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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Cl inic a l I m pl ic a t ions of B a sic R e se a rch

ElizabethG. Phimister, Ph.D., Editor

Zika Virus Vaccines A Full Field and Looking for the Closers
StephenJ. Thomas, M.D.

The Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic, which started in models one by Pardi et al.1 and another by
2015, is having a considerable effect on global Richner et al.2 are welcome news. Both groups
public health, blood-product safety, and interna- engineered messenger RNAs (mRNAs) with se-
tional travel and is further fueling the debate on quences encoding the ZIKV precursor membrane
elective termination of pregnancy. ZIKV infection (prM) glycoprotein and envelope (E) glycoprotein.
is the latest infectious disease to reveal our The E protein is critical to viral attachment, en-
limitations in preparing for and responding to try, and replication in the infected host (Fig.1A),
biologic threats. The most profound consequence which makes it a rational vaccine target. Neutral-
of the epidemic is the large number of congeni- izing antibodies directed against the E protein
tal malformations that are known to be associ- have been identified as correlates of protection
ated with or caused by ZIKV infection. Further- for vaccines directed against other flaviviruses,
more, as children who were exposed to ZIKV in such as the Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever,
utero grow older, new developmental abnormali- and tickborne encephalitis viruses.3
ties are being identified, extending the effects of Pardi et al. developed a nucleoside-modified
the epidemic. According to a recent World Health mRNA vaccine candidate that was based on the
Organization (WHO) report, 61 areas have re- prME sequence of a French Polynesian 2013
ported ongoing ZIKV transmission since 2015, ZIKV strain and formulated the vaccine with lipid
with 31 countries reporting congenital malforma- nanoparticles. A modified nucleoside was used
tions that are potentially associated with infec- to reduce indiscriminate innate immune respons-
tion. It is unclear whether ZIKV transmission will es after vaccination and to increase protein trans-
become endemic with seasonal peaks, like dengue, lation, and the lipid nanoparticles were designed
or be more episodic in nature. to ensure prolonged protein expression. (Nucle-
There are no licensed antiviral drugs to pre- oside molecules are the fundamental building
vent or treat ZIKV infection or disease, although blocks of nucleic acids like mRNA.) The authors
groups are exploring the possibility of repurpos- vaccinated two different strains of mice (C57BL/6
ing existing drugs and developing new com- and BALB/c), observed no acute safety events,
pounds. There exists no licensed vaccine to pre- and subsequently detected E-proteinspecific
vent ZIKV infection. Once infection has occurred, binding IgG antibodies and neutralizing anti-
diligent clinical monitoring and supportive care bodies (Fig.1B). The C57BL/6 mice were also
are the mainstays of treatment. Caring for pa- found to have antigen-specific CD4+ T cells af-
tients with severe ZIKV disease manifestations, ter vaccination. The vaccinated mice were chal-
especially patients who were exposed in utero, is lenged with a Puerto Rican 2015 ZIKV strain 2 or
challenging for all involved and requires a sub- 20 weeks after vaccination. All vaccinated mice
stantial allocation of health care resources that were protected from viremia (i.e., their blood
are often limited in their availability. Because of tested negative for ZIKV RNA). Nonhuman pri-
these challenges, the WHO has called for devel- mates (macaque monkeys) were then vaccinated
opment of a ZIKV vaccine, with an initial focus with one of three different doses (from 50 g to
on protecting women of childbearing age. 600 g); they had no acute safety events and had
Two recent reports describing the successful development of E-proteinspecific binding IgG
testing of experimental ZIKV vaccines in animal antibodies and neutralizing antibodies, but with-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

A E proteins on virus
E protein bind to target-cell receptors
M protein
Endocytosis of
E protein viral particle

Zika virus


E protein conformational changes

Release of the viral facilitate fusion of viral membrane
genome into cell cytosol with endosomal membrane

Nucleoside-modified ZIKV mRNA

5' 3'
5' cap UTR SP prM E UTR polyA101 tail
Coding sequence

mRNA extraction
Lipid and encapsulation Nonhuman primates
nanoparticle BALB/c mice (Macaca mulatta)

Vaccination 30 g 50 g 200 g 600 g

Virus challenge
(200 PFU)

2 weeks 100% viremia

5 weeks 100% viremia 100% viremia 80% viremia
protection protection protection

20 weeks 100% viremia


out a dose effect. When five immunized mon- monkey had transient low-level viremia 3 days
keys and six control monkeys were challenged after challenge.
with Puerto Rican ZIKV 5 weeks after vaccina- Richner et al. used the prME sequence from
tion, all the control monkeys became infected, a Micronesian 2007 ZIKV strain, the signal se-
whereas four of the five vaccinated monkeys quence from human IgE (IgEsig), a modified nu-
were protected from viremia; a single vaccinated cleoside, and enzymatically synthesized mRNA

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Clinical Implications of Basic Research

Figure 1 (facing page). The ZIKV E Protein

and 60% of the mice that received the low single
and a Nucleoside-Modified mRNA Vaccine Candidate. dose survived. Similarly, a two-dose, 10-g regi-
Envelope (E) glycoprotein of the Zika virus (ZIKV) men fully protected C57BL/6 mice against chal-
interacts with receptors on the surface of target cells lenge with a 1984 Dakar ZIKV strain (none of
(Panel A), promoting viral entry, processing, and ulti- these mice had viremia 5 days after challenge,
mately replication. The presence of a sufficient quantity and none died), whereas only 30% of the control
of high-quality antibody directed against the E protein
may neutralize the virus and reduce or prevent the rep-
mice survived.
lication process. Virus neutralization and decreased BALB/c mice that were immunized and boost-
replication may abort infection or prevent or substan- ed with both wild-type and fusion-loop mutants
tially attenuate disease. A vaccine capable of inducing of IgEsigprME or JEVsigprME candidates had
robust neutralizing antibodies may also reduce the likeli- production of similar neutralizing antibody titers.
hood of transmission between persons and populations.
Pardi and colleagues1 based their vaccine candidate on
The JEVsigprME vaccine provided complete pro-
messenger RNA (mRNA) encoding for French Polyne- tection against viremia when vaccinated mice
sian 2013 ZIKV precursor membrane (prM) and E gly- were challenged with a 1984 Dakar ZIKV strain
coproteins (Panel B). Nucleoside modification and the 13 weeks after vaccination; breakthrough vire-
addition of lipid nanoparticles formed a ZIKV mRNA mia was observed in the group of mice that were
lipid nanoparticle vaccine, which was tested in mice
and in nonhuman primates. At varying points after
vaccinated with IgEsigprME. In vitro experi-
vaccination, BALB/c mice and nonhuman primates ments revealed that the fusion-loop mutations
were challenged with a 2015 Puerto Rican ZIKV strain. reduced enhancing antibody production, and
Neutralizing and binding antibodies developed after studies involving a mouse model of dengue anti-
vaccination, and high levels of protection against chal- body enhancement showed significantly lower
lenge were found. PFU denotes plaque-forming units,
SP signal peptide, and UTR untranslated region.
morbidity and mortality in association with both
the EsigprME fusion-loop and JEVsigprME
fusion-loop vaccine candidates.
Data from studies in animals have now been
packaged in lipid nanoparticles in their experi- described for numerous ZIKV vaccine candidates,
mental vaccine. They generated additional mRNA which have been developed with the use of ap-
constructs by introducing mutations in or near proaches that harness ZIKV DNA, protein sub-
viral DNA encoding the fusion loop of the E pro- unit, adenovirus vectors, inactivated whole viri-
tein or by replacing the IgE signal sequence with ons, and now mRNA.4-7 The candidates produced
one from Japanese encephalitis virus (JEVsig). no acute safety signals, induced ZIKV-specific
These modifications were made to increase the humoral or cellular immune responses, and con-
efficiency of protein production and to mini- ferred at least some protection against live virus
mize the generation of cross-reactive and, in challenge. The mRNA vaccine constructs re-
theory, potentially enhancing ZIKV antibodies viewed here offer numerous potential advantages,
directed against the highly conserved and domi- including ease and cost of manufacturing, appli-
nant flavivirus fusion-loop epitope. (Enhancing cability across diverse pathogens, and a favor-
antibodies do not neutralize infection but in- able safety profile. Vaccinology, however, con-
stead cross-react with and enhance infection by stantly warns against extrapolating conclusions
viruses that share an epitope with the immuniz- from animal experiments to humans.
ing virus or viral antigen.) In the case of ZIKV vaccines, most of the
On testing of the IgEsigprME vaccine in available data have been generated with the use
mice (of strain AG129) either as a single dose of animals that have had no previous exposure
or as a two-dose regimen, Richner et al. found to flaviviruses; these animals are not representa-
E-proteinspecific neutralizing antibodies. A high- tive of most human populations, which will prob-
er dose (10 g) outperformed a lower dose (2 g) ably be immunized once a vaccine is available.
when administered as a single dose, and the Will preexisting immunity to flaviviruses (such
two-dose regimens were superior to single-dose as the dengue, yellow fever, West Nile, and Japa-
regimens. Six weeks after vaccination, the mice nese encephalitis viruses) affect the safety or
were challenged with a 1966 Malaysian ZIKV immunogenicity of a ZIKV vaccine? Disease
strain; all the mice that received the higher sin- enhancement resulting from the immunologic
gle dose or either two-dose regimen survived, interplay between ZIKV infection or vaccination

n engl j med 376; May 11, 2017 1885

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Copyright 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Clinical Implications of Basic Research

and other endemic flaviviruses has been proposed with clinical efficacy will be a much more for-
as a theoretical concern. This concern is based midable task. If a vaccine is found to be safe and
largely on data from in vitro studies and studies efficacious, producing sufficient quantities to
of small animals, but in vivo studies of ZIKV in meet the projected global need (i.e., many mil-
nonhuman primates have not recapitulated these lions of doses) may ultimately be the most dif-
observations of enhancement. Prospective stud- ficult undertaking.
ies, most likely with large sample sizes, will be Despite the challenges, the pace of ZIKV vac-
required in order to most appropriately explore cine research and development has been impres-
the concept of immune enhancement in ZIKV sive. If past successes with flavivirus vaccines are
infection. a guide and ZIKV behaves more like the encepha-
Past successes with other flavivirus vaccines, litic flaviviruses and less like dengue there would
together with more recently obtained ZIKV data, be cause for optimism. However, history has
suggest that perhaps neutralizing antibodies will shown that the race for a vaccine typically be-
be required and are sufficient to confer protec- gins with many contenders at the start, of whom
tion against ZIKV. What is the immune profile very few finish the race. This observation not-
required to protect a pregnant woman and her withstanding, the recently published data from
fetus from disease or to prevent long-term per- Pardi et al. and Richner et al. represent an impor-
sistence of ZIKV in fluids such as semen? tant step toward the goal of protecting people
Whole-virion inactivated vaccines (which I have from ZIKV through active immunization.
experience in developing), live attenuated recom- Disclosure forms provided by the author are available at
binant vaccines, and DNA vaccines against ZIKV
are now being tested for safety in humans. ZIKV From the Division of Infectious Diseases, State University of
infection may be followed by adverse neurologic New York Upstate Medical University, Syracuse.
outcomes, such as the Guillain-Barr syndrome 1. Pardi N, Hogan MJ, Pelc RS, et al. Zika virus protection by a
or acute myelitis. The pathophysiological pro- single low-dose nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccination. Nature
cesses underlying these less common clinical 2017;543:248-51.
2. Richner JM, Himansu S, Dowd KA, et al. Modified mRNA
outcomes are incompletely understood, but it vaccines protect against Zika virus infection. Cell 2017;168(6):
has been theorized that antibodies that develop 1114-1125.e10.
in response to ZIKV infection also recognize and 3. Plotkin SA. Correlates of protection induced by vaccination.
Clin Vaccine Immunol 2010;17:1055-65.
target the epitopes of antigens expressed by hu- 4. Larocca RA, Abbink P, Peron JP, et al. Vaccine protection
man nervous system tissues, which may appear against Zika virus from Brazil. Nature 2016;536:474-8.
similar to those on ZIKV. If this is the case, vac- 5. Hampton T. DNA vaccine protects monkeys against Zika
virus infection. JAMA 2016;316:1755.
cine developers will need to closely monitor 6. Dowd KA, Ko SY, Morabito KM, et al. Rapid development of
vaccine recipients for adverse events of potential a DNA vaccine for Zika virus. Science 2016;354:237-40.
neurologic origin. 7. Abbink P, Larocca RA, De La Barrera RA, et al. Protective
efficacy of multiple vaccine platforms against Zika virus chal-
Demonstrating safety in a small number of lenge in rhesus monkeys. Science 2016;353:1129-32.
volunteers appears feasible; demonstrating that DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcibr1701402
vaccine-induced immune responses are associated Copyright 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society.

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