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Mailing Address: 7-B, Stefan Karadja Str.

, Sofia 1000 Bulgaria;

Tel.:+359 2 980-37-04; Fax:+359 2 980 36 62;
Contact person: Dimiter Dimov, E-mail:
Information about this programme can be found on:

General Information: The selection process for awarding CAS scholarships is based on the principle of academic self-government. Funding
decisions for CAS programmes are made by independent academic Selection Committee. It plays a central role in the academic work of
CAS. CAS would like to thank everybody who meets an applicant's request for a report to accompany their CAS scholarship application.
These references, along with certificates documenting the applicant's academic achievements and the applicant's description of the study or
research project, form an important decision-making basis for the Selection Committee's scholarship award recommendation.

Referee's Name: ..............................................................................................................................................

Position: ...........................................................................................................................................................

Field of research .................................................................................................................................................

University: ........................................................................................................................................................

Address: ...........................................................................................................................................................

1. Since when and in what capacity have you known the applicant?

2. The applicant is/was among the best students/doctoral students (in %): (please, highlight)

5.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% no assessment possible

3. How does the applicant stand out in academic and personal terms and how would you assess his/her

4. How would you assess the preparation, feasibility, relevance and schedule of the project in
5. Of what significance is the aspired scholarship to the applicant's academic and professional career
and/or to his/her home institution?

6. Additional information that could be of importance to the scholarship award decision?

Degree of approval: (please, highlight)

Emphatic approval Approval Conditional approval

Place, Date Name

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