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Geological Society of America Bulletin

World-Wide Correlation of Mesozoic Magnetic Anomalies, and Its


Geological Society of America Bulletin 1972;83, no. 12;3645-3662

doi: 10.1130/0016-7606(1972)83[3645:WCOMMA]2.0.CO;2

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ROGER L. LARSON Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University, Pali-

WALTER C. PITMAN III sades, New Yor/i 10964

World-Wide Correlation of Mesozoic Magnetic

Anomalies, and Its Implications

ABSTRACT equal to most of the Pacific Basin has been

subducted beneath the surrounding continents
In the course of correlating three sets of since the Early Cretaceous. Our magnetic re-
Mesozoic magnetic lineations in the western versal time scale calls for a rapid pulse of spread-
Pacific (the Phoenix, Japanese, and Hawaiian ing from about 110 to 85 m.y. B.P. at all the
lineations), Larson and Chase (1972) deter- spreading centers in both the Atlantic and Pa-
mined a paleomagnetic pole for the Pacific plate cific Oceans. This implies a pulse of rapid sub-
for the Early Cretaceous. Using this pole we duction around the rim of the Pacific that we
have derived a magnetic reversal model for the relate to episodes of large-scale plutonism in
Hawaiian lineation set. We then have used this eastern Asia, western Antarctica, New Zealand,
model to correlate the entire Hawaiian linea- the southern Andes, and western North Amer-
tion set to the entire Keathley lineation set in ica during the Late Cretaceous.
the western North Atlantic. On the basis of
these correlations and drill holes associated with INTRODUCTION
the lineation patterns, we have extended the A time scale of geomagnetic reversals was es-
geomagnetic reversal time scale back to the tablished by Heirtzler and others (1968) for the
base of the Late Jurassic (162 m.y. B.P.). A Cenozoic and latest Cretaceous period based on
period of reversals occurred corresponding to the study of magnetic lineations directly ad-
the Hawaiian and Keathley lineations from 150 jacent to spreading centers that are presently
to 110 m.y. B.P., and these reversals are active. The ages proposed range from 0 m.y. at
bracketed by long periods of dominantly nor- the ridge crests to 77 m.y. on the flanks. The
mal polarity (the Cretaceous and Jurassic mag- results of the Deep-Sea Drilling Project con-
netic quiet zones). firmed this time scale (see, for example, the
This magnetic reversal time scale significant- summary by Berggren, 1969). These data indi-
ly alters previous notions of the timing and cate that the period from the Late Cretaceous
origin of sea-floor spreading features in the At- to the present was one of frequent magnetic
lantic Ocean. It implies that the Bay of Biscay polarity reversals (Heirtzler and others, 1968).
opened sometime during the interval between Paleomagnetic measurements summarized by
150 and 110 m.y. B.P.; that drift in the South Helsley and Steiner (1968) and McElhinny and
Atlantic was initiated at sometime during the Burek (1971) indicate that just prior to this
interval from 110 to 85 m.y. B.P. (probably period was a time in the Cretaceous of dom-
close to 110 m.y. B.P.); and that the seaward inantly normal magnetic polarity. This time
portion of the marginal quiet zones of the east- interval has been correlated with oceanic re-
ern United States and northwestern Africa re- gions of subdued magnetic signature such as the
sulted from sea-floor spreading during the Late north-central Pacific just east of Hawaii
Jurassic period of dominantly normal magnetic (Helsley and Steiner, 1968; Hayes and Pitman,
polarity prior to 150 m.y. B.P. 1970) and the flanking basins of the South At-
In the Pacific during the late Mesozoic, lantic (Ladd and others, 1972). Larson and
spreading was occurring from at least five Chase (1972) have correlated three lineation
spreading centers joined at two triple points. patterns in the western North Pacific (Fig. 1,
The vast majority of the Pacific Basin today is anomalies M-l to M-10) that lie just west of
occupied by only the Pacific-plate side of these the Cretaceous magnetic smooth zone and are
spreading patterns. This implies that an area dated as Early Cretaceous by drilling (JOIDES,

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 83, p. 3645-3662, 8 figs., December 1972

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1971b). The set of these lineations that lies 60NI30E ISO-

west of the Hawaiian Islands (the Hawaiian
lineations) and trends northwest contains addi-
tional information on the chronology of mag-
netic reversals for the Late Jurassic, because
about twelve lineated anomalies lie west of the
lineations correlated with the Phoenix and Jap-
anese sequences (Larson and Chase, 1972;
M-ll toM-22onFig. 1).
In this paper we will derive a magnetic re-
versal model for the entire Hawaiian lineation
sequence by extending the model of Larson and
Chase. This will then be used to compute a
model anomaly profile for the Keathley linea-
tion sequence in the western North Atlantic
(Vogt and others, 1971). Using this correlation
and the additional dating that it provides, we I30'E ISO' 150'W
will then propose a chronology of magnetic re- Figure 1. Chart of Mesozoic magnetic anomaly
versals for the late Mesozoic and derive a his- lineations in the western North Pacific, after Larson
tory of sea-floor spreading in the Atlantic and and Chase (1972). "Japanese," "Hawaiian," and
Pacific Oceans during this period. We will "Phoenix" designates each lineation pattern, and
"M-l to M-22" (M for Mesozoic) identifies individual
show that there was a period of rapid spreading lineations. "Quiet Zone" is an area of subdued
in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans during the anomalous field values. "120" is the age in millions
Middle and Late Cretaceous and that this was of years of the bottom of the drill hole (JOIDES, 1971a)
probably the cause of an episode of intense plu- on the Phoenix lineations. Dashed line labeled "2404"
tonism around the Pacific Basin during this across the Hawaiian lineations is the track location of
same interval. the profile shown in Figure 2.
CORRELATION AND DATING the sequence from the eastern portion. The
OF THE HAWAIIAN AND strike of the eastern portion differs from that
KEATHLEY LINEATIONS of the western portion by about 20 (Figs. 1
Figure 1 shows three lineation patterns in the and 2). The entire block model was magnetized
western Pacific with lineations numbered from in accord with the paleomagnetic pole at
M-l to M-22 (M standing for Mesozoic). Lar- 50 N., 30 W. The corresponding model
son and Chase (1972) determined a magnetic anomaly profile was computed and is shown
reversal model for M-l to M-10 that they used compared to the observed profile 2404. Addi-
to correlate the three lineation patterns. The tional data for the Hawaiian lineations are
cross-sectional shapes of the lineated anomalies available in Larson and Chase (1972, Fig. 8).
are a function of the remanent magnetization It appears that the assumption of a stable pole
directions (Schouten, 1971; Schouten and location at 50 N., 30 W. is approximately
McCamy, 1972) and thus can be used to de- correct because the shapes of the western por-
termine the paleomagnetic north pole for the tion of the sequence (west of M-10) are closely
western Pacific during the Early Cretaceous approximated by the model profile. This is
when M-l to M-10 were formed. Larson and true for all but M-22, an anomaly that is
Chase found this pole to be at about 50 N., strongly lineated, but whose shape is not closely
30 W. matched.
Figure 2 shows a magnetic reversal block We took this model, multiplied its horizon-
model (Pacific model) for the entire Hawaiian tal dimension by 0.36, and used a direction of
lineation sequence M-l to M-22. The M-l to remanent magnetization that is in accord with
M-10 portion of the model is that of Larson a paleomagnetic pole for Cretaceous North
and Chase based on the Phoenix lineations with America at about 70 N., 170 W. (Larochelle,
the horizontal dimension multiplied by a fac- 1969) to compute a model profile for com-
tor of 0.55. The black line down the center of parison with the Keathley lineations (Vogt
Figure 2 distinguishes the western portion of and others, 1971; Fig. 3). The computed
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anomaly profile is shown in Figure 4 plotted are clearly present in the model anomaly pro-
with selected profiles from Vogt and others file (Fig. 4). We have not followed the num-
(1971). They made profiles of varying lengths bering convention of Vogt and others, because
every 37 km (20 mi) from 24 N. to 34 N. their J prefix connotes a Jurassic age which is
across the Keathley lineations. The profiles that probably only true for the latter few anomalies.
we show are some of their longer lines, more or Their anomalies J-l to J-3 are not strongly
less evenly spaced along the strike of the Keath- lineated phenomena and have no counterparts
ley sequence. We also computed a profile mag- in the Pacific data. Where J-l, 2, and 3 exist,
netized according to a pole for Jurassic North they are probably related to the structure of
America at about 90 N. (Opdyke and Wen- the Bermuda Discontinuity (Vogt and others,
sink, 1966) and noted that the shapes of the 1971) that may be an overprinted phenomenon.
computed magnetic anomalies are not mark- This exercise in magnetic anomaly modeling
edly different from the Cretaceous profile. demonstrates the invalidity of correlating posi-
From inspection of Figure 4 it appears that tive anomalies of the Keathley lineations to
all, or at least the most distinctive features, of positive anomalies of the Hawaiian lineations
the Keathley lineations can be correlated to all as attempted by Vogt and others (1971). This
of the modeled Hawaiian lineations, a correla- procedure fails because all of the Hawaiian
tion that is enhanced by the alignment of the anomalies are inverted; positive anomalies oc-
magnetic smooth zones to the west of both curring over reversely magnetized crust and
lineation patterns (Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4). vice-versa. This is true for all three Mesozoic
The anomalies of the Keathley sequence that lineation patterns in the western Pacific, largely
are the most characteristic and lineated are because of the ~40 (4,500 km) of north-
M-2 and M-4 (Vogt and others, 1971, J-4 and ward displacement they have undergone since
J-6) and the sequence M-16 to M-22 (Vogt and their formation (Larson and Chase, 1972).
others, J-14 to J-20). All of these key anomalies Once the correlation of the Hawaiian, Keath-


- 22 21 19 17 12 II 3 1 - M
I I 1 1
0 200
- 040 - 060 KM


1 1 ' ' ' ' i i i i i i i i i i i i

155 150 140 1301 120 110 M.Y.B.P.

Figure 2. Observed profile 2404 projected per- Phoenix lineations contracted by a factor of 0.55.
pendicular to the strike of the lineations and plotted Entire block model magnetized according to a paleo-
above the model anomaly profile that was computed magnetic pole at 50 N., 30 W. (Larson and Chase,
from the magnetic block model shown below the 1972). Magnetization intensity of the western half of
anomaly profiles. Cross-strike direction for the eastern the model is 75 percent of the eastern half in order to
half of the features is 060 and for the western half match the observed amplitudes. Ages on the block
040. Eastern one-third (M-l to M-10) of the block model with the calibration points underlined are ex-
model is Larson and Chase's (1972) model for the plained in the text.
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ley, Japanese, and Phoenix lineations is made, 85'W

drill holes associated with any of the four Meso-
zoic anomaly patterns can be used to establish
the chronology of the reversal sequence. At
present there are two holes in particular that
are suitable for this task, one between M-7 and
M-8 on the Phoenix lineations (Fig. 1) and one
in the magnetic smooth zone just west of the
Keathley lineations (Fig. 3). The hole on the
Phoenix lineations reached Hauterivian sedi-
ments (Lower Cretaceous) overlying basalt
(JOIDES, 1971 b). The oldest fossils in sediment
at the basement interface were dated paleon-
tologically at about 120 m.y. B.P. The hole on
the North Atlantic smooth zone was drilled 20-
through Oxfordian sediments (Upper Jurassic)
Figure 3. Magnetic anomaly lineation chart of
lying on basalt (JOIDES, 1970), and the sediment the Keathley lineations, after Vogt and others (1971).
was dated at about 155 m.y. B.P. We empha- "M-2 to M-22" labels identify individual Mesozoic
size that the 120-m.y. hole was drilled in the lineations. "Quiet Zone" is an area of very small
Pacific between M-7 and M-8. Its equivalent anomalous field values. "155" is the age in millions
position relative to the Keathley sequence is of years of the bottom of the drill hole (JOIDES, 1970)
shown in Figure 4. Similarly, the 155-m.y. hole just west of the Quiet Zone boundary.
was drilled in the Atlantic. This equivalent
position relative to the Hawaiian sequence is Three drill holes in the central Atlantic near
shown in Figure 2. Linear interpolation be- the African margin bottomed in basalt at deep
tween these two dates on the sequence and a sea depths: hole 136 at 3410' N., 1618' W.;
small amount of extrapolation toward the hole 137 at 2556' N., 2704' W.; and hole 138
present results in the conclusion that this series at 2555' N., 2534' W. (JOIDES, 1971a). These
of reversals occurred from about 150 to 110 holes lie between the 81-m.y. isochron of Pit-
m.y. B.P. (Figs. 2 and 4). Inspection of the man and Talwani (1972) and the landward edge
summary of Mesozoic paleomagnetic stratig- of what may tentatively be identified as the
raphy by McElhinny and Burek (1971) reveals Keathley lineations in the eastern central At-
that this coincides closely with an interval of lantic (Vogt and others, 1970; Rona and others,
"mixed polarity" that occurred in the Late 1970), and thus a prediction of basement age
Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. The actual may be made based on the time scale presented
reversal patterns cannot be compared, as Mc- here. Pimm and Hayes (1972) feel that vol-
Elhinny and Burek show only 12 reversals, and canic basement was reached in holes 136 and
our model requires 42, but the ages that define 137 and note that the ages at the bottoms of
the interval do agree. these holes (106 to 109 m.y. B.P. in hole 136
The two drill holes discussed above were the and 101 m.y. B.P. in hole 137) agree favorably
only data that could be used to calibrate the with the ages predicted by our time scale (115
magnetic reversal sequence and spreading sys- m.y. B.P. and 97 m.y. B.P., respectively). In
tems; however, other holes adjacent to the addition, the extrapolated age to acoustic base-
lineation patterns generally support the time ment in hole 138 is 105 to 110 m.y. B.P., in
scale. The 135 m.y. B.P. basement age for accord with our predicted age of 103 m.y.
Magellan Rise (JOIDES, 1971b; Larson and B.P. (Pimm and Hayes, 1972).
Chase, 1972, Fig. 2), is about what would be There are three holes adjacent to Mesozoic
expected from extrapolation of the Phoenix lineations that give anomalous ages. They all
lineations. Hole 100 just west of the southern lie in the Pacific on the deep-sea floor near the
end of the Keathley sequence is probably in Phoenix lineations (Larson and Chase, 1972,
the same relation to M-22 as the hole shown in Fig. 1), and all have basement ages of about
Figure 3. There the drill reached Callovian(?) 100 m.y. (JOIDES, 1969). Other drill holes in
Oxfordian sediments overlying basalt that that region cannot be related with certainty to
date the basement at 155 to 160 m.y. B.P. the lineation pattern. Figure 1 of Larson and
(JOIDES, 1970). Chase also shows a 100 m.y. B.P. date for
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M-22 20 17,16 4 2-M

0 34.00N 200
i I

0 26.00N 200

i i i I I
155 150 140 130 120 110 M.Y.B.P.


Figure 4. Observed profiles (Vogt and others, 4) illustrated these data as a function of longitude.
1971) projected perpendicular (112) to the strike of The block model is the Pacific model (Fig. 2) con-
the lineations and plotted above the model anomaly tracted by 0.36 and magnetized according to a paleo-
profile that was computed from the magnetic block magnetic pole for Cretaceous North America at
model shown below the anomaly profiles. The ob- 70 N., 170 W. (Larochelle, 1969). Ages on the
served profiles are all east-west tracks that were made block model with the calibration points underlined
at the latitude that labels each profile. Two distance are explained in the text.
scales are shown because Vogt and others (1971, Fig.
Horizon Guyot in the Mid-Pacific Mountains, others (1972) were unable to map the mag-
an 85 m.y. B.P. date close to the Line Islands netic bight that should connect the Phoenix
that may be a "hot-spot" date (Morgan, 1972), lineations to the Hawaiian lineations. They
and a 105 m.y. B.P. date east of the Line concluded that the volcanic event may have
Isknds whose predicted age is complicated by destroyed the anomaly pattern.
the unknown offset on the Clarion Fracture Between the Keathley sequence and anomaly
Zone (all data from JOIDES, 1971b). Because of 32 in the central Atlantic, the magnetic field
the preponderance of the previously mentioned is not smooth, as it is between the same two
100 m.y. B.P. ages in this region, Winterer patterns in the Pacific. We find no lineated
(1971) proposed a widespread volcanic event pattern in the Atlantic, but Vogt and Johnson
that overprinted much of the initial oceanic (1971) and Emery and others (1970) correlated
crust at that time. This hypothesis seems some anomalies in this region, called the
plausible to us, especially for the hole just east "Lynch sequence" by Vogt and Johnson. Our
of the Phoenix lineations, where Larson and correlation of the entire Hawaiian lineation set
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to the entire Keathley set immediately casts field comes out of a period of constant polarity,
doubt on the presence of numerous, magnetic- amplitude excursions become increasingly large
reversal types of lineations seaward of the until the field finally establishes a mode in
Keathley sequence. This area should correlate which reversals are frequent. This is quite sim-
with the magnetic smooth zone east of the ilar to a suggestion made by Cox (1969).
Hawaiian lineations. The correlations by Vogt The existence or lack of an amplitude enve-
and Johnson of anomalies on four very closely lope on the young side of the lineation patterns
spaced tracks (total separation of about 35 km) is less certain, but the available data suggest
appear good. However, the anomaly amplitudes that the envelope is not present. The Hawaiian
are roughly half those of the Keathley sequence, lineations are cut on the east side by the Ha-
and correlations to a fifth track parallel to the waiian Ridge, and the Keathley lineations are
first four, but 110 km away, are very poor truncated by the Bermuda Discontinuity.
(Vogt and Johnson, 1971, Fig. 3). The cor- Both features are likely to be subsequent struc-
relations C, D, and E made by Emery and tures and, in any case, mask the possible occur-
others (1970) also are not convincing. We rence of an amplitude envelope. However,
believe that any apparent lineations in this north of the Japanese lineations and south of
region are local features and more likely are the Phoenix lineations (Larson and Chase,
related to bathymetric trends and (or) ex- 1972, Figs. 3 and 4), the anomaly amplitudes
cursions of the paleofield intensity. Heezen fall to relatively constant, low values directly
and others (1959) and more recently Johnson adjacent to M-l. It does not appear that a co-
and Vogt (1972) demonstrated that many herent envelope exists in either of these
bathymetric trends are, at least locally, parallel regions.
to the ridge axis. The magnetic smooth zone in We have extended the time scale of geomag-
the North Pacific immediately west of anomaly netic reversals of Heirtzler and others (1968)
32 (Raff, 1966; Helsley and Steiner, 1968; and back to the base of the Late Jurassic (162 m.y.
Hayes and Pitman, 1970) and a similar smooth B.P. ; see Fig. 5). The intervals of reversed
zone west of 32 in the western South Atlantic, magnetic polarity for the period from 110 to
suggest a correlation of the areas with the 85- 150 m.y. are given in Table 1. The negative
to 110-m.y. B.P. interval of dominantly interval at 82 to 85 m.y. B.P. has been added
normal magnetic polarity. The region west of by measuring west of anomaly 32 on Raff's
anomaly 32 in the western central Atlantic and (1966) North Pacific profile at 4030' N. The
east of Bermuda can only be presumed to cor- existence of this lineated negative anomaly was
relate with this same epoch. pointed out for the North Pacific by Helsley
The older (Jurrasic) magnetic smooth zones and Steiner (1968), in the North Atlantic by
(Figs. 1 and 3) west of the Keathley and Ha- Vogt and others (1971), in the South Atlantic
waiian lineations do not begin directly adjacent by Ladd and others (1972), and in the South
to M-22 (Figs. 2 and 4 and Larson and Chase, Pacific by Christoffel and Falconer (1972). Be-
Fig. 5). Instead, there is a transition zone that tween 85 and 110 m.y. B.P. is an interval of
often is characterized by an "envelope" of normal polarity representing the Cretaceous
anomaly amplitudes that decreases systemat- smooth zone. Our Late Jurassic-Early Cre-
ically toward the quiet zones. About two or taceous reversal pattern is derived from the
three of these low-amplitude features often ap- model for the Hawaiian lineations (Fig. 2) and
pear to be lineated, although we made no at- calibrated with the two drill holes shown in
tempt to model anomalies beyond M-22. Figures 1 and 3. Thus, the pattern fiom 120 to
These phenomena could be the result of (a) 110 m.y. B.P. is an extrapolation that assumes
magnetic field reversals during a period of low, the spreading rate for the Hawaiian lineations
but increasing intensity; (b) "excursions" of a
full-strength dipole field away from axial
alignment; or (c) increasingly large intensity
fluctuations of a field whose average intensity Figure 5. Geomagnetic reversal time scale from
the present to the base of the Late Jurassic (162 m.y.
is a normal value. Neither the paleomagnetic B.P.). Present to 80 m.y. B.P. after Heirtzler and
nor the geomagnetic data applicable to the others (1968). Reversal pattern from 110 to 150 m.y.
problem are sufficiently numerous or precise to B.P. based on the magnetic model for the Hawaiian
resolve this question. If the third possibility is lineations (Figs. 1 and 2). Geologic time calibrated in
correct it might suggest that as the magnetic millions of years, after Anonymous (1964).
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was constant during the entire time span 155 long periods of dominantly normal magnetic
to 110 m.y. B.P. A marked increase in spread- polarity. The first relates to the timing of the
ing rate in all the oceans seems necessary dur- opening of the Bay of Biscay. Anomaly 32 ex-
ing the Cretaceous quiet zone period. We shall tends approximately north-south across the
consider these spreading-rate changes and their mouth of the Bay of Biscay, and thus it has
implications in the next section. If the as- been inferred that the opening occurred prior
sumptions that we have discussed concerning to 77 m.y. B.P. (Pitman and others, 1971; Pit-
the dating of the reversal pattern are correct, man and Talwani, 1972). A quiet zone lies be-
then this calibration should be precise to about tween the Bay of Biscay and anomaly 32. The
five m.y., the approximate time span of the Bay of Biscay contains lineated magnetic
Hauterivian and Oxfordian stages. anomalies (Matthews and Williams, 1968) that
It is of interest to compare the frequency of trend east to southeast. These lineations reflect
magnetic reversals of the Late Jurassic-Early the direction of motion that occurred when
Cretaceous interval to that of the latest Cre- Spain rotated in a counterclockwise direction
taceous-Cenozoic interval. This is shown in away from France. Because of the existence of
Figure 6. Averages have been made over a these anomalies, the rotation obviously took
sliding, 10-m.y. window. The average reversal place during a period when there were mag-
frequency is between 0.5 and 2 reversals per netic reversals. Williams and McKenzie (1971)
million years for the whole period, although concluded that this must have occurred prior
both ends of the interval are characterized by to 125 m.y. B.P. in the Late Jurassic or Early
longer polarity periods (fewer reversals). This Cretaceous. The time scale presented here sug-
average reversal frequency is about the same as gests that the opening must have occurred
that found by Heirtzler and others (1968) for during the interval from 150 m.y. B.P. to 110
75 to 50 m.y. B.P. (Fig. 5). Between 50 m.y. m.y. B.P.
B.P. and the present, the average reversal fre-
quency has been greater (between 2 and 4 re- Origin and Age of the North
versals per million years). We note that the America-African Quiet Zones
frequency of reversals appears to increase from The origin of the quiet zones that lie sea-
the beginning of the Mesozoic interval of re- ward of the east coast of the United States and
versals and decreases toward the end of this northwest of Africa (Heirtzler and Hayes,
interval. 1967) has been the subject of considerable
controversy. The various theories have been
TIMING OF SEA-FLOOR summarized by Emery and others (1970).
SPREADING EVENTS IN THE Burek (1970) suggested that these regions were
ATLANTIC generated during a long interval of normal
magnetic polarity that extended from the Late
Opening of the Bay of Biscay
Triassic to Early Jurassic. It has been shown by
Several observations may be made assuming Pitman and Talwani (1972) that the seaward
the validity of the Keathley-Hawaiian correla- edge of these quiet zones must be an isochron,
tions, the time scale, and the conclusion that since the African boundary can be fitted
the Keathley-Hawaiian sequence was immedi- against the North American boundary. The


* Zl
111.50 to 112.25 128.10 to 128.70 i 8
113.25 to 115.90 129.15 to 130.00 U a 0
117.75 to 118.25 130.60 to 131.20 ooo-
118.50 to 118.75 133.15 to 133. 8Q i- .e
121.00 to 121.60 138.90 to 139.50
122.10 to 122.50 141.15 to 142.20
123.65 to 125.25 143.35 to 144.00 110 120 130 140 ISO M.Y.
125.80 to 125.95 146.70 to 148.10
126.30 to 127.20
Figure 6. Average number of reversals (polarit;
The intervals inoediately prior and subsequent to this transitions) per million years from 115 to 145 m.y
set are assumed to be of dominantly normal magnetic polarity.
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fact that the Keathley sequence correlates Atlantic and throughout the Pacific. We may
with the Hawaiian lineations, and that west of also infer the position of ridge axes in these
each is a quiet zone, strongly infers that at oceans at that time and thus relate the episodic
least the seaward portion of these quiet zones spreading rates to major plutonic events. But
was generated by sea-floor spreading during first we must determine the spreading rates and
an interval of infrequent reversals in the Late paleopositions of the ridge axes.
Jurassic. As noted previously, McElhinny and One of the results presented by Larson and
Burek (1971) have proposed that this interval Chase (1972) is that the paleomagnetic pole
was one of dominantly normal magnetic po- position of the Pacific plate at about 110 to
larity. This does not rule out the possibility 125 m.y. B.P. is 50 N., 30 W. The paleomag-
that the landward portion of these quiet zones netic pole position of North America during
is the result of some sort of initial rifting phe- the Cretaceous is at 70 N., 170 W. (Laro-
nomena (Talwani and Eldholm, 1972). chelle, 1969). The configuration of the Pacific
ridge system with respect to North America at
Opening of the South Atlantic that time may be obtained to a first approxi-
Various ages have been suggested for the mation by making these poles coincide and re-
initiation of sea-floor spreading in the South plotting the features as they appeared relative
Atlantic. Most recent interpretations give the to each other (Fig. 7). The continents and the
Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary (that is, 135 ridge system at 110 m.y. B.P. are shown
m.y. B.P.) as the time of separation (Dietz and plotted with respect to North America in its
Holden, 1970; Smith and Hallam, 1970). This present position. The north magnetic pole (and
is based upon the ages of the Kaoko basalts of thus presumably the rotational pole relative to
southwest Africa which have been determined North America) lay northwest of the Seward
radiometrically to be 135 to 114 m.y. (Siedner Peninsula. The paleomagnetic north pole for
and Miller, 1968) and the age (Upper Jurassic- the Pacific plate has been made to coincide
Lower Cretaceous) of the Serra Geral in with this pole, thus placing the ridge axes con-
Brazil. It thus is presumed that these intrusive siderably farther south with respect to North
features are contemporaneous with drift. Vine America and the equatorial region {compare
and Hess (1970) suggested that the marginal Figs. 1 and 7). As with all paleomagnetic data,
dike intrusions and flood basalts may predate there is longitudinal ambiguity that allows the
drift by as much as 20 to 25 m.y. Ladd and system of ridge axes to be translated parallel to
others (1972) showed that in the South At- the paleoequator anywhere within the Pacific.
lantic there is a quiet zone between anomaly The North Atlantic is shown closed at this
33 and the Argentine Basin. This quiet zone time (Pitman and Talwani, 1972), and the
probably also occurs on the eastern side of the relative positions of Eurasia, Greenland, and
South Atlantic, but this area is complicated by North America are from Bullard and others
the presence of the Walvis Ridge. There are (1965). The relative positions of Africa, South
two or three lineated anomalies that occur America, and North America are from Ladd
over a short distance near the African margin and others (1972). We have plotted the Pacific
south of the Walvis Ridge. These may repre- ridge system relative to the Cretaceous pole for
sent the last two or three reversals of the Late North America rather than the Cretaceous
Jurassic-Early Cretaceous reversal sequence pole for Eurasia because the former data are
and hence may be from 110 to 115 m.y. in age. considered more reliable. Much of the data for
At any rate, the correlation of the quiet zone Eurasia are from rocks located in, or immedi-
with the 110- to 85-m.y. interval of dominantly ately adjacent to, deformation belts of Meso-
normal magnetic polarity is obvious. This im- zoic and (or) Cenozoic age. Ambiguities with
plies that drift in the South Atlantic was initi- respect to the paleomagnetic data for the
ated at or subsequent to 110 m.y. B.P. We will Eurasian and North American Cretaceous will
assume 110 m.y. B.P. as the age of opening. be discussed subsequently. The Pacific Ocean
in the Cretaceous was considerably more ex-
CONFIGURATION OF THE RIDGES tensive than today, since India, Australia,
AND CONTINENTS AT 110 M.Y. B.P. southern New Guinea, and New Zealand were
We will show that the time scale implies that against Antarctica. The Pacific Ocean, and
from 110 to 85 m.y. B.P. there was a pulse of probably the Pacific-Kula pkte boundary (Fig.
very rapid spreading in the central and South 7), extended westward, north of the Australia-
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90 105 120

90 105 120 135 150 165 180 165 150 135 120 105 90 75 60 45 30 15
Figure 7. Pacific Ocean plates and plate bound- poles for the Pacific plate and North America at 110
aries at 110 m.y. B.P. after Larson and Chase (1972) m.y. B.P. (see text) and by reconstructing the At-
plotted relative to the Atlantic Ocean continents at lantic continents relative to North America. Plot con-
that time. Dotted plate boundaries show probable ex- struction based on the present-day location of North
tensions of known features. Relative configuration America, so the paleoequator appears as a curved line.
accomplished by superimposing the palcomagnctic

New Guinea-New Zealand complex, into scale and the time-scale extension proposed
Tethys, which continued westward north of here. The data are plotted as average rates for
India and up into what is now Iran and Iraq. the time span over which the average was
made. This type of presentation gives the ap-
SPREADING RATES IN THE pearance of discontinuities in the spreading
ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC OCEANS rates. In reality, transitions from one spreading
Having derived a time scale of magnetic po- rate to another probably follow smooth curves.
larity events extending back through the Late However, it may be inferred from Figure 2 of
Jurassic (Fig. 5), we computed average spread- Heirtzler and others (1968) that in the South
ing rates for discrete time intervals for various Pacific, for example, there were long intervals
oceanic plate boundaries. By spreading rate, during which the spreading rate was constant;
we mean the half-rate of separation of two yet, the spreading rates of adjacent intervals
plates, and assume that the spreading has been differed by at least a factor of two, and the
bilaterally symmetric. Figure 8 shows the transition from one interval to another was
spreading-rate averages for the central Atlantic, quite rapid.
South Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans. By cen- The spreading rates for the central Atlantic
tral Atlantic, we mean the part between Africa were computed from the data of Pitman and
and North America. Since almost all of the Talwani (1972). Computations were made
Indian Ocean appears to be younger than up- along an azimuth parallel to one of their syn-
permost Cretaceous, we have not included it thetic fracture zones intersecting the ridge
in the graph. The portion of the time scale that axis at 27 N. Since the quiet zone adjacent to
we wish to focus upon is the Mesozoic. North America is twice as wide as that adjacent
The spreading rates were determined by to Africa we have taken an average and as-
using the Heirtzler and others (1968) time sumed that drift was initiated at 180 m.y. B.P.
Downloaded from on November 11, 2013

f 18 CM/YR


et 0 S.ATL.

<o .
z 6.0

CO v y G> Q
111 * + 1- + _* *
+ \. T
* * T


* ft 4^f-**

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 M.Y.B.P.


32 f

Figure 8. Average spreading rates in the Atlantic cussed in the text. Note the marked increases in
and Pacific Oceans as a function of geologic time. spreading rates of all spreading systems at 85 to 110
Averages were made over discrete time periods as dis- m.y. B.P.

The spreading rates for the South Atlantic sumption that the fracture zone which marks
were computed from the data of Dickson and the western boundary of the Phoenix lineations
others (1968) and Ladd and others (1972). We is a continuation of the Louisville Ridge-
have also made the assumption based on pre- Eltanin Fracture Zone, and thus a continua-
vious arguments that the initiation of drift in tion of the present-day system in the South
the South Atlantic occurred at 110 m.y. B.P. Pacific (Larson and Chase, 1972, Fig. 13). The
We have computed the rates along an azimuth spreading rates were 18 cm/yr from 110 to 85
parallel to a synthetic fracture zone intersect- m.y. B.P. and 5 cm/yr for 125 to 110 m.y.
ing the ridge axis at 40 S. The azimuth of the B.P. The data used to compute the rates for
fracture zone was determined by drawing a the Pacific-Farallon plate boundary are from
small circle about the pole used to fit South Heirtzler and others (1968) and Vine (1966).
America against Africa (Bullard and others, Computations have been made along an azi-
1965). muth parallel to the Mendocino Fracture
The spreading rates in the Pacific Ocean are Zone. Two rates are given for the interval 110
described as motions across various plate bound- to 85 m.y., one for the plate boundary north
aries. During the Late Cretaceous all of these of Mendocino Fracture Zone and one for the
spreading systems were located in the southern plate boundary south of this offset. The rate
hemisphere (Fig. 7). Since then they have across the Pacific-Kula plate boundary has been
evolved into the present-day system of plate computed along an azimuth perpendicular to
boundaries found in the eastern Pacific. For the the trend of the anomalies.
Pacific-Phoenix plate boundary during the
period from 85 m.y. B.P. to the present, the LARGE-SCALE MOTIONS OF PLATES
rates were computed from the data of Pitman We have actually determined two different
and others (1968). Computations were made types of plate motion. First, we have used
along an azimuth just north of and parallel to trends of fracture zones and the age and loca-
the Eltanin Fracture Zone. For the intervals tion of magnetic lineations to determine the
of 110 to 85 m.y. and 125 to 110 m.y., the motions of the Kula, Farallon, and Phoenix
spreading rates are dependent upon the as- plates with respect to the Pacific plate. Sec-
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ondly, we may use the paleomagnetic data to well established in the South Pacific. However,
determine the latitudinal motion of the Pacific if accretion at the Phoenix-Pacific margin has
plate with respect to the Eurasian and North been symmetric, we can deduce the amount of
American plates. As with all paleomagnetic subduction by the present-day location of the
data, the longitudinal motion is indeterminate. ridge axis with respect to the continental mar-
As stated previously, we are somewhat skep- gins of South America and Antarctica and the
tical about the determinations of the Creta- Phoenix lineations. Here the amount of crust
ceous paleomagnetic pole for Eurasia because consumed is equal to the length of the Eltanin-
many of the measurements were made on rocks Louisville-Phoenix Fracture Zone complex,
from within or adjacent to deformation belts of less the distance from the East Pacific Rise
late Mesozoic or younger age. However, we crest to Antarctica or South America. The
note that the Eurasian data as presented by amount of subduction measured in this way is
Van der Voo and Zijderveld (1969) displays about 5,000 km.
good grouping. The mean pole is at 62 N., Another interesting facet of these large-scale
171 E. The Cretaceous pole that we have used motions was pointed out by Farrell (1968) on
for North America is at 70 N., 170 W. the basis of slightly different data. The present-
(Larochelle, 1969). It is obvious that the mean day pole of relative motion for the Pacific plate
Cretaceous pole for Eurasia is very nearly co- and North American plate is at about 50 N.,
incident with that for North America as plotted 80 W. (Chase, 1972). The present-day loca-
with respect to these land masses in their pres- tions of the Cretaceous paleomagnetic poles for
ent positions. However, Van der Voo and these two plates (50 N., 30 W. for the Pacific
Zijderveld pointed out that if the North At- plate and 70 N., 170 W. for the North Amer-
lantic is closed according to the fit derived by ican plate) lie approximately along a single
Bullard and others (1965), then the Cretaceous small circle about Chase's present-day pole of
paleomagnetic poles become separated by sev- relative motion. This implies that Atwater's
eral thousand kilometers. This may be inter- (1970) constant motion model for the Pacific
preted to infer that an error exists, either in the and North American plates is grossly correct,
Cretaceous paleopole location for Eurasia, or in not only for the late Tertiary, but for at least
the fit of the European and North American 6,000 km of relative motion in the last 110 m.y.
continental margins as derived by Bullard and
others (1965). However, we note that the sep- RELATION OF EPISODES OF FAST
aration is in an east-west direction so that the SPREADING TO CIRCUM-PACIFIC
northward motion of the Pacific plate relative INTRUSIVE AND EXTRUSIVE
to Eurasia and North America is still at least ACTIVITY AND OROGENESIS
7,000 km. If there are significant increases in spreading
As the Pacific plate was drifting northward rates at all ridge crests, and the earth is not ex-
relative to Eurasia and North America, the panding, then there must be a corresponding
Kula plate was spreading away from the Pacific increase in the world-wide rate of crustal sub-
plate in roughly a northwesterly direction, and duction. This might be reflected as increases in
the Farallon plate was spreading away from the individual subduction rates at the various
Pacific plate in a northeasterly direction. The trenches around the margin of the Pacific
entire Kula plate (including the accreting mar- Ocean (Fig. 7). It can be seen from Figure 8
gin that was between the Kula and Pacific that beginning at about 110 m.y. and lasting
plates) and a northern part of the Pacific plate until about 85 m.y., there was a pulse of rapid
have been subducted under Eurasia and into a spreading in the central and South Atlantic
proto-Aleutian Trench. This means a mini- and in the Pacific at the Farallon-Pacific plate
mum of 7,000 km of subduction under Eurasia. boundary, and probably the Phoenix-Pacific
Most of the Farallon plate (with the exception plate boundary. Whether this is true with re-
of the Juan de Fuca and the Cocos plates) has gard to the Phoenix-Pacific plate boundary is
been consumed under western North America. dependent upon the validity of the previously
Again this is a minimum of 7,000 km. discussed assumption of the Louisville Ridge-
The amount of subduction of the Phoenix Eltanin Fracture Zone extending northwest to
pkte under southern South America and west- the Phoenix Fracture Zone. This implies the
ern Antarctica is more difficult to estimate be- startlingly high rate of 18 cm/yr at the Pacific-
cause the past spreading patterns are not as Phoenix boundary from 110 to 85 m.y. B.P.
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However, a rate of 9 cm/yr has been measured pear to be the mid- to Late Cretaceous uplift
in the Indian Ocean (McKenzie and Sclater, (Ernst, 1970) and deformation of the Fran-
1972). The rate at the Pacific-Kula plate ciscan Formation which again may be ascribed
boundary was 4.2 cm/yr during the Early Cre- to a sudden increase in spreading rates.
taceous until 110 m.y. B.P. The rate since that Although spreading in the Pacific may ex-
time is unknown. It does not seem unwarranted tend well back into the Paleozoic (Moores,
to assume that spreading was quite rapid at this 1970), spreading at the Pacific-Kula plate
boundary during the 110 to 85 m.y. B.P. in- boundary began about 130 m.y. and continued
terval, since the evidence suggests that it was at an average rate of 4.2 cm/yr until approx-
quite rapid at all the other boundaries. imately 110 m.y. ago. At that time the rate
This mid- to Late Cretaceous episode of may have accelerated as at other boundaries.
rapid spreading appears to have been a world- Several erogenic events may correlate with the
wide event, and it is of great interest to relate spreading history. Although there are granitic
it to major geologic events on the continents. rocks older than 370 m.y. in Japan and some in
The obvious candidates are major plutonic the age range of 170 to 180 m.y., about 95
events that may be associated with a pulse of percent are younger than 120 m.y. (Kawano
rapid marginal underthrusting. The increase in and Ueda, 1967). About 75 percent range in
spreading rates in the Atlantic would obviously age from 50 to 100 m.y. The same pattern ap-
cause an increase in the rate of encroachment pears in Korea and eastern Asia where the
upon the Pacific-Tethys. The simultaneous in- mid- to Late Cretaceous was a time of extensive
crease in spreading rates in the Pacific, and batholithic intrusion (Muyashiro, 1972, oral
probably in the Tethys, would probably be re- commun.).
flected by an increase in rates of underthrust- Spreading on some part of the Pacific ridge
ing along all of the Pacific-Tethys subduction system must have been occurring by at least
zones. We realize that rates of subduction do 180 m.y. ago. This is demanded by the fact
not necessarily increase at all margins, but in- that drift between Laurasia and Gondwana be-
tuitively feel that this is likely to be the case. gan at about 180 m.y. ago. In fact, the Pacific
The mid- to early Late Cretaceous (115 to spreading did not passively raft South America
85 m.y. B.P.) batholithic intrusion of the west- and Africa away from North America and
ern United States is greater by an order of Eurasia, but began to underthrust the Pacific
magnitude than any comparable period (Lind- margin of South America (James, 1971; Ian
gren, 1915; Knopf, 1955; and Gilluly, 1963, Dalziel, 1972, personal commun.). Paleozoic
1965). We quote Gilluly (1965), " . . . the sediments were folded at this time in the south-
Middle Cretaceous was the time of emplace- ern Andes (Ian Dalziel, 1972, oral commun.)
ment of by far the greatest plutons of Phanero- and andesite volcanism began in the Upper
zoic time in the whole belt extending from Triassic-Lower Jurassic (James, 1971). Al-
Alaska to Baja California. The batholiths of the though batholiths date from this time, the main
Peninsular Range, the Sierra Nevada, many of period of batholithic intrusions appears to have
the Coast Range plutons of California, the been during the mid- to Late Cretaceous and
Idaho batholith and many of its satellites in lower Paleocene (Farrar and others, 1970; Hol-
eastern Oregon and northern Idaho all belong lingworth, 1964). "Folding in the west Andean
to this episode. The plutons of northeastern geosyncline began in the Cenomanian and was
Washington are outliers of the great Coast continued by later Cretaceous and Early Ter-
Range batholith of British Columbia." Gilluly tiary phases," (Rutland, 1971). Radiometric
(1963) attributed this massive plutonism to ages determined on granite and granodiorite
either subcrustal flow of great masses of differ- rocks from the southern Andes and western
entiating mantle or to a smaller but still large Antarctica (Halpern, 1970, 1971) indicate a
mass of sialic crust. Hamilton (1969a, 1969b) major episode of intrusion from 70 m.y. to 120
has directly attributed this phase of batholithic m.y. with a. peak at 90 to 100 m.y. A similar
intrusion to an accelerated rate of underthrust- peak from 90 m.y. to 120 m.y. occurs in a
ing at the west coast of North America, and he histogram of radiometric ages of basement
tentatively suggested a rate of 10 cm/yr, in rocks of New Zealand (Landis and Coombs,
good qualitative agreement with the rates of 1967).
spreading at the Farallon-Pacific plate bound- Spreading at the Pacific-Phoenix plate
ary. Another related phenomenon would ap- boundary began about 130 m.y. ago and con-
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tinued at a rate of 5 cm/yr until 110 m.y. ago. altered significantly by future studies, as the
This spreading period may well be the causal only other Mesozoic lineation pattern not ac-
mechanism for the Early to mid- Cretaceous counted for is the eastern counterpart of the
batholithic intrusion in the southern Andes, Keathley lineations near the African margin,
New Zealand, and western Antarctica. We and possibly yet-undiscovered sequences at
speculate that from 110 m.y. to 85 m.y. there high latitudes. However, the time calibration
was rapid spreading at the Pacific-Phoenix of this pattern may be significantly changed by
plate boundary, perhaps as high as 18 cm/yr. future drilling on the Mesozoic magnetic
We are more certain that spreading in the lineations.
South Atlantic during this same interval was 5 If the calibration that we propose is approx-
cm/yr. This episode correlates remarkably imately correct, it significantly alters the timing
well with the apparent main phase of batholith and explanation of various sea-floor spreading
intrusion in the southern Andes, New Zealand, features of the Atlantic Ocean. The Bay of
and western Antarctica and with initiation of Biscay is restricted to opening between 150 and
folding of the west Andean geosyncline. Be- 110 m.y. B.P.; the South Atlantic opened be-
tween 60 and 10 m.y. the spreading in the tween 110 and 85 m.y. B.P. (probably at 110
South Pacific was 1.75 cm/yr, but at about m.y. B.P.); and the seaward portions of the
10 m.y. the spreading rate increased to 4 marginal quiet zones of the eastern United
cm/yr. In the South Atlantic the rate has been States and northwest Africa resulted from
2.0 cm/yr from about 85 m.y. to the present. spreading during a period of no magnetic re-
The uplift that formed the present Andes be- versals prior to 150 m.y. B.P.
gan in the late Miocene with pulses in the Thousands of kilometers of oceanic litho-
mid-Pliocene and late Pliocene or Pleistocene sphere have been subducted at the trench sys-
(Hollingworth and Rutland, 1968). Ignimbrite tems around the Pacific Basin since the Cre-
volcanism dates from late Miocene and Plio- taceous. At least 7,000 km has been under-
cene (Rutland, 1971). Hamilton (1969a) re- thrust beneath North America, a similar
garded these volcanic fields as a modern ana- amount beneath Eurasia, and probably about
logue of the extensive Upper Cretaceous batho- 5,000 km beneath South America and (or)
liths of western North America. Thus, the in- western Antarctica.
terval of slow (~2 cm/yr) spreading in the Our time scale of geomagnetic reversals for
Pacific correlates with a period of relative the Mesozoic also calls for a pulse of relatively
quiescence in the Andes, and the rapid spread- rapid spreading at all spreading centers in the
ing in the Pacific that started in the late Mio- Atlantic and Pacific Oceans from 110 to 85
cene appears to have initiated the uplift and m.y. B.P. We have related this pulse of rapid
intrusion that are responsible for the modern spreading to episodes of circum-Pacific in-
Andes. trusive and extrusive activity and orogenesis
during this period. In particular, it appears to
CONCLUSIONS us that plutonism on a large scale character-
We have derived a magnetic reversal model ized eastern Asia, western Antarctica, New
for Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous time based Zealand, the southern Andes, and western
on the Hawaiian lineation sequence in the North America during the mid- and early Late
North Pacific. With the use of this model we Cretaceous. This is best documented in western
have correlated the Hawaiian lineations to the North America where more than 50 percent of
Keathley lineations in the North Atlantic. the exposed batholiths date from 115 to 85
This correlation, and the correlations of Larson m.y. B.P. If the granodiorites and granites that
and Chase (1972) of the Mesozoic-aged Phoe- make up these batholiths are derived from
nix, Japanese, and Hawaiian lineations estab- underthrust oceanic lithosphere, then these ex-
lish that this period of reversals is bracketed tensive plutons necessitate vast amounts of
by long periods of normal magnetic polarity. lithospheric subduction, which appears to be a
We have concluded that this period of re- consequence of rapid spreading in all the
versals occurred from 150 to 110 m.y. B.P. on oceans during this period.
the basis of two drill holes that yield relatively
precise basement ages, and are well located ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
with respect to the lineation patterns. We do We particularly wish to express our gratitude
not expect that the reversal pattern will be to the numerous persons that have contributed
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to the success of the Deep-Sea Drilling Project, Benioff zone: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 75,
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