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^ S' ,NST ^
n,rc 21 1961
'^/ b r a r y ^
The research on unsteady cavity flows was supported by the U.S.
Office of Naval Research under Contract No. N. 62558-2269

C o n t e n t s

Chapter I. Introduction
1. Cavitation 1
2. Free-streamline theory of steady cavity flows;
non-linear models 3
3. Linearized theory of steady cavity flows 7
4. Linearized theory of unsteady cavity flows 10

Chapter II. Symmetric wedge flow; connection between

linearized theory and non-linear models
1. Introduction 14
2. Linearized theory 15
3. Reentrant-jet model 21
4. Riabouchinsky model 27
5 Calculation of the drag 30

Chapter III.Linearized theory of partially cavitating

hydrofoils; comparison of theory and experi
1. Introduction 36
2. Boundary-value problem 37
3 General expressions for lift, moment, drag and
cavity area 44
4. Series expansions of singular solutions at in
finity 48
5. Flat plate and parabolic-arc profile; compari
son with experimental results 52

Chapter IV. Wall effects on a partially cavitating hy

1. Introduction 59
2. Formulation of boundary-value problem 60
3. Conformal mapping onto normal region 62
4. Solution of boundary-value problem 70
5. A special case 81

Chapter V. Some investigations' of a linearized theory

for unsteady cavity flows
1. Introduction 93
Part. I. Reentrant-jet flow with unsteady
2. Steady reentrant-jet flow 94
3 Unsteady motion as a perturbation of steady
flow 97
4 . Additional conditions 106
5. First-order approximation for small breadth 112
Part. II. Linearized theory of unsteady
cavity flow
6. Summary 118
7. Linearized theory of steady flow 119
8. Unsteady flow; method of the complexvelocity 122
9 Linearized unsteady cavity flow as a first-
order approximation 127
10. Unsteady flow; method of the complex
acceleration-potential 128
11. Conclusions 133

Chapter VI. Supercavitating hydrofoil in unsteady motion

1. Introduction 135
2. Boundary-value problem 136
3. Steady-state velocity field; initial values "'43
4 Two additional conditions 144
5. Second linearization " 151
6. Laplace-transform with respect to the time-
variable 156
7. Singular solutions and their Laplace-transforms 159
8. Supercavitating flat plate in unsteadymotion 166
9 Special case 0 0 172
10. Calculation of Nyquist-diagrams; some numerical
results; steady approximation 179

References 199

Appendix 202

Overzicht 208

C h a p t e r I

1 Cavitation
Cavitation occurs in a fluid, when the local fluid pressure
equals a certain critical pressure. Cavities appear filled i
with a mixture of the vapour of the fluid and other gases,
which may have heen dissolved in the fluid or entrained hy
the fluid motion. For water, in which only a small amount of
gas is dissolved, the critical pressure will be approximately
equal to the vapour pressure providing flow conditions prevail
such that the air cannot be entrained. Ventilated cavities,
which may occur behind bodies moving just below a free surface,
do not satisfy this requirement. The pressure in a ventilated
cavity is roughly equal to the atmospheric pressure. Cavitation
may arise as a result of a temperature increase in the water
(boiling). We shall concern ourselves however only with cavi
tation caused by the motion itself (dynamical cavitation). The
cavity pressure will be taken equal to the vapour pressure. In
an irrotational flow of water considered as an incompressible
non-viscous fluid, where gravity effects can be neglected,
dynamical cavitation will occur at a sufficiently high local
fluid velocity according to Bernoulli's law, which is express
ed by the equations
P + ^-pq constant. (1.1)
p is the local pressure,p the constant density of the fluid,
and q the magnitude of the local fluid velocity. The suscep
tibility of the fluid for the occurrence of dynamical cavita
tion is characterized by the dimensionless parameter d, called
the cavitation number. It is defined as follows*

with t
U,,, = some typical fluid pressure, in the following always the
pressure of the fluid at infinity,
p = cavity pressure, i.e. vapour pressure,
U magnitude of some typical fluid velocity, in the following
always the magnitude of the velocity at infinity.
t Large d means small susceptibility,,small 0 large susceptibil
ity to the occurrence of cavitation, as can be immediately in
ferred from Bernoulli's equation (1.1). It is obvious from the
definition, that 1 0.
The types of cavities that appear can be separated roughly
into two groups. These are termed by Eisenberg [l], 1.transi
ent cavities and 2. steady-state cavities. In the first case,
also called bubble cavitation, we observe bubbles filled with
vapour, which grow and diminish. A collection of these bubbles
can sometimes give the impression of one big vapour bubble,
constant in shape and size. This can happen of course only in
a nearly steady flow. With the second type we really have to
do with one large bubble constant in shape and size. This type
of cavitation is also called sheet cavitation. The "constant"
shape and size must be considered as a time-average, since in
reality small oscillations of the cavity may occur. A common
occurrence is at .the edges of propeller blades of ships and
turbines. Also hydrofoils, whether they are used for stabi
lizing ships of a classical type or are designed for car
rying hydrofoil boats, may show steady-state cavities, when
they are operating at sufficiently high speeds. In the case
of hydrofoil boats the cavities are often of the ventilated
type. Actually little -is known about the circumstances 'which
control the occurrence of either the first or the second type
of cavitation. Such questions relating to what is called the

inception of cavitation, will not be considered, here.

2. Free-streamline theory of steady cavity flows: non-linear

Restricting ourselves to the second form of cavitation, the
steady-state cavity, we might consider the boundary of the cav
ity as a streamline of the fluid along which the pressure is
constant. With this assumption the steady-state cavity is ac
cessible to mathematical treatment by means of the theory of
free streamlines. This theory has been applied first by Helm
holtz and Kirchhoff in order to take into account the wake of
a body in a fluid flow. The fluid was considered incompressi
ble and non-viscous, the flow was taken irrotational. Gravity
effects were neglected. Helmholtz and Kirchhoff assumed the
wake to be a "dead water" region, i.e. a region of stagnant
fluid, in which the pressure is constant. Along the bounda
ries, the free streamlines, the velocity is discontinuous
(slipstream), viz. zero in the "dead water" region and of
constant magnitude unequal to zero in the flow region, accord
ing to Bernoulli's equation (1.1). (see fig.1).

dead water" region

or cavity

Pig. 1 o Helmholtz - Kirchhoff flow past flat plate.

This type of flow is called a one-phase flow. More recently,

however, the theory of free streamlines has been thought to

be better applicable to cavity f1 ovts, in which two phases are

found viz. the fluid and the vapour filling the cavity. The
reason for it is, that, as already Helmholtz has noticed, a
slipstream is unstable. Small perturbations of the free stream
line will gro intially. The rate of growth is roughly
proportional where p' is the smaller of the densities
on the two sides of th dividing streamline (see Birkhoff and
Zarantonello [2 ] p. 254 - 255) Thq Helmholtz - Kirchhoff
wake-flow model is therefore highly unstable, whereas the free
streamline in the case of a cavity flow may be unaffected by
D *
this so called Helmholtz instability since there ~ 1. In
connection with cavity flows, however, the difficulty arises
that it is not possible to treat finite cavities by means of
the free-streamline theory without introducing further assump
tions. A finite closed cavity would, require a stagnation point
at the rear end. But this contradiqts the condition of constant
magnitude of fluid velocity along the boundary of the cavity,
the free streamline.
Riabouchinsky was the first to qonstruct a model in order
to overcome this difficulty. He considered a flat plate normal
to the direction of thd main stream. The plate was taken infi
nitely long. The rear end of the cavity behind this flat plate
was replaced in his model by a secqnd flat plate of the same
size and direction, the cavity extending between the two plates
The flow in a plane perpendicular to the edges of the plate,
can be looked at as being two-dimensional (see fig. 2). To eve
ry cavity pressure i.e. to every cavitation number <J there cor
responds a definite distance between the plates, i.e. a defi
nite cavity length. It should not be forgotten however, that
Riabouchinsky didn't have in mind an application to cavity
flows when constructing his model. The artificial flat plate
in his model may be considered as a representation of dissi
pation within the framework of potential theory. These dissi-

pation effects are clear in wake flows, but are also seen at the
rear end of cavities, where the flow is usually very foamy.


Pig. 2. Riabouchinsky flow past flat plate

Another model, probably originating from an idea, that goes

back to Prandtl and Wagner, was introduced by Kreisel and Efros.
In this case the rear end of the cavity is replaced by a reen
trant fluid Jet. This jet is allowed to disappear on a second
sheet of the Riemann surface that corresponds to the physical
plane (see fig. 3 ).


\ cavity V
Pig, 5 Reentrant-jet flow past flat plate.

Except for the obvious artifice of the Riemann sheet this model
is thought to give a fairly good physical picture. Under certain
circumstances such a reentrant jet has been observed in exper-

iments. The kinetic energy disappearing from the first sheet

of the Riemann surface (the physical plane) into the reentrant
jet on the second sheet may he considered as a representation,
within the framework of potential Ijheory, of the dissipation of
energy at the rea4 of the cavity.
A third model, given hy Roshko and Eppler for the case of
wake flows, has found some applications to cavity flows too.
The flow behind the finite cavity has been replaced by a flow
outside two parallel flat plates, vfhich are parallel to the
main stream direction. The plates sire downstream
infinity. The free streamlines, bounding the cavity, attach the
plates smoothly (see fig. 4)


Pig. 4 Roshko - Eppler model for cavity flow past flat plate.

The width between the parallel plates is not prescribed before

hand but results from the solution of the problem. Along the
plates the fluid velocity falls off monotonically from its val
ue at the cavity boundary to that at infinity. Therefore this
model is sometimes called transition model. The Roshko-Eppler
model has the advantage, that it can reduce two-dimensional
cavity-flow problems in a multiply-connected region to such
flow problems in a simply-connected region. The usefulness of
this model however for representing cavity flows is open to
some question.

For bibliographical references to the literature concerning

non-linear cavity-flow models we mention Birkhoff and Zaranto-
nello [ 2 ] and a recent survey by Gilbarg [ 3 ]

5. Linearized theory of steady cavity flows

Since many hydrodynamic bodies, for which cavitation is a
problem, have a slender shape and are used in such a way that
the angle of incidence of the fluid is small, it lies at hand
to suppose that these cavity-flow problems admit a linearized
treatment. It was only in 1953 that the first publication on
a linearized cavity-flow problem appeared. Tulin [ 4 ] formu
lated in that year a linearized theory for the symmetric flow
about a wedge with a cavity behind it. No attempt to develop
a linearized cavity theory seems to have ever been made before.
This is the more surprising, as thin airfoil theory had found
already at that time many fruitful applications to all kinds
of aerodynamic flow problems. This gap in classical hydrody
namics seems to be filled somewhat now. Linearized theory has
been applied to lifting hydrofoils, partially cavitating as
well as supercavitating. A partially cavitating hydrofoil is
one for which the cavity extends along a portion of the suc
tion side (see fig. 5a), a supercavitating hydrofoil has a cav
ity extending along the entire suction side and even beyond
the trailing edge of the foil (see fig. 5^)


Fig. 5a. Partially cavitating hydrofoil.


Pig. 5*> Supercavitating hydrofoil.

Both flow problems have practical importance because of their

application to the cross-sections of propeller blades, for
which the thickness ratio, the camber and the angle of inci
dence are small. The now well-known, supercavitating propeller
has been designed after the results of linearized cavity theo
ry. Cavitating hydrofoils fitted with a flap have been dealt
with recently (Tulin [ 5 ] ) One is, interested in the flap-
effectiveness of these hydrofoils for using them on hydrofoil
boats. The effects of the presence of walls or free surfaces
on cavity flows, symmetric as well as unsymmetric, have been
considered by Cohen and his coworkers. For a review of their
work see [ 6 ] . The consideration of wall effects receives its
importance for a big part from the fact, that cavity experiments
are done in cavitation tunnels and one therefore needs to know
to what extent the tunnel walls influence the observed flow
field. The flow through a lattice of cavitating hydrofoils
(cascade flow) has been treated also by linearized theory be
cause of its importance for turbine design. For a review of
the applications of linearized cavity theory with stress upon
the contributions of the research group at California Institute
of Technology, we refer to Parkin [7 ]
A typical condition used in linearized cavity-flow theory
is the one, which requires that the cavity be closed. This con-

dition, which results in determining the unknown cavity length,

seems a reasonable one. For a complete justification of line
arized cavity theory, however, two questions should be answered:
.1, What is the connection between linearized theory and the
non-linear models discussed in the preceding section?
2. Do the results of linearized theory conform to the ex
perimental observations?
As to 1. we shall prove in chapter II, that linearized cav
ity theory is a first order approximation to the Riabouchinsky
model as well as to the reentrant-jet model. The proof will be
given for the simple case of the symmetric flow past a wedge
with a cavity behind it. It will appear, that the Riabouchinsky
model must be generalized in an appropriate way to this wedge
flow in order to get the result stated.
To answer the second question we develop in chapter III the
linearized theory of partially cavitating hydrofoils and com
pare our results with the results obtained by Meijer from ex
periments on two partially cavitating hydrofoils in the cav
itation tunnel of the Shipbuilding Department of the' Techno
logical University at Delft [8 ] . It should be remarked here,
that Meijer started his experiments just for checking the results
given by linearized cavity theory. The agreement between theory
and experiment appears to be surprisingly good. In the theory
the fluid has been taken unbounded in all directions (infinite-
fluid theory), whereas the experiments have been performed in a
cavitation tunnel. In order to see, to what extent a considera
tion of wall effects within linearized theory will influence
the agreement between theory and experiment, we shall give in
chapter IV the linearized theory of a partially cavitating hy
drofoil between two parallel walls. It is not possible to use
a linearized version of the transition model for this flow con
figuration, as has been done previously (see [ 6 ] ) in the case
of a supercavitating hydrofoil between parallel walls. This

means, that a mixed boundary-value problem for a doubly-con

nected region must be solved.

4. Linearized theory of unsteady cavity flows

In the preceding section the attention has been directed ex
clusively to steady flow configurations. The question now arises
as to how a linearized treatment of ynstady cavity flows is pos
sible. The unsteady motion of a supercavitating hydrofoil in a
uniform flow presents no fundamental difficulties in the case
0 m 0, i.e. when the cavity is infinitely long. Remark, that,
when the relaxation time of the phase transition of the fluid is
small with respect to the characteristic time of the unsteady mo
tion, e.g. the period of an harmonic oscillation, - a condition,
which will be assumed to be valid in the sequel - , the cavity
pressure may be taken constant also in the unsteady case. Parkin
[ 9 ] solved the problem of a flat plaice under incidence, which is
performing heaving oscillations in a uniform flow. He calculated
the lift-coefficient, which results from the unsteady motion. In
[ 7 ] Parkin gives the results for a pitching oscillation of the
flat plate. In the case(J>0, when the cavity has finite length,
some difficulties arise, which are peculiar to unsteady cavity
theory in two dimensions, and which are not encountered in un
steady thin airfoil theory. Looking at the cavity as a closed
vapour bubble, which is the correct picture for a Riabouchinsky
flow and which seems to be valid also in linearized theory, (re
member the closure condition, mentioned in the preceding section)
and allowing the cavity to change in size and shape during the
unsteady motion, which seems to be reasonable from a priori ar
guments and from qualitative observations of unsteady flow con
figurations, we are forced to admit an infinite pressure at in
finity. The argument follows roughly the following lines. Note,
that it is valid only in the case of two-dimensional cavity
flows. The cavity of varying size acts as a two-dimensional sour-

ce of varying strength. When no singularities other than free

vortices are present in the fluid, the source of varying strength
representing the growing and diminishing cavity must have its
counterpart in a sink of varying strength at infinity because of
the assumed incompressibility of the fluid. A consideration of
the unsteady form of Bernoulli's equation:

dip 1 C
<1 + P constant, (4 . 1 )

leads then to the conclusion, that the pressure must be infinite

at infinity. An infinite pressure at infinity however cannot
be allowed. Pour possibilities for overcoming this difficulty
have been proposed:
1. The cavity should be constant in size, if not in shape.
Wu [10] has built a linearized cavity theory on this as
sumption. His theory however doesn't seem to be consist
ent in itself.
2. A linearized theory for two-dimensional unsteady cavity
flows in an incompressible fluid is not possible. Com
pressibility effects should be taken into account. This
possibility has been suggested sometime ago by Tulin.
3 There are some singularities in the moving fluid besides
the shed off free vortices. These singularities arise
from the variation of the cavity area in a similar way
as the free vortices are created by the change in circu
lation around the hydrofoil. They were therefore called
"free sources" by Timman [11] and the author [12]. It is
well-known from thin airfoil theory, that the free vorti
ces are the physical picture of a discontinuity layer for
the perturbation-velocity component parallel to the main
stream. This discontinuity layer extends downstream in
the wake of the body. Its local strength is trained away
without change by the unperturbed fluid velocity. The

"free sources" are a possible interpretation of a discon

tinuity layer for the component of the perturbation veloci
ty perpendicular to the main stream, the existence of which
is directly connected to the change in size of the closed
cavity (see the appendix for scpne mathematical details).
The discontinuity layer extend^ downstream from the rear
end of the cavity and has the same property with regard to
its local strength as the vortex discontinuity layer. The
physical interpretation of the "free sources" is not clear.
4. The closure condition must be abandonned in the unsteady
case. Although the closure condition is certainly valid for
linearized steady cavity flows^ it should be generalized in
such a way to unsteady cavity flows as to become consistent
with the condition of finite pressure at infinity. The gen
eral condition reads, that there be no source or sink in
the flow at infinity.
Possibility 4 is the result of an.investigation inspired by a
discussion Prof. dr. R. Timman and 1;he author had with Dr. P.
Eisenberg and Mr. M.P. Tulin. Since the meaning of an unclosed
cavity in the unsteady case was not yet clear then, it was sug
gested to investigate an unsteadily perturbed reentrant-jet flow
and to see, what conditions would come out from a linearization
of this type of flow. It had already become known, that lineari
zed cavity theory is a first-order approximation to reentrant-
jet flow in the steady case (see the preceding section). It is
shown now in chapter V, that a linearized theory of unsteady
cavity flows using 4 . as a basic assumption is a first-order
approximation to an unsteadily perturbed reentrant-jet flow.
Since 4 leads to a consistent linearized theory for two-di
mensional cavity flows in an incompressible fluid, possibility
2. has lost its sense. Possibility 4 . should be considered as
an advancement over 3 > since it can be interpreted as a lineari
zed cavity-flow model in which the "free sources", which do not

admit a physical interpretation, extend on a second sheet of a

Riemann surface from the rear end of the cavity to upstream in
finity. This is a consequence of the fact, that 4 is a first-
order approximation to the most realistic non-linear cavity-flow
model, viz. the reentrant-jet model, as shown in chapter V. Pos
sibility 1. cannot be taken into serious consideration because
of its inconsistency. These arguments constitute the a priori
justification of our choice of possibility 4 for the lineari
zed treatment of the unsteady motion of a supercavitating hy
drofoil in chapter VI. It must be remarked however, that the
ultimate justification of this linearized unsteady-cavity theo
ry should be an a posteriori one and should come from a compar
ison with experimental results. These experimental results how
ever are not yet available. As a possible application of the
theory, presented in chapter VI, we mention flutter calcula
tions for hydrofoils used on hydrofoil boats.

C h a p t e r II
S Y M M E T R I C W E D G E P L O W ;
L I N E A R I Z E D - T H E O R Y A N D
N O N - L I N E A R M O D E L S

1. Introduction
The symmetric flow past a wedge with a cavity behind it has
been dealt with in several ways. Plesset and Shaffer [13] gener
alized the Riabouchinsky model to this case by replacing the rear
end of the cavity by a symmetrically placed wedge. Shiffman C 1 4- 3
indicated the solution for the corresponding reentrant-jet flow.
Arnoff [ 15 ] did some computations using Shiffman*s results. Tu
lin [4 ] introduced linearized cavity theory by applying it to the
wedge flow. His treatment is limited of course to small vertex
angles. In this chapter we give a unified treatment of all these
three flow types. The Riabouchinsky model we use however differs
from the one in [13 ] '"by the fact, that the rear end of the cavity
is replaced by a flat plate perpendicular to the main stream.
It is shown, that linearized cavity theory is a first order ap
proximation to both non-linear models for small wedge angles.
The units of length and time are chosen in such a way, that
the wedge has length 1 and the constant magnitude of the fluid
velocity at the boundary of the cavity q is equal to 1. The car-
tesian coordinate system is so chosen, that the vertex of the
wedge lies at the point (-1, 0) and the fluid velocity at infin
ity has the direction of the positive x-axis (see fig. 6). The
fluid is assumed to be non-viscous and incompressible, the flow
to be steady and irrotational. Prom Bernoulli's equation (I, 1.1)

we derive
U - (1 + <r)^ , ' (1.1)
where U is the magnitude of the fluid velocity at infinity, and
0 the cavitation number defined by (I, 1.2). Half the vertex
angle of the wedge is denoted by o.

Pig. 6. Symmetric wedge flow.

2. Linearized theory
We assume, that oc1 and 1. It follows from (1.1), that
U is given to a first order of approximation by
U = 1 - . (2.1)
The two-dimensional velocity field may now be considered as the
superposition of a small perturbation-velocity field (u, v) on
the field (1, 0). Thus
1 + u,
v , ( 2 . 2)
where < and q^. are the x- and y- components of the fluid veloc
ity and /u/<< 1, /v/ 1 . At infinity we have
u = - I , v 0. (2.3)
We shall neglect products of small quantities. Bernoulli's e-
quation (i, 1.1) then reduces to
P - Pc = - Pu. (2.4)
The continuity equation reads
0 (2.5)
+ 0y

The irrotationality of the flow is expressed by

Prom (2 .5 ) and (2 .6 ) it follows, that w = u - iv is a holomor-

phic function of z * x + iy in the interior of the fluid. The
condition, that the flow he tangential at the surface of the
wedge, is given by
1 * u = tan a, (2 .7 )
where the plus- and minus- signs refjer resp. to the upper and
lower side of the wedge. To a first prder of approximation
(2.7) may be replaced by
v + a. (2.8)
To the same order of magnitude (2 .8 ) may be applied on the sym
metry-axis of the wedge, i.e. on the x-axis between (-1, 0) and
(0 ,0 ). On the cavity boundary we havp
p * p , thus, u 0. (2.9)
This boundary condition can again be applied on the real axis,
since the width of the cavity is of the same order of magnitude
as the width of the wedge. The cavity is assumed to extend be
tween the points (0 , 0 ) and (l, 0 ). The value of 1 is still un
known, but will be determined as a pprt of the solution of the
Since the flow field is symmetric with respect to the real
axis, it is true, that
w(z) = w(z), (2.10)
where a bar denotes a complex conjugate value. For w(z) the
following mixed boundary-value problem can be formulated: w(z)
must be holomorphic in the entire z-plane with the exception
of the straight cut from (-1 , O) to (1 , 0 ). There it has to as
sume the boundary values:
-1 < x < 0, y = + 0 : v a ,
y = - 0 : v - - a, (2.11)
0 < x < 1, y = + 0 : u * 0 ,
see fig. 7.

vwot { u 0
(-1,8) (pj u^o

Pig. 7. Linearized boundary-value problem for symmetric wedge


At infinity condition (2.3) must hold. The pressure p and ac

cording to (2.4) also u should be integrable functions of x. It
is easily derived, that (2.11) is equivalent to the following
Hilbert-problem for the real axis:
7 - 00 < X < - 1 t w - w"
+ - v- = - 2ia,
- 1< x < 0 t V
(2 .1 2 )
0<x < 1 1 V + w - 0,
1 < x < 00 X w - w" m 0*
w + and w denote the limiting values of w in approaching the real
axis from resp. the upper and lower side. For the solution of ,
(2.12) we first consider the corresponding homogeneous problem.
A solution wh (z) of this homogeneous Hilbert-problem is
wfa(z) -Vz(z - 1), (2.13)
where the branch of the square root is so chosen, that
wh (z) ~ z as 2 00 .

We now introduce the function (z) by

It is immediately inferred from (2.12), that () satisfies the

simpler Hilbert-problem:

7 - , - 00 < X < - 1i - F 0
+ - 21
- 1 <x < 0 * - e . i (2.15)
0 < X < oo 1
' wh+
- F 0.

A particular solution of this Hilbert-problem may he found by

using Plemelj's formulae, which are contained in the following
theorem (see Muskhelishvili C16 ] p. 42)* If

() J_
r tiiL
t - z
dt, (2 . 1 6 )

and ip(t) satisfies a H81der-conditipn on the smooth arc L, then

+ ( )
v o' + f
JL 0
dt (2.17)
*"(t0) - + fJ L t^fiU

(Plemelj's formulae), t is an interior point of the arc L. The
plus- and minus- signs as upper indices denote the limiting val
ues from resp. the left and right hand side of the arc L. The
integrals in (2.17) should be understood as having their Cauchy
principal values. It follows from (2.17), that

+(*) - ( - ( * ) (2,18)
According to (2.18), a particular solution of (2.15) is given by

() 8 dx_______
V-x(l-x j(x-z)

A particular solution of (2.12) is therefore*

a _____dx_____
w(z) Vz(z-l) (2 .20 )

The general solution of (2.12) can be derived from (2.20) by
adding the general solution of the homogeneous problem. Using

the conditions, that w(z) he finite at z op according to (2.3)

and that u he an integrahle function of x, we find the general
solution of (2.12) to hei

a dx
v(z) ( 2 . 21)


where A is a real constant. Integrating we gets

a "Vz(l+1) - "Vz-1 .1/ z

w(z) log ( 2 . 22)

In this solution two unknown constants still occur, viz. A and 1 .

They are determined hy the following conditions:
1. u - ^ at z x 00. (2.23)
2. The cavity should he closed (closure condition).
We shall formulate the closure condition mathematically. Let the
boundary of the cavity he given hy the following equations:
y + g(x), with 0 < x Cl. (2.24)
vi.+ lf , 0 < x < 1. (2.25)

In order that the cavity he closed, it is to a first order of

approximation necessary and sufficient, that
g(l) - g(0) - - <x. (2.26)
f1 v+ dx (2.27)
Since a v+ at -1 < x < 0, (2.27) can he put into the form

0 , (2 .28)

w+ dz - 0 (2.29)

This can he written as

t wdz 0 , (2.30)

where C is the contour indicated in fig. 8

-------^ C:------------
fe--------- ------------^ at
-1 0

Fig. 8. Contour C for closure condition.

Using the residue theorem for the exterior of C, we find

Re jres.wi - 0 (2.31)
C ) Z -o o

as the mathematical expression of the closure condition. It is

equivalent to the requirement, that there he no source or sink
at infinity.
We now apply conditions 1. and 2. to (2.22). Condition 1.
gives us
- - I [log 1 - 2 log (1 + V 1+1) ] + A, (2.32)
whereas condition 2. yields
j V l i i + I A - 0. (2.33)
Elimination of .A between (2.32) and (2.33) results in the fol
lowing relation between the cavitation number and the cavity
length 1*

A is given by


The flow field has been determined now completely. It is seen

from (2.35), that A < 0. We therefore readily infer from (2 .32 ),
u 5 0 at -1 < x < 0.
u =i 0 at -1 < x < 1. (2 .36 )
Using the maximum theorem for harmonic functions, we derive
from (2 .36), that
u < 0 in the cut z-plane
According to (2 .4 ) this inequality means, that the pressure is
minimal at the boundary of the cavity. This minimum pressure
condition is of fundamental importance in cavity flow problems.
It should be investigated in each case separately, whether it
is satisfied or not. In the sequel however we shall tacitly as
sume, that the minimum pressure condition has been verified for
the flow configuration under consideration.
In section 5 we shall derive an expression for the drag

3. Reentrant-.iet model
The symmetric flow past a wedge according to the reentrant-
jet model is represented by fig. 9

Pig. 9. Reentrant-jet model for symmetric wedge flow


By u and v we denote now the x - and y - components of the fluid

velocity. On account of the continuity equation and the equation
of irrotationality, w = u - iv is again a holomorphic function
of z = x + iy in the interior of the fluid. Furthermore it is
possible to introduce a velocity potential and a stream func
tion in the usual way by means of the equations:
9 ay
U dx = 3y (3. 1)

a ay
V = 9y
It is clear, that = <p+iy is a holomorphic function of z. More
over we have
w=g. (3.2)
On account of the symmetry of the f}.ow with respect to the real
axis, we consider for the moment only the upper half of the flow
region. This region is simply-connected. According to the Rie-
mann mapping theorem it can be mapped conformally onto the upper
half of a t-plane. We put t = + . It should be remarked, that
this 0 is different from the defined by (I, 1.2). This will
not cause any confusion during the following analysis. We choose
the mapping in such a way, that t = -1 is the image of A, t = 0
the image of B, and z = is mapped onto t = oo. We first deter
mine and w as functions of t. The above mentioned mapping is
then found explicitly from: ^
* - -1 + W" 1 H dt ( 3- 3)
a. Determination of as function of t.
is a holomorphic function of t in the upper half of the t-
plane. Since the real axis of the t-plane is the image of stream
lines along which ** constant, ^ is real along the real axis.
d v (3.
According to Schwarz's reflection principle t t can be continued

analytically into the lower half of the t-plane. Note, that this
continuation corresponds to the lower half of the physical plane.
Isolated singularities may occur on the real axis. They cannot

be essential singularities (see Birkhoff and Zarantonello [2 ] p.

64). It follows, that ^ is a rational function of t with real
coefficients. The point C in the physical plane, the original of
t = c, is a sink for the flow field. The point D, which is mapped
onto t = d, is a stagnation point and a branch point of the
streamlines. Hence
,t - d

, J
*s ft.
t -c (3.4)
where K is a real constant. It is easily seen from (34) that
the point at infinity shows a source, as it should do.

lm - - = RecJi=0 ^ I m il =grjm J2=0

- -------------
-1 0 c d

Fig. 10. Boundary-value problem for upper half of t-plane .

b. Determination of w as function of t.
We introduce the function by
= log w = log q - ift , (3*5)
where q is the magnitude of the fluid velocity and the angle
between the positive x-axis and the velocity vector, is a
holomorphic function in the upper half of the t-plane. It must
satisfy there the following mixed boundary-value problems
- 0, 00 < < - 1 : Im a as 0 ,

1 < < 0 t Im = - a
0 < a < c : Im = 0 , (3.6)
c < < d s Im m ,
d < a < oo t Im = 0 .

Defining 0(t) in the lower half-plane by means of Schwarz's re-


flection principle, we can formulate the equivalent Hilbert-

0, * < i < 1 i - 0,
- 1< a < o * + - " - 2,
0 < O < c : + + - 0, (3.7)
c < a < d s 'i+ 21,
d < o' < OO . ' 0.

Q(t) must he finite at infinity and continuous at t 0 and

t = c. The solution is
do da
(t) = Vt(t-c) f J
_1 0(c
- - )
-/ (
-, fv
-0 tf(*J-c)(c-t) ]

For the method of solution see the preceding section. The branch
ofV t(t-c) has been so chosen, that
V t(t-c) ~ t as t -* 00 .
Integrating we find*

_ (Vt(c+1 ) - Vt-o >** Vd~(t-c) -Vt(d-c)

W 6 N i(t(c+1) + Vt-c ) Vd(t-c) + Vt(d-c)

z as function of t is then given by*

1 j I j t PC 1 1 j I (3.10)
v r C~Vt(c+1) + Ytc Vd(t-c) + Vt(d-c) t-d 4.
(Vt(o+i) - V t i r i W d ( t - c j - V t ( d T ) t_c
In the solution three unknown constants still occur, viz. K,
c and d. They are determined by the conditions*
1. w U b (1 + <j) at t 00. (3.11)
2. z must be a single-valued function of t.
3. Distance from A to B sec a, or
zB i tan a . (3.12)
Condition 2. is expressed by
- d4>
dt - 0, (3.15)
f dt

where C is a contour encircling wedge and cavity once. Applica

tion of the residue theorem-to the exterior of C gives us in
stead of (3 .1 3 )*
res.efi f r l 0* (3.14)
dt it-

Condition 5 can he put into the form

- .. . , .
e dt * 1 + i tan a. (3.15)
Using these three conditions we find after some computation the
following relation between c and 0 s
' _ ,', _-2
1 + d
* ^ '-^' (3.16)

d is given bys

d - c
4 0 * i> L
- U T '
J f t - T)

whereas K is determined bys

(V - d ( c + l ) + Vd+c' 71 Vd(g+c) +V -d(d-c) d-d do =
I v - d ( c + 1 ) - Vd +c $ V d ( d + c ) - V - d (d -c) ~

= 1 + i tan a. (3.18)

The points E and E, where the tangent to the cavity boundary

is directed vertically, may be considered as the rear end of
the cavity. They are mapped onto the point t ** t , determined
by the equation

c-t '
arctan V-------2----- + a rctan i -7 c (1
'r t0(c+D r tQ(c+l)

= 4

t is of course a real number,

The width 2 a of the reentrant jet at infinity on the second
sheet of the Riemann surface is found from

ia = limf " # dt, (3.20)

'Jo ^
where Ce is a half-circle of radius and with centre at t c
(see fig. 10). We get

a = K(d - c) = K ~ (1 + 1).


We now suppose, that a 1 and expand the expressions, which

have been obtained so far, in powers of a . It is assumed, that c
has a fixed positive value such, thsit

i v+i >0-
From (3.16) we derive, that the first order term in the expan
sion of d is given by

il ! 1+l+io^ _ + V1+ j ) J*
O } ]
Expanding (3*17) we find, that up to second powers of a:
d - c = 0 (5 .23 )
Hence according to (3.21 ):
a = 0. (3.24)
To the same order of approximation it is true, that
c - t& = 0. (3 .25 )
Going as far as second powers of a, we may put
c - t
0 = d - c .
From (39) we derives

_ , VtTc+) -V t-c t
w = 1 + log , v . =4--- - r = ,
Vt(c+1 j + V t-c

+ higher order terms. (526)

This expansion is uniformly valid in the interior of the fluid.
The perturbation velocity field corresponding to w = u - iv, as
defined in section 2, is therefore given by

Vt(c+1 ) -V t-c _ 2a ~\j 1 ~ \ 1 t

log +
t-c (5.27)
Vt(c+1) + V t ^ ' c II c

If we may identify t and z, neglecting first and higher powers

of a, it is clear, that this expression has the same form as the
right hand side of (2.22), when (2.35) is taken into account.
For in that case c = t = 1 . That indeed t and z may be identi-
fied in this way, follows from (310) and the fact, that
K = 1 + first and higher order terms. (328)
The expression (322) for O agrees with the relation (2.34) be
tween and 1 given by linearized theory. Formula (324) expresses,
that to a first order of approximation the inflow of fluid into
the reentrant jet may be neglected. Its presence however is still
represented in linearized theory by the square root singularity
at z = 1 . This is shown by the expression for A

A .0 . 2 9 )

where A is the quantity introduced in section 2. The closure con

dition of linearized theory appears to be the linearized version
of additional condition 2. for the reentrant-jet flow.

4. Riabouchinsky model
The symmetric wedge flow according to the Riabouchinsky model
is represented by fig. 11.

Pig. 11. Riabouchinsky model for symmetric wedge flow.

The width of the plate, which replaces the rear end of the cav
ity, is still unknown and will he determined as a part of the
solution. Since the mathematical analysis follows nearly the same
lines as in the case of the reentrant-jet model, we shall discuss
this flow type briefly.
We map again the upper half of the flow region onto the upper
half of the t-plane. The points A, B, C and D are mapped resp.
on t - 1, t 0, t * c and t = d, whereas the point at infin
ity is a fixed point of the mapping,
a. Determination of as function of t.
Since there are no singularities in the finite part of the plane,
we have

dt K (4-1)
where K is a real constant.
b. Determination of w as function of t.
= log w has to satisfy the following mixed boundary-value prob
_ OO < 0 <- 1 3 Im - 0 ,
- 1 < a < 0 3 Im fi - -a,
0 < a < c 3 Im - 0 , (4.2)

c < 0 < d : Im
d < a < OO
Im 0 .

Taking into account conditions of continuity and finiteness, we

find the following solution:

w e0 m ( ~Vt(c+l)' - A/t-c ) CVdft-cj -Vt(d-c)

(V t(c + 1 ) W t-c J t V d ( t - c ) + V t ( d - c ) ^ J ^j
The three unknown con stan ts K, c and d are determined hy:
1 . w = U = (1 + )" o+
at +
t - . (4 .4 )
2 . z must be a single-valued function of t.
3. - z b = i tan a.
" (4.5)
We arrive after some computation at:

1 + o,
[^ }'[^ ^ 4 (4.6)J

d c 1 4 (4 .7 )

The expression for K is:

fV d f o + c T +M-<s(&-c) $
k r t do
J, tV-o(c+1) - (Vd(d+c) - V-o(d-c) J
= 1 + i tan a (4.8)

Half the width h of the flat plate at the rear end of the cav
ity is given hy:

b =K + * ,
Jc No(c+1) -Vo-c i
+ p E > - r
Nd(o-c) -Vo(d-c) j
a . ( 49
. )

An expansion in powers of a shows, that also the Riahou-

chinsky model reduces in a first order approximation to line
arized cavity theory. The width 2 h of the artificial flat
plate is zero in this approximation. It is still represented
however hy the strength of the square root singularity at z 1.
This may he seen from the following formula for A:

(4 . 10)
where A is again the quantity introduced in section 2. To a first
order approximation condition 2. goes over into the closure con
dition of linearized theory.

5. Calculation of the drag

1) Linearized theory
The drag D, experienced hy the wedge as a result of the fluid
flow, is to a first order of approximation given hy

D (5. 1 )

Using the linearized Bernoulli equation (2.4) and the linearized

boundary condition (2.8) on the wedgp, we derive from (5*1) that

_ EL 2 .
D uv dx w dz, (5-2)

where C is the contour indicated in fig. 12.



Pig. 12. Contour C for drag calculation.

w is a meromorphic function outside C It has a simple pole at
z 1 with residue
A21 4SL (1 + $).

theorem fo r the e x te rio r of C we get

2 (1 + r> res. w2 1 . (5 .3 )
+ i( : izooJ
) z<30
re s . w l
) Z= oo
* 0. ( 5 .4 )

3 - ia a
(1 + (5 .5 )
r> *

and to the same order of approximation

(5 .6 )
pir < *>
2) Reentrant-.jet model
The general formula for the drag of the wedge is

sec a i tana
D * 2 I (p-Pc) sin a dl *= 2 Im * j (p-Pc) dz, (5.7)
where the path of integration in the last integral is s tr a ig h t
line. According to Bernoulli's equation

P - P0 - i P(1 - q )* (5-8)

/ f if M a + )
q - /e | - e*3' ' (5.9)
Using (5 .8 ) and (5*9) we can reduce (5*7) as follows!

D - 2 Im
6J e
+ - . .
d t dt


e - e
- ^
+ e

- e
dt . (5.10)

It is clear, that

r1 - .. ^ f - & ..
ZB * ZB + J
" dt + J-1 1 dt dt* (5 .11 )

Defining z* in a trivial way by

(5 .1 2 )
and continuing z analytically across the upper boundary of the
cavity by means of Schwarz's reflection principle, we gets

1 e

where z* denotes the reflected image of z with respect to the

upper cavity boundary. Use has been made of the fact, that
(5 .13 )

* ( t ) - - Q(t) (5 .14 )

where *() is the analytic continuation of Q(t) across the

interval 0 < < c of the real axis in the t-plane, which cor
responds to the cavity boundary. Expression (5.10) for P can
now be written ass

This formula has been derived by Shiffman [14 ] He used the

method of analytic continuation across free streamlines for the
solution of cavity flow problems.
For the calculation of the drag in the case of our reentrant-
jet flow, however, we start from (5.10) and write it in the forms

+ (5 .16 )

The function e^ + e appears to he continuous at the following

intervals of the real axis:
- 00 < o < - 1 , 0 < a < c, c < 0 < d , d < <J < 00 .
It follows, that

U . - ..
> I e + e J dt, (5.17)
where C is a contour in the t-plane similar to the one indicated
, - \ d$
in fig. 12 for the z-plane. The function (e + e ) is mero-
morphic outside C. It has a simple pole at t = c. Thus

D = U
P ()
2 res. (e
/ + -eB , )di }
dt $
/ \ )
+ i res. (e + e ; ^ J ' (5.18)

After some computation we find

D = 2
L >
tffi-] (5.19)

We now compare this result with the formula given by Birkhoff

and Zarantonello [ 2 ] p.75*

D = p[ 1 + (1 + d)-] times width reentrant-jet. (52)

This formula can be derived from a consideration of the time

rate of inflow of momentum into the reentrant jet. Using (5 .16)
and (3.21) it is easily shown, that_( 5 1 9 ) and (52) give the
same results for the drag.
An expansion into powers of a leads in the case of small a
to the following approximate expression for Ds
a 2 ( l + J ) . (5.21)

It is in agreement with the result (55) given by linearized


5. Riabouchinsky model
We start from formula (517), which is also valid for the
Riabouchinsky model. The function ( + e ^ ^ is now contin
uous at the following intervals of the real axis:
- < d < - 1, 0 < o < p, d < o < .
It is therefore a holomorphic function in the t-plane with straight
cuts along the real axis from -1 to 0 and from c to d. It follows,


+ 2ni| res. ( + " ) || j , (5.22)

where L is a contour surrounding the cut c < a < d once in the

positive sense. We calculate first the residue at the point at
infinity. By virtue of condition 2. of section 4 we have:

j re s . e"Q H J - 0. (5.23 )
t )t=oo


res. e
( &
dt 1 - k jres. |

) too fc= 0 0

- ( -
K res. e Jres. e

L dt L ) OO
0 .

- a
[ e + e (5.25)
In order to obtain the approximate expression for D in the case
of small a, we expand the integrand into powers of a. The ex
pansion is uniformly convergent in the interior of the cut t-
plane. It is therefore allowed to change summation and inte
gration. Using the residue theorem we finally get:

i> - 2 (1 + J ) (5-26)

which agrees again with (55)

Note, that (5*25) represents the force, which the fluid exerts
on the artificial flat plate in the direction opposite to the
main flow. This is in accordance with d'Alembert's paradox.

C h a p t e r III
OF P A R T I A L L Y ' C A V I T A T I N G
H Y D R O F O I L S ; C O M P A R I S O N

1. Introduction
We consider a hydrofoil placed in the flow of an incompress
ible non-viscous fluid, filling an infinite space. The velocity
of the fluid at infinity is taken egual to U. When the chord of
the profile makes an angle a with the direction of the fluid ve
locity at infinity, the fluid velocity on the suction side of the
foil in the neighbourhood of the leading edge will increase con
siderably. Consequently there will T|t>e a strong decrease of pres
sure there. When the local pressure attains the vapour pressure,
cavitation will occur. For not too ^mall values of , the cavity
will extend along a portion of the suction side of the hydrofoil.
This case, where the cavity is shorter than the foil chord, was
called partially cavitated flow in |:he introductory chapter
(see fig. 5a)
The partially cavitated flow about a flat plate has beentrea
ted by means of linearized theory by Acosta [171 and by Timman
and the author [18 ] . The linearize^ theory for a partially cav-
itating hydrofoil of general shape has been discussed in C19 ]
On its basis some camber effects were studied in [20 ] . Thickness
effects have not been taken into account in these papers.
As we mentioned in chapter I, Meyer did some important exper
iments for checking results obtained by linearized theory. The
measurements reported in [8 ] concern the partially cavitated flow.
Meyer used two hydrofoils, the one symmetrically shaped and boun-
ded by circular arcs, the other asymmetric having a straight
line and a circular arc as sides. When thickness effects are
neglected, in view of the small thickness ratio of the foils,
and the foils are represented by their camber lines, the first
hydrofoil may be considered as a flat plate, whereas the second
one may be replaced in linearized theory by a parabolic arc.
For the first hydrofoil the agreement between theory and ex
periment is surprisingly good. In the case of the second one
the experimental points are rather close to the theoretical
curves. The agreement may be called satisfactory there.
In this chapter we shall discuss the linearized theory for
a class of cambered hydrofoils, which are partially cavitating.
Numerical results will be given in the form of graphs for com
parison with Meter's experiments. They have been taken from [ 1 9 ]
and [20 ] . The treatment, however, is somewhat different from
the one given in these papers.

2. Boundary-value problem
The units of length and time are chosen in such a way, that
the hydrofoil chord has length 1 and that the constant fluid
velocity at the cavity boundary is equal to 1. The cartesian
coordinate system is so chosen, that the origin coincides with
the leading edge of the foil and the fluid velocity at infinity
has the direction of the positive x-axis. Using the linearizing
assumptions introduced in section 2 of chapter II (henceforth
denoted by (II, 2)), we may set up the following mixed boundary-
value problem for the complex perturbation-velocity w * u - iv,
which results from the presence of the partially cavitating hy
drofoil in the uniform flow field (see fig. 1 3 )*
y + 0 , 0 < x < l t u 0 ,
l < x < 1 s v d x (2.1)
y = - 0 , 0 < x < 1 1 v= .
Here y f(x) represents the camber line of the hydrofoil, y*+0,

x=l the rear end of the cavity. The complex perturbation veloc
ity w is a holomorphic function in t^ie z-plane, cut along the
real axis from 0 to 1. Besides (5.1) it must satisfy the addi
tional conditionst
u * - ^ , v * 0 at z . (2.2)

Re J r e s . w l = 0 . (2.3)
1 ) Z m OO


U.O 4 o
v - J f -

v_ dJL
v ~ dx

Pig. 13. Linearized boundary-value problem for partially cavi-

tating hydrofoil.

Condition 2. is the mathematical expression of the closure con

dition for the cavity. Its derivation proceeds along a way simi
lar to the one used in (II, 2). The cavity length 1 is an unknown
of the problem.
In the following analysis we shall suppose, that
f(x) M(x) , (2.4)
where M(x) is a polynomial of degree m in x. This class of func
tions is sufficiently large for describing camber effects in many
cases of practical interest. As a matter of fact a parabolic-arc
profile, which represents Meyer's second hydrofoil in linearized
theory, is a special case of it.
It is easy to find a particular solution of (2.1), which has
finite degree at infinity. It is .given bys
w(z) - - i f f . (2.5)

M(z) is the same polynomial in z as M(x) is in x. We are now

looking for the general solution of the corresponding homogene
ous houndary-value problem* which has finite degree at infinity.
Iw will he denoted by w^(z). We map the z-plane, with slit along
the real axis from 0 to 1, onto the upper half of a -plane
(> + i ) by means of the conformal transformations

c -/ (26>
The homogeneous boundary-value problem for w^(z) in the cut z-
plane is then equivalent to the following problem for ^()

Wh(z(C)) in the upper half of the C-plane:

- 0 , - oo < < 0 s vh = 0 ,
0 < < b s Ujj-0 , (2.7)
b<<oo : v^-0 ,


b V 1 -T * (2.8)

Putting 1 - sin y , (2.9)

we see, that
b - tan y . (2.10)
A-particular solution of (2.7) iss


where y ^ ^ ~ 1 as .
That this is true, can be verified directly or may be seen by
continuing w^(c) analytically into the lower half-plane by
means of Schwarz's reflection principle and by formulating the
corresponding Hilbert-problem. Note, that it is also possible

to find. (2.11) by another conformal mapping. The representation

of (2.11) in the z-plane iss

S (0 () (2 .1 2 )

We now consider

Vh (z)
W(z) (2.13)
where w^(z) is the general solution of the homogeneous mixed
boundary-value problem, which has finite degree at infinity. W(z)
is holomorphic in the z-plane cut aloiig the real axis from 0 to
1 and has finite degree at infinity, <j)n the slit it assumes the
boundary values:
y - + 0 , 0 < X < 1 t Im W - 0 ,
1 < X < : Im w 0 ,

< X

, 0 < 1 : ImI w 0 .

For the determination of w(z) we introduce W(z), defined by

W(z) - V(i) , (2 .15 )
(see Muskhelishvili [1 6] p. 95 ) The bars at the right hand
side of (2 .15 ) denote complex conjugate values. The bar at the
left hand side is a notation inspired by the fact, that,- if W(z)
is a polynomial in z given by

w(z) + + + 1 *
then (2.16)
W( z) = + u^z + . . . + U3n ^ n f

where the bars at the right hand side of (2.16) denote again
complex conjugate values. W(z) is a hcilomorphic function of z
if and only if W(z) is a holomorphic function of z. Furthermore
we introduce () and X(z) by:
( ) * [ w(z) + w(z) ] , (2 .17 )

x (z ) = [ W(z) - W(z) ] (2.18)


() may be considered as the symmetric part of W(z), X(z) as

the anti-symmetric part of W(z) with respect to the real axis.
The following identities are easily proved:
Re [ W + + W'] - + + q " ,
i Im[ W + + W"] X+ + X - , (2.19)
Re [ W + - W ] X+ - X" ,
i Im[ W + - W - ] = + - - .
The superscripts + and - denote limiting values on the real axis
reap, from above and from below. Boundary-value problem (2.14)
for W(z) is now equivalent to the two following Hilbert-problems
for resp. () and X(z):
1) 7 00 < X < 0 i + - " - 0
0 < X < 1 : + - = 0
(2 .20 )
1 < X < 1 s + - " = 0
1 < X < 00 + - " SB 0
() ()

2) y - 0, op < X < 0 X+ - X' 0

0 < x < 1 X + + X" 0
(2 .2 1 )
1 < x < 1 X + + X" 0
1 <x <00 0
X(z) - - X(z) .
The general solution of (2.20), which has finite degree at
infinity, is given by
() R ^ z ) j (2.2 2)
where R^(z) is a rational function of z with real coefficients,
which may have poles in the finite part of the z-plane only at
z 0, z m 1, and z 1.
The general solution of (2.21), which has finite degree at
infinity, is given by .
X(z) = R2 ( z ) i]/ 2 = 1 ' (2.23)

where R 2 (z) is a rational function of z with real coefficients,

which may have singularities in the finite part of the plane at
the same points as S^(z). The branch of the square root is defined
by ,----- .
~ 1 as z -* oo. (2.24)
1 Z 1

Using (2.22) and (2.23) we can construct the general solution

of (2 .14 ) which has finite degree at infinity:

w(z) = R.,(z) + R 2 (z ) i
f1? (2.25)

The general solution w^(z) of (2 .7 ), which has finite degree at

infinity, is therefore:

wh (z) = r5 (z ) S^1 ^(z ) + R4 (z ) S ^ ( z) , (2 .2 6 )

, ( 2> 1^(1-z)^ # (2 .27 )

and R,(z), R .(z) are rational functions of z with real coefficients,;

We shall now investigate the behaviour of S^1^(z) and S^^(z)
near the transition points of the boundary conditions in (2.7).
fA N 1
S' '(z) shows the. following behaviour:

>^^(z) ~ - i ( " z4 at z 0 , (2.28)

where z4 is real at the upper side of the cut from 0 to 1 along

the real axis;
- . X. (2 .29 )
S'"^ ' ( z ) ~ | 21(1 - 1 ) I (z - 1 ) " a t z 1 + i
iO .

( 2)
Hence S' '(z) has the following behaviour:

S^2^(z) ~ i ( j) at z = 0 , (2 .30 )
S^2 ^(z) ~|2l(l-l) | (z-l)^ at z = 1 + iO . (2.31)

At the endpoint z = 1 of the cut both functions are finite. The

same statement holds with respect to their behaviour at infinity.
The general solution of (2.1), which has finite degree at in
finity, is

v(z) - - i g + R5(z ) S (l)(z) + H4 ( z ) S( 2) ( z ) . (2.32)

Requiring, that our solution (2.32) have only integrable singu

larities in the finite part of the z-plane (a consequence of the
condition, that the pressure be integrable), we see from (2 .32 )
and the behaviour of S^1^(z) and S^2 '(z) near the transition points
as expressed by (2.28) to (2 .3 1 ) that R4 (z) must be a polyno
mial and that R^(z) may have only a simple pole at z = 0. We
shall now show, that the existence of this pole is not consist
ent with the physical conditions of the problem.
If we allow R^(z) to have the simple pole at z 0, the behav
iour of w(z) at z = 0 ist

w(z) ~ i C z4 , (2.33)

where C is a real constant. Introducing polar coordinates in the

neighbourhood of z = 0, we can write (2.33) ast

w~ C r~4 ( sin + i cos ^2. ) . (2.34)

Looking at the real part of (2.34) which is proportional to the

pressure according to the linearized Bernoulli equation, we see
that it assumes positive values, even arbitrarily large, in the
neighbourhood of z * 0 irrespective of the sign of C. This behav-

iour however is not consistent with the condition, that the pres
sure he minimal at the cavity (see the discussion at the end of
(II, 2)). Therefore we can allow only a weak singularity at z 0 ,
i.e. one of the type z~^ . For another argument against the strong!
and in favour of the weak singularity we refer to [ 1 9 ]
For a complete determination of the flow field w(z), we use
the additional conditions (2.2) and (2.3). Let M(z) he a poly-
nomial of degree m. Then is a polynomial of degree m - 1. We
take R (z) and H (z) to he polynomials P(z) and Q(z) of the same
3 4
degree m - 1. These two polynomials have 2m arbitrary real coef- j
ficients. Applying condition (2.2), which requires that w(z) he r
finite at infinity and have prescribed values there, we get 2m
real linear equations determining the 2m real coefficients. The
cavity length 1 as a function of is then found from (2.3)
Before we apply our method to some special cases , viz. the
flat plate and the parabolic-arc profile, we derive expressions
for the lift, the moment, the drag and the cavity area in the
next section.

3. General expressions for lift, moment, drag and cavity area

a) Lift
The lift L, experienced by the hydrofoil as a result of
the fluid flow, is given to a first order of approximation by

(3. 1)

Using (II, 2.4) we get:

(u+ u~)dx p Re
w dz, (3.2)

where C is the contour shown in fig. 1 4 . Applying the residue

theorem to the exterior of C we arrive at
1 - 2 jres.wi , (3 - 3 )
( j z=


Pig. 14. Contour C and circular arcs and Cg for calculation

of forces.

The liftcoefficient C^ defined by

cCL i k __
it2 *

is therefore given to the same order of approximation by

CL = -4 Im |res.w| (3.5)
Z boo

b) Moment with respect to leading edge

The moment M, which the fluid exerts on the hydrofoil
with respect to the leading edge, is given by

M (p~ - p+)x dx . (3.6)

In the same way as under a) we find for the moment-coefficient

C, defined by
M ur
cM - 3S-s- , (3.7)
the formula
CM . - 4n Im jres. wz (3.8)
25* 00
c) Drag
Within the framework of linearized theory the drag is gi
ven hy

df ,
D dx (3.9)

where y g(x)* 0 < x < 1, represents the cavity boundary. Using

the closure condition and (il, 2.4) we can write this as:

D u. + M. dx

+ +
u v dx U +V + (3 .1 0 )

T 2
Since - 2uv Im w , L may be expressed as follows

*1 , 2 A 2 -1 2
D (w ) dx + f (w ) dx - f (v~) dx 1
LJo i Jo J
D w2dz + lim ^ w 2dz + lim d) w2dz ,
0 0 *L -I
L c ~ 0 c1 .2 C2
where is a small circle of radius about the leading edge
z * 0 and Cg is a sijiall half-circle of radius ^ about the rear
end of the cavity z = 1, both circles lying in the flow region
(see fig. 14) Since according to the results of section 2:

w(z) i E. at 0, (3.13)

where is a real constant, we see that

lim w2dz 0 . (3.14)

At z * 1 we have according to the results of section 2s

w(z) ~ E_(z - 1 ) " * , ( 3 *15)

where is a real constant. It follows, that

2 2
lim ^f) w dz iEg . (3.16)
0 Jn
The drag c o e f f i c i e n t i s d efin ed by

( 3 . 17)

By v ir tu e o f ( 3 . 1 2 ) , ( 3 . 14) , ( 3 . 16) s

CD = 2n Re |res. w2 | + Eg . (3.18)
Z b

It is easily seen, that Re jres. w2 j 0. Hence

CD = 2 ( 3. 19)

d) Cavity area
The area A of the cavity is given by

A J 1 jg(x) - f(x) I dx . (3.20)

Integrating by parts and using the closure condition we can

write this ass .

1 - Jof *<!! - S>a* (321)


-I V v ) x dx

- f (v + - v )x dx = Im v z dz


2 Re
res. wz
(5 .22 )

4. Series expansions of singular solutions at infinity

From the analysis in section 2 and the expressions given in
section 3 it is clear, that the complete determination of the
flow field and the calculation of th^ forces, experienced by the
partially cavitating hydrofoil, are easily achieved as soon as
the coefficients of the Ta ylor expansions of the singular solu-
tions S' '(z) and S'1 ;(z) in the neighbourhood of infinity are
known. In the case, that the camber line of the hydrofoil is
given by a polynomial of rather high degree, it is convenient
for numerical purposes to have a recurrence relation be tween the
coefficients of the Taylor expansions. The recurrence relations
will be derived now.
At the lower side of the cut' from 0 to 1 in the z-plane we
have s


Introducing the new variable u by means of

(4 .5)

we get
(4 .4 )

(4 .5)

It is known from the theory of special functions, that


cifically (see Erd4lyi etc. [21] p. 105) s

1 + (1 - u ) i 2_|3 f ( f . ; 1 + ; u), (4.6)

r 0 00 1 '

+ (1-u)^
pI 0 (4.7)

1 J
0 1 U
- i

Z1 z2 Z3
2 >
1 2 3
L i ' 2' V -

denotes the totality of solutions of Riemanns P-equation with

singular points at z^, z^ and z^. The indices at these points
are resp. (0^ , 1 ,)*( 2 a 2 *) and ( 3 3 '^* Riemann'a P-equa
tion is given hy

.2 3 1 - a - a
d w n dw
_ + It ' ,' *r
.2 . z - z dz
dz n =1 n

3 a a '(z -z .,)(z -z _)
n v n n + 1 n n+2' v * 0
+ . z - z (z-z.,)(z-z_)(z-z,)
n1 n ' 1 /v 2 /s 3
In (4 8) the following notational device has been used:

^ if i = j (mod. 3 )

Prom (4*7) it follows, that

,(1) (4.9)


G e 1
s <2)(z ) p \ o -i o (4 . 10)

i i
Since the indices at the singular points of Hiemann's
tion are invariant with respect to a linear transformation of
the independent variable, we easily derive from (48) to (4.10),
}() satisfies the differential equation
that S'

2 ( 1)
z2 (z- 1 ) ( z - 1 ) - 5|0 - + 5 4 * - (1 + 5 ) 1~

+ 1 s(1) - 0 * (4.11)

and that , ( 2)J (( z) satisfies the differential equation

2, d2S ^ z (. 2 ,,, .x )dS^2^

z (z-1)(z-1) 2 + g |4z " 3(1+1)* + 21 -

- Jg 1 - 0 . (4 . 12)

In the same way we find, that S ^ ( z ) satisfies the differential


- 4 s<1) - 0 ( 4 . 15 )

1 (2)
where s = , and that S^ '(z) satisfies the differential equa

(s-i)(s.t) ^ _ . + (8 .iil)d|_(2)
1, d2S<2>

1 - i i s(2) 0 , (4.14)
where again s . We now put

.<r> a z
(4 .15 )

S(2)(z) b
z ( 4 . 16)

both series expansions being valid in the neighbourhood of

z =. A straightforward computation gives us then the follow
ing recursive formulae for resp. a^ and b^s

(n+l)(n+2) an+2 - (n+1) j(l+l)n + | afl+1 +

l(n+i)(n+|) aQ * 0 , (4 .17 )

(n+1)(n+2) bn+2 - (l+1)(n+)(n+1) b

+ l(n-i)(n+J) bn = 0 ( 4 . 18)

The initial values a . a resp. b , b. for the solution of these

0 1 o 1 /-|y r2 \
difference equations are found by expanding S' '(z) and S' '(z)
in the neighbourhood of z = ooin the usual way!

aQ Vcos y 5 cos - i sin 2 >. ,

a^ * \Vcos y | cos (1 - cos y)(l + 2 cos y) -

- i sin ^ (1 + cos y) (1 - 2 cos y) j , (4 .1 9 )


bo {cosI +1sini I
bi - | cos I (1 - cos y) +

+ i sin | (1 + cos y ) j , (4.20)


1 = sin2 y . (4.21)

and 0 = y < .

5. Flat plate and parabolic-arc profile; comparison with ex

perimental results.
The flat plate and the paraholic-arc profile under an angle
of attack a are contained in the follpwing camher-line equation

y = - a x + x(l - x ) , (5.1)

For the flat plate - 0. Applying the method of solution dis

cussed in section 2 and using the results of sections 3 and 4
we finds
a) Relation between cavitation number a and cavity length Is

a(l + cos y ) sin y - ^ (1 - cos y ) cos y +

+ cos y sin^ y * 0 , (5.2)

1 *= sin y ,

b) Lift coefficients

CL - a(l + cos y ) cos y + (1 - cos y) sin y +

2 * -i
+ (1 + cos y)(1 + cos y + 2 cos y - 2 cos^ y )
c) Moment coefficients

CM = t [ a(1 + cos y )2 (-1 + 8 cos y - 6 cos2 y ) -


- (i- cos y ) sin 7 0 + cos y )(-2 + 3 cos y ) +

+ \(l+cos y)(l+2 cos y + 4 cos2y - 9 cos^y - 4 cos^.y* 4 cos^y)

d) Drag coefficient:

o< (1 + cos y ) cos y - a a cos y sin y +

CL -

+ 2 (1 - cos y) cos + ( - cos y)(l + 2 cos y) cos y

| a (1 + cos y ) + | sin yj

fc 'I

+ ^ (1 - cos y) (1 + cos y)(l + 2 cos y) cosy (5*5)

e) Cavity area <

A - ^a(l + 008 y)(1 + 3 cos y) cos y sin y +

0 2 3
+ 4 (1 008 v ) 0 + 3 cos y - 2 cos y - 6 cos3y) +

+ | (1 - cos y )(1 + cos y)(-1 - cos y + 4 cos^ y)sin y .

(5.6) J
In all these formulae: Oi y < | .

In figs. 15 and 16 we have plotted the cavity length 1 vs.

the ratio ^ of the angle of incidence a and the cavitation num
ber 0 resp. for the flat plate ( 0) and a parabolic-arc pro
file ( - 0.08). Use has been made of (5*2). In the first case
(see fig. 15) the curve is independent of a, in the second case
however (see fig. 16) different curves belong to different val
ues of a. These different curves are indicatedby their values
of a, expressed in degrees. The two cases, 0 and 0.08, cor
respond to the two profiles used by Meijer in his experiments.
The small circles in the figures represent experimental results,
which have been reported in [ 8 ] . In 1}he case of the flat plate
the experimental values follow the theoretical curves closely.
In the second case, the parabolic-arc profile, the experimental
points are situated systematically to the left of the correspon
ding theoretical curves. Nevertheless the agreement may be called
rather good also in this case. The systematic shift to the left
can probably be explained by taking into account the influence
of the tunnel walls on the observed flow field (see chapter IV).
In the case of the flat plate the ratio ^ attains its maximum
value when 1 = 0.7485 It might seem possible to have two cavity
lengths for each value of below the maximum value, the one
smaller than 0.7485 the other larger than this value. In the
experiments on the partially cavitating symmetric profile, how
ever, stable cavities with a cavity length larger than 0.7485
could not be observed by Meijer. Moreover linearized theory seems
to break down for cavity lengths near to 1, since the cavity area
becomes infinitely large when 1 goes to 1 (see form (5.6)). It
would therefore be interesting to consider the corresponding
non-linear reentrant-jet flow and investigate, what happens when
the stagnation point at the rear end of the cavity approaches
the trailing edge of the plate. This problem will be left to some
future research. Similar remarks apply to the partially cavi
tating parabolic-arc profile.
In figs. 17 and 18 the liftcoefficient, divided by 2 xot, its
value for the non-cavitating flat plate, has been plotted vs.
the cavity length 1 resp. for the flat plate and the parabolic-
arc profile. The small circles in the figures represent again
experimental values obtained by Meijer. The agreement between
theory and experiment is, especially for the parabolic-arc pro
file at an angle of incidence of.4, surprisingly good.

F i g . 1 5 . C a v it y le n g t h 1 v s . ^ f o r f l a t p l a t e . Sm all c i r c l e s
r e p r e s e n t e x p e rim e n ta l r e s u l t s by M e ije r .

( - .). Small circles represent experimental

results by Meijer. Broken line is curve for flat

Pig. 17 Liftcoefficient C^, divided toy its value for the non-
cavitating flat plate, vs. cavity length for flat plate.
Small circles represent experimental results by Meijer.

Pig. 18. Liftcoefficient C^> divided 1)7 its value for the non-
cavitating flat plate, vs. cavity length for parabolic
arc profile ( = 0.08). Broken line is curve for flat
plate.Small circles represent experimental results by

C h a p t e r IT

1 Introduction
Most experiments on cavitating hydrofoils are performed in
cavitation tunnels. The test sections of these tunnels are usu
ally of such a shape, that the flow is approximately two-dimen
sional there and that the hydrofoil may he considered to he sit
uated between two parallel infinite rigid walls. For the descrip
tion of a cavitation tunnel of that type we refer to van Lamme-
ren [22 ] . For another type of cavitation tunnel, the free-jet
water tunnel, see Silberman and Ripken [2J ]
Meijer [8 ] did his research on partially cavitating hydro
foils in the cavitation tunnel described in [22 ] . In chapter
III we compared his experimental results, such as the relation
between cavity length and cavitation number and the liftcoef-
ficient as a function of cavity length, with the results ob
tained by linearized theory under the assumption, that the
fluid is unbounded. For the flat-plate hydrofoil the agreement
appeared to be surprisingly good. It seems therefore to be of
some interest to investigate, whether a taking into account of
wall effects within the linearized theory of partially cavita
ting hydrofoils will make the agreement between linearized theory
and experiment better or worse. We shall perform this investi
gation for the case of the partially cavitating flat plate. The
wall effects on cambered hydrofoils under conditions of partial
cavitation will be left to future research. As a matter of fact

this research will he a straightforward extension of the anal

ysis to he given in this chapter.
For the definitions and properties of the -functions and
the Jacohian elliptic functions, te he used in this chapter,
we refer to Whittaker and Watson [24] We shall also adopt some
notations, which have heen introduced there.

2 . Formulation of boundary-value problem


The units of length and time are chosen in the same way as
in (III, 2 ). The same statement holds with respect to the choice
of the cartesian coordinate system. The two parallel straight
walls have the equations:
y h1
and (2 .1 )
y - - h 2. (see fig. 19)

Fig, 19. Linearized boundary-value problem for partially cav-

itating flat plate between two parallel walls.

The leading and trailing edges of the flat plate are denoted
hy resp. A and C, the rear end of the cavity by B. B has the
coordinates (l, 0) as in chapter III. D and E denote the points
at resp. up- and downstream infinity. On account of our line
arizing assumptions the mixed boundary-value problem of the com
plex perturbation velocity w = u - iv may be formulated for the
strip - h 2 < y < h 1 with a cut along the real axis from 0 to 1.
The boundary-value problem for the holomorphic function w(z)
reads as follows:
y = + 0 9 o < X < 1 S tl 0 .
1 < X < 1 V

( 2. 2)
0 ~

0 < < 1 S V

fl II

< oo

X : v 0

y = -h2 9
_oo < X < 00 V 0

The additional conditions are:

1) u = - I at B, i.e. at x = -> , - h,, < y < h1 ; (2.3)

2) u - I at E, i.e. at x = , - h,, < y < h1 . (2.4)

Furtlfermore there are some conditions concerning the behaviour

of w(z) at the transition points of the boundary conditions.
These conditions are similar to the ones discussed in (III 2).
The closure condition is automatically satisfied as a result
of the additional conditions (2.3) and (2.4)
We remark, that the boundary-value problem (2.2) is a mixed
problem for a doubly-connected region. For finding its solution
we first map the doubly-connected region, viz. the cut strip ,
onto a normal region. This will be done in the next section by
a generalization of the Schwarz-Christoffel formula to doubly-
connected regions.

3, Conformal mapping onto normal region

We first map the doubly-connected region of section 2, viz,
the cut strip in the z-plane, conformally onto the annulus
i<p* 4
r2*< r* < 1 in the z*-plane, where z* = r* e Y . According
to the theory of conformal mapping, this can be always achieved
in such a way, that the points D and E are mapped resp. onto
r* e ^* , *= 2d and r* r2* , *= 2(ic-d), where 0 < d < ^ .
The values of r^* and d are dependent on the shape of the doubly-
connected region and must therefore t}e determined as a part of
the problem. Next we apply the confopmal transformation:
T - - i log z* , (3.1)
where T = s + it .
s = *.
t - log i* . (3.2)

The annulus, cut along *= 0, r2*< r* < 1, is mapped confor

mally onto a rectangle in the T-plane:

0 < s < , 0 < t < - & log r2* . (3.3)

After introduction of by means of

= - i log r2* , (34)

the rectangle is given by

0 < s < , 0<t< , (3.5)

D and E are mapped onto resp. T = d + and T = - d + ;
A, B and C are mapped onto T = a, T b and T = c, where a, b
and c are real and 0 < a < b < c < . The universal covering
surface of the annulus in the z* -plane, which is simply-con
nected, is mapped conformally onto the following strip in the

< t <U . (3.6)
(see fig. 20)

j t t I h , 9 Tr w -d + y r v
2 1 2 2 2




B v=-oc C





0 a b e <7t

Pig. 20 . Normal region for conformal mapping with corresponding

boundary-value problem for w.

We consider the inverse of the mapping function, i.e. z - z(t ),

defined in the strip (3 .6 ). The analytic function z(T) can be con
tinued analytically into the entire T-plane by reflections with
respect to the boundaries of the riegions in the T-plane and in the
z-plane. These boundaries are parallel straight lines in both
planes. Since two successive reflections with respect to two pa
rallel lines result in a translation perpendicular to these lines
and of a magnitude twice their distance, it follows, that is
periodic with period . it is therefore a doubly-periodic func
tion of T with periods and .
We are now going to determine z as a function of T for the
mapping at hand. For that purpose we consider 7: . The doubly-
dz jct
periodic function has simple poles at the points T = d + -j-

(mod. , me) and T = - d + (mod. , ). These are the

only singularities. According to the theory of doubly-periodic
functions (see e.g. Whittaker and Wat,son [ 24 ] , chapter XX) we
therefore have

_ . '
dz _
dT C1 L l (T-d-f) - T 7 (T-^d-f) + c. (3.7 )


V (T-d-f) . ^ T +d - f ) (3.8)

where and C 2 are constants.

' '
(z - f ) = i + (z) , (3.9 )

we derive from (5*8), that

(3 .1 0 )

As TjTjj is real, when T is real, an C 2 are real constants.

This may be seen also directly from (3 .8 ). Integrating we find

* 1 1o i J i r i T * 2T * 5 <3 ' 1 )

Since z is a periodic function of T with period , we infer from

(3.11), that
C2 = 0. (3.12)

The constant is real, because z is real when T is real. It

follows, that

. -d)
z - C1 log + Cj , (3 .1 3 )

where and are real constants. Taking T = + s, with s
real, and using the properties of the -functions, we get
1 (s-d)
- c i lo g r ^ s T aT + 1 c i 2d + c 3 (3,14)

where the argument of the log-term is real positive, when

d < s < - d. Also

& 1 (s-d)
z = c i lo g 7 ( + 4 c i (2d- n> + c 5 ( 5 - 15)
where the argument of the log-term is real positive, when
0 < s< d or - d < s < . Since

Im z = h^, when t = , d < s < n - d ,

Im z = -h2, when t = , 0 < s < d or - d < s < ,

we derive that
V h2
L (3.17)
h 1+ h 2

The values of a and c are still to he determined. They can he

derived form the fact, that T = a and T = c are zero's of .
To determine a and c we start from (31), which can now be
written ass

dz V h2 V
L 4
(T-d) (3.18)


2 *
V h2

According to Whittaker and Watson [ 2 4 ] p. 490:

$.,(y) ^ ) ^ (y + z )
2 3 ^4 (y) 4 () &4 (y+z)*(5*19)

. h +h_ r i'* '(-) (T+d) /2.1)
If - - [ - " (2d) + 23 * 4{ w ) 4(+) 4 2 520)
It is known, that
an u
!l 1 ^ 3~2 ) (3.21)
2 >*3^
where sn u is one of the Jacobian elliptic functions with modu
lus ,
( 5 . 22 )

K is given by
K (3-25)
2 *3 *


h. +h
fe -111 - 4 - (2d) k2 sn (T_d) }
dT L 4 ' l 71 )

i? (*->}-{? }] (3.24)

Using the formula

2 2
sn u - an v
sn(u+v) sn(u-v) ,2 sn2u
sn v

we find
dz 1 2 4 ,2 2K /2K
dT - T [_ T ~ (2d) + k T sn (T 2d) *

sn2( f T) - sn2 ( f d)
( 3. 26)
1-k2 sn2 ( 4 T) sn2 (~p <*) J
The zero's of are therefore the roots of

14 ,OJx ,2 2K 2 /2K ,\ /2K . \

5^ (2d) + k sn ( d' sn ( ~ 2d' ' (3.27)

The real roots = T^ (mod. ) and = Tg (mod.) are to be

found from .

(2d) + k2 sn2 (2 d) sn ( ^ 2d) ^^

sn ( ~ T) = +(
,2 2K /2K \ . 2 2 /2K .-v 4* f o A \
k ~ sn 2d) + k sn (" d' (2d)
^ T1 = F(arc sin {A}^ k) ,

Ti 2. F (arc sin [ , k). (3.29)

c = T - fj P( arc sin (a )^, k), (3.50)

where A is an abbreviated notation for the.expression between

braces in (3.28). F ( ,k ) is the usualnotation for Legendres
normal elliptic integral of the first kindt

F(q>,k) " '* (3.31)
-k sin Y

It follows from (3 .29 ) and.(330) that

c = n - a , (3.32)
a result, which of course could have been derived at an earlier
stage of the above analysis. Note, that

K = P ( g , k) . (3.33)

The value of has not yet been determined. Since z- * 0 at


T = a and z = 1 at T = c , we find after a short computation,

C3 - i , (3-34)

V h2 . V a + d) ,
IT - e j ( a " - 'd) = * '

Equation (335) in combination with (3j.17) and (3*29) determines

the value of implicitly.
Combining all our previous results we get the following for
mula for the conformal mapping:

4 ( - d )
4 ( + d T

-*[ 1 -

^!(a - d ) J


. . . -1 V a + d)
h1 + h2 - 2 lo e 5 ^ 'a T d T

a = F ( arc sin |a |2 , k ),


V h2

Finally we consider the special case, that

h 1 - h2 = h . (5.37)

d - J , (2d) . 0 , a n (S S 2d) - 1 ,

2 ( d) - , (3.38)

where k', the conjugate modulus, is given by

k -V i - k2 ' .
a = (arc sin (1 + k' )^ , k)' - j ,

c - a - ~5 . (3.39)

This result could have been derived immediately from (3.20) .

Furthermore A
i , 4* 0 -I . (3.40)
i0g a, *
2 4

Since k - , we find

k - e 2h . (3.41)
Hence /
k-Vl - e h . (3.42)

The conformal mapping is given by

2h *4 (t
n log - >
+ i m
V*. * >

4 ( - -)
. 2k log V + i . (3.43)
&3( - -)

dn (u, k) - 3( 9 52)
4 (u *3 -2)
where dn(u,k) is again one of the Jacobian elliptic functions,
It follows therefore, that

2h , . ,2K _ K
z log dn ( T - 2

_ h



- k

2 / 2 K _T
sn (

, k)

where k and K

The mapping function (345) in the special case h^ = hg = h

can of course he found independently of the foregoing general
analysis by a somewhat simpler procedure using symmetry proper-
ties of the mapped region.

4. Solution of boundary-value problem

Using the conformal mapping discussed in section 3 we can
transform the boundary-value problem (2.2) for w as a function
of z into the following boundary-value problem for w in the strip
0 < t < of the T-plane: The holomprphic function w(T) must be
periodic in the strip with period and has to satisfy the boun
dary conditions:
t = 0, 0 < s < a v * - ,
a < s < b u 0 ,
b < s < = - ,
t = ^ - , 0 < s < 0 ,

and their periodic continuations, (see fig. 20).

The additional conditions are

u = at T = d + % (mod. )
and -(4.2)
u = -| at T = -d + ^ (mod. a)

Singularities may occur only at the transition points T = a

(mod. ) and T = b (mod. ) of the boundary conditions. Their

character must he such, that w is integrable with respect to z.

Moreover w should behave like z 4 in the neighbourhood of z 0.
This follows from (ill, 2), since the local behaviour of w(z)
will not be affected by the presence of the walls.
For the solution of the mixed boundary-value problem (41)
we first look at the corresponding homogeneous problem. A solu
tion of this homogeneous problem will be denoted by *^(). In
the strip it must be holomorphic and periodic with period . The
boundary conditions reads

t - 0 0 < s< a : 0 ,
a < s< b s 0 ,
b < s< s 0 , (4-3)

t 0 < s< : 0 ,

with their periodic continuations. We continu w^(T) in. the entire

T-plane by means of reflections with respect to the straight
lines, which constitute the boundaries in the T- as well as in
the w^- plane. In the T- plane these straight lines are all pa
rallel to the s-axis, in the w^-plane they all meet at the origin.
As we have mentioned in section 3, two successive reflections
with respect to two parallel lines result in a translation per
pendicular to these lines and of a magnitude twice their dis
tance. In a similar way two successive reflections with respect
to two lines meeting at the origin result in a rotation about
the origin through an angle twice as big as the angle between
the lines. It follows, that

W(T) / (4.4)
dT ' w.

is a doubly-periodic function of T with periods and . We

shall impose w^(T) the same conditions as w(T) concerning regu
larity and singular behaviour. Therefore singularities for W(T)

can occur only at T = a (mod. , ), T = b (mod. , ) and

possible zeroes IP = T, (mod. , ) of w. (T) (k 0,1,2...)
The T^ are so chosen, that 0 < Re and

< I* Tk g
~ 2 * lese singularities are simple poles with residues resp.

- + n , -- + -n^f n^, where n& , n^, nfc are non-negative integers

Using Liotnrille *8 theorem (ill) which states, that the sum of
the residues of an elliptic function in any cell is zero (see
Whittaker ant Matson [ 24 ] p. 431 ) and renumbering if necessary
the zero*s . , e see, that n 1, n *= 0 (k <= 1, 2, .),
E O K.
tta ~ If - 1 . In fact only the following three combinations
are possible*
na-0,-iijj-O, n o=1; &-0, ^=1, nQ-0? -1, ^-0, nQ-0. (4.5)
We new consider that branch of w ^( t ) in the strip - < t< ,
which is obtained by continuing w^(T) analytically from the
upper half of the strip Into the lower half across the intervals
t * 0 , b < e < - * + a and the intervals, which are congruent to
it (nod. *), according to Schwarz's reflection principle. This
means, that
wh (?) = wh (T) . (4.6)

From this branch of w^(T) we construct W.(T) according to (4 .4 ).

The region
0 /
< S </ , - y x
< t. s< (4.7)

is the interior of a period-rectangle for the doubly-periodic

function W(T). We now consider the following integral I taken
in the positive sense along the boundary C of the region (4*7)
(see fig. 21)s

1 - 2^T ' f dT * U-8)

We shall evaluate this integral in two different ways. First we
apply the residue theorem. This gives uss
I - (- + \ ) a + (- i + n^) h + nQTo .(4 .9)

Fig. 21. Contour C for integral I.

Next we compute I by splitting the integral into four integrals

along the straight-line segments, which constitute the contour
G. We get %

-25 < - T ) w(s - T ) ds +


1 r2 i
+ 2 ( + ) w ( n + i t ) i d t +


+ 2ST / (s + T 5 W(s + ) ds +

1 r"2 i
+ gw! J dt W ^it^ 1 dt
^ 1
- F I [ w(s+ f ) d s + , ^ W(it)i dt. (4.10)
0 1
~ 2i

Using (4.4) and (4*6), and remenberin^ that wh (T) is periodic

with period and is purely real when T = - + s, we find that

2i W(it)i dt - m 1 , (4.11)

'2 i
FI / W<8 + T )d
where and are integers. Thus

I = m^ +2 . (4.13)

Combining (49) and (4 .13) we get

(- + n& ) a + (-J + n^)b + nQTo = 0 (mod. , ) .

Formula (4 .1 4 ) shows, that we can only retain the combination

& - 0 , nb - 0 , nQ - 1 , (4.15)

from the three combinations listed in (4 .5 ), and that

a + b
T (4.16)
o 2

W (T) - -5- (T - ) - i (T-a)- (T-b) + C ,

1 1 1 (4.17)
where C 1 is a constant. Since w(T) is real when T is real, the
constant C 1 is real. Integrating we find

1 (T - n r) V +c2
wh (T) (4.18)
{1 (T-a) ^ ( T -b)}*
The branch of the square root is so chosen, that it is real when
T = s and b < s < + a. The branch cuts are laid along t * 0,
a < s < b and all the straight-line segments congruent to it.
From the periodicity of w^(T) in the s-direction we infer that
0. As w jj(t ) is real when T = s and b < s < + a, the con
stant C 2 is real. Since we are looking only for a particular
solution of the homogeneous problem, we take Cg 0. Hence we
* 1 (t )
wh(T) (4.19)
{^(T-a) 1 (Tb )}F

It may easily be verified, that w^(T) as expressed by (419)

satisfies all the conditions imposed. Using the properties of
the -functions we find:

/ TIT \ - )
wh ( T + s) (4. 20 )
{$4 (s-a) 4 (s-b)} F

We shall now determine the solution of the inhomogeneous

boundary-value problem (4 .1 ). We introduce w* (T) by

w* (T) w(T) - ia . (4.21 )

The boundary-value problem for w*(T), which corresponds to the

boundary-value problem (4 . 1 ) for w(T), is: v* (T) must be holo-
morphic in the strip 0 < t < , have the period there, and
satisfy the boundary conditions:

s < a : V* = 0


a < s < b i u* - 0 1

b < s < 1C s v* - 0 9

t - g f 0 < s < s v* a , (4.22)

and their periodic continuations.

The additional conditions and the conditions concerning the
character of the singularities are the same as for w(T).
To solve (4.22) we continue w* (T) analytically into the
strip - g < t < 0 by means of Schwarz's reflection principle:

w* (T) = w* (T) . (4.23)

Furthermore we define w* (T) in the entire T-plane hy

w* (T + ) - w* (T) , (4.24)

where n is an integer. We therefore have

w* (T + ) w* (t ) . (4 .25 )

The function wh (T) given by (4 .19 ) has also the properties

(4.23) to (4.25) .
The mixed boundary-value problem (4.22) is equivalent to the
following Hilbert-problem: w* (T) must be doubly-periodic with
periods and . Furthermore w* (T) = w* (T). The following
linear relations must be satisfied:

t = 0 (mod. g ), 0 < s < a (mod. ) :[w*] + - [w*] * 0,

a < s < b (mod. ) :[w*] + + [w*] 0,
b < s < (mod. ) :[w*] + - [w*] = 0,
t = g(mod. g ), 0 < s < (mod. ) :[w*] + - [w*] = 2ia
( 4 . 26)
Plus- and minus- signs as superscripts denote limiting values
from resp. the upper- and lower side.
The function w^(T) satisfies the homogeneous problem which cor-

responds to (4.26). We now consider

Q(T) = * * ^ . (4.27)

() has the following properties. It is doubly-periodic with

periods and . Furthermore

(T) = (T) . (4 .2 8 )
() has to satisfy the Hilbert-problem:

t = -jjT (mod. ), 0 < s < n(mod. )

= (4.29)
/7 \
wh ( - + s)

It has a simple pole at T = (mod. , ).

For the elimination of the discontinuities, which appear in
(4.29), we shall make use of the following generalization of
PIemelj's formulae (see (II, 2.17)):

If ...
() = 2 [*(*) ~ ^ " z )dt (4.3O)
h 1

and (t ) satisfies a HSlder-condition on the smooth arc L, then:

a) * +(t Q)
*> + 2^1 f 9(t) ~h (t - to) dt
L 1
and (4.31)

* (t
v o ') + 2 / v(*) -j- (t - t0) dt *

where t is an interior point of the arc L or of one of the arcs,

which are congruent to L (mod. , ). The integrals in (4 . 3 1 )
should be understood as having their Cauchy principal values.
+ and denote the limiting values of from the left and right.

b) (..) is quasi doubly-periodic wit^i the periods and

With respect to the period , () is periodic. With respect
to the period we have

( + ) () + ~ [t) dt , (4 .32 )

where n is an integer.
A generalization of Plemelj's formulae, which has the Jaco
bian -function instead of the logarithmic derivative Of the
first -function as kernel, has been introduced and discussed
for the first time by Koiter [25 ] . Our formulae are therefore
a slight modification of Koiter's formulae.
We account for the discontinuities of fi(T) by introducing
the function Q^(T)., defined by

f 2ia

'0 wh (f.+ s)
-=r- (s - T). ds. (4 .33)

^() has the following properties

1( + ) - Q^T) ,

^ ( T + ) - ^ ) + | J -
ds, (4 .34)
' * s)

^) 1(T)

It satisfies the Hilbert-problem (4 .29 ).

2() - () - ^) (4 .35)

is a quasi doubly-periodic function with the properties

2 ( + ) = 2 (!) ,

32 ( + ) = 02 () - * f* g s --- ds , U-56)

Q,(T) - ()

It has a simple pole at T = (mod. , ). We now take

V T) - * f
b *h + s)
ds. 4 -
(T a^ ).. (4.57)

and put
4 ( ) = 2( ) - ?() . (4.58)

^() has the following properties. It is douhly-periodic with

periods and , and holomorphic in the entire T-plane with
the possible exception of a single pole at T = (mod. , ).
4 ( ) - 4 ( ) . (4.59)

It follows from Liouville's theorems (ill) and (IV) (see Whitta

ker and Watson [ 2 4 ] p. 451) that

q4( t ) - c , (4.40)

where C is a real constant. Liouville's theorems (III) and (iv)

state resp., that the sum of the residues of an elliptic function
in any cell is zero and that an elliptic function with no poles
in a cell is merely a constant.
Combining our results we get
() V
ds______ r
(s-T) +
wh(f- +s) i

.1 ( . afe)
w* (T) =
-,-a) ^ -b)

(4 (s-a) 4 (s-b)|'g '

%' (s-T) ds + c~j,
0 V 8' ^ (4.42)

where C is a real constant.

The solution of the mixed boundary-value problem (41) reads:

V t-)
w(T) = iff + a
{ ^ -a) ^ -b) 12

1 {4 (8- &) 4 ( 3 - 1 > )|2 , .' '

I / a+b\ -4 <-) - -571 ( ) | ds + C"
Jo V s "

In this solution two unknown quantities still occur, viz. C and b.

They are determined by the additional conditions:

e at T

- - 2 2

a at T (4.45)

= 2

Applying the additional conditions (4.44) and (4.45) to our so

lution (4 .43 ) and using the generalized formulae of Plemelj
(4 .31 ), we find

%(d - ) V d + )
L |&^(d-a) &^(d-b)}s' i4 (d+a) 4 (d+b)|* J

j4 (s-a) & 4 (s-b)}^

1 r V d + )

L f4 (d+a) 4 (d+b)}i
l V s - )

I -jj (s + d) - - f - (d + ^ ) j ds -

V * - ) r% (4 (s-a) 4 (s-b)l

{.(d-a) S.(d-b)! * 1 .(. - * >

a *
|-- (s - d) + (d - ~ ) | ds , (4.46)


r {4 (d-a) 4 (-)}* {4 (d+a) ^ ( d + b ) } ^ -

2a a+b
L V d - 2) V d+ 2

{& ( s - a ) ( s - b ) } ^ V ,
I .. [ -j^ ( 4) - T 7 - d> -

- (d + (d - S|^)J ds. (4.47)

The singular integrals occurring in (4.46) and (4.4?) should be

understood as having their Cauchy principal values.
(4.46) expresses C as a function of the "cavity length"
,b, whereas formula (4.47) gives the relation between the "cavity
length" b and the cavitation number 0. The solution is thereby
completely determined.

5. A special case
In Meijer's experiments [8 ] the profiles were situated midway
between the tunnel walls. The chord length of his profiles was
half the distance of the walls. For obtaining numerical results,
which can be compared with Meijer's experimental results, we can

therefore restrict ourselves in this section to the case, where

h^ hj h = 1 . (5.1)

It will appear, that in this case the parameter q of the -func-

tions, which occur in the expressions for the conformal mapping
in section 3 and. for the flow field in section 4 , is rather small.
We shall expand therefore all quantities in powers of q up to and
including the third power. This approximation will appear to he
a reasonable one for a comparison of the theoretical and exper
imental values.
We first determine the approximate expression for h as a func
tion of q. Using (3 .4O) and the following truncated series for
$ 5(z, q) and $4 (z, q) *
^(, q) 1 + 2q cps 2z (5.2)

^(, q) = 1 - 2q cps 2z (5.3)

where fourth and higher powers of q are neglected, we find


By means of (5 .2 ), (5*3) and (5*4) we derive from (3*43)*

2 2 2 2
1 1-cos y - j q (2 cos y - 1) cos y (cos y - 1), (5*6)


The value of q can be computed from (5*4) by solving it numeri

cally. When h = 1, we finds
q - 0.18755 (5.8)
Next we determine C and d as functions of . For that purpo
se we first calculate a -1 u( ^ + s), i.e. the value of the hori
zontal component of the perturbation velocity at the tunnel wall
divided by the angle of incidence a. The reason for the fact,
that we do not make use of the equations (4 .46 ) and(447) for
the determination of C and d, is that we shall need the expres
sion for a 1 u( + s) later on in calculating the lift coeffi
cient. From (4 .43 ) we derive by means of the generalized formu
lae of Plemelj (4 .3 1 ) s
- 4 )

A (s
4 o 2 >
a " 1 u( + s)

a i=

% n_
J) V s-b)|i
[* / {"*7 ( 4 J


Note, that in our special case a d * ^ and c -d . For
the expansion of (5*9) in powers of q up to and including the
third power, we need the following expansions, which can be de
rived by a straightforward but tedious calculation from (5*2),
(5.3) and formulae given in Whittaker and Watson [ 2 4 ] on p. 489
The expansions are at the same time Fourier series in 2s.

v. - V ) 1 + q jcos 2s . 2 sin y (1-cos y ) -

- sin 2s . 2 cos y (1 cos y) J+

2 r 2 2
+ <1 (1-cos y) - cos 4s (i-cos y)(l+3cos y - 2 cos y -

- 6 cos^ y ) + sin 4s sin y cos y(l-cos y)(2 + 6 cos y) +

+ q^ cos 2s sin y(l-eos y)(l - 2 cos y + 3 cos2y ) -

- sin 2s cos y(1 - cos y)(l - 2 cos y + 3 cos y) -

- cos 6s sin y(l-cos y)(l-2 cosy - 9 C!OS2y + 8cos^y + 20cos^y) +

+ sin 6s cos y(l-cos y)(3-6cosy- 19 cos2y + 8cos^y + 20cos^y )J,

(5 .1 0 )
{^ 4 ( s - | ) A ( s - P ) } *
1 +
11 .
V " " -)
+ q|^ - cos 2s.2 sin y (1 -cos y )+ sin 2s.2cos y (1-cos y )J +

2 2 2 3
+ 9 (1-cos y) + cos 4s (1-cos y)(3sosy - 6cos y - 2cow^y)-

- sin 4s sin y cos y (1-cos y )(6 + 2cos y )J +

+ q'l - cos 2s sin y(l-cos y )(5 2cos y - cos y ) +

+ sin 2s cos y (1 - cos y )(5 - 2cos y - cos y ) -

2 3
- cos 6s sin y(l-cos y)(3+2cosy- 11qos y - Scos'y -

i 2
- 4cos7 ) + sin 6s cos y(l-cos y)(9 + 6cos y - 9cos7 -

- 8cos^y - 4cos^y t) ]\ ,. ( 5.11)

*1 2 r
w. (sso )
cot (s-s ) + 4q
o -cos 2s sin 2s +sin 2s cos 2s
o o
1 L (5 .1 2 )
It -u
' +b
4 > *

) 4 q I -cos 2s q cos y -sin 2s q s i n | +


+ q 2 j( cos 2sin y cos y - si n 4 sq (2cos y -1
4so *

+ q^ 5- co s 2s cos y - si n 2s
sin y - c os 6s

cos y (3 - 4co s 2y) - sin 6s q si n y ( l - 4 c o s 2y ) (5.15)

Inserting these expansions into (59) and making use of the or

thogonality properties of the sines and cosines, one is left
with the calculation of an integral of the following type:

P(s) cot (s - s )ds , (5.14)

- i of
P(s) -|ao + a^cos 2s + b^ sin 2s + CQS 4s +

+ bg sin 4s + .. (5.15)

According to a well-known theorem however the integral (5*14) is

equal to F(s), the conjugate Fourier series of P(s), which is
given by

- P(s0) * b^os 2sq - a.jSin 2sq + bgCOS 4sq - agSin 40 + ...

The final expression for a ^ u( -y + s) isi

a-1 u( - + s) - 1 +

+ q^cos 2s | 2sin y(l-cos y )- 2cos y(l+cos y) j +

+ sin 2s | - 2eos y(l-eos y) - 2sin y(l+cos y) j J +


2 2 3
+ q ( 1 -c o s y) +cos 4s j ( 1 - cos y ) ( J - T3cos y + 2cos y + 6 co s -y ) +

+ sin y cos y(-10 + 12cos y + 6cos y ) j +

( 2 3
+ s in 4s \ (1+cos y ) ( - 1 + 3 c o s y + 2cos 7 - 6cos^y )+

+ sin y cos y(l-cos y )(2 + 6cos y)

+ q ^ c o s 2s | s in y ( l - c o s y ) ( l - 2 c o s y + 3cos2 y ) +

+ cos y (1+cos y )( - 9+ 22 co s y - 23 cos y + 8) C +

+ sin 2s I cos y(l-cos y)(-1+2cos y - Jcos y) +

+ sin y(-1-3cos y - 9cos2y + 1 7 cos^y T 8cos^y ) j +

+ cos 6s ^ sin y(l-cos y )(-1+2cos y+9cos2y -8cos^y -20cos^y) +

+ cos y (1 +cosy)(-5+30 cos y - 43os2y +20cos^y ) +

+ sin 6s | cos y(l-cos y)(-3-6cos y- 19 oos2y +8cos\ +20cos^y) +

+ sin y(l+3cos y+cos2y - 33cos^y +20cos^y +20cos^y ) j +

+ C [l+qj cos. 2s.2sin y(l-cos y)-sin 2s.2cos y(l-cos y) j +

2r 2 2 3
+ q 1 (1-cos y) -cos 4s (1-cos y)(l+3cos y -2cos y -6cos?y )+

+ sin 4s sin y cos y(l-cos y)(2+6cos y)C +

3 C 2
+ q Jcos 2s sin y(l-cos y)(l-2cos y + 3cos y ) -

- sin 2s cos y(l-cos y)(l-2cos y + 3 cosy ) -


2 -Z A
-cos 6s sin y(l-cos y)(l-2cos y -9cos y +8cos"y +20cos^y) +

+sin 6s cos y(l-cos y)(3-6cos y -1 9 cos^y +8cos^y +20cos^y) J.


Applying the two additional conditions (4.44) and (445) to

(5.17) we finds

C -1-tan y 1,+,C,
?.3-J + q^tan y (1-4cos y - 21cos^y), (5.18)
1-cos y


= tan y 12_. 1 + q2 (i-c o s y )(l+7cos y +4cos2y ) .(5 .1 9 )

d 1-cos y L J

Formula (5.19) in combination with (5*6) gives the relation be

tween the cavitation number <J and the cavity length 1. It is in
agreement with the formula (5.2), which we found to be true in
the case of the partially cavitating flat plate without walls.
Finally we shall determine the expansion of the lift coeffi
cient in powers of q. up to and including the third power. Ac
cording to (ill, 3*2) and (i'll, 34) the liftcoefficient is
given by
CL - 2 Re w dz , (52)

where C is the contour shown in fig. 14 In the T-plane it can

be written as _
w(s) | | (s) ds. (5.21)

Applying Cauchy's theorem to the contour C represented by fig.

22 and remembering, that w(T) and | | are periodic functions of
T with period , we derive from (521):

2 He J w ( ^ + s) | | ( +s) ds. (5.22)

Pig. 22. Contour C for calculation of lift coefficient.

An application of Plemelj's formulae then givest

CL = 2 f u( + s) ( T + s) ds, (525)
where the singular integral must he understood as having its
Cauchy principal value. Thus

CL 1 C% / > dz / \,
--- = a u ( -s- + ?) rs ( -T- + s)ds.(5.24)
2 JQ ,

For o u ( ~ + s) we have derived the expansion (5.17) where

C can now be replaced by the right hand side of (5 .18). The ex
pansion (517) is a truncated Fourierrseries in 2s. Prom (3 .18)
we derive, that

dz /
dT ' 2 8 >-?[ cot (s - j) - cot (s + ) - 8q2cos*2s .
Substituting these expressions into (5 .24 ) and using the ortho-

gonality properties of the sines and. cosines and the relations

contained in (514) to (5 *1 6 ), we get the following expansion
f o r __i .
2 na

_L _ i 1+oos y
2 hoc cos y
[ 1+q + 2cos y + 5cos^y - 1 4 c o s yy +

12cos^y - 4 o o s 'y ) (5.26)

In the derivation use has been made of (5.4). This result is

again in agreement with our previous result (ill, 5*3)
In fig. 23 we have plotted the cavity length 1 as function
of in the case q = 0.18755 i.e. when the flat-plate hydrofoil
is situated midway between the tunnel walls and the distance of
the walls is two times the chord length of the plate. The broken
line is the curve when q = 0, i.e. when the walls are infinitely
far away. It is seen from the figure, that the curve, which has
been corrected for wall effects, lies to the left of the uncor
rected curve. This could be expected on physical reasons. The
difference between the two curves is such, that the agreement
between theory and experiment remains good, when the theory is
corrected for wall effects. In the region of larger cavity
lengths the agreement is even better. This is shown by the situ
ation of the small circles, which represent Meijer's experimental
values. It lies at hand to expect, that in the case of the parabo
lic-arc profile the agreement between the theoretical and experi
mental values for the cavity length can be made better throughout
the whole range by correcting the theory for wall effects. A
quantitative comparison, also in this case, will be left to future
Pig. 24 shows, how the curve for the liftcoefficient changes
in the underlying case (q = 0.18755) when wall effects are taken
into account. No experimental points will be found in this figure.

Pig. 23.,Cavity length 1 vs. j for partially cavitating flat plate

between two parallel walls. Broken line is curve when
walls are infinitely far remote. Small circles represent
experimental results by Meijer.

Pig, 24. Liftcoefficient as function of cavity length for par

tially cavitating flat plate between two parallel walls.
Broken line is curve when walls are infinitely far re

The reason for it is, that the experimental values for the lift-
ooefficient, as given hy Meijer [ 8 ] , have been corrected alrea
dy in some sense for wall effects. They have been computed by
integrating the measured pressure distribution along the tunnel
walls. Since this integration could be performed only along a
limited portion of the walls, the obtaiiied value is too small.
A rough calculation however shows, that this underestimation of
the liftcoefficient is compensated by t^ie influence of the walls.
It should be remarked here, that an equipment for direct measure
ment of forces is available now at the pavitation tunnel of the
Shipbuilding Department of the Technological University at Delft.

C h a p t e r V

1. Introduction
This chapter is divided into two parts. In the first part we
consider an example of a non-linear steady reentrant-jet flow,
viz. a flat plate moving perpendicularly to its plane. The un
steady motion is treated by first-order perturbation theory.
Since in this theory an arbitrary motion can be considered as
a superposition of harmonic oscillations, only a harmonic time-
dependence is introduced. As to the literature concerning non
linear cavity flows with unsteady perturbations we mention here
Woods [26] , who gave a solution for the unsteady motion of a
flat plate perpendicular to the main stream according to the
Helmholtz-Kirchhoff model. In [ 27] Woods investigated a thin
aerofoil , which is performing small harmonic oscillations in
an incompressible fluid, with flow separation from a prescribed
point on the upper surface. Wu [28] formulated a boundary-value
problem for an unsteadily perturbed non-linear cavity flow using
the Roshko-Eppler model.
In the second part we treat the linearized problem. The so
lution is obtained by two different methods. The first uses the
complex velocity and is directly connected with the method of
the first part. The second works with the complex acceleration
potential and offers the best prospect for more complicated
problems (see the next chapter). The unsteady motion is consid
ered small with respect to the steady flow (second lineari-

In chapter II we have demonstrated, that the linearized theory
of steady cavity flows is a first-orde^ approximation to the
corresponding reentrant-jet theory. A comparison of the results
to be obtained in the first and second part of this chapter will
show, that also in the unsteady case a linearized cavity theory
can be formulated in such a way as to Toecome a first-order ap
proximation to the reentrant-jet theory. We finally remark, that
the contents of this chapter is essentially that of [ 2 9 I .

Part I. Reentrant-.iet flow with unsteady perturbations

2. Steady reentrant-jet flow

A flat plate is placed in a flow of an incompressible non-
viscous fluid with uniform velocity perpendicular to the plate.
Behind the plate a cavity with reentrant jet has formed. When
the plate performs an unsteady motion, the shape and size of
the cavity will change. If we assume, that the deviation from
the steady position is small in a certain sense, this unsteady
motion can be considered as a perturbation of the original
steady flow (linearization of the unsteady effects). In this
section we treat the stationary flow, in the next sections we
investigate the effect of the unsteady motion.
The steady symmetric flow about a perpendicular flat plate
with reentrant jet is shown in fig. 25 The cartesian coordinate
system has been chosen in such a way that the middle of the
plate lies at the origin, and the velocity of the fluid at infin
ity has the direction of the positive x-axis. We denote half
the breadth of the plate by b. We use the same notations as in
(il, 5). Since the method of solution is quite similar to the
one in (II, 3 ), we shall discuss it only briefly here.
The upper half of the flow region is again mapped conformally
onto the upper half of a t-plane (t = d + it ). We choose the

A -
b I

Fig. 25. Reentrant-jet flow about a flat plate.

the image of z as t the image of B as t 0 and the

image of A as t - a, where a is a fixed positive number (see
fig. 26).


_L _ l____ I
{,) 0 (c,0) (d,0)

Fig. 26. Conformal image on the upper half of the t-plane.

a) Determination of { a s function of t.
The complex velocity-potential + Itp satisfies
dj> _ t - d
dt * * t - c (2 .1 )

where K is a real constant. Hence


- K f t - C f t ^ o ) log (t - c) ] + constant. (2.2)

b) Determination of w as function of t.
The function Q(t) = log w(t) is holomorphio in the upper
half-plane and assumes there the foilpwing mixed boundary val
T- 0 00 < < - a t Im Q. P 9

a < 0 < 0 t Im Q - 9
" 2
0 < a < c Re Q - P 9 (2.3)
c < <s < d S Im Q - % 9

d < <s < 00 : Im Q - P

This boundary-value problem for Q(t) can be solved in the same

way as (II, 3*6) in chapter II. We find:

_/.\ 1 . V t(c + a) - V a ( t - c ) , V d (t-c ) - V t(d -c)

Q(t) - % log --- r * , + log ; ..,
V t(c+a) + V a ( t - c ) V d ( t - c ) + V t(d -c )


w(t) - -Va(t-c) Vd(t-c) - Vt(d-oV (2>5)

(Vt(^iy + Va(t-c) 5 * Vd(t-c)' +Vt(d-c)1

The expression for z as a function of t reads:

, k r * 5 c+a) + V a ( t - c ) V i ( t - c ) -h V t(d -c )' t-d ^

I V t(c+ a ) - V a ( t - c ) ) V i ( t - c ) - V t(d -c)'

(2.6 )
In the solution, which is the combination of (2.5) and (2.6),
three unknown constants, viz. K, c and d still occur. These
unknowns are determined by the following conditions:
1. at t - 00 we must have w - U - (1 + < S )~ ^ t

2. z has to be a single-valued function of t,

3. the distance between A and B - b - half the breadth of the
flat plate.
Condition 1. gives us
( Vc+a - VaT*^ Vd* - Vd-c^
(1+tf) (2.7)
( V c+ a' + Va"1) V 7 + V d-c '
Condition 2 furnishes the equation

iVTvi c + a -
V ? + Vd-c
+ c (2 . 8 )

Prom condition 3 we obtain

J P ( V(?(c+a ) + V a(tf-c) 1^ V d(tf-c) + V o (d -c ) tf-d
t V d(c+a) - Va(<J-c) ) V d (d -c ) - V o (d -c )' ^ C
r---- . (2.9)
Elimination of | between (2.7) and (2.8) gives the follow
ing relation between c and 0 :

1+d 1- 1 - 1 1 ( 2 . 10 )
Moreover it can he shown that

( 2 . 11)

and -1
n C S /. sT
d - c = f1 +
( 2 . 12 )
4 o v

The integral in (2.9) can he expressed in terms of elementary

functions, hut since the result is rather unwieldy, it is o-
mitted. (2.10) gives the relation between c and . Prom (2.12)
follows the connection between d and <3, Finally (2 .9 ) deter
mines K as a function of h and <J. Thus the solution for the
steady case is completely determined.

3. Unsteady motion as a perturbation of steady flow

Let the flat plate perform an oscillation of the form he
normal to the main flow. By T we denote the time variable; h is
the amplitude of the oscillation. The deviation is taken posi-

tive in the direction of the negative x-axis. Thus the normal

velocity in the direction of the negative x-axis is equal to
v j ^ T
Remark: It is tacitly assumed that in all expressions con
taining exponential terms complex witjh respect to j, we must
take the real part in order to get thp true time behaviour. Since
we linearize the unsteady part of the motion, this procedure will
cause no trouble. Of course the imaginary units i and j are un-
2 2
connected; we have i = -1 and j = -1, but ij is not reducible.
The real part with respect to i is demoted by "Re", the imaginary
part is denoted by "Im".
We now suppose that wh is small with respect to qc and that h
is small with respect to b. In this case the unsteady motion may
be considered as a perturbation of the steady flow. In order to
formulate these conditions more rigorously we introduce two non-
dimensional parameters ^ and s

^ = (velocity parameter) , (3 .1 )
Cg = ^ (amplitude parameter) . (3 .2 )

The conditions mentioned above can be, expressed by

1 1 and e? 1 . (3*3)

To express the relative magnitudes of and we introduce

the parameter
^ = ~ ~ (frequency parameter) ,

and require that

5 1 . (3.4)
The reason for this requirement will be discussed below under a).
We shall neglect, as usual, second and higher powers in the dis-

turbances in comparison with first order terms, and moreover

terms proportional to in comparison with those proportional
to e^. This last procedure is motivated by (3 .4 )
The boundary conditions will now be formulated,
a) On the flat plate the boundary condition is (see fig. 2 7 )

. juiT
- = arc sin --- . (3*5)

Fig. 27. Unsteady velocity on the flat plate .

We put <P= <P0 + 9 1f y ; = y o +^, q = qQ + qj, = 0 + 1 and p -

PQ + P1, where quantities referring to the steady flbw are de
noted by the suffix 0, and those referring to the first order
terms of the unsteady perturbation by the suffix 1. These first
order terms include, for the time being, the terms which are
linear with respect to e or ^. In a first order approximation
(3.5) may be replaced by


This approximation is not valid near the stagnation point, but


nevertheless, as is customary in linearized theories, we assume

it to be valid there. We wish to apply this condition to the un
perturbed position of the flat plate. In a first order approxi
mation it is true that on the flat plate

o 2

where the derivative ^ must be taken at the unperturbed posi
tion of the plate. Using the fact that log qQ - i9Q is a holo-
morphic function of z, we may reduce (3.7) as follows

log qQ 9
h. _ Z2L 1,8
9y 0
9q 9q
o 1
0 1 2 90 K
7o M o *

In this reduction use has been made of (2.1).

Remark c
o o
and d denote the steady values of c and d. This

distinction is necessary, since as a result of the unsteady mo

tion c and d will change with time.
Boundary condition (3*6) may now be written as

0 - C
1 ___ o
h . (3.9)
1 dtf K tf-d0

In accordance with condition (3*4) the second term in (3*9) may

be neglected in comparison to the first term at the right-hand
side. Thus the final form of the boundary condition on the flat
plate is


The condition must be applied at the unperturbed position of the

plate, i.e., on the interval - a < cf < 0 of the real axis of the
t-plane; qQ as a function of 0 is given by
,V a(c^-tjj-V -< J(c +a) ^ Vd (c -d)-V -< l(d -c )
V a ( c - a ) +V-cf( c + a)' )
o i Vd (c -d )+ V -d (d - c j

This follows from (2 .5 ). In the sequel we shall write Q(d) for

q0TdT *
We shall now discuss briefly the difficulties encountered in
the case when e_| and are of the same order of magnitude.
Then the second term on the right-hand side of (59) must be
retained. Since in the neighbourhood of <J*=0 the expansion of
q , as derived from (511), begins as

VT a + (3.12)
d c
o o - i
the behaviour of there is seen from the following terms
~da ...... (3.13)

Thus becomes infinite at the edge of the flat plate. This

fact can be formulated physically by the statement that there
the acceleration of the fluid is infinite. The occurence of
this singularity is known in the potential theory of steady
cavities separating from sharp edges of obstacles. This singu
lar behaviour however, is not realistic for actual fluids be
cause of the viscosity. Now solving the boundary-value problem
by taking (5*9) instead of (3.10) as the boundary condition
on the flat plate, we can see from a formula similar to (3*39)
at the end of this section that the perturbation pressure p^
is no longer continuous at the edge of the plate. Prom physical
reasons, however, we should expect continuity there. Therefore
it is plausible to conjecture that in unsteady motion when ^
and ^ are of the same order of magnitude, the point where the
cavity separates from the plate is no longer fixed at the sharp
edge of the plate. Since we wish to restrict our attention to

cavity flows with fixed separation points, we have introduced

the assumption (3 .4 ).
h) On the boundary of the cavity we consider the B e m o u l l i a n
law for unsteady flows
fq? + -ik2 + p = c ( T ) . (3. 14)

Splitting up all quantities into steady and unsteady parts, we

may replace (3 .1 4 ) to a first order of approximation by

9*1 , 2 ql
+ = C( T) . (3 .1 5 )
" + qc

Since -J qQ + = constant throughout the entire region occu-

pied by the fluid, we may reduce (3 *1 5 ) to

!!i 2ii ( 3 . 16 )
3T + qo qQ + = D(T)

If r ^ , the Bernoullian law reads

3T + q (3.17)

Remarks In partial differentiation with respect to T the

space variables are kept constant. This is equivalent to keep
ing q>o and constant.
On the boundary of the cavity we have p^ = 0 . Thus

1 2
grp + V 1 = (^) (31)

We wish to apply the equation on the boundary of the unpertur

bed cavity. Letting points correspond to each other by orthogo
nal projection, we find that (3*18) may be replaced to a first
order of approximation by

I t + r D(T), valid on the unperturbed cavity, where qQ=1.

On the /boundary of the unperturbed cavity, however,

= const.
Differentiating (3.19) with respect to <PQ , we get

a dtp
1 + 9 r 1 = 0n . ( 3 .20 )
'0 Q

We prove first that

1. ri is a holomorphic function of t, and

2 . LI
ri *

Putting - 4>o + ^ , we have

1 _ _ 1 = dz___ 1 w 1 (3-22)
* = dz & w
o o o o

To a first order of approximation

n _+. Q
w = e e *= e (1 + ) = wq (1 + 0 ^ ) ,

- 1 (3-23)
i *

Combination of (3.22) and (3.23) gives

Q 1 e (3.24)

Always to the same order of approximation ,

- log w - log q - i& - log jqo (l + jp)j - i0 -


log qQ + t 1 - i1 - Q0 + r, - i^ .

Since and flQ are holomorphic function^ of t, we conclude that

Q1 = r1 - 11
( 3 . 26)

ia a holomorphic function of t. From (3^24) and (3.26) follows

finally that

Refl., = r .
1 1
q.e.d. (3. 27)

On the unperturbed cavity the boundary condition is now

3r. 3r
3T~ + 3


r 1 = G( T " ^o) (3. 29)

i.e., r 1 is a function of T - .
In the case of harmonic time-dependence we get

geJ v
jW(T-9 )
To' ,
r (3.30)

where g is a still unknown constant, real with respect to i,

but possibly complex with respect to j.
In considering here this harmonic time-dependence, we anti
cipate, since justification follows only by (4 *15 ), expressing
g as a linear function of <ih .
For = + ^ the following mixed boundary-value problem
can now be formulated: Determine fl(t), holomorphic in the upper
half-plane, in such a way that on the real axis it assumes the
following boundary values:

t 0, - 00 < <J < - a : Im 0

- a < 0 < 0 : Im fl * - j<>hQ(tf)e^w^ 9

0 <a < c : Se = gejta,(T_<P ) f (53"0

c <d < d i Ia i ,
d < d < 00 s Im = 0 .

Putting Q(t) = fi(t) according to the Schwarzian reflection prin

ciple, we can transform the mixed boundary-value problem into a
Hilbert problem with the following linear relations along the
real axis :
- 0 < <J < - a : + - = 0 ,
- a < d < 0 : + - = - - 2ij<ohQ(d)e^wT,

0 < d <c * + + O = 2geJ (T-o'5 ,

c < <d s + - " = 2 , (332)
d < d < s + - ~ = 0 .

To a first order of approximation g can be taken equal to

zero at c < d < c if c < c. Putting c = c + c_ and d = d_ + d<.
o o 0 1 0 1
we can split this Hilbert problem (3.32) into the following Hil-
for and , where
P s

I = !
a +
P s

_ 00 < a < - a : + 0 ,
- a < a < 0 s - p - - ,
0 < a < c : + = 0 , ( 3. 33)
c < a < d t
- 2ni ,
d < a < oc i + - m 0 .
OO < a < - a : +
s 0 ,
- a < a < 0 +

m -2iju)hQ(d)e5T ,

0 < a < c t + + " e 2ge> ( T - 9 0)

0 s s
a < 00 . 0 ( 3. 34)

s .

c < -
0 s s

Q(d) is given by

a( cVa(co-g)' + V-g(c0+a)' * Vdj|co-g) +V-tf(d0-co )'

a/a(cQ-g)' - V-(co+a)' $ V d 0 jco-g) - V-d(d0-co )

When 0 < tf < c ve have
= K [g - (dQ - e()) log (cQ - g)]. (3.36)

According to (2.4) the solution of (3*33) is

- i log + log ^ ( j :) (3.37)

^ Vt(c+a) + V a (t-c ) V<;i(t - c ) + Vt(d-c)
The solution of ( 3 . 3 4 ) is given hy

- JSSL e'1 V t ^ T T f9 -^ Q.(g)dg

8 0 J y :d(cQ-g)(g-t)

- * .3* r" < 3r3[-g-(a:l-l1.os-(^ l .

y d(cQ-g) (g-t)

Substituting c q + c^ for c and dQ + for d in (3*37) expan

ding and combining the expression obtained with (3*38), we find

G Z r** ^
lt-c ic +a
Id-c^ d
id -c
o J o o o

.3T Vt(t-o ) <> - (3.39)

* J. V-o(o -j(-t)
C ) dg .
V d(oo-g)' (g-t)

4. Additional conditions
In the expression (3*39) for ^ three unknown quantities
still occur, viz. g, c^ and d^; g is a constant, possibly com-

plex with respect to j, since we have already anticipated the

time behaviour of G(T - <pQ); the two other unknowns, c1 and d1,
are functions of T, complex with respect to j, which will appear
to be also of exponential type. All three quantities are real
with respect to i. For their determination we have the follow
ing three additional conditions.
1. The perturbation velocity must vanish at infinity, i.e.,

0 at t * oo . (41)

This condition gives us, as a result of the symmetry of the

problem, only one condition real with respect to i.
2. The perturbation cannot have a source or vortex at infin
ity. The first part of this condition is equivalent to the
requirement that the pressure should remain finite at infinity,
which generalizes the closure condition to the unsteady case,
for a source at infinity with time-dependent strength gives
rise to an infinite pressure there, according to (3.17). The
second part is trivially satisfied as a result of the symmetry
of the problem. Therefore this second additional condition
gives us, in the same way as condition (4 .1 ), only one condition
real with respect to i. As can be seen from (3 .24 ), it is formu
lated mathematically by

res. 0 at t = oo . (4 2)

3. Finally we have to ensure that the pressure on the cavity

is constant not only in space but also in time. This last condi
tion is not expressed by the boundary condition, since the bound
ary condition (3.28) has been obtained by partial differentiation
with respect to <pQ . We shall now formulate condition 3 mathemati
The Bernoullian law for unsteady flow has been written in the
form (3 .1 7 ) *

? + * 21 + ' = ? () * (4*3)

We set = 0 when t = 0. We are allowed, to do so, since

is determined only to within a function of time and is finite
at infinity as a result of the absence of a source there. Since
at infinity = 0 and = 0, we have D(T) * 0.
Prom (3 .24 ) we infer that

di> t-d
1 o
1 ,-df dt = K Re
___ c

On the cavity the following identities are valid

jta>(Tr <p0 )
1, ge 0.

Thus on the cavity (4 .3) can be written as

ge0(T-?0 )

or, by use of (4 *4 ) and (3 .6 ), as

90, t ^
K Re lim dt - - -e^ { T - K [ d - ( d 0-c0 )log(c0-d)]}
-fee f
4 0 J-fie t-C
where 0 = 0 < cQ. (4*6)

This is the mathematical form of the third additional condition.

It is easy to prove that this condition is independent of the
choice of a in the above-mentioned interval. The path of inte
gration is a straight line parallel ^o the real axis.
Since the three additional conditions are linear in the un
knowns, and since the known members qf the equations depend
harmonically upon the time, we may put

* . - V

For (- ) we have anticipated this time behaviour as already

remarked, and d 1 are real with respect to i hut in general
complex with respect to j.
If we let = Q 1e J w T , (4.6) goes over into

, 1 e -jwK[o-(d0 -c0 )log(c0-d)]
K Re lim
e 0
.0 S d < c . (4 .7 )

The path of integration m a y he deformed a c c o rding to Cauchy's

We shall now use the three additional conditions in order to

determine the three un k n o w n constants, 1 , d 1 and g. Applying

(4*1) to the expression (339) for 0^ we get

*f e - rO llS0 r0 -
o oj
_ -ju>K[d-(do -c0 )l 0 g ( c 0- d )3
+ \ - ..... : ... ----------- dd-0.

l V d ( c o -d)

Applying (42 ) to (5*39) and u s i n g (4 .8 ), we arrive at

,[* & & -v &-*> Odd


d - ( d 0-c0 )log(c0- d ) ] - = = = = = = = = 0. (4.9)

? 1 6 Vcr(c - 0 )

From (4 .8 ) and (49) we show immediately that


f * c r + G T - | ( l o . 1} . r Q(ff) _G
dd -
1 L 'c0 + a ' V co J c o -C)

f -jwK[d-(d0-c0 )log(co-d)] ^d 0~^^dg , (4 1 )

and , F"d ' c .
0 (o - d ) d d

-i IM ^r.-
3. O

0 - .iw K C < 1 - (4 n - C n )l0 g (c n - d )] ( C0 ~g ) dg
- * l V ^ T

By means of (4 .10) and (4 .1 1 ) the expression for can be re

duced as follows:

5, . V.(t-co)- () ^ 'V X V dd
<*(cQ-<J) (d-t) (t-cQ ) (t-dQ )
-f (d0-)(c-.) dd

/(cQ-d)(-t)(t-co )(t-dQ )

The first iiitegfal in (4 .12) can be expressed in terms of ele

mentary functions, but since this result is not needed, it is
not given here. We are now able to apply condition 3 as express
ed by formula (47) We first take d = 0 in (4*7) and use for-

mula (4.12) to substitute for . The left-hand member of (4*7)

is now replaced by a repeated integral. Changing the order of
integration, evaluating the inner integral and afterwards
letting l 0 , which is legitimate on account of the uniform
convergence of the outer integral, we get

V ^ - V ^ Kg juK[d-(d0-c0 )log(c0-d)]
loev v 3<v-3d o > '* [*
(do - *>
f e-j<*>K[tf-(d0-c0 )log(c0-d)] (4 .1 3 )
V(c -<sj Jo
d - d
arc cos ( - 1) dd
= M e> K ( d 0-o0 )log cQ
c - d
[ o o

Use has been made of the following identities:

"\/t(t-c )dt
Re 1
* 0 J
f (t-c )* (d-t) d-c
' o7 ' '
ic - d
c - d lo

Vc - d - V-d

and .
_____ ,
= - arc cos ( - 1 )~| y if 0 5 d 5 c ,
c - tf J 'c 7 I c -d c -d o
o L o J o

where the path of integration is a straight line parallel to

the real axis.
The last integral in (7 -3) can he reduced as follows:
d -<J

I 0e-ja.K[d -(d0-c0 )log(c0-d)]r .2d

arc cos
L < or - D ]
c -

- J - f T a r e cos ( f 2 - 1 ) de" > KCd- ( do -o )lo g (o fl) ] (4 )

" L o J
rco e 3 K^tf"^do"0o )lo g ^0otf)]
_ i edwK(d0-c0)logc0 i_ ----- / " ------- :--- a d.
UK Vd(c - d)

The integral occurring in the last member of (4.14) and the

integral of the same type in (4.13) can be expressed in con
fluent hypergeometric functions.

Using ( 4 . 1 4 ) , we can write ( 4 . 1 3 ) finally as

JO u. -- 0
d v vr
0 d -a -i/c -0
]U)h 2 Q(0) dO + f Q(a) ' |0_ jlog J = = r - d0 +
L J Y-<j(c -d) J - Yc -0+ Y-0 J

r w ( c -q) L
r2(v)- fei do = 0.

Formula (4 .15) gives us g; 6^ and d1 are then found from (41)

and (4.11). The solution is now completely determined.

5. First-order approximation for small breadth

a ) In this section "small" is understood to mean small with
respect to the length of the cavity. Me start hy determining
the first-order approximation for the steady flow. For that
purpose we fix the value of K at 1 and consider the quantity
a, which has so far been an arbitrary constant, as an unknown
to be determined from the condition (2 .9 ) of Section 2. Combi
nation of this formula (2 .9 ) with (2.10) and (2.11) or (2.12)
gives us the relation between a on thq one hand and b and 0
on the other hand. For the computation it is convenient to con
sider a and c as given and to determine b and 0 as functions of
a and c. We suppose a to be small. It will appear then that for
fixed c 0 also b is small; i.e., as a tends to zero, b also
tends to zero. The cavitation number 0 as a function of a and
s given by (.2,10), We expand this expression in powers of

f so that.
1+0 1 + 4 V - + (5.1)

Hence we have to a first order of approximation

0 - 4 if (5.2)

We now expand the integral in (2.9) in powers of using

(2.11) and (2.12). For that pupose we introduce first a new
variable of integration and take the real part of the integral

f CYa(c-g) + Y-g(e+a) ? Yd(c-g)+Y-g(d-c) g-d

J2 (l/a(c-g j-V-g(c+a) ) Vd(c-g)-V-d(d-c) <J_C

- f y"* i h + l 4a c(c+a?(.
1.-y.2J dy >
^ C d(c+a) +y ) {c (1+ y ) +4a y}

where the new variable of integration y is given by

V a (c-g )-Y-g (c+a)

y = y -1 V ".

According to (2.11) and (2.12) we have to a first order of


d - c = 0 . (5*4)
Hence to a second order of approximation the expression in (53)
becomes equal to 1
1- r
lr (1 + y )

5 dy - - (+ 4) .

From this formula it is seen immediately that to the same order


of approximation
b m a(x + 4 ) . (5.6)

Expanding the expression (2 .5 ) for w into ascending powers of

........ .>
Substitution of (5*2) gives us

w * 1 (5 .8 )

These expansions are uniformly valid in the interior of the cut

t-plane. It may easily he seen that to a zero'th order of ap
z = t . (5*9)
Hence to a first order of approximation w is given by

w = 1 ( 5 . 10 )

The relation between b, c and is

- 4 V . .. - . (5.11 )
( + 4)c

In the neighbourhood of z 0 the ^ehaviour of w is given by

w - - l|-^ '(-=z)- + ... . (5.12)

' + 4

The quantity c may be considered as a first-order approximation

to the cavity length.
(1) First-order approximation for the unsteady motion. We de-
^tprmine .the firstrorder approximation to the unsteady perbur-
'Catioh field for small breadth of the plate by expanding in
a series of ascend-ing powers of y . From (.12), by again
introducing y as a new variable of 0 integration* we find that
a first order of approximation

* idjh
q _ JSLEL 4 p 2 1 r1 * d y
1 ^
Co Vt(t-co)'(t-co) ( 1 + y )2

A n 0 . -i 1C 0 ' C *0
. s. V t .
it-c c r /
o -
0 Jo

. , +2 2 ]fT 1
= - ju ,h
Co V t(t-co )(t-cQ)

s. ' _ L_ - * ]l ! o i ! 1 dd .
It-c t-c I d d_t
o o

Relation (4,15) connecting <ah and g is equivalent, to the same

order of approximation, to

0 -jwd
. - 2(c - d ) - ^
_ -iliir f ' ' i l l

f to Co +e Jf
- 2 > h (+2) y 7- c q + g
l V d (0 - d )
(J.0 s 0

Formula ( 4 . 1 0 ) becomes

O . . *i/c ~0
. ( 5 .-1 5 )
MV r - ^ <*2> Vro % - f /
The in te g r a ls in ( 5 . 1 4 ) , (5 .1 5 ) can be expressed in terms o f
c y lin d r ic a l fu n ction s by means o f the fo llo w in g i d e n t i t i e s !
c . _ c
o -J<*>d ... o c
6 40 , = n e - > T Jo (w f ), (5 .1 6 )
b V^CCo-a y

and w
c ______ c
/ ' - V ' f - o - a . _ o e- > f ) J J, ( f ) ]

Hence (5 1 4 ) niay be w ritten as
- 2> h - - h ge J" ? [ j ( - ^ K i - - - ) + i J1(h,,# )] 0
O L -I
(5 .1 8 )
and ( 5 1 5 ) as

0 0 o L. -1

From (5 .1 8 ) and (5*19) we show immediately that

( 5 . 20 )
c _,-1
g - 2jwh j v t >]

and c c . c . -1
1 - 2u)h - J ( -^ ) J0 (w - y ) ( l -[ s J -)+ A V " -f)
L t5.2l)
In the derivation use has heen made oil (5*6) in order to elimi-

nate a. For uid.| we find the same expression as for ^. The

relation between ^ and g reads

a ge

or (5.22)
i, f . g.'^ J.C*) .
We shall now discuss the conditions tq be imposed on the para
meters id , h and b, in order that the approximations introduced
so far be valid.
Remembering the discussion at the beginning of section 3 and
maintaining the notation introduced there, we must first require
- St 1 (5.23)
1 *c

2 - ! 1 . (5.24)

1 . (5.25)
3 "

As a result of the approximation for small breadth 2b of the

flat plate, we must further require that

V fP 1 . (5.26)

However, to be sure that the unsteady effects are not of the

same order of magnitude as the second-order steady effects, we
must impose the additional condition that

l p , . (5.27)
co qc

or, in terms of the smallness parameters ^ and ^, that

. . (5.28)
4 1

The five conditions (5*23) to (5*27) are not independent. An

independent set of conditions is given by


e m 1
3 q0 (5.25)

= p - s . (5.28)
4 co 1

Using (5.6), we may replace (5.28) by

=1/ 2* '.. (5.29)

4 (+4)

Prom these conditions it can be shown that

1 b0 H ^ r ^ h
* C
h b c

In the case that the approximation for small breadth is not car-
ried through, the conditions (53) and (5 *3 1 ) have to be re
placed by

0 (532)
h b (5.33)

Returning to formula (5.21) and taking into account that accord

ing to (53) > 1, we conclude from i|he asymptotic expansions
of the Bessel-functions, that the following relation between the
velocity of the moving rear end of the cavity and the velocity
of the flat plate is approximately valid:

./__ . 1
uig 2u>h e --- ?) cos (. ( 5. 34)
1 Ji 2 4

The deviation of the rear end of the cavity from its steady po
sition is of the same o'rder of magnitude as the deviation of the
flat plate.

Part II. Linearized theory of unsteady cavity flow

6. Summary
In the linearized theory to be discussed in the following
sections, the vertical flat plate is replaced by a singularity.
It will appear that the velocity field of this singularity in
the steady case is identical with the field given by (5.10), i.e.,
by the first-order term of (2 .5 ). The strength of the singularity
can then be expressed in terms of half the breadth b of the flat
In the unsteady case the strength of the singularity is assumed
to vary with time. Considering the variations in this strength to
be small compared to the steady part of it (second linearization),
we may proceed in a manner analogous to that for the steady case.
It will appear that in the case of harmonic time-dependence with
circular frequency the unsteady part of the flow field can be

identified with the first order term of Q , as derived in sec

tion 5 , if is assumed to be large and the unsteady part of
the strength of the singularity is put equal to

A treatment of the same problem by means of the acceleration-

potential requires the application of additional conditions,
different from the ones used for the method of the complex ve
locity, It is shown in Section 10 that both methods are equi
valent, provided the right conditions are applied.

7. Linearized theory of steady flow

We suppose that the flow pattern as a result of the presence
of the flat plate can be considered as a small perturbation of
the original uniform flow field. This will generally be the
case if the breadth 2b of the plate is small with respect to
the cavity length. The plate can then be replaced by a singu
larity. The rear end of the cavity will show a similar singu
larity. Within the frame-work of linearized theory the occur
rence of these singularities can be inferred from the presence
of a stagnation point in the neighbourhood.
We choose the cartesian coordinate system in such a way that
the cavity extends between the points (,) and (l,0). The ve
locity at infinity has the direction of the positive x-axis.
The units of length and time are so chosen that the constant
velocity q^ along the cavity is equal to 1. We put q = (l+u,v).
In the same way as in (ll,2) we derive the following mixed bound
ary-value problem for the complex perturbation velocity w=u-iv
(see fig. 28)s Determine w(z), holomorphic in the upper half
of the z-plane, such that it assumes the following boundary-
values on the real axis:

y = 0, < x < 0 : Im w = 0 ,
0<x < 1 * He w 0 , (7 *1 )
l<x<: Im w = 0 .

By means of Schwarz's reflection principle thi3 boundary-value

problem for w(z) can be transformed into a Hilbert problem with

the following linear relations along thp real axiss

0 , - 00 < x < 0 s f = 0,
0 < x < 1 * W + Y " 0 , (7.2)
1 < x < 00 * w - y = 0 .

v=0 u =0 v=0
( 0, 0 ) U , o)

Pig. 28. Linearized boundary-value problem.

The general solution with integrable singularities at z = 0 and

z = 1 is
( 7- 3)

The cut for both square roots is made from 0 to 1? the branches
are so chosen that


~ 1 as z 00 ( 7. 4 )

We assume that the strength of the singularity at z 0, deter-

mined by the flat plate, is given. There we have

w A ( 7. 5)

Hence the strength of the singularity = A ^1. This gives us one
relation between A and. 1. For the determination of the unknowns
A, B and 1 we still need two relations. These are furnished by the
following additional conditions:

1. w = - -g- d at z=, (76)

2. ires, wl = 0, the mathematical formulation (7*7)

v zo
of the closure condition .

From (7.6) we deduce

A + B = - Js- <J, (7.8)
and from (7.7)
A - B = 0 . (7.9)
A = B = ^ 0 . (7 . 10)
Thus for w we have the formula

w (7.11)

This expression agrees with (51) if we identify c and 1. By

integrating (7.11) we get the following equation for the bound
ary of the cavity:

y Vx(T x) (7.11a)

From (5*9) it follows that

aVT = (7.12)
+ 4

This is the connection between the strength of the singularity

at z = 0 and the breadth 2b of the plate. We have shown now
again that linearized theory of a steady cavity flow can be u n
derstood as a first-order approximation of reentrant-jet theory.
8. Unsteady flow; method of the complex velocity
The coordinate system and the units of length and time are
chosen as in Section 7 It is assumed that the strength of the
singularity at z * 0 will vary harmonically with circular fre
quency w, and that the amplitude of the time-dependent part is
small with respect to the time-independent part, but large with
respect to second and higher powers of this latter. The last
assumption enables us to treat the unsteady effects as linear
perturbations of the linearized steady flow (second lineariza
tion). Hence all quantities can be split up additively into
steady and unsteady parts. Accordingly we put

u = u o + u^ w ith 83 e
U1 *1
V = V + e
0 VH V 1 *> A
A = A
A1 *
A **'m
A1 A1
e ( 8 . 1)
s B juit
V B1 B
1 1
V X1 h
P + = p1 e
po V P1

Remark: The time variable is denoted as usual by t instead

of by T, differently from the notation used in Part I. As a
result of the unsteady motion the boundary condition on the cav
ity will change. For its derivation we start from the linearized
Euler equations of motion for an ideal fluid:

du 3u 1_ 0_
9t + 3x = p 3x *
( 8 . 2)
3v 3v 1 3]a
3t + 3x p 3y *

On the cavity we have p = p thus 0, and by (8.2) we get


By use of (8.1 ) we obtain

- . (8 .4 )

The general solution of this differential equation is

^ - $ e " ju)X , (8 .5 )

where g is an arbitrary constant, real with respect to i, hut

possibly complex with respect to j,
For w = w + w.. we now have the following mixed boundary-
o 1
value problems Determine w(z), holomorphic in the upper half
of the z-plane, so as to satisfy the following boundary condi
tions on the real axis:

y = 0 - 00 < x < 0 Im w = 0 ,
0 < x < 1 Re. v - * (8.6)
1 < x < 00 Im w = 0 .

By means of Schwarz's reflection principle this boundary-value

problem can be transformed into a Hilbert problem with the fol
lowing linear relations along the real axis:

y 0 , - 00 < x < 0 :


0 < x < 1 : ,**.. (8.7)

1 < x < oo : W - W a 0

The solution is

f e'3Wt V z (z - 1 )' + A + B1 (8 .8 )

We now divide this expression for w into its steady part wq and
its unsteady part w ^ . We find that
= A
1| ---- + B
1 Z 0 fc r (8.9)

w _ . J wt
W1 e

(8.1 0)
+ B V2- ' y- + A 2 . + B -f- .
o 2 ( z -1 z-1 1 ( z 1 Iz -1
o o

For the relation Between A and the breadth 2b of the flat plate,
the determination of B , and the connection between 1 and the
o o
cavitation number d, we refer to section 7
Assuming that in (8.10) the strength of the singularity at
z = 0 is given, we still need three other conditions for the
determination of the four unknowns, , 1^, A^ and B^ . These
.conditions read as follows:
1. As in section 7 we must have
w = ---<Jatz=.
w^ = 0 at z = . (8.11)
This last condition means that the unsteady perturbation veloci
ty vanishes at infinity.
2. {res.w } = 0 .
2 = oo
Hence according to section 7
1 . w.}_
1 z= oo = 0 . (8.12)

This condition means that there is no source or sink at infinity.

We already know that there is no vortex at infinity as a result
of the symmetry of the problem. As a result of this condition
the pressure remains finite at infinity in the unsteady case
3. Boundary condition (8.5) on the cavity has been obtained
by considering the derivative of the pressure p along the bound
ary of the cavity. Hence it is possible that a time-dependent

additive function, a constant being included as a special case,

is not taken into account for the pressure in the cavity. In
any case it is necessary to connect the pressure on the cavity
with the pressure at infinity. This is the third condition. We
now formulate it mathematically. According to (8.2) we have

9x P dx *
and 3u (8.15)
9 - p ( > U1 + aT )
The unsteady motion is not allowed to disturb the connection
between the pressure at infinity and the pressure on the cav
ity. We therefore require that

- P 1 ,oo 0, (8.14)
' 1,0

or, by virtue of (8 .1 5 ), that

- o a
lim | ( + v 1
-) dx 0 ,
0 J_eo
_ x+is
where 0 < x q < 1 .

Integrating and letting x q j 0 we obtain

( 8 . 1*6 )
/ dx - ^

where the integration path is the negative part of the real axis.
Application of (8.11) and (8.12) gives


h e~ja)Xdx

* Ai -
-0 (8-17)

& _ r
'o -ju>x,
e dx f e 'JMx dx _
L 2 Vx(l -*)' 1vL V*(l
/ (X *)
-x) J

1, - 1 1- 1
0 " 1 + 0 + 1 = 0 *
Since A = = -i<J, it follows that
o o


f 1 -
dx + B 1

- 0


' 1 -
e - JlU xV - 2 d x + .,1 - .
f /
By means of (.1) and (8.19) we find that

-1 :1 r0

- X
1 ' * { 8 (-x)^(lo-x)i'

We can now apply (8.6)
- &

. e V ifiT T T d f T = ^ -
i ()0- )(- ) (8 .2 1 )

V o
* dx ii

8 L (-x)^(l-xW

The inversion of the order of integration can he justified in

the same way as in section 4 We now use the following iden

________ dx = 1
^arc cos I
V-x( -)(-) (0-)


Integrating partially, from (8.21 ) we get


-ju.* *1., j
dx (8 .2 3 )
+ =
V x ( l 0- x ) '
By means of (5.1 6 ) the integral in this formula can he expressed
in terms of a Bessel functions

g e^ W lo J ( -^) (8.24)
j 1 I

Remark: It is at once possible to write the solution (8.8)

of the boundary-value problem (8.6) in the form

w . 4 eJ t 1.---- f1 g~jaJ.X ,V^.( l -^).'dx + a/ IT S + \ .

71 * - ' * VZ1

By putting A' = A q and B' = B q , the conditions (8.11) and (8.12)
are automatically satisfied. Finally it is possible to get from
(8.21) to (8 .2 3 ) without evaluating the first integral in (8.22).
In this case one uses the fact that the integral can be consider
ed as the solution of a certain boundary-value problem.

9. Linearized unsteady cavity flow as a first-order approximation

We shall derive expressions for ^ and which can be compa
red in order to show that, for large , can be identified
with the first-order approximation to ^ , derived in Section 5 P
For that purpose we express ^ in terms of g and in terms of
. From (5.13) and (5 .1 4 ) we find that

a . . V < ?(c -d)dd .

. = s. r -ju g .!: ...4> n L s.
1 2
11 Vt(t-c ) t^Xt-cjl

f dcf
J0 V d ( c o-0)

It has been shown that this expression is valid only for large
. Combination of (8.10), (8 .1 9 ) and (8.23) gives us

i 1 itiyo + 1
Vz(z-10 ) - z

. - J c dS (9.2)
i Vtty-e)'
In section 7 we have identified the fallowing quantities, viz,
t and z, c and 1 . If we may now identify g and g also, the
o o
two expressions (9.1) and (9*2) become the same. If we put the
strength of the singularity for at z = 0 equal to the strength

of the singularity for at t 0, we infer from both formulas

that indeed g and must be identified. This gives the proof of
the statement that for the unsteady case, too, linearized cav
ity theory is a first-order approximation of reentrant-jet theory

for large . Prom (5*22) and (8.24) we see also that 6^ and 1^
must be identified.
Finally we derive an expression for the strength of the sin
gularity at z = 0 in terms of h and . This expression can most

easily be derived from (5*13) According to that formula has

the following behaviour near t - 0:

Q t ~ - juh ~ ( - t)-^ , <93)

where (-t)~^ is positive for real t < 0. Application of (5*6)

gives us

1 (9.4)

10. Unsteady flow; method of the complex acceleration-potential

The coordinate system and the units of length and time are
chosen as in section 8. We start from the linearized Euler equa
3u 3u
9t * 9x = _ p dx *
dv dv 1 5
9t + 9x = p 3y
( 10 . 1 )

In these equations we have linearized with respect to q 1

the velocity on the cavity in the steady case. We introduce
the function by means of

s ( 10. 2 )

Hence (10.1) can be written as

du 9u ajjT
at +
( 10 . 3 )
dv dv 9jj_
at + = ay

is called the acceleration-potential. As a result of the in-

compressibility and irrotationality is a harmonic function.
We can now introduce its conjugate harmonic function , satis
fying the relations ^ ^
9 dJP
9x 3y
rw rw ( 10. 4 )
, _M
How F(z) + 5 a holomorphic function of z x + iy for
which we have
3F 9w aw
az at + az * ( 10. 5 )

F(z) is the complex acceleration-potential. Now we may formulate

the linearized cavity problem of section 8 as the following
mixed boundary-value problem for F(z).
Determine F(z), holomorphic in the upper half of the z-plane
and assuming on the real axis the following boundary valuess

y = 0 , - 00 < x < 0 t I P 0 ,

0 < x < 1 : Re F - 0 , (10.6)

1 < x < 00 : Im F 0 .

The general solution with integrable singularities is

F(z) (10.7)

where a and h are quantities dependent only on t and real with

respect to i. This a is different from the a used in Part I.
According to the second linearization ye can write
F = F q + F1 with F1 F1e*)Wt ,
a m aQ+ a^ al (10.8)
b - h Q+ h 1 b 1 - S 1e*5h,t .

We identify F q and w q This is in accordance with the foregoing

equations. Thus
F (10.9)

For F^ we now get the expression

_ S , 1 . 1 1 __ 1
1 ~ao 2 yz^z-lQ J'+ 2 Vz(Z- r r z -1q +
( 10 . 10 )

where . = 1 - 1 .
1 o

In this expression for F^ three unknowns, viz, ^, a^ and b1,

still occur. For their determination we have the following three
1. F1 = 0 at z <= oo, (10.11)
i.e., the perturbation pressure vanishes at infinity.
2. The velocity must be a single-valued function. Naturally
this requirement is fulfilled for the horizontal component of
the perturbation velocity u 1 by virtue of the symmetry of the

problem; there is no vortex sheet in the wake. Thus condition

2 expresses the fact that there is no line of discontinuity
for the vertical component of the perturbation velocity v^.
3. The unsteady part of the singularity for F(z) at z 0
and the given unsteady part of the singularity for w(z) there
must satisfy an appropriate relation.
As to condition 3 we shall prove that the unsteady parts
of the singularities for F(z) and w(z) at z 0 are the same.
According to (10.5) we have

3# 9F
* 1 + - (10-12)

from which it follows that

OO (1 0 .1 3 )

V) - > J 2 ejc F1(c)dc

Use has been made of (10.11). Since the integral in the last

member of (IO.1 3 ) is finite at z - 0, ^ and have the same

behaviour at z - 0. q.e.d.
Equating the strengths of the two singularities, we obtain


This is the mathematical expression of condition 3 Application

of condition 1 gives us
^ - 0 , (1 0 .1 5 )

We shall now formulate condition 2 mathematically. Since F^(z)

is a single-valued function, we can infer from (1 0 .1 3 ) that the

single-valuedness of is equivalent to

J 1 ( ) -', (1 0.16 )

where C is a contour surrounding the cut from 0 to 1 in the

z-plane. Since a A * - , we can write (10.10) as

- , x _ K * ll iT 1
V z) - ai + bi h = n + i " ? "

] G _ _ l 1 o 1 i_ i/ z... '
8 Iz-1 z-1
o ^o l/z(z-lo) ^
dz Vz-1
' . o

where use has been made of (10.15). Condition (10.16) is now

* * / v S n 12 + T ^ I ,>z ' 0 (,0,8>


4 ,.1. * r 1 , . w cfr ^ - dx = 0.(10.19)

I o
1 0 J 4

Replacing x by 1q -x as variable of integration in the integrals,

we get

S1 r0 s-*1* a dx 0 , (10.20)
1 I ^

or, using (5 .16 ) and (5 1 7 ),

1 dk.ju _ 1 1 _
1J0( -f) + g [ J 0 ( + J -f)] - 0 . (10.21)

Prom (8.19) and (8 .23 ) we can derive


1 dl.ju> 1 1
A1Jo(< 2 ^ + ~~T~ [ j 0 ( +j V " ^ )] 0 (1 0.22)

Combination of (10 .I4 ), (10.21) and (10.22) yields

and ^-1^. (10.23)

This means that both methods, viz, the method of the complex
acceleration-potential and the method of the complex velocity,
lead to the same results. This is important, because the me
thod of the complex acceleration-potential is preferable in
more complicated problems (see the next chapter).

11. Conclusions
In the foregoing sections we have shown that a linearized
cavity theory can be formulated in such a way that it becomes
a first-order approximation to the reentrant-jet theory. For
the proof we have chosen the simple example of a flat plate
normal to the direction of the main stream since in that case
the calculations are as simple as possible. The advantages of
this choice are slightly diminished by the fact that we could
compare our linearized theory with the first-order approxima
tion to the unsteadily perturbed reentrant-jet flow only for
rather large values of u>, as discussed in section 5 We had
to make this restriction because the flat plate performs an
oscillation in the direction of the main stream. For a lifting
plate, oscillating normally to the main flow direction, the
restriction concerning drops out. With respect to the behav
iour of the flow at the end of the cavity, however, which is
the important point in the steady case as well as in the unsteady
case, we may safely asstime that it is not influenced by the
shape of the forebody in the special example chosen.
We have assumed that the unsteady motion is small with respect
to the steady part of the disturbance field caused by the body
and the cavity. For the non-linear theory, i.e., the reentrant-
jet theory, this assumption was necessary in order to attack

the problem in a reasonable way, and for the linearized theory

it has enabled us to arrive at explicit results. Moreover we
may expect that the condition of small unsteady perturbations
will be satisfied in many operating conditions. The hydrody
namic stability of the cavity flow was not considered in this
chapter. It may be determined, however, from the results that
we have obtained for the case of harmonic motion.
We have shown that for the linearized cavity flow the method
of the complex acceleration-potential leads to the same result
as the method of the complex velocity, provided appropriate
additional conditions are applied. In the case of the second
method these conditions may be derived easily by comparing the
linearized flow with the reentrant-jet flow. A condition which
seems to be new is the one relating the pressure at infinity
and the pressure on the cavity. Prom our analysis it is clear
that in using the method of the complex acceleration-potential
it must be required explicitly that the normal component of the
perturbation velocity should be continuous in the wake. This
condition has baan overlooked hitherto in the literature.

C h a p t e r VI

1 Introduction
In this chapter we deal with the unsteady motion of a super-
eavitating hydrofoil using the linearized theory, which was dis
cussed in chapter V. This implies, that we assume the pressure
to remain finite at infinity during the unsteady motion and the
component of the perturbation velocity perpendicular to the main
stream to be continuous in the wake of the hydrofoil. The closure
condition, known from the linearized theory of steady cavity
flows, will be abandonned. These assumptions were introduced in
section 4 of the introductory chapter as possibility 4
We will not develop a general linearized theory, which is
applicable to hydrofoils of arbitrary camber and to unsteady
motions of an arbitrary type i.e. to non-uniform motions, which
may result from a translation or rotation of the hydrofoil con
sidered as a two-dimensional rigid body as well as from a general
deformation of it. For such a general theory we refer to [3] .
Instead of that we adopt a procedure, which has been followed al
ready in chapter III in the case of the partially cavitating
hydrofoil. We assume, that the camber line of the hydrofoil is
given by a polynomial in x. The unsteady motion is taken into
account by allowing the coefficients of this polynomial to be
dependent of the time. The unsteady motion of a supercavitating
flat-plate hydrofoil as a rigid two-dimensional body is contained
in this special theory. Explicit calculations will be performed
only for this special case. In the same way as in chapter V the

unsteady motion will be considered small with respect to the

steady perturbation-velocity field (second linearization). A-
mong the final results are the transfer functions for the un
steady parts of the lift- and momentco<?fficient, both with res
pect to a heaving motion (translation) as well as to a pitching
motion (rotation) of the flat plate. Ipto these transfer functions
some functions enter, which are characteristic for the problem
at hand. They satisfy fourth-order differential equations and
take the place of the cylindrical functions known from unsteady
thin-airfoil theory. Since these functions are dependent of the
steady part of the cavity length 1q , the Nyquist-diagrams of the
transfer functions must be calculated numerically as functions
of the parameter (reduced frequency) for each value of 1
separately. We shall give numerical results in two typical cases,
viz. 1 = 3 and 1 = 10 . The last case may be considered as
o o
representative for 1 = . The supercavitating flat plate in
unsteady motion and with an infinite cavity length has been trea
ted by Parkin in [7 ] and [ 9] In [7 ] numerical data can be found
concerning the transfer functions for the liftcoefficient with
respect to a heaving motion as well aq to a pitching motion of
the hydrofoil. These data are in agreement with our own results
within the accuracy of the computations.
It should be remarked, that in the case of infinite cavity
length the second linearization is not needed to make the un
steady effects accessible to an analytical treatment. We shall
therefore devote a separate section to it.

2. Boundary-value problem
The units of length and time are so chosen, that the hydrofoil
has the chord length 1 and that the magnitude of the unperturbed
fluid velocity, i.e. the velocity at infinity, is equal to 1. The
cartesian coordinate system is chosen in such a way, that the
origin coincides with the leading edge and the fluid velocity at

infinity has the direction of the positive x-axis. The unsteady

motion starts at t = 0. When the camber and the angle of attack
are small and the unsteady motion gives rise to perturbation
velocities, which are also small compared with 1, a linearized
theory can be applied to the problem (first linearization). We
shall linearize with respect to the fluid velocity at infinity.
This procedure differs from the one adopted in the foregoing
chapters. The difference however between the two procedures is
not essential. What procedure one prefers, is merely a matter
of taste and convenience. The reason for our choice here of the
linearization with respect to the fluid velocity at infinity
is the fact, that in that case the shed off vortices are trained
away by the unperturbed fluid velocity.
The boundary-value problem will be formulated for the complex
acceleration-potential, which was introduced in (V, 10). The
complex acceleration potential P(z;t) = (, y?t) + i}p(x, y;t)
is a holomorphic function in the interior of the fluid.
The wetted side of the hydrofoil is represented by the equa
y = f(x;t), 0 < x < 1 . (2. 1)

f(x;t) is independent of t when t < 0, as a result of our choice

of the time-origin. This steady value will be denoted by the
suffix 0. Thus

f(x;t) = fQ(x), when t < 0 . ( 2. 2 )

In the sequel steady values of quantities, variable with time,

will always be denoted by the suffix O'. On the wetted side of
the hydrofoil it must be true, that at every moment the fluid
velocity is tangential to it. To a first order of approximation
this condition can be expressed by
1 38

3f _
V 2 +
at dx ~
- g ( x s it) , (2.3)

at y 0 < x < 1 .

It follows, that

6f 4s
_ is +

9x + dx ) at 3x

at y = - 0, 0 < x < 1 .

Integrating we find

- g(x;t) + J * |f dx + ?(t) , (2.5)

at y = ~ 0, 0 < x < 1

n(t) is a still unknown function of the time

We introduce the abbreviation

h(x$t) (2 .6 )

= h(x;t) + ?(t) ,

at y = - 0, 0 < x < 1 .

On the cavity we have

P - Pc . (2 .8 )
9 = 0 , at y = + 0, 0 < x < l
and y = - 0, 1 < x < 1 . (2.9)

The point y = 0 , x = 1 is the projection of the rear end of the


cavity onto the x-axis (see fig. 2 9 )

I <0 = 0 X
--------------------- o------ ----------------------------- o---------------------
0 / 1 = /< t)
^ r =h (x it )+ yr(t)

Fig. 29. Mixed boundary-value problem for complex acceleration-

potential .

The value of 1 will be dependent of the time. Thus

1 = l(t) . (2.10)
At infinity we have the condition


= - , when |z | -* 00 . (2.11)

Since <(x,y}t) is determined except for an arbitrary additive

function of the time t, it is possible to fix its value at infin
ity by
= 0 , when fz | '"0. (2.12)

Summing up we have the following mixed boundary-value problem

for F(z;t). It must be holomorphic in the z-plane cut along the
real axis from 0 to l(t) and has to satisfy the following boundary
conditions on the cut
y = + 0 , 0 < X < l(t) s Re F * 0 ,

0 < X < 1 : Im F h(x;t)+ f(t) ,



< X < l(t) . He F 0 . (2.13)





F - at z = , (2.14)

whereas the pressure i.e. - (x, y;t) <= - He F(z;t), must he

integrable -with respect to x and minimal on the cavity. At y = - 0,
x = 1 the pressure must he continuous. It will appear later on
that for a unique solution of the boundary-value problem (2 .1 3)
still two additional conditions are needed.
Since our method of solution of (2.13) is quite similar to the
one used in chapter III, we shall discuss it here only briefly.
We assume, that f(x;t) is a polynomial of degree m - 1 in x, the
coefficients of which are dependent of t. It follows, that h(x;t)
is a polynomial of degree m in x. We put

h(x;t) - M(xjt) , (2.15)

M(x;t) * m^^(t) xk . (2.16)

A particular solution F^1^(z;t) of (2.13 ) is

F^1^(z;t) - i M(zjt) + i f(t) . (2.17)

A particular solution i S ^ ( z j t ) of the homogeneous problem, which

corresponds to (2 .1 3 ), is given by

i s(l)(z,t) - i jl+ i (2.18)

We choose S^^(zjt) in such a way, that

S(l)(z;t) |1 + (2.19)

when y = + 0, 0 < x < l(t), whereas the square roots are assumed
to have their positive values there. We now consider G(zjt) de
fined by
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0 (..t) - f (27 ^ *^ , ( 2. 2 0 )
i S ' ^(z;t)
where F' '(z;t) is the general solution of the homogeneous bounda
ry-value problem. G(z;t) has to satisfy the following boundary-
value problems
y = + 0 , 0<x<l(t)s In 0 ,
( 2. 21)
y =- 0 , 0 < x < l(t) : Im G = 0 ,

It is holomorphic in the z-plane, cut along the positive real axis

form 0 to l(t). Using the conditions of integrability of the pres
sure etc. we see, that G(z;t)must be finite at z = 0 and that

G(zjt) ~ K(t) (1 - z)^ at z = l(t) , (2.22)

where K(t) is a function of the time, real withrespect to z. We

introduce G(z;t) by

G(z;t) = G(zjt) , (2.23)

and Q(z;t) and X(z;t) by

Q(z;t) =^-[G(z;t) + G(z;t)] , (2 .24 )

and X(zjt) *'&[G(z;t) - G(z;t)] . (2.25)

Boundary-value problem (2.21) can now be split up into two Hil-

bert-problems for resp, Q(z;t) and X(z;t). Solving these Hilbert-
problems we finally get

I^ 2 )(z;t) - i P(z 51) S ^ ( z j t ) +

( 2 . 26)
+ i Q(z;t) S^2 ^(z;t) 9

where P(z;t) and. Q(z;t) are polynomials in z with real coeffi

cients, which are functions of t, and

3(SW ) - { i 1*1 iW ' (2.27)

S' '(z;t) is so chosen, that

{ 1 (2.28)

when y = + 0 , 0 < x < l(t) .

The final solution of (2 ,1 5 ) now reads

P(z;t) = i M(z;t) + i T(t) +

+ i P(z;t) S^1 \z;t) + i Q(z;t) S^2\z;t) , (2.29)

P(z;t) = p ^ ( t ) zk , (2 .30 )
k -0
Q(z;t) - q(k )(t) zk . (2.31)

The degree of P(zjt) and Q(zjt) has been derived from condition
(2 ,14 ) which requires that P(z;t) must he finite at infinity .
In (2 .29 ) a number of 2m + 4 unknown functions of the time
still occur, viz. m + 1 functions p^k ^(t), m + 1 functions
q(k ^(t), ?(t) and l(t). Condition (2.14 ) gives m+1 complex, i.e.
2m+2 real, equations for the determination of these unknown func
tions. These equations are linear in the p^^(t), q^k ^(t) and
(). It appears, that we still need two additional conditions
for the complete determination of the complex acceleration-po
tential. These two additional conditions will he derived and dis
cussed in section 4 . Before doing that, we shall consider in the
next section the steady state, which is present when t < 0. This
will give us the initial conditions for the 2m + 4 unknown func
tions of t.

5. Steady-state velocity field; initial values

When t < 0, i.e. before the unsteady motion has started, the
entire flow field is independent of t. The linearized Euler
equations (V, 10.5) then simplify into

It follows that
w (z) F (z) + constant . (3.2)
o o '

The steady perturbation-velocity field w q (z ) satisfies at infin

ity the condition
w 0 , when z .= oo. (3.3)

Comparing (2 .I4 ) and (3*3) we see that


On the wetted side of the profile we have

v0 (*. - 0) - - gQ (x) , (3.5)

r o(x, - 0) = go(x) + ? o ,

where 0 < x < 1 . Thus

= 0 . (3.6)

(3.6) is the initial condition for Tit).

Prom (2 .29 ), (3.4) and (3 .6 ) we derive

wQ(z) = + i M q (z ) + i PQ(z) Sq (1)(z ) +

+ i Q0(z) s0^2^(z) * (3.7)

M t(z)\ - y

v kz , (3.8)

p0 ( z ) - " P0 ( k ) 2k . (3.9)

n f \ ? (k) k (3.10)
A V *
3o(1>w f { -^ * .( .1 0

so(2>'a> * 1 f <,2>

In (3.7) a number of 2m + 3 unknown quantities occur viz. m+1

(k) (k) / \
quantities p ' , m+1 quantities q ' ' and 1 ..Condition (3*3)
gives 2m + 2 real equations for the determination of these un
known quantities. The set of equations is completed by the
closure condition, which is valid in the steady state. It is
given hy
Re 5)res. w (z)i
O fZoo
= 0 , (3.13)

which expresses that there is no source or sink at infinity in

the steady state, p ^) q (k ) and 1 consitute the initial
o o o
values of p^k \t), q^)(t) and l(t).

4. Two additional conditions

1) First additional condition. Since the boundary condition
for F(z;t) on the wetted side of the hydrofoil, i.e. at y = - 0,
0 < x < 1, has been obtained in section 2 by a differentiation and

a subsequent integration, there is no guarantee, that the right

boundary condition for the vertical component v of the pertur
bation velocity is satisfied there. In fact v is determined
there by the boundary condition for F(z;t) apart from an ar
bitrary function of x - t. Since this arbitrary function of
x - t may be considered as a perturbation, which is trained
away by the unperturbed flow from points lying upstream from
the hydrofoil, we have to relate the value of v on the hydro
foil with its value at the points upstream. This relation can be
obtained by integrating the partial differential equation

( ft + 7 ) ( * y t) = - f~ (x * y?t) (4.1)

We find
v(x, y;t) = v(x0, y; xQ + t - x) -

(x', y; x + t - x)dx' ,

where x < x .
Remembering, that the time origin has been so chosen, that the
unsteady motion starts at t 0, we derive from (4*2) that

v ( x , y j t ) = v 0 U 0 y)

when x
< x - t .
(x', y;x' + t - x)dx* , (4.3)

For a discussion of the unsteady motion form. (4*3) makes only
sense when t > 0. We can write (43) as

0 = Im w(z;t) - Im w q (x q + iy)

Im j 5 (x' + iy; x + t - x)dx' (4.4)


where x < x - t .

In section 2 we derived, that

F(z;t) = F ^ ( z ; t ) + F ^ ( z ; t ) , (4 .5 )
F^1^(z;t) = i M(z;t) + i ?(t) , (4 .6 )
F^2^(z;t) = i P(z;t) S^1^(z;t) +

+ i Q(z;t) S^2^(z;t) . (4 .7 )

We first consider
9F (1 )
(z;t) .

By virtue of (2.6) we have

9 P,(' D1 / ,\ . dM / ,\ , / d 9 \ ,>
dz (z!t)" 1 (2?t> = 1 ( at * N (z?t>

where N(xjt) g(x;t) . (4.9)

Note, that according to our assumption g(x;t) is a polynomial

in x. Next we write
9F (2 )
as follows:

p( 2 )
^ T ~ (z ? t) ( f t + f^- ) F( 2 ) ( z ; t ) - (z;t). (4.10)

Substituting (4*8) and (4.10) into (44) and performing the in

tegrations, we arrive at

0 = Im w(z;t) - Im w (x +iy) - Im i N(x+iy;t) +

+ Im i N(xQ+iy;t+xo - x) - Im F' '(x+iy;t) +

+ Im F^2\ x q + iy 5 t + x q - x) +

J "* F^2 \ x + iy 5 x ' + t - x ) dx'. (4 .1 1 )

+ dt Im

We take x x1 with 0 < x^ < 1, and y = - with > 0. Next we

let -* 0. Assuming, that x q < x1 - t we get

0 = Im w(x.j-i0jt)- Im wo (xQ-iO) - Im i N(x.j-i0;t) +

+ Im i No (xQ-iO) - Im P ^ ^ x ^ i O j t ) + Im Po ^2^(xQ-iO) +

+ a t Im
P^ 2 ^(x' - iO; x' + t - x 1 )dx* (4 . 1 2 )

Prom (2.6) it is obvious, that

M q (x ) = N q (x ) . (4.13)

It therefore follows from (3*7) that

w0 ( 0 = I + 1 N0 ( z ) + f 0 ( 2 ) ( z ) (4.14)
Im w (z) = Im i N (z) + Im P ^2^(z) .
o N/ 0 N/ o v/ (4.15)

Furthermore it is true, that

Im w ^ - i O j t ) = N(x,| 5 t) = Im i N(x^-iO;t), (4. 16)

Im P (2 )(x^ - iO ; t) 0 (4. 17)

By means of these relations form. (412) can be simplifiedi

0 = ^ Im P^ 2 ^(x'-iO; x'+t-x^dx' . (4. 18)

Hence x^
Im F^2^(x'-i05 x +t-x^)dx' - const. (419)
It can be easily seen, that the constant in (4*19) is indepen
dent of the value of x1 in the interval (0, 1). When x^ 0,
condition (4 .1 9 ) goes over into

Im J F ^ ^ x ' j. x'+t)
T !. dx' = const (4 . 20 )

x < - t . Taking t < 0, we see that

sonst. = Im J Fo ^2V(x') dx'. (4.21)

We may let x - t. Therefore (42) can be written as

Im J F^2^(x '; x'+t)dx' = Im J F^2 ( ), .

2 ^(x')dx'. (4.22)

This is the final mathematical form of the first additional

2) Second additional condition .
An argument similar to the one given at the beginning of this
section for the first additional condition, shows us, that there
is no guarantee yet for the continuity of the vertical component
v of the perturbation velocity across the unsteady wake. This
continuity however is one of the conditions, that we want to im
pose on the perturbation velocity field (see chapter V). As a
matter of course the horizontal component u may be discontinuous
across the wake as a result of the presence of shed-off free
vortices there.
For the derivation of the mathematical form of the second ad
ditional condition we start from (4 .11) and apply it with x=Xg
and y = + e, where x ^ > l(t) and > 0. Subtracting both ex-

pressions and taking xq < %2 - t we get:

0 = Im w (*2+ ie ; t) - w(xg - ie | t) J-

- Im^wo(xo + i ) - wo(xo - i e ) J-

- Im i ^N(x 2 + i ; t) - N(x 2 - ; t)J +

+ Im N (x + ) - N '
(x - 1 )

{ o' o 1
O' r\

o '

- Im P^2^(x 2 + ie; t) - F ^ ( x 2 - i ; t) J +
] -

+ Im f"F^ 0 (xQ + i e ) - S*0^ (XQ " 1 6 ) J +

+ ~ Im Jx2
f ^2^(x ' + i } + t - xg) -
- p(2)(x - i ; + t - xg) J dx' (4.23)

Letting -* 0 we can express the continuity of v across the un

steady wake by

0 + iO; x 1 + t x2)
- p ( 2 ) (x iO; x + t x 2 ) 1 d x ' *

Im J 2 j [ V 2)(x? x*+t-x2) J - | V 2)(x Sx'+t-Xg dx' *

** const., (4 o25 )
It can be easily seen, that the constant in (4 .25 ) is independent
of the value of x2 provided x2 > l(t). Letting now x2 -* l(t).we

(t))J jdx'

= const., (4.26)
where now x q < l(t) - t .
Taking t < 0 we see, that

const. = Im

When < 0 the right hand side of (4.27) is equal to zero. This
is a consequence of the closure condition, which is valid for the
cavity in the steady state. Finally letting x q * l(t) - t we ar- (
rive at the following mathematical form t>f the second additional

(2.14) they determine the 2m + 4 unknown functions of t. In (422)

and (4.28) as well as in (2 .1 4 ) the cavity length l(t) occurs in
a highly non-linear way. A numerical approach seems therefore to
he the only way of solving the equations. In many practical cases
however, such as e.g. flutter calculations, the unsteady pertur
bation velocity field may he considered as small with respect to
the steady-state velocity field. It therefore lies at hand to
linearize the non-linear behaviour of l(t) by means of a second
linearization. This will be done in the next section.

5. Second linearization
The second linearization is already known from the investi
gations in chapter V. We suppose, that all timer-dependent
quantities may be split up additively into a part, which is in
dependent of t, (steady part) and a part, which is dependent of
t and equal to zero when t < 0, (unsteady part) in such a way,
that the unsteady part is small compared with the steady part.
The steady part of a quantity is denoted by the suffix 0 in ac
cordance with our previous notation, the unsteady part by the
suffix 1. We have e.g.

y = f(x;t) = f (x) + f (x;t), (5.1)

o 1


Nk (5.2)

In addition we assume, that


with similar relations for the other time-dependent quantities.

This means, that the second-order terms of the first lineariza
tion can be neglected against the first-order terms of the second
linearization. As a matter of course products of two or more
unsteady parts of time-dependent quantities will be neglected.
a) Second linearization of F' '(zjt) .
According to (2.17) F^^(zjt) is given by

F ^ ( z ; t ) - i M(z;t) + i ?(t) , (5.4) .

M(z;t) * m^\t) zk .

On account of the assumptions of the second linearization, we


m a y spl i t u p F ^ ^ ( z j t ) as follows:

F^^(zjt) - F o ^1)(z ) + F 1 ^1 \ z ; t ) , (5.5)


Fo (1)(z ) = i M o (z) ,
w h e r e M q (z ) is g i v e n b y (5*8),


F ^ ^ z j t ) = i (z ;t ) + i T 1 (t) ,
where (5.7)
M 1 (z;t) = m ^k ^(t)zk .
k=0 1

Use has heen made of (5*6)

b) Second linearization of F'( 2 '(zjt)
), .
According to (2.26) F ^ ( z $ t ) is given by

F ^ ( z ; t ) = i P(z;t) S^1^(zjt) +

+ i Q(zjt) S^2^(z;t) . (5.8)

Application of the second linearization to (5.8) yields

Fo (2)(z ) - i Po(z) SQ(l)(z) + i Qq (z ) So(2)(z), (5.9)

where PQ(z), Qq (z ), Sq ^1^(z ) and Sq ^2^(z ) are given reap, by

(3.9), (3.10), (5.11) and (3.12).
The unsteady part F1^2^(z|t) is

F ^ 2^(z;t) - i P.,(z;t) So^1^(z) + i Q^zjt) Sq ^2^(z ) +

+ i PQ(z) S ^ ^ z j t ) + i Qq (z ) S ^ ^ z j t ) (5.10)

where P^zjt) = P ^ k^(t) zk , (5.11)


q / k)(t) zk , (5 12)

lfl-T) dz V <z) (5.13)

0' 0 '

and S ^ ( z j t ) = - l,.(t) ) |z S0 ^2 '(z)* (5-14)

o' o '

o) Second linearization of the first additional condition.

An application of the second linearization to the final mathe
matical form of the second additional condition gives rise to
divergent integral. Since we want similar expressions for both
additional conditions, we shall start again from (4.11) also
in the case of the first additional condition. Linearizing the
unsteady effects we find

0 = Im w^(z;t) - Im i ^(x+iyjt) +

+ Im i N^(xQ+iy; t+xQ-x) - Im P ^ 2^(x+iy;t) +

( 2 )
+ Im F..v M x +iy; t+x -x) +
1 ' * 7 o '

+ l^ Im f P1^2^(x,+iy? x*+t-x) dx '. (5.15)

We first consider the integral, which occurs in (515)- Substi-

tuting (5.10) and integrating partially, we get

P ^ 2^(x'+iy} x' + t - x)dx' =

= i J (x'+iy;t) S ^ ^ x ' + i y ) +
+ Q* (x'+iy} t) So^2)(x'+iy)~| dx* -
M t) m
- 7 ) (x+iy ) ( x+iy - 1)
o ' o" ' L p0(x+iy ) v ' ( x+iy) +

+ Qo ( x + i y ) So ^ ( x + i y ) J +

1 r d li*
+ i ~ ( i o- 0 f <*
[ dt (x , + i y ) ( x + i y - i ) +
+ 1.,* ( t ) I 2 ( x * + i y ) - 1 J T j j p ^ x ' + i y ) So ( l ) ( x ' + i y ) +

+ Qo ( x ' + i y ) So ^2 ^(x* +iy)~| d x' , ( 5*16)

where an asterisk denotes, that t must be replaced by x'+t-x.

Substituting (5*16) into (5"*5)* taking x = x1 with 0 < x^ < 1,
y - e with e > 0, and x q < x1 - t, and letting - 0, we arrive
at x1

Ref p.*(x'5t) S ^ ^ x ' - i O ) + Q 1*(x'jt) S ^ 2) (x'-io)J dx'

1 (1 - 1 )
o' o
I T ,( -1) V (t) (2: :'-l) J

(2 )
(x'-iO) + Qq (x ') Sq dx' =

= const. (5.17)

An asterisk denotes the replacement of t by x'+t-x^. The con

stant in (5 .1 7 ) is independent of t and independent of the values
of x q and x1, provided 0 < x^ < 1 and x q < X1 t. Taking t < 0,
we see that it is equal to 0. Letting x^ - 0 and x - -t, and
replacing x' by -x, we finally get

Re f * (-x;t) 8 ^ ( - ) + Q*(-x;t) Sq ^2)(-x ) +

4) *-
+ -^- ) I ( + 1 ) - v ( t) ( 2+1) j j 0 (- ) s 0( 1 ) ( - x)

+ Qq ( - x ) s0 ^2^ ( x )| l dx = 0 5 18 )
( .

An asterisk denotes here the replacement of t by t-x. Since

P * (-x;t) = p / k)*(t)(-x)k , (5.19)


V (*( t) (t)(-x)k , (5.20)
1 k=0

Form. (5.18) is an integro-differential equation of the convo

lution type for p^^k ^(t)t q ^ k ^(t) and l^(t).
d) Second linearization of the second additional condition .
In the same way as we derived (5.18), we find the following ex
pression for the second additional condition:

He / " [ P1* - [ s .l , , < V * > ] j

( 2 ),

dl *
+ T^flT) { d T (1o "x )(1 o x 1)+ I1*(t)(2(l0-X)-1) |

( - ) ( J \ ( 1 ) ( 1 o- x )
o o

y v x 3oC( 22),< v * ) ] 1
- so( )( v x>] >!]d* -
An asterisk denotes the replacement of t by t - x. Form. (5.21)
is again an integro-differential equation of the convolution
type. It is clear, that (5.18) and (521) can be solved by means
of the application of a Laplace-transformation.
Finally we list some formulae for the lift- and momentcoeffi-
cients. In a similar way as in (ill, 3) we find

= - 4 Im jres. F j Z oo ( 5 . 22 )
Cjj - - 4 I jres. zF | (5.23)

Note that is again the coefficient <^f the moment with respect
to the leading edge. An application of the second linearization
to (5.22) and (5 23 ) gives us

CL - 4 Im jres. F q j
- 4 I jres. w q j z= 00

. - 4n In |res. z F q j z =
- 4* I jres. z w
o c z=
CT * - 4* I 1ires. F (5.26)
L1 ( 1 (z

CM * - 4* Im jres. zF^j z . OO (5.27)

For a general formula for the dragcoefficient we refer to [ 30]

Since the dragcoefficient is not as important, in the case of
unsteady motion, as the lift- and momentcoefficient, we shall
not discuss it here.

6. lapjace-transform with respect to the time-variable

We introduce the following notationss

tfi ( s 5 l 0 ) = J e_SX Re V
(1 )
' dx * (6.1)

T 1 (s;!) - J (2),
e"SX Re So' ^(-x) dx , ( 6 . 2)
I s
ff 2 ( s ? 1 o )=
He ] -
(6 . 5 )
I s
2 ( 8 ! )= /
* ' 8 * * { [ 3<2)( * > ] + - | X (2>< v * > ] i

r -si
(5) =
' P1 (z ;t ) d t , ( 6 . 5)

-st (6.6)
m ^ k ^ dt ,
^ ) = J e

f -st
P-, ^k \ t ) dt , (6. 7 )
* k (e) = J 6

Pk ( 0 = dt , (6.8)
J 6

r -st
(s) = 1/ t) dt , (6 . 9 )
J e
r -st
(s) = f/ t ) dt , (6.10)
JJo e
f -st
C ( t ) dt , (6 .11)
v * > - JJ0 6 ^1

f -S t
c Mi ( t ) d t . (6.12)

To d i s t i n g u i s h t h e complex z - a n d s - p l a n e s we s h a l l w r i t e
3 = 8^ j s 2 , with j -1 .
The L a p l a c e - t r a n s f o r m s o f ( 5 . 1 8 ) and ( 5 . 2 1 ) can now he w r i t t e n

m jk m rtk
a t
(s ) s 5l 0 ) + pk (s ) - Ti (9 ^ o +
7 k tfi ( k=0 ds If1
k=0 K ds

^ o - o {* i 2- ) h

IQ m
00 d l. d i.
\ 2 Po ffi (s?1o ) + Ti ( s 1
( k=0 0 ds* k=0 dsk t -
o ):

( i = 1, 2 ) . (6 .1 3 )
The Laplace-transform o f F1( z ; t ) reads s

$ (z;s ) = i |
Pik ( s ) z k + i ^ ( s )

m m
+ i k ( s ) z k S + i Pk ( s ) z k So <2>w -
k=0 k-0

ds <1 >
Z-Ur1)-. (k ) k 0
- i ( )
V V 7 ( k=0
p v ' z

m as
M Zk 0
+ q (6 .1 4 )
k=0 dz )

The 2m+4 unknown functions o f s, v i z . .k( a ) , s ) and ( i

Pk ( s )
are determined hy (6 .1 5 ) and

( z ; s ) = 0 at z = . (6 .1 5 )

Condition (6 .1 5 ) i s the Laplace-transform o f

P ^ (a ; 't ) = 0 at z = oo ,

which is i t s e l f a d i r e c t consequence o f (2 .1 4 ) Note, that the


(k) (k)
p v ', the q s ' and 1 are known from the steady-state solution.
Ko o o
By virtue of (5.26) and (5.27)

rL (s) = - 4* Im I res. 4>(z;s) |zs= M , (6.16)

(s) = ~ 4 * In jres z ^(zja) X Z m (6.17)

It is clear from (6 .14) to (6.17) that for determining the

unknowns we need the expansions Sq ^ ^ ( z ) and S ^^(z) in the vi
cinity of z = co. In the next section we shall determine the
coefficients of these expansions by deriving recurrence relations
for them together with the appropriate initial values. The anal
ysis is similar to the one, which has been given in (ill, 4) In
addition we are able to, derive differential equations, which are
satisfied by
x o
) and i.(s;l
1 0
), (i = 1, 2) .

7. Singular solutions and their Laplace-transforms

We recall the definitions of S '**^(z) and S ^ \ z ) s (see (3*11)
and (3.12))

**(1-1) / **(i -1 )* A
a (o
M - S i,+1 Ttw 1 ,(7'1)
and 1
z^(l -1)* **(1-1)* A

s ol 2 , (z) = -^ 2 -4 - j i +i ( 7. 2)
i (*-l0 )* i ( (*-l0 )* )

To make these functions single-valued a cut has been made along

the positive real axis from
om 0 to 1 . W e first consider
i*(l - 1 )* A
1 + i (7.3)
(z-1 )*

at the upper side of the cut in the neighbourhood of z = 1. In

troducing the new variable u by means of

V 1-) (7.4)
1 -z

we may write (73) as follows*

h + - u)* }* . (7.5)

According to (ill, 4*6)

{ i + ( i - u ) 4* J i p ( - i , h h a ) (7.6)


So (l) = ( l - u ) - % F ( - i, h h u) , (7.7)
so ^2) - (i-u)* V ? f (- h h h u) (7.8)

Using the following identities (see Erd^lyi et al.[2l] p. 91)*

(l-z)a F(a, b; c; z) = F(a, c-b? cj ) (7.9)

(l-z)b F(a, b; c$ z) - F(c-a, b* cj ) f (7.10)

we get ,
SQ (l)(z) - V T P d h h i5 , (7.11)
/9\ 1 (z-1)
V 2)(*) - W H h h to > (7.12)
' 0 *


(1 ) / 0 00 1 1 (-1 ) '
S 0( 1) ( s ) P 1 0 - o fr - j s (7.13)

l * * *


OP 1
1 (z-1 )
s (2) J
0 3
() P 0 4
. (7.14)

* i - i .

Using the fact, that the indices at the singular points of Rie-
mann's P-equation are invariant with respect to a linear trans
formation of the independent variable, one easily derives from
(7 .1 3 ) &nd (7 *1 4 ), that 3q ^ ^ ( z ) satisfies the differential
2 a V ( 15
z 2(z -1)(z -1 ) --- 2 + 2 U z 2 - 3(10+1)z +21o
0 dz^ dz

- jz 1 S ^ (7.15)
16, 00

(2 )
and that S v ' (z) satisfies the differential equation
d2S (2)
z2(z- 1 ) ( z - 1 o ) ^ -----
dz dz

+ 16 1 0 so ( 2 ) ( 7 - 16 )

A comparison with (ill, 4 11) and (ill, 4*12) shows, that So ^1 \ z )

satisfies the same differential equation as S^2^(z), and that
Sq ^2 ^(z ) satisfies the same differential equation as S^^(z),
provided 1 q is replaced by 1. Note, that 1Q > 1 whereas 1 < 1.
It is therefore easy to derive recurrence relations for the
coefficients of the expansions of SQ ^^(z) and Sq ^2^(z ) in in
verse powers of z in the neighbourhood of z - 00. Putting

Z b (7.18)

and using (III, 4 -1 7 ) and (ill, 4.18) we get


(n+l)(n+2 ) an+ 2 - (lQ+1 )(n+)(n+1 ) aR+1 +

+ l0 (n-i)(n+i)an T 0 , (7. 19)

and. 31 +1
(n+1)(n+2) bn+2 - (n+1) } (ln+1) n + bn+1.

+ l0 (n+i)(n+f)bn - 0 . (7.20)

A straight-forward expansion of S '0 )'(z)

, and S '( 2 )'(z)
, gives us
the following initial values*

1 C *0 .. . *0 )
* * ----- } cos ---- i sin C
i<toos 7
s y. I j

1 - - * 3Vcos
= I ~ 2
sin v
1 10 *0

I (1-cos 7 o) coa - - i(l + cos Q) sin - j f (7.21)

Y cos 7
JBA.J1 r0 + A
. r ?
0 sin 7 c 008 2 (
'0 3 (7.22)
Y cos r o \ Bill
. ^20 + i(1+cos 7 qN
1 Vl-UUO y0
; cos
1 . 2
" 8in f 0 (7. 23)

O S *0 < 2

We are now going to derive differential equations for

<J.(sj 1 ) and .(; 1 ), (i=1,2), as functions of s. For that
1 0 i o (1) (2)
purpose we introduce the functions S ' '(z) and S ' '(z), which
O ' O '

are defined in the usual way as

So(i)(z) = So(l)(z), (i - 1 , 2 ) . (7.24)

It follows from (7.1) and (7*2) that

r(i0-i)* ** 0-)* ,
S0 ( , ) ( z ) - j
( - 1 0)' '- \ , ( 7 25)
(2 ), * C . r. . (7.26)

The functions SQ^^(z) are holomorphic in the z-plane cut along

the positive real axis from 0 to lo, and satisfy the mixed bound
ary-value problem
y = + o, 0 < X < 1 s Re S = 0 ,

1 < X < 1
Im S - 0 , (7.27)

0 < X < 1 : Im S = 0 .


It is easily verified, that Sq ^1^(z ) satisfies (7*15) and So^2\z)

satisfies (7.16). Using Cauchy's theorem and the properties of
S ^^(z) and SQ^^(z) on the cut, we can now write (6.1) and
(6.2) as follows

Vs*1) - * 0 J e3Z SQ(1)(z) dz +J >az q (1)(z)dz

Ve 1Q
) *=i|~J e8ZSQ
^2^(z)dz+J eSZ S (2) (z)dz J ,

where C+ and C- are the paths of integration shown in fig. 30.

The Laplace-integrals defining tfgi8 1Q) Tgi13 *0 ) Can
transformed in a similar way.
We get

U2(s; lo) - * [ J esz So^1 ^(z)dz J - eSZSo ^ ( z ) d z J

(5 1J - i
[i esz S ^ ( z ) d z
]- * [ !
.'z i0<2>(.)d. ,

where C is the contour shown in fig. 31.

c- A

Pig. 30. Paths of integration C+ and C .


Pig. 31 Contour of integration C .

Applying (7.28) to (7.15) we arrive in the usual way hy means

of partial integrations at the following differential equation
for d 1 (s; lo):

2 d40 d5d
- a { ( l +l)a - 6 } -3 +
da4 da'

9(1 +1)
' o +1)' '} J2-
da +
(V r- 8+6) TT
da +5lV

11 (7 .3 2 )
16 V
The contributione, which may ariae at the enda of the patha of
integration aa a reault of the partial integrations, cancel
by virtue of the properties of SQ ^^(z) and So ^1^(z) there.
In a similar but somewhat simpler manner we derive, that
Ogisj 1Q ) too satisfies (7*32). By the same procedure it is
found, that ^(; 1Q ) and Tgfs; 1Q ) satisfy the differential

A T d5x
t - s { (l +1 )s - 6 }
ds4 0 ds5

2 11lo+9 dx
+ l 1 I ----- 2 3 + 6 + 14 ds

+ II 1 q t - 0 . (7.33)

We remark, that both expressions between square brackets in

(73) satisfy already (7 .3 2 ) and that similarly both expres
sions between square brackets in (731) satisfy (7*33). This
means, that we have found 5 linearly independent solutions for
(7 .3 2 ) as well as for (7.33) viz. the expressions between square
brackets in (7.28) and (7 .3 0 ),which satisfy (7 .3 2 ), and the
expressions between square brackets in (7 .2 9 ) and (7 *3 1 ), which
satisfy (733) A fourth independent solution of (7*32) is given


c u
whereas a fourth independent solution of (7*33) is

Performing the limiting procedures 0 and -* 0, and com

bining the obtained results linearly, we can get two sets of
four linearly independent solutions for (7 3 2 ) resp. (733)
which contain the solutions d^(s; lo ) resp. t ^(s ; 1q ), (=12) ,
in their original form. It turns out, that the additional so
lutions can be obtained by replacing "Re" by "Im" in (6.1), (6.j)
resp. (6.2), (6 .4 ).
Vie finally remark, that we have purposely refrained from
considering the paths of integration as lying on the different

8. Supercavitating flat plate in unsteady motion

The unsteady motion of the flat plate is given by

y = f(x5 t) = - a (t) x + (t) . (8 . 1 )

In the case of a second linearization we can write

y - f 0 (x ) + f - j t e s t ) , (.2)
fo (x) - - a
o X (8 .3 )
f1 (x 5 t) - .,() + ^ ) . (8 .4 )

According to a previous convention:


when t < 0

and (8.5)
/ t ) - o when t < 0

It follows, that
M q (z ) m (o) t
(8 .6 )
*,(* t) 2 m (k)
v /.\ k
(t)z ,
m i (0)(t)
a 1(t) - d
da 2
m1 ^(t)
2 - - ^

m 1 ^2 \ t )

a) Steady-state
An application of the method outlined in section 5 gives us:

- - a cos -
^ cos ro (8.8)
0 0

-1 . *0
a Q cos 7 0 sin y Q sin ~ (8.9),

2a tan o ,

itaQ cos-1 r 0 (1 + cos 7 0 )1 (8.11)

CL "

CM * 8 ao ^ + 003 O cos~ r 0 ^ + 008 r o r
where 1 = sin y (8.15)
o o 9

and OSy o

In the derivation use has been made of (7 19) to (723) and of

(5 .2 4 ) and (5*25) Formulae (8.10) and (8 .13) together deter
mine 1 as a function of the cavitation number 0 .
h) Unsteady perturbation
We use the notations introduced in section 6 . It follows from
(8 .7 ), that
H 0 (s) - a (s) - s p(s) ,
1 (s) - 2s a(s) - s2 (s) ,
P 2 (s) - i s a(s) ,
where OO
a(s) = f e-8^5 a(t)dt , (8.15)
(s) =
f est (t)dt . (8.16)
If some functions of t show discontinuities at t = 0, it may be
necessary to introduce suitable generalized functions (dis
tributions) into expressions containing these functions of t
in a certain way. We always assume tacitly, that this has been
done. Applying the method outlined in section 6, we find

X. 7
2( 8) - C0S~2 v 0 008 -jT (8.17)
i y
P2(8) P2(s) sin y Q cos y sin ,(8.18)

1+2 cos y , 1 y
* ,( b) | P1(s) + P2(s) i C cos " y cos -r- .
1 + cos yQ ' o 2 *
, 1+cos + 2 cos i
1 () - j- ^ ) + 2 ()4 -------.% 2--------- sin c o s " % (

sin ( 8 . 20 )
2 *

To put the remaining part of our results in a convenient form

we introduce the following abbreviationsi

~ _ fo
*(s) = ( s ) cos" y cos -r- , (8 .2 1 )

"p(s) - P0(s) 003 * r 0 cos -jr (8 .22 )

X(s) = () tan2 7 0 ~ - \(s) (8 .23 )

1 - 1
a cos y (8 .2 3 a)

Then we have

p(s) = 7t(s)(l-a) + o(s) | (1 +a)s + (2+3a)s2 j - P(s)i(l+a)s

(8 .24 )
The Laplace-transforms n(s) and \(s) are determined by the lin
ear equations

* < ) [ i<si 10 ) + 1 ? (3 * 0 )] +

+ (s) L(s, |j) [- di (a* 10) + ~ . (s; 1Q)J -

= (s) i ^ A / a , fj) d. (a) 1o) + A2(s , J j ) . (at 1q)J

(8 .25 )
- P(.) i [1 (s fj) (a> 10) + B2(s , J j ) t . (et 1q)J

(i - 1, 2) .
d cl d
The differential operators L(s, ), ^(, j^) and ^(0 ^ )

(k = 1, 2), which occur in (8 .2 5 ), are given by


. b > - j, (8 .2 6 )

A / s> d s i ( l + a ) s2 + | 2(l+a)s + (l+2a)s2 j |^ ,

(8 .2 7 )

A 2 (s = a M l-a") 9
2 d
+ 5 2(l-a<J)t
1 ds2

1 (l+a+2a2 )s2 | - j (1+a)s + jg (2+3a)s2 j J, (8 .2 8 )

V s* & (1+a)s2 h (8 .2 9 )
1 +a
V s fe> a { (1-a)s2 - * s '
(8 .3 0 )

The Laplace-transforms of the unsteady parts of the lift- and

momentcoefficients can he expressed in n(s) and X(s) as follows

rt ( ) ( 8) - 2 2 _ _ - x ( s) I lz&

a(s) | i ( 1+a)-2 (l+6a+2a2 )s + (1+a)^ (2 + 1 4 a+ 1 5 a 2 +4 a^)s2 j

- P ( s ) g ( 1 + a ) -2 ( 1 +6a+2a2 ) s 2 , (8 .3 1 )
1 -a
^ ) - (8 ) i ( 1+a) ^ (l-4a-2a2 )- ()

( - 1 + l 6 a + 2 a 2 ) + o ( s ) | | ^ ( l + a ) ^ ( l + l 6a + 14a 2+ 4a ^ ) s +

+ ( 1 + a ) " 4 (25+308a+508a2+312a5+72a4 ) s 2 | -

- p ( s ) ^ 2" 0 + a ) - ^ ( l + l 6a + 14 a 2+ 4a ^ ) s 2 . (8 .3 2 )

We remark, that in the foregoing analysis it was not necessary


to determine jP(s) explicitly. It is obvious, that n(s), (),

(s) and (s) are linear homogeneous functions of a(s), (s).
L1 M1

Therefore we can write, with a view to (8 .3 1 ) and (8 .32 ),

*(s) - () (s; l0)a(s) + ()(8; 1Q) () , (8.33)

() = (s; 1Q) a(s) + A ^ ) ( s ; 1Q) ?(s) , (8.34)

C2- rL (3) ^ i T+a (1+6a+2a2)3 + To " 2

CLo L1 i 1+a 52 (1+a)2

(2+14 a+1 5 a 2 +4 a 5 )s2 + C^a ^(s;lo) j a(s) +

+ { e t +? (i+6a+2&2)s2 + (*> *0) | p (s ) (9*55)

"z (s) 5 % y 77 \ (l+l6a+14a2+4a^)s +
M V ' ( (1+a)(4+a) v '

+ h -------- (25 + 308a + 508a2 + 312a 3 + 72a 4 ) s 2 +

128 (l+a)2(4+a)

+ D^a\s; 1 ) l a(s) + \ -i ---------- (l+l6a+1 4 a2 +4 a^)s2

0 j X (l+a)(4+a)

+ D (P)(s; lo)| p(e) . (8 .36 )

The functions C^a ^(sj 1q) and C^^(s; 1q) will he called the
"transcendental parts" of the transfer functions for the unsteady
part of the liftcoefficient with respect to reap, a pitching
and a heaving motion of the hydrofoil. A similar terminology

will be used for D v '(sj 1 ) and D^^(s; 1 ). In section 10 we

o' v o
shall discuss the numerical calculatipns of the Nyquist-diagrams
forA^a \s5 1 ), A^^(s;
(a \ O V (ot)(s5 1.) C ^ ^ s ; 1 ), D (a>('5 1
and D'p '(s} 1q). Before doing that we consider in the next sec
tion the special case a - 0 (infinite cavity length).

9. Special case < 3 = 0

When 0 = 0 , the cavity is infinitely long (1q = oo). In that
case the unsteady motion cannot have any influence on the length
of the cavity. It follows, that the non-linear character of the
problem, which was a consequence of the non-linear way, in which
the cavity length enters into the formulae, disappears. A second
linearization is therefore not needed in the case of d = 0 . In
this section we shall solve the problem for the flat plate in
the special case of infinite cavity-length without using the
assumptions, which are required for a second linearization. Since
the method of solution will be, as a matter of course, quite
similar to the one used in the foregoing sections, we do not go
into details, but give only the most important formulae.
The complex acceleration potential F(z; t) is found to bes

F(z; t) = i M(zj t) + i () + i P(z; t) ^ 1^(z) +

+ i Q(z; t) s j 2)(z) , (9.1)

where M(z; t), P(z; t) and Q(z; t) are given by resp. (2.16),
(2 .50 ) and (2 .5 1 ) with m = 2, and

- ** (1 .*)*, (9.2)

s(2 )W - zi ( 1 + z ^ . (9.3)

Note, that n i1 > <> - lim

1 -* OO

and s j 2 )(z) - lim S ^Z \ z ) . (9.4)

I - * 0
To make S ^ ^ ^ z ) and (z) single-valued, a cut is laid along
the positive real axis. Both functions are assumed to be real
positive at the upper side of the cut. We can split up all quan
tities additively into their steady and unsteady parts without
having recourse to a second linearization.
The steady part F (z) of the complex acceleration potential
as given by (91) must satisfy the condition

F (z) = 0 at z = . (9.5)
o' '
We find
(1) - p (2 ) <> q <2 > - 0 ,
po *o 0 ^0 0

= - a . (9.6)

* 0


CL " 2 ao (9.7)


32 o *

The unsteady part F^Cz; t) of the complex acceleration po

tential is determined by

F ^ ( z ; t) = 0 at (9.9)

and by the first additional condition

Im J^ ( 2 '(-x,
), t - x)dx 0 (9 .10 )

where F 1 (2)(z; t) - i P1 (z; t) s j '(z) + 0 ),

+ i Q1 (z; t) sj-2 \ z ) . (9.11)

The second additional condition has lost its sence in the

case of infinite cavity-length. With a view to (910) we apply
again a Laplace-transformation. The Results ares

* 2(s) - - i s2 a(s) , (9.12)

*,(s) - - S2 + 2s) a(s) + S2 p(s) , (9.15)

(s) = - (256 s2 + 4 s + 1 ) d(s) + (| s2 + s) P(s) -

- *0 (e) , (9.14)

P2 (e) -0 , ( 9. 1 5)

P1 (s) =4 s2 a(s) , (9.16)

p0 (e) (32 s2 + s) (b ) - i s 2 p(s) , (9.17)

whereas KQ(S) is determined by

V s) " [ | (lS s2 + 2s) h +* s2 J T j V 8* - ) -

- s2 + s) + i S2 1^ |1 (s; 09)J cf11 (s; 00) a(s) +

+ - s2 1^ d1 (s; 00) + i s2 1 (s; 00) 1"1 (s; 00) p(s) .

L J (9.18)
The Laplace-transforms of the lift- and momentcoefficient are
given by

f PL1 = jl28 s2 + 8 8 + () (s; oo) j (s) +

+ j- \ fl2 + (s; )j p(s) , (9. 19)



5" \ " { fit s2 + 4 3 + c(a)(s; } | (a) +

+ | - I 2 + C ^ ( s ; oo) | () , (920)


C^a ^(s; oo) = [ j(fe s2 + 2s) de + ^ g2 ^ 2 j 0/ 35 ^

(5 2 (9.21)
+ {32 8 + 8 + i s2 ^( s ; )J d11(s5 ) ,

C^(s; 00) = [s2g.,(s5 ) - 1 s2 ^(sj Ojg.,"1(s; ).
It ca.n he shown, that (8.35) and (8 .3 6 ) go over into (9 .1 9 )
and (9 .2 O) when 1o
Note, that
()(8; oo) = C^a\s; 00) ,
and (9.23)
00) _ c^(s; o) .

A comparison of our notation with Parkin's [7 ] shows, that

C ^ ( j k ; ) = Q(k) - ^ jk ,
C ^ ( j k 5 ) - jk W(k) ,

where C(k) and W(k) are the functions, which were introduced
hy Parkin .
The functions g^s; >) and -^(s; 00) satisfy third-order dif
ferential equations, which are given hy resp.

2 d^d do dg
- s + sis - ) + 3(b-1) ds
ds ds2

S , (9.24)

2 5 / 11 % d /
- s + s(s
) ~
2 + <4

= (9.25)

Equations (9.24) and (9 .25 ) can "be immediately obtained from

(7.32) and (7.33) by letting 1 <. It is possible to express
<J^(s; ) and t^(s; 00) into known special functions. For that
purpose we use (7.11) and (7.12). Letting 1 00 we get

s0O( l ) (z) = VT f (- i , i t h 1 - 7 ) , (9.26)

sJ 2 } (*) -V T F ( ff is is 1 - 1 ) , (9.27)

By means of well-known formulae for the hypergeometric functions

we derive that

Re S ^ 1 ^ - * ) = ^ [ x ^ F(- i , i s i s - x) +

+i x^ F( i , f 5 1 S - x) J , (9.28)

Re s ^ ^ i - x ) - iV T j^ x ^ f ( i , - i ; i ; - x) -

- x 4 f ( i i ; f 5 - ) J . (9.29)


8 x^ 1 F(, p 5 6 s - x) dx -

* 8 E (a, p , : t s), Re s > 0, Re r > 0 ,(9 .30 )

() ()

(see Erd4lyi et al.[2l] p. 205), where E( a, p ,y t t s)


is Mac Robert's E-function, we obtain from (9.28) and (9.29)*


3} ) - -- [- e * E(- 4, , fs is s) +

+ s" ? E( i, f,| : 4 j s)j , (9.31)

and _i
1 (s; ) ^ s " 7 e ( - i, ,| ! b s) +

+ s * E( , f , s2t S ) . (9.32)

Mac Robert's E-function is a special case of Meijer's G-Func-

tion. It is therefore possible to express d^(sj 00) and t^(s; )
into this last function (see Erdelyi et al. [21] p. 215 and
p. 209) t
_i 31
-i ,
0 ^ 35 00)
- [^ (s -1 ->
) -

h -i
- G 2* ( (9.53)
-1, >]
-, -
V 35 ) [a 25 (s
4 ~1
+ G 23 (s (9.34)

In principle it might be possible, that a change in shape of

the cavity were the cause of hydrodynamic instability of the flow
field. This circumstance would have its effect onto the lift- as
well as the momentcoefficient. To investigate whether there are un
stable frequencies or not, we have to look for possible poles
of the right-hand sides of (9 *19 ) and (9*20), which lie in the
right half-plane. On account of (9.21), (9.22) and the fact,

that (s; ) and t ^( s ; ) are holomorphie in the right half

plane, we see, that these poles must be zero's of d..|(s; ). We
shall now show, that d^(s; ) has no zero's in the right half
plane, and even more than that, viz., that it has no zero's in
the entire s-plane, cut along the negative real axis.
The function cf^(s; ) is given by

d - j i s ; ) f e " SX Re ^ ^ ( - x ) dx , (9.35)
^ (1)(z ) = lim S (l)(z) = z~* (z% + 1)* . (9.36)
1 *oo
Letting 1 q 00 and -* 0 in (7 *29) we see, that

<i1 ( s ; ) soo^1 ^( ) + S ^ 1 ^(x) J dx , (9.37)

= lim S (1)(z ) = z* (z^-1)^ . (9.38)
1 - 00
It is easily verified, that i ^ 1 ^(z) and ^ ^ ^ ( z ) map the z-
plane, cut along the positive real axis, onto resp. the fourth
and first quadrant of an image plane. It follows, that

Re S00 v '
> 0 ,

Re S (1^(z) > 0 (9-39)

OO v '

at all points z inside the cut z-plane. The integral represen

tation (937) for 0^(35 00) is valid when Re s > 0. Since both
functions ^ ^ ^ ( z ) and ^ ^ ^ ( z ) are holomorphie in the z-plane
cut along the positive real axis, we can continue 0^( 3 ; 00) anal
ytically as function of s by rotating the line of integration
in (9.37) according to Cauchy's theorem. Note, that the half-
plane of absolute convergence for the integral representation
rotates in the s-plane in the direction opposite to the one,
in which the line of integration rotates in the z-plane. When

s = jsj e* , with |s| 0 and - < < ,

we can write

<J1 (s; <*>) = e"1 9 f e 1 3 S o J 1) ( - r e " l d ) +

' 1

+ ? J 1 ) ( - r e - ) dr . (9.40)

Using (9.59) we infer from (9.40), that

d 1( b ; ) ^ 0 , (9.41)
| arg s j< n, s / 0 .

10. Calculation of Nyquist-diagrams; some numerical results;

steady approximation
In this section we discuss the method, by which the Nyquist-
diagrams (frequency-response curves) for A^^Cs; 1Q), C^^(s} 1q)
and D ^ ( s ; 1Q), ( = , ), (see (8.34) to (8.36)), are com
puted numerically. Numerical results will he given in two typical
cases, viz. 1
o 3 and 1
o 10^ An extensive collection of
numerical data will he published elsewhere.
We remark, that the part of a fryquist-diagram, which corres
ponds to negative values of , is simply the reflected image,
with respect to the real axis, of the part corresponding to po
sitive values of . Only positive values of will he considered
It is obvious from the formulae derived in section 8, that the

main numerical problem is the computation of i.(j ; 1 ) and

; 1q ), (i = 1, 2), together with their derivatives with
respect to . Since the derivatives can be treated in the same
way as the functions themselves, we focus our attention onto
the latter.
The functions d^(s; 1q ) and t ^(s ; 1q ), (i = 1, 2), were
defined in (6.1) to (6.4) by means of Laplace integrals. Using
the results of the analysis given at the end of section 7
we can write these Laplace integrals as follows:

<S1(s*, SZ S0(1)(Z ) +
I dz
(10.1 )


1(s i

1 3 So(2)^ +
] dz , (1 0 .2 )

f sz
tf2 ( s ;
= 1^1
e8Z S < l ) (z)dz
0 v '
+J S<
)dz +


S ^^(z)dz +
O v '


The paths of integration L^, (k = 1, 2, 3), are shown in fig. 32

(see p. 207). ,
The integral representations (10.1) to (10.4) are valid when
Re s > 0 . Integral representations, valid when Im s > 0 , are
obtained by rotating the lines of integration L^, (k = 1, 2, 3),

through a right angle in the negative sense. The procedure is

motivated by Cauchy's theorem* The corresponding new lines of
integration L^* ,(k = 1, *2, 3) are shown in fig. 32. We can
now substitute s * jw . After some computations we get the
following results:

^ 0 ! 1Q) * i J (^--) ( sirl f - ^ cos | )

0 o1

y ^ -dy + ]j 1- f 2'j - ( ~ ) (sin f + icos f)

y* |Vi^jy + f i - ^ | " * J d y , (10.5)

i ' V - - * f _3 [( >* (sin I + 1coa |)

y 4 |l/l-jy + ]j
1 | - (cos I + J sin |)

yf + |i - f } * ( 10. 6 )

d2(j , 10) - iVT J e-^y [() (sin I + j COS f)

y-4 j
+v-ff 1
- (r=7)
(sin I - d cos I )
t o J o

y^ |V1-jy + dy -

(cos ^ + j sin lQ )([l+j)


1 . XL- i
1 + 1.-1 >"*'
| dy +
1 + Jz_

+ (cos + j sin ) (irj)

1 - JZ

J .-^y* V 1 f dy (10-7)

\ T2(J 5 10) - - 2" J -^ [~_2_)

1 i
(ain |- j cos | )

>* j iTm 7 + f - f * ( )~ * (co, i - j , i f ) y*

j4 dy

+ 1 q (cos 1 q + j sin lQ )(l-j) J e_U)y y^ j 1-t^L j


11 + A A
j 1 + If ^-----I I ---- I dy H r (00 + d sin oo) ( 1 - j )

1 _ Ji.,
1 - 1 i
o v-i
/ ^ i - v - I { * V , ' y *

The singularities at y - 0 of the integrands in (10.5) to (10.8)


can be eliminated by means of a simple algebraic substitution.

It is no problem to derive from (10.5) to (10.8) similar for
mulae for the derivatives of the functions with respect to .
When is large, it is convenient to have asymptotic ex
pressions for d^(s; 1q ) and t ^( s ; 1q ), (i 1 2). Using Wat
son's lemma (see e.g. Erdilyi [ 31 ] P 34) and the results of
section 7, one gets the following expansions:

t(d *) iVT (j-iy) (sin - A cos |)


a (+|) "(+) jn _ (}~j-)(sin | + j cos |)

n=0 o

b (-4) " (+^

n-0 4


1o (n+t ) (n + 2) an+2 "

- (lQ+1)(n+|)(n+|)an+1 + (n-i)(n+f)an - 0,

1 +1
a0 1 ai " ~eT~

l0 (n+2)(n+|) bn+2 - (lQ+1)(n+|)(n+^)\+1 + (n+i)(n+|)bn- 0,

bo = 1 b1 ~T" 5 (10*9)

T 1 ( j to I 1 Q)

- ifiTCsin I + j COS |)(3}) an (+|) ^+^^ jn +


+ i VT* (5 ^r) (cos I + j sin |) b (n+) ~ ) jn ,

0 n -0 H


j(n + J) (a + ) + |

- (n + f ) | ( V D ( n + i ) + ^ | n+1

+ (n + 4 ) ( n + i ) an - 0 ,

l l
ao 1 a1 81

!0j(* + + J-i + | b;n+2

- ( + I) |(lo+l)(n+f) + |
+ T - ^n+1 +

+ (n + )(n + f) bn - 0 ,

1 o__
*0 " 1 * *1 81 5 (1 0 .1 0 )

tf2(d 5 10) - (rf?)* (sin I + 5 cos |) &(+|) -(+)^

8' n

1 . -i
(sin - 3 cos |) hn (n+^) (n+7) j

A -
i (cos + j gin )(^_2_) (-|_j) c (+|) "(n+|)
__ ^

T? (cos 1 + j 310) |lo(lQ-l) I (1+j)

d (+|)"(+|) jn ,
-0 11 ^


V 11 + 2 )(n + 2) an+2 ( l o + l ) ( n + f ) ( n + 4 5 an+1 +

+ (n - 4 ) (n + f ) an - 0 ,
1 +1
a o 1 * a 1 * " -

l o (+2 ) ( - * +2 (1 0+ I )(n 4 |) (n + 1 ) l>n+1 +

+ (n + i ) ( n + |) bn - 0 ,

bo 1 b1 ' 3
( l o- l) ( n + 5 ) ( n +l ) c n+5 - j ( n + | ) 2 (3 -2 1 0) - \ \ | n+2

- ( 3 - l 0 )( n + |)( n + 2 )c n+1 - (n + )(n + |)c n = 0 ,

31o 4 3 n o 2 - 7 2 1 o + 48
Co 1 1 8 (1 q-1 ) 2 1 2 ( -1


l o2 (l o 1) ( n+3) ( n4 ) dn+3 -
(1 0 . 1 1 )
- j( n + ) 2 (31 0 - 2 )1 0 - \ 10

- ( 310- l ) ( n + | ) ( n + 2 ) dn+1 - (n + )(n + |)d n - 0

410-3 481q2 - 721 q + 31

" 1 ' l ' "2 1 2 8 l o2 ( V 1)2 5

a T2 (s5 i o ) ( > * <s in I 3 cos | )

o n-0

- <o= I - 3 1 |) < " > " ' (+>


1 , (n+f) ^n
- (cos + j sin ) (1-j) nr(n+2 )
o n-0
'r (n + J )^ n
+ VT(cos 1 + j sin ml )l (1 j) d (+^)'
0 0 n-0 .


1o {(n + 4)(n + + 16 I an+2 "

- (n + f) |(10+1 ) ( + ) + i an+1
- +

+ (n + i)(n + |) an - 0 ,
& * fit. V I
o 9 1 81 *

10 I (n J)( + J-) + h }V 2 -

-< j(V )M ) Vi

+ (n + f)(n + 1 )hn - 0 ,

ho - b
1 ~ 81
(lQ-l)(n + |)(n + 3) c q+5

- |(3-210)(n +2 )(n 4 f) + \ (n+f ) + fg- 1Q |cq+2

-(n+|) |(3-l0)(n+2) + 1Q |on+1 -

(n + i) (n + f) n 0
lo+4 -910 + 2410 + 48
1 1 8 7 ) C2-------^ ( 1)2 "

+ ( + i ) I (310-l)(n+2) - (21q-1)j dn+1 +

+ (n - i)(n + i) dn - 0 , (1 0 .1 2 )

161 o_______
2 - 241o______
do1 dl" 8i(l -1) d2
o o 1281 2(1 -1)2
o^o '

Asymptotic expansions for the derivatives of u> ; 1Q) and

(.| 1 ), (i *= 1, 2 ), can be obtained by simply differen
tiating (10.9) to (10.12) with respect to .
We make a few remarks about the numerical eveluation of the
functions (^(j ; 1Q) and T^(ju ; 1Q), (i 1, 2). in the case,
that is not large. Three methods have been taken into consider
ation. Two of them start from the integral representations (10.5)
to (1 0 .8 ), the one being a Gauss-Laguerre procedure, the other
a so called automatic Gauss-routine (see e.g. Hildebrand [32]
ch. 8). The third method uses the differential equations derived
in section 7 For various reasons the second method was chosen
to produce a preliminary collection of numerical results. This
collection of results will be presented here in the form of
graphs. The numerical calculations were performed on the electro
nic digital computer ZEBRA of the Institute for Applied Mathe
matics of the Technological University at Delft. The programming
was done by the Bureau of Computations of this Institute.
When is large, the asymptotic expansions (10.9) to (10.12)
should be used. Numerical calculations using these asymptotic
formulae are not yet finished. Their results will be published

elsewhere. Although these calculations will give the necessary
completion of the results obtained for moderate values of ,

their practical importance is open tp question. When the fre

quency is so high, that the velocity of the oscillations is
comparable to the sound velocity in -j;he fluid, the assumption
of incompressibility is no longer justified. Note, that the
transfer functions witji purely imaginary argument give the
frequency response of the various quantities to harmonic os
cillations of the hydrofoil.
Figs. 33 34 and 346 show the points of the Nyquist-diagrams
for w I 3) A^^(ju)} 3 ) and ^ A^P^(j ; 3 ), which have
been calculated numerically. For larger values of the qualita
tive behaviour of the curves is indicated by broken lines. Fig.
35 represents the frequency-response curves for C^a ^(ju> 5 3 )
and D^a ^(ju) 5 3 )* fig. 36 shows these curves for j^C.^(juj 3 )
and jjj D^P (ju) ; 3 ). The Nyquist-diagrams for C^a ^(j(o ; 104 )
D^a \ j w ? 1 0 4 ) resp. ^ | 10 4) D^P ^(j } 10 4 ) are
represented by fig. 37 resp. fig. 38, Since A ^ ( j ; 1 )- 0,
when 1 00, the Nyquist-diagrams of A ^ ( j ; 104) are o-
mitted (- , ).
It is not difficult to determine the asymptotic behaviour
of the curves by using the asymptotic formulae (1 0 .9 ) to (1 0 .1 2 ).
We have

1 ,(.17a)({+?) j ,
A (a)(i ; 32 a (1 +a) (10,.1 3 )

A (P)(j s - i ^ (10,.1 4 )

1 .2 |)
c(a)(J ; V - e^ * i
2 , (10..1 5 )
+^ rtf)

2 (|) J
c (p)(j ; ) ~ - i a m e* J . (10.,16)

1 a(2a^+4a-l)
D (0t)(j ;
16 (1+a)(4+a) S& * 1
(1 0 .17)
a(2a + 4a - 1)
D^(j j i 4 + a
ed 4 , (10.18)

1 1 ~1
where a = y * An investigation of the terms of higher order

in the asymptotic expansions for A ^ ^ ( ; j ; 1 ^ ) , ( = , ) ,

shows, that the terms of order one cause an asymptotic rotation
of the Nyquist-diagrams, which is already seen in figs. 33 and
Applying a Nyquist stability-criterion (see e.g. Doetsch [333 P*
288) we infer from the shape of the frequency-response curves,
that the corresponding transfer functions are stable. This re
sult was already obtained in a different way in the case 1Q= >
at the end of section 9
We finally investigate, whether according to our theory a
steady approach for vanishing small frequencies is possible
or not. For a steady treatment of the oscillating supercav-
itating flat plate we assume the formulae (8.10) to (8.12) to
remain valid during the unsteady motion, i.e. we write

y - = tan y , (10 .19 )

= cos y(l+cos y )~1 (10.20)
-1 -2
CM- f (4 + cos y ) cos y (1+cos y ) , (10.21)

1 = sin-2 y . (10.22)

We first consider a "quasi-steady" pitching motion of the form

a a + (10 .23 )

On account of the second linearization we can put


" Xo
V jt
r +
" 7o
e joIf
CL V 0
S jwf;
+ e 9
= \ M 1

where the amplitudes of the unsteady parts are small compared

to the magnitudes of the steady parts. Inserting (10.23) and
(10 .24 ) into (10 .19 ) to (10.22) and neglecting products of two
or more unsteady parts, we get after a straightforward calcu
X1 - 1
(10 .25 )

<X a(2a-l) , (10 .26 )

0 CT


a(2a2 + 10a - 7 l -
4 + a (10 .27 )
V o

where again

With a view to (8 .23) (8.34) (Q*35) and (8.36) a steady
treatment for vanishing small frequencies is therefore legit
imate , if
^ \ ; 1q ) = 1 (10.28)

C^a ^(0; lo) = a(2a-l) , (10 .29 )

D^(0; 1Q ) - a(2a- * 7) . (10 .30 )

In the cases 1Q = 3 and 1 q = 10^ the validity of these relations

is easily demonstrated by comparing the numerical values of the

left- and right-hand members (see also figs. 33 55 and 37) A

general proof can be given by using the expansions of A^a ^(s; 1Q ),
C^e ^(ss 1Q) and D^a ^(s; 1Q) in the neighbourhood of s = 0. These
expansions are omitted here. Since a vertical oscillation of the
y - P 1 eJt ,. (10.31)

is, in the steady approximation, equivalent to' a variation in

the angle of incidence by means of

a. = - lim j , (10 .32 )


(see e.g. (8.7)), a steady approximation should also be pos

sible in the case of a slowly varying heaving motion. This means,
lim 1 A<P> (jl 10 ) 1 (10.35)

t* 0

lim 1 C (P) (3 ? lo) = a(2a - 1) , (10.54)

- 0
1 r. , \ a(2a +10a-7)
lim D<P>( u>; 1 o') ' ;---- ^ . (10.35)

The validity of these relations in>the cases 1 = 3 and 1 =10^

o o
is seen immediately from figs. 35 to 38. Our conclusion there
fore is, that a steady treatment of supercavitating hydrofoils,
which perform a slowly varying unsteady motion of "small ampli
tude", is consistent with the linearized theory of unsteadily
moving hydrofoils as developed in this chapter, if the variation
of the cavity length is taken into account in a "quasi-steady"

C(0V .1 >=
R e f e r e n c e s

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[ ] Mefler, M.C.s Some experiments on partly cavitating hydro
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[ 10 ] Wu, T.Y.s A linearized theory for nonsteady cavity flows.
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[ 1 1 ] Timman, R.s A general linearized theory for cavitating
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C 12 ] Geurst, J.A.s Eeri gelineariseerdp theorie voor de insta-

tionaire heweging van een profieij. met gedeeltelijke cavi-
tatie. Techn. Hogeschool Delft, Inst, Toegep. Wisk. Rapport
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[ 19 ] Geurst, J.A.s Linearized theory for partially cavitated.
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[ 22 ] Lammeren, W.P.A. vans Testing screw propellers in a cavi
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[ 26] Woods, L.C.: Unsteady plane flow past curved obstacles
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[ 3 1 ] Erdilyi, A.i Asymptotic expansions. Dover Publ., 1956.
[ 32 ] Hildebrand, F.B.: Introduction to numerical analysis. New York
[ 33 ] Doetsch, G.s Handbuch der Laplace-Transformation, . II.
Basel, 1955

A p p e n d i x

In this appendix it will he shown, th^.t, when the hydrofoil plus

cavity is assumed to he a closed two-dimensional body during the
unsteady motion, the change in size of the cavity will give rise
to a discontinuity layer for the component of the perturbation
velocity perpendicular to the main flqw. It is supposed, that a
linearized theory (first linearization) can he applied. The dis
continuity layer extends downstream from the rear end of the cav
ity, whereas the discontinuity is carried unchanged by the un
perturbed flow. Since this situation resembles closely the un
steady wake known from unsteady thin-airfoil theory, we shall
first consider the connection between the unsteady wake and the
varying circulation in the case of a non-cavitating hydrofoil
in unsteady motion. The coordinate system and the units of
length and time are chosen as in chapter VI.
Within the approximation of linearized theory the circulation
around the non-cavitating hydrofoil is given by

where C1 is the contour represented by fig. I, and u the x-com

ponent of the perturbation velocity.
Generally the value of the circulation will vary during the un
steady motion. This is a result of the Kutta-Joukowsky condition,
which requires the perturbation velocity to remain finite at the
trailing edge of the hydrofoil, when this trailing edge is so
shaped, that it gives rise to a smooth flow there under steady-
flow conditions. It is well-known, that this Kutta-Joukowsky
condition is the mathematical expression within linearized po-

tential theory of a physical property, which is heyond the scope

of this theory, viz. the viscosity in the boundary layer near the
trailing edge. When the circulation varies we have on account of
the linearized Euler equations

+ { u ( 1 , + 0; t) - u (1 , - 0; t))+0, (A.2)

where is the acceleration potential of the perturbation field.


Pig. I. Contour for circulation.

Since the pressure and its gradient are assumed to be continuous

in the entire flow field including the wake of the hydrofoil,

is a continuous function in the xy-plane with a cut along the

positive x-axis from 0 to 1. As a result of the incompressi-
bility of the fluid is even a harmonic function there.
It follows therefore from (A.2), that

u (1, + 0; t) - u(l, - 0; t) ^ 0 , (A.3)

i.e. the horizontal component of the perturbation velocity is

discontinuous downstream from the hydrpfoil. Using the linearized
Euler equations and the continuity of the pressure, we get

(ft + 7 ) U ( x , + Q; t) - u(x, - 0 ;t)} = 0 ,

or {u(x, +' 0;t)- u(x, - 0;t )} = function of x - t, (A.4 )

when x > 1.
(A.4 ) expresses, that the discontinuity is trained away, unchanged,
by the unperturbed flow. We recall here, that this discontinuity
admits a physical interpretation as a layer of free vortice.s, the
existence of which has been established experimentally in nu
merous cases.
In the linearized theory of a supercavitating hydrofoil the
area of the hydrofoil plus cavity is given by

Area = - $ f dx ,. (A.5)

where y = f(x;t) represents the boundary of the hydrofoil plus
cavity and is the contour indicated in fig. II..


Pig. II. Contour C ^ for area and flux.


During an unsteady motion, of the hydrofoil the area of the cav

ity will generally change. This can he made plausible by a
priori arguments, e.g. by considering the transition from one
steady state to another one. It is also suggested by some
experimental evidence. Thus generally

f dx / 0 . (A.6)

Note, that as a result of the time-dependence of 1 the shape
of C2 is dependent of t. Using the linearized boundary con
ditions and assuming the cavity to remain closed we can write

9_ df
at f dx
at dx
dx =

v dx ^ 0 . (A.7)

This means, that the inward flux v dx is unequal to zero.

During a general unsteady motion

1^ v dx / 0 . (A.8)

Using the linearized Euler equations we get in the same way as
in (A.2):
_ .
at ij> V dx * I at dx -

) dx =

= {(1+0, + 0? t)-r(l+0, - 0; t)} +


+ {v(l+0, + 0;t) - v(l+0, - Ojt)}/ 0, (A.9)

. .
where {, y; t) is the conjugate harmonic function of the
acceleration potential. Since the region of regularity of the
acceleration potential is simply connected, is single-valued
there. Thus

$*(1+0, + 0;t) -yJ(l+0, - 0;t) - 0 . (A.10)

It follows form (A.9)* that

v(l+0, + 0;t) - v(l+0, - 0;t) 4= 0, (A.1l)

which expresses the stated discontinuity of the vertical com

ponent of the perturbation velocity downstream from the cavity.
Using the linearized Euler equations and the continuity of
in the wake, we find again

{v(x, + 0 ; t) - v(x, - 0; t)} function of x - t,

when x > l(t) . (,1*2)

(a .12) expresses, that discontinuity in v is trained away un

changed by the unperturbed flow. The analogy with the case of the
changing circulation and the free-vortex layer suggests the
interpretation of the discontinuity in v as a layer of "free
sources and sinks". This analogy however may be called only a
formal one at the present stage of research.
Note, that (A.11) has been derived under the assumption, that
the cavity is closed during the unsteady motion. This assumption
however has been dropped in the theory given in chapters V and
VI. Instead the continuity of v was assumed there. Finally note,
that the requirement, that the pressure at infinity be undis-

turbed by the unsteady motion, was used implicitly in the above

analysis. Consequently we could establish the continuity of
as expressed by (A.10).

Pig. 32. (belonging to ch. Yl) Paths of integration and


O v e r z i c h t

Het onderzoek in dit proefschrift over de gelineariseerde

theorie van twee-dimensionale stromingen om een lichaam, waar-
bij cavitatie optreedt, valt ruwweg uiteen in twee gedeelten.
Het ene gedeelte is gewijd aan stationaire stromingen, het an-
dere gedeelte handelt over instationaire bewegingen van een
caviterend voorwerp in een overigens stationair stromingsveld.
In het stationaire geval wordt getracht een antwoord te
geven op de volgende twee vragens
1. Wat is het verband tussen de gelineariseerde theorie en
bekende niet-lineaire modellen voor stromingen met cavitatie?
2. Bestaat er overeenstemming tussen met behulp van de ge
lineariseerde theorie gevonden resultaten en uitkomsten van
Wat de eerste vraag betreft wordt in hoofdstuk II aange-
toond, dat de gelineariseerde theorie opgevat kan worden als
een eerste benadering, voor slanke lichamen, van zowel het
Riabouchinsky-model als het model met terugkerende vloeistof-
straal (Prandtl-Wagner model).
Voor een beantwoording van de tweede vraag worden in hoofd
stuk III de uitkomsten van experiment en theorie met elkaar
vergeleken voor het geval van een gedeeltelijk caviterende
watervleugel. Theoretische resultaten worden o.a. afgeleid
voor de cavitatielengte en de opwaartse kracht, die de water
vleugel als gevolg van de stroming ondervindt. Voor een symme-
trisch profiel (vlakke plaat) blijken deze resultaten in goede
overeenstemming te zijn met de uitkomsten, die Meyer verkregen
heeft met proeven in de cavitatietunnel van de Afdeling Scheeps-
bouw van de Technische Hogeschool te Delft. Voor een gewelfd
profiel wordt een bevredigende overeenstemming gevonden.
In hoofdstuk IV wordt de invloed van de aanwezigheid van
wanden op de theoretische resultaten nagegaan. Voor het symme-

trische profiel blijkt deze invloed bij de door Meyer uitgevoer-

de experimenten gering te zijn. Er zijn aanwijzingen, dat in ge-
val van welving een betere overeenstemming tussen theorie en
experiment gevonden zal worden, wanneer in de theorie wandeffec-
ten in rekening worden gebracht.
De formulering van een gelineariseerde theorie voor de insta-
tionaire beweging van een caviterend lichaam in een tweedimen-
sionale stroming blijkt enige principiele moeilijkheden op te
leveren. Aangezien nog geen experimentele gegevens voor toetsing
van de theorie beschikbaar zijn, is in dit proefschrift een for-
mulering gekozen, die a priori het meest aanvaardbaar lijkt. De be-
treffende onderzoekingen worden gevonden in hoofdstuk V, waar
aangetoond wordt, dat de gelineariseerde theorie in de hier ge
kozen formulering opgevat kan worden als een eerste benadering
van een instationaire stroming met terugkerende vloeistofstraal.
In hoofdstuk VI wordt deze theorie toegepast op supercavi-
terende watervleugels. Numerieke resultaten worden gegeven voor
het bijzondere geval van een vlakke plaat. Het blijkt, dat in
geval van een harmonische trilling van de plaat een stationaire
benadering voor lage frequenties mogelijk is, indien bij eindige
cavitatielengte de "quasi-stationaire" verandering van de cavi-
tatielengte in rekening wordt gebracht.

De complexe functie van Green G(zjCjt) behorende bij het rand-

waardeprobleem (VI, 2.13) van dit proefschrift voldoet aan
2fi + d G 3G
dz 3 + 9 T

s < 1 > (z;t) j S ( l ) (C;t) - i ( l ) (C;t)

i -

3 < 1 > (ss?t) ( t ) - (Ct) | -

S < 3 > ( , 5 t ) j 8 0 ) (C ;t) - S (1) ( C i t ) | +

s i 2') ( z ; t ) .j S ( 2 ) (C;t) - S ( 2 ) (C;t) \ -
( 1 - 1 )2 5

( 1 - 1 )2
S < 4 > (z?t) | S ( 4 ) (C;t) - S^(?5t)
s < 1 > (s!jt) en S ^ 2 ^(zjt) gedefiniSerd zijn door

en (VI, 2.27), terwijl

* j( L z ^ (l-lj^
j1+i }*
( z - i r ) i (z -l)
(4)(Z?t) - j
^ 1 - 1 ) *

( z - l f (*- 1) *


Het bewijs, dat Nehari geeft van de stelling, dat de conforme

afbeelding van het inwendige van een cirkel op het inwendige
van een andere cirkel een lineaire transformatie is, is niet
Zeev Nehari Conformal mapping. New York, 1952, biz. 161.

In het geval, dat in een twee-dimensiqnale stroming met cavi-

teit de zwaartekracht loodrecht op de ongestoorde stroming
werkt, is het zelfs bij toepassing van een gelineariseerde
theorie niet mogelijk gehleken voor eenvoudige configuraties
de oplossing in gesloten vorm te verkrijgen. Slechts indien
het lichaam door een singulariteit voorgesteld kan worden, is
een dergelijke oplossing voorhanden.
Hirsh Cohen en Jan Geurst: Gravity effects on cavity
flows. X International Congress on Applied Mechanics,
Stresa, 1960.

Wordt de weerstandscoSfficiSnt van een vlakke plaat, die

loodrecht in een stroming van een ideale vloeistof geplaatst
is en waarachter zich een lange maar eindige caviteit ont-
wikkeld heeft, naar opklimmende machten van het cavitatiege-
tal ontwikkeld, dan stemmen de ontwikkeling voor het mo
del met terugkerende vloeistofstraal en die voor het model
van Riabouchinsky slechts overeen tot en met de tweede
macht van a.

De afleiding, die Woods geeft voor het gedrag van

* In in de omgeving van de singuliere punten, is niet
L.C. Woods: Some generalizations of the Schwarz-Chris-
toffel mapping formula. Appl. Sci. Res. B X .(1958),.
biz. 8 9 - 1 0 1 .

De bewering van Eggers, dat hij bij zijn afleiding van het
golfpatroon volgens Kelvin slechts gebruik maakt van ele-
mentaire mathematische hulpmiddelen, is aan ernstige twij-
fel onderhevig.
K. Eggers: Uber das Wellenbild einer pulsierenden St5-
rung in Translation. Schiff und Hafen 0 957) biz.
874 - 878.

Dat de techniek van"Lighthill voor het uniform geldig ma-

ken van benaderingen niet zonder meer op randwaardeproblemen
voor partiele differentiaalvergelijkingen van het ellip-
tische type toe te passen is, kan aan de hand van eenvoudige
beschouwingen aannemelijk worden gemaakt.
M.J. Lighthill: A new approach to thin aerofoil theory.
Aer. Quart. Ill (1 9 5 1 ), biz. 193 - 210.


De oplossingsmethode, die in hoofdstuk IV van dit proefschrift

is toegepast, kan op zodanige wijze worden uitgebreid, dat
algemene Riemann-Hilbert problemen voor een tweevoudig samen-
hangend gebied ermee kunnen worden aangepakt.


Zowel voor het wel als niet in rekening brengen van de zuig-
kracht bij de berekening van de weerstand van een vlakke
plaat, die onder.invalshoek geplaatst is in de uniforme stro-
ming van een pnsamendrukbare wrijvingsloze vloeistof, kun
nen argumenten worden aangevoerd.

De bewering van Dijksterhuis, dat Pascal "in de axiomatisering

van de hydro- en agrodynamica een belangrijker en duurzamer
geestelijk bezit heeft nagelaten dan in, zijn beschouwingen
over de genade" doet het werk van Pascal. op niet-natuurweten-
schappelijk gebied geen reoht.
E.J. Dijksterhuis: De meehanisering van het wereldbeeld.
Amsterdam, 1950, biz. 500.


Het rechterlid van formule (IV, 443) uit dit proefschrift

kan met behulp van de elliptische functies van Jacobi worden
uitgedrukt in een volledige elliptische integraal van de
derde soort. Het resultaat iss


. 2/2K b-a\

0 (1-a2 sin2d
> i 1-k
2 2
si n ^

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