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To meet new people and build relationships

2. To keep in touch with family and friends
3. To upload photos to their trips
4. To comment on existing post
5. To read news about the country
6. To notify people that they went to trip in a particular place
7. To upload pictures of them on daily basis so that they could have hundreds
of likes and make people jealous
8. To share their daily workout updates
9. To stalk people
10.To see their friends friends profiles wanting to learn more about those
11.To scroll through endless newsfeeds
12.To watch entertaining videos uploaded by various facebook pages
13.To raise awareness for diseases like ALS
14.To video call people
15.To maintain a personal travel diary
16.To join groups to express their identity
17.To read news
18.To keep in touch with other peoples actions
19.To get into a group with people with common interest
20.To express yourself on yourself on your wall post/ group/ page
21.To share point of view
22.To connect and gather immediate information that was not disseminated in
the classroom
23.To know and read updates from pages I liked and followed
24.To make an announcement
25.To encounter new things and find useful resources
26.To follow up on projects and share documents through messenger or
facebook group

27.To make discussions and exchange opinions through messenger or facebook


1) Do you comment on existing post regarding news of your favorite artist/ singer
in Facebook?
2) Do you upload/share latest pictures of your favorite artist/singer on Facebook to
keep others updated?
3) Do you usually read news regarding showbiz and entertainment as you surf
4) Do you share updates or post on your wall regarding showbiz news/
5) Do you usually stalk pages or accounts involving showbiz/entertainment to
keep yourself updated?
6) Do you read post regarding showbiz news as you scroll through your
7) Do you watch entertaining videos pertaining to showbiz/ entertainment
uploaded by various Facebook pages to get news updates about artist/singers/
actors ?
8) If you use messenger, do you talk about showbiz news/ entertainment
happening in the country.


1) If you are a fan of any sports, do you join Facebook groups relating to sports to
be updated regarding news on your favorite sports?
2) As you surf Facebook, do you use it to read news articles regarding any sports?
3) Do you join Facebook groups that involves sports to keep you updated of the
latest sports news?
4) Do you share updates or post on your wall regarding sports news?
5) Do you read post regarding sports news as you scroll through your newsfeeds?
6) Do you express your thoughts about any news regarding sports on your wall,
group or page?
7) Do you like and follow pages and read updates regarding latest sports news?
8) Do you join discussions and exchange opinions through messenger or groups
regarding the latest sports updates ?

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