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1. (O^H
O) |#P=H` : |O^ ~q OH~ 1

2. $+ H~` O+} : _.*` We 3

3. Dowry menace : Rajesh Ponuku 4

4. =i =^= : =i ^"O^<^ ~Q~ 6

5. A~^= 40= J^O10= =O`= : |O^ ~qOH~ 8

6. Brahmotsav spread the message of : Ashis Basu 10


7. =i[ : q ^#O^ ~u 13

8. Devotion : Siluveru Sudarshan 16

9. =~= : N HO^i g~eOQO 17

10. Eeswara Chandra Vidya Sagar-Part 1 : Madhu Bindu.D 19

11. ^~^$ + : Ou 20

12. =["~ : 22

13. O^= : 24

14. q~= : 24

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- Rajesh Ponuku
India is country where more money Dowry is one of the most ancient
is spent on daughters marriage than her practices of India and Oxford dictionary
education. One of the biggest menaces of defines it as an amount of property or
the Indian society is the dowry system. This money brought by a bride to her husband
fact that it is condemned by every modern on their marriage. But the origins of dowry
citizen of this country and yet it still are far nobler than we imagine. Dowry was
flourishes at a very large scale in our society started by wealthy businessmen, kings and
is a testimony of how deeply rooted this other influential people of the society as a
system is in the Indian society. means to give girls their due in the ancestral
Dowry refers to the durable goods, property as in those times, even till recent
cash, and real or movable property that the times, all the money and property went to
brides family gives to the bridegroom, his the sons only. Later on it was used to
parents, or his relatives as a condition of provide seed money or property for the
the marriage. The dowry system is thought establishment of a new household. Till then
to put great financial burden on the brides the amount and contents of dowry were
family. In some cases, the dowry system decided solely by the parents of the bride.
leads to crime against women, ranging But now dowry is demanded by the
from emotional abuse, injury to even deaths. grooms parents and marriage takes place
Due to dowry system, the sacred only if a certain amount of dowry is paid by
affair of marriage is destroyed and it is turned the brides parents. Today dowry is given
into a business deal. The brides are placed as compensation to the grooms parents
on the same class as those of cattle. The for the amount they have spent in educating
ugliest thing of this system is that the richer and upbringing their son. It is also
the family of the bride groom, the higher is considered a status symbol, especially in
their demand. A marriage life that starts with the high class, and generally the items of
such a business deal can hardly be happy. dowry are flaunted and hyped by both
The parents of the brides are put to inhuman parties.
pressure for a handsome dowry in kind or The effects of dowry system are
cash whatever it may be. All the noble virtues many and varied but in almost all cases
of human beings like love, affection, sense it is the girls side which has to face the
of equality, liberal motive, gentleness, repercussions while the boys side walks
sympathy, kindness etc. are buried like away from the issue unharmed, with
rotten corpses. This system is found in both their heads held high. When demands
rich and poor community. for dowry are not met, the bride is
#=O|~ 2015 ^~^x 5
subject to torture, and often even killed. woman upon the marriage. In ancient
Most of the dowry deaths occur when literature, bride price has often been
the young women, unable to bear the explained as payment made in exchange
harassment and torture, commit for the brides familys loss of her labour and
suicide. Most of these suicides are by fertility within her kin group. The agreed bride
hanging oneself, poisoning or by fire. price is generally intended to reflect the
Sometimes the woman is killed by perceived value of the girl or young woman.
setting her on fire which is known as This practice though less prevalent than
bride burning and is disguised as dowry is still practiced in some rural areas
accident to avoid criminal charges and of the country.
punishment. The government has taken many
The Indian police say that they steps to stop the abominable practice of
receive over 2,500 reports of bride-burning dowry. The payment of dowry has been
alone every year while the number of dowry prohibited under specific Indian laws
deaths is about 9000. These numbers including, the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961
increase at a rate of 1-2% every year. It is and subsequently by Sections 304B and
also a reason why many parents dont want 498A of the Indian Penal Code. Much anti-
to have daughters, because of the dowry dowry legislation has also been made to
they will have to shell out at her marriage, tackle the dowry system. The media has
and the stress they go through due to never- also done its bit by showcasing the cases
ending demands from her in-laws. In fact of dowry and its ill-effects.
dowry deaths of a newly married bride are Today dowry is not the innocent
regularly in the news. practice that it started out as but has turned
Bride price, also known as bride into a social menace that cannot be reverted
wealth, is a reversal of the dowry system. back to its original form; hence it must be
Its an amount of money or property paid by eradicated from our society permanently.
the groom or his family to the parents of a

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#=O|~ 2015 ^~^x 10
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q"H K_=} # QO^= #O^e HOk H= s


- Ashis Basu
2,500 years ago (469-399 BC) the faiths, but these differences cannot prevent
Greek Philosopher Socrates had said: The our desire for meeting of hearts.
surest way to live with honor in this world, 1. BE GOOD BRAHMOS
is to live in reality what we would appear to As we celebrate Brahmotsav, let
be. us remember what George Eliot, the writer
On this day when Sadhu Navalrai, has said: Blessed is the influence of one
Sadhu Hiranand and their small band of loving human soul on another. That is the
colleagues Established the Sind Brahmo message of today.
Mandir 130 years ago, we would do well to Param Brahma not only wants that
remember the Message of Socrates. we live our own lives in HIS image but also
We celebrate 3rd Sunday of that we influence others to see HIM clearly.
September as Brahmotsav. This day is But some of us feel that It is not our job to
special for all of us. Here we are Brahmos guide others. It is upto some special
and friends, assembled in strength to preachers, some Acharyas, some Padris,
celebrate this festive occasion. On such some Moulvis, some Mahants, or some
special days, most of us attend Mandir, Let Godmen to spread HIS Message. But- HE
us resolve to celebrate every Sunday as a has given all of us the ability to influence
Brahmotsav. others. As Brahmos, as human beings, we
We need preparation for must do our duty - by being HIS spiritual
Bramhotsav. As the Mandir is cleaned and messengers - at home to our children,
decorated today, we need to do the same to our neighbours and friends, to our
with ourselves. We must clean ourselves, colleagues in office. Each one of us can
so that no dirt or stain remains in any corner influence others by setting our own
of our hearts. But it is not enough to do the examples, and by promoting HIS Message.
cleaning only on special occasions. We We dont have to be full-time preachers to
must do it every day. influence others. In fact, in Brahmo Samaj
Brahmotsava announces the arrival there is no concept of professional
of the festive season as it were Ganesh and preachers. All it requires to spread HIS
Durga Puja, Diwali and Ramzan, Christmas message is our hearts and our willingness,
and Maghotsav. Brahmotsav acts as a not our intelligence or our scholarship.
reminder that all true religious believers are Brahma wishes only good for us. But
Brothers in Faith. No doubt, there are inor some people in this world have gone astray
differences between believers of different and have become lost. Sadly, today, fanatics
#=O|~ 2015 ^~^x 11
are on the rampage, terrorists are attacking selfishness. Try to give to people so that
progressive and liberal forces all over the they can be victorious, not try to take from
world, spoiling not only the name of their less fortunate ones. (think of Mother
own religions, but spreading hatred and Theresa)
violence all around us in Kashmir,
Who do we and our children spend time
Palestine, 9/11 at WTO, London Metro,
with? Are they negative people, who are
recent Bombings at Bangladesh,
only concerned about themselves? We
Akshardham, Babri Masjid, the list seems
need to convert such negative friends to
to become endless. At such times, it is all
become positive persons or they will
the more necessary to spread the message
influence and destroy us.
of Brahmo Samaj the message of love.
Wouldnt it be much easier if life was simpler Many of us cannot find the time to
and people got along? come to this Mandir every Sunday.
How can we be spiritual guides? It Important as it is, it is equally, if not more
is not difficult ! First, do as Keshub Chandra important, to live like true Brahmos,
Sen, Sadhu Navalrai and many other influencing our children and our neighbours.
illustrious Brahmos of the past did - become When we sincerely take up our
CONTAINERS of Gods message. There responsibility and calling, we find that God
are many vacancies. The qualifications are works in miraculous ways. There are many
very simple: (for example) examples of ordinary men, whom we
our free Think for yourself. When Brahmo remember with reverence because they
faith says that the human soul is capable have been with God. Keshub Sen, Sadhu
of infinite progress, we are talking about Navalrai and Sadhu Hiranand are only a few
our God-given ability to think logically, we such examples. They were not born great!
are talking about will, not the will of some They were simple people but there was
dubious Godman or some evil preachers power in their simplicity. Thomas Carlyle
of violence like Osama or Togadia. (1795-1881) Scottish Writer - The work
that an unknown good man has done,
We tend to cling to our past our past is like a vein of water flowing hidden
failures, our past mistakes. It is true that underground, secretly making the
we must learn from our past mistakes. ground green.
But if we do not let go, the past will start One of the pioneers of the Brahmo
to control our lives. The key is to let go of Samaj, Acharya Shivnath Sashtri in his book
the past mistakes, have a clear vision and History of Brahmo Samaj, gives an
trust HIM. example:
Also we face trials and problems every Every Sunday, Navalrai went to the local
day, but we must be motivated and stay jail and gave a sermon to the prisoners.
motivated on daily basis. I found many of the prisoners were
moved to tears. As the result of Navalrais
We have to influence peoples lives with
efforts and sermons some of them
our own examples. We, for example,
changed their vicious ways of life. As a
cannot teach kindness to our children if
proof of this, Navalrai himself cited an
we are harsh to others. We must be
ourselves kind. As philosopher Karl
Menninger said: What the teacher is, One day while he (Navalrai) was
is more important than what he returning from work, it became dark in a
teaches. forested area. A man came out of a little
hut and offered hospitality. He said that
We must always think about others and he was once a prisoner in the town jail.
be moved by compassion not by Navalrais sermons had brought such a
change in him that on being released, he
#=O|~ 2015 ^~^x 12
started living an honest life with his wife HE alone is perfect, not any scripture,
and children. He always remembered prophet, or God man
Navalrai thankfully and invited him be his
We believe that our soul is immortal and
guest even for a single night. Ever
capable of infinite progress, and is
afterwards Navalrai said that it was one
responsible only to HIM for our actions.
of the happiest nights of his life.
Our happiness in this and the next world
It is no exaggeration when I say that
consists in worshipping HIM in spirit and
Hyderabad became a sacred place to
in truth. And true worship is loving HIM,
me just because such a saint as
holding communion with HIM, and
Navalrai lived there.
carrying out HIS will in all matters of life.
From such examples, we know that The true way of serving HIM is to do good
Brahma works HIS miracles through to man.
ordinary men and women. Such people
When we celebrate Brahmotsav
inspire others to follow the right path. When
today, we need to remember this great
we follow in HIS path, when we believe in
message and proudly spread it in our family,
HIS power, nobody can stop us. When we
and among our neighbours.
become spiritual guide for others, Brahmas
hand will be guiding us and showing us the As someone has said:
right path. There is a torch an energy - that
2. SPREAD BRAHMO MESSAGE shines in and through each of us, to provide
guidance and support for ourselves and for
Its not enough to say we lead good lives,
our fellow beings. When we hold this torch
so we are good Brahmos. No doubt, a
to brighten another mans path, it also
good Brahmo is one who is humble, kind,
brightens our own.
and generous to his fellow beings. But a
true Brahmo is one who also spreads Awake, O Brahmo friends- Jago - bring
Brahmas message by setting examples sanity, bring sense into this world gone mad.
to others with their own lives, as well as by Take a pledge today to start living as true
promoting HIS message, which we believe Brahmos we will set our own examples,
is also that of Brahmo Samaj. How many and also spread far and wide the wonderful
of us have told our family, our neighbours, message of Raja Rammohan, Maharshi
our office colleagues about the greatness Devendranath, Keshub Chandra and
of Sadhu Navalrai and his message? others. Each one of us counts. Each one
of us can make a difference.
Today, more than ever, each one of
us, each Brahmo, must stand up and be Arise O Brahmo friends Utho - stand
counted. We seem to be embarrassed that up and be counted. Do not be embarrassed
we are Brahmos. We do not declare boldly to be Brahmos. Declare boldly your beliefs.
that we are Brahmos, because we do not We have inherited a great heritage. Let us
have a true relationship with HIM. We have be proud to be Brahmos. Let us be
inherited a great heritage that: HISTORY MAKERS, NOT JUST HISTORY
We believe that there is only one God,
who is the creator, and the saviour. HE is Param Brahma, we pray to YOU,
infinite in power, wisdom, love, justice and Bless us, preserve and keep us. May YOU
holiness. HE is present everywhere, HE mercifully look upon us and help us to
is eternal and blissful. spread YOUR message. Fill us with YOUR
LOVE, so that we may live in loving
We respect all great prophets and their
relationships all our lives with each other
thoughts, and gather truth from all great
scriptures of the world. But we believe that and with YOU.
#=O|~ 2015 ^~^x 13

Ref `~ H=, UH^ ==

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^ ~ K ~ } =, $ + q ^^ * # =# =~ ~#K <~ . ^x=# ` =
=$k~ K O@, ~Q ~Q =#+ |=# ~[= Qey ~[= ~n#=QK#k.
Q_ O^Q~. =i[ =@ O\k `O`= #tOKK#k. YO^ `=
_ H^. =O^Q JH~=, tH# QK#q. "~ ~n# KHe "x Q_^ =
O^_O J<q =@ = |=# O^@ `= K`lH J<H q^=# ^Y=#
^#=. q#O_ =Oz tH#, =Oz q^# J#q OKK<~.
Ok#C_ `q# P ~=`# _ 7) Z=_< XHx` h= ~# P#= g^<
O^Q Q`~. ^ h <== g^< XH ~~x `^# Jx
: H~ == =# xO ^Qx x~H~ J#K "_ H^" _ "xx H@@H, u@@H
== x=_O H+= . H=# =i [ LO_ `_ H^. JQ ~"~# #"#
f~=O^. $^=g^<, <== g^< }k
L`~=:1) H~== =# Z\H =~# Oz# ^+# P ~"~_
x=*^. Z J#Q ^xx =# ``H } " <#= K O_ LO\_?
Q Oz ^x ` H J===# u~QK XH^x 8) O` Q _ Q ~ = # K _ _ xH
#O_ =~H ^xH iQ `` Ok. WH x~H~_# ^^ O`~= =K uiy uiy ^Y=
~= `# Q OK@ =# `# =~ = Hk QK<~. W ^~=#, SH J=+H
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~"~_ J==~`_ JO^= =# zH _O |_K<~. J> "Q = _
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~= `x Q}H~ ==# QiOz qK~} 9) ^+Q *~ ^#=# WKK<~.
K K P#O^= x=Q" xez=K#k. "~^ # =# " k ~ Q = #=#,
H~ = = #O^ =# ~ = Q =^=O~=#, H ^=#
x=Qey#K OK= JO^i =# qxQ~KK<~. JO^=# Wz# ^`
~ = `~. H~}"=#Q =#+ ` ^# Y== #+" ^Y= "\K #k.
q`k H~=O^ =# z|_ O_#. 10) }k =~ # ` iOK K ,
Hh Z=i =# ~= H^ H^! H=# ` e ` O _ #, =#h # u~ iOK K
x~H~=#O^ =## x#O`=~ Z=i H$`QK<~.
#=O|~ 2015 ^~^x 15
11) qQ =# Z= ~ # q~ Q Q \ # #, OK`# [ J# |= qHe =Oz
^OyeOz## ~= ^Hx U_K<~. J~= H^. Hx q^q## =_ P L`=
12) *~ ~ ` #, *i} ~+`# J~=# =^e WC_ xH$~=< @Hx
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<KH#H `~K ^d`QK<~. O|OkOz# S^ qQ=# K lOK@
13) q[# =_ H==Q eOH OK`# [ H^. D [ xH$~= =
=@ = ~ ~ q~^ == Q " ~ Hey# [. "= "# L`= ~= # O|OkOz#
#++QK<~. "^H" # OK`# [, OK^= ` [ H
14) xs==Q [_=# ^xOK"i |k _ x["# =i=O` [ U^ Q=xOKO_.
[_" =K#k. Z J#Q ^ == x [_` =< =n `~ O "` =`~O
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K~ `Ok. PK~ L#=< |Ki}qK`
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"^Q "xx "[=x ^~O^=# Juk~$ <QK `
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~zOK_. P += K@< L#K Hx J~` ~` "^ J~`
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QO^= ` k~ K K ZO` LHi OK#. J\ `"= `HO | `"= `H O |
"\x *~ qz qKH=O^ H _ =kq II `u s x.=b.1.J#.1 II
KK<~. WH P += |~^ H H`= UH ^= Wu | `k`KH`
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HQ* K#q. Uq ~" ~_ D ~u=# =`$^" = `$ ^" = PK~^" = Juk^"
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HQK#q. H=# D }^` * |_# P" Z#\H ^Y= HQ* _^ . ~O_=
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W C _ lOK K <~, WH =O^ <iOK PK~_ PK~x =<^#=`
lOK#<~ "~O^~ WO` ~= K # qO=#.II2II <Q= ^=` :Juk q^O_,
^+= #O_ `OKH~. ~= Z=~ ^~`_, x+\ , JO^i L#ux H~"_
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: =i Uq^" # =i [ K @, K~OK@ Y= K ~"_Q JukH = K =#.II3II
`Q^? Hx =# P~=~= ~= #O_ J~^= ^=` : `#ux, ~+_ `# ux
~O ~Q OK^= [ =KK#k H^ ! t=_ q+= P^iO=#.II4II D S^Q~ =i=O`#
JOaH Q} ~^ qQ =# xiOz "xx ^=`. gi ==Q< =#+ ^`u
lOKK<~. Wk OK`# [ J=< H^? #=, tH, q^, `^= J##q
L`~ = : U q^" # =i [# _ K ~^. HQK#q. Wq ~" ~H #=,
Hx kQ= "|_ =i=O`# "iH [ giH = *H ~# lOK =~
J#Q ` ~ = K = # . O K ^ = [, #~HQ = J#@ += . + =
#=O|~ 2015 ^~^x 16
- Siluveru sudarshan
We have to direct our Karma and spontaneity, along with relish and love
Jnana in such a way as to make Karma towards actions, like the daily prayer through
Yoga and Jnana Yoga part of our lives. You which the individual relates to Isvara. When
may have gadgets, like helmets, goggles, there is love towards the things of the world,
etc., for reasons of safety; but are useless one is called a worldly person. Having love
if we do not have the right attitude towards for God makes one a spiritual person.
safety. Love is the most fundamental
Yoga is mistakenly thought only to guiding force of human heart. When our love
consist of a series of postures relating to is directed towards Lord, we call it
physical movement and wellbeing. Yoga is devotion. Devotion is essentially a matter
an attitude of mind; a certain approach of directing the capacity to love that is
towards life and living. It is necessary that present in the human heart. When this love
we cultivate such an attitude, with the help is directed towards wealth or money, one
of which our Karma can become Karma turns into a miser, and when it is directed
Yoga and Jnana can become Jnana Yoga. towards the pleasures of the flesh, the
That attitude is devotion. person is drawn into the vortex of
Therefore ones attitude towards worldliness rolled by sensate values.
Karma matters a great deal. Elaborate The gradual shifting of the focus of
preparation is needed to develop the right love from the objects of the world to Lord is
attitude to assimilate the teaching of Vedanta the path of devotion. True inner growth lies
and reach the goal. in developing love for lord and learning to
It is the predominant aspect of relish that love. In fact, mahatmas that have
Karma Yoga. gained self-knowledge experience only the
When the intellect is suffused with emotions of love and compassion in their
devotion, we will eventually acquire the interaction with the world.
knowledge that liberates a person. That is A devotee relishes everything
Jnana Yoga. connected to God; prayer is indeed a form
It is possible to look at devotion from of relishing on the other hand, if we were to
yet another perspective between Karma and eat it slowly and in little bits, it can be savored
Jnana is the mind the seat of all emotions, unhurriedly. He loves to employ some or all
attitudes, fixations and ideations. In fact, all of the sense organs and the organs of
action originates in the mind. Any radical action in the service of the God. Gradually,
transformation becomes possible only at the devotee begins to love contemplating
the level of the mind, where all action upon the Gods name, form, glories and
begins. exploits.
The inner organ, the mind, has to We are worldly people and tend to
be purified in order that one may develop relish all that this world offers. If we
the right attitude of action, as well as understand God and the world and learn to
intellection. The ability to achieve this relate to both correctly, we relish that any
depends upon the emotional state of the relishing of world is detrimental to our well
person. The attitude of devotion enables being we are advised not to invest our
such inner transformation and growth, emotion in the world. If our understanding
which is essential in ones pursuit of the grows of God, proportionately relishing of
goal. everything related to God grows we grow
Bhaja is the verbal root from which into Bhakti gradually.
the word Bhakti is derived. Thus, Bhakti is
#=O|~ 2015 ^~^x 17
Devotion is based in the two aspects worship. It is not the service to God; it is
of human life, Karma and Jnana, right simply service to one self only. Worship
perspective begins with the right attitude. is that in which one expresses true love and
There are people who imagine that God devotion to God and the manner in which
goes without food if we do not offer any in we relate to the God.

N g~eOQO J#Q< q`O` #i" ^#OQ Q~~. Hx =[O ~~# u

K_# P# pe KO___. PK~, i@ y# |@H# \OK K~. ^=#+
J|^# |^|^ K~. P<\H Jk Q ". D<\H _ " i@, < i@ Q
``OQ# K< L# =#O N g~eOQO J< HO^> "\x q<^`HOQ, q+}`HOQ K#
f~ qO_ LO_O. P# ~zOz# Ol=x J< H=#Oz =~= J< ~K##
^`^=Q D OzH O^ KiOKK<=.
N HO^i g~eOQO
(Q } u ~= ~ O_ K ^ = O@O_ Q WO^_H "< H=_= JO` J|^"
OH~ Q ~ "t OKK<~) JO\~?
Q} ~ Q~! #=~=O_. Q} xO^ OQ J|^" . " Uq\?
OH n~ +! =Oa=$k~ ! ~[^~ }O =O__O Uq\? "\ Q, Pqs, Qe
~[= < ~ ^ ky[=! ` =~g =O_^ .
Q} JC_ Pj~K#=O` J~~O^O_? OH h= KOk ZO` =`= #=`y
WH g =~g ~=O_? =O_^ . " ` O_ }O =O@Ok.
OHD WOw+ K^ =H< " ==e K ~O _ O ^Q~ ~~O _
"HOQ LO@Ok. @ "o#q. " =^OH "o h
Q}"HO H^O_. g~ ``Q~=`~ Q#H `Q`O_Q J< Kz<~. J h `y =z
xH<#. HO =OKHO _. JK=#O(=`O) K P h~ =~~O
OHz#"_= h"H =@< Hh < HO q g^ _ `Ok. JO^K`< =~ h~ q
^ << ! h= K^=< HO ~ g^ _` < Qx k^ .
U=O\~? Q}" =^OH "o h `Q`O_Q
Q} nx ~ ''l H *Q JO\~. g~C_< KK~? =~ K =# =@
OH JO^ Uq =O\k? O _ ` =O_ g~ _ q ~ q?
Q} JO^<? qx QiOp, "= " =q\? h `Q_O Uq\?
QiOp, =^x QiOp J<H OQ` =O\~. OHJ! < =@ #=H` <# Uq
OH h= WC_ Kk" QO ^x QiOz? K #? " = =z =^=< HO_
Q } =~x Q iOp " x Q iOz ^O "# C_ H" O_ _ HO_
K^ =`<#. Jk = W" ~O . g^H =z h `y`q. H" Oz=O_
OH =~O ZO^ =O ^x KC `_? WOw+ h `Q_xH O_ ^i h H``
H H~O " O JO> Uq\? L#C_ K@ # =`" O_ HO^ =O@\
Q} ~H~} "_q K` =^=#, "# =O_x uO\~. D OQu =
#^#, =_Q# =O_ h~ Pqi ~O "#== Kz<_.
H z XH K@ _x # Qe " OQ Q}P## J_y` P# _ `# "#==
U~_ |~= Z=~#C_ h~ HO^_ `Ok. Kz<_x KC `_. DO\ z H^ h JO^
^< =~=O\~. ~O ~Q "Oz =_ #=`~. Z=~ Ug
OHJO` Qx " }O =O__=, Kz# "~O_~ . H" =>O^? g~ Z=~
#=O|~ 2015 ^~^x 18
WO\ #C_ g aO^ =Ozh = WO\ KO^ "Hx K` \a+HO
x P h "= `y~#=x = K~ Jk =~ XH KH _x k =_ ~A
"#== Kz<_x = ^_ " "x H =~O iOk.
=O_ u<~h <# K` g~ #=`~? Q}W^O` [## `eq ` = "#
OH g~ H K O_. "~ K O_. " K " _| H_`~_xH x# =O`O Hx
[O`= H=_xH O^ O ^ . ZO_HH K` JO`HO > "~g ^ . P "~O_ h Q
h H "o HO^_ ` LO__" =~=~` ~E ~OK_O HO> `= ~OKO>
=~O ~< LO_#. " [=# HO` Q=~# `_#. P #~
=<~. " "` Hx Jq =~O i=. ~~ Y~_` OQ XH "@ q
Q}g~ K # H~O JK=#O K _xH =K#. P #~ ~ b" Wz h
_ [=# = H=< Uq\? JQ` `_Oz ~Oz# |Q O_q.
= Q [=# ^iH<~. =_ Q#H " x~}OQ #~ ~
OH <# J<H Kk"_ #. < =@ @ \ _ K< ~. x~\ O=`~O
uQ f" HO_. H=e g H=#x G =# T \a+HO K # Oz XH KH
=} H#~#. " =~}^=_, h~ _k H^. g^ =`O ~K_ k ~A
WO^_ W^~ [=#. "i "` < Hx #_=_xH = J~Ok H^.
=~O i^. JO^K`< Hx ^ =~O OH =O` =O HH` ~O_ T
iH H=O _`Ok. ~O ^^ =~ ~=_xH H~}O Uq\? < `KH J_Q`#
H= ZO^ =Kq? K O_.
Q} [# `eq` = K` =Kq. P#H@ H\ Q} =O` =O J~` D T ~=H
H= `qOz ^= O` h~ =OK@@ K =_xH H~}O Uq\ g~ K O_ K`=.
^^ =~H =, w= _ _e i`q. D \a+H "q HO =~ i
WC_ H= `qOz# `~ "` ^^ =~H = =O^ K~ . "@O`@ Jq =~ i
ZC_< ~Q g~ Kz<~? Jq `= =`O =< JO\~ iH`
OHJ~! z#"_= hHg `e^. H # O ^OQ ` \ # @ =\ _ H
~H "ix, ^ # J u~ iOK~^. =~O\~. `~"` =~ i< iH
"~ ~ A Ug H ` "~ x~}OQ ^=` ~< =O^ Q O =#,
L<~x K~. =~ #C_ "~ =~} O`~ } ` =. Wk JO` @ Q JO^~
=O` Kkq XH xq+O =~ iOK"~. "O_Q K "=.
^=`O^~ "iH `HO. =~ #C_ OHJ~ ! D OQO WH KeOK.
[#O^~ "o H @x "ix JO`HO` } ^+} Z= J=`#k.
O`+i `= =O`H K` =~O iOz ^ + O =ki# ` ~ "` WH "_ `
HxHO`\ H O`+O HQK "~. =^ =\_~ ^. WC_ WOw+ K^ = =z D =
JO\ =`= L#k Q#H< JO^~ "ix K^ = =OQ , PK~ =#H@ x
^=`x [K~ . JO` + ~ `<~. WOw+ K^ =# "
Q} J^O` `= PkH O x=_xH JxO\H OH K H=O` _ K < ~.
x# Z`Q _ . P ^=` ZO` ` H" ~=~= ~=~=! WH D =@ qO> O
^ JO` ` H= . Hi` =~O =O k.
i@@~` ^ Hi< =~O ~O k. (Jx K= =x z=K<_.)
OHJ~! } ^+O h ~O
H^. O^ ` O_ Q =`O =#k.
WC_ _ _| Wz "iK` =~}
=O` KkqOz \a+H K~ Z
=~ ~" Kz<"? x~_ O=`~O <\
Q=O HO` Q~ #~ ~
#=O|~ 2015 ^~^x 19
Eeswara Chandra Vidya Sagar Part 1
- Madhu Bindu. D
Great people are born to rebuild the Ishwara Chandra did a part-time job of
society. Such towering personalities not only teaching to support him-self and the family.
enlighten them-selves but also influence Ishwara Chandra studied in Sanskrit
people for generations ahead. History records College, Calcutta for twelve years and
their achievements as mile stones. Ishwara passed out of the college in 1841 qualifying
Chandra Vidya Sagar is one such a towering in Sanskrit Grammar, Literature, Alankara
personality whose biography inspires us. Shastra, Vedanta, Smruti and Astronomy.
Through-out his life he was determined to Meanwhile he had also cleared his Law
achieve the noble tasks undertaken while examination in 1839. He received the title
remaining humble in the process. Vidyasagar from Sanskrit College due to
Ishwara Chandra Bandopadhyay his excellent performance in Sanskrit
was a polymath (a person of great learning studies and philosophy. (Vidya means
in several fields of study) and he played a knowledge and Sagar means Ocean).
pivotal role in the Bengal Renaissance. He As per the customs of that time
lived during 19th century and was Ishwara Chandra married at the age of
considered to be a Sanskrit scholar, Social fourteen. His wife was Dinamani Devi. They
reformer, philosopher, academician, writer, had only one son named as Narayan
translator, printer, publisher, entrepreneur Chandra Bandopadhyaya.
and philanthropist. He worked relentlessly He joined Fort William College as
to transform the society. His contribution principal lecturer in 1841 and worked in that
towards education and women upliftment college for five years. In 1846, he joined in
in India was remarkable. He strived Sanskrit college as assistant secretary.
throughout his life to change the social Ishwara Chandra proposed many changes
status of women in India. to the existing education system of that
On 26th September 1820 Ishwara college. This has resulted into a serious
Chandra Vidya Sagar was born to altercation with the management. Due to
Thakurdas Bandopadhyaya and Bhagavati too many conflicts with the management
Devi at Birsingha village in he resigned from the college and
the Ghatal subdivision of Paschim temporarily took up the position of head clerk
Midnapore District. His father was a at Fort William College. Because of
Sanskrit teacher and mother was a house Ishwars excellent knowledge and respect
wife. The well-disciplined brought up of in the students the management of Sanskrit
father and generosity, charity of mother college had recalled him into the college.
made him humble and honest. His parents Then he re-joined Sanskrit College in 1849,
were poor. At the age of six he was sent to as a professor of literature. In 1851, Ishwara
Calcutta to stay with his relative Bhagabat Chandra became the principal of Sanskrit
Charan for higher education. College. He implemented many reforms in
He was very studious and craved the college. As a renowned college
for knowledge in various fields along with principal, he invigorated Sanskrit scholars
curriculum. That quest made him to study to read and explain Vedas and other
under street lights as it was not possible Shastras to the common people. The
for him to afford a gas lamp at home. He reforms introduced by Ishwara Chandra
was rewarded with a number of were not acceptable by that college
scholarships for his academic performance management which compelled him to
and cleared all his examinations with resign. Then, in 1854 a board of examiners
excellence and in quick succession. was set up in the place of Fort William
#=O|~ 2015 ^~^x 20
College and Ishwara became very active widows and understood all the major
member of that board. reasons. One of that was polygamy. The
In 1855 Ishwara Chandra was prevailing custom of Kulin
appointed as special inspector of schools Brahmin polygamy allowed elderly men
with additional charges. He traveled around sometimes even on their death beds to
Bengal and visited schools. During his marry teenage or even prepubescent girls,
travels, he witnessed the pathetic conditions to spare their parents the shame of not
in which people lived. Superstitions and getting them married. After such marriages,
blind faith were prevalent due to lack of these girls would usually be left behind in
education. This motivated him to establish their parental homes as widows. There they
schools all over Bengal to spread the light might be subjected to orthodox rituals like
of education. Within a span of two months semi-starvation, hard domestic labor, and
he had motivated people to start-up 20 close restriction on their freedom to move
schools. In spite of unfavorable conditions out of the house or to be seen by strangers.
for women education, he could able to Many widows also had to shave their heads
pursue the problem by starting 30 schools and don a white sari, supposedly to
exclusively for girls. discourage attention from men. Many of
While moving around Bengal he these girls couldnt tolerate the ill treatment
observed the social discrimination and and would run away and turn out to
injustice towards women. In those days prostitution for their livelihood. Ironically in
child widows were increasing in society. 1853 it was estimated that Calcutta had a
This disturbe Ishwara Chandra vidya sagar population of 12,718 prostitutes and public
a lot. He observed, worked hard on child women who led a deplorable life.

HO_~O J< Q=O ~[ J< "~O^~ #=` # K @O "^ \~ .
"`|i LO_"_. J`x ^Q~ g~ J< Hx g~ "~=ix \ O K<"_ H^. W
#=H _ # =H x K O _"_. g~ JO> HO`HO Q_z Ok.
J`xH K W+O, W^~ =Oz =# Hey Hx ~A `~` h\x ` # g~ x
LO_"~. ~[ Q=xOK_. XH aO^ h xO_Q,
K \ O@ ` HH _` LO_ =~H aO^ QxH L<~. ''ZO^H aO^
HO_~O =~ iQ _H =_O` h\ Z^_ QO h L<~? Jx tOK_. JO^
U~_Ok. h\ Z^_ JkH= =@O =# JO^~ Ti g~ ''aO^H ~O^O _@ O = JO^ h~
z=~ L# XH ^ " @ q#Oz h\ x WO\H `KiH QO =`" qy~ Jx
`K <"~. g~ _ `# [=x HO K_. ^xH ~[ ''Zx ~AQ W
~ O_ aO^ ` H=_ H @ H x ~E h\ x ` < =? D ~O^O _ aO^` h\x ` h~
"HK"_. =$^ K@" HO_ h Hx _ =$^
Hx ~A `~` P ~ O_ aO^ XH K O@<= Jx g~ # =O^eOK_. ^xH
aO^H XH ~O^O _O k. ^i_=# P aO^x Ug |^ K O_ =#OQ "o_ g~ .
h~ HO^ _` LO_q, aO^ h~ WO\H Hh J`# P aO^` h `=_O P^ .
=KiH QO =`O qyq. ^xx K# u Hx ~A `~ "` ~[ =m XH~A
XH~ g~x h~ =$^ J=`O^x, WH P g~ # h ` O _Q K Q\ Q xn_.
aO^# "_@O P=x K"~. Hh g~ ''<# x# D aO^ =~=x K# H^, ZO^
"i =@ q#O_ P aO^`< h\x `K "_. WO` =~OQ K<=? < =@ g^ _
J z _ aO^` h ` # g~ # K# Q~=O ^ h? T h\ H~ = =z JO^~
#=O|~ 2015 ^~^x 21
J_`O> #q h ~"? Jx #O_ H~`# h~ "\ g^ _ "Q q`<
H__. " ez " H ~. Wq iy ^ H
''J! <# h\x =$^ K @O ^ , K ^ < x=_ O ` @ =~ ~ = _xH
XH =Oz x K < #. ^ K <` ~O_ Jx `__`x < =O` `OQ W K < #.
"@ q" fH _. ^i W K Q_. WkQ K_O_ Q~ Jx ^i _Q< `# "#
''=_ < H`O `^# D aO^ "H# K K_.
z _@ O = h~ =$^ J=`O_@O` g` c_ "i# q#Oz K Q
Kx <# g ^Q~ =K#. JC_ g~ O@ "KH# P "H# K ~[ =YO
O|OkOz# H KO@<~. Q` H<Q O`+O`, P~O` xO_~Ok. ''XH q+ O
O@ iQ O_H=_O` #+O =O^x KC , K@OK_O =Oz PK< Hh ^xH #=
Q=` K ^_`O_Q qx <# K WO` H+_ D ~O^O _ aO^# ZO^
=^#_#. =# Tix z#, ^ ~ ` O^~ ZOK<= ~A KH Q h K H^! Jx
W^ =` ^_`<~. Q` H<Q tOK_.
=xH ~=x =~ D ^u H H~}O H^ JO^ g~ ''WO` H~ = HO <#
Jx < =# ii q^Q PzOKyOk. "H OK`#O> Z=~ XCO\~O_?
U xK < < =# =# LO_k `Q_xH h H ` WC_ #= "H h
H^. WO` H+ _ < ~ ZO^ O@ O__O ^ ? " Jx < xH J_ _ ` ~. nxx PO`~ O
^=_ =# J<O K_O^? W Z< Z=~ QOKHQ Z_ ^= K@ =#
PK#` < =# HHO "^O k. ZO` W_ O U=Ok? nx=# ` O L# =
PzOz< ^=_ =# J<O K<_< f~^ H^ Jx "i~ . D ~A JO^~ ` =
JxOKyOk. XH~A <# h aO^# h =O =K e `xH Z^~ K< ~ `
aO^# Z`H x WO\H =O _Q ^i XH =e W_ K XH z# x=# Hx ~A `~`
=H ZO_ `x `@HH h_ "`O@ =K ^ e `O QiOz Z=~ PzOK_O ^ .
#_< _. J`# ## K ''^ H`O D Ti JO^H D ^u ZOK<#. JO^~ #
ZO` KH Q ^i_=< U^ XH K@O_k. K\ K # ~ H K O_ D ~O^O _ aO^`<
h_ ^iHk. WC_ K_ XH K>< ^ . WQ h\x ` L<#. W ~E P K@H hO^_O
K@h H> O@ ` D Ti h\ H~ "O Y~ = Jq iy ^= =`<~ Jx K_.
uO_H _ Q_= ^ J<_. J^O\ `` J g~ PK< ^~}x JO^ `Q@ Q
JO\=. =~ iQ _H ` Z=~O K~ ? J`# K # H$+x K ~[ ''g~ ! h
Jx J_Q#. ^xH P# | <# ^ ^ PK# K ~ O k. WO^ K `# ""
K^ = K^ =H^ Hh < XH q+ O =`O ^y L<~. =# Ti Z^~ # h\ =#
Yz`=Q ` Q=O`_ K Q"_, QiOz <# _ K =^# _#. Hh <#
Z=iH J< O K _ . =O^ K ` nxH =O QOKH #. h= K#
PzOKO_ =# =#O =#O K# q+ O K x[O. ^=_ ZC_ Z=iH J<O
J<qk. P `` K # =@` < H#qC K _, =# P# Wz# H$ ux =#" <#O
Hey#@~Ok. Wk ^=_ K# J<O H^ K O@<O. =# =#" J< O
=# =#" J<O K O@<O JxOzOk. K O@<O. H$ ux =#O iQ KO><
=#O ~O` K@ H><O, H$ux _ H$ u =# KH Q HiO k. h\ = HH
K < O. JO^= =# =~ iQ _@ O ^ . <_ =#+ Z^~O@# K = ` =
< z _# aO^#O_ H~`# h= < `_ =O< e ` O^# "i `O^~ @
=\ Oz =K "#" < ^ =oOk. P =i ~" H~}O. Hh hO\ =Oz"
"#` < `ex T~@ HeyOk. D h\x = JO^iH ZO` " [~Q`Ok. h= q[``
L yOz ^i _Q< Hx K@ Oz` < D Ti = Q H~}x Q Oz x~O Q
` ~ ` ` ~ "i H < x H O ^ x O zOk. D Ti Q HO H$+ K < =. W k=Ok
^i_Q< Hx q`< "#. ~E <aO^ HO PzOK "iH Q = O`_ Z_ `_Q
#=O|~ 2015 ^~^x 22
LO@ Jx q^ _` _. h= K# D x=# LOOz#_ H$u <#O
H x H ^ = _ ` O_ =Oz u x
J=`Ok. `` e `OQ =#=_ _ #+`_.
JOk_ . #= K D =Ozx QiOz =#O J^q^OQ Q=O`_ =# JOkOz# ^~x
JO^iH `e*^O. K Q Z^Q`# K@# K ~HOz#_ =[= Ou <HO@Ok,
J~< "i PK< ^~} =~`O^x Pt^O rq` = # = a O k. ZO^ ~
Jx g~ ` K_. =#= ^~ |^" # rq`x Q_ =~O^iH
''^~ ~Hu ~H` =$H ~Hu ~H` P^~OQ xez =[= Hx `~ =~
=#O ^~x H_` ^~O =## H_`Ok, ^~ # [iQ H$+ K~. =#O^~O _ W^
=#O H$ux H_` H$u =# HiOk. q^OQ H$+ K ^~|^"#, Ou`"#
'' H $ u Q = O` x x == =*x O KHQQ`=.
J#Q}OQ< LO@Ok. =x+ `# ~O ` D~
Samaj News
146th ASADHOTSAV - 2015 The 146th Chandra Das joined in hymns. The Utsav was
anniversary Of establishment of Brahmo Samaj well attended, and all Present were served with
at Balasore was celebrated with a two days Preethi Bhojan on the Whole-Day Utsav. .
Programme on 13th & 14th July 2015. The utsav 187 th BHADROTSAV-2015 The 187 th
commenced with Udbodhan on 13th evening Sri Anniversary of establishment of Brahmo Sabha
Amarendra Kar conducted the prayer and by Mahatma Raja Rammohun Roy was
narrated briefly the history of Brahmo Movement celebrated in the Brahmo Mandir on Dt-
at Balasore. He paid rich tributes to Vyaskabi 23.08.2015 Sunday. Special Divine Service on
Fakir Mohan Sanapati, Bhakta Bhagaban this Occasion was held in the morning session,
Chendra Das, Sadhu Nandalal Bandopadhay, conducted by Sri Amarendra Kar. The Acharya
and Yogi Padmolochan Das, The four founders Emphasized That Rammohuns Brahmo Sabha
of this Samaj, and subsequent followers who have was a place of common worship for all men
served to propagate the movement. Hymns on women irrespective of cast, creed, colour and
this occasion was prepared by Sarbasari Biswa nationality for the one and only Supreme Father,
Ranjan Panda, Jitendra Kar, Sudhir Chandra Das the creator and preserver of this universe, which
and Smt. Dipti Panda. is unique in the history of world religion. He also
On 14th July morning special Divine stressed that we have got the responsibility to
Service was conducted by Sri Tapobrata propagate this great ideology in order to make
Brahmachari of Kolkata accompanied by this world an Abode of peace and Tranquillity.
Sarbasrimati Debzani Brahmachari Dipti Panda On this occasion hymns were prepared by
and Sarbasri Biswa Ranjan Panda, Jitendra Kar, Sarbasri Biswa Ranjan Panda, Jitendra Kar &
Sudhir Candra Das In hymns. Finally the Sudhir Chandra Das.
congregation stood up and sang together Namo The same evening, a special programme
Deva Namo Deva Namo Niranjan Hari. After The of Brahmo Sangeet was held by singers of
Prayer Services Annual General Body Meeting Kolkata Brahmo Sama.The session commenced
was held. Since Sri Shibesh Kumar Das has with a short introduction by Sri Prasun Ganguly
expressed his inability to continue as President followed by about fifteen Brahmo Sangeet by
due to his pretty old age, Sri Amarendra Kar was Sarbasmt. Reena Dolon Bandopadhay, Nabanita
elected as President and rest of the office- Sen and Sarbasir Sekhar Gupta, Subhashish
bearers and Executive Body are allowed to Mazumdar and Subhrajit Adak. The programme
continue as before. was highly appreciated by one and all. Finally
In the evening Santibachan was Sri Jitendra Kar Secretary of the Samaj thanked
conducted by Sri Biswa Ranjan Panda as the singers and Sri Ganguly for making the
Acharya and Sarbasri Jitendra Kar & Sudhir programme a grand success.
#=O|~ 2015 ^~^x 23
U.N.BRAHMO SAMAJ, BALASORE Chandra Das joined in hymns. The Utsav was
146th ASADHOTSAV -2015The 146th anniversary well attended, and all Present were served with
Of establishment of Brahmo Samaj at Balasore Preethi Bhojan on the Whole-Day Utsav. .
was celebrated with a two days Program on 13th 187 th BHADROTSAV-2015 The 187 th
& 14th July 2015. The utsav commenced with Anniversary of establishment of Brahmo Sabha
Udbodhan on 13th evening. Sri Amarendra Kar by Mahatma Raja Rammohun Roy was
conducted the prayer and narrated briefly the celebrated in the Brahmo Mandir on Dt-
history of Brahmo Movement at Balasore. He 23.08.2015 Sunday. Special Divine Service on
paid rich tributes to Vyaskabi Fakir Mohan this Occasion was held in the morning session,
Sanapati, Bhakta Bhagaban Chendra Das, conducted by Sri Amarendra Kar. The Acharya
Sadhu Nandalal Bandopadhay, and Yogi Emphasized That Rammohuns Brahmo Sabha
Padmolochan Das, The four founders of this was a place of common worship for all men
Samaj, and subsequent followers who have women irrespective of cast, creed, color and
served to propagate the movement. Hymns on nationality for the one and only Supreme Father,
this occasion were prepared by Sarbasari Biswa the creator and preserver of this universe, which
Ranjan Panda, Jitendra Kar, Sudhir Chandra Das is unique in the history of world religion. He also
and Smt. Dipti Panda. stressed that we have got the responsibility to
On 14th July morning special Divine propagate this great ideology in order to make
Service was conducted by Sri Tapobrata this world an Abode of peace and Tranquility. On
Brahmachari of Kolkata accompanied by this occasion hymns were prepared by Sarbasri
Sarbasrimati Debzani Brahmachari Dipti Panda Biswa Ranjan Panda, Jitendra Kar & Sudhir
and Sarbasri Biswa Ranjan Panda, Jitendra Kar, Chandra Das.
Sudhir Candra Das in hymns. Finally the The same evening, a special program of
congregation stood up and sang together Namo Brahmo Sangeet was held by singers of Kolkata
Deva Namo Deva Namo Niranjan Hari. After The Brahmo Sama. The session commenced with a
Prayer Services Annual General Body Meeting short introduction by Sri Prasun Ganguly followed
was held. Since Sri Shibesh Kumar Das has by about fifteen Brahmo Sangeet by Sarbasmt.
expressed his inability to continue as President Reena Dolon Bandopadhay, Nabanita Sen and
due to his pretty old age, Sri Amarendra Kar was Sarbasir Sekhar Gupta, Subhashish Mazumdar
elected as President and rest of the office- and Subhrajit Adak. The program was highly
bearers and Executive Body are allowed to appreciated by one and all. Finally Sri Jitendra Kar
continue as before. Secretary of the Samaj thanked the singers and Sri
In the evening Santibachan was Ganguly for making the program a grand success.
conducted by Sri Biswa Ranjan Panda as Report : Amarendra Kar
Acharya and Sarbasri Jitendra Kar & Sudhir

=[ "~
^~^, JH|~ 4 : P^xH ~` x~`, | ''=i QO^q+~}
=[ == N ~*~"#~ 182= ^~^ ^H < |=[ x~ ,
=~Ou (O|~ 27), |i ~u "OH@ ~`O =# N "~ ^~ <Q~ ''^~ ^x `k`~
<_ Qi 153= [#k#O (JH|~1), *u` uH Ki`"# `# "= #Oz 30
=`QOn 146= [#k#O (JH|~ 2) O^~OQ "= Ui i ''=i J# ~` QO^
D =Q ~ = h ^ ~ ^ ^ H < K ~} QqOK~. D QO^q+~}, JOH``=
| = [ =Ok~ O #OQ x" ^~^x `Q~ Q# OQ}O
JiOK_"#k. "i rq`= #Oz i fx O |~ 18# H# O_QQ *` H~O "i
~`*u B#`xH JO^~ `__x, JO^ P^ ~ O [iyOk. \ N~= ` Q
`y# H =~=# W==#kQ Q=O`x qq^ L^ PK~ Zi t"~_ Q~
iOK_"#k. =Y JukQ qKQ ~ il~ PK~
#=O|~ 2015 ^~^x 24
\.QsOH~Q~ J^H` =OK~. _IIH=~= Jx " = K H Q K ^ =H=_xH , =Oz
~[N Q~ QO^iKO K~. =Y f q+=# <~H=_xH ZO` ^^_`~.
"` _IIH.q.H$+ =i (H$+H ), _II=Hq ~u, N ^~<Q~ Wk=~ ''$^ =OE+ ~`
_IIZ.Z.=i, ^~^~ < ~ OK N F\ `= ~zOz# "=# K iOz<~. Wk "i
~fO, *` H~O ==H H~^i PK~ ~ O_ = K ~ } , "ix $^ ~ H = Q
Z.~` *`~} =#Q"~ QO^H~ qt+ Ja#Ok<=. "i HO #Oz WOH Z< =Oz
Q}#, P QO^O x q# qnHiOK~. D ~K# ~"# =#iQ H~`<=.
QO^= N ^~<Q~ ^ J#Q~# "~ D QO^= H=# "~ ~K~` N
QOQ~O P~QiH JOH`O K |_Ok. N ^~ <QiH " ~ ^ ~ < , # 207, i < ~ _ h ,
=, +QK=` =~ <xOK~. J~qO^#Q~, Opp.N.T.R.Stadium ^~^
OQ}O "`O Ju^` xO_~ ZO` 500029 z~<= OkOKQ~.
=K@Q HxOzOk. q^ "~ : ^~^ ^H< |=[ x~
D QO^ O\ 16 `Q, 14 WOw+ N =_k N~=H$+Q~ O|~ 18#
"= ~|_#q. <, =O, P^uH x~}O KO^~x `eK_xH zOu<=. g~
^#, O~ `O`O, =`$#, Hi# `, P~QO HiOz#O` =~ u Pk"~O H=O
=#= rq`=, ~O, Q=n`, w`O[e, ` H | = [ =Ok~xH qK = [
g q" H #O^ , ^ _ , =H ` =, H~H= ZO` L`O` <"~. g~
P^uH`<uH q=, O^, "Q, wisdom, s _IIH;u Qi g |O^=. gi =$u
infinite potential, To begin a New, Ideal, ^~^ ^H< |=[=# f~x @.
Gruhasthe, Holy mother- a Tribute, swadharma, Q=O`_ gi P` ` Ou kOKx
inner peace, happiness, security, tusni bhava in
iOK^=. "i @O| f= #u.
action, Death, Strength, Goal, Truth q+ =
O|~ 20 = `n# =[= gix iOKHx
OQOQ ZO` <~` q+ q=~} ~K~. x" JiOK_"#k.
O^= Message
Dharma Sadhani Editor,
}=O[, Pranams.
E 2015 ^ ~ ^ x = i Sanjoy Chanda addressing on
=^= 18= L^= ==# "iH maghotsav 2012, brahmo samajists in delhi, he
emphasised the need of the prayer and its form,
J<H ~HQ L^k z=~Q P`|k H _"# he says all great religions of the world
F ~"~ ! "= h ~}=< "_O@<=x recommend prayer to god. It is very true.
~}Qu "x \ O K~. JQ |kx He ends his address as, when life fades,
kOK = x, =OQ "# " x, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you
Q = k # ~ O Q =#O^ i x #_ O Kx, with out shame.
=#O^ix P# qh =Q KH"x, I thank you, as well as Sajoy Chanda
for giving such speech and publishing the same
Pj~kOz ~HOK=x K KHQ kOK~. in our bi monthly organ.
=~ "iH, JQ KiOz# O^H Siluveru Sudarshan,
|$O^xH < ` =O^#=. Bagya Nagar.
"~ ^~<, Q#Q~=
`n ^`~ = O^~ =
01.09.2015 "~ ^~< 348 1. J_ QO_\ KH^~ 55= [#k#O (19 #=O|~)
2. ~O_= =~_ FO H, *u~~ 16=
q""iH`=O (20 #=O|~)
3. ^# QOQ~O Qi 11= =~Ou (25 #=O|~)
giH $^~H H$`[`a=O^#=.
1. ~`=Y i~_, ~=# Pk, `k, UH""kf_ J~# Q=O`x O^
< q=Ok.
P` =~}O ^x, P`qHxH L# J=~=x, =#=x <uH =~# i ^`
J`x^ #x < #=HO.
2. UH~x `$"x, =#= `x, Jd qx x|^O K = `x <
3. $+x U ==# Qx, =Hx Qx Q=O`xQ lO#.
 =#=xH ^=xH #_= ^`, ~^~ J=~=x JOwHiO#.
 ~ `= U^ XH =H=, XH QO^O= =`" `eQ^x qO#.
 U =Hh, U QO^x U = x ~= =}Q QiO#.
 <# U O^xH |^_#Q#
 `O ZH_ ^#, U<\ ^< < t~^~O.
 Q=O`x =, OH q^< `HQ H u"xO^ `^OQ =Ok.
4. ^~^~ x~O < `*<x JO`^x qxyOK < iQ =Ok. D
O x~kH~O` < #z#^ Hi#.
5. P^uH# < x` H~##OQ J#. `^#Q}OQ < rq` ~x
fik^H=_xH H=OK# H u#.
nxH < Q=O`_ = KQH!


1. I believe in the existence of an all-perfect God, the origin and the ultimate of the
Universe, in the immortality of the soul, in the necessity and efficacy of spiritual worship,
and in the moral accountability of man.
2. I acknowledge the Fatherhood of God, Brotherhood of Man and the Kinship of all
Creation in Love
3. I hold that no created object or person is to be honoured as God, no book or prophet is
to be accepted as the sole and infallible source of Truth; and no mediator is to be
recognised between man and God. I believe in natural and universal revelation. Truth is
mine wherever it is.
4. In judging right and wrong I have the right to use my reason and conscience, and with
this principle of self-determination I accept the good.
5. I cultivate the exercise of spiritual worship and prayerfully endeavour to live by these
beliefs and ideals.
May God help me in this.
 |^~ ^O` J#Q}"# "` ~K#, ", ~K~` #O_
 |^~ O q=~}H Qx, O^ Q Qx ~ J_Q= K#. =^# ~O
uH K iOKQ =.
 H@# ~O Qx, q~Q Qx, ` ~O Qx uH O
K =#kQ H~`<=. -O^

J=H=# ^= Q ##q
1. P`<+} (_ II QQ\ H;u) ... 15000
2. <# (_ II QQ\ H;u) ... 15000
3. |#O^ H =KO^< ... 2-00
4. |i "OH@~` ^` ... 10-00
5. h~[#O - ~# (PK~ `~=|O) ... 30-00
6. |^~ HtH - Part I ... 20-00
7. |^~ HtH - Part II & III ... 30-00
8. Brahmo Theology - Part III .... 20-00
9. Glimpses of the Eternal - By Acharya P. Sitaramabrahmam .... 70-00
10. Brahmo, Prarthana Samajas in India
11. Sermons .... 40-00
12. | w`O[e (4= K ~}) ... 40-00
13. Rabindranath Tagore Gitanjali An Attempt at Interpretation
by Sri Peddada Ramaswamy .... 15-00
14. |^~ O (^O`O - ^# ) ... 15-00
15. J#k# OQ ~# ... 5-00
16. Heart Beats (Prayers by Acharya P. Sitaramabrahmam) .... 40-00
17. |^~ ~ x~} ... 10-00
D H = aOK #=
J^ , PO^ |=[=
C 211, q+~ _h , gk <O.11, QOn#Q~, ^~^ - 500 080.

''^~^x uH O@= 1 #Oz 12 =~ HkQ L#q.

H=# "~ ` OKH#=K#.
q_ u ~.6/- O@=(4 uH ~.20/- Y~ J^#=)

D uH K iO|_# ~K# x " ^ ` ~K~ `^.

^~ ^x H Qx, PO^ |=*xHQx O|O^O ^ .

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