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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 80, 104029 (2009)

Lifshitz black hole in three dimensions

Eloy Ayon-Beato,1,* Alan Garbarz,2, Gaston Giribet,3, and Mokhtar Hassane4,x
Departamento de Fsica, CINVESTAV-IPN, Apartado Postal 14740, 07000, Mexico D.F., Mexico
Departamento de Fsica, Universidad de Buenos Aires FCEN - UBA, Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellon 1, 1428,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, at the Physics Department of New York University CCPP - NYU, 4 Washington Place,
New York 10003, USA
Instituto de Matematica y Fsica, Universidad de Talca, Casilla 747, Talca, Chile
(Received 10 September 2009; published 20 November 2009)
We show that three-dimensional massive gravity admits Lifshitz metrics with generic values of the
dynamical exponent z as exact solutions. At the point z 3, exact black hole solutions that are
asymptotically Lifshitz arise. These spacetimes are three-dimensional analogues of those that were
recently proposed as gravity duals for anisotropic scale invariant fixed points.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.80.104029 PACS numbers: 04.60.Kz, 04.70.Dy, 11.25.Tq

The enormous success of gauge-gravity duality [1] has The basic idea is to look for spacetime geometries that
triggered the interest in generalizing the holographic tech- incarnate the dynamical scaling symmetry (1). The space-
niques to other areas of physics. Recently, the attempts to times that were identified as possible gravity duals for
generalize gauge/gravity correspondence (AdS/CFT) to these Lifshitz fixed points are [5]
nonrelativistic condensed matter physics have received
considerable attention. Besides being an active line of r2z 2 l2 2 r2 2
ds2  dt 2 dr 2 dx~ ; (2)
research, this has given raise to very interesting new ideas; l2z r l
see Ref. [2] and references therein for a review.
Recently, candidates to be gravity duals for nonrelativ- where x~ is a d-dimensional vector. It is simple to see that
istic scale invariant theories, both exhibiting Galilean in- these spacetimes are invariant under the rescaling
variance or not, have been proposed. In Refs. [3,4], t; x;
~ r z t; x; ~ 1 r. It was also shown in [5] that
spacetimes whose isometry group is the so-called metrics (2) with d 2 arise as solutions of general rela-
Schrodinger group were proposed to be gravity duals for tivity with a negative cosmological constant and p-form
Galilean and scale invariant systems. In Ref. [5], the scale gauge fields as sources.
invariant fixed points that do not exhibit Galilean symme- The proposal for the holographic prescription in [5]
try were also analyzed, and the metric of the corresponding follows the standard AdS/CFT recipe. In the (d 2)-
gravity duals were introduced [see Eq. (2) below]. These dimensional bulk defined by the spacetime (2), one con-
metrics manifestly exhibit the anisotropic scale invariance siders a massive scalar mode whose asymptotic behavior in
the near boundary limit takes the form r  z

0 r
t z t; x~ x;
~ (1) z
0 r . This yields the relation between the mass of the
scalar mode m in the bulk and the conformal dimension
which is characterized by the dynamical critical exponent
z of the associated operator Oz in the boundary theory,
z. The value z 1 corresponds to the standard scaling
behavior of conformal invariant systems. given by z z
   z  d m l . As consequence, the
2 2

The typical example of a model with such a scaling Breitenlohner-Freedman type bound m2 l2 > z d2 =4
symmetry is the Lifshitz model with z 2; this is the arises. Then, one considers the branch z  , whose fall-off
reason why the metrics of the proposed gravity duals are does not spoil the asymptotic behavior of the metric at
usually referred to as Lifshitz spacetimes. This type of infinity. Finally, one is ready to match bulk and boundary
Lifshitz fixed point appears in systems of strongly corre- observables computing correlators of physical operators.
lated electrons and other interesting problems in condensed In [5], the case of a two-point correlation function
matter physics. In turn, having a holographic description hO2 xO2 yi was analyzed.
for these phenomena would be of great importance to Of great importance is to introduce finite temperature
describe condensed matter systems in the strongly coupled effects in the story. With this motivation, black hole solu-
regime. tions in Lifshitz spaces (2) were also investigated in the
literature. However, in spite of the apparently simple form
* of the spacetimes (2), the problem of finding analytic exact black hole solutions that asymptote these metrics turned out to be a highly nontrivial problem. In Ref. [6], a par-
x ticular solution was found, which corresponds to a four-

1550-7998= 2009=80(10)=104029(4) 104029-1 2009 The American Physical Society

AYON-BEATO et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 80, 104029 (2009)
dimensional topological black hole, which is asymptoti- the Virasoro algebra that generates the group of asymptotic
cally Lifshitz with dynamical exponent z 2. In AdS3 symmetries vanishes. At this point, solutions with
Refs. [7,8], numerical solutions were also explored. interesting properties have been exhibited in [16,17],
Lifshitz black holes were also studied in Refs. [911], where the asymptotically AdS3 solutions were shown to
and while this paper was being finished the paper [12] present a relaxed fall-off at infinity [18,19]. We will see
just appeared, where a similar analytical solution was below that y 1=2 is precisely the point where the
found for z 2 with d 2. The problem of embedding dynamical exponent z of the solutions we find takes the
these black holes in string theory was addressed in value z 1. In this case, the Lifshitz spacetime becomes
Ref. [13], where a remarkable solution with z 3=2 was AdS3 as it can be seen also from the scaling property (1)
found. Moreover, from the analysis performed in Ref. [13], which corresponds to that of the conformal group.
it becomes evident how difficult is generalizing the solu- At y 1=2, the theory also exhibits special proper-
tion to other values of z. In particular, some no-go theo- ties. It was shown in [16] that at this point the scalar modes
rems for the string theory embedding have been discussed of gravitational waves in AdS3 space precisely saturates
in Ref. [14]. the Breitenlonher-Freedman bound; this fact is closely
The main result of this paper is to show the existence of related to the emergence of solutions with a relaxed fall-
black hole solutions of three-dimensional massive gravity off, which are typically given by logarithmic asymptotic
that are asymptotically Lifshitz with z 3. In addition, we branches in convenient system of coordinates. Also for y
will also establish that the vacua of three-dimensional 1=2, the theory admits interesting black hole solutions
massive gravity includes metrics (2) for generic values of [20,21] that generalize the static Banados-Teitelboim-
dynamical critical exponent z. Zanelli (BTZ) black hole [22,23]. These (former) black
The theory we will consider is the so-called new massive holes also present a weakened version of Brown-Henneaux
gravity (NMG) [15], which has attracted much attention AdS3 boundary conditions [24]. As we will show below,
recently due to its very appealing properties. NMG is the dynamical exponent of our Lifshitz vacua when y
defined by supplementing Einstein-Hilbert action with 1=2 corresponds to z 3, and this is precisely the point
the particular square-curvature terms, which gives rise to where we will also find exact analytic black hole solutions
field equations with a second order trace. At the linearized with Lifshitz asymptotic. For completeness, let us mention
level, it is equivalent to the Fierz-Pauli action for a massive that NMG admits solutions with full or partial Schrodinger
spin-2 particle in three dimensions, which turns out to be a isometry [16]. These solutions correspond to the three-
unitary model. The space of solutions of the theory was dimensional analogues of the spacetimes considered in
studied recently, and it became clear that it includes ge- [3,4] as gravity duals for cold atoms. The full
ometries of great interest, like black holes, warped-AdS3 Schrodinger group arises at the point y 17=2.
spaces, and AdS waves. In this paper, we are concerned with spacetimes with no
The action of the NMG is [15] Galilean symmetry. We first analyze solutions that are of
1 Z 3 p 1 3 the Lifshitz-type [5]. It is possible to verify that the equa-
S d x g R  2  2 R R  R2 : tions of motion (5) admit solutions of the form (2) for a
16G m 8 generic dynamical exponent z. In fact, it parameterizes the
(3) mass and the cosmological constant as
The associated field equations read y 12z2  3z 1; w 12z2 z 1: (7)
1 1
R  Rg g  2 K 0; (4) In other words, Lifshitz vacua exist for generic z provided
2 2m an appropriate tuning of the coupling constants. This im-
where plies that Lifshitz solutions with z 1 are only possible if
the coupling constants satisfy the conditions l2  3=8
1 1
K 2hR  r r R  hRg 4R R and m2 l2  5=8. On the other hand, we also have the AdS3
2 2 vacua z 1, and its identifications, for a different relation
3 3 between the coupling constants w 1 1=4y.
 RR  R R g R2 g : (5)
2 8 Let us turn to the problem of finding black hole solutions
Here, we will consider G 1=8. It is also convenient to of NMG that are asymptotically Lifshitz. In order to ac-
define the dimensionless parameters complish this goal, we consider the following ansatz:

m2 l2 y; l2 w: r2z l2 r2
ds2  2z
Frdt2 2 Hrdr2 2 dx2 ;
This gravity theory exhibits special properties at the points l r l

y 1=2: (6) where Fr and Hr are functions of the radial coordinate.

We will demand these functions to obey limr!1 Fr
In particular, at y 1=2, the central charge associated to limr!1 H 1 r 1 and to present a single zero at a given

radius r r , where the horizon would be located, by imposing boundary conditions at the horizon; see the
namely, Fr H1 r 0. analysis of [12]. Actually, analyzing the similarities with
Intriguingly, for z 3, which corresponds to the par- the case z 2, d 2 of [12] is interesting. As in [12], the
ticular point y 1=2, w 13=2, the field equations scalar field equation in the background (9) admits an exact
with the appropriate asymptotic conditions turn out to be expression in terms of hypergeometric functions. The re-
solved by semblance with the case z 2, d 2 would make pos-
sible the adaptation of the analysis of [12] to our example
Fr H 1 r 1  ; (8) and arrive to similar conclusions, like the exclusion of
r2 ultralocal form for the dual correlators [26].
where M is an integration constant. Then, the static asymp- Of course, a black hole solution for the case z 1 is
totically Lifshitz black hole for z 3 is given by already known; it corresponds to the static BTZ black hole
r6 Ml2 dr2  
ds2  6 1  2 dt2 r2 r2 d2 ; (9) r2 Ml2 2 dr2
l r l2  M ds  2 1  2 dt r2
2 r2 d2 : (11)
l r l2  M
where we have renamed  x=l and the identification
  2 have been considered. The metric (9) In some sense, the solution (9) can be thought of as a
presents a curvature singularity at r 0 and a single event cousin of the three-dimensional static BTZ black hole,
horizon located at which arises for a different value of the dynamical expo-
p nent z. Within the parametrization (7) the two black hole
r l M : solutions z 1 and z 3 appear at the two special points
It is interesting to note that the z 3 Lifshitz scale sym- (6) discussed above.
metry, t 3 t, x x, r 1 r, is preserved provided It is worth noticing that the black hole solution (9) is
the parameter is allowed to rescale as M 2 M. conformally equivalent to a black string solution of the
The Hawking temperature associated to the black hole form
solution (9) can be easily computed by requiring regularity  
r2 dr2
on the tip of the Euclidean geometry after periodic identi- ds 2 frdt
2 2
dx ;
l fr
fication. This yields the result
4 2
with fr rl4 1  Ml
, and where the coordinate x l
r3 M3=2
TH 4 ; (10) was again uncompactified by taking the universal covering
2l 2l of . It can be seen that, by boosting this black string
which is consistent with the behavior TH  rz found in solution along the x direction, one can construct a rotating
other examples. A complete analysis of the thermodynam- version of the spacetime (9). This spinning version of the
ical properties would require a better understanding of the solution will be discussed somewhere else [26].
computation of conserved charges for these backgrounds in The fact of having found that the theory defined by
NMG and, in particular, of the counterterms involved. This action (3) admits Lifshitz solutions with generic values
will be discussed elsewhere [26]. for the dynamical exponent z is highly nontrivial. To
It turns out that the radial configuration for a massive illustrate how difficult finding such a solutions in a
scalar field r in the black hole background (9) can be higher-curvature theory can be, let us consider the case
explicitly found in terms of hypergeometric functions. of five-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory
1 Z 5 p
  S d x gR 12l2
Ml2 22k 2
0 F k; 1 k; 1 2k; r
r2  l2 R2  4R R R R ; (13)
Ml2 22k

0 F k; 1  k; 1  2k; r ; which is a simpler example as it yields field equations of
r2 second order. It can be shown that, for generic values of the
where k  12 m2 l2 4 and m is the mass of the scalar coupling constant , this theory only admits solutions of
field. Notice that this exhibits the expected behavior at the Lifshitz-type for z 1; that is, the only solution cor-
3 responds to locally AdS5 . The only point where curious
large distances, which reproduces the falling of r features arise is for  1=4, where the theory suffers
discussed above, as 3  2  2k. It is also worth noticing enhancement of symmetry. Indeed, for  1=4, the action
that the solution exhibits a logarithmic dependence at k (13) can be written as a five-dimensional Chern-Simons
0, namely m2 l2 4, where a Breitenlonher-Freedman action, and thus it enjoys local gauge invariance under the
bound is saturated. This is a common feature in similar SO2; 4 group. At this point, Lifshitz solutions are admit-
solutions on AdS space. Coefficients  0 are determined ted for generic values of z due to the well-known degen-

AYON-BEATO et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 80, 104029 (2009)
eracies of the Chern-Simons theory; see also [25] for a After all, one knows that, in certain cases, the inclusion of
consideration of the ISO1; 4 invariant Chern-Simons the Cotton tensor produces the enlargement of the space of
theory 1= 0. This degeneracy in the value of the dy- allowed configurations [16]. However, one can verify that
namical exponent is closely related to the nonrenormaliza- this is not the case of the Lifshitz solutions. Remarkably,
tion of z that happens at  1=4, which was implicitly the addition of the Cotton tensor in the action generically
observed in [28]. Nevertheless, even at this special point excludes the Lifshitz configurations, as the only cases that
where degeneracy in z arises, asymptotically Lifshitz black are allowed correspond to z 0 and z 1.
holes do not seem to exist (for z 1). This makes the
The authors thank M. Aiello, A. Garca, J. Oliva, and R.
solution (9) of particular interest.
Troncoso for conversations. The work of A. G. is supported
Besides its uses as a remarkably simple model to explore
by University of Buenos Aires. G. G. is Member of the
the d > 1 analogues, it could be interesting to investigate
CIC-CONICET, Argentina, on leave of absence from
whether a more direct application of this d 1 Lifshitz
University of Buenos Aires. This work has been partially
solution to condensed matter physics exists. In particular,
supported by Grant No. 1090368 from FONDECYT, by the
exploring the relation to the models discussed in [29]
project Redes de Anillos R04 from CONICYT, by Grant
would be interesting.
UBACyT X861 from UBA, by Grant PICT 00849 from
Finally, one might also wonder whether a wider sector of
ANPCyT, and by Grant Nos. 82443 and 45946-F from
Lifshitz fixed points arises if one considers the general-
ization of three-dimensional massive gravity that amounts
to including the Cotton tensor in the gravity action [15,30].

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