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Version 9.2.0
Created 14-JUL-2000
Updated 03-APR-2001
Updated 21-JAN-2002

This document describes the structure of the Schema directory, instructions for
creating the schemas.

1. Structure of the Schemas directory

The Schema directory contains the following files and sub-folders:

mksample.sql -- script that erases all Sample Schemas and recreates t
CAUTION: This script contains directory paths that mi
only suit one specific installation.
mk_dir.sql -- script that sets the DIRECTORY objects. This script i
invoked during database creation by the Database
Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
CAUTION: This script contains directory paths that mi
only suit one specific installation.
README.txt -- explains the process of creating schemas

The following folders contain scripts to drop and create database objects, load
human_resources -- hr_main.sql creates or recreates the schema
-- hr_drop.sql drops all objects, but not the user
order_entry -- oe_main.sql creates or recreates the whole OE schema
-- oe_drop.sql drops all relational objects, but not the
-- oc_main.sql creates the OC subschema and is called by
oe_main.sql (OC stands for Online Catalog)
-- oc_srop.sql drops all the object-relational parts of
the OC subschema
product_media -- pm_main.sql creates or recreates the PM schema
-- pm_drop.sql drops all objects, but not the user
shipping -- qs_main.sql creates or recreates the QS schema
(QS stands for Queued Shipping)
-- qs_drop.sql drops all objects, but not the user
sales_history -- sh_main.sql creates or recreates the SH schema
-- sh_drop.sql drops all objects, but not the user

2. Instructions to create the schemas:
1) Decide on passwords for the Sample Schemas. For illustration purposes,
let's assume the passwords are:
HR: H19
OE: O34
PM: P94
QS: Q12
SH: S87
NOTE: Please make sure to use your own, secret passwords
2) Invoke the Sample Schema creation script:
SQL> @?/demo/schema/mksample TWEETY2or1 TAHITY9or4 H19 O34 P94 Q12 S87
3) The first 4 Sample Schemas take little time to be created. The
SH schema takes about 30 to 45 minutes to complete.
4) At the end of the mksample script, the data dictionary is queried to
list all objects created.
3. Schema dependencies and requirements:
The HR schema does not require any other schema other than SYS and SYSTEM to
be present. Nor does the HR schema use datatypes od objects more recent than
The OE schema requires the database to be enabled for spatial data.
The PM schema requires the database to be enabled for Intermedia, which in
turn requires a java-enabled database.
The SH schema uses Partitioning.
Please refer to the Oracle9i Documentation for more detailed information
about the Oracle9i Sample Schemas.

4. Known bugs

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