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(A Classroom Action Research at the Second Year Students of Mts N Klego

Boyolali in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) In English
Department of Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies

NIM. 113 07 052



JL. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721
Website: E-mail:



Hereby the writer fully declares that this graduating paper is made by the
writer herself, and it is not containing materials written or has been published by
other people and other peoples ideas, except the information from the references.

The writer is capable of account for the graduating paper, if in the future the
graduating paper can be proved of containing others idea, or in fact, the writer
imitates the other graduating paper.

Likewise, the declaration is made by the writer and the writer hopes that the

declaration can be understood.

Salatiga, July 22th, 2011

The Writer

NIM: 113 07 052
JL. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721
Website: E-mail:

Hanung Triyoko,S.S, M. Hum, M.Ed Salatiga, July 22th, 2011

The Lecturer of Education Faculty
State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga

Case : Uswatun Khasanahs Graduating Paper


The Head of State Islamic

Studies Institute of Salatiga

Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting uswatun khasanahs graduating paper entitled

Classroom Action Research at the Second Year Students of Mts N Klego
Boyolali in the Academic Year 2010/2011). I have decided and would like to
propose that if could be accepted by education faculty, I hope it would be examined
as soon as possible.

Wassalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.


Hanung Triyoko, S.S, M. Hum, M. Ed

NIP. 19730815199903 I 003
JL. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721
Website: E-mail:




(A Classroom Action Research at the Second Year Students of SMP N

Polanharjo, Klaten in the Academic Year of 2010/2011).


NIM: 113 07 031
Has been brought to the board of examiners of English department of education
faculty State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga on August, 16th 2011, and hereby
considered to completely fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of SI Kependidikan

Boards of examiners,

1. Head : Benny Ridwan, M.Hum

2. Secretary : Maslikhatul Umami, M.A

3. 1st Examiner : Drs. Hj. Woro Retnoningsih, M.Pd.

4. 2nd Examiner : Nurwanto, M. Hum.

5. 3rd Examiner : Hanung Triyoko, S.S, M.Hum, M.Ed.

Salatiga, August 16th, 2011

Head of STAIN Salatiga

Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag

NIP. 195808 27 198303 1 002

Do not think to be the best, but

think to do the best


This graduating paper is whole heartedly dedicated to:

1. My beloved father (Suparto) and my beloved mother (Siti Khotijah), thanks all

support, trust, finance, encouragement, praying and I just can say thank you, I

love you so much! (god bless you)

2. My beloved brothers Amin Maizon and Nur Kholes, you are my inspiration to

get my future and my beloved sister Jazirotul Khoiro thanks for your support.

3. My beloved sister and brother in law Mustakim and Musyarofah thanks for

your support.

4. My beloved nephews Khoirul Anam, Muhamad Fatih and Fahril Alifin and my

niece Salsabila keep on smelling and be creative children.

5. My best friends forever Darni, Ita and Yuli thanks for your kindness,

brotherhood, love, love and soon . I will never forget it.

6. My friends in boarding house . Thanks for your joke,

brotherhood, love, and smile and soon I will never forget it. Keep in

touch even we cannot get together anymore.

7. My friends in TBI B thanks for your advice, togetherness, and joke I miss you

so much..

8. My friend in Stain Salatiga 07

9. All my friends who helped in finishing this graduating paper

10. Someone who will be my couple in the future


In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, the lord of

universe, because of him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one

of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan in English Department of

Education Faculty of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga in 2011.

Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad

SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

However, this success would not be achieved without those supports,

guidance, advice, help and encouragement from individual and institution, and

I somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:

1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag, the head of State Islamic Studies Institute

(STAIN) Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, S.Pd. M.Pd. as the chief of education faculty.

3. Maslikhatul umami, S.Pd. MA, as the chief of English department.

4. Hanung Triyoko, S.S, M.Hum, M,Ed as the consultant who has educated,

supported, directed, and given the writer advice, suggestion, and a

recommendation for this graduating paper from beginning until the end.

5. All of the lectures in English department.

6. All of the staff who have helped the writer in processing of graduating

paper administration.

7. My beloved father (Suparto) and mother (Siti Khotijah), thanks all

support, trust, finance, and encouragement.

8. My beloved brothers, sisters, best friends thanks for your helps and


9. All of teachers and students MTs N Klego Boyolali, thanks for your


10. All my friends who have helped me to finish this graduating paper.

Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful

knowledge and information to the readers. And the writer is pleased to accept

more suggestion and contribution from the reader for the improvement of the

graduating paper.

Salatiga, July 2011

The writer,

Uswatun Khasanah
NIM. 113 07 052

Khasanah, Uswatun. 2011. Improving Listening Skill by Using Storytelling

(A Classroom Action Research at the Second year Students of MTs N Klego
Boyolali in the Academic of 2010/2011). English and Education Department
State Islamic Studies Institute. Supervisor : Hanung Triyoko, S.S, M.Hum,

Based on the first observation, the student still had limited listening
skill and difficulties to learn listening. The students attention to learn English
was decreasing and the teacher has difficulty in classroom management. The
research is aimed to describe teaching listening skill through story telling can
improve listening skill, the second purpose is to describe the procedures of
teaching listening skill through storytelling and the third is to describe the
challenges on implementing storytelling in the listening class. In this
research, storytelling is used to increase students listening in learning
English. This research was carried out at MTs N Klego Boyolali especially in
class VIII A that consists of 22 students. In collecting the required data, the
writer did observation, test, and documentation. There were two cycles in this
classroom action research. In which, each cycle are divided to four procedures
namely; planning, acting, observing and reflecting and consists of two
meetings. The results of pre-test and posttest were used to know the
improvement of the students listening skill. Based on the research findings, it
can be concluded that the process of teaching listening using storytelling is to
improve the students listening skill and to motivate the students to be active
in the classroom. The mean score of pre-test was 43,40 to 60 in post test in
first cycle and pre test in 58,86 to 73,40 in post test in second cycle. The
students score was getting better in each cycle. It indicates that the students
listening skill was improved. Therefore, it is better for the students to study
English carefully through practice and experience, and to be active and
creative in learning English.

Key words : Improving, Listening Skill, Storytelling


TITLE ............................................................................................................. i

DECLARATION ............................................................................................. ii

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ............................................................. iii

STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ............................................................. iv

MOTTO........................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION................................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................. vii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. ix

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................... x

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .......................................................... 1

A. The Background of The Study ................................. 1

B. The Problems Statement .......................................... 4

C. Object of The Study ................................................ 4

D. The Benefits of The Study ...................................... 5

E. Previous Research Review ...................................... 6

F. Limitation of The Study........................................... 8

G. Clarification of Key Terms ...................................... 9

H. Hypothesis .............................................................. 10

I. Methodology of Research ........................................ 10

J. Thesis Organization ................................................. 17


A. Listening as A Language Skill ................................. 19

1. Definition of Listening ...................................... 20

2. Teaching Listening ........................................... 22

3. Learning by Listening ....................................... 23

4. Procedures of Listening ..................................... 24

5. Listening Process ............................................... 25

6. Kinds of Listening ............................................. 25

7. The problems of Listening ................................. 28

8. Developing Listening Skill ................................ 30

9. Types of Listening Question ............................. 35

B. Storytelling .............................................................. 36

1. Definition of Storytelling ................................... 36

2. Advantages and Disadvantages of storytelling .. 37

3. Tips Telling Story .............................................. 38

C. Teaching Listening using Storytelling ...................... 39

CHAPTER III RESEARCH REPORT ................................................. 42

A. General Description of MTs N Klego Boyolali .......... 42

B. Identity of School ..................................................... 42

C. The Facilities and Tools............................................. 43

D. The Profile of The Teacher and Staff ........................ 44

E. The Description of The Students................................ .46

F. The Students Activity ................................................ 47

G. Organization Structure .............................................. 48

H. The Students Enrolled in Teaching Listening using

Storytelling ................................................................ 49

A. Cycle I ...................................................................... 51

B. Cycle II .................................................................... 67

C. Analysis between Cycle I and Cycle II ...................... 79

CHAPTER V CLOSURE.................................................................... 81

A. Conclusion ................................................................ 81

B. Suggestion ............................................................... 82




A. Background of The Study

Listening is a creative skill (Rivers, 1981:160). In order to

comprehend the sounds falling on our ears, we take the raw material of words,

arrangement of words, and the rise and fall of the voice, and from this

material we create significant. But many teachers have assumption that it is

not important to plan the lessons. In fact, shows the damages. Listening theory

is not mastered by students in turn it is difficult for them to formulate about

what and how they must master listening. Teaching English in MTs especially

in secondary school is intended to develop student communicative


The students should learn how to use the language in communication

only after they have learned to master its structure in drills and other

mechanical exercises. The students should be given the occasion to use their

skills even before they have completely mastered them. They should focus on

the purpose, not on the form or their expression. Through interactions,

students can improve their language as they listen or read authentic linguistic,

material or even the output of the other students in discussions and skill join

problems solving task. The students can use all those abuses of the language

in real life exchange, which express their real life meaning.

Teaching students in MTs is focused on the ability to communicate

with it. It means that the communication competence of the students are the

emphasize. Students faced with certain situation, where they express what

they think and what they must do. We can use listening work in the classroom

as one way to help focus on language systems. This activity provides listening

practice by supplying a script for verbalizing along with the listening material.

An additional benefit of this technique lies in a greater perception of the use

of supra segmental, especially linking. Since linking often causes

comprehension problems for students who have been exposed primarily to

carefully articulated talk. Normally, people listen for meaning not for words

(Clark and Clark, 1977: 134). When listen they do not store the verbatim

wording, instead they store inferences, the situation modeled or other

interpretation. They listen not for what was said but for was meant.

Teaching English in MTs is learning through fun. Teaching students is

focused on an activity based approach to teaching young learners. It examines

the educational and linguistic needs appropriate of classroom method. One of

the interesting methods in teaching listening is applying storytelling.

Storytelling is a useful short activity for the end of a lesson, perhaps, or mid-

lesson to provide a change of mood (Scrivener 1994: 173). The story can be

of a real event or it can be made up, it is often a part of our everyday

conversations. Later story teller becomes the community entertainer by

combining their stories with poetry, music, and dance.

When student hear stories which told by teacher they will get

information. The story should be suitable for students and improve their

listening skill in learning foreign language. However, as an English teacher

must help the students cope with their difficulties by giving motivation and

more creative in teaching especially in teaching listening. They can apply

interesting method; use many kinds of medium, playing games and give

positive advice about learning for students. Hopefully, storytelling can assist

students to improve their listening skill.

Usually, most of students like story. It can make them enjoyable and

fun not only in real life but also in teaching learning process means. Story

telling can helps them to play their imagination based on the word and picture.

It is also make students be active in the classroom, they supposition what is

the part of story. Teaching English by applying storytelling has the good

result, because it can improve students listening skills. It can be valuable for

children in their daily life to improve their language comprehension. In spite

of, teacher gets difficulties in integrating storytelling into classroom. Because,

Most of students who do not like English, because they feel sleepy, bored,

confuse, stress and frustrated when the teacher told the story. And the reason

for teacher using storytelling in listening skill, because teacher have problems

such as a shortage of the skill for join stories into foreign language.

Based on the clarification above, the researcher tries to combine the

lesson in the classroom which is boring with the method storytelling which
interest students. That is the reason why the researcher has chosen the title of




B. The Statement of Problem

Based on the background of the research, the writer formulates the

problems as follows:

1. Can teaching listening skill through storytelling improve listening skill at

the second year students of MTs N Klego Boyolali in the academic year


2. What are the procedures of teaching listening skill through storytelling at

the second year students of MTs N Klego Boyolali in the academic year


3. What are the challenges on implementing storytelling in the listening

class at the second year students of MTs N Klego Boyolali in the

academic year 2010/2011?

C. The Objective of The Study

Based on the problems statement, the writer has some objective of the study,

there are:
1. To describe about teaching listening skill through storytelling can improve

listening skill at the second year students of MTs N Klego Boyolali in the

academic year 2010/2011.

2. To describe the procedures of teaching listening skill through storytelling

at the second year students of MTs N Klego Boyolali in the academic year


3. To describe the challenges on implementing storytelling in the listening

class at the second year students of MTs N Klego Boyolali in the

academic year 2010/2011.

D. The Benefit of The Study

This research will give some benefit as follows:

1. For the teacher

The positive result of this research can support the English teacher

to apply this method in teaching listening, and teacher can change their

method especially in teaching listening skill and use the methods to make

the students enjoy and relax in teaching learning process and teacher are

not confused anymore in choosing the appropriate technique to the


2. For the students

This research can support the student can improve listening skills.

Teaching listening using storytelling can make students enjoy and relax in
teaching learning process, because with this method the students can

improve their listening skill with catch the message from teacher and

imagination about story. So it can make easy to the students to improve

their listening skill.

3. For the school

This research can support the school to develop the mediums of

English teaching and learning such as add some of story to improve

students listening skill. School can give the recommendation to the

teacher to the use the appropriate methods, and the more effective method

in learning listening skills, than they will master the English skill and it

can be the great effect to the school.

E. Previous Research Review

In writing this research, the writer takes review or related literature

from the others references as comparison, there are: THE INFLUENCE OF




3003/2004 which was conducted by Ayatus Sangadah, the students of

STAIN Salatiga in the academic year 2003. In this research, she analyzed

about medium of language teaching. According to her, teaching listening

through audio tape-recording in class is better and more effective. Students

who listened to audio tape-recording in listening class are easier in catching

the information from the tape than the others students that did not use audio

tape-recording as the media. They can hear and learn the best way in choosing

the words, how to pronounce, or giving intonation from the native speaker


The second study had been done by Hermi Mulyani untitled THE


THEIR VOCABULARY MASTERY (A Classroom Participation Action

Research of the Fifth Grades Students of MI Pancuran kec. Bawen kab.

Semarang in the Academic Year 2009/2010) In her research, she analyzed

the method in teaching vocabulary mastery through storytelling. After

analyzing the data, she concludes that using storytelling is able to help

students improve their vocabulary mastery. The students progress during

teaching learning process is better. It is supported by the result mean of the

pre-test and post test in cycle 1 and cycle 2. Most of students said that

teaching learning English using storytelling is fun and could help them

increase their motivation.

The third review related to this research is written by Yusiana Irawati,

the student of State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga in the

academic year 2008. The title is A CORRELATIVE STUDY BETWEEN




2007/2008 In this research, she concludes the result of those analyses as


Students hobby in listening to English song of fourth semester English

Department 2007/2008 STAIN Salatiga can be categorized into:

1. Surface level of performing hobby reaches to 32,5% or 13 students. This

level shows that the performance is the most general, although the

performances are only 3 students. The listeners do not specify purposes on

it. Their purpose is only to spend the time.

2. Deep level of performing hobby reaches to 60% or 24 students. Most of the

English songs listeners in this research are in deep level. They have general

performance of this hobby. The listener likes to listen but they do not seem

compel their performance, they just do what they consider it is usual.

F. Limitation of The Study

This study covers Improving listening skill through storytelling. In

order to focus on this research and the result will be valid; there must be

limitation of the problem. The topic must be limited in order to investigate the

problem more accurately, precisely and correctly. Therefore, the writer would

like to limit on this study as follows:

The research is limited in using storytelling.

The research is limited in listening skill

The research is carried out to the second year of students of MTs N

Klego Boyolali in the academic year 2010/2011.

G. Clarification of Key Terms

Avoiding some incorrect interpretation on this research title, the writer

wants to clarify and explain the term used:

1. Improving

Improving is the process of becoming or making to the better (Oxford

University Press, 2003: 216) and according to Merriam Webster (1976:

1138) Improve is to make greater in amount or degree: increase, augment,

enlarge, intensify, (improved the chance that the committee could reach


2. Listening Skill


Listening is alert to or receptive of sound (Merriam Webster

1976: 1320). According to Rivers (1981:160) Listening is not a

passive skill, nor even, as has traditionally been believed, a receptive

skill. Listening is a creative skill.


Skill is ability to do something well (Hornby 1974: 805).

Listening skill

Listening skill is to attend closely to hear (Lewis, 1985:324)

3. Storytelling

According to Scrivener (1994: 173) storytelling is a useful

short activity for the end of a lesson, perhaps, or mind lesson to provide a

change of mood. Storytelling is comprised of two separate stories set

against the sadly comical terrain of college and high school, past and


H. Hypothesis

The researcher tries to make the hypothesis of the research. The

hypothesis of the research is there is an improvement toward the students

listening skills through storytelling.

I. Methodology of Research

1. Setting of the research

The research is conducted at MTs N Klego located on Tanjung

Klego street no. 43 Boyolali Post code 57385. The object of this research

was the students in the 2nd grade in academic 2010/2011 especially in

class VIII A that consists of 22 students. They come from different

economic background. Most of students have difficulties in listening


2. Research Methodology

Action research is known by many other names, including

participatory research, collaborative inquiry, emancipator research, action

learning, and contextual action research, but all are variations on a theme.

Put simply, action research is learning by doing - a group of people

identify a problem, do something to resolve it, see how successful their

efforts were, and if not satisfied, try again. While this is the essence of the

approach, there are other key attributes of action research that differentiate

it from common problem-solving activities that we all engage in every day

accessed on

According to Hopkins (1993:44) action research combines as

substantive act with a research procedure, it is action disciplined by

enquiry, a personal attempt at understanding while engaged in a process of

improvement and reform. The goal of Classroom Action Research is to

improve your own teaching in your own classroom, department, or school.

3. The procedures of the research

In this research, researcher used classroom action research, so in

this case the researcher used two cycles consist of two meeting for each

cycle. The procedures of each cycle are as follows:

1. Planning
The activities the planning is:

a. Preparing materials, making lesson plan, and designing the steps in

doing the action.

b. Preparing list of students name and scoring.

c. Preparing teaching aids.

d. Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the situation

of teaching learning process when the method or technique or

mode is applied).

e. Preparing a test (to know whether students listening skill improve

or not)

2. Action

a. Giving pre-test.

b. Teaching listening skill through storytelling.

c. Giving occasion to the students to ask my any difficulties or


d. Asking the students some questions orally and students have to

answer orally based on story that teacher told.

e. Giving post test.

The Action Research Process

Kemmis has developed a simple model of the cyclical nature of the

typical action research process (Figure 1). Each cycle has four steps: plan,

act, observe, and reflect (

3. Observation

Observation is ones of the instruments used in collecting the

data. As a scientific method, observation can be systematically used to

observe and note the phenomena investigated like the students

feeling, thinking, and something they do in teaching learning process.

4. Reflection

Based on the result of observation, the researcher makes an

evaluation of teaching listening through storytelling. Then, after

finding the result of teaching listening through storytelling in a cycle,

it can make the improvement and decide whether the writer will

conduct the next cycle.

4. The method of collecting data

a. Test

Test is a set of question or exercises or other instrument used to

measure the individuals or group skills, knowledge, intelligence,

ability or attitude of group or individual (Arikunto 1998:51).

1. Pre-test

Pre-test is used to know how far is the students ability to

listening skill before utilize storytelling. The first pre-test was

implemented on Wednesday, 18th of May 2011 in the first cycle

and Wednesday, June 1st 2011 in the second cycle. Pre-test was

implemented in the first meeting in each cycle.

2. Pos-test

Pos-test is used to know how far the students ability to

listening skill is after using storytelling. The first post-test was

implemented on Friday, 27th of May 2011 and on Wednesday, 8th

of June 2011. Post test was implemented in the second meeting in

each cycle.

b. Observation

Observation is a method of way of collecting data with

systematic supervision against researched indication. The teacher as

the researcher helped by a collaborator, the English teacher, makes

notes in observation sheets like the students feeling, thinking, and

something they do in English teaching learning process. Field note is a

way of reporting observations reflection and reactions to classroom

problems (Hopkins 1993:116).

c. Documentation

Hopkins (1993:140) stated that document surrounding

curriculum or other educational concern can illumine rationale and

purpose in interesting ways. The writer will complete the research

through the document in which explain about the school and the data

which is need for this research. The documentary data are book,

transcript and history book of MTs N Klego Boyolali. This method is

used to know the condition of the teachers, students, structure of

organizations, profile of the school and the location at the school.

5. The Technique of Data Analysis

The technique which is will use to collect the data researcher is

quantitative and qualitative data. Researcher is utilizing the qualitative

data to analyze. It is to describe the process and the result of improving

students listening skills through storytelling. Besides qualitative data, the

researcher uses a quantitative data. This technique used to know the result

of students pre-test and post-test. This technique is applying t-test

analysis. The steps as follows:

a. MEAN is average from divisions between sums of students total

scoring a total number of respondents.

M = fx

fx = sum of students score

N = total number of respondent

b. SD (Standard deviation)

The researcher will calculate SD, with formula as follow;

SD =


SD = standard deviation for one sample t-test

D = difference between pre-test and post-test

N = Number of observations in sample

c. T-test

After calculate the SD, the researcher will calculate T-test to know

is there are significant differences between pre-test and post-test.

With the formula as follow;

to = D




to = T-test for the differences of pre-test and post test

SD = Standard deviation for one sample T-test

D = Difference between pre-test and post-test

N = Number of observation in sample

J. Thesis Organization

The researcher organizes the thesis into five chapters as follows:

Chapter one is introduction that consists of Background of the study,

the statement of problems, Objective of the study, Benefit of the study,

Limitation of the study, Clarification of key term, Hypothesis, Methodology

of research, Literature review and Thesis organization.

Chapter Two is theoretical framework consists of the general concept

of listening, Kinds of listening, Teaching listening, the problem of teaching

listening, Media for teaching listening, Storytelling, How to choose a story,

Reasons to tell a story, Teaching listening skill through storytelling.

Chapter Three Is research report which consist of the general

description of MTs N Klego Boyolali, Approach, Population, Technique of

collecting data, Research procedure, Technique of analysis data.

Chapter Four is Implementations of Study consists of Cycle I, Cycle II

and Analysis both cycle I and cycle II

Chapter Five is Conclusions and Suggestion

The Last part is Bibliography and Appendix.



A. Listening as a Language Skills

Listening is one of four Basic English skills: reading, writing,

speaking and listening (Spratt, 2005:30). Like reading, Listening is a

creative skill (Rivers, 1981:160), as it involves responding to language rather

than producing it. Listening involves making sense of the meaningful (having

meaning) sounds of language. We do this through context and our knowledge

of language and the world.

Anyone who uses language well has a number of different abilities. He

may read book, write letters, speak on the telephone, listen to the radio, etc. in

the most general way, we can identify four major skills: listening and

understanding, speaking, reading and understanding and writing (harmer

1983:16). Speaking and writing are obviously skills and involve some kinds

of production on the part on the language user. Listening and reading are

receptive skills in that the language user is receiving written or spoken


We can summarize the four major language skills in the following



Listening and Reading and
RECEPTIVE understanding Understanding

PRODUCTIVE Speaking Writing

1. Definition of Listening

Listening is not a passive skill, nor even, as has traditionally

been believed, a receptive skill. Listening is a creative skill (Wilga,

1981:160). In order to comprehend the sounds falling on our ears, we take

the raw material of words, arrangement of words, and the rise and fall of

the voice, and from this material we create significant.

Listening is a skill and any help we can give students in

performing that skill will help them to be better listeners (Harmer,

1998:98). In the English subject, listening is the subject which is studied

alone. Listening cannot be separated with the other component of the

English subject such as speaking, reading and writing. Teaching listening

is one of the most difficult tasks for any ESL teacher. This is because

successful listening skills are acquired over time and with lots of practice.

Listening is the language modality that is used most frequently. It has

been estimated that students spend almost half their communication time

listening, and students may receive as much as 90% of their school

information through listening to instructor and to one another. However,

language learners do not recognize the level of effort that goes into

developing listening ability.

Listening comprehension is one of the hardest skills to learn in a

foreign language (Longman, 1987:156). Listening involves a sender (a

person, radio, and television), a message, and a receiver (the listener).

Listeners often must process messages as they come, if they are still

processing what they have just heard, without backtracking or looking

ahead. In addition, listeners must cope with the senders choice of

vocabulary, structure, and rate of delivery. The complexity of the listening

process is magnified in second language contexts, where the receiver also

has incomplete control of the language.

According to Woodward (1982: 92) when listening, one has to be

able to:

a. Recognize sounds, words and phrases.

b. Get the general idea, remember salient points and predict whats

coming next.

c. Understand the discourse type or genre you are listening to.

d. Get used to listening to different types of people for differing lengths

of time.
e. Screen out what you are not interested in and focus on what you are

interested in.

f. Deal with accents and dialects.

g. Interpret a message against a background of expectations and respond


2. Teaching Listening

Listening skills are vital for your learners. Of the four skills,

listening is by far the most frequently used. Listening and speaking are

often taught together, but beginners, especially non-literate ones should be

given more listening than speaking practice. Its important to speak as

close to natural speed as possible, although with beginners some slowing

is usually necessary (

Without reducing your speaking speed, teacher can make students

language easier to comprehend by simplifying your vocabulary, using

shorter sentences and increasing the number and length of pauses in your

speech. There are many types of listening activities. Those that dont

require learners to produce language in response are easier than those that

do. Learners can be asked to physically respond to a command, select an

appropriate story or object, cycle the correct letter or words on a

worksheet, draw a route on a map, or fill in the chart as they listen. It is

more difficult to repeat back what was heard, translate into the native

language, take notes, make a outline, or answer comprehension questions.

To add more challenge, learner can continue a story text, solve a problem,

perform a similar task with a classmate after listening to a model or

participate in real-time conversation.

3. Learning by Listening

Learning (comprehending) by listening (Rivers, 1981:157), it

means listening which requires the listener to act in some way. Learning

of language could be done by listening, imitate and practice it. Listening

skills as the first phase that must connected with meaning. Although,

someone might hear or listen some of sound even imitate it. Learning is

getting information from everything we listen in form of the connection

among the words, ideas, and action if not it will be meaningless for the

listeners. Because of the reason, there are steps teachers have to do, i.e.:

a. Listeners listen to subject matter which must be learned and which

itself will be tested (thus interesting how well it was comprehend).

b. Listeners listen for instruction which must be carried out in some

practical way.

c. Listeners listen as part of a global act communication, as a part of a

conventional interchange, which can only continue when there is


4. Procedures of Listening
There are some procedures of listening accessed on


a. Before listening

Prepares your learners by introducing the topic and finding out what

they already know about it. A good way to do this is to have a

brainstorming session and some discussion questions related to the

topic. Then provide any necessary background information and new

vocabulary they will need for listening activity.

b. During listening

Be specific about what students need to listen for. They can listen for

selective details or general content or for an emotional tone such as

happy, surprised or angry. If they are not marking answers or

otherwise responding while listening, tell them ahead of time what

will be required afterward.

c. After listening

Finish with an activity to extend the topic and help students remember

new vocabulary. This could be a discussion group, craft project,

writing task, story tell and games.

5. Listening Process

According to Nunan (1991:17) there are two distinct processes

involved in listening comprehension.

a. Bottom-up
Listener use bottom-up process when they use linguistics

knowledge to understand the meaning of message. They build

meaning from lower level sounds to words to grammatical relationship

to lexical meanings in order to arrive at the final message.

b. Top-down

Listeners use top-down processes when they use prior

knowledge to understand the meaning of a message. Prior knowledge

can be knowledge of the topic, the listening context, the text-type, the

culture or other information stored in long-term memory as commons

situation around which world knowledge organized. Listeners use

content words and contextual clues to form hypotheses in an

explanatory fashion.

6. Kinds of Listening

a. Intensive listening

According to Harmer (2002: 130) intensive listening is the live

listening, where the teacher or visitor come to the class to talk to the

students. Some examples of the live listening are:

1. Reading aloud

Reading aloud is an enjoyable activity, when done with conviction

and style, is teacher reading aloud to a class. This allows them to

hear a clear spoken version of written text, and can be extremely

enjoyable if the teacher is prepared to make a big thing of it. The

teacher can also read/act out dialogues either by playing two parts

or by inviting a colleague into the classroom.

2. Storytelling

Teachers are ideally placed to tell stories which, in turn provide

excellent listening material. At any stage of the story, the students

can be asked to predict what is coming next or be asked to describe

people in the story or pass comment on it in some other way.

3. Interviews

One of the most motivating listening activities is the live

interview, especially where students themselves dream up the

questions. In such situation, students really listen for answers they

themselves have asked for, rather than adopting other peoples

questions. Where possible we should have strangers visit our class

to be interviewed, but we can also be the subject of interviews

ourselves. In such circumstances we might, though to set the

subject or to take on a different person for the activity.

4. Conversation

If we can persuade a colleague to come to our class we can hold

conversations with them about English or any other subject. Than

students have the chance to watch the interaction as well as listen

to it. We can also extend storytelling possibilities by role playing.

b. Extensive listening
Extensive listening is a kind of listening activity with the

more general free for some statement, and not need certain instruction

or guiding. These kinds of listening:

1. Remind the materials what was known through new method.

2. Given opportunity to the students to hear and listens the new

vocabulary and structure.

The materials of extensive listening usually take place outside the

classroom, in the students home, made by the teacher itself, car or

personal stereos as they travel from one place to another place.

Extensive listening divides into four kinds as follows:

a. Social listening

This is usually happen in the social place, where are people

talking each other freely about the certain interesting topic.

b. Secondary listening is kind of casual listening activity. For

example: driving by listening music

c. Aesthetic listening or appreciation listening is the end level of

casual listening from listening music until in the level enjoying

the music

d. Passive listening understands some of material listening

without unconscious efforts such as listening language lesson

while lying down.

7. The Problems of Listening

Most learners will spend considerably more time in listening to

the foreign language than in producing it. It is not only that they must

understand what it said to the students during teaching learning process.

Commons listening problems (

1. Thinking of something else

2. Non verbal: distractions, poor eye contact, face, posture, space and


3. Interruptions

4. Finishing sentences

5. Changing the subject

6. Jump to conclusions

7. Dismiss the information

8. Prefer to talk rather than listen

According to Abbott (1981:63) there are ten differences

mentioned below tend to make listening more difficult than reading:

1. Students usually assume that listening native speaker is more difficult,

because they have different way to produce same sounds. This is an

important point to consider if your students would like to make a

communication with native speaker.

2. Noise sounds can change the meaning of speech. For example, in

telephone conversations, announcements, public places and

conversations in crowded, noisy places. If students really interested in

written material, we can shout out many interruptions but it is more

difficult with speech, and it needs full of concentration.

3. The listener cant manage the speed of listening the material easily.

4. Speak material is something difficult.

5. We can't understand the information in only a few times if it uses

unfamiliar words.

6. A student sometimes has to deal synchronization with other task.

7. Spoken significant is normally much less densely packed with

information than written significant.

8. If the students know how to interpret them, the listener gets

considerable help in comprehension of such aspects of speech as


9. In many situation, student gets signal to interpret with language alone.

10. When listener confuse with conversation, they can ask clarification

about material.

8. Developing Listening Skill

According to Abbott (1981:65) there are five ways to

developing listening skill.

a. Types of listening material students may need to be able to


If we want to help the student to develop listening skill, teacher is

required to consider what types of material that they need in listening.

Furthermore, teacher can make several guesses reasonably. That thing

has to present a check list to help teacher to ensure that he won't ignore

something important for student in the future.

1. Dialogue

a. Unscripted conversations between the students and other

foreign language, the learner and native speakers, other foreign

language without the students participating.

b. Scripted conversation, e.g. like conversation in games and

films. Usually among native speakers. This is to stimulate

original conversation and there are many characteristics will be

the same. In fact, usually there are advantages and

disadvantages, even follow conversation easier than make

dialog lonely or group.

2. Monologue

a. Prepared but unscripted conversation. Teacher conveys the

material from outlined notes. This is consisting of repetition,

rephrasing and indecision, but not as much as unscripted

conversation. Dialect will be differentiated, whereas quick

voice cannot.

b. Verbal instructions and public announcements. Information that

given by resident usually natural and short. They often repeated

in identical form. If conversations are used in public place, they

are difficult to hear because it is noisy. Dialect may be different

but speed will be fairly uniform and moderate.

c. Formal scripted conversation, lectures or teachers and news

bulletins read aloud (sometimes called spoken prose). These

are similar with written texts. Teacher has high information and

little repetition. Teacher usually delivers fairly well and

deliberate style. The speaker will often use whatever dialect to

make students understand.

b. Ways of Developing Skills

According to Abbott (1981:63) there are basically two

ways of helping student to develop skills. One is just to give the

students practice and hope that they will work out for themselves with

the most efficient way. The other way is try to find out how efficient

students of the skill operate, to separate the more specific sub-skills

which the process entails, then to find activities and exercises which

focus on the development of these sub-skills.

We need to give both general practice and exercises which

focus on such things as developing the ability to listen selectively, to

recognize repetition and rephrasing, to make predictions and modify

predictions, to use of the information provided by connecting words

and markers of grammatical relationships, to take the a message or

main idea without to understanding every word by word. We also need

to give practice in such a way that the whole process of foreign

language comprehension is gradually.

c. Making the learners task easier

The types of practice you give to any particular group of learners will

obviously be influenced by the types of material you think they will

eventually want to listen to. But neither the material nor the

circumstances in which they listen to it need be exactly like the target

situation right from the start. According to Abbott (1981:63) the

learners cannot really control his foreign language listening

experiences but teacher can control students in various ways.

1. Teacher can select material which can attract the student interest.

Students perform better with material they want to listen to because

they enjoy it.

2. Teacher also can use prior knowledge of the material to guide the

listeners. This may be done in two ways:

a. Teacher can introduce the topic with a short discussion; for

example you could announce the title or say the first sentence

and ask what they think about it.

b. Teacher can help students to be selective by giving them a

purpose for listening. Give a few questions before the first

hearing or ask them to understand the three main steps in a

3. Teacher can select material at an appropriate level of linguistic

difficulty as syntax and vocabulary.

4. Teacher can control the materials. Listening exercises should be

shorter than reading texts, especially in the earlier steps.

5. Teacher can repeat the material. This is clear but needs to be done

with care. In most target materials will be heard only once. It is

therefore, a good idea to give students something specific to listen

for, even on first hearing, to prove that they can get some

information from a single hearing.

6. Teacher can control the speed of delivery and clarity of diction.

This again is obvious but it is very easy to take it too far. Students

who will eventually have to listen to speech at full speed and with

native speaker fluency (with short forms, unstressed words, etc).

7. You can control the variety and types of accents and the amount of

noise and other distortions.

d. Providing feed-back

According to Abbott (1981:63) Students need some

idea of how to understand well something they have listened to. One

of the teachers jobs is to provide some form of outside and objective

assessment. This is similar to testing; but it should be a form of

testing which puts the interests of the learner first. Basically the

problem consists of finding a way in which the students can present

how well he has understood the comprehension of material without

influenced by other factors. Thus, a student has understood the

material while he was listening to it but should be

1. Understand the question (this applies particularly to multiple-choice


2. Formulate and produce a satisfactory answer

3. Remember the answer.

Furthermore, full comprehension requires an ability to

remember the information received; it is not meaningful listening at all

if students forget everything immediately.

e. Information transfer exercises

Information transfer exercises are very useful here. This

information involves receiving in one form, like: diagrams, graphs,

lines on maps, labels, etc (Abbott 1981:63).

The same technique can also be used for reading comprehension.

Information in Information
Description of Comprehension
process, etc. process Diagram,
Narrative in graph, map,
words (heard or labels for
9. Type of Listening Question

According to Longman (1987:156) there are some traditional

types of listening comprehension question are:

a. Dictation

b. Answering question

c. Obeying command

B. Storytelling

1. Definition of Storytelling

Storytelling is a useful short activity for the end of a lesson,

perhaps, or mid lesson to provide a change of mood (Scrivener 1994:

173). It is not the same as reading a story aloud or reciting a piece from

memory or acting out a drama-thought it shares common characteristics

with these arts. The storyteller looks into the eyes of the audience and

together they compose the tale. The storyteller begins to see and recreate,

through voice and gesture, a series of mental images; the audience from

the first moment of listening, squints, stares, smiles, leans forward or falls

asleep, letting the letter know, whether to slow down, speed up, elaborate

or just finish. Each listener, as well as each teller, actually composes a

unique set of story images derived from meanings associated with words,
gestures and sounds. The experience can be profound, exercising the

thinking and touching the emotions of both teller and listener.

According to Zenger (1997:67) storytelling is the relating of

happenings, tales, or anecdotes to the students. Its main the purpose is to

stimulate interest, learning and imaginations. Since people began to

communicate with each other, tell me a story has been a request of both

children and adult. Storytelling is one person telling others of something.

The story can be of a real event or it can be made up.

However, songs or rhymes would need to be memorized. Be aware of

good diction, gestures, expression and posture. A tape recorder could help

the storyteller evaluate some of his skills. Storytelling can be used in

almost all subject areas, the teacher can ask students to bring pictures

relating to a particular topic.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of storytelling

According to Zenger (1997:68) there are some advantages and

disadvantages by applying storytelling in teaching learning process.

A. Advantages

1. Cultivates imagination and meditation.

2. Helps with formulation of listening skill.

3. Furnishes the time for creative expression.

4. Stimulates interest and learning.

5. Provides a close contact with the students.

B. Disadvantages

1. May lead to discipline problems unless attention is paid to students

attention spans and their interests.

2. Is difficult if the room is crowded and some cannot see.

3. Is sometimes difficult to find words that all in a particular group

will understand.

C. Tips Telling Story

Here are some tips on telling your story


A. How to choose your story

1. Choose a story that exciting and fun to read or listen.

2. The stories should be enjoyable for the age you are telling the story


3. Choose a story with an interesting plot.

4. Fairly tales are usually good stories to tell.

5. Choose a story that has a limited number of different defined

characters carried throughout the story.

B. Rules for telling stories

1. You dont need to memorize the story.

2. You should know what the story is about.

3. Use expressions in your voice for example, use your different

tones for different characters.

4. Always look at the people you are telling the story to.

5. Keep your story exciting.

C. Presentation tips

1. Keep the audience in a small circle or semi circle close to

where you are standing.

2. Always be friendly.

3. Use facial expressions.

D. Reason to tell a story

1. When you tell stories the audience gets more interested in

creative stories.

2. Telling stories make listening skills better.

3. Telling stories will make the audience want to tell their own


4. When people hear stories, they want to write more original


5. Telling a story is enjoyable to the audience.

C. Teaching Listening Using Storytelling

Many educators have seen listening as a receptive communication

skill which develops naturally. They think that by mastering speaking, one

can automatically master listening. Therefore, not many teachers teach their

students listening including the primary teachers. To introduce the secondary

school students to the listening activities, storytelling may be the best

technique to be implemented. Storytelling refers to a technique of teaching

English by presenting the materials or stories using gestures, intonations,

demonstrations, actions, facial expression and perhaps visual media to help

students understand the lesson.

Teachers who are tell personal stories about their past or present lives

model for students the way to recall sensory detail. Listeners can relate the

most vivid images from the stories they have heard or tell back a memory the

story evokes in them. They can be instructed to observe the natural

storytelling taking place around them each day, noting how people use gesture

and facial expression, body language and variety in tone of voice to get the

story across. Story can be rehearsed. Furthermore, the teaching modeling of a

prepared telling can introduce students to the techniques of eye contact,

dramatic placement of a character within a scene, use of character voices and

more. If students spend time rehearsing a story, they become comfortable

using a variety of technique. However, it is important to remember that

storytelling is communication, from the teller to the audience not just acting

or performing.

Like writers, student storytellers learn from models. Teacher who tell

personal stories or go through the process of learning to tell folk or literary

tales make the most credible models. Visiting storytellers or professional

tellers on audiotape or videotapes offer students a variety of styles. Often a

community historian or folklorist has a repertoire of local tales. Older students

both learn and teach when they take their tales to younger audiences or

community agencies. Oral storytelling is regaining its position of respect in

communities where hundreds of people of every age gather together for

festivals in celebration of its power. It is unsurpassed as a tool for learning

about us, about the ever increasing information available to us and about the

thoughts and feelings of others.

To be successful in teaching listening by applying storytelling the

teacher should consider;

a. Reading the story several times, in order to the teacher mastering the story.

b. Analyzing the story, such as: words, pictures, message, appropriate for

students or not, etc.

c. Looking for the background and cultural meaning.

d. Following the story until the character and setting become as real thing.

e. Visualizing it, imagine sounds, facial expression, body movement, clearly.

So, the children can see and understand it.



A. The General Description of MTs N Klego

This classroom action research was carried out at MTs N Klego

(Tsanawiyah Negeri Klego). It is located in Tanjung Klego, Boyolali,

Central Java. It is an Islamic school. It is established on 1949 initiated by

society in Tanjung. The total number of student of MTs N Klego in

academic year 2010/2011 is 211 students. They consist of 109 female

students and 102 male students. MTs N Klego has 9 classrooms which cover

the first year student having three rooms, second year students having three

rooms and the third year having three rooms too. MTs N is applying

religious foundation such as in other Islamic school. It was built in order to

provide education center for children surrounding the school.

B. The Identity of School

a. Name : Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Klego ( MTs N

Klego) Boyolali

b. Address : Jl. Tanjung Klego Boyolali Central Java

c. Phone number : 0276-3333995

d. School status : Public

e. Established :1949

f. Head master. :H.M. Ali Imron M.Pd.

C. The Facilities and Tools

Facilities are all building, things, needed by teachers, students and other

educators provided by school or institution to support successful teaching

learning process in school.




No Facilities Total Condition

1 Class 9 Good

2 Library 1 Good

3 Student Bathroom 1 Good

4 Teacher Office 1 Good

5 Administration office 1 Good

6 Mosque 1 Good

7 Teacher toilet 1 Good

8 Head master toilet 1 Good

9 Head master office 1 Good

10 Guest living room 1 Good

11 Park area 1 Good

12 Canteen 2 Good

13 Field sport 1 Good

14 Tennis hall 1 Good

15 Laboratory 1 Good

16 Security office 1 Good

Source of: MTs N Klego Boyolali

D. The Profile of The Teacher and Staff




a. List of PNS Teachers

No Name Education Subject

1 Drs. H.M. Ali Imron M.Pd.I S2 Quran Hadist

2 Suharyono, A.MD D3 Geografi

3 Dra. Farid Muzayanah SI English language

4 Diyan widyastuti, S.Pd SI IPA, biology

5 Wahtu Eko Wiyono, S.Pd SI PKn, Java language

6 Jamzuri, S.Ag SI SKI

7 Muhamad Anwarudin, S.Ag SI Quran Hadist

8 Rukayah, S.Pd SI Indonesian


9 Nurhayati Setyaningrum, SI PKn


10 Budi Santoso, S.Pd.I SI Economic

11 Eni Zulianti, S.Pd.I SI Fiqh

12 Siti Nurochimah, S.Si S.Si Mathematic

b. Non-PNS teachers

No Name Education Subject

1 Tiri Senior high school Art and culture

2 Drs. Judirobani SI Indonesian


3 Sarjono, S.Ag SI Aqidah achlak

4 Mulyono, S.Pd SI English


5 Gunarto, S.Pd SI Sport

6 Mahmudi PGA Skill

7 Kurnia Widtawati, S.Pd SI IPA, Biology

8 Mushawir, S.Ag SI Informatics and



9 Erni Triwulandari, S.Pd SI Mathematic

10 Moh Teguh, S.S.Hi SI Fiqh, PSPI

11 M. Sri Utami, S.Pd SI Social science

12 M. Rasyid, S.Ag SI Arabic language

13 Muji Rahayu, S.Pd SI Art and culture

15 Siti Mahmudah, S.Pd SI Social science

Source of MTs N Klego Boyolali

c. List of Staffs

No Name Education

1 Subandi Senior high school

2 Marmin D2

3 Muhammad Senior high school

4 Sri Wahyundari Senior high school

5 Riris Nuryani Senior high school

6 Alifatun Nafiah, S.Hi SI

7 Asrori Senior high school

8 Jiman -

Source of MTs N Klego Boyolali

E. The Description of The Students




No Class Total Male Female Total


1. VII A 23 3 43 37 80

B 31

C 30

2. VIII A 22 3 32 36 68

B 22

C 24

3. IX A 20 3 27 36 63

B 22

C 21

= 9 102 109 211

Source of MTs N Klego Boyolali

F. The Students Activity

To complete students achievement, MTs N Klego provides the

extracurricular activities, that as follow:

1. Action and devotion activities

a. Teaching and learning process

b. Jamaah

c. Reciting the holy Quran before the teaching n learning


2. Extracurricular activities

a. Reciting the Islamic teaching

b. Computer

c. Scouting

d. Islamic band extra

e. Drum band

G. Organization Structure


Committee Head master Drs.

Drs. Tuchri IMRON.Mpd.I


Vice head master of Vice head master of WAKA SARPRAS Dra. Public relation
H. The Students Enrolled in Teaching Listening using Storytelling


List of the students

No Name

1. Apriliana Dwi Pratiwi

2. Andika Ari Ekananda

3. Bayu Prakoso

4. Dwi Tri Utami

5. Eka Dian Saputri

6. Eva Darsini

7. Frisky Umi Karisma Putri

8. Febri Yitno

9. Isnadi Maruf Assafa

10. Luluk Tri Utami

11. Muhammad Amar Sahid

12. Muhammad Ariyanto

13. Novita Dewi

14. Putri Yanuarini

15. Randi Pratama

16. Riyanti

17. Siti Sulis Ernawati

18. Septiyana

19. Siti Bela Oktaviani

20. Siti Ambarwati

21. M. Irfani

22. Fathahillah


In this chapter, the writer would like to analyze the data gathered from the

action research activities. The data was obtained from the teaching learning process

and evaluation. The analyze is to measure students listening skill improvement in

teaching learning process in applying storytelling. In this research, the data consist of

pre-test and post-test and field note. In this research implementation the writer has

arranged two cycles, cycle I and cycle II.


1. Planning

Before conducting the research, the writer prepared the instrument as follows;

a. Lesson plan

Lessons plan is a teacher activities orientation. So, teaching learning

process in classroom can be arranged (look at appendix).

b. List of students name

c. Materials

Text with title Monkey and Crocodile and Snow White (look at


d. Sheet for classroom observation

Preparing sheet for classroom observation is to know the situation of

teaching learning process when the method or technique is applied.

1. Teacher prepares the material well. Teacher can prepare the material

and practice it well through lesson plan.

2. Teacher can be conditioned classroom. Teacher is able to control the

class well, though class is so noisy at the first meeting. After teacher

introduce herself, students become quite and some of students ask

Where do you live Miss? And the next meeting, teacher is able to

control the class because she invites them to talk together outside class.

3. Teacher use time effectively. Teacher also can use time effectively like

in the lesson plan. It is indicated when teacher begin and finish the

meeting punctually.

4. The method used interesting. Students feel happy to follow the lesson.

According to them, unique and interesting method because they get it

for the first time.

5. Teacher able to use the method well. The teacher can apply the

materials into his students by mastering the method that used very

well. Therefore, the students can understand the material quickly and


6. Teacher provides evaluation after the lesson. Students can do the

exercise that was given by teacher to evaluate about their mastery in

English and also they can give response or feedback about the

storytelling to measure their activeness.

7. Teacher asks students difficulties. After give the question sheet,

teachers ask students for the difficult words. Likewise, in the end of

meeting teacher asks for the difficulties during doing and following the


8. Students pay attention to the story. Students can give their response to

story by questioning, giving comment or feedback.

9. Students pay attention to the teacher explanation. After explain the

method and the material will be used in the listening class, teacher give

evaluation in form of written question in order to know the level of

students knowledge and understanding of the material.

10. Students memorize the storytelling. Students can retell the story

anymore in front of the class for memorizing the storytelling.

11. The students become more active in classroom. Students become more

active when lesson begin, they give their attention and ask for difficult

words. When they were asked about the material, they answer it

enthusiasm. Indeed they are brave to make joke during the lesson.

12. Students get bored during the learning process. When students are

asked whether they are boring or not, they answer that they are not

boring because the method used increase their motivation and

interesting. Students also can increase new vocabulary.

e. Test

Including pre test and post test. The objective is to know whether students

listening skill improve or not. Pre test was conducted at the beginning of

the research. The objective of this test to check to what extent the students

were familiar with the words that would be presented in action research.

2. The implementation of the action

The first Activity was conducted on Wednesday, 18th of May

2011. The teacher (the writer) and the observer (Siwi Handayani) entered

to the English class. The students sat on their chairs but some of them still

walked around in the class. The situation was noisy; some of students still

spoke with their friends. After all of the students were ready, the teacher

started the teaching learning process by praying. The teacher opened the

lesson by introducing herself because this is the first meeting for them in

the classroom and checked the students pretention. The situation as


Teacher : Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Students : Waalaikumsalam Wr. Wb.

Teacher : Good morning students? How are you today?

Students : Morning miss, I am fine and you?

Teacher : I am fine too, thank you. Ok class, before we begin

our meeting, I want to introduce myself. My name is

uswatun khasanah. You can call me Miss uswah. I am

from STAIN Salatiga. I want to participate in your

class. I hope we can study together. Do you understand


Students : Yes Miss, I understand (they say together). Rumahnya

dimana miss? (Where do you live Miss?)

Teacher : I live in batang pekalongan. Nanti kalau kalian ke

pekalongan mampir ya. ( if you go to pekalongan,

please visit to my house).

Students : Ok, Miss.

Teacher : Who is absent today?

Students : Masuk semua, Miss (all of the students are joining

in the class).

Teacher : OK, thank you.

Before starting the lesson, the teacher introduced the mode of

presentation in applying storytelling. Students have to do 10 essays then

the teacher read the story through storytelling, the teacher used different

voice in different character. Some of the students were afraid and still

confuse about the storytelling method, so the teacher explained again.

There were 22 students who followed this test divided into 9

male and 13 female. The teacher asked; whether students ever told a story

from their parents or not, four of them answered no. they were Sahid,
Riyanti, Eka, and Febri. But Aprilia answer Yes Miss teacher asked the

students about the story they have heard. Could you tell us the story? Yes

miss answered aprilia. Aprilia came in front of the class and told a story

about Ande-Ande Lumut who was looking for a wife. Thats good, give

applause for Aprilia said teacher. Before starting the lesson, the teacher

did pre-test; she distributed the question sheet for all students. They had

10 essays. After a half hour, teacher asked students to collect their answer

sheets on teachers table. After the students came back on their desk, the

situation was quite again. Those students enjoyed that condition.

The topic which is used in the first meeting is the story of

Monkey and Crocodile. Teacher read the story, played her face

expression and changed her voice based on the story. When the teacher

played her face expression based on the story, some students were

laughing, giving comment and enjoying the story.

Teacher saw that the students were enjoyed and gave attention.

The teacher asked one of the students to stand in front of class and read a

text about story and the other students listened to and gathered the story.


Some students : Harus ada yang jadi monkey and crocodilnya

Miss, biar tambah menarik. (There should

become crocodile and monkey miss, in order to

make it more interesting).

Teacher : Ok, I think that is good idea. But, who want

to be a monkey and crocodile?

Some Students : Sahid as a crocodile miss, and Putri as a


Teacher : Do you agree, Sahid? How about you


Sahid and Putri : I agree miss. (They say together).

Putri : But, if my expression bad, tidak apa-apakan


Teacher : Ok, never mind.

Then, teacher asked the students to retell the story and answer

question based on the story. Here, researcher wanted to improve the

students ability in teaching listening skill.

Teacher : Novita, What is the story tell us about?

Novita : I cant mom?

Teacher : How about you putri?

Putri : I know miss, but little. Ini menceritakan tentang

monkey dan crocodile, monkey minta tolong kepada

crocodile untuk menyebrangkan ke sungai.

Teacher : Yes, Good.

Then, the teacher explained about the story and the students

listened to the story well. They studied those materials seriously.

Sometime some students like Aprilia, Putri, Bayu and Novita asked to the

teacher about new vocabularies that they didnt understand the meaning as

across, thought, take and middle. Before reading a story, the teacher

answered the students question. Before the teacher gave the meaning of

the words, she asked to the students to mention the words one by one

loudly. She gave the meaning of the words. They looked enjoy with the


When the teacher asked them about the method given and their

situation whether they still nervous or not, they say that they were very

happy and enjoy the method. Then, the teacher gave worksheet. After they

finished doing the worksheet, the students submitted their answer and the

teacher closed the meeting.

Activity 2 on Friday, 27th of May 2011, the researcher entered in

the English class. Before the teacher entered the class, the students were

ready to receive the lesson it showed that they had been prayed and waited

the teacher. The situation was follow:

Teacher : Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.!

Students : Waalaikumsalam Wr. Wb.!

Teacher : Good morning students, how are you today?

Students : Good morning Miss, Im fine miss thank you? (they

says together)

Teacher : Who is absent today?

Students : tidak ada bu

Teacher : Ok students, we will continue our study yesterday.

Do you remember about the material has studied last


Students : Yes mom, I still remember. Last week we study about

the story about monkey and crocodile.

Teacher : Who want to retell about the story last week?

The teacher asked students about the material which they had

studied last week, but some of them did not answer the question, and some

students still remembered. Like: Putri, Aprilia, Eva, Luluk, Bella and

Fathahillah. Teacher said that students must remember what they have

studied. She commanded students to retell in the front of class. The class

situation was noisy but the students were more enjoy.

When they were asked to retell, they pointed out each other. To

solve this problem the teacher pointed out a student randomly and the

student was Randi. The others students gave supported by saying that he

must be able to do it.

Teacher : Ok, Randi. Now, please retell for your friend about

story last week.

Randi : Ok mom, but I want use Indonesian. Monkey and

crocodile. Pada suatu hari monyet ingin menyebrang

ke sungai. Dan dia melihat crocodile disungai. Dan

monyet minta tolong kepada crocodile untuk

menyebrangkan. Akhirnya crocodilpun mau. Tapi,

ketika ditengah pantai crocodile bilang pada monyet

katanya ayah nya sakit dan harus makan hati monyet.

(One day a monkey wanted to cross a river. He saw a

crocodile in the river, so he asked the crocodile to take

him across the other side. When it was in the middle of

the river crocodile said to the monkey monkey, my

father is very sick, he must eat the heart of monkey).

Teacher : Ok thank you Randi, give applauses for him


After this, the teacher gave the new material for them entitle about

Snow white. After doing the lesson, the teacher asked the students to do

the post-test. The teacher gave them post-test for about 30 minutes. Then

the teacher monitored the students activity and after the time was up, the

teacher submitted the students worksheet. The objective of post test is to

measure students listening skill improvement by applying storytelling in


The teacher asked for the students Ok students, what about the

exercise? Its easy, right? some of students answered Yes miss. They

were Eva, Bayu, Dwi, Aprilia, Sahid, Putri and Ernawati.

Then, the teacher asked to the class to prepare and led the prayer, then the

teacher said; Ok students the time was up, we will continue to the next


Teacher : Before we close our meeting lets we saying

alhamdulilah together

Teacher and students : Alhamdulilahirobil alamin. (Say together)

Teacher : Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb!

Students : Walaikumsalam Wr. Wb!

Teacher : See you next week

Students : See you

3. Observation

Observation Sheet

No Statement Score

Yes No

1. Teacher prepare the material well

2. Teacher can be conditioned classroom

3. Teacher use time effectively

4. The method used interesting

5. Teacher being friendly to the student

6. Teacher are able to use the method well

7. Teacher provide an evaluation after the lesson

8. Teacher ask students difficulties

9. Students pay attention to the story

10. Students pay attention to the teacher explanation

11. Students understand the teacher explanation

12. The student become active in classroom

13. Students brave to ask and answer

14. Students memorize the storytelling

15. Students fell happy during the lesson

16. Students get bored during the learning process

In the process of observation in first cycle, the researcher got the

field note from her partner (Siwi Handayani) as a collaborator. It was to

make the observation more objective and easier. By monitoring the

students activity in this action, teacher could see that they were
enthusiastic although in fact they were confused about the material given

because it was the first time for them in English class by using

storytelling. Sometimes they were very noisy and some of them still

walked around when the teacher entered the class. In spite of, the students

become more motivated in learning listening by using storytelling. It is

shown from the students responses when they had learning activities.

Some of the students were silent when the teacher asked them to answer

the question. Some of them were afraid or ashamed to speak in English,

they were afraid of making mistakes. When the teacher gave a question

they still often used the mother tongue (Indonesian). In this cycle only 8

students who were active in the class. They were: Aprilia, Putri, Sahid,

Novita, Randi, Bayu, Dwi and Eva.

It was very important to continue to the next cycle to increased

students listening skill through storytelling method. The teacher used the

same method and different theme.

Furthermore, the researcher analyzes the students improvement

of listening skill by calculating mean and t-test. The steps are following;

a. Calculate the value

The steps are;

1. Table preparation from pre test and posttest to get D and D2

Table 4.2
No Name Pre-test Post-test D D2

1. Aprilia Dwi Pratiwi 40 60 20 400

2. Andika Ari 35 50 15 225


3. Bayu Prakoso 50 45 -5 25

4. Dwi Tri Utami 40 65 25 625

5. Eka Dian Saputri 30 50 20 400

6. Eva Darsini 65 65 0 0

7. Frisky Umi Karisma 55 40 -15 225


8. Febri Yitno 30 55 25 625

9. Isnadi Maruf Assafa 25 40 15 225

10. Luluk Tri Utami 45 55 10 100

11. Muhammad Amar 50 60 10 100


12. Muhammad 55 50 -5 25

13. Novita Dewi 30 30 0 0

14. Putri Yanuarini 65 70 5 25

15. Randi Pratama 60 65 5 25

16. Riyanti 45 65 20 400

17. Siti Sulis Ernawati 30 50 20 400

18. Septiyana 25 35 10 100

19. Siti Bela Oktaviani 60 75 15 225

20. Siti Ambarwati 40 70 30 900

21. M. Irfani 35 65 30 900

22. Fathahilah 45 70 25 625

= 955 1230 275 6575

D: The differences between pre and posttest

D2: The differences between pre-test n post-test in quadrate

2. Calculate Standard Deviation

SD =

= 298,8 156,2

= 142,6

= 11,94

3. Calculate t0

To =

= ,


= 4,80

b. Giving interpretation to

1. Calculate of df (degree of freedom)

df = N-1

= 22-1

= 21

2. Concern with the t table value

With df = 21, the value of tt table with degree of significance 5% is


3. Comparing to with tt

To = 4,80 is greater than tt = 2,080

4. Conclusion

Because of to 4, 80 2,080 (t calculation is greater than t

table) it means that HO is rejected so conclude that there is

significant differences between pre-test and post-test. After

comparing between the result of pre-test and post-test it can be

seen that the score of students increased. Although on the

observation the students have less motivation and interest in early.

But, after several time they begin to be active in the teaching

learning process.

The writer concludes that through storytelling in teaching

listening can improve students listening skill.

4. Reflection

From the observation result on the cycle 1, The teacher and the

collaborator can conclude that it is very important for the teacher to

condition of the class, give the motivation so the students seriously and

they have more enthusiasm in teaching learning process. Besides that, the
vocabulary is still poor. They asked to the teacher about the meaning of

difficult words for them. Therefore in the next cycle, the researcher will

more motivate the students in order to get better score. Researcher had

also to make a variation in teaching listening so that the students were not

easy to get bored.


Based on the result of the cycle I, it is important for the researcher to continue the

next cycle.

1. Planning

Such as in the cycle I the planning of the writer preparing are follows;

a. Lesson plan

b. Lesson plan is a teacher activities orientation so teaching learning process

in classroom can be arranged.

c. List of students name

d. Material

Text with title Cinderella and A hawk, a hen and a rooster (look at


e. Sheet for classroom observation

Preparing sheet for classroom observation is to know the situation of

teaching learning process when the method or technique is applied.

f. Test

Test Including pre-test and post-test, in order to measure students listening

improvement such as in cycle I.

2. The implementation of the action

The next meeting on Wednesday, June 1st, 2011 the teacher

entered her English class and greeted students. The situation as follow:

Teacher : Good morning class

Students : Good morning miss.

Teacher : How are you today?

Students : I am fine miss. Thank you, how about you?

Teacher : I am fine too.

She gave some information about the activities that will be done.

Before starting the lesson, the teacher asked students to answer the pre-test

in order to check their listening skill such as in cycle I for about 35

minutes. After finished she asked students to collect the answer sheet on

her table.

Then, she introduced the new material. She asked did all of

students know the story about Cinderella. Yes miss answered the

students. It is one of the famous stories. She asked who want to tell a story

slowly. One of the students tried to tell story and the other added it. The

students were told a story in Indonesian.

Putri : Me Miss.
Teacher : Other students, please?

Riyanti : This story tells us about cinderela dia tinggal

bersama ibu tirinya, cinderela disuruh mengerjakan

semua pekerjaan rumah. (Cinderella

lived with her stepmother and stepsisters. They made

Cinderella do all the housework)

Eva : They are all very bad.

Fathahillah : Akhirnya, cinderela marry with pangeran dan hidup

bahagia. (Finally, Cinderella married prince, and they

lived happily ever after)

Teacher : Yes, good. Now who want to be Cinderella? And who

want to be a prince?

Students : Me Miss (they say together)

Luluk : I hope, suatu saat ada pangeran yang menjemput

dengan kuda putihnya. (oneday, there was a prince

with his white horse come to pock us)

Other students : Laugh (hahahahahahah..)!! jangan mimpi

disiang bolong luk! (Dont make daydreaming luk!)

Teacher : Mimpi bisa jadi kenyataan students, siapa tau salah

satu dari kalian akan menjadi pangeran buat luluk.

(keep up your dreaming students, who know that he will

come to us)
Then teacher asked, who are figure in this story? The students

answered Cinderella. You are right, said the teacher.

Then, she told the students that they were going to move to the

next material, they were listening to the story again. Here, researcher

wanted to improve the students ability in teaching listening skill. Teacher

read the text one by one. After reading the text, teacher translated into


Then, she read the story first, played her face expression and

changed her voice based on the story in order students got the story in

target language. Then she, ordered students to read the story, the teacher

commanded a boy on the corner to read the text loudly and carefully. The

students looked nervous but they were enthusiasms. The students rather

gave attention to friend read than teacher. The teaching learning process in

this meeting was increasing. The students who were passive and shy in the

first cycle, they looked confident to answer and speak up in front of class.

Then teacher gave encouragement the students by giving reward, so they

have bravery to read and answer the story. Class situation was more active

and the students were not nervous and shy like in the first cycle.

Then, the teacher asked to the class to prepare and led the prayer,

then the teacher said; Ok students the time was up, we will continue to the

next meeting.
Teacher : Before we close our meeting lets we saying

alhamdulilah together

Teacher and students : Alhamdulilahirobil alamin. (Say


Teacher : Thanks for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb!

Students : Walaikumsalam Wr. Wb!

Teacher : See you next week

Students : See you

Activity 2 on Wednesday, June 8th, 2011 the teacher entered the

class. The teacher greeted all students and take pray together. The teacher

asked with students about the material which had studied last week, but

some of them did not answer the question. She said students must

remember what they have studied and she commanded students to retell in

front of class. Before teacher called their name one by one, they were very

enthusiastic to retell in front of the class but she only asked some of them

because of limited the time. When their friends told the story, the other

listened carefully and enjoyed it. They have different version even though

they used Indonesian.

After this, the teacher gave the new material for them entitle

about A hawk, a hen and a rooster.

Students : What is the story tell us about miss?

Teacher : These stories tell us about a hawk, a hen and a

rooster. Do you know before?

Students : Not yet, Miss

Teacher : Now, I want tell for you. Listen carefully, if you get

difficult words. Ask for me. Are you ready?

Students : Ready Miss.

The teacher distributed the test to the students, so that they can

understand the question before listening to the story that will be read by

teacher. Some of them (Randi, Riyanti, Putri, Andika, Bayu and Aprilia)

ask the meaning about a hawk, fall in love, flew down, thrown away,

promise and catch. Before reading a story, the teacher answered the

students question. After students knew all of words definition the teacher

asked them to answer the questions. After doing the lesson the teacher

asked the students to do post test.

Eva : Miss, number two, siapa yang jatuh cinta dengan a

hen? (Who is fall in love with a hen?)

Teacher : A hen? What the meaning of a hen?

Putri : Me, Miss. A hen is ayam betina.

Teacher : Yes, good Putri. Any others question?

Students : No Miss.

Teacher read the story walked around the class and played her

face expression. The situation was quite, all of students were silent. When
the students did the test she walked around the class to check the students

task. The objective of post test is to measure students listening skill

improvement by applying storytelling in classroom. And the test run well,

each student had competition to make a good result. Then, the teacher

monitored the students activity and after the time was up, the teacher

collected the students worksheet. The objective of post test is to measure

students listening skill improvement by applying storytelling in classroom.

The teacher asked for the students Ok students, what about the

exercise? Its easy, right? some of students answered Yes miss.

Teacher : Can you take the moral value from these story


Aprilia : Kita tidak boleh mengingkari janji. Miss. (we

should not break our promise).

Putri : We must become a loyal people and tidak boleh

mengingkari janji to be good people.

Teacher : That is good, any others?

Randi : Enough miss, I think we have the same answer and

his laugh (hahahaha)!

Then, the teacher asked to the class to prepare and led the prayer,

then the teacher said; Ok students the time was up, we will continue to the

next meeting.
Teacher : Before we close our meeting, lets we saying

Hamdalah together.

Teacher and students : Alhamdulilahhirobil alamin (say together)

Teacher : Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb!

Students : Waalaikumsalam Wr. Wb!

3. Observation

In the second cycle, observation is also carried out during the

implementation of the action such as in cycle I. When the technique was

implemented, the class becomes more active than before. The students

responses in the cycle II were very good. The students were very excited

in learning listening by using story telling. They were enthusiastic to

follow the teaching learning process. Besides that, when the researcher

asked the students what they felt after learning listening by stories,

suddenly most of them answered that they were very happy and easier in

learning English. The students who were quite in the first cycle, they

looked confident and brave to speak English.

Furthermore, the researcher analyzes the students improvement

of listening skill by calculating mean and t-test. The steps are following;

a. Calculate the value

The steps are;

1. Table preparation from pre-test and post-test to get D and D2

Table 4.3

No Name Pre-test Post- D D2


1. Aprilia Dwi Pratiwi 55 70 15 225

2. Andika Ari Ekananda 30 55 25 625

3. Bayu Prakoso 60 90 30 900

4. Dwi Tri Utami 75 70 -5 25

5. Eka Dian Saputri 55 65 10 100

6. Eva Darsini 65 75 10 100

7. Frisky Umi Karisma 65 85 20 400


8. Febri Yitno 50 70 20 400

9. Isnadi Maruf Assafa 45 60 15 225

10. Luluk Tri Utami 60 85 25 625

11. Muhammad Amar 70 60 -10 100


12. Muhammad Ariyanto 50 75 25 625

13. Novita Dewi 70 60 -10 100

14. Putri Yanuarini 75 90 15 225

15. Randi Pratama 65 75 10 100

16. Riyanti 45 70 25 625

17. Siti Sulis Ernawati 60 80 20 400

18. Septiyana 55 65 10 100

19. Siti Bela Oktaviani 50 75 25 625

20. Siti Ambarwati 65 75 10 100

21. M. Irfani 70 85 15 225

22. Fathahilah 60 80 20 400

= 1295 1615 320 7250

D: The differences between pre-test and post-test

D2: the differences between pre-test and post-test in quadrate

2. Calculate standard deviation

SD =

= 329,54 211,41

= 118,13

= 10, 86

3. Calculate t0


= ,


= 6, 13

b. Giving interpretation to

1. Calculate of df

df = N-1

= 22-1


2. Consult with the t table value

With df = 21, the value of tt table with degree of significant 5% is 2,


3. Comparing to with tt

to = 6,13 is greater than tt = 2,080

4. Conclusion

Because of to 6, 13 tt 2,080 (t calculation is greater than t table) it

means that HO is rejected so that there is significant differences

between pre-test and post-test.

From the data calculation above shows that there is

significant differences mean between pre-test and pos-test. The

writer concludes that through storytelling in teaching listening can

improve students listening skill. The students activeness was

improving in classroom. The improvement can be seen from the

verbal score, post-test is higher than pre-test.

4. Reflection

After analyzing the result of cycle I and cycle II it can be

concluded that, the researcher got the result the activities of teaching

listening using storytelling run well and it can make the student easier in

understanding the meaning of words, enjoy the stories and also find the

moral value based on the stories. They also become more motivated in

learning English in which they did not tend to play and disturb their
friends anymore. Based on the observation teaching listening using

storytelling can improve students listening skill. It could be seen from the

mean score of the tests, the students could do the post test well and the

result of pre-test and post-test in cycle I and cycle II.

C. Analysis between cycle I and cycle II

From the result of analyzing in cycle I and cycle II, the researcher

will analyze the students improvement from cycle I to cycle II. The

improvements as follow:

1. The mean of pre-test in cycle I is 43, 40 and increase 13% to be 60 in


2. The mean of pre-test in cycle II is 58, 86 and increase 15% to be 73, 40 In


From the explanation above shows that by applying storytelling

students can improve their listening skill. Moreover the result of t-test

shows that there is significant influence between pre-test and post-test

mean. And the result of post-test from cycle I and cycle II are greater than

pre-test in cycle I and cycle II. It shows that the students achievement in

English has improved. It can be conclude that most of students in the

second year students of MTs N Klego Boyolali in the academic year of

2010/2011 like a story because it can play their imagination, motivate

them in learning listening as the interesting method to apply in classroom.



A. Conclusion

After analyzed the data the writer can conclude that through storytelling,

it is able to help students improvement in their listening skill. Storytelling is one

of the appropriate methods in teaching English especially in teaching listening

process. Besides that, teaching listening which is using storytelling can make

students more enthusiastic, excited and happy in learning listening process. The

students progress during teaching learning process is better. It is supported by

the result mean of the pre-test 43, 40 to 60 in post-test in cycle 1 and pre test in

58, 86 to 73, 40 in pos test in the second cycle. In addition from t- test calculation

shows that there is significance differences between pre-test and post-test not

only in first cycle but also in second cycle.

The procedures of teaching listening through storytelling are teacher

doesnt need to memorize the story but the teacher should know the story is

about. Besides that, they must use expression in her voice and keep story exciting

to make students interesting and happy to follow the lesson.

The challenge that faced by teacher when the teacher used storytelling

are; teacher should use different sound for different character and when the

teacher play her face expression.

B. Suggestion

Based on the research finding and conclusion above, the writer would like

to suggest as follows;

1. For the institution

The students achievement of a lesson is very important. To realize

it needs some kinds of teaching media, then, the institution should be

aware and could provide it.

2. For the English teachers

The teachers have great influence for students to be successful in

learning English. The teacher should improve their ability in teaching.

They can use many kinds of methods and medium to support their

teaching learning process and they must motivate students to learn English

seriously. The use of instructional media or aids should be encouraged. It

would facilitate the students to understand the leaning subject.

3. To the students

Motivation is an important factor in the process of English learning

so the students should develop their motivation. Students should always to

be active in teaching learning process and not afraid or lazy in the English

lesson. They must study hard if they want to be successful in mastering

The students should give the more attention and keep their attitude

when teacher explained the lesson and teach them. However, if the teacher

gives some questions, they can answer the question although there are

some mistakes in the spelling.

4. To other researcher

It has been known from the finding of the research by applying

storytelling it can improve students listening skill. Hereby, it is hoped that

the result of the study makes the English teacher use an appropriate

teaching mode of presentation on improving students listening skill. Based

on the explanation above the writer would like to suggest other

researchers, that the result of the study can be used as additional reference

for further research with different sample and occasions.


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Place /Date of Birth : Kab. Batang, 26 Juni 1989

Address : Pucanggading Rt/Rw. 01/02 Bandar, Kab. Batang

Education : 2001 passed from MII Pucanggading

2004 passed from MTs Attaqwa Bandar

2007 passed from SMA N I Bandar

2011 passed from State Islamic Studies Institute

(STAIN) of Salatiga

This curriculum vitae has written seriously and be able to responsibility by the writer.

Salatiga, August 2011

The writer

Uswatun Khasanah
NIM: 113 07 052


Name : Siwi Handayani

Place /Date of Birth : Boyolali, March 19th, 1984

Address : Karang Nongko, Rt/Rw 07/02 Tanjung Klego,



Sekolah : MTs N Klego Boyolali

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : VIII/2

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 Menit

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan

Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog

pendek sederhana berbentuk narrative untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Dasar : Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek

sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk

Indikator :
1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks monolog
2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan kommunikatif teks narrative
pendek sederhana.
3. Merespon yang terkandung dalam teks narrative

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:
Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks monolog narrative
Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks narrative pendek
Merespon makna yang terkandung dalam teks narrative

II. Materi Pembelajaran

Narrative text
Monkey and Crocodile
One day a monkey wanted to cross a river. He saw a crocodile
in the river, so he asked the crocodile to take him across the other side.
The crocodile told the monkey to jump on its back. Then the crocodile
swam down the river.
Now, the crocodile was very hungry, so when it was in the
middle of the river, it stopped and said to the monkey, monkey, my
father is very sick. He must eat the heart of the monkey. Then, he will
be strong again. The monkey thought for a while. Then he told the
crocodile to swim back to the river bank.
Whats for? asked the crocodile.
Because I didnt bring my heart with me, said the monkey. I
left it under the tree, near some coconuts.
So the crocodile turned around and swam back to the bank of
the river. As soon as they reached the river bank, the monkey jumped
off the crocodiles back and climbed up to the top of a tree.
Where is your heart? asked the crocodile.
You are foolish, the monkey said to the crocodile. now, I
am free and you have nothing.
The monkey told the crocodile not to try to fool him again. The
crocodile swam away, hungry.

Snow White
Once upon a time there lived a little, named snow white. She
lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents were died. One day
she heard her aunt and uncle talking about leaving snow white in the
castle because they wanted to go to America and they didnt have
enough money to take snow white with them.
Snow white didnt want her uncle and aunt to do this. So, she
decided to run away. The next morning she run away from home when
her aunt and uncle were having breakfast, she run away into the wood.
In the wood she felt very tired and hungry. Then she saw the cottage.
She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and felt asleep.
Meanwhile seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went
There, they found snow white woke up. She saw the dwarfs.
The dwarfs said; what is your name? Snow white said, My name is
Snow White. One of the dwarfs said, If you wish, you may live here
with us. Snow White told the whole story about her. Then, Snow
White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.

III. Metode/Teknik Pembelajaran


IV. Langkah-Langkah Kegiatan

1. Pendahuluan
Salam dan tegur sapa
Perkenalan guru
Perkenalan materi
Pre-test untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa sebelum menggunakan
metode storytelling.
guru menjelaskan pada peserta didik tentang kompetensi yang
akan dicapai
2. Kegiatan inti
Guru menanyakan tentang cerita yang pernah didengar peserta
Guru menyuruh kepada peserta didik menceritakan cerita yang
pernah didengarkan mereka sebelumnya


Guru menbagikan soal kepada peserta didik

Guru bersama dengan peserta didik mengidentifikasi kata-kata
Guru bercerita kepada peserta didik
Peserta didik dapat merespon maksud dari teks yang


Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan guru

dengan mendengarkan cerita menggunakan storytelling
Guru melakukan penilaian
3. Kegiatan penutup
Menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama proses belajar mengajar.
Menyimpulkan materi pelajaran.

V. Sarana
Media Pembelajaran : Teks Narrative
Sumber Pembelajaran : Internet

VI. Pedoman Penilaian

Bentuk/Jenis : Tes tulis
Bentuk Instrumen : Tes tertulis
Rubric penilaian
1. Soal benar tata bahasa benar nilai 10
2. Soal bener tatabahasa salah nilai 5
3. Menjawab tapi salah nilai 2
Nilai siswa = jumlah benar X 10
Nilai rata-rata siswa : Total nilai keseluruhan siswa
Jumlah siswa


Guru Pengampu Researcher

Mulyono, S.Pd.i Uswatun Khasanah

Kepala Sekolah
Drs. H.M.Ali Imron, M.Pd.i
NIP. 19620207 198803 1 005


1. Pre-test

Monkey and Crocodile

One day a monkey wanted to cross a river. He saw a crocodile
in the river, so he asked the crocodile to take him across the other side.
The crocodile told the monkey to jump on its back. Then the crocodile
swam down the river.
Now, the crocodile was very hungry, so when it was in the
middle of the river, it stopped and said to the monkey, monkey, my
father is very sick. He must eat the heart of the monkey. Then, he will
be strong again. The monkey thought for a while. Then he told the
crocodile to swim back to the river bank.
Whats for? asked the crocodile.
Because I didnt bring my heart with me, said the monkey. I
left it under the tree, near some coconuts.
So the crocodile turned around and swam back to the bank of
the river. As soon as they reached the river bank, the monkey jumped
off the crocodiles back and climbed up to the top of a tree.
Where is your heart? asked the crocodile.
You are foolish, the monkey said to the crocodile. Now, I
am free and you have nothing.
The monkey told the crocodile not to try to fool him again. The
crocodile swam away, hungry.

Listen and answer the text carefully!

1. What the story tells us about?
2. Who did want to across the river?
3. Who was seen the monkey in the river?
4. Who was hungry?
5. Why did the monkey ask crocodile to go back to the river?
6. Who was jumped off the crocodiles back?
7. Who was free and who did have nothing?
8. Who was the foolish animal? Monkey said
9. How did the story end?
10. What is the lesson taken from the story?

2. Post-test
Snow White
Once upon a time there lived a little, named snow white. She
lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents were died. One day
she heard her aunt and uncle talking about leaving snow white in the
castle because they wanted to go to America and they didnt have
enough money to take snow white with them.
Snow white didnt want her uncle and aunt to do this. So, she
decided to run away. The next morning she run away from home when
her aunt and uncle were having breakfast, she run away into the wood.
In the wood she felt very tired and hungry. Then she saw the cottage.
She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and felt asleep.
Meanwhile seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went
There, they found snow white woke up. She saw the dwarfs.
The dwarfs said; what is your name? Snow white said, My name is
Snow White. One of the dwarfs said, If you wish, you may live here
with us. Snow White told the whole story about her. Then, Snow
White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.
Listen and answer the text carefully!
1. What the story tells us about?
2. Whom Snow White lived after her parents death?
3. Why her uncle and aunt didnt bring snow white to America?
4. Where did snow white run away while her uncle and aunt was
having breakfast?
5. What did Snow white see when she was hungry and tired?
6. What did seven dwarfs see when they entered?
7. Who were coming home from work?
8. What did snow white see when she got up?
9. What did seven dwarfs offer to snow white?
10. Did snow white and seven dwarfs live happily ever after?

Key answer pre-test Monkey and crocodile

1. The story tell us about monkey and crocodile
2. A monkey
3. The Monkey saw crocodile
4. The Crocodile
5. Because he said that his father is sick.
6. The monkey jumped the crocodile
7. Monkey was free and crocodile had nothing
8. The foolish animal was crocodile
9. The story ended when the monkey was free from crocodile.
10. If you want to help someone dont ask for repayment, help his

Key answer post-test Snow White

1. The story tells us about snow white.
2. Snow white live with her uncle and aunt
3. Because they didnt have enough money to take snow white with
4. Snow white run away into the wood.
5. snow white saw the cottage
6. Seven dwarfs saw the snow white woke up
7. The dwarfs
8. Snow white saw the dwarfs
9. The dwarfs offered to live with them
10. Yes, they did


1. Pre-test

A hawk, a hen and a rooster

Once upon a time a hawk fell in love with a hen. The hawk
flew down from the sky and asked the hen, wont you marry me? The
hen loved the brave, strong hawk and wishes to marry him. But she
said, I cannot fly as a high as you can. If you give me time, I may
learn to fly as high as you. Then, we can fly together.
The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring.
This is to show that you have promised to marry me, said the hawk.
So it happened that the hen had already promised to marry a
rooster. So, when the rooster saw the ring, he became very angry.
Throw that ring away at once! Didnt you tell the hawk that youd
already promised to marry me? shouted the rooster. The hen was so
frightened at the roosters anger that she threw away the ring
When the hawk came the next day, the hen told him the truth.
The hawk was so furious that he cursed the hen. Why didnt you tell
me earlier? Now, you will always be scratching the earth, and Ill
always be flying above you to catch your children, said the hawk.
The curse seems to have come true.

Listen and answer the text carefully!

1. What the story tells us about?
2. Who was fall in love with a hen?
3. Who did flow down from the sky?
4. Did hen agree to marry with hawk?
5. What was the thing that hawk given for hen?
6. Did she throw away the ring immediately?
7. Who was another else that hen promise to marry?
8. Why the rooster was angry with her?
9. What did the hawk say to hen when he was angry with her?
10. Who would fly above and catch hen children?

2. Post test


Once upon a time there was a girl called Cinderella. She lived
with her stepsisters. They were very bossy. They made Cinderella do
all the housework.

One day an invitation to the ball came to the family. Her

stepsisters would not let her go. Cinderella was sad because she
wanted to go to the ball too. Her stepsisters went to the ball without

Fortunately, the fairy godmother came and helped her to get to

the ball. At the ball, Cinderella dance with the prince. The prince fell
in love with her than married her. They lived happily ever after.

Listen and answer the text carefully!

1. What the story tells us about?
2. With whom Cinderella lived?
3. Were they very bossy to the Cinderella?
4. Were they made Cinderella do all the housework?
5. Were they gone to the ball with Cinderella?
6. Why Cinderella was sad?
7. Who was came and helped Cinderella to get to the ball?
8. With whom Cinderella dance at the ball?
9. Who was felt in love with Cinderella?
10. Did they live happily ever after?

Key answer pre test A hawk, a hen and a rooster

1. The story tells us about a hawk, a hen and a rooster

2. A hawk
3. A hawk
4. Yes, she did
5. The thing that hawk given for hen was a ring
6. Yes, she was
7. A rooster
8. Because a rooster saw the ring
9. A hawk said now, you will always be scratching the earth, and Ill
always be flying above you to catch your children.
10. A hawk

Key Answer post test Cinderella

1. The story tells us about Cinderella

2. Cinderella live with her stepsisters
3. Yes, they were
4. Yes, they were
5. No, they were not
6. Because she wanted to go to the ball too
7. She was the fairy godmother
8. With The Prince
9. A Prince
10. Yes, they did


Nama : Uswatun Khasanah Jurusan/Progdi : Tarbiyah/TBI

NIM : 113 07 052 PA : Mukti Ali, M.Hum

No Nama kegiatan Tgl pelaksanaan Jabatan Nilai

1. Opspek STAIN Salatiga 28-31 Agustus Peserta 3

2007 2007

2. Breaking the Fast and 25 September Peserta 2

Bioskop Ramadhan held 2007
by religious division of

3. Diskusi Ramadhan Dengan 21 September Panitia 2

Tema Meraih 2007
Kesempurnaan Diri Di
Bulan Yang Suci
4. Seminar nasional dan 5 April 2007 Peserta 6
konsolidasi BEM Se-Jateng
Seminar Nasional Politik

5. Sarasehan Bela Negara 17 September Peserta 3

Dan Buka Bersama 2007
Dengan Tema Memelihara
Keutuhan Bangsa Dari
Ancaman Disintegrasi Dan
Sektarianisme Agama

6. Workshop Komputer 10-11 September Peserta 3

Panitia 17th anniversary 2007
LPM Dinamika tahun 2007
auditorium STAIN Salatiga

7. Workshop ESIQ 6-8 November Peserta 3

(Emotional, spiritual, 2008
intelligent quotient) STAIN

8. Panitia Seminar Dan 15-17 Desember Peserta 6

Silaturahmi Nasional 2008
Forum Mahasiswa Syariah

9. Sarasehan keagamaan 9 September 2009 Peserta 2

dengan tema Aktualisasi
Nilai-nilai Spiritual Puasa
di Bulan Ramadhan

10. Seminar Nasional dengan 22 April 2009 Peserta 6

tema Demokrasi,
Kepemimpinan Nasional
dan Masa Depan Indonesia

11. SEMINAR 2 Desember 2009 Peserta 3

Tema Memperkokoh
Kepeloporan Mahasiswa
Dalam Pembangunan
Menuju Kejayaan Indonesia
Dipentas Global

12. Seminar Intrepreneur Goes 3 Juni 2009 Peserta 3

To Campus 2009 Dengan
Tema Mencetak
Wirausaha Handal Melalui
Incubator Kampus

13. Practicum Program Tadris 20 Februari 2009 Peserta 2

Bahasa Inggris

14. Seminar Regional 16 Desember 2009 Peserta 3

Dengan tema Modernisasi
Pendidikan Islam Berbasis

15. National Workshop Of 19 Desember 2010 Peserta 6

Entrepreneurship And Basic
Cooperation 2010

16. Bassic Training Of 9-10 Oktober Pendamping 3

Leadership Di SMK Sultan 2010
Fatah Dan Yonif 411

17. Pelatihan TOEFLE 25 Januari-10 Peserta 3

Februari 2011

18. Pelatihan Ilaik (Ikhtiar al- 11-26 Februari Peserta 3

Lughah al-Arabiyah Ka 2011
Lughah Ajnabiyah)

19. PUBLIC HEARING 9 Maret 2011 Peserta 2

dengan tema; Optimalisasi
Demokrasi Kampus
Sebagai Upaya Integrity

20. Lomba TPQ Se-Kelurahan 1 Mei 2011 Panitia 2

Kembaran kab. Magelang
Dengan Tema Semangat
Berakhlak Mulia

21. Seminar Nasional 20 Juni 2011 Peserta 6

Pendidikan Realisasi
Pendidikan Karakter
Bangsa Dalam Kurikulum
Pendidikan Nasional

22. Seminar Nasional Pilar- 22 Juni 2011 Peserta 6

Pilar Penanggulangan
Korupsi di Indonesia
Prospektif Agama, Budaya
dan Negara

23. Seminar Politik dengan 27 Januari 2011 Peserta 3

tema Pilwakot yang ideal
untuk masa depan Salatiga
yang lebih baik

Jumlah point 81

Salatiga, 25 Juli 2011

Pembantu Ketua
Bidang Kemahasiswaan

H. Agus Waluyo, M.Ag

NIP. 19750211200003 1001

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