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Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Assumption ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Sample output when the program is executed ...................................................................................... 4
Sample code to discuss the OO concepts and Java features ................................................................ 15
Login page ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Main page ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Add Admin page ................................................................................................................................ 18
Edit member ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Payment ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 24
References ............................................................................................................................................ 25
In this project task, the task of creating a sports payment system is to allow admin users to
manage customer user data and process payments. And all processed data will be recorded in
the text document in order to retrieve the data in another form.

You must use text input / output and integrate with the exception handling concept. You must
use try-catch, FileFoundNotFound, IOException, etc. to capture errors when the user enters
invalid. In addition, the system developers will be informed of the problems that lead to errors.
When the customer pays his unpaid payment, the system will be able to generate a receipt. This
system is basically to alleviate the process of payment management.
In Java, there are GUI (graphical user interface) and console execution code calculation and
execution, people prefer to sue the GUI because it is easier to understand and user friendly.
However, GUIs need more time to design and implement code. It is interesting and meaningful
to learn the skills of making GUI programs.

Getting programming skills is critical to students in order to catch up with the trend world and
improve their logical thinking. Often the patience and reflection will be the core of their system
excellence and maturity.

In this project assignment, the basic requirement of this system as below:

Admin user are allow to manage customer detail and add new customer, and able to check
customer payment and manage the payment detail.
Sample output when the program is executed
Login page

This is the login page for admin. After done username and password click login button to
If there is any empty input or incorrect input message box will pop up.
Main page

After login will come to this page, this page will show all of the member name and id. And
there got a add admin button to add any new staff to login to the system.
And if there are any empty input the error message box will pop up
If there are too many member and u can search by name.
Admin can check member detail by click on the name.

In this page admin can check the member detail, update the payment, check payment, or edit
member detail.
This is payment page.
And this is to check the payment record.

And this page is to let admin to edit the member detail.

Register new member

This is the member registration page.

There are 3 type of membership to let user to choose.

After admin insert all the member detail and click on register button, the payment page will
pop up.
After payment and click on record button member will add into the database.
Sample code to discuss the OO concepts and Java features
Login page

This is the login page code. If with correct password and username will go into the main page
but if the password and username is incorrect message box will come out.
Main page
This few picture is showing the code for main page. In the main page code is to show the
member detail in the main page.
Add Admin page

This is the code to add admin and the username and password will save into the text file.
Edit member

This is the code for edit member page, in this page for name and member id is not allow to
edit. Only member email, phone number and member type is allow to edit.
And this code is to save the update to the database.
The following picture is to show the payment form.

This code is insert the payment detail.

This is for the combo box

This code is for to save to the database.
In short, most of the requirements for this project assignment are implemented, and all
processed data will be stored in a text file. In the file IO, employees do not have the barriers to
creating, modifying, deleting, and viewing user data. For all users, they need to log in before
entering the menu, and the successful login user will be directed to their corresponding menu
according to their location.

In addition, when any user attempting to enter an invalid character will pop up a reminder box
to change the message box of its input type, even the program will not accept it until the user
puts the valid input into the text field.

For system software developers, there are always improved and improved products, which is
no exception.
mkyong, 2017. mkyong. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2017].

oracle, 2017. oracle. [Online]

Available at:

oracle, 2017. oracle. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 2017].

stackoverflow, 2017. stackoverflow. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 2017].

stackoverflow, 2017. stackoverflow. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 2017].

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