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Install OMV on Iomega HMNHD Cloud Edition, V.

05 - MH
Note: Following the procedure described below will destroy all existing data on the hard disk

This tutorial is for the Iomega HMND Cloud Edition NAS device and will only work for this device. I
installed OpenMediaVault based on Stefan Seidlers great post
device.html). Spending many hours and having had a lot of restarting from scratch I finally succeeded
with a lot of help from friendly nas-central forum users (http://forum.nas- Finally I managed to up everything including miniDLNA and
cups as print server. To make it easier to reinstall I saved a disk image using clonezilla. This disk image
serves as a great starting point for finalizing the system.

This tutorial was written using the 2TB version of the Iomega Cloud Edition NAS. The procedure should
also work for smaller or other larger HDs. If you are restoring the image on disks other than 2TB HD see
note further down.

Backup your data prior to installing OMV on Iomega HMNHD Cloud Edition as the disk image will delete
all previous data on the disk. Why is it not possible to maintain your data you might ask. The reason is
the file system Iomega chose for the data partition. XFS will not work reliably with the debian Linux
version that is needed to install in order to get OMV running.

This procedure will install OMV 0.4.38 as this is the latest stable and usable version for arm devices like
the Iomega HMNHD Cloud Edition. Do not upgrade to 0.5.x or higher. Rumors say 0.6 might be usable
for arm devices after release. But add-ons like miniDLNA might not be released for this newer versions.
So if 0.4.38 works for you as it does for me: never touch a running system.

We will use nano to edit config files:
We will also use Clonezilla. Best is to obtain a live CD and boot from the live CD. See Here is a tutorial on using Clonezilla to perform a disk restore
from a disk image:
In order to write the image to the disk you need to hook up the Iomega HMNHD Cloud Edition NAS hard
disk to your PC or better use a USB-Sata adapter

Remove HD from NAS. Here is how to open the box: http://iomega.nas-
Download disk image from Unzip to root of e.g. USB stick or USB disk such that image folder is in the root directory.

Restore disk image to disk

Restore disk image using clonezilla (takes time). The disk image was generated using a 2TB hard disk. If
you need to restore the image on any other size hard disks please refer to
After the process has finished you will have a working Linux debian installation including OMV 0.4.9 and
an ext4 data partition. Note: dont reformat to xfs as it wont work reliably.
Put hard disk back in the Iomega box and hope it boots. This may also take some time - be patient

Final update
Login to web gui (admin/openmediavault) and enable time server.

Login using ssh (root/root), e.g. using putty on Windows

Install keyring
#apt-get install openmediavault-keyring

Edit sources list for update to latest OMV for Iomega device
#nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openmediavault.list
change omnius to fedaykin

Upgrade to 0.4.38. Updating locale files takes some minutes - be patient

#apt-get update
#apt-get upgrade

Edit interfaces file so that eth works after reboot. If you get this wrong the device will not reconnect to
the network after reboot.
#nano /etc/network/interfaces
Insert the following text
# eth0 network interface
auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

Finalizing miniDLNA settigs

MiniDLNA is already installed in the image and just needs some configuration. MiniDLNA was installed as
a package rather than plug-in. If you dont need Id recommend not to uninstall it but just stop the
service or dont list media directories.

Edit minidlna config to have database not on /tmp and set up links to your media directories
(/media/<UUID>/directory). Replace <UUID> with the identifier for your disk.
#ls /media
Take note of the UUID (6114f71f-4b5c-4011-b39c-280c6d3162b7 in my case)
#nano /etc/minidlna.conf

# media_dir=/opt
Reboot and hope

Once up again configure your system using web gui, e.g. change root password, change web gui
password, mount data partition, set up shares, etc.
You may want to delete the existing certificate and create your own new one using the web giu.

If you want to use your NAS as print server

Install CUPS package
#apt-get install cups

Plug in your USB printer into one of the USB ports

#lpinfo -v
note: check the name of your printer and replace accordingly (Samsung-SCX4300 Series in my case)
Add your printer and give it a name (Samsung-SCX4300 in my case)
#lpadmin -p Samsung-SCX4300 -E -v usb://Samsung/SCX-4300%20Series

Edit print server config to allow network access

#nano /etc/cupsd.conf
In section # Only listen for connections from the local machine add a line for the local IP address of
your NAS ( in my case)
Listen localhost:631
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock

In section # Show shared printers on the local network allow all

Browsing On
BrowseOrder allow,deny
BrowseAllow all
BrowseLocalProtocols CUPS dnssd

In section # Default authentication type, when authentication is required

DefaultAuthType Basic

In section # Restrict access to the server allow local access

<Location />
Order allow,deny
Allow @LOCAL

Restart CUPS
#/etc/init.d/cups restart

To add the printer in Windows open the add printer screen and add network printer (change IP and
printer name to your settings):

Final note
Please post your experience.

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