IIT, Roorkee.
6. Seismic Retrofitting of Mani Mandir Complex at Morbi, Gujrat, India by Alpa Sheth, R. D. Chaudhari
Ejaz Khan, Divay Gupta and Malvika Saini.
7. Improving the Structural Performance of Heritage Buildings : New Zealand Historic Places Trust.
Pauhere Taonga.
8. Strengthening of Historic Buildings in Past-disaster Cases by Banu elebiolu & Sevgl Limoncu
Department of Architecture, Yldz Technical University .
9. Methods of Seismic Retrofitting : MIT (Part-5)
10. Seismic Retrofitting of Heritage Buildings : Conservation Interventions by T. S. Brar, M. A. Kamal & R.
K. Jain (ISET Golden Jubilee Symposium, Dept of Earthquake Engineering, IIT, Roorkee)
11. Controversial Aspect in Seismic Assessment and Retrofit of Structures in Modern Times :
Understanding and Implementing Lessons from Ancient Heritage by Stefano Pampanini, Senior
Lecturer, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
12. Seismic Retrofitting Techniques : A Powerpoint Presentation by Aritra Banerjee.
13. Earthquake Damage Assessment Vulnerability of Sikkim Built Heritage : Indian National Trust for
Arts and Cultural Heritage, New Delhi (March 2012)
14. Web Portal of ICOMOS.
15. Retrofit of Historical Monuments and Principles of Base Isolation : Prof. Antonello De Luca, Dept. of
Structural Analysis and Design, University of Naples.
16. Retrofitting of Reinforced concrete structures: A power point presentation by Dr. Satyendra Mittal, Dept.
of Civil Engg., IIT, Roorkee.
17. Wikipedia : Photographs of Leaning Tower of Pisa.

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