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Scrum is light weight method used for the development of software.

Its principle lies in the fact that small teams working cross functionally produce good results.
Scrum is more revenue centric with attention on improving revenue and quality of the software.
Since being lightweight it can adapt to changing requirements and releases the software in small release
cycles called sprints (Pathak and Saha 2013).
Scrum does not require or provide any specific software development methods/practices to be used.
Instead, it requires certain management practices and tools in different phases of Scrum to avoid the
chaos by unpredictability and complexity (Rising and Janoff 2000).
Key Scrum practices are discussed below (Schwaber and Beedle 2002)
Prioritized list of all features and changes that have yet to be made to the system
desired by multiple actors (customers, marketing & sales and project team). The
Product Backlog -
Product Owner is responsible for maintaining the Product Backlog.
It is the list of features that is currently assigned to a particular Sprint. When all the
Sprint Backlog -
features are completed a new iteration of the system is delivered.
Sprints are 30-days in length, it is the procedure of adapting to the changing
Sprints - environmental variables (requirements, time, resources, knowledge, technology
etc) and must result in a potentially shippable increment of software.

According to (Pathak and Saha 2013) the 3 important parties in scrum are the product owner, scrum
master and team. The product owner specifies the various features of software, the release date and
priorities. The scrum master makes sure that the team is functioning properly, productively and enables
cooperation across all roles and functionality.
There are mainly three people involved:
i. Product owner
ii. Scrum master
iii. Project team or scrum team

C. Scrum
Pros Scrum fits well into small projects. Some work releases are created and requirements can be
prioritized in a well-structured manner. Cons Customer is offsite and tight customer collaboration is not
possible. Also improved team dynamics enabled by Scrum are not available in one-developer project.
(Rao, Naidu, and Chakka 2011)

Extreme programming (XP) is one of the first agile processes that have been proposed. XP consists of a
set of individual practices that when put together yield a successful software practice. The focus of XP is
on the business aspect of a project resulting in increased productivity (Pathak and Saha 2013).
The XP process can be characterized by short development cycles, incremental planning, continuous
feedback, reliance on communication, and evolutionary design (Beck 2000).
The lifecycle of an XP project is divided into six phases: Exploration, Planning, Iterations to release,
Production, Maintenance and Death (Beck 2000).
In the Exploration phase, the customer writes out the story cards they wish to be included in their
program. This leads to Planning phase where a priority order is set to each user story and a
schedule of the first release is developed. Next in the Iterations to Release phase, the development
team first iteration is to create a system with the architecture of the whole system then
continuously integrating and testing their code. Extra testing and checking of the performance of
the system before the system can be released to the customer is done in the Production phase.
Postponed ideas and suggestions found at this phase are documented for later implementation in
the updated releases made at the Maintenance phase. Finally the Death Phase is near when the
customer have no more stories to be implemented and all the necessary documentation of the
system is written as no more changes to the architecture, design or code is made (Awad 2005).
Crystal Clear

Awad, MA. 2005. "A comparison between agile and traditional software development methodologies."
University of Western Australia.
Beck, Kent. 2000. Extreme programming explained: embrace change: addison-wesley professional.
Pathak, Kaushal, and Anju Saha. 2013. "Review of agile software development methodologies."
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering no. 3
Rao, Kuda Nageswara, G Kavita Naidu, and Praneeth Chakka. 2011. "A study of the Agile software
development methods, applicability and implications in industry." International Journal of
Software Engineering and its applications no. 5 (2):35-45.
Rising, Linda, and Norman S Janoff. 2000. "The Scrum software development process for small teams."
IEEE software no. 17 (4):26-32.
Schwaber, Ken, and Mike Beedle. 2002. Agile software development with Scrum. Vol. 1: Prentice Hall
Upper Saddle River.

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