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The White House Plumbers, sometimes simply called the Plumbers, was a covert White

House Special Investigations Unit, established July 24, 1971, during the presidency of Richard

Watergate scandal-third rate bulgarly

Even besides his 28 year career as a politician, Nixom made a mistake that would forever mark
his presidency with Watergate scandal. Nixon employed Cuban people, four of them, who were
trained CIA agents to do whatever is needed to not only win the elections of 1972, but win them
on the greatest scale ever. He appointed John Mitchell to head the CREEP- Committee to Re-
elect the president. Gordo Liddy and Howard Hunt BOTH SERVED THE CIA and were prominent
members of CREEP. With them another member of the CREEP was James McCord. CREEP
was employed to gather information about Nixon opposition.

In 1973, Liddy and Hunt came up with multiple elaborate plans to gather intelligence on the
Democrats. Later, as Nixon ran for his second term, Hunt and Liddy planned the
burglary of Democratic National Committee headquarters(break into DNC on the
sixth floor) at the Watergate office complex. Liddy and Hunt wait atthe hotel
Watergate while Locksmith opens the door of the DNC offices. Minutes later he
radios Hunt with a code message THE HORSE IS IN THE HOUSE, meaning they
managed to get in the office, where electronics team expert wiretapped two
office phones. The 5 man magaed to exit the buliding undetected. Hunt and Liddy
planted another man Alfred Baldwin, froemr FBI agent at the Hower Motor Lodge
across the street. Baldwin has order to listen to conversations at DNC office. Three
weeks after the brak in Hunt and Liddy gather their team at Watergate hotel
again, because one of the bugs is defective, they have to make it active again.
Baldwin will be the lookout at Howard Johnson across the street while the
burglars replace the bug at the DNC headquarters(sjediste), Hunt and Liddy will
keep the radio contact from their room at the Watergate hotel. Locksmith picks
the lock on the building, another man tapes the door open and they enter, the
burglars walk up to DNC offices, but security guard Frank Wills notices the tape on
the stairwell door and immediately calls the police. Why does the tape cause such
concern? Three off duty officers pull up outside the Watergate in unmarked car,
Baldwin sees them and tries to warn the burglars but it's too late, five men were
arrested, police suspected money laundering by seeing money in their bags and
turn the case to the FBI. Hunt and Liddy drive away from the hotel unnoticed. The
next morning story of the break in falls to two low-ranking reporters at Wshington
Post Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, story went on the front page, but it
doesn't generate much attention. These two reporters following clues by
informant Mark Felt who stayed anynimous for 30 years in that period, connect
the links of the break in to CREEP. A post reporter calls Woodward with a tip that
burglars left behind two adress books and a check from Howard Hunt in their
hotel room at Watergate. Hunt intials were set aside to WW which to Woodward
stands for White House. Reporter called the White House, Hunt no longer works
there but Woodward tracks him down, that night chief of staff Bob Holdeman tells
Nixon that one of the burglars is James McCord who works for the CREEP. The
Washington posts runs a story linking former White House consultant Howard
Hunt to the Watergate burglars. After Nixon won landslide elections victoy, he
wasn+t sure what's gonna happen.
January 30th the jury in Lydian Mccords trial finds them both guilty, but trial ends
without any proof of larger consipracy. This trial happened ten days after the
Nixon's second inaguration.
Federal judge John Sirica refused to accept defendants claim they had acted on
their own.
In February 1973 the Senate established SCPCA to investigate. In March at Court
judge Sirica read the letter of James McCord-one of the burglars, saying there was
political pressure applied to keep defedants silent, this spurred national interest in
Watergate affair. The letter hints at a larger conspiracy. April 6 John Dean offers to
tell Senate everything he knows. In a private meeting Nixon asked Dean to resign.
As the trial of revelations led closer to the Oval office, Nixon fired his special
counsel James Dean who refused to be a scapegoat(Nixon asked him to manage
the Watergate scandal by controlling the flow of information in and out of the
White House), and annonuced resignations of two principa aides, HR Haldeman
and John Ehrlichman. Nixon dismissed his closest aid in order to cover uo the
whole thing so that it doesn't stay connected to himself. May 17th the Senate
Watergate hearing begin, all three commercial networks air the hearing live,
On May 18 Archibald Cox was employed to investigate presiden't connection to
the Watergate, Nixon is now facing both a criminal probe from the Justice
Department and political inquiry in the Senate. 38 days later John Dean is set to
testify in front of Watergate committee, June 25th 1973 Washington DC, Dean
testifies(19:33), June 28th
Butterfield confirms the thing about listening devices in Oval office,
James Dean testified and claimed at Court that
Dean compiled a list of 15 names, mostly lawyers, who could be indicted in the scandal, and
showed then showed the list to White House counsel and Assistant to the President for
Domestic Affairs, John Ehrlichman.
From June 25-29, 1973, former White House Counsel John Dean did indeed made these
allegations. He began with a seven-hour opening statement in which he laid out his
knowledge of the entire campaign of White House espionage. He also revealed that he
believed Nixon had tape-recorded some of the oval office conversations regarding
On July 16, 1973, another former aide to the President, Alexander Butterfield, testified
before the Senate Committee that there was an oval office recording system, that it was
installed and operated by the Secret Service, and that Nixon probably had it installed to
record things for posterity, for the Nixon Library.

Nixon, however, refused to turn over the

tapes, again claiming executive
privilege. The Senate Committee and
Cox then issued subpoenas for the
White House tapes.

Nixon's Tape
Recorder, on display
Newsweek, at the Nixon Library in
6/30,73 California

Nixon again refused, and instead ordered Cox to drop his subpoena, but Cox would

The "Saturday Night Massacre- znaci: Nixon otpustio Coxa 'neofirno'

On October 19, 1973, Nixon, looking toward a solution to the tape dispute, offered what later
came to known as the Stennis Compromise. U.S. Senator John C. Stennis (D-MS) would
independently review the tapes and summarize them for the special prosecutor's office. Cox
refused the compromise. The next night, a Saturday, Nixon worked to have Cox removed.

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