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Name________________________________ Use these words to fill in the blanks.

Study guide for 7th Grade Drama Final Exam B Actor Noble endorsement
de Cervantes Pageant
Theatre Era Timeline Elizabethan Passion
Primitive tribes Female Queen Elizabeth
Egyptian Groundlings Renaissance
Hebrew Illusion of Reality Restoration (twice)
Greek Improvisation Shakespeare
Roman Instructive Stock
Eastern Medieval (twice) Women (twice)

1. ____________________ Era
Elizabethan Era
Restoration Era

2. A thespian is an _____________________________

3. ___________________________ was the English monarch whose support of theatre allowed William Shakespeare to

4. ________________________ Play drama about the last week in the life of Christ.

5. Hells Mouth was a device from ______________________________ theatre with billowing smoke, fire and moving

6. __________________________ carts moving stages from Medieval theatre, like a float in a parade.

7. __________________________ characters same basic role in many plays. Makes the audience familiar with the

8. _____________________________________ is a form of acting that uses no props or costumes and allows for no
script or rehearsal. It was popular during the Renaissance in Italy because of commedia del arte.

9. _______________________ were Elizabethan theatre goers who couldnt afford to sit in the galleries.

10. American theatre families: Hallams, Booths, Baldwins, _________________________

11. __________________________ era innovations lighting with chandeliers, back wall replaced with rolling shutters,
raked stage.

12. Commedia dellarte Italian _______________________________ theatre that was all improvised, used masks,
stock characters, singing, acting, juggling, Considered to be the eras greatest contribution to theatre.

13. ________________________ theatre gave us playwrights Christopher Marlow, Ben Jonson, and William

14. The English Royal Patent of 1662 said two important things about theatre 1) Theatre is useful and a)____________

and (b)_____________________ must portray (c) ___________________________ roles on stage.

15. _________________________ prior to the Restoration didnt act on stage because it was considered racy and

16. _________________________ ______________________ means a theatrical troupe has the sponsorship of a

wealthy person of high social standing.

17. William ___________________________ -English playwright from the Elizabethan period. Still widely performed
today. Plots and themes still relevant to current culture. Wrote Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, King Lear, Midsummer
Nights Dream, The Tempest, and 31 other well-known plays. He didnt necessarily make a lot of money, and he is not
the only playwright known from this time!

18. Miguel ____ __________________ - Spanish playwright from the Renaissance Era. Wrote Don Quixote.

19. David Garrick was a noted actor from the _________________________ period who was good at drama and
comedy, directed, wrote, hid the lighting apparatus from the audience, and made line delivery and movement more
natural on stage.

20. Hiding the lighting apparatus, adding make up and historically accurate costumes, and other features that make the

play more believable add to the _________________________________ __ ____________________ which allows

theater-goers to feel like its more real.

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