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Getting Started with AJAX using Java : Tutorial

Posted on May 22, 2006 by admin

We learnt how AJAX works in previous articles; now we want to explore some
techniques for using AJAX with Java technologies such as Java Server Pages (JSP), Java
Server Faces (JSF) and others.

The most common way of using AJAX with Java technologies is to use JavaScript. You
need to have AJAX functions, such as, creating an XMLHttpRequest object for your
browser, then using the object requests for a JSP page or Servlet (in general, for an URL),
get the response and use it in your JSP web pages. For this, what I usually do is, I create a
JavaScript file with all these functions and include this .js file in my web pages using a
<script> tag, and use the functions mentioned there. This is a very common technique of
using AJAX with JSP, and this is almost the same for PHP. The following example will
clear the concept more.

Problem: We need to get the server date time from a JSP page using AJAX.

Solution: First we will create a JSP web page that will output server data time like the
one below.

<%=new java.util.Date()%>

Save the above line of code as index.jsp. The output will be as follows.

Now create the necessary JavaScript functions, like the one I typically use.

function createRequestObject(){

var req;

//For Firefox, Safari, Opera
req = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if(window.ActiveXObject){
//For IE 5+
req = new ActiveXObject(Microsoft.XMLHTTP);
//Error for an old browser
alert(Your browser is not IE 5 or higher, or Firefox or Safari or Opera);
return req;

//Make the XMLHttpRequest Object

var http = createRequestObject();

function sendRequest(method, url){

if(method == get || method == GET){,url);
http.onreadystatechange = handleResponse;

function handleResponse(){
if(http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200){
var response = http.responseText;
document.getElementById(ajax_res).innerHTML = response;

I usually save the above script as ajax.js. Add this JavaScript in your invoker JSP page
(the page that will invoke the index.jsp to get the server date time) using AJAX.

The invoker JSP, caller.jsp

<%@page contentType=text/html%>
<%@page pageEncoding=UTF-8%>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>

<script src=ajax.js></script>
<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8>
<title>JSP Page using AJAX</title>

<a onclick=sendRequest(GET,'index.jsp) href=#>Server Date Time:</a>

<div id=ajax_res>Server Date Time will replace this text.</div>

This caller.jsp has a <div> element with the id=ajax_res. When I the user clicked the
link Server Date Time: as shown below, the JavaScript function sendRequest from
ajax.js would be called to get the data from index.jsp using HTTP GET method. The
output of caller.jsp before clicking the link is

The output of caller.jsp after invoking the index.jsp using AJAX is

This way you can use AJAX with JSP for retrieving information from Database or from
any file kept in the server, or can send the user information to server and get the response.


There is also an OpenSource project called AjaxTags. This AJAX Tag Library is a set of
JSP tags that simplify the use of AJAX technology in Java Server Pages. This tag library
offers following tags for common AJAX functionality.

Autocomplete: retrieves a list of values that matches the string entered in a text form field
to a data store, just plain old autocomplete!
Callout: displays a callout or popup balloon, anchored to an HTML element with an
onclick event
Select/dropdown: based on a selection within a dropdown field, a second select field will
be populated, important for narrowing down the selections, like after selecting a country
from a list another list shows only the states of the selected country
Toggle: toggles a form field between true and false and at the same time switches an
image between two sources
Update field: updates one or more form field values based on response to text entered in
another field, this is very cool for huge forms with several text and select fields
Portlet: portlet-style capability from a AJAX-enabled JSP tag
Tab Panel: enable an AJAX-based set of property pages.
This tag library relieves J2EE developers to write the necessary JavaScript to implement
an AJAX-capable web form.

This implementation is a combination of Java classes and JavaScript source files. The
Java code should be OS independent as there are no client side components. However,
the Java is dependent on JDK 1.4+ and requires a Servlet container (like Tomcat) to run.
The JavaScript should run in at least Firefox 1.0+ and Internet Explorer 5.0+.
To use AjaxTags tag library, first download it from and
then copy the ajaxtags.jar into your WEB-INF/lib directory. Modify the web.xml for
adding this tag library. Then add the dependency JavaScripts in your JSP pages. To learn
more about this AjaxTags please visit the project homepage at
There is another way of using AJAX with Java Server Faces user interface designs using
Ajax4jsf. You can also use that. But the coolest AJAX tag library is jMaki. Ill show you
how to create a cool and nice with feature rich web page with jMaki and Netbeans 5.5
IDE in the next section.
According to the jMaki project team jMaki is an Ajax framework that provides a
lightweight model for creating JavaScript centric Ajax-enabled web applications using
Java, PHP, and Phobos. To use jMaki with Netbeans IDE, first download the Netbeans
module from and install the module.
Installation procedure is described nicely in this link.
After installing jMaki module you can create your web 2.0 applications with just some
drags and drops. Some examples are here.
First, run the Netbeans IDE. Create a new project from File menu. Select web
application. Select jMaki Ajax Framework. It will ask you to choose the CSS layout,
select Standard one. It will create the banners, a side bar, home page link, sitemap link

Here, you can see the JSP code at the left and the Palette at the right. There are a lots of
jMaki widgets at the palette. jMaki has widgets for Flickr, Google, Yahoo and others.
Using Flickr widgets, you can create captcha, word art, and search for images very easily.
Lets create an image search using jMaki Flickr widget. Just drag the widget from palette
and drop in your JSP page. Now save the project, build and run. A browser will be
opened as below.

Enter some va
lue in the edit box and click Search. It will get the images from Flickr using AJAX.

The JSP file looks like

<%@ taglib prefix=a uri=http://jmaki/v1.0/jsp %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>

<link rel=stylesheet href=jmaki-standard.css type=text/css></link>
<title>Page Title</title>
<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 />
<div class=outerBorder>

<div class=header>
<div class=banner>Application Name</div>
<div class=subheader>

<a href=mailto:feedback@youraddress>Feedback</a> |
<a href=#>Site Map</a> |
<a href=#>Home</a>

</div> <! sub-header >

</div> <! header >

<div class=main>
<div class=leftSidebar>

Sidebar Content Here

</div> <! leftSidebar >

<div class=content style=height:400px>


</div> <! content >

</div> <! main >

</div> <! outerborder >


Now lets try another example. Pick the clock widget from the palette and drop it in your
JSP code. Your code should look like this.

<div class=content style=height:400px>

<a:widget name=dojo.clock />

</div> <! content >

You can change the outlook of this widget also. To do this click within the code of the
widget and then click jMaki button from Netbeans IDE as shown here.

Change the clockType value to Gray. The changed JSP would be like

<div class=content style=height:400px>

<a:widget name=dojo.clock args={clockType:gray}/>

Save the changes and refresh the browser. The output would be

Here is a nice Yahoo slide bar for you.

<a:widget name=yahoo.slider />

Just add the above tag or drag it from palette. The output would be a nice simple slide

Now add a Tabbed View widget from the palette in your code. The JSP code would be:

<div class=content style=height:400px>

<a:widget name=yahoo.tabbedview
{label:'My Tab', content: 'Some Content'},
{label:'My Tab 2', content: 'Tab 2 Content'}
} />

</div> <! content >

You can change the labels from My Tab to anything you need. You can also have as
many tabs as required. The above code will create two tabs with labels and contents as
described in the above code segment. Here is the output of this.
Isnt jMaki cool?! There are lots of other cool widgets for you. Explore all the widgets,
you will love jMaki definitely. You can also add Google Search or Yahoo Search by
simply just dragging and dropping. Also you can add Google Maps very easily in your
web pages. You can have menus, calendars, trees, editor, editable table and lots of other
cool widgets in your web application very easily.

There is good news for PHP developers. That is they can also use jMaki with PHP. I tried
to describe different ways and techniques here in this article to use AJAX with JSP. You
choose which one better fits your need. Now, go try out these solutions and learn AJAX.

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