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Q J Med 2013; 106:541546

doi:10.1093/qjmed/hct062 Advance Access Publication 2 April 2013

The predictive value of hospital admission serum alanine

transaminase activity in patients treated for paracetamol
From the National Poisons Information Service Edinburgh, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh,
51 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 4SA, UK

Address correspondence to Dr J.W. Dear, Consultant Clinical Pharmacologist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh,
51 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 4SA, UK. email:

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Received 4 January 2013 and in revised form 13 February 2013

Background: Paracetamol is a major cause of poi- Results: From 500 patients, 410 met the entry
soning. Treatment decisions are predominately criteria; 264 presented within 8 h of overdose, 54
based on the dose ingested and a timed blood between 8 and 24 h, 53 after 24 h and 39 were stag-
paracetamol concentration because most patients gered ingestions. Admission ALT was increased in
present to hospital soon after overdose, before hep- 71. For endpoint 1 (ALT doubling), the positive pre-
atotoxicity can be confirmed/excluded using serum dictive value (PPV) of admission ALT was 19% [95%
alanine transaminase (ALT). Nonetheless, ALT is confidence interval (CI) 1230] with a negative pre-
measured at hospital presentation; we investigated dictive value (NPV) of 98% (95% CI 9699); end-
its value in predicting hepatotoxicity. point 2 (ALT >1000 IU/l: PPV 23% (95% CI 1434)
Methods: From March 2011 to May 2012, patients and NPV 100% (95% CI 99100) and for endpoint 3
admitted to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for (INR >2): PPV 14% (95% CI 725) and NPV of
paracetamol overdose treatment were identified. 100% (95% CI 99100). The NPV remained high
We determined the value of admission ALT (below when only late presenters were included.
or above our upper limit of normal50 IU/l) at Conclusion: Admission ALT within the normal range
predicting three endpoints: 1doubling of ALT; has a high NPV and could be used, alone or in
2peak ALT >1000 IU/l; 3peak international combination with newer biomarkers, to identify
normalized ratio (INR) >2. lower risk patients at hospital presentation.

Introduction the British National Formulary, with need for treat-

ment being largely determined by the dose ingested
Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is the most com- and timed plasma paracetamol concentration.3
monly overdosed drug in UK and a leading cause With the mechanism of paracetamol hepatotox-
of acute liver failure in the Western world.1 It icity extensively investigated, the current mainstay
accounts for >40% of poisoning episodes that are of treatment available for paracetamol poisoning is
admitted to hospital: 38 000 emergency hospital replenishment of cellular glutathione through the
admissions in the financial year 201011 in administration of acetylcysteine (AC). Although
England alone.2 In UK, guidance on the manage- early treatment with AC effectively prevents hepato-
ment of paracetamol overdose is available through toxicity, its efficacy declines if treatment is delayed
resources such as TOXBASE ( and >8 h after overdose; patients presenting late to

! The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Association of Physicians.
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
542 K. Al-Hourani et al.

hospital are at an increased risk of significant liver an electronic database. Care was taken to maintain
injury.4 patients confidentiality through removal of all pa-
It is essential to triage patients presenting with tient-identifiable data and secure storage within the
paracetamol overdose into those in whom hepatic National Health Service.
damage is likely and those in whom it is unlikely. Positive and negative predictive values (PPV and
Such hospital front door stratification would allow NPV), specificities and sensitivities with 95% confi-
new therapeutic approaches to be targeted at lower dence intervals (CIs) were calculated for hospital
or higher risk groups and increase the likelihood of admission ALT. Furthermore, results were divided
clinical trials being successful. At present, a timed according to time from ingestion to first blood sam-
blood paracetamol concentration is measured to pleup to 8 h, 824 h, >24 h and staggered over-
stratify patients into two groups; those needing AC dose (ingested over 2 h or more). The statistical
treatment and those who do not require antidote. package used to calculate these values was an
However, a significant proportion of patients are online resource provided by the Canadian Institute
misclassified as needing treatment as they would for Health Research (
not get liver injury if untreated.5 Furthermore,
within the treated group further stratification could
lead to the AC dose being individualized depending Results

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on risk of liver injury. Although it is rare for a patient
A total of 500 patients were admitted for AC treat-
to develop toxicity if their blood paracetamol con- ment in the period March 2011May 2012. In total,
centration is below the at-risk line on the treatment 90 were excluded from the study because they ful-
nomogram, such cases do occur and have resulted filled one or more of our exclusion criteria (73 pa-
in potentially avoidable deaths and, therefore, great tients had no end of AC treatment blood results,
concern for both clinicians and medicine regula- eight patients had haemolysed blood results and re-
tors.6 Alanine transaminase (ALT) has the potential maining nine patients had no INR measurement).
to aid treatment decisions at the hospital front Table 1 provides a summary of the patient demo-
door. In this study, we tested the performance of graphics. About 264 presented to hospital within 8 h
serum ALT activity at hospital admission as a of the overdose, 54 presented within 824 h, 53 pre-
predictor of subsequent injury in a large cohort of sented 24 h after overdose and 39 were staggered
patients who received AC treatment. overdoses (ingested over 2 h or more) (Table 2).
On admission to hospital, serum ALT activity was
increased above the normal limit (>50 IU/l) in 71 pa-
Methods tients. The breakdown of this by time interval from
The Edinburgh Clinical Toxicology Unit has a data- ingestion is presented in Table 2.
base of all patients admitted to the toxicology Table 2 presents the PPV, NPV, sensitivity and
ward at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (RIE), UK, specificity with 95% CIs for admission ALT. For end-
with excess paracetamol ingestion that required point 1 (doubling of ALT from admission), there was
treatment with intravenous AC. This does not in- an overall PPV of 19.1% with the highest PPV (50%)
clude patients directly admitted to the Scottish being in those presenting 24 h after the overdose.
In contrast, the NPV of admission ALT for endpoint
Liver Transplantation Unit, also based at RIE. This
1 was 98%.
database was the source of patient identification.
Exclusion criteria were as follows: patients who
did not complete AC treatment; patients whose Table 1 Demographics of our cohort
bloods were not repeated at end of AC, haemolysed
or had no INR taken. In this study, we have included Total
patients from March 2011 to May 2012.
The performance of hospital admission serum ALT Number 410
Sex (M:F) 151:259
activity (greater than the upper limit of our hospitals
Median age (range) 37 (1390)
normal range, 50 IU/l) was tested as a predictor of
Number admission ALT < ULN 339
three endpoints. Endpoint 1 was doubling of ALT Number admission ALT > ULN 71
from admission to the end of first 20.25 h course Number admission ALT >100 34
of AC therapy. Endpoint 2 was a peak hospital stay Number peak ALT >1000 16
ALT >1000 IU/l. Endpoint 3 was a peak international Number normal INR 402
normalized ratio (INR) value >2. Patient blood re- Number peak INR >2 8
sults were extracted from RIE blood results system,
which stores all patient data from NHS Lothian on ULN, upper limit of normal.
Table 2 Total number of patients at each interval following overdose and proportion who reached the endpoint

Time Total Number of Endpoint Number NPV (95% CI) PPV (95% CI) Sensitivity Specificity
interval number admission reaching (95% CI) (95% CI)
from of ALT > ULN endpoint
overdose patients n (%)

1. Doubling of ALT 20 (4.9) 0.98 (0.960.99) 0.19 (0.120.30) 0.65 (0.430.82) 0.86 (0.820.89)
Overall 410 71 2. Peak ALT 1000 IU/l 16 (3.9) 1.00 (0.991.0) 0.23 (0.140.34) 1.0 (0.811.0) 0.86 (0.820.89)
3. INR >2 8 (1.9) 1.0 (0.991.0) 0.14 (0.070.25) 1.0 (0.681.0) 0.87 (0.840.90)
1. Doubling of ALT 7 (2.7) 0.98 (0.960.99) 0.08 (0.030.21) 0.43 (0.160.75) 0.86 (0.820.90)
08 h 264 38 2. Peak ALT 1000 IU/l 3 (1.1) 1.0 (0.981.0) 0.08 (0.030.21) 1.0 (0.441.0) 0.87 (0.820.90)
3. INR >2 3 (1.1) 1.0 (0.981.0) 0.09 (0.030.23) 1.0 (0.441.0) 0.88 (0.840.92)
1. Doubling of ALT 3 (5.6) 0.96 (0.860.99) 0.17 (0.030.56) 0.33 (0.060.79) 0.90 (0.790.96)
824 h 54 9 2. Peak ALT 1000 IU/l 0 1.0 (0.931.0) 0 0.5 (01.0) 0.84 (0.730.92)
3. INR >2 0 1.0 (0.931.0) 0 0 0.91 (0.810.96)
1. Doubling of ALT 9 (17.0) 0.97 (0.860.99) 0.50 (0.280.72) 0.89 (0.570.98) 0.82 (0.680.91)
>24 h 53 16 2. Peak ALT 1000 IU/l 10 (18.9) 1.0 (0.901.0) 0.63 (0.390.82) 1.0 (0.721.0) 0.86 (0.720.93)
3. INR >2 4 (7.5) 1.0 (0.911.0) 0.33 (0.140.61) 1.0 (0.511.0) 0.83 (0.700.91)
1. Doubling of ALT 1 (2.6) 1.0 (0.891.0) 0.13 (0.020.47) 1 (0.211.0) 0.82 (0.670.91)
Staggered 39 8 2. Peak ALT 1000 IU/l 3 (7.7) 1.0 (0.881.0) 0.38 (0.140.69) 1.0 (0.441.0) 0.85 (0.700.94)
3. INR >2 1 (2.6) 1.0 (0.891.0) 0.13 (0.020.47) 1 (0.211) 0.82 (0.670.91)
Predictive value of hospital admission serum alanine transaminase activity

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544 K. Al-Hourani et al.

Endpoint 2 tested the performance of admission have no symptoms or signs of hepatotoxicity, there
ALT as a predictor of ALT peaking above 1000 IU/l. is an urgent need to develop new circulating bio-
The overall PPV was 22.5%, with the PPV of those markers that inform treatment decisions at the hos-
presenting 24 h after presentation being 62.5%. The pital front door. Such markers have the potential to
NPV was 100% across all time intervals. refine patient care in a number of important ways.
Endpoint 3 tested admission ALT against peak INR Future clinical trials of new therapeutic strategies
>2. PPV remained low at 13.6%; however, NPV could be stratified using one or more biomarkers
was 100%. Once more, the PPV was uniformly with the objective of targeting new therapies or man-
low across all durations, demonstrating a peak of agement pathways at lower or higher risk patients.
33.3% for those presenting >24 h after overdose. Qualification of new biomarkers may galvanize
Increasing time between overdose and starting the interest of pharma in developing new treatments
treatment with AC increases the risk of hepatotox- as patient stratification can significantly improve the
icity. For all three endpoints, the NPV of hospital cost-effectiveness, and therefore health service use
admission ALT was high in patients presenting of new drugs. If such trials were successful, more
late to hospital (Table 2). Out of the 53 patients individualized treatment would be possible at the
who presented >24 h after a single ingestion, hospital front door, as is already the case with the
10 had a peak hospital stay ALT >1000 IU/l. In this management of acute coronary syndromes (being

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high-risk group, a normal ALT at presentation routinely stratified by sensitive cardiac biomarkers
still had a 100% NPV. Staggered paracetamol such as troponin). Currently, patients who have
overdoses are challenging to manage clinically taken a single paracetamol overdose, who present
because the risk nomogram cannot be used. late to hospital, can only have liver injury confi-
Although the numbers of these patients were small dently excluded if their standard liver function
(n = 39), a normal ALT at presentation still had a tests are normal around 2436 h after overdose.
100% NPV. Biomarkers may allow earlier exclusion of injury
which would have an impact on hospital bed occu-
pancy and avoid adverse AC reactions by reducing
Discussion unnecessary treatment. Patients with a timed blood
paracetamol concentration below the at-risk line on
Paracetamol is the commonest drug taken in over- the treatment nomogram are usually not treated.
dose in UK7,8 with an estimated hospital admission Sensitive biomarkers of hepatotoxicity may
rate of 48% of all overdoses, unfortunately leading increase physician confidence in discharging the
to 100200 deaths per year.9 In Scotland, 4050 patient from hospital and could reduce the number
patients per year develop significant hepatic dys- of patients being incorrectly classified as not
function following paracetamol overdose needing treatment. Serum ALT activity is the most
(ALT > 1000 IU/l or INR > 2) and around 20 patients frequently used laboratory indicator of hepatotox-
die per year as a result of overdose.10 Although the icity.12,13 It is commonly measured on first presen-
management of early paracetamol overdose is rela- tation to hospital, but at present, it is not used to
tively straightforward, cases presenting late, follow- guide treatment decisions because most patients
ing a staggered overdose or those with additional present to hospital soon after drug ingestion (70%
risk factors, present a more complex clinical picture. within 4 h of overdose).2 Unfortunately, this remains
Currently, UK management of paracetamol over- a timeframe when ALT cannot diagnose or exclude
dose is derived from guidelines formulated by the liver injury.
National Poisons Information Service. As little as Our study has demonstrated that a normal admis-
1015 g of paracetamol taken within 24 h could be sion ALT has a high NPV for subsequent liver injury
enough to induce hepatocellular and renal tubular if AC course is completed. This is consistent with a
necrosis. For this reason, appropriate timely treat- previous study of 94 patients, all of whom had a
ment is vital.10 peak transaminase activity >1000 IU/l.14 In this
Recently, the UK management of paracetamol Canadian cohort of patients with significant hepato-
overdose has been changed following reviews by toxicity, transaminase activity was already increased
the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory at hospital admission. As already stated, ALT has
Agency.6 A single-line treatment nomogram is used important limitations as a biomarker, so our group
to determine need for AC treatment based on a has recently investigated a panel of new circulating
timed blood paracetamol concentration. This new biomarkers that have enhanced liver selectivity
nomogram may result in substantially more patients (microRNA 122) or provide mechanistic information
being admitted to hospital for AC treatment.11 As (HMGB1 and keratin-18) in plasma from patients
patients who present early to hospital typically following paracetamol overdose.15 In patients who
Predictive value of hospital admission serum alanine transaminase activity 545

developed hepatotoxicity, these markers were sub- Acknowledgements

stantially increased on first presentation to hospital
J.W.D. acknowledges the contribution of the British
at a time when ALT was still in the normal range.
Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence
This demonstrated that patients who develop
paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity have evidence
of cellular damage soon after overdose and is proof
of concept that front door biomarker development Funding
is possible for this common poison. In the present J.W.D. acknowledges the funding of NHS Research
study, the NPV of ALT was high even in patients Scotland through NHS Lothian.
presenting >8 h after overdose, although these
patient numbers were relatively small. Therefore, Conflict of interest: None declared.
this straightforward, routinely available test could
be used to identify lower risk patients. There are
two scenarios where this could be useful. References
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dose of AC. It is probable that this leads to some Mayer D, Buckels J, et al. Aetiology and outcome of acute
patients being over-treated16 resulting in avoidable liver failure. HPB 2009; 11:42934.

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