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Somatic Embryogenesis: Totipotency is the ability of a single cell to divide and produce any cell of any


Embryogenesis: formation of a embryo, may be a zygotic cell or sexual embryo, somatic cell, non zygotic
cell( somatic embryogenesis)

Different factors: plant regulators (hormones)

S. embryogenesis: from a non zygotic cell, identical plant similar to that of its source.

Phytohormones: plant growth regulators

NAA- auxin, induce bud formation, root initiation and cell enlargement

BAP- cell division, shoot formation , leaf growth, /


Number of buds: 1ppm, plateau effect. As BAP and NAA is added, it already inhibits the growth, having
an antagonistic effect.

Bud height

Number of leaves: root length

Aseptic technique: Contamination & deduction of Grade

What are the possible sources of somaclonal variation? Phenotypic plasticity within the organism, the
range of characters it could express.

MS media? Contains essential elements.

Apical bud: with meristematic cells,

Chrysanthemum: head floresences, a big flower with flowers in bet. Increasing the chances of growing
the plant


Gutation: hydathodes

Water vapor through stomata

Methodology: water loss per area of the leaf.

Water level drop is due to the absorption of the plant.

P. lutea (shaded)/

Direct/ indirect transpiration

Indirect transpiration: replacement of an equal amount of water that is loss

Factors affecting transpiration rate

1. Boundary air layer: thicker boundary air layer, slower rate of transpiration, mahirap irelease ng
plant ung gas kapag thick ung boundary air layer
2. Cuticle layer: thicker cuticle, lower rate of transpiration
3. Temperature: increase in T=Increase evaporation=increase absorption
4. Direct Sunlight: stomatal opening=more transpiration (during sunny and day conditions)
5. Wind: preventing the air around the leaves becoming saturated with water molecules
6. Humidity: low humidity


Herbaceous: mas maraming possible transpiration rates which includes the transpiration in the stem.
Transpiration is not attributable to the leaves only because the stems are still herbaceous that contains

Cuticle thickness of cuticle: transcuticular transpiration in cuticle leaf surface, stomatal activity is not
hindered in the cuticle

Area would not matter anymore, because they were all exposed in the same conditions, any factors such
as sunlight do not influence transpiration anymore: 1. Biology of the plant determines the transpiration,
not the are or any biotic factors.
Gross Composition: composition of the plant

Roots have high inorganic matter due to the root being sink of minerals. Partitioning of the minerals or
the distribution of the organic compounds in the different parts of the plant.

Young vs. old plant:

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