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Universidad Politcnica del golfo de Mxico

Reported Speech
Course: English VI

Teacher: Nidia Andrade Tejeda

Petroleum Engineering VI B

Jaqueline Lucero Guevara

Fernando Hernndez Madrigal
Jess Miguel Fras Crdova

18 de septiembre de 2017
Universidad Politcnica del Golfo de
Por una Educacin Integral con Sentido Humanista
Ciencia y Tecnologa que Transforman
Gobierno, Empresa y Universidad en equipo para la

Jaqueline greeted to Reyna.

Jaqueline remarked that they were students of the Universidad Politcnica del Golfo de
Mxico of the career petroleum Engineering.
Jaqueline introduced his partners.
Jaqueline declared that the interview consisted to 20 questions.
Jaqueline asked if she was ready.

Reyna agreed.

1- Daniel asked what her favorite sport and how long she had been playing/doing it.
2- Daniel asked what her plans for her next vacation were.
3- Jaqueline asked how long she has known her best friend.
4- Jaqueline asked if she could give a description of her best friend.
5- Jaqueline asked what kind of music like her.
6- Jaqueline asked if she always listened to that music.
7- Jesus asked what she had used to do when she was younger that she doesnt do
8- Jesus asked if she had some predictions about the future.
9- Jesus asked if she could tell him what she does on a typical Saturday afternoon.
10- Jesus asked what she was doing the day before at that time.
11- Jesus asked how many years has she been working at the restaurant.
12- Jesus asked what she did at the restaurant.
13- Jesus asked how much important the hygiene as a part of her job.
14- Daniel interrogated if the products that she uses for her meals were adequately
supervised and he asked how the process was.
15- Daniel interrogated what the most purchased products for food cooking were.
16- Daniel interrogated what the best-selling type of food in the restaurant was.
17- Daniel interrogated what the hardest part of her job was.
18- Jaqueline asked what problems she had with her customers and how she had solved
19- Jaqueline asked what the secrets to succeed in a business of that type were.
20- Jaqueline asked what she did to be above the competition.
21- Jaqueline asked what she thinks about the petroleum industry.
Universidad Politcnica del Golfo de
Por una Educacin Integral con Sentido Humanista
Ciencia y Tecnologa que Transforman
Gobierno, Empresa y Universidad en equipo para la

1. Reyna replied that her favorite sport is hiking and said that she has been doing it since
2. Reyna said that she is planning to go to Maui.
3. Reyna replied that she had known her best friend for about 15 years.
4. Reyna responded that her best friend is short and chubby, fair skin.
5. Reyna said that she likes classical music.
6. Reyna agreed.
7. Reyna responded watch soap operas.
8. Reyna responded Global Warming.
9. Reyna responded at working.
10. Reyna said that she had been at a friends house.
11. Reyna responded 1 year.
12. Reyna said that she is a manager.
13. Reyna remarked that is extremely important.
14. Reyna asserted and explained that as soon as they arrive they check the temperature, to
ensure they are safe.
15. Reyna responded Meat patties.
16. Reyna responded ice cream.
17. Reyna declared that its very stress full because its a pretty busy restaurant.
18. Reyna explained that its wrong food orders and they solve them by following the
protocol L.A.S.T. it stands for; L listen, A ask how can we help, S solve And T thank
the customer.
19. Reyna declared that the secrets to succeed in a business of this type were Speed,
accuracy and Cleanliness.
20. Reyna said that they always have ready in ordered to process the orders in 5 minutes
or less from ordering point to the delivery of people order.
21. Reyna said that she think is an important industry as there is many products derived
from petroleum. I also think is pretty bad for the environment when there is an oil
spill, such as the one that happen in the Gulf of Mexico few years ago.

Jaqueline thanked for her time.

Reyna responded that Jaqueline is welcome.

Jaqueline said bye.

Jesus repeated bye.
Daniel told Good bye.

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