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Chapter Four x HISTORY, MEMORY AND IMAGINATION: NA AGONTIME, A DAHOMEAN QUEEN IN BRAZIL* Ana Lucia Araujo INTRODUCTION Gis 19705 in Bathe daciton ofthe poe scl oral neque fight apne acum a well the tmergeneof cine er iil rights hive ed vations Ao Branian groups to develop diferent forme of cultural sserton in which the promotion of bonds weh Aer though ance, msi, val ars and eeligfon plays an important rele The prone steno given to Afo-ralan Bsa accra such sZambi de Pulses {Chico Re fio Candido and Ns Agonting,icontdntngto contre de emery of eaery and helping eo rewie Bran ofa sony, Howesee ‘ach econsractionsarvery often poleate bcs deptthe parce ‘hese characters hive in Bran poplar imagination, few or no sora ‘vidnce is availble co contobort thei erence, Hence if fiom hoi eesti, reconsucting the le wore of chee legendary characte ie fal ot almost impossible the undereanding ofthe work of mem hac allowed ther emergence allow historian o beter underand thee ering "mporanc in societies sll marked by ascent and pina lve pase RES NNO ond PeBtical Spaces, arng he dislogue beeen histor and memory a pin of reece, this chapter examine 1m 1818 when King Gao deposed Adandoxan bya coup dean Ae ‘ume wa banned fom Dahomey’ ofl hor which males voy a
    Bagh mein on de Sousa have met ee Gap" who sd oe stad 2d ako Dowo Yow, who banged to «andy nthe service of te Engh foro Andean soso po, The oon ae hat dings meng Gap snd he eer woul hve deed oj gee tt foro Adundran Fes Fei de Sour cael nd ‘edn Lie Popo fom whe he proved weapons and oer produc alge allming him prep the coup ae When Geo was cae he Inte Rann Fld Soa oe in Onda oocyte oln of Kings represent in the commercial baie. Sine ook conto kingdom he Fenn wh hat pd me and ay rope te mos he eed Fanci Fel de So, ‘pinged my pre oan nm ce aatons rele tobi the ene aby eager wh he hie ‘tho ces and wh wil come herd snes ae te md enon scapakcandalltbe vn sppecati, Honored Rig Aonothavenehingexend yore my fed exer ‘young fae giland seth woe nator ad ak Yat Najera ny gens cad he been hep oar nay en Lam our ote and ous Fen Ref Dome = De Sour thea Bea the Lng partners indcted in che lee above probs sbiy dated of 1818, sto King Don Jot Calon de Began by Ger slong ‘witha diplomatic embusy sent to Bra Since then the hiory of Geo and de Sour are deeply connected the radii emphasize hae Adandoran was an ev King who sent Agpvime a8 save fo Braise sly omit thar when Gozo tok owe the throne he mayaiokaveklled Adandonan' chien, nd sol sever ofhi rea ‘ver and supporters ineading his purine mother andone oFhis wiesor his ‘Seeman aled Mino, who as set Bala™ Dept the lack oF eidence, ths ler, once in Sadr, ado hae become the spouse Ghego Sop, ' Mahi frm Holo, who was baptized Jugaim de Aleta by his owes, the Stvecaptsin Mapu Josuim de Almeida In 183, ready manumited by his ‘mater de Almeida eure the Bight of Benin nd weed Agou, where ebecame prosperous sane rade” According the English fee Peder ick Foes, “Jonguim Almeida, the ches eden in Wada, was orginally fom the Mahee country sol ino ser. he as ered from Baia ad is ‘ow adavemertanton an exten se Inche yeas following the coup ds. che name of Adandazan was removed ‘om the ocallie of Dahomean kings, and grad ered fom the of ‘al bstory of Dahomey. Indeed, evel deme eaed eo the ransmision ‘of power resin vague Acording wo etn suthors ach ax Maurice Glee ‘the dasa ofthe king woul ave eaken place ony some went et iter ‘Adendozan ny hae contnucdo being and remained livingin ahve ofthe ‘alice fom wherche gave advice to Gera” Acconingto Benne loa his Fan Maurice Gla a descendent of Gz, Adandozan occupied the function of repent une 183K" Thi seni changed ony when Geo excladed Dakpo, thevsdec (the ern pine of Adandosan infor ofhison Zen Majer, ‘he Fre King Glee Dako would chen hee pu ie on the palace and would he died in che Bie Te wat artis vent che Adandoran wa depend the members fh fly were sol ino ery andhis mame was wiehdrown fom thelacofings® 1 Adandozan represented arch evi king and che symbol of diropon, Agee rater erent the vicinal connected Breed Unde is redecesior Gros coup dat “was not ated ot by ah allance of place trina woman of he alice (J he dno edit any sige woman by naming her gj, Rather he named 3 Ipyjite Agonine, who had plored and lst 21 yes previously and who a the tine of his acenion was somewhere In ‘he west hemispete™ The wadtio states da afer Geo was enstooled {1818 be sene to Bra one or maybe two embassies 0 Bod his mother “Ts, Agonimts yeh wa ao perpented heogh Gast pened eet cept co rescue ex According to one tradition dseninated by che Fay ‘of Fancico Flix de Sous, Gen sted the Brain save merchant o gor Bran nd sind he ing mother: () Te evar Chacha Gen wld i “When Ls ett toy mother ny reer yer re ld Lieder Go bck Bre rm ouery a dy ‘et Thayer th Chace ee heres Na Agontind. 2 Dohomean Queen in rai ‘the orem ye ane on Gio ep in San ‘Sthedor de Bah. Chacha bogh esc a eed hy Gio him: "Ya wll Awe [Lid ope) you wile in vidh nd wil rece thee of Vice of Dome Ten ‘then the rope lene hey wl on ee belo ong fo see mek ths dt ChcheIecame she ncn [eee he King of Dany sd the Earp cane be ‘Serle with he Kingdom Amey” According chi acoune, de Souns wa ranted he ideo" Vieroy” Beane he rescued Agoncims gracflly due 0 his Bralan connections However, there ino evidence supporting the sageion thet, fer having sted in Ouidah, de Soua le Dahomey o search Agontne. In 1823, a Roin Li poins ou the Bean mechan efecivelyabsined a paspr: ro vel to Bra on board ofthe vessel Principe de Guin” Bo apparently, de Sours did not ear o Bra a this ocaion neler di he dot er. poe hat, King Geto had ebidden him oleswe Dahomey ol sa de Soa legal problems prevent him rom entering Bra Inead of de Sora, Geno's ‘id to hive Sento Bahia man sumed Antinio Dono-Yavoo ort diferent ‘sources refer, "Doso-Yoro"(1762-1857)"—the mame man wh had helped {heslae mechane ce ep om prion and who ae became hs employee andthe Mign Aindhaks” According to Verge wh lied on inforion [roided by A.D. Coner da Siva Curado who was the dict of he Por. ‘agus fr of Ouah om 1885 co 1857 and who met Dono Yone-—Ger ambassadors were Set co Bahi in 18182" Tn Bah, she ambasidos waited ‘duce ears ba chey were never authored tel io de ner, whete the Portuguese core war sled ince 1808 ae xpi Napodon Bonaparte’ ‘woop: rom thee dhe Dahomean ambasadrs eumedtoDaomny bat were ever ableo crave othe cour Indecd, Gen sen eter o King Dom Joo (Caos de Began alongwith an cmbasy tha very probably ded of 118 oeve the er doc ot mension th de Souza ot Dota oro were are, aguih he king emir 1, Geo, King of de Gomk,g he hone of You Mary ep sewed yey nbasador af ny tint wn sca 3, foarFotgue va of Your Ney whe hae ben Pon for elghcen yum ny Sony the ac of ny rte ‘Ninian and now am overnight Knglom becuse ef ‘hee and ein f ny bs aware eat Your Mj ad led ha Poeun an se dt ge ‘eon te ands fark cf reg youre Franco Fir de Sut, who atthe dk of he fof out Maen camcand feo end thea Paraguce songwithiny Ambesndo tbr] Deapice othr examples of eralaved Africans who were eacudinthe Amer: sea scholars do nr ace wheter or ace Agonting was fund and beg lick to Dahomey” Aldough author like Hasound and Gla cain hat -Agptiné ws neves found acconlingt Edna G. Bay “lpi was enstooed tefl Geto ei, ona che tne of his own formal enrolment” Ia dion, according othe talon at some source Agontingrexumed to Abomey pros 01830 Some infomans okd Edoa G. Bay, che Agog syed in “Amelka’ eweng-ene years. This information allows satin her ‘ten by 1818, wheres other informants connected he fr appearance ra victory over Oyo in 1823. By histime she adoped the ame Agontine fm the pease name dg yon gj gomimé tat mean "the monkey has ome from te county ofthe whtesandir now infield of pineapples" Indeed John Daneanreporeshvingsen an Agontin in 845,” ander amb canbe found tn Abomeyslebough heal explain chat is pou this orb ones only her spe Fly in 1849, Fork reported hat Gero pero fe valin or ofhis moths at which re number ofhissobjet and al is ‘oldies aesmebled™" apie the abrence fevidenc, Venger hypothesis ang har goin Inuoduced the Abomey royal Neuhue in Marahio wis ofciallyaceped drng the UNESCO conference led “The Sarva of che Afscan Religions “Tadisons inthe Caribbean and in Lain Amerie sponsored by UNESCO, and held in Si Las do Marnhio on Jly 2428, 19852" Noe arp, UNESCO’ decor gene was represented inthe mecting by Bence ‘onan Maunie Gls descendant of King Gland King Goo, who was the 2etng directo ofthe Division of Studs snd Daseminaion of Cares I ‘he proceedings of his merng, another dexcendane of King Gezo sod King Clee, lied Kpszodj Abanhanco Ge, eae chi (Onl enon and he gee hr of our conn Pa Haran Le tn Maree Hanan I) ere) ee ‘pooh Ne Apentine hewow of King Aggies ‘King Geo, waldo sea by King Alanna song ‘rch steal dinates oe ether meer of eral ily ne ‘Shcabcr Ant deh Tswana ee ‘nthe itor of the ng of Datome,one fe epic of the reg of King anna which expe he ido power ‘secon Ich ap hin we alo se cep ent In ch ir ofthe ingen. On esos i 818 ing Geno (or Gace) seo what stds Ltn Aes iin lem Ne Agontind a Deho mn Queen in Best fen ofhit ery bjs wi whom eit made soo pc. ‘One thm. edb war one hanson pri er whie the oer Don Yor wari of King Agog our and errr to ans de Sans powerline ar get peor ed” (Gl sates tha Agate was found in Breil and brough buck to Dahomey by Doss-Yoro: ‘away ont mothers en Age tha King Gas changed ‘he Quer mame om Agoat noo Agora: Hagin ore bs jeaton tn me (Ue mother monk ee che whe a any fr he count othe palma) an slloson wo Ads brn who wasup hat hr Kg Aono cole ‘mail ach monkey There fheson, shal bec ing rool ices tee of meal aba his hy Note Monkey hs ths cme ack othe ple wre monkey wc happ. othe png plaeason whe obec ave her Sefeurtelowee™ ere, by affirming hac Adandovan confeed vo Agontin he ele "monkey Gide mines iferenemaditins In order to emphasize the Kings ev nee Indeed ce symbol of monkey unl sete with an eenthat happened under Adandorn when Dahomey ssbmised she Kingdom of Oyo. Tied of paying tbe, Adandonan seco the King of Oyo = parson whch an appliqué depced baboon haldiagan car ofcom, goringhansl. According ‘son, Oyler see backtoAdanozan hor toexcourage hime cleae ‘heland ad pay he tes Adandoran then reacted by sing that “or ahs tulad, but wih len not with hoes The Dahomey king only cate seu However, because Adandoran ad alli symbol were upped om ‘he Dahomey dary it rod the inage ofthe baboon hllingan ex of cor ‘Sasociaed with King Geno—ho war able end Dahomey and bert the ng fom payingerbutes ts Opo-—and nore hiskpojin Agoncime™ ‘Over helt eweney years, Adandoran has been depicted in novels nd Sims asthe sy of eupere, aa er King who assinaed ir enemiee and who sen inc sivery members of Dahomean eat Scholar rach ts Pere Verge who great promed the connections between Bez and Dahomey, cneouted o discminateAgontin sary Agonting hes been celebrated in sngr novel, and Carnival a che same times a icin of the ‘Adanieslave wade andthe symbol ofthe Aca besten ra” ln 1970 Judith Glenn published the novel eed destin: Her Legend recon. Ing the aojectory of Aging frm Dahorcy to Sao Lae do Maran Inthe foreword she shanks Pree Vrger “he fremont of thes Interpreter, Ficimbi—of Oshogho, Ports Novo and Baia The book was abo illstated ly theprominen Argentinean born art Cay. Lik is lw ead Vere, Cay seed in Bahia inthe 1950s, where he became a Candombe flower snd received the ile "Obi de Xangh In 2001, the Ro de Jani samba choo! Boj owt Agonsiné Ina puade which he heme, seri based on Gleson’s noel Astin ler Legendas Sa de gots Mara Ming Ned Tse Saga of Aging ‘Maria Minera Nat) More een 207, Agontiné wis honored sain by thesame smb school whch devoped he theme fied boy eld Cane Braslana (Aes fom he oa cal othe Bean cou) a 2002 fl lowing moremeac of memacilation of Ata erage in Bre the temple (Casa dss Minin So Lule go Maun wat al ade she is ofthe Bran Inst forthe National Hino and Arctic Hetage (PHAN, lsc do Paindnio Histo e Arico Nacional” Howe, bess ois lection Sa fn she lage tours cette the emple Cau das Min les aos than SlradorCandombé amples rch athe Aad Op Afr sh Gatos, CONCLUSION This chapter showed char Adandoran ha ben presented ashe pepe ‘suo andthe symbol of drpton whereas Agotimé ie dpictl ae si ‘redeemed by Gezo and his suppoctes. Apparel fAdandonan ws slant ‘oully nse from the ofc sory of Dahomey, Agprime legacy i alive ‘nd offically recognized a both ier ofthe Aan. The anal the eves having leo thedepsion of Adandoan and is spre from th ial tory of Dehomey els much abou the pls wes oF history o support those who won the reg for power The deison of Adandovan a cre snd lnatic king who sent members ofthe Dahomes opal in saney con seas thc his predecesiors swell = King Geno have not hesitated to send thet royal opponens inc daery Indeed there a connections betwee he cis ‘ofthe Alani dave eae, np the deline af the dave export mn (Ouidah, ring the gn of Adandoza nd hi depoion, tha shouldbe the object afer ineigncon, Unlike her male counters, Agonting biography remains unclear and herroleatan Adan religion gure connectng Bs nd Dahomey sin ‘symbolic This chapter attended thar ie pomibl tha thelegend of Ago Being seein sever eo Bra then esced and rough back Abomey— 15 well 5 the suppression of Adandozans name from the ofc history of Dahomey—sr the ren of hizoral reconstruction and propaganda devel ‘ped noc only daring che ninesenh century by King Gao snd hs oppor Bacal oer he weaseh century bythe ing’ descendants, and che decen ins ofthe Bran sive merchant Franco Fai de Sour. Indeed, Ada atory Memory ond inoginston Na Agortind © Dshomten Geaen in Br dein wt ot he onl Damen gw el mbes of he pl aly inser if Again arte Boab war nie defor hea ahora tbe sland eo the Aes dagen anche Fess pean Tolling the pork a Agntiméayed in Rl forse Sy yea an come othe fan of Cad ins ne 804 impor Ge nes ned her nd th sh ce ba ‘Aoi inthe Rs er ae ila concen th Aponte abe fad th temple Ca dat Minar nd con uk 0 Abe ye 13D. Nereis arn pen abut ony eso Bel scold he ne ‘bce hep Nt Marsh rer coi Avo ‘hiss he didn fond honk bate filo myer In imprest ora Agrting funded thea Mas ra ced ty Geo msn e bee eenay Spb deo ‘won beth Dalaran ery eek ‘Ante Aging ema th cone between rand he ee ingen of Dahomey, hr n Bei, he promotion of thee ee Cachan fee poll ngerane of Dakeesn os niles who earache Alans ade orale Ao rasan whe nee Satine ena daveay nd day epee 30 perce of ean open, ‘ein a bel of agney cts ofp snd ence, Nores 1 wh nex dep hs oRbin La fr i commen a ier lenge di pope ams gfe Fas Bayon sore ‘ny mmo quinone. 1am ned Wik Hr ‘Sime proved prow norman on tein de betwen Be {tnd Nera a to Daniel da iv Docngn who gency hed the Adie 2,001 (2001-52 See iy ine of he Lepard Cinder, Pic and Cale he Kingdon of Dabony (Cheer fe Landon, Vins re 1998). 7 ‘Arc Dale The Hist of Dab Inlnd Kingdom of tc (New ‘York Elon Clases 2005 1788), 151 Bo ne ft Leper Boy nf te Leper 9. Be note Lead 9. See Tey Air, mean Slr: Th Ta So fn can Pic Sl ‘ne Sle th daria Sot (Ne ak Oxford Unveniy Pe 1977) SeShane A Dio Das of fia eben Th Sane Ship Cle and "De Str of The Lacan Bang mera New York: Oxley ro, 2007) 1, Seamer Se, Ae Cala Kip and Reon he ‘Pope Wil 1410170 (Chpel Bl Usiney of Noch Culng ‘ro 2003) 31-3 Janes H- Sec “Manumision ip Rd ane 179-5 An Asean Pept See and Absiton 2m (203) 5858, Teche s+ member fhe ing amy fin ar is esepion a “Prine” very pobaly on enggeraton ining a promoig the ponoage atrong a Eng siento See Robin Lw"Kng Apa of Dahomey, Te Sve “Tr and he Quen of We Aan Pama Ena Balch mbes Adamo Tow Eng, 1726 1732 Te oral of pra and omonwelih Hi XD 00 199016416 an King Apso Dabo 6 ‘According to Dire of ft Alba 7, Acoma th Test nue Hower Rain Lan dose cn and ox rove any eee totum hat Apacommanded he prc of Aomo Ton ed Robin Law and Ren Man, "Wee fe i he Ane Cray: The (CscfeeStae Cont ila and Mar aot, 21999) 31. itory Memory and Inaginatan Na Agontind « Dahomean Queen Br m % 2 » ™ a Ona Te Sal 19, See Law Oidah, The Sl His, 17 Law apd Mane“ Af he ‘ine Comma 319, LA. Alii, Dome an Ngo (Cambie Cambie Urey 1967) 28 By Protein, Pls Ei, and she Alain Sye Tad: Miry ad Cal lene Merry in Dahorey 56 Maile eres Day cn Wt cen King (Now Yr Angas, 1988) tl 2,6 qe Bry. “Prsecon Pela Exe nd he ‘Aline Sle Tae: Hiary and Cale Menary a Dahomey 38 Seth Gln, Ate: Her Legend (New Yok Viking Carp Boks 1970). Aliph Dame and i Neighbors, 196 hy. tes oft par Se ao En By Bl. Leia ad ihe “Kp leona Hero he Queen Moe in Preston Duorey Smal of cn Hy 61995) 1 Ta Nila a Te jen he Tabor de Min of Mario? Alin 29012001} 11938 Bay ofthe Lar, 78 Bi. ofthe Lp. 18, Ba. ies of Lsprd 18. Alijghir Dale end it Neigh, 19 ‘Scere Ahan lle, Le Dacre pi i Latin fn Pais Nabi 1978), 12, Bo in fe Leper 18 Rihrd Buon, Min Gel King of Dabo, a 1 (Londo: 1893), 295; Akijghn, Dabo and Dabo: 200 ‘See Vice Feri, Pe, Pago de fc mo Rie de Dabo ert plo ‘Padre Vat oe Prana de 1800 cat prt inden (ko Pt Comps Evra Nicol 1957), 7080, ‘See Dei lis eta. Fae The n-th Tae Databases Bee sxeosedon September 42010 pwnage See Wilber Hower, Fram fo Bl Cala nt, an Ate Sloe Te 100-1850 New Yrs Cambie Univesity Pro, 2010), 38 See Dine Doing da Si, “The Ale ie Tet Mano, 1680 1846: Vasume Romer snd Orton” Slay Aion 39,0 4 (208. 487 and Water Hato, "fro “Back Ri” to “Br” Rebiling the ory of Rises in he Serer and Eighth Conary Aas “Amen Hate Rese 15.1200} 15.108 Hawthorne Fm fies re 152 “hae mb abated onthe dats Reps Pst. Pre Vgc "Unsaid neem So Lat Reade USP (is50-158. ery ®. Py ‘According 0. Cosa Fa, Te Nr te renter Be Sele, ‘edo Unive of Waking Pas 948 1966 7 ge Las Nl rene Jo inthe Tarde Mia of Nenad inthe Cando of Bah Sy er lon 2,1 (2001) 108, Pee Viger “Lc cae devon Abra apport Sint Lois Se Maoh pa nied os Gut End Dabomdnse VI (1952) 19.24 Puta “The ein che Tambor de Mins of Mean 91-115. ‘ames Lran Mary lac dancin: Padi, Tail the Br Brean Condo (nara: Poon Unirory Pe 20055. ‘Se Alero dar Si Fence id Src more dean de inci Now oti 200,108. Pra Te pein th Tabor de Min of Maran” 106 Fer Queene 1 Zana 58 Sei Fotis Regeands inet: Ed ea ist ‘ds Na (So Pal So ate Era Une de Si al ad FAPEMA, 1995) 12, Fete Rpmind Stns, 17. ar" in che Tabor de Min of Mab 105 ds “The inte Tor de Mine of Maan 108 By eof the Lp 18 By Presnell Ene ad che Adare Sl nd Hinory nd Caletie Monary a Dahomey 1618 See By, “Bei Laghny andthe Kit Aa Ieatoal Hor of the ‘Gere har in Preclnal Dshemey 25 jee Lege the Kp Aa Inca Minor of he Quen Mosher in reli Dabo 5. ‘An Lac Arla, Aric nd Myths Reconsracig the Cane ‘Sore Berne Bra and he Kine of Dakomey in iis: Eu gh Mery of te eof eye Ars Lacs Aaj Newent, UR: Cn Schl abating, 2009) 180202 Anji, Dame andi Neh, 187-186 The ena bia Fcc Fl de Sous, nce Robin Law (nial Sul ry of Wet am ling “Par 1727-192 (tha (Ohio Utrera Pro, 2004), chap Rabin a, "Parco ls de Sours tn Woe Af! 12018097 in Ekg Conan: Changing Cae of pen Brel Daring En Sonar Jo Ca and PE Lovoy (fines NV Pree anny Boks, 203) 189215 Rabin Law. "A ‘mania ai de Use or diner snr Src inc de een 1830 e6 fe 27 (200) 41.7 Rain LA cas de Fc ee Sous Aes Oden (1800-188) Tp (200) 9-3 Robin Law “elton ofthe Ba Comey in Ouidah Say Aion 23, fmt 001) 3.2; Cana Sve Pan Fd Soca meat de cee RactciaArnjo, abe Mrmr of ey nt and Ppt ith Sat “nts (ces Canis 010, Asa cae, ogc “itm desde dnt Adan Sas La ecomacon Sela ig. Hitory Memory and inaginatan: Na Agontind « Dobomean Queen i ea a « hide enc li de San? Lani XV, 2 (209) 07-131 tei Art, "Renoue ae pan rn: econo du patintne posrrmuign sail DeSons aBenio Tmt tf ‘bint: Rg ows ra monroe rattle Bogan oa itil Winn hs (be Pre dene al 208) 305.390 al Hou paren Db i hoalepe 956)29 ‘Antes wun] inne i dno nies ton Bit Ske ex pani compen ae rice pour eon et Tercera at Paton gre Be Tac coe ‘ne See mum Le Ratede Saga omc, 29, ‘Amor emeripion nd dato of depos gene cod nxn, {rem uct a men poo Kea do Panes Flo de Sar pred Sept Res Rind fomstedos mince scr ‘hein evem ice npc pl doer pte ooo nor cin ‘Sa Howade pwnage mh prse Age eo

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