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which is true in the TRIAS symptoms of allergic rhinitis

A. Cough, runny nose, sneezing

B. Itchy nose, runny, cough
C. Red eyes, runny nose, itchy
D. Runny nose, sneezing, itchy nose
E. Sneezing, coughing, itchy nose

32. tissue damage in target organs of allergy, mainly due to the activity of the cell

A. Mast cells
B. Basophils
C. Eosinophils
D. Lymphocyte B
E. Lymphocyte T

33.Which of the main options for the treatment of moderate persistent type of heavy allergic rhinitis

A. Intranasal decongestans
B. Intransal antihistamine
C. Intranasal corticosteroids
D. Oral antihistamine
E. Sodium cromoglicate

34. A child 7 years old suffering from allergic rhinitis, Skin prick test showed positive results to the
shrimp. Which education is the most appropriate to the patient ?

A. Only a 20 % chance the child is allergic to shrimp

B. Children can not eat any food countaining shrimp
C. Children can not eat shrimp and other seafood
D. Children can eat shrimp but taking antihistamines first
E. Children are allowed to eat shrimp piecemeal

35. A 7 years old child allergic rhinitis. He always has antihistamine medication from a doctor. His
father suffered from asthma. To support the diagnosis of allergy and to determine the type of
allergen, which examination is most appropriate ?

A. Atropi Patch Test

B. Intra dermal test
C. Spesific IgE test
D. Skin prick test
E. The number of total IgE

36. What is the advantage of the second generation of antihistamine usage ?

A. Could be given to patient at any age

B. Has anti-inflammation effect
C. Safe for baby
D. Safe for pregnant woman
E. No side effect

37. the following picture the classic appereance of

A. Cows milk allergy

B. Erysipileas skin infection
C. Bug/ insect bite
D. Nickel allergy
E. Antibiotic allergy

38.the following picture is the classic appereance of

A. Dermatitis contact allergy

B. Latex allergy
C. Nickel allergy
D. Atopic dermatitis
E. Paederus dermatitis

39.which of the following drugs is the proper choice for mild intermittent allergic rhinitis with nose
obstruction ?

A. Intranasal decongestan
B. Intranasal antihistamine
C. Systemic corticosteroid
D. Antihistamine oral
E. Sodium cromoglicate

40. the example of Type IV hypersensitivity is

A. Contact dermatitis
B. Atopic dermatitis
C. Paederus dermatitis
D. Insect sting
E. Antibiotic allergy

41.drugs that cause allergic can be a hapten or as a complete antigen. Types of drugs that act as
complete antigens are :

A. Penicillins
B. Cephalosporins
C. Sulfonmides
D. Insulin
E. Anti TB

42.the drugs that can cause contact dermatitis of the ear is ?

A. Cooper
B. Cobalt
C. Gold
D. Latex
E. Nickel

43. a 5 month old baby suffered from recurring redness on the cheeks & itchy. If the results of skin
prick test show a positive cows milk protein, what does it means :

A. All infants aged 5 months will provide a positive SPT result to formula
B. Redness on the cheecks due to exposure to droplets formula
C. Redness would be cured if patient were given milk formula
D. SPT false positive results, the cild must be allergic to eggs
E. Possibility of the child is allergic to formula milk is about 65%

44. at the time of the skin prick test, the child suddenly have blurred vision and loss of
consciousness. Physical examination showed extremities cold, damp, systolic blood pressure: 75
mmHg, what is the first action to be performed ?

A. Administration of oxygen
B. Apply IV line
C. Antihistamine injection
D. Injection of adrenaline
E. Steroid injection

45. the contraindication of immunotherapy is ?

A. Atsma pasien
B. Allergic rhinitis patient
C. Insect bite
D. Autoimmune patient
E. Allergic to pollen patient

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