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I J I N DI K TI NO : 7 2/ D/ T/ 2 0 09
Alamat : Jl.Diponegoro No.39 PALU 94221 Sulawesi Tengah Telp.(0451) 4720029 Fax. (0451) 460227



Subject : Medical English 1

Times/credits : 145 minutes/2

Remark : Close book


1. Pray first before you do the test

2. Do the easiest then the rest
3. Ask the supervisor if you do not understand the questions
4. Cheating is a crime, so do and trust yourself
5. Borrowing something from your friends is not allowed
6. Good luck!

If you or someone you care for is taking medicines. It is important to have the
right information. Modern medicines are safe and effective. But to get the most
out of your medicines you need to know how to use them- and, where appropriate-
how choose them. But where do you get the facts and advice you need? Some
peopleturn to friends and neighbors, to books and magazines and, increasingly, the
internet. But for expert advice near where do you live, shop. Or work ask your local
As expert
Pharmacists are experts in medicines and can help you to make the right choices.
They are highly trained in all aspects of medicines and their professional code
ensuresthat any information you share remains confidential. This expert knowledge
can help you understand more about your medicines so that you can use them safely
and effectively,
Medicines matter
To protect the public, all medicines must be tested and officially authorized to
make sure that they are safe and produced to a quality standard. There are
different types of medicines. Some are only available on prescription, others are
only available from pharmacies, and there are a small number that can be bought
from other retail outlets. To be sure that you get the best product and advice for
you needs, ask your pharmacist, the expert on medicines.
Everyday health
Your pharmacist can supply medicines for a range of minor problems and can advice
you about the best way of treating problems such as coughs and colds, sprains and
bruises, headlice, cold sores, and skin problems. To get the best advice, explain how
long you have had the problem and how it make you feel. Give the names and
dosages of any other medicines you are taking and dont forget to mention any
herbal or other complementary remedies.
If you dont feel comfortable about discussing your health at the pharmacy counter,
you can speak to the pharmacist in a quiet area away from other customers.
Getting the most from your medicines
Always read the instructions on the label or in the leaflet. If you are unsure about
how to take your medicines, then ask your pharmacist.
Medicines work in different ways.
Some are taken before you eat so they get into your system quickly
Some need to be taken on their own as they dont work properly if taken with
certain foods, herbal preparations, or other medicines.
Some are taken with or after food because there is a chance that they could
otherwise irritate your stomach.

Together, you and your pharmacist can work out how best to choose and take your
medicine so that it fits in with your daily routine.

Read the text above carefully and then answer the questions bellow!

1. Look at the tittle and skim the article quickly. Who is the text written for?
a. Pharmacists c. Doctors
b. The general public
2. What is the main topic of the article?
a. Advice for patients on obtaining medication cheaply
b. Advice pharmacists about what the general public should know
c. Advising people about knowledge of medication
3. Match highlighted words in the text with these meanings.
1. Shops
2. Unorthodox/unconventional/traditional
3. Herpes simplex
4. Ask for help from somebody
5. Guarantee
6. Obtain the maximum benefit from
7. Insects which infest the hair
8. Approved
4. Answer these questions.
1. How are modern medicines described?
2. How can people get expert advice?
3. How is public safety protected as regards medicines?
4. How should people obtain the best advice from pharmacists?
5. Why do some medication need to be taken with food?

A. 1. Study the case notes. Write the questions the doctor asked to obtain
the numbered information.
OCCUPATION Bank Clerk (2)
severe headache, boring in nature (3)
Mainly in and around R eyes (4)
Can radiate to forehead (5), comes on at any time (6) and can vary in
Duration 1-2 hrs (7), no precipitating (8) or relieving (9) factors.
Has noticed haloes around lights with some blurry vision in R eyes and
Vomiting (10)

2. Read the continuation of the case notes. Write the doctors questions.

PMH similar headaches 10 yrs, coming every 3 mths, often premenstrual. Aggravated by
eating chocolate: relieved by lying in dark room. Can have visual aura, blurred vision,
nausea +t.d.s vomiting.

Doctor : Can you tell me what the problem is?

Patient : Ive got a terrible headache.

Doctor : (1) ...............................................................................................................?

Patient : Just here

Doctor : (2) .............................................................................................................. ?

Patient : well, its really bad and it throbs.

Doctor : Have you had anything like this before?

Patient : Yes, about every three months. Ive had them for the last ten years or so.

Doctor : (3) ............................................................................................................ ?

Patient : Usually one or two days. This one started yesterday morning.

Doctor : (4) ......................................................................................................... ?

Patient : They usually start just before my period. Sometimes if I eat chocolate.

Im not sure.

Doctor : (5) ............................................................................................................. ?

Patient : If I lie down in a dark room it helps. Light makes them worse.

Doctor : (6) ................................................................................................................. ?

Patient : If I move my head. It gets more painful.

Doctor : A part from the headache, (7) ...................................................... ?

Patient : Yes, my eyes feels strange. Sometimes I cant see clearly, things get

Blurred. I feel sick and sometime I am sick.

B. Write the instructions to describe the movements in the pictures.

C. Mentioned 5 of tools in the investigation!

Good luck

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