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Pedosphere 26(5): 577591, 2016

ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
c 2016 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press

Soil Microbiological Activity and Carbon Dynamics in the Current

Climate Change Scenarios: A Review

Javid A. SOFI1, , Aabid H. LONE1 , Mumtaz A. GANIE1 , Naseer A. DAR2 , Sajad A. BHAT3 , Malik MUKHTAR4 ,
Mohd Ashraf DAR1 and Shazia RAMZAN1
1 Division of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir
(SKUAST-K), Shalimar 190025 (India)
2 Division of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir

(SKUAST-K), Shalimar 190025 (India)

3 Section of Plant Physiology, Division of Post-Harvest Technology (PHT), Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and

Technology of Kashmir (SKUAST-K), Shalimar 190025 (India)

4 Division of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir

(SKUAST-K), Shalimar 190025 (India)

(Received March 3, 2016; revised June 8, 2016)

Microbial activities are aected by a myriad of factors with end points involved in nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration issues.
Because of their prominent role in the global carbon balance and their possible role in carbon sequestration, soil microbes are very
important organisms in relation to global climate changes. This review focuses mainly on the responses of soil microbes to climate
changes and subsequent eects on soil carbon dynamics. An overview table regarding extracellular enzyme activities (EAA) with
all relevant literature data summarizes the eects of dierent ecosystems under various experimental treatments on EAA. Increasing
temperature, altered soil moisture regimes, and elevated carbon dioxide signicantly aect directly or indirectly soil microbial activities.
High temperature regimes can increase the microbial activities which can provide positive feedback to climate change, whereas lower
moisture condition in pedosystem can negate the increase, although the interactive eects still remain unanswered. Shifts in soil
microbial community in response to climate change have been determined by gene probing, phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA),
terminal restriction length polymorphism (TRFLP), and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), but in a recent investigations,
omic technological interventions have enabled determination of the shift in soil microbe community at a taxa level, which can provide
very important inputs for modeling C sequestration process. The intricacy and diversity of the soil microbial population and how it
responds to climate change are big challenges, but new molecular and stable isotope probing tools are being developed for linking
uctuations in microbial diversity to ecosystem function.
Key Words: carbon cycling, carbon dioxide, carbon exchange, carbon sequestration, microbe community, soil enzymes, soil moisture,
soil temperature

Citation: So J A, Lone A H, Ganie M A, Dar N A, Bhat S A, Mukhtar M, Dar M A, Ramzan S. 2016. Soil microbiological activity
and carbon dynamics in the current climate change scenarios: A review. Pedosphere. 26(5): 577591.

INTRODUCTION in, 2008). Terrestrial ecosystems release and absorb

greenhouse gases (GHGs) like carbon dioxide (CO2 ),
The ongoing climate changes caused by anthro- methane, and nitrous oxide, and also act as a sink while
pogenic activities include emissions of 292 Pg C from storing carbon (C) in vegetation and soil (Schimel et
the combustion of fossil fuels (Holdren, 2008) and at al., 1994). Sink activity of soil is aected by many fac-
136 30 Pg C from land-use change, deforestation, tors including natural and anthropogenic disturbances
and soil cultivation (Houghton et al., 2001). It is very (Magnani et al., 2007), agricultural land use (Smith
important to understand the biological mechanism et al., 2008), nitrogen (N) enrichment (Beedlow et al.,
regulating the carbon exchanges between land, oceans, 2004), sulphur (S) deposition (Monteith et al., 2007),
and atmosphere and how these exchanges will respo- and changes in atmosphere ozone concentration (Sitch
nd to climate changes through climate-ecosystem fe- et al., 2007). Our knowledge of the assimilatory compo-
edbacks which could amplify or attenuate regional nent (photosynthesis) of the C cycle and its responses
or global climate changes (Heimann and Reichste- to climate changes is well advanced (Bahn et al., 2008);

Corresponding author. E-mail:

578 J. A. SOFI et al.

however, there are considerable gaps in our under- in favor of representatives adapted to higher tempera-
standing of the responses of soil respiration (Trumbore, tures and faster growth rates (Zogg et al., 1997; Zak
2006). This lack of understanding of soil respiration et al., 1999; Pettersson and Baath, 2003; Zhang et
and its sensitivity to climate changes stems from the al., 2005; Bradford et al., 2008). Single-factor climate
fact that it is regulated by a number of complex intera- change studies described above have enabled better un-
ctions and feedbacks from climate, plants, their her- derstanding how microbial communities may respond
bivores and symbionts, and free-living heterotrophic to any one factor, but how multiple climate change
soil microbes (Wardle et al., 2004; Hogberg and Read, factors interact with each other to inuence microbial
2006; De Deyn et al., 2008). community responses is poorly understood. For exam-
Soil microbial communities are responsible for the ple, elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and pre-
cycling of C and nutrients in ecosystems and their ac- cipitation changes might increase soil moisture in an
tivities are regulated by biotic and abiotic factors such ecosystem, but this increase may be counteracted by
as the quantity and quality of litter inputs, tempera- warming (Dermody et al., 2007).
ture, and moisture. Atmospheric and climatic changes Assays of extracellular enzymes activity (EEA)
will impact both abiotic and biotic drivers in ecosys- have become one of the important tools for assessing
tems and the responses of ecosystems to these changes. microbial responses to climate changes (Weedon et al.,
Feedbacks from ecosystem to the atmosphere may also 2011). Prolonged drought, high temperature, elevated-
be regulated by soil microbial communities (Bardgett CO2 concentration, etc., are the main actors in climate
et al., 2008). Although microbial communities regulate change and it has been reported that in Mediterranean
important ecosystem processes, it is often unclear how shrublands, warming and drought have changed some
the abundance and composition of microbial commu- soil enzyme activities related to P turnover in some sea-
nities correlate with climatic perturbations and inter- sons of a year (Sardans et al., 2006), while in Mediter-
act to aect ecosystem processes. As such, much of ranean forests, urease, protease, and -glucosidase ac-
the ecosystem climate change research conducted to tivities decreased in spring and autumn in some cases
date has focused on macroscale responses to clima- (Sardans and Penuelas, 2005).
tic changes such as changes in plant growth (Nor- Rhizodeposition consists of a continuous ow of
by et al., 2001, 2004), plant community composition C-containing compounds from roots to soil. Simple
(Bakkenes et al., 2002), and coarse-scale soil processes molecules such as sugars, amino acids, sugar alco-
(Emmett et al., 2004; Franklin et al., 2009; Garten et hols, organic acids, and more structurally complex se-
al., 2008). Responses to climate change have been ad- condary metabolites are among the chemical groups
dressed to often targeted gross parameters, such as mi- that make up a plethora of root exudates (Bais et
crobial biomass, enzymatic activity, and basic micro- al., 2006) that can be rapidly (hours to days) respired
bial community proles (Zak et al., 1996, 2000; Janus following their deposition to soil (Muller et al., 1993).
et al., 2005; Kuever et al., 2005; Kandeler et al., 2006; However, polymers (lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulo-
Haaseet al., 2008). ses) requires extracellular enzymes for depolymeriza-
The climatic variables such as atmospheric CO2 tion before they can be taken into the microbial cell
concentration, precipitation regimes, temperature can and metabolized (Kogel-Knabner, 2002). The decom-
potentially have both direct and indirect impacts on position kinetics of these complex molecules is acceler-
soil microbial communities. However, the direction and ated to a greater extent in anticipated global warming.
magnitude of these responses are uncertain. For exa- This review aims to ll the knowledge gap how soil
mple, the response of soil microbial communities to microbes respond to changing climatic variables, their
changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations can be consequent eects on soil C sequestration, terrestrial C
positive or negative, and consistent overall trends be- cycle climate feedbacks, and novel techniques like omic
tween sites and studies have not been observed (Janus technological interventions to determine soil microbial
et al., 2005; Lipson et al., 2005; Lipson et al., 2006; community shifts at taxa level.
Lesaulnier et al., 2008; Austin et al., 2009). Precipi-
tation and soil moisture changes may increase or de- MICROBIAL ACTIVITY AND C DYNAMICS
crease the ratio of bacteria to fungi, as well as shift
their community composition (Schimel et al., 1999; Soil microbial activities are of signicant impor-
Chen et al., 2007; Williams, 2007). Increasing tem- tance in dening the ecosystem properties; under-
peratures can increase microbial activity, processing, standing how soil microbe-microbe and soil microbe-
and turnover, causing the microbial community to shift plant interactions respond to climate change is a rese-

arch priority that will shed light on important eco- compared to the control soils, followed by considera-
system functions such as soil C storage and net pri- ble decreases in CO2 released in subsequent years, and
mary productivity (Berg et al., 2010; Fischer et al., no signicant response to warming in the nal year
2014). Soils, in combination with plant biomass, hold of the experiment (Melillo et al., 2002). Contrarily,
nearly 2.5 times more C than the atmosphere (Singh many modeling experiments suggest that the results of
et al., 2010). Soils have the capacity to retain large short-term soil warming are compatible with long-term
amounts of C and their ability to sequester C has sensitivity of soil organic C (SOC) turnover (Knorr et
helped to mitigate rising atmospheric CO2 . al., 2005). These experiments refute the claim that
Several factors regulate the amount of C that soils increased SOC turnover is only a transient process,
can sequester, including climate, soil parent material, which returns to pre-warming conditions after few
age, and texture, topography, vegetation type, and soil years, due to acclimation (French et al., 2009). More
community composition (Jenny, 1941). However, mi- long-term and large-scale eld-based studies are nee-
crobial decomposers ultimately regulate the rate-limi- ded to better understand the relationship between ris-
ting steps in the decomposition process and thus the ing atmospheric temperature and microbial activity in
inuence of abiotic factors on decomposition. Yet, how soil.
microbial activity will inuence C feedbacks among
Microbial activity and elevated CO2
plant, soil, and the atmosphere is uncertain (Treseder
et al., 2012; Verheijen et al., 2015). If the activity of It is well established that elevated CO2 increa-
the soil community, such as the decomposition rate, ses plant photosynthesis and growth, especially under
increases relative to inputs from plants and animals, nutrient-rich conditions (Curtis and Wang, 1998), and
then the amount of C in soil will decrease as C enters this in turn increases the ux of C to roots, their sym-
the atmosphere, which can amplify C climate feedbacks bionts, and heterotrophic microbes through root exu-
(Zhou et al., 2009; Wieder et al., 2013). dation of easily degradable sugars, organic acids, and
Microbial activity and high temperature regime amino acids (Zak et al., 1993). The consequences of in-
creased C ux from roots to soil for microbial commu-
One of the major uncertainties in climate change nities and C exchange are dicult to predict, because
prediction is the response of soil respiration to incre- they will vary substantially with factors such as plant
ased atmospheric temperatures (Briones et al., 2004). identity, soil food web interactions, soil fertility, and
Several studies have shown that increased tempe- a range of other ecosystem properties (Wardle, 2002;
ratures accelerate microbial decomposition, thereby Bardgett, 2005).
increasing CO2 emitted by soil respiration and produ- However, there are some potential outcomes for soil
cing a positive feedback to global warming (Hawkes et microbes and C exchange, including i) increase in mi-
al., 2008; Malcolm et al., 2008; Allison et al., 2010a, crobial activity in response to global warming which
b; Vargas et al., 2010). The eects of increased global leads to increase in soil respiration and hence C loss
temperature on soil are especially alarming when con- and subsequently its eux to drainage and further in-
sidering the eect that it has already begun to have crease in N mineralization of recent and old soil orga-
on one of the most important terrestrial C sinks, per- nic C (Blagodatskaya and Kuzyakov, 2008; Langley
mafrost. Permafrost is permanently frozen soil that et al., 2009; Zhu and Cheng, 2011; Schleppi et al.,
stores signicant amounts of C and organic matter in 2012), a phenomenon known as priming (Fontaine
its frozen layers. As permafrost thaws, the stored C and Barot, 2005; Kuzyakov, 2006; Dijkstra and Cheng,
and organic nutrients become available for microbial 2007), ii) enhanced microbial activity which may lead
decomposition, which in turn releases CO2 into the at- to immobilization of N, thereby limiting N availability
mosphere and causes a positive feedback to warming to plants and creating a negative feedback that con-
(Davidson and Janssens, 2006). It is estimated that strains future increases in plant growth and C transfer
25% of permafrost could thaw by 2100 as a result of to soil (Ainsworth and Long, 2005; Friedlingstein et al.,
global warming, making about 100 Pg of C available 2006), iii) increase in plant-microbe competition for N
for microbial decomposition (Davidson and Janssens, which may lead to suppressed microbial decomposi-
2006; Anisimov et al., 1999). However, further studies tion and thus increased soil C accumulation (Hogberg
suggest that this increase in respiration may not persist and Read, 2006), as well as selection for benecial fun-
as temperatures continue to rise. gal strains that help their host plant meet increasing
In a 10-year soil warming experiment, the CO2 ux nutrient demands (Gamper et al., 2005), leading to a
increased by 28% in the rst 6 years of warming when possible positive feedback of plant growth and C as-
580 J. A. SOFI et al.

similation and enhanced stabilization of soil organic 0.02 MPa caused a 10% decrease in microbial activi-
C through promotion of soil aggregation (Rillig and ty. Rewetting the soil caused a large and rapid increase
Mummey, 2006; Sixet al., 2006), and iv) changes in rhi- in the respiration rate. Under drier conditions, micro-
zodepsition in present global warming scenarios which organisms create high internal solute concentrations ei-
potentially enhance methanogenesis and hence C loss, ther by producing compatible organic solutes or by ta-
for which the mechanism is poorly understood (Strom king up ions from the extracellular solution (Csonka,
et al., 2005). 1989). High intracellular solute concentrations inhibit
Further elevated CO2 levels can cause alteration enzyme activity because the resulting low water po-
in the whole soil ecosystem. For instance, fungi might tential reduces the degree of hydration of enzymes,
come to dominate over bacteria, bacterial nutrition which may change enzyme conformation (Skujins and
groups may change, and mycorrhizal fungi can be McLaren, 1967; Lanyi et al., 1979; Csonka, 1989).
altered (Castro et al., 2010). Structural changes, in Total microbial biomass in the forest oor corre-
turn, may have signicant eects on the functioning lates well with soil moisture (Wagener and Schimel,
(including emission of GHGs and nutrient cycling) of 1998) and soil drying limits microbial activity even in
the soil microbial community and its interaction with winter when soil is frozen (Clein and Schimel, 1995).
the plant community (Bardgett et al., 2008; Drigo et The eects of drought and rewetting on total micro-
al., 2008). Elevated atmospheric CO2 may aect the bial biomass and activity have been studied, but the
microbe-soil-plant root system indirectly by modifying eects on microbial community structure are poor-
soil water content and by increasing root growth and ly understood. Physiological stress, such as drought,
rhizodeposition rates. Therefore, changes in microbial tends to reduce microbial diversity, favoring those mi-
population, community structure, and activity of soil crobes best adapted to coping with the stress (Atlas,
and rhizosphere-associated microorganisms are likely 1984). Drought impacts ecosystem functions and plant-
to occur under elevated CO2 . microbe relationships in terrestrial environments (Grif-
Understanding how the balance between terrestri- ths et al., 2003; Solomon et al., 2007); it also aects
al ecosystem sinks (i.e., photosynthesis) and sources the partitioning of C between the atmosphere and ter-
(i.e., respiration, including microbial respiration) of restrial systems. For example, prolonged drought in
atmospheric CO2 will be aected in an elevated CO2 North America in 2002 reduced the amount of C up-
world is still one of the main uncertainties in under- take by vegetation and soil from an annual average
standing the coupled C-climate system (Hawkes et al., of 650 to 330 Mt (Peters et al., 2007). Since the fre-
2008; Smith and Fang, 2010). Some modeling studies quency of heat and drought stresses is predicted to in-
have suggested that there may be a point during this crease (Mearns et al., 1984), it follows that the amount
century where terrestrial ecosystems shift from a net of C sequestered by terrestrial ecosystems will likely
sink to a net source of atmospheric CO2 (Denman et decrease. Consequently, the combination of increased
al., 2007), possibly reecting the scenarios of increased drought and CO2 enrichment could result in a chronic
microbial respiration (Bardgett et al., 2008). However, impact on soil microbial communities and their rela-
these models are still at an early stage of development tionships with plants. Drought threat has signicant
(Friedlingstein et al., 2006). There exists a paucity of consequences for belowground C and nutrient cycling
data on eect of rising CO2 levels on soil microbes, (Raich and Schlesinger, 1992) and thus signicantly
which prevents the concerned stakeholders to reach a aects microbial activity in soil. Moreover, the long
rm conclusion. Therefore, it is recommended that a- period of drought has negative impacts on uctuations
long with large-scale eld experiments, microcosm stu- of soil moisture.
dies may be undertaken in order to develop a thorough The issue of extreme uctuations of soil moisture
understanding of how the rising CO2 levels can af- aects activity of soil microorganisms and their inu-
fect soil geochemical parameters and the subsequent ence on soil hydrophobicity (Buzcko et al., 2005; Dia-
response of the soil microbial community. mantis et al., 2013; Doerr et al., 2000). Soil water
repellency (soil hydrophobicity) is a widespread phe-
Microbial activity and soil moisture
nomenon, which aects inltration as well as soil wa-
Climate change is characterized by erratic precipi- ter retention and plant growth. It can be responsible
tation which may result in moisture decit or surplus, for enhanced surface runo, erosion, and preferential
a condition which can have direct or indirect eect ow. There is a complex of interactions between i) the
on microbial activities. Orchard and Cook (1983) ob- formation of hydrophobic lms on soil particles, ii) re-
served that a decrease in water potential from 0.01 to duction of microbial activity, iii) leaching of nutrients

from the soil sorption complex, iv) stability of soil ag- ralizations with regard to the eects of warming on
gregate, and v) content of water in soil (Doerr et al., enzyme pools. Frequent drying of soils due to climate
2000; Cosentino et al., 2010; Diamantis et al., 2013). change introduces both matric and osmotic stresses
Climate-related events like drought and freezing which in turn aect enzyme activities as microbes focus
have greater eect on microbial physiology than tem- on intracellular maintenance strategies like synthesi-
perature and precipitation, with important conseque- zing osmolytes (Schimel et al., 2007; Chowdhury et al.,
nces for ecosystem-level C and nutrient ows (Schimel 2011).
et al., 2007). Drier soil moisture condition will result The response of extracellular enzyme activity to
in lesser microbial activity as reected in forest ecosys- global warming measured using various experimental
tem with signicant fall in litter phenol oxidase ac- techniques, such as open top chambers, greenhouses,
tivity and isoenzyme diversity, and soil bacterial and retractable passive warming curtains, snow removal,
fungal biomass during dry periods (Nardo et al., 2004; heated coils/uid lled tubes inserted into soil, or over-
Krivtsov et al., 2006). In contrast, increased drought head infrared heaters (Shen and Harte, 2000), have not
and drying in wetlands and peatlands will create more provided the real picture and can not trade o the in-
favourable conditions for microbial activity, by lower- teractive components under natural conditions. In eld
ing the watertable and introducing oxygen into pre- experiments, the potential activities of both hydro-
viously anaerobic soil as phenol oxidase activity was lase and oxidative enzymes often have not responded
found to be increased (Freeman et al., 2004; Zibilske signicantly to warming treatments, as observed in a
and Bradford, 2007), which play a pivotal role in the Mediterranean shrubland (Sardans et al., 2007), an an-
breakdown of complex organic matter and the cycling nual grassland (Gutknecht et al., 2010), and temperate
of phenolic compounds that may interfere with extra- old elds (Bell et al., 2010; Kardol et al., 2010) (Ta-
cellular enzymes (Benoit and Starkey, 1968; Albers ble I). There is the potential for climate change eects
et al., 2004). Peat-lands and wetlands are one of the to interact with seasonal and inter-annual variations
largest stocks of terrestrial carbon (Ward et al., 2007), in EEA. For example, in a rainfall and runo exclu-
such enhanced breakdown of recalcitrant organic ma- sion experiment in a Mediterranean forest, treatment
tter under drying could have major implications for the effects on acid phosphatase activity were signicant
global carbon cycle (Freeman et al., 2004). over autumn, winter, and spring, but not over sum-
mer (Sardans et al., 2008). Similarly, eects of other
Extracellular enzyme activity and climate change
few signicant interactions, such as those of CO2 and
Soil temperature and moisture changes due to cli- N additions with warming or precipitation, on the po-
mate change will aect enzyme activities in com- tential activities of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes
plex ways that are dicult to predict (Burns et al., exist despite the signicance of the main eects (Henry
2013). For instance, extracellular enzyme activity et al., 2005; Menge and Field, 2007).
(EAA) increases with increase in temperature till its
optimum is reached and thus climate warming may MICROBIAL ACTIVITY, GHG RELEASE AND C
increase the rate of enzymatically catalyzed reactions SEQUESTRATION
(Wallenstein and Weintraub, 2008). Contrastingly, mi-
Microbial activity and C exchange
crobes may decrease enzyme synthesis and secretion in
response to warming (Wallenstein et al., 2012; Burns Due to the temperature sensitivity of C cycling
et al., 2013). Mass ow models of C often assume that processes, small changes in temperature could result
C ow is linked to warming via both temperature- in a large release of soil C back to the atmosphere
dependent microbial activity, which drives enzyme pro- (Classen et al., 2015). Besides, the most prominent di-
duction, and the direct temperature dependence of en- rect climate-microbe feedback mechanism is enhanced
zyme activity in the soil, as inferred in a warming ex- organic matter decomposition by accelerating hete-
periment (Bengtson and Bengtsson, 2007); however, rotrophic microbes. As a result, there will be eux of
microbial activity can also decrease in response to war- CO2 to atmosphere and export of dissolved organic C
ming when warming decreases soil moisture (Allison to hydrologic leaching (Jenkinson et al., 1991; David-
and Treseder, 2008). Additionally, enzyme denatura- son and Janssens, 2006). Soil respiration is more sen-
tion rates and the degradative activity of extracellular sitive than primary production (Schimel et al., 1994),
protease could also upsurge with warming (Wallenstein and hence it is anticipated that there will be more ef-
et al., 2012), which would oset any changes in enzyme ux of CO2 to atmosphere, thus creating positive feed-
pool sizes. Explicitly, it is more onerous to make gene- back on climate change (Cox et al., 2000). No relation-
582 J. A. SOFI et al.

Responses of extracellular enzyme activity (EEA) to climate change in eld experiments

Ecosystem Treatment Enzyme(s)a) examined Reference

(activity responseb) )
Mediterranean oak forest Runo and rainfall exclusion BG (+), PR (+), PT (+), UR (+) Sardans and Penuelas (2005)
Temperate old eld Open top chambers AG (0), BG (0), BX (0), CBH (0), Kardol et al. (2010)
NAG (0), PO (0), PPO (0), PT (+),
ST (+)
Mediterranean shrubland Retractable rain curtains PT (+) in rhizosphere Sardans et al. (2007)
Upland heathland Retractable rain curtains PPO (+) Toberman et al. (2008)
Moist lowland tropical Water addition during PT (0), ST (0) Yavitt et al. (2004)
forest drought
Annual grassland Water addition AG (+), BG (+), BX (+), CBH (+), Henry et al. (2005)
NAG (+), PO (0), PPO (0), PT (0)
Temperate grassland and Rainout shelters, water BG (0), BX (+), CBH (+), NAG with Kreyling et al. (2008)
heath water addition (), PT (0)
Annual grassland Water addition AG (+), BG (0), BX (+), CBH (+), Gutknecht et al. (2010)
NAG (+), PT (0)
a) AG = -glucosidase; BG = -glucosidase; BX = -xylosidase; CBH = cellobiohydrolase; NAG = N -acetylglucosaminidase; PO =

peroxidase; PPO = polyphenol oxidase; PR = protease; PT = phosphatase; ST = sulphatase; UR = urease.

b) + indicates decreased activity; indicates increased activity; 0 indicates no change in activity.

ship has been established so far between temperature sponses lead to shifts in microbial community function.
and soil heterotrophic respiration and its feedback on Overall, these advances will be critical for making pre-
climate change (Trumbore, 2006) due to complexity dictions about ecosystem tipping points, eects of ex-
and diversity of soil organic matter (Davidson and treme events, and the stability of communities under
Janssens, 2006). However, models representing logi- climate change.
cal syntheses of assumptions and boundary conditions
can identify gaps in understanding and are useful for Microbial activity and GHG emission
revealing amplication and dampening eects (Raich,
2000). The development of methods to quantify micro- Globally soils are estimated to contain twice as
bial impacts on climate so that they can be incorpo- much C as the atmosphere, making them one of the
rated into climate models is a major interdisciplinary largest sinks for atmospheric CO2 and organic C (Wil-
challenge. Despite the important role of soil microbes ley et al., 2009). Much of this C is stored in wetlands,
in the C cycle and the environmental implications of C peatlands, and permafrost, where microbial decompo-
cycle-climate change feedbacks, most C cycle models sition of C is limited. The amount of C stored in the
treat the soil microbial biomass as a black box (Ostle soil is dependent on the balance between C inputs from
et al., 2009). leaf litter and root detritus and C outputs from micro-
Plant-derived C inputs strongly mediate the tem- bial respiration underground (Davidson and Janssens,
perature sensitivity of soil C decomposition, but the 2006).
relative importance of direct versus indirect eects of Soil respiration refers to the overall process by
climate change on soil C dynamics remains unresolved which bacteria and fungi in the soil decompose C and
especially in ecosystems that are in transition from one release it into the atmosphere in the form of CO2 . This
state to another. Classen et al. (2015) opine that the process accounts for 25% of naturally emitted CO2 ,
indirect eects of climate change on microbes media- which is the most abundant GHG in the atmosphere
ted through plants may be stronger than direct eects and the target of many climate change mitigation ef-
of climate on shaping of microbial community compo- forts. Small changes in decomposition rates could not
sition and function. Nevertheless, these eects need to only aect CO2 emissions in the atmosphere, but may
be measured at suitable temporal and spatial scales, also result in greater changes to the amount of C sto-
ideally in microbe-centric studies in order to comple- red in the soil over decades (Davidson and Janssens,
ment the existing landscape of plant-centric climate 2006).
change studies. Novel technological approaches will be Methane formation under anaerobic condition by
vital in microbe-centric studies that aim to reveal those microorganisms has signicant implications on global
taxa most sensitive to climate and those whose re- warming potential as global warming potential of CH4

is signicantly higher than CO2 and it is imperative cts on methanogens of oxidized products of denitrica-
to understand the methane formation, providing deep tion have also been noted (Kluber and Conrad, 1998),
insight for its possible coupling with some mechanistic and net methane emissions are also suppressed under
models (Fig. 1). Methane, an important GHG, is 25 drought conditions by the action of methanotrophic
times more eective than CO2 at trapping heat radi- bacteria (King, 1992; Freeman et al., 2002).
ated from the Earth (Schlesinger and Andrews, 2000). Microbial processes are often dependent on envi-
Microbial methanogenesis is responsible for both na- ronmental factors such as temperature, moisture, en-
tural and human-induced CH4 emissions since metha- zyme activity, and nutrient availability, all of which are
nogenic archaea reduce C into methane in anaerobic, likely to be aected by climate change (Solomon et al.,
C-rich environments such as ruminant livestock, rice 2007). These changes may have greater implications
paddies, landlls, and wetlands. Not all of the methane for crucial ecological processes such as nutrient cycling,
produced ends up in the atmosphere; methanotrophic which rely on microbial activity. For example, soil res-
bacteria can oxidize methane into CO2 in the pres- piration is dependent on soil temperature and moisture
ence of oxygen (O2 ). When methanogens in the soil and may increase or decrease as a result of changes in
produce methane faster than can be used by methano- precipitation and increased atmospheric temperatures.
trophs in higher up oxic soil layers, methane escapes Due to its importance in the global C cycle, changes
into the atmosphere (Willey et al., 2009). Methano- in soil respiration may have signicant feedback ee-
trophs are therefore important regulators of methane cts on climate change and severely alter aboveground
uxes in the atmosphere, but their slow growth rate communities. Thus, understanding the response of soil
and rm attachment to soil particles make them di- respiration to climate change is of utmost importance
cult to isolate. Further exploration of these methano- and the need of the hour to ponder upon.
trophs nature could potentially help reduce methane
emissions if they can be added to the topsoil of land- Microbial activity and C sequestration
lls, for example, and capture some of the methane
that would normally be released into the atmosphere. The equilibrium among organic matter inputs and
Methanogenic pathways are negated by increasing losses (respiration and decomposition) determines soil
O2 under drought condition in wetlands and peat- C levels. Organic C taken up by the microorganisms
lands, thereby increasing CO2 release as compared to is segregated between biomass production and respira-
methane. Watertable depth is a strong predictor of tion. The microbial C input to the soil depends on the
methane emissions (Roulet and Moore, 1995), which microbial growth eciency (MGE), degree of protec-
is generally assumed to be due to toxic eects of O2 ; tion of microbial biomass in the soil, and the degree at
there is also evidence that methanogens are more sen- which microbial derivatives are decomposed by other
sitive to desiccation (Fetzer et al., 1993). Toxic ee- microorganisms (Six et al., 2006). The lower the MGE

Fig. 1 Exchange of CO2 and CH4 between soil and atmosphere.

584 J. A. SOFI et al.

and degree of protection of the microbial biomass, once added to the soil may (after extracellular depoly-
the more the microbial organic matter C is lost as merisation in the case of macromolecular constituents)
CO2 . Fungal cell walls contain polymers of melanin be taken up by the soil microorganisms and the C ta-
and chitin which are resistant to degradation, whereas ken up by soil microbes may be partitioned for use in
phospholipids, main components of bacterial cell wall the production of biomass (subsequently necromass),
membrane, are energy-rich, readily decomposable sub- excretions and secretions (e.g., extracellular enzymes)
strates available to a wide range of soil microorganisms. and respiration. The aim of this second strategy is to
The storage of C is expected to be more persis- encourage the processing of plant-derived C to biomass
tent when mediated by fungal biomass and more la- and metabolite precursors of SOM or to secretions that
bile when mediated by bacterial biomass (Bailey et al., promote the physical protection of C substrates against
2002). The extent to which climatic eects on soil C decomposition rather than to CO2 .
cycling are confounded with microbial adaptation to
certain environmental niches is currently unknown. As TOOLS FOR ASSESSING MICROBIAL IMPACT
reviewed by Six et al. (2006), there is evidence sugges- UNDER CLIMATE CHANGE SCENARIOS
ting that the relative abundance of fungi and bacteria
may be important, with more stable C being formed Many previous studies examining either the impact
in soils with high fungal/bacterial biomass ratios. The of elevated atmospheric CO2 or N deposition on mi-
fungi have a higher C use eciency than bacteria and crobial community composition, biomass, and function
therefore form more biomass per unit of C utilized have produced mixed results. For instance, in response
and also have a biomass (subsequently necromass) of to elevated CO2 , increases in fungal biomass, num-
a more recalcitrant nature, which are two suggested ber of sporocarps, root tips (Treseder, 2004), colony-
mechanisms for their greater accumulation of soil orga- forming units (CFU) (Olszyk et al., 2001), arbuscu-
nic matter (SOM) and require further studies (Six et lar mycorrhizal hyphae (Treseder et al., 2003), and
al., 2006). Thus, the ecosystems with fungal-dominated relative abundance have been noted in studies using
soil communities may have higher C retention than soil quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and
communities dominated by bacteria (Six et al., 2006; Sanger sequencing (Lesaulnier et al., 2008; Castro
Clemmensen et al., 2013; Grover et al., 2015). There et al., 2010). However, contrasting results have been
have also been some studies reviewed in Nielsen et al. found in surveys of fungal saprotrophs using exoen-
(2011) that have reported relationships (positive and zyme activities and ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes am-
negative) between soil biodiversity and C cycling pro- plied from soil DNA (Moorhead and Linkins, 1997;
cesses such as respiration, but these studies have gene- Larson et al., 2002; Janus et al., 2005; Chung et al.,
rally focused on total species richness as the biodiver- 2006; Carneyet al., 2007; Lesaulnier et al., 2008; Kelley
sity measure and not the richness or identity of those et al., 2011). Fungal ribosomal gene surveys that ex-
species processing C in situ. The fate of C in the soil amined responses to N fertilization have documented
is aected by diversity of microbial population and the increased abundances of Ascomycota in fertilized soils
edaphic abiotic factors controlling microbial C utiliza- (Nemergut et al., 2008). However, the feedback that
tion eciency have not been thoroughly characterized this phylum-level shift has on C cycling remains poorly
(Cotrufo et al., 2013). It is not clear to what extent understood. The role of N in altering net primary pro-
rhizosphere microbes within agricultural systems can ductivity can vary, depending on the amount of CO2
be manipulated for C sequestration. that is available to drive photosynthesis (McGuire et
It is estimated that 4278 Gt of C (Lal, 2004) that al., 1995), which may dierentially impact the function
was historically stored in the soil system has been lost of soil fungal communities. As a consequence of these
as a result of the intensive cultivation of soils, and mixed results, the impacts of simultaneous increases
the capacity for agricultural soils to regain this lost in N deposition and atmospheric CO2 levels on C se-
C is currently being discussed as one potential contri- questration and microbial feedbacks remain dicult to
bution to atmospheric C remediation and mitigation predict.
of climate change (Lal, 2004; Smith and Olsen, 2010). Traditionally, studies aiming at understanding mi-
Strategies with respect to the management of soil for C crobial dynamics have used methods such as phospho-
sequestration therefore involve increasing the quantity lipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA), terminal restriction
of primary production and indeed other organic inputs fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP), denaturing
into the system. A second strategy involves manipu- gel gradient electrophoresis (DGGE), or simply mea-
lating the fate of the inputs added to the soil. Inputs sures of biomass to understand complex community

dynamics and function. While these methods have ex- changes in FTC frequency. In contrast, fungal commu-
posed patterns of microbial community composition at nity structure and abundance were mostly inuenced
a coarse level (Gray et al., 2011), they do not show in- by FTC frequency, as well as the presence of vegeta-
dividual taxa responses and give limited insight into tion cover. The relative densities of several bacterial
functional shifts. With the advent of new sequencing gene families involved in key steps of the N cycle were
technologies and in the wake of the omics revolution, aected by FTC, while warming had little or no eect.
researchers have begun to explore microbial interac-
tions with hosts at a higher resolution and with more FUTURE CHALLENGES IN MICROBIAL ACTIVI-
functional signicance. By using metagenomics, meta- TY AND C DYNAMICS VIS-A-VIS CLIMATE CHA-
transcriptomics, metaproteomics, and metabolomics, NGE
scientists are able to dene changes in microbial com-
munities, which will result in a better understanding An understanding of soil microbial ecology is pivo-
of which microbes are present in an ecosystem and tal to assess terrestrial C cycle climate feedbacks.
what their potential functions are (Castro et al., 2012; However, the intricacy of the soil microbial popula-
Muller et al., 2013). Furthermore, with technologies tion and its numerous roles, coupled with innumerable
such as stable isotope probing, it is possible to target ways that climate and other global changes can aect
the active microbial community involved in a myriad soil microbes, makes it onerous to draw rm conclu-
of functions (Mau et al., 2015). sions from the above review. Despite this uncertainty,
The studies described above were DNA-based sur- we argue that progress can be made in understanding
veys of r-RNA gene fragments. Because all organisms the potential negative and positive contributions of soil
contain ribosomal genes and cellulose-degrading mi- microbes to global warming through consideration of
croorganisms are not phylogenetically cohesive, riboso- both direct and indirect impacts of climate change on
mal gene surveys are unable to detect specic respons- microorganisms. This is a big challenge, but we held
es of cellulolytic microorganisms that may be central that progress can be made through the use of long-term
in altered soil C cycling patterns. Furthermore, DNA- factorial eld experiments in relevant biomes, which in-
based studies probe all members of the community corporate consideration of direct and indirect impacts
whether or not they are actively participating at the of climate change on soil microbes and their contri-
time of sampling. The recent design of PCR primers bution to land-atmosphere C exchange. Such studies
that target the gene coding for the catalytic subunit necessitate a collaborative approach to link microbial
of fungal glycosyl hydrolase family cellobiohydrolase I ecology to ux measures at the whole ecosystem scale.
(cbhI), a key enzyme involved in cellulose degradation, Yet it is at infancy stage and we have only touched
has enabled monitoring eorts of a subset of celluloly- the surface of the contribution of soil microbes to cli-
tic soil fungi using DNA- and RNA-based approaches mate change. Besides what is mentioned above, there
(Edwards et al., 2008). In a comparison of DNA- and are many other challenges: i) there is an extreme di-
RNA-based compositional surveys of cbhI in litter and versity among soil microbial communities, ii) how this
soil, Baldrian et al. (2011) demonstrated that some diversity responds to climate change, and iii) the func-
of the most abundant taxa in the DNA-based surveys tional consequences of this diversity for ecosystem C
did not dominate gene expression at the same time. exchange, including the uptake, stabilization and re-
This brings into question the functional importance of lease of C from soil as GHG. In addition, uncultivable
the most abundant taxa and provides a rationale for nature of many microbes is a major hurdle as it be-
using both DNA- and RNA-based, functional gene ap- comes dicult to test how they respond to, or modi-
proaches to examine functional group and individual fy, their environment. Nevertheless, new molecular and
taxon responses to environmental perturbations. stable isotope probing tools are being developed, which
In an experiment which included frequent freeze- enable linking of uctuations in microbial diversity to
thaw cycles (FTC) at Antarctic soils, Yergeau and ecosystem function, by focusing on functional genes
Kowalchuk (2008) assessed bacterial and fungal den- that are vital for biogeochemical processes and through
sity and community structure, as well as the density directly labeling DNA, RNA, and PLFA of organi-
of several key genes in microbial nutrient cycles using sms participating in specic pathways (Neufeld et al.,
a combination of RNA- and DNA-based molecular n- 2007). These tools have changed the way that microbial
gerprinting and quantitative PCR approaches in addi- ecologists unfold the ecophysiology of microbial popu-
tion to enzymatic activity assays. Their results showed lations in the natural environment because they enable
that bacteria were more aected by warming than by study of uncultivable microorganisms, thus providing
586 J. A. SOFI et al.

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