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Ascension, The Game of Divinity; 3.

5 D&D(Sandbox, Deity/Creation PvP)

Ascension, The Game of Divinity


"In an empire of a million worlds, how much can one man truly matter?"

The cylindrical death & rebirth of Creation has come to full circle,but fear not the end, for it
is our salvation! Praise it for is not destruction simply the prelude for creation anew!;
Gtterdmmerung has past, & with it the monopolization of divine essence; quintessential
to molding unreality at whomever's whim. Whether by choice or circumstance, the
recipients of this "blessing" develop a insatiable thirst for "more". The primary goal is to
garner enough worship to ascend to over-godhood, but remember: "For every hero
commemorated, a thousand martyrs must perish, unmourned & unremembered." How you
weave the threads & tend to your congregation is a matter of personal preference; shall it
be a placid island of ignorance in the midst of the diactic seas of infinity or something far
grander; will your heralds, be-like acolytes retrconing your history per revision, shall their
zealotry purge raid their heretical counterparts for souls to convert & hoarding them more
than a dragon's treasure trove? Sectarianism between cults is not only permitted, but
expected,aka: PvP between players & groups.

Without the old-gods to beckon them, the departed became commodities, as their piety was
valued so to did their form, resemble currency, both metaphorically & literally. Their
memories & egos distiled became impressionable for form & corporeal rebirth. Those that
preserved their consciousness were no less cast adrift & infused their counterparts, this
cellular process, turns them into zeitgeists roaming unreality for most of eternality.

The crystallization process can occur, when strain or loss of moral affect the specter, shortly
after, gradual hardening will result in loss of incorporable traits; these rocks, usually merge
existing continents, & form Incarnate earth, or form the bedrock of new lands. This process,
does not limit itself to rock formations, other aspects of the land, metals & plant life, are
also suspect. Items created from these resources often posses an ego, or is otherwise
sentient to some degree. If one pays attention, it is possible to discern the discordant
cacophony of mummers, or moans, of forgotten souls.

Other possible transformations, include the division or singularity of personalities; if a soul

lacks the will to maintain its individuality or perpetuates the belief in something greater than
its self preservation, it can devolve into a single trait, or obsession, this distiled identity can
converge with others of its kind, this is often termed as a collective, if it is aggressive &
targets or possess a sentient been it is designated as a legion. If such an ideal, grows to
such magnitude it might influence the behavior of communities,& share a symbiotic
connection with its inhabitants, this is called a zeitgeist. The antithesis is that the soul
possess an excess of ego, that its the rest of its psyche will become independent & develop
a separate personality.

General Info

3.5 D&D
DMing is almost entirely reactionary to the player. We respond to your actions. If you
aren't happy with the way things are going, then do something different.
Ascending to another DVR is achieved by Deicide,

Big 16
1. What game system are you running (D&D, Call of Cthulu, Palladium, GURPS,
etc.), & if applicable what edition (Original, Classic, Revised, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th,
10th, etc.)?
D&D 3.5
2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be (i.e. "Shadow Chasers" or "Agents of
Psi" for d20 Modern)? What is the setting for the game (eg. historic period,
published or homebrewed campaign setting, alternate reality, modern world,
3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, & if so,
how many?
Minimal: 3 , Maximum: 5
4. What's the gaming medium (OOTS, chat, e-mail etc.)?
Giantitp Thread, with ICC, & OCC in seperate threads
5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)?
Class LvL:6+Divine Rank:1=10 Ecl
All characters start at Class level 6 with 1 divine rank, which adds another 4 according to
DiceFreaks deity Challenge Rating:.
6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?
Standard ecl treasure.
7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you
want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' &/or homebrewed
classes?With the exception of Druid, the following is clarified under #16.
8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow
homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species?
Permitted races:Any equal to EcL.
9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores & Hit

Attribute/ability score: 32 point buy.

Hp: Max HD+Consitution

10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?
11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?
As raw
12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die
rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which
ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, & how should they report
them?I roll privately via application DiceTool for npcs & circumstances outside of the
player's control,While Player's post their rolls on the Giantitp Icc thread Linked above for
their characters & cohorts actions. Instructions for posting on this thread are found under
Play by post Finding players, here
13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should
know about? If so, list & explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about
these new rules.
Rizban's Parry
Unearthed Arcana/DiceFreaks Modifications:
o Alteration to HD-Based Threshold:
Rules for massive damage: HD-Based Threshold & Scaling The
Saving Throw.
Base = 10+2 per hit die.
Saving throw is scaled by an additional 2 per 10 points of damage
more than their HD-Based Threshold.
o Traits/Flaws:
Up to 2 flaws OR traits - 2 flaws or 2 traits or 1 of each.
o Deity:
AC Bonueses:
Instead of starting with the maximum Divine
Natural armor & related ac bonuses it is set at 0
which increases by 1 per divine rank.
Natural Armor +1 per DvR
Divine Bonus: +1 per DvR
Deflection: Equal to Charisma Bonus
DR: Divine Damage reduction does not effect those
Epic or of equal or greater Divine Rank, which can
be abbreviated as DvR=DvR or DvR>DvR, ectr.
SR: Divine Spell-Resistance is 10+HD+divine rank
o Deicide:
There are 3 means to commit deicide
The Conventional way
Converting or Annihilating the majority of his or her
worshipers or a relic of equal value.
The destruction or conversion of a deity's creations, such
as worshipers or artifacts also inflicts hp or related
damage. For example a follower equally 1 Ecl would =-1hp
for a deity.
Deities are not effected by resurrection-like-spells.
Although they can come back after a period of time
determined by a 1d6 number of in-game days; at a lower
rank,-1 for each victory, caped at-5 for each subsequent
victory, till deity's recovery.
Granting spells:
Mortals can only receive spells-or like abilities from their
divine patrons, which is under grant spell.
Each day each follower grants a number of spell levels to
their deity equal to their HD. Whenever the deity grants
spells to a divine caster they use a number of spells from
this pool equal to the sum of the levels of the spells
granted to the caster and whenever the deity or one of his
proxies/avatars uses one of his domain spell-like abilities it
also uses that many spell levels from the pool. Finally,
every deity needs to consume a number of spell levels
every day equal to his divine rank to survive and can store
a number of spell levels at one time equal to 50*his divine
Alter-Reality is only effective in your domains/demi-planes;
Unless said foreign area consists of a house of worship for
your deity, in which case can be done remotely to said
When a deity casts miracle Rather than imploring another
deity to perform some task, the deity simply draws from its
own divine power. It pays the experience point cost with
hardly a second thought, & creates the effect it desires.
Born to Lead & Leadership are mandatory free
feats; When you have fulfilled the perquisites for
epic leadership you will also receive it for free.
Leadership & its variants are permitted.
Leadership is the same as raw but you can apply
the monster levels or creatures of equal ECL to be
at your appropriate follower/cohort.
Multiply your divine rank by the maximum possible
cumulative HD of your followers granted by
leadership (including your cohort), and that is how
many worshipers you get.

Worshipers unlike followers are generally unwilling

to die for you, but they do prey to you. Recruiting
followers with your leadership ability takes 3d4 days
rather than 1d4 weeks, but it still takes 1d4 months
for those worshipers to be replaced.
For example, with a leadership score of 13 you get
up to a level 9 cohort, 10 level 1 followers, & one
level 2, so you get (1X9+10X1+1X2)X1 divine
rank=21 worshipers

The level of these worshipers is determined by the

deity taking their number of worshipers multiplied
by two times their divine rank, and distributed that
ELC among their followers as they wish with no one
Worshiper can have more HD than the god it

so for the prior example lets say our godling is level

6 they will have 21 worshipers X 2 X 1 divine
rank=42 ELC to distribute among the 21 worshipers
allowing for a hierarchy like this: 1 6th level fighter
evolved vampire (ELC 12, HD 6), 15 level 1
commoners (ELC 1), and 5 level 3 clerics (ELC 5)
adding up to a total worshipers of 21, & a total ELC
of 42
The Edicts:
Every deity has laws, a code that their believers live
by, The number of how many is determined by a
deity's HD*DvR. This code tends to be filled with all
too many 'thou shalt's, & 'thou shale's, & in the end
not everyone can resist the temptation. When a
follower encounters a chance too give in too
temptation & sin against their god they make a will
save DC 10+1/successive attempts which will be
rolled by the DM. Once they commit this sin their
deity immediately severs the link through which
they grant magical powers until the believer atones
for their sin at which time they continue to grant
spells to their deity and have them granted to them.
Without any true reason to succumb there would
commonly be maybe five HD worth of followers
sinning, but sometimes there is more to it such as a
rivaling deity's worshipers casting suggestion on
your followers, or you decreeing that they must
always share their food, than a famine strikes, or
declaring that they must be non-violent as their
homes are raided & families killed. In any case after
fifty or more HD are falling victim to temptation the
Deity will simply know the cause, though perhaps
not the ultimate cause, for example they could
know the suggestion spell is to blame yet not know
the caster."

o 14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you

looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending
up with the characters in the same city)?
Yes. Backstory must be 1, 2, or more paragraphs in length
15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving,
roleplaying, or a combination of the above?
16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks &
supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard
material? What sources can Players use for their characters?


All 3.5 D&D Wotc source material, Including BoED & BoVD,
Excluding ToB
Enworld's Creature Catelog
DiceFreaks Deity-Rules
Gorgondantess's Community Based Monster Classes VII
The Demented One's Epic Destinies
Admiral Squish: Greater Totem Barbarians
Owrtho's Ozodrin[3.5 base class PEACH] & Prcs
Xenotheurgy: Far Realms magic system
Descent of Shadows: Project Shadow Returns
Kellus's The Way Words Work
ErrantX's Ebon Initiate, Invocations, & Related Prcs
Person man's Magitech Templar
T.G. Oskar's Retooled classes
Drolyt's Vow of Poverty
Base Class Edits & Errata:


15. For factotum:

1. Each spell costs 1 Insperation point per spell level.
2. As dm I rule that a factotum, possess only 7 spells, 1 per
each level. these spells are permanent & can't be
exchanged after ataining them, with the exception of every
odd level since 5 , like a sorcerer.
3. In addition a Factortum can only Rebuke or turn undead or
ectr half his class's HD.



o Saidoro: For house-rules

o chinsraw: clarifications
o Drack: saient divine abilities, Edicts, Worshipers,


06-09-2011, 10:52 PM: Saidoro proposed a progression for divine bonuses, ac, dr,
06-10-2011, 08:08 PM: Drack suggested a modified version of the empthetic
damage between creation & creator, to occur per death or destruction, quantifiable
to hd per creation, carried over to the creator, hence giving quantity & quality of
creation carried over to damage the creator's hp.
06-11-2011, 10:11 AM: Saidoro refined his progression, which would be later
advanced by DvR
06-11-2011, 10:25 AM: Drack made some slight modifications to Mass Life & Death
& Rejuvination;
06-12-2011, 01:04 PM: Saidoro refined the symbiosis of creator & creations into a
06-13-2011: level 6, Leadership or its specialized counterparts & Born to Lead made
free, Including its epic counterparts when you have quallified for the prequisites.
06-14-2011: modified to 32 point buy.
06-14-2011: Amount of worsihpers quantified into a mechanic courtsy of Drack.
06-15-2011: Per Saidoro's request Drolyt's Vow of Poverty is permitted, & Fixed
divine Spell-resistance
06-19-2011: Divided, clarified & summerized Divine Traits, particulary bonuses. Its
not much of a change aside categorizing it further. Placed Alter-reality under Grant
spells:, Divine creatures of equal or greater rank can also bypass Divine DR:, AC
Bonuses have been sub-categorized .
Also thinking about if sacrifices could add bonuses to your deities anyone want to
expand on that; like items or... heretics?
06-20-2011:Added Edicts with the help of Drack, it is categorized under leadership.
Fixed HD to Max+Constitution

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