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; PORTB is control lines in following order


; PORTA is data

; DDR* = 0 ==> input pin

; when used to read status, doesn't matter if pull up is active or not

;checks the status of the LCD display

;takes as input what a valid status is
.MACRO statusi

; ldi temp2, 0b01010101

; out PORTB, temp2

clr temp ;set PORTA to all inputs

out DDRA, temp
; ser temp
; out PORTA, temp ;set pull ups, why the hell not???
ldi temp, 0b00010101
out PORTB, temp ;set control lines
in temp, PINA ;read data
andi temp, @0
ldi temp1, 0b00011101
out PORTB, temp1 ;set control lines
cpi temp, @0 ;compare
brne statuswait ;if status check fails, try again

ldi temp, 0b00011010 ;return chip to read status to avoid double writing
(VERY bad)
out PORTB, temp

;checks the status of the LCD display

;takes as input what a valid status is
.MACRO status

; ldi temp2, 0b01010101

; out PORTB, temp2

clr temp ;set PORTA to all inputs

out DDRA, temp
; ser temp
; out PORTA, temp ;set pull ups, why the hell not???
ldi temp, 0b00010101
out PORTB, temp ;set control lines
in temp, PINA ;read data
and temp, @0
ldi temp1, 0b00011101
out PORTB, temp1 ;set control lines
cp temp, @0 ;compare
brne statuswait ;if status check fails, try again

ldi temp, 0b00011010 ;return chip to read status to avoid double writing
(VERY bad)
out PORTB, temp

;writes data to the LCD display

;takes as input the data to be written
.MACRO writei
ser temp ;set PORTA to all outputs
out DDRA, temp
ldi temp, @0
out PORTA, temp ;put data on PORTA
ldi temp, 0b00010010
out PORTB, temp ;set control lines
ldi temp, 0b00011010
out PORTB, temp ;bring /CE back up

;writes data to the LCD display

;takes as input the data to be written
.MACRO write
ser temp ;set PORTA to all outputs
out DDRA, temp
out PORTA, @0 ;put data on PORTA
ldi temp, 0b00010010
out PORTB, temp ;set control lines
ldi temp, 0b00011010
out PORTB, temp ;bring /CE back up

;writes a command to LCD display

;takes as input the command to be written
.MACRO commandi
ser temp ;set PORTA to all outputs
out DDRA, temp
ldi temp, @0
out PORTA, temp ;put command on PORTA
ldi temp, 0b00010011
out PORTB, temp ;set control lines
ldi temp, 0b00011011
out PORTB, temp ;pulse /CE back up

;writes a command to LCD display

;takes as input the command to be written
.MACRO command
ser temp ;set PORTA to all outputs
out DDRA, temp
out PORTA, @0 ;put command on PORTA
ldi temp, 0b00010011
out PORTB, temp ;set control lines
ldi temp, 0b00011011
out PORTB, temp ;pulse /CE back up
;***********************************16 bit
;adds two 16 bit numbers, takes in add1h, add1l, add2h, add2l
.MACRO add16
add @1,@3 ;Add low bytes
adc @0,@2 ;Add high bytes with carry

;compares two 16 bit numbers, takes in cp1h, cp1l, cp2h, cp2l

.MACRO cp16
cp @1,@3 ;Compare low byte
cpc @0,@2 ;Compare high byte with carry from
;previous operation

;add a 16 bit number to a 16 bit immediate, takes in addh, addl, addi

.MACRO addi16
subi @1, low(-@2) ;Add low byte ( x -(-y)) = x + y
sbci @0, high(-@2) ;Add high byte with carry

;compares a 16 bit number with an immediate, takes in cp1h, cp1l, cpi

.MACRO cpi16
cpi @1, low(@2) ;Compare low byte
ldi temp, high(@2) ;
cpc @0, temp ;Compare high byte

;subtract constant from 16 bit number, takes in subh, subl, subi

.MACRO subi16
subi @1,low(@2) ;Subtract low bytes
sbci @0,high(@2) ;Subtract high byte with carry

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