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Hello my name is Camilo Arias I am 22 years old, born on May 27, 1994.

I have 1

brother, When I used to be small, my father Alberto decided to buy a house in the

Luis Carlos Galan neighborhood, where I live with my mother and younger sister.

My childhood was very fun, I used to travel with my family, I ran, I played, I fished

and even cried, and to the place where we traveled the most was Tolima because

my grandmother lived there.

Tolima is warm weather so it was fun to go to swimming pools and rivers. to my 2

years I met the river and at 4 years I learned to swim. As my parents worked, I was

taken care of by my grandmother Rosario or my sister Alejandra.

Since I was 4, I had a great passion for cycling, although I fell, it hurt and I cried,

after a while, I learned.

When I was 5 years old, my parents made me a big party with all my friends from

the neighborhood, that day I was very happy, because I was with my friends and

my family. At this age I had many toys, cars, car tracks and used to be the consent

of my pope. I had my hair a little long and curly, so my friends made fun of at me,

because I looked like a girl.

Hola mi nombre es Carlos Alberto Tengo 18 aos, nacido el 11 de mayo de 1999. Mi nacimiento fue bastante
complicado ya que casi mi madre Nohra muere.
Tengo 4 hermanos, Alejandra es la mayor, mi hermano robin, y mi hermano john y finalmente mi hermana
Valeria sera la que tiene 10 aos.
Cuando sola ser pequeo, mi padre Alberto decidi comprar una casa en el barrio Luis Carlos Galn, donde
vivo con mi madre y mi hermana menor. Mi infancia fue muy divertida, sola viajar con mi familia, corra,
jugaba, pescaba e incluso lloraba, y al lugar donde ms viajbamos era Tolima porque mi abuela viva all.
Tolima es un clima clido, as que fue divertido ir a piscinas y ros. a mis 2 aos conoc el ro ya los 4 aos
aprend a nadar. Como mis padres trabajaron, fui cuidado por mi abuela Rosario o mi hermana Alejandra.
Desde que tena 4 aos, tuve una gran pasin por el ciclismo, aunque me ca, me doli y llor, despus de un
tiempo, aprend.
Cuando yo tena 5 aos, mis padres me hicieron una gran fiesta con todos mis amigos del vecindario, ese da
estuve muy feliz, porque estaba con mis amigos y mi familia. A esta edad tena muchos juguetes, coches,
pistas de coches y sola ser el consentimiento de mi papa. Tena el pelo un poco largo y rizado, as que mis
amigos se burlaban de m, porque pareca una chica.

When I was 6 years old, I entered transition school Jos Asuncin Silva; I have

always been a little crazy. So my parents received many complaints about my bad

behavior. Because Disturb in class, I laughed and we did not leave dictate class
When I was in first, in the year of study I did not learn to read, so my teacher told

my mom that it gave us 15 days for me to read, Do not pass and I play repeat first

1, but I do not bother because I repeat the course, I learned to read well, but it

bothered me to see my friends in another course.

A los 6 aos ingres en la escuela de transicin Jos Asuncin Silva; Siempre he estado un poco loco. As

que mis padres recibieron muchas quejas sobre mi mal comportamiento. Debido a Interrumpir en clase, me re

y no dejamos dictar clase . Cuando yo estaba en el primer ao, en el ao de estudio no aprend a leer, as que

mi maestro le dijo a mi mam que nos dio 15 das para que yo lea, No pase y yo toco repetir primero 1, pero

no me molesta porque repeti el curso, aprend a leer bien, pero me molest ver a mis amigos en otro curso.

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