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Sustain Sci (2017) 12:183185

DOI 10.1007/s11625-017-0426-4

SPECIAL FEATURE: EDITORIAL Sustainability and Digitalization: A Game-Changer?

Possibilities, Perils, Pathways

The game-changing potential ofdigitalization forsustainability:

possibilities, perils, andpathways
PeterSeele1 IrinaLock2

Published online: 15 February 2017

Springer Japan 2017

When in 2015, 193 countries agreed on 17 sustainable records, social media profiles, and many more (Boyd and
development goals, the nations delegates signed a chal- Crawford 2012) have altered the way humans interact with
lenging agenda aimed to render this planet livable for future each other and with their natural environment. Digital tech-
generations within the next 15years. This process has just nology, as in the example of Big Data, offers new possibili-
begun and implementation and dialogue with different ties and pathways of how to shape the future and research
stakeholders is required to bring the SDG to live. This is (Shah et al. 2015), for instance, through the information
true, particularly given the past steps to strive for sustain- civilization brought about by monopolistic structures in
ability, which have not yet led to groundbreaking levels the corporate sphere (Zuboff 2015). Algorithmic capacities
of achieving more sustainability (or less unsustainability). allow for data processing and analysis that open up unseen
Despite many efforts in developing and developed coun- predictive capabilities, and thus a time-ontological shift
tries, none of the member states of the United Nations has (Seele 2016a). Digitalization has (positively as well as neg-
achieved all goals yet (GeSI 2016), so the call for intensify- atively) incalculable potential to help achieve sustainability
ing engagement and transforming societies remains open. of the planetary and human system, or at least help reduce
This is where Big Data and Digitalization comes in: Digital the negative impact of people. ICT and Big Data can help
technologies in the form of e-health services, robotics, or promote sustainability (Gijzen 2013; Hampton etal. 2013),
emission reduction solutions could help individuals, organ- because the societal complexity of the planetary nervous
izations, and nations achieve a more sustainable planet in system is strongly connected and these systems may lead
light of the sustainable development goals. Given the stag- to cascading effects that increase vulnerability (Helbing
nation of sustainable development, the overall sustain- 2012). Via a big data-driven transnational sustainability
ability gap (Lubin and Esty 2014) continues to be a major agency (Seele 2016b) or a digital global participatory
issue, as the overconsumption of natural resources and its platform, for instance, digitalization can help increase
harmful consequences threaten the basis of our existence (strong) sustainability in the environmental, social and eco-
and that of future generations (WCED 1987). nomic spheres (Helbing 2012). Hence, digitalization bears
Parallel to this development stands the increasing speed consequences for transparency and accountability that open
and spread of digital technology in all areas of life. Infor- up entirely new ways to shape, monitor, communicate, and
mation and communication (ICT) technology constitute our govern sustainability (e.g., Heemsbergen 2016). In conclu-
new digital age (Schmidt and Cohen 2013), encompass- sion, both megatrends, sustainability and digitalization,
ing a richness of soft- and hardware and linked processes. impose major transitions on our world and how we picture
Analyses of genetic sequences, personal health data, phone it.
In this regard, sustainability science is the scientific way
of gathering data to analyze pathways towards a (more)
* Peter Seele sustainable world, by taking into account future genera-
tions. Given its transformative nature, sustainability is
Universit della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland expected to adapt to the new possibilities and perils of the
University ofAmsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands digital age, or vice versa, digitalization is the driver that


184 Sustain Sci (2017) 12:183185

changes sustainability. Whether and in how far this trans- of particular interest yet rarely investigated. The authors
formation through digitalization facilitates or impedes studied the effectiveness (in terms of test results) of the
the development of a more sustainable world, however, is use of digital content in school lessons compared to les-
still unknown. The purpose of this special issue is there- sons with traditional content. They find that given power
fore to shed light on the different possibilities, perils, and outages and other technical malfunctions, teachers were
pathways the digital revolution can bring for sustainability unable to manage the switch between digital lessons
and sustainability science and intends to address the overall and traditional methods of teaching, which resulted in
question: In what ways is digitalization a game changer for diminished interest and lowered concentration of stu-
sustainability? dents. Thus, the sustainable development goal of qual-
The papers in this special issue deal with the impact of ity education for all is not necessarily facilitated through
digitalization on sustainability in manifold ways, applying ICT-based teaching in developing countries, because
an array of disciplinary, methodological, cultural, and topi- of insufficient ICT infrastructures. This deepens rather
cal perspectives. than bridges the education gap between developed and
Analyzing e-participation of citizens in environmentally developing regions instead of facilitating global learning
sensitive projects through ICTs, He et al. (2016) investi- opportunities through the ubiquity of information in the
gated the potentials of digital communication technology in digital age.
a Chinese setting. The article E-participation for environ- Lock and Seele (2016) offer a conceptual account when
mental sustainability in transitional urban China applies they outline ten stakeholders of sustainability in the digital
a mixed methods approach. The authors investigate how age in their article Theorizing stakeholders of sustainabil-
ICTs can facilitate e-participation and governance from the ity in the digital age. By taking on a stakeholder theory
citizens and the governments perspectives. They provide perspective that originated in management studies, the
particularly interesting insight by embedding analysis into authors look at sustainability as a normative concept, posi-
the context of the rapidly evolving and changing Chinese tioning it as the center of a stakeholder map. The authors
economy and a political system that is vulnerable to civil operationalize ten stakeholders of sustainability describ-
unrest. They conclude that e-participation bears potential ing the complex interplay between stakeholders focused
in urban China and elsewhere, because it allows effective on their stake in sustainability and their responsibility to
mobilization of citizens. contribute to advance, promote, and achieve sustainability
Gliedt, Widener, and Hartmans study Visualizing in the digital age. Particular interest is given to the game-
dynamic capabilities as adaptive capacity for municipal changing role of Big Data when structuring the sustainabil-
water governance (2016) is set in the State of Oklahoma, ity stakeholders along the three types: Big Data Collectors,
US. It analyzes how local communities have or have not Big Data Utilizers, and Big Data Generators. The authors
adapted and innovated their water systems to mitigate cli- outline that a common vision of all stakeholders involved to
mate change. With a mixed methods approach using geo- engage in the advancement of sustainability and to aim for
graphic information system technology paired with inter- transformation of the state of affairs is required.
views and observations, the authors present drivers and Strmer, Abu-Tayeh, and Myrach conclude the special
barriers of the adaptation and innovation of water resource issue from a knowledge science perspective, consider-
infrastructure. Through digitalization of these data, a ing the development of a knowledge society and the phe-
diverging perspective on the historical lack of innova- nomenon of digitalization. In the article Digital sustain-
tion in the public sector is provided. From their results ability: basic conditions for sustainable digital artifacts
the authors conclude that dynamic capabilities influence and their ecosystems (2016), the authors argue that unlike
innovation and adaptation rates directly. Population size, natural resources, knowledge cannot be depleted but rather
income level, and the educational backgrounds of deci- increases societal benefit by its use. In their conceptual
sion makers relate indirectly to the adaptation and innova- paper, the authors advance theory by contributing a floor
tion in municipal water governance. The article also out- model of sustaining digital knowledge and by applying this
lines implications for public policy beyond the investigated model to case studies to outline the characteristics of digi-
context. tally sustainable goods. In conclusion, an agenda for sus-
Tabira and Franciss article Integration and imple- tainability scholars and innovation academics as well as
mentation of sustainable ICT-based education in develop- practitioners such as policy makers is provided.
ing countries: low-cost, en masse methodology in Kenya These five articles from a palette of disciplines with dif-
(Tabira and Francis 2017) looks at the use of ICTs in ferent ontological presuppositions thus provide a window
education in the context of developing countries, more into the world we live in and the diverse approaches that
specifically Kenya. Given the lack of basic digital infra- humans apply to counterbalance their very own detrimental
structure and inconsistent electric supplies, this setting is impacts on the planetary system.

Sustain Sci (2017) 12:183185 185

This has been a first advance in mapping the megatrends Overall, we may conclude that in leveraging the trans-
of digitalization and sustainability and in deducing possi- formative potential of both sustainability and digitalization
bilities, perils and pathways from them. Above and beyond we are still right at the beginning on all levels, be it techno-
this special issue and the thematic papers, some avenues for logically, conceptually, politically, or scientifically.
future research open up in sustainability science with rela-
tion to digitalization.
1. The governance of sustainability in a digitalized envi-
ronment has not been addressed in this special issue, Boyd D, Crawford K (2012) Critical questions for big data: provoca-
tions for a cultural, technological, and scholarly phenomenon. Inf
even though it appears to be a central concern for Commun Soc 15(5):662679
policy makers. Helbing (2012) suggested a digital GeSI (2016) #SystemTransformation. Brussels: Global e-Sustaina-
global participatory platform making use of ICT that bility Initiative.
can help promote human well-being, increase sus- Accessed 7 Jan 2017
Gijzen H (2013) Development: big data for a sustainable future.
tainability, promote fairness, increase resilience and Nature 502:3838
reduce damages and improve opportunities for eco- Hampton SE, Strasser CA, Tewksbury JJ, Gram WK, Budden AE,
nomic, political, and social participation (p.56). Seele Batcheller AL, Duke CS, Porter JH (2013) Big data and the
(2016b) approached the issue of governance from a future of ecology. Front Ecol Environ 11(3):156162
He G, Boas I, Mol AP, Lu Y (2016). E-participation for environmen-
philosophical perspective by applying panopticon the- tal sustainability in transitional urban China. Sustain Sci 116.
ory to sustainability in the digital age. However, these doi:10.1007/s11625-016-0403-3
approaches have not yet been transferred to practice, Heemsbergen L (2016) Digital age| from radical transparency to radi-
which opens further potential for academic inquiry. cal disclosure: reconfiguring (in) voluntary transparency through
the management of visibilities. Int J Commun 10:138151
2. Sustainable development and base-of-pyramid in Helbing D (2012) The FuturICT knowledge accelerator towards a
the digital age: Although two studies in this special more resilient and sustainable future. In: Ball P (ed) Why society
issue focus on a developing countries context, fur- is a complex matter. Springer, Berlin, pp5560
ther insights into the potentials and threats of digital Lock I, Seele P (2016). Theorizing stakeholders of sustainability in the
digital age. Sustain Sci 111. doi:10.1007/s11625-016-0404-2
technologies for global sustainable development are Lubin, D.A. and Esty, D.C. (2014), Bridging the sustainability gap,
needed. How can digital technology help achieve the MITSloan Management Review, June 2014
17 UN Sustainable Development Goals in the 15years Schmidt E, Cohen J (2013) The new digital age. Reshaping the future
to come? This major question has immediate practical of people, nations and business. Knopf, New York
Seele P (2016a) Digitally unified reporting: how XBRL-based real-
relevance and must therefore be addressed by research- time transparency helps in combining integrated sustainability
ers and policy makers alike. reporting and performance control. J Cleaner Prod 136:6677.
3. The controversial role of digital surveillance. Digital doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.01.102
technology as conceptualized here to promote sustain- Seele P (2016b) Envisioning the digital sustainability panopticon: a
thought experiment how big data may help advancing sustaina-
ability comes with enhanced surveillance technologies. bility in the digital age. Sustain Sci 11(5):845854. doi:10.1007/
Surveillance here is a two-edged sword. On one hand, s11625-016-0381-5
big data and intelligent algorithmic ways of analyzing Shah DV, Cappella JN, Neuman WR (2015) Big data, digital media,
these partly structured partly unstructured data come and computational social science possibilities and perils.Ann
Am Acad Polit Soc Sci 659(1):613
with a degree of detail unrecorded in history. Thus, Stuermer M, Abu-Tayeh G, Myrach T (2016) Digital sustainability:
the precision and technological rigor to obtain data basic conditions for sustainable digital artifacts and their ecosys-
relevant for promoting sustainability is a great chance tems. Sustain Sci 116. doi:10.1007/s11625-016-0412-2
of doing the right thing right. The papers compiled in Tabira Y, Francis OX (2017) Integration and implementation of sus-
tainable ICT-based education in developing countries: low-cost,
this special issue provide evidence for this in differ- en masse methodology in Kenya. Sustain Sci. doi:10.1007/
ent areas. On the other hand, however, digitalization s11625-017-0422-8
opens horizons of totalitarian-like surveillance limit- WCED (World Commission on Environment and Development)
ing or undermining peoples and organizations legal (1987) Our common future. Aka.The Brundtland Report&#8217
Widener JM, Gliedt TJ, Hartman P (2016). Visualizing dynamic capa-
rights to privacy. Next to privacy issues, questions of bilities as adaptive capacity for municipal water governance.
data-misuse and political misuse of surveillance arise. Sustain Sci 117. doi:10.1007/s11625-016-0408-y
This ambivalent role of digital surveillance remains; Zuboff S (2015) Big other: surveillance capitalism and the prospects
further research is needed both for protecting persons of an information civilization. J Inf Technol 30(1):7589
and organizations and making the most out of digital
data to promote sustainability.


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