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I. CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

II. TACTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCTC
III. WALKTHROUGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WLKT

00) Mountain Peak ................................................ WK00

01) Syria ........................................................ WK01
02) Siberian Wilderness .......................................... WK02
03) Glacial Cavern ............................................... WK03
04) Soviet Installation .......................................... WK04
05) Abandoned Mines .............................................. WK05
06) Geothermal Valley ............................................ WK06
07) The Acropolis ................................................ WK07
08) Geothermal Valley [II] ....................................... WK08
09) Flooded Archives ............................................. WK09
10) Geothermal Valley [III] ...................................... WK10
11) Soviet Installation [II] ..................................... WK11
12) Research Base ................................................ WK12
13) The Orrery ................................................... WK13
14) Path of the Deathless ........................................ WK14
15) The Lost City ................................................ WK15

IV. APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPN

Achievements ..................................................... ACHV

Baba Yaga DLC .................................................... BBYG
Card Data ........................................................ CRDD
Chapter Replay Challenges ........................................ CHPT
Collectibles List ................................................ CLLC
Equipment ........................................................ EQPT
Outfits .......................................................... OTFT
Skills ........................................................... SKLL
Weapons Info ..................................................... WPNS

V. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAQZ

VI. UPDATES & CONTRIBUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPDT
VII. LEGALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LGLT



ROTTR doesn't allow controls to be changed. However, players can disable the
controller's lightbar effect and speaker if they so choose (from main menu's
options menu).
___________ _______________________________________________________________
| D-Pad | Access current bow (U), shotgun (R), pistol (D), rifle (L) |
| Options | Toggle pause menu |
| Share | Toggle share (screenshots, videos) menu |
| PS Button | Toggle main PS4 menu |
| Touchpad | Toggle status screen and map |
| Circle | Scramble/Roll/Drop/Swim/Dodge |
| Square | Interact (axe/grapple hook usage) and reload button |
| Triangle | Melee and (on incapacitated opponents) finisher button |
| X-Button | Jump/Climb function |
| L1 Button | Heal with resources (hold) |
| L2 Button | Toggle zoom-in function (hold) |
| L3 Button | Swap shoulder POV (while zoomed in) or toggle sprinting |
| R1 Button | Fire weapon's special ammo / (hold) craft special ammo |
| R2 Button | Fire weapon's normal ammo / (hold) craft normal arrows |
| R3 Button | Toggle Survival Instincts mode / (while aiming) zoom in |
| L. Analog | Controls movement |
| R. Analog | Controls camera POV |




I'll list some of the other things Lara can do here, plus other notables that
come to mind.


Tomb Raider games have always had these, one way or another.


Dodge Counters are a series of evasive counterattacks enabled after redeeming

points in the Brawler skill tree. They have three separate tiers; the skills
stack with each other.

Dodge Counter (incapacitate unarmored foes)

Dodge Kill (kill unarmored foes)
Dodge Kill Mastery (kill armored foes)

Lethality aside, all dodge counters are performed the same way: while zoomed
in with a gun (or brandishing the climbing axe), try evading a melee attack
in any direction. Two concentric circles appear -- the goal being to stop the
first in the center with Triangle button.

If done correctly, a dodge counter is executed. The foe will either perish
immediately (if applicable) or be incapacitated for a short while, setting
up a weapon finisher. Note that gunmen aren't the only ones capable of being
murdered in this fashion -- medium-sized predators, like wolves and leopards,
can also be put to the knife. (Bears can be countered this way, but it only
serves to stun 'em; OHKOs aren't possible.)

Dodge counters are also useful as Lara's immune to damage while performing
one, plus when initiating one -- even if it's not timed properly!


Finishers are weapon- and environment-specific techniques to kill human foes.

To perform one, first incapacitate an enemy by hitting their unarmored leg,
forcing 'em to kneel. Then, close the distance while brandishing a weapon.
There are finishers for each weapon type (pistol, rifle, shotgun, bow, axe).
If one has a related 'Expert' ability from the Hunter skill tree, performing
finishers improves the chances of looting rare weapon-specific ammunition,
such as Dragonfire Rounds or rifle grenades.

Lara can also do a finisher while submerged -- simply approach an enemy at

water's edge and use Triangle to drag 'em down to Davy Jones' locker. Like
other finishers, this is an instant kill but can still alert the victim's
If the "Death from Above" skill is obtained, Lara can drop from heights onto
enemies for similarly quick slaying (even if enemy is armored). This requires
the Combat Knife tool from the Abandoned Mines, however. If "Stealth Landing"
is learned, "Death from Above"-style kills are silent. (These kills can be
done even if the enemy is aware of Lara, too.)

Finally, while the opposition is unaware of Lara's presence, she can hide in
thickets and perform OHKOs from cover. Not only will she waylay the poor
bastards, but she'll drag their corpses into cover, maintaining stealth as
long as no one witnessed her serial killing. (Enemies who wander into the
thicket for other reasons can notice the bodies at close range, however.) If
the "Deadly Force" ability is learned, stealth kills are performed quicker.


After obtaining the wire spool, Lara's climbing axe is upgraded to a grapple
hook. The main use for the GH is the same as any media: catching ledges just
out of reach. This also gives a nice "safety net" when jumping, as it can
catch any spot Lara would normally be able to reach. Applicable ledges are
usually white-lipped.

The hook can also catch other surfaces Lara can climb, like iced-over walls
and craggy cliffs. These are also easy to spot visually.


Hitting R3 button will highlight pertinent objects nearby while dimming the
environment. Things found include: ladders and climbable surfaces, containers
of any type (gift of alms, strongboxes, resource boxes), collectibles (maps,
satchels, relics, documents, etc.) and monoliths.

Certain skills can improve functionality:

Animal Instincts (animals and their footprints/blood trails)

Anatomical Knowledge (can see animals' hearts; often leads to OHKOs if hit)
Bright Eyes (spear and pitfall traps)
Eye for Detail (challenge-related objects)
Intuitive (relics, docs, monoliths, and strongboxes glow through walls)
Master of the Land (pinpoints where exotic animals are)
Natural Instincts (all natural resources, like wood, herbs, etc.)

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