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Enhancing Voltage Stability of Radial Distribution

Systems by Network Reconfiguration
a a a a
Electrical Engineering Department, JNTU College of Engineering, Anatapur, India
Published online: 22 Aug 2006.

To cite this article: S. SIVANAGARAJU , N. VISALI , V. SANKAR & T. RAMANA (2005) Enhancing Voltage Stability of
Radial Distribution Systems by Network Reconfiguration, Electric Power Components and Systems, 33:5, 539-550, DOI:

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EMP 33(5) #29912

Electric Power Components and Systems, 33:539550, 2005

Copyright Taylor & Francis Inc.
ISSN: 1532-5008 print/1532-5016 online
DOI: 10.1080/15325000590505046

Enhancing Voltage Stability of Radial Distribution

Systems by Network Reconfiguration

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Electrical Engineering Department
JNTU College of Engineering
Anatapur, India

Network reconfiguration is performed by altering the topological structure of distri-

bution feeders. By reconfiguring the network, voltage stability can be maximized for
a particular set of loads in distribution systems. A simple algorithm is formulated for
enhancement of voltage stability by network reconfiguration through loss reduction
method. In network reconfiguration for loss reduction, the solution involves a search
over relevant radial configurations. To aid the search, a simple load flow method
has been developed. This method is computationally efficient and in general gives
conservative estimates of loss reduction. The proposed method has been tested on a
69-node test system and the results indicate that it is able to determine the appropri-
ate switching options of the distribution systems to give maximum load, the system
can ensure without going into voltage instability. It has also been shown that power
losses are reduced when voltage stability is improved by network reconfiguration.

Keywords distribution networks, load flow technique, reconfiguration, voltage sta-

bility index

1. Introduction
Recently, there has been a growing interest in optimizing the operation of distribution
networks particularly in the area of distribution system automation. Distribution systems
are normally configured radially. From time to time, modifying the radial structure of the
feeders by changing the on/off status of the sectionalizing and tie switches to transfer
loads from one feeder to another may significantly improve the operating conditions of
the overall system. As the distribution systems normally have a combination of industrial,
commercial, residential and lighting loads, and the peak load on the substation transform-
ers and feeders occur at different times of the day, the systems become heavily loaded
at certain times of the day and lightly loaded at other times. If the distribution loads
are rescheduled more efficiently by network reconfiguration, the voltage stability in the

Manuscript received in final form on 30 April 2004.

Address correspondence to S. Sivanagaraju, Electrical Engineering Dept., JNTU College of
Engineering, Anatapur, 515002, India. E-mail:

540 S. Sivanagaraju et al.

system can be improved. Reconfiguration also allows smoothening out the peak demands,
improving the voltage profile in the feeders and increasing the network reliability.
The modern power distribution network is constantly being faced with an ever-
growing load demand. Distribution networks experience distinct change from a low to
high load level every day. Numerous problems have to be attended to in monitoring
the operation of such a system, which includes various switching operations for shifting
loads, etc. In addition, most modern networks have to operate taking into consideration
the minimization of losses to achieve higher efficiency.
In certain industrial areas, it has been observed that under certain critical loading
conditions, the distribution systems experience voltage collapse. Brownell [1] has reported
the actual recording of these phenomena in which system voltage collapses periodically
and reactive compensation needs to be supplied to avoid repeated voltage collapses.
Voltage collapse is a local phenomenon. It occurs at a bus within the area with high
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loads and low voltage profile. Due to the rapid growth in power demand of certain in-
dustrial power networks, incidence of unexpected voltage collapse has been experienced.
When such an incident occurs, some industrial loads will be disconnected through auto-
matic cut-off switches resulting in severe interruptions. Hence, a major concern in power
distribution networks, which have surfaced fairly recently, is the problem of voltage
Literature survey shows that a lot of work has been done on the voltage stability
analysis of transmission systems [2] and very little work has been reported on the voltage
stability analysis of radial distribution networks. Jasmon and Lee [3] and Gubena and
Strmcnik [4] have studied the voltage stability analysis of radial networks. They have
represented the whole network by a single line equivalent. The single line equivalent
derived by these authors [3, 4] is valid only at the operating point at which it is derived.
It can be used for small load changes around this point. However, since the power
flow equations are highly nonlinear, even in a simple radial system, the single line
equivalent system representation would be inadequate for assessing voltage stability limit.
In addition, their techniques [3, 4] do not allow for changing loading pattern of the various
nodes, which would greatly affect the collapse point.
The current article proposes an efficient model for voltage stability analysis, in
particular the use of the voltage stability index (VSI) to identify the node, which is
susceptible to voltage instability. Through this index, one can measure the level of voltage
stability and thereby appropriate action can be initiated if the index indicates a poor level
of voltage stability.

2. Determination of Voltage Stability Index

A simple load flow technique for solving radial distribution networks has been presented
[5]. This method is employed for deriving the voltage stability index of radial distribution
networks, and salient steps are presented below. The electrical equivalent of a typical
branch of radial distribution network is shown in Figure 1. The current through branch
jj is given by,

I(jj ) = [P(m2) j Q(m2) ]/V(m2) . (1)

= [V(m1) V(m2) ]/[r(jj ) + j x(jj ) ] (2)

Enhancing Voltage Stability 541

Figure 1. Electrical equivalent of a typical branch jj .

Equating Eqs. (1) and (2)

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P(m2) j Q(m2) |V(m1) |m1 |V(m2) |m2

|V(m2) |m2 r(jj ) + j x(jj )

|V(m1) ||V(m2) |(m1 m2 ) |V(m2) |2 = {P(m2) j Q(m2) }{r(jj ) + j x(jj ) }

Separating the real and imaginary parts, the real part is

|V(m1) ||V(m2) | cos(m1 m2 ) = |V(m2) |2 + {P(m2) r(jj ) + Q(m2) x(jj ) } (3)

and the imaginary part is

|V(m1) ||V(m2) | sin(m1 m2 ) = {P(m2) x(jj ) Q(m2) r(jj ) } (4)

Squaring and adding Eqs. (3) and (4), and then simplifying,

|V(m2) |4 b(jj ) |V(m2) |2 + c(jj ) = 0 (5)


b(jj ) = |V(m1) |2 2P(m2) r(jj ) 2Q(m2) x(jj ) (6)

c(jj ) = {P(m2)
+ Q2(m2) }{r(jj
) + x(jj ) }

For Eq. (5), the following are the four possible solutions for the receiving end voltage
|V(m2) |
(1) [ 21 [b(jj ) {b(jj
) 4c(jj ) }
1/2 ]] 2

(2) [ 21 [b(jj ) {b(jj

) 4c(jj ) }
1/2 ]]1/2

(3) [ 21 [b(jj ) + {b(jj

) 4c(jj ) }
1/2 ]]1/2

(4) [ 21 [b(jj ) + {b(jj

) 4c(jj ) }
1/2 ]]1/2

It is found for realistic systems, when P , Q, r, x, and V are expressed in p.u., b(jj )
is always positive because the term 2{P(m2) r(jj ) + Q(m2) x(jj ) } is extremely small as
compared to |V(m1) |2 . In addition the term 4c(jj ) is negligible compared to b(jj 2 . Therefore
2 4c
) (jj ) } 1/2 is nearly equal to b
(jj ) and hence the first two solutions of |V(m2) | are
nearly equal to zero and the third solution is negative and hence not feasible. The fourth
542 S. Sivanagaraju et al.

solution of |V(m2) | is positive and only possible feasible solution. Therefore, the feasible
solution of Eq. (5) is
|V(m2) | = [b(jj ) + {b(jj
) 4c(jj ) }
] (8)
The corresponding phase angle of V(m2) can be calculated from Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) as

(P(m2) x(jj ) Q(m2) r(jj ) )

m2 = m1 tan1 (9)
|V(m2) |2 + P(m2) r(jj ) + Q(m2) x(jj )

The real and reactive power losses in any branch jj are

r(jj ) {P(m2)
2 + Q2(m2) }
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LP(jj ) = (10)
|V(m2) |2

x(jj ) {P(m2)
2 + Q2(m2) }
LQ(jj ) = (11)
|V(m2) |2

TLP = LP(jj )
jj =1

Usually the substation voltage Vs is known and is taken as |V(m1) |. Initially, LP(jj )
and LQ(jj ) are all set to zero for all jj . Then the initial estimate of P(m2) and Q(m2) will
be the sum of the loads of all the nodes beyond node m2 plus the local load of node m2 .
For all the branches jj = 1, 2, . . . , LN1 set m1 = IS (jj ) and m2 = IR(jj ) and compute
P(m2) and Q(m2) using the algorithm given in [5]. Compute |V(m2) |, LP(jj ) , and LQ(jj )
using Eqs. (8), (10), and (11). This will complete one iteration. Update the loads (by
including losses) P(m2) and Q(m2) and repeat the same procedure until all the voltages
are computed to a tolerance level of 0.0001 p.u. in successive iterations.
However, in the present work, a VSI for all the nodes is proposed for radial distri-
bution networks, a unique feasible solution of |V(m2) | has been obtained from Eq. (8), it
is seen that a feasible load flow solution of radial distribution networks will exist if

) 4c(jj ) 0 (12)

From Eqs. (6), (7), and (12), the following equation can be obtained:

{|V(m1) |2 2P(m2) r(jj ) 2Q(m2) x(jj ) }2 4{P(m2)

+ Q2(m2) }{r(jj
) + x(jj ) } 0

After simplification

|V(m1) |4 4{P(m2) x(jj ) Q(m2) r(jj ) }2 4{P(m2) r(jj ) + Q(m2) x(jj ) }|V(m1) |2 0 (13)

Defining the voltage stability index at node m2 as:

VSI(m2) = |V(m1) |4 4{P(m2) x(jj ) Q(m2) r(jj ) }2 4{P(m2) r(jj ) + Q(m2) x(jj ) }|V(m1) |2

The condition for stable operation of the radial distribution network is VSI(m2) 0, for
m2 = 2, 3, . . . , NB. This condition can be tested for different load modeling.
Enhancing Voltage Stability 543

3. Load Modeling
All the loads, represented by their active (PL 0 ) and reactive (QL 0 ) components at 1.0 p.u.
The effect of voltage variation is represented as follows:

PL = k PL 0 |V(m2) |n (15)

QL = k QL 0 |V(m2) |n (16)

where k = scaling factor and varies from zero to a critical value at which voltage collapse
takes place, i.e., loads are gradually increased at every node; |V(m2) | = voltage magnitude
at node m2 ; and n = 0 for constant power load, = 1 for constant current load, and = 2
for constant impedance load.
The value of n may be different according to load characteristics. For composite
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loads. For example, in this study, a composite load of 40% constant power, 30% constant
current and 30% constant impedance load k is taken.

4. Flowchart to Maximize the Voltage Stability by Network

The flowchart of the proposed method for network reconfiguration of radial distribution
networks for enhancing the voltage stability is shown in Figure 2.

5. Results and Analysis

To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method has been implemented for the 69-
node distribution system [6] is shown in Figure 3, the line, load and tie switch data are
given in appendix. The total system loads for the base configuration are 3802.19 kW and
2694.60 kVAr.

5.1. Before Reconfiguration (Original Network)

In the present work, the study of minimum voltage limit at a particular node of the given
distribution network is done by using different load compositions, i.e., constant power,
constant current, constant impedance and composite loads respectively and a comparative
analysis is done.
The load at each node is increased gradually and the node at which the voltage
instability occurs is identified. This test is carried out for the four different types of load.
For each load type, the test is repeated for three different voltage levels. Comparisons
in voltage behavior for the different type of load as well as for different voltage levels
have been made. During the course of the comparative study, it has been found that for
all types of loads, when the load is increased gradually, the minimum value of voltage
stability index is occurring at minimum voltage node. Therefore, it can be concluded that
the minimum voltage node is the most sensitive to voltage stability.
Figure 4 shows the plots of TPL vs. Vmin, TQL vs. Vmin, TPL vs. VSImin, and TQL
vs. VSImin, respectively, for constant power type of load at different substation voltage
levels. The critical loading points or collapse points are indicated, beyond which a small
increment of load causes the voltage instability. Similarly, the critical load conditions for
remaining types of load are given in Table 1. It is observed from the shape of the plots that
the VSI of a node varies almost linearly with increasing the real and reactive power loading.
544 S. Sivanagaraju et al.
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Figure 2. Flow chart for proposed method.

Table 1 indicates the critical loading conditions of minimum voltage node for dif-
ferent types of load and different voltage values. It is seen that the critical loading for
constant current load is maximum and that for constant power load is minimum. The
critical loading for constant impedance lies between these two and that for the composite
load solely depends on the percentage composition of the three loads. The VSI, and hence
the voltage at that node, is minimum for constant power load and maximum for constant
impedance load. For constant current load, VSI lies in between these two values.
Enhancing Voltage Stability 545
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Figure 3. 69 node radial distribution network.

Figure 4. Variation of Vmin and VSImin w.r.t. total real and reactive power load for constant
power load model before reconfiguration.
546 S. Sivanagaraju et al.

Table 1
Before reconfiguration

Critical loading condition

voltage TPL TQL VSImin Vmin
Load type (p.u.) (MW) (MVAr) (p.u.) (p.u.)

Constant power (cp) 1.000 9.19699 6.50859 0.04796 0.47263

1.025 9.66148 6.83730 0.05497 0.48791
1.050 10.13925 7.17541 0.05937 0.49743
Constant current (ci) 1.000 11.32777 8.01392 0.10244 0.56847
1.025 11.90109 8.41941 0.11308 0.58269
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1.050 12.48927 8.83562 0.12449 0.59686

Constant impedance (cz) 1.000 10.57380 7.48339 0.21715 0.68455
1.025 11.10910 7.86223 0.23969 0.70166
1.050 11.65761 8.25043 0.26395 0.71877
Composite (40% cp, 1.000 11.07284 7.83420 0.07007 0.51765
30% ci, & 30% cz) 1.025 11.64473 8.23886 0.07987 0.53481
1.050 12.22965 8.65273 0.09071 0.55204

5.2. After Reconfiguration (Modified Network Using Proposed Algorithm)

The above-proposed network reconfiguration algorithm is tested on 69-node distribution
system. The total initial real power loss is 317.18 KW, after reconfiguration the real
power loss is 143.26 KW. Therefore, total power loss reduction is 173.92 KW, due to the
improvement of minimum voltage from 0.875494 p.u. to 0.930317 p.u. The summary of
test results for network reconfiguration is given in Table 2.
After carrying out the study using network reconfiguration as mentioned above,
the results are compared. Table 3 gives the details of the critical loading conditions of
minimum voltage node for the four different types of loads while using reconfiguration.
Figure 5 shows the plots of TPL vs. Vmin, TQL vs. Vmin, TPL vs. VSImin, and
TQL vs. VSImin, respectively, for constant power type of load at different substation
voltage levels after reconfiguration. The critical loading points or collapse points are
indicated beyond which a small increment of load causes the voltage instability.
As in the previous method, the critical loading of constant impedance load is mini-
mum and that of constant current is maximum. The VSI of constant impedance load is
maximum and that of constant power load is minimum. From Tables 1 and 3, the results

Table 2
Summary of test results for network reconfiguration of
69-node distribution network

Network System power Minimum

configuration Open tie switches loss (kW) voltage (p.u.)

Initial 69
73 317.18 0.875494
63 143.27 0.930317
Enhancing Voltage Stability 547

Table 3
After reconfiguration

Critical loading condition

voltage TPL TQL VSImin Vmin
Load type (p.u.) (MW) (MVAr) (p.u.) (p.u.)

Constant power (cp) 1.000 15.39634 10.89578 0.05338 0.48067

1.025 16.17388 11.44604 0.06130 0.49758
1.050 16.97395 12.01224 0.06593 0.50673
Constant current (ci) 1.000 16.89606 11.94539 0.15220 0.62460
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1.025 17.75187 12.55045 0.16799 0.64020

1.050 18.62883 13.17046 0.18497 0.65580
Constant impedance (cz) 1.000 15.21464 10.75502 0.26681 0.71871
1.025 15.98488 11.29949 0.29451 0.73667
1.050 16.77414 11.85740 0.32431 0.75464
Composite (40% cp, 1.000 17.07686 12.07522 0.11522 0.58261
30% ci, & 30% cz) 1.025 17.91765 12.66967 0.13024 0.60075
1.050 18.77637 13.27679 0.14675 0.61893

Figure 5. Variation of Vmin and VSImin w.r.t. total real and reactive power load for constant
power load model after reconfiguration.
548 S. Sivanagaraju et al.

with and without network reconfiguration of distribution system for voltages 1.0 p.u.,
1.025 p.u., and 1.05 p.u., respectively, are compared. It is seen that the use of reconfigu-
ration greatly improve the VSI value and hence the critical loading of the node. This leads
to remarkable improvement in the value of voltage at the time of critical load conditions.

6. Conclusions
In this work, the algorithm for load flow solution of radial distribution network has
been extended to determine the VSI. A new expression for the VSI is proposed for
such networks. It is possible to compute the VSI at every node and identify the node at
which the value of VSI is minimum and that node is most sensitive to voltage instability.
Effectiveness of the proposed technique has been demonstrated through a 69-node radial
distribution network. The same voltage stability analysis has been carried out on different
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 03:06 06 August 2013

types of load, i.e., constant power, constant current, constant impedance and composite
The test results have been found to be similar, albeit minor changes in the values
depending on the type of loading. The VSI (and hence the voltage) at a particular node has
been found to vary linearly with change in load until the critical collapse point is reached.
Beyond this load, the load flow method is found to fail because voltage instability occurs
abruptly even with very small change in further load.
The same study has been carried out using network reconfiguration, yielding inter-
esting results. It has been found that a great improvement in VSI (and hence the voltage
level) can be achieved using network reconfiguration.

List of Symbols
NB total number of nodes
LN1 total number of branches
jj branch number
r(jj ) resistance of branch jj
x(jj ) reactance of branch jj
I(jj ) current flowing through branch jj
V(m1) voltage of node m1
V(m2) voltage of node m2
P(m2) total real power load fed through node m2
Q(m2) total reactive power load fed through node m2
TPL, TQL total real and reactive power load of the system
LP(jj ) real power loss in branch jj
LQ(jj ) reactive power loss in branch jj
TLP total real power loss
Vmin minimum voltage
k load multiplying factor
VSI(m2) voltage stability index of node m2
VSImin minimum value of voltage stability index
nt number of tie switches
V(tse) tie branch sending end node
V(tre) tie branch receiving end node
V(sse) sectionalizing branch sending end node
V(sre) sectionalizing branch receiving end node
Enhancing Voltage Stability 549

1. G. Brownell and H. Clarke, Analysis and solutions for bulk system voltage instability, IEEE
Computer Applications in Power, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 3135, 1989.
2. V. Ajjarapu and B. Lee, Bibliography on voltage stability, IEEE Transactions on Power Sys-
tems, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 115125, February 1998.
3. G. B. Jasmon and L. H. C. C. Lee, Distribution network reduction for voltage stability analysis
and load flow calculations, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,
vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 913, February 1991.
4. F. Gubina and B. Strmcnik, A simple approach to voltage stability assessment in radial net-
works, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 11211128, August 1997.
5. S. Sivanagaraju, N. Sreenivasulu, and M. Vijayakumar, New method of load flow solution of
radial distribution networks, Proc. All India Seminar on Power Systems: Recent Advances and
Prospects in 21st Century, Jaipur, India, pp. 226234, 17 Feb. 2001.
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 03:06 06 August 2013

6. M. E. Baran and F. F. Wu, Optimal capacitor placement on radial distribution systems, IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 725734, 1989.


Table 4
Line, load and tie switch data of 69-node radial distribution network

Real Reactive
Branch Sending Receiving Resistance Reactance power power
number end node end node () () (KW) (KVAr)

1 1 2 0.0005 0.0012 0.00 0.00

2 2 3 0.0005 0.0012 0.00 0.00
3 3 4 0.0015 0.0036 0.00 0.00
4 4 5 0.0251 0.0294 0.00 0.00
5 5 6 0.3660 0.1864 2.60 2.20
6 6 7 0.3811 0.1941 40.40 30.00
7 7 8 0.0922 0.0470 75.00 54.00
8 8 9 0.0493 0.0251 30.00 22.00
9 9 10 0.8190 0.2707 28.00 19.00
10 10 11 0.1872 0.0619 145.00 104.00
11 11 12 0.7114 0.2351 145.00 104.00
12 12 13 1.0300 0.3400 8.00 5.50
13 13 14 1.0440 0.3450 8.00 5.50
14 14 15 1.0580 0.3496 0.00 0.00
15 15 16 0.1966 0.0650 45.50 30.00
16 16 17 0.3744 0.1238 60.00 35.00
17 17 18 0.0047 0.0016 60.00 35.00
18 18 19 0.3276 0.1083 0.00 0.00
19 19 20 0.2106 0.0696 1.00 0.60
20 20 21 0.3416 0.1129 114.00 81.00
21 21 22 0.0140 0.0046 5.30 3.50
22 22 23 0.1591 0.0526 0.00 0.00
23 23 24 0.3463 0.1145 28.0 20.00
24 24 25 0.7488 0.2475 0.00 0.00
25 25 26 0.3089 0.1021 14.00 10.00
26 26 27 0.1732 0.0572 14.00 10.00
27 3 28 0.0044 0.0108 26.00 18.60
28 28 29 0.0640 0.1565 26.00 18.60

550 S. Sivanagaraju et al.

Table 4

Real Reactive
Branch Sending Receiving Resistance Reactance power power
number end node end node () () (KW) (KVAr)

29 29 30 0.3978 0.1315 0.00 0.00

30 30 31 0.0702 0.0232 0.00 0.00
31 31 32 0.3510 0.1160 0.00 0.00
32 32 33 0.8390 0.2816 14.00 10.00
33 33 34 1.7080 0.5646 19.50 14.00
34 34 35 1.4740 0.4873 6.00 4.00
35 3 36 0.0044 0.0108 26.00 18.55
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36 36 37 0.0640 0.1565 26.00 18.55

37 37 38 0.1053 0.1230 0.00 0.00
38 38 39 0.0304 0.0355 24.00 17.00
39 39 40 0.0018 0.0021 24.00 17.00
40 40 41 0.7283 0.8509 1.20 1.00
41 41 42 0.3100 0.3623 0.00 0.00
42 42 43 0.0410 0.0478 6.00 4.30
43 43 44 0.0092 0.0116 0.00 0.00
44 44 45 0.1089 0.1373 39.22 26.30
45 45 46 0.0009 0.0012 39.22 26.30
46 4 47 0.0034 0.0084 0.00 0.00
47 47 48 0.0851 0.2083 79.00 56.40
48 48 49 0.2898 0.7091 384.70 274.50
49 49 50 0.0822 0.2011 384.70 274.50
50 8 51 0.0928 0.0473 40.50 28.30
51 51 52 0.3319 0.1114 3.60 2.70
52 9 53 0.1740 0.0886 4.35 3.50
53 53 54 0.2030 0.1034 26.40 19.00
54 54 55 0.2842 0.1447 24.40 17.20
55 55 56 0.2813 0.1433 0.00 0.00
56 56 57 1.5900 0.5337 0.00 0.00
57 57 58 0.7837 0.2630 0.00 0.00
58 58 59 0.3042 0.1006 100.00 72.00
59 59 60 0.3861 0.1172 0.00 0.00
60 60 61 0.5075 0.2585 1244.00 888.00
61 61 62 0.0974 0.0496 32.00 23.00
62 62 63 0.1450 0.0738 0.00 0.00
63 63 64 0.7105 0.3619 227.00 162.00
64 64 65 1.0410 0.5302 59.00 42.00
65 11 66 0.2012 0.0611 18.00 13.00
66 66 67 0.0047 0.0014 18.00 13.00
67 12 68 0.7394 0.2444 28.00 20.00
68 68 69 0.0047 0.0016 28.00 20.00

Tie switch date

69 11 43 0.5 0.5
70 13 21 0.5 0.5
71 15 46 1.0 0.5
72 50 59 2.0 1.0
73 27 65 1.0 0.5

Base MVA: 100

Base KV: 11.00

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