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jupyter Shortcuts

Mac OS X keymap: Command mode shortcuts

Command enter edit mode
Control F find and replace
Option P open the command palette
Shift run cell, select below
Return run selected cells
run cell, insert below
Y to code
M to markdown
Linux/PC keymap: R to raw
Control 1 to heading 1
Alt 2 to heading 2
3 to heading 3
4 to heading 4
5 to heading 5
6 to heading 6
K select cell above
Edit mode shortcuts select cell above
Esc switch to command mode
select cell below
code completion or indent
J select cell below
K extend selected cells above
] indent
[ dedent extend selected cells above
A select all extend selected cells below
Z undo J extend selected cells below
Z redo A insert cell above
Y redo B insert cell below
M command mode X cut selected cells
Esc command mode C copy selected cells
P open the command palette V paste cells above
run cell, select below V paste cells below
run selected cells Z undo cell deletion
run cell, insert below D,D delete selected cells
Minus split cell M merge selected cells, or current cell with
S Save and Checkpoint
cell below if only one cell selected
move cursor down
S Save and Checkpoint
move cursor up
S Save and Checkpoint
L toggle line numbers
Edit mode: OSX only O toggle output of selected cells
go to cell start
O toggle output scrolling of selected cells
go to cell end
H show keyboard shortcuts
go one word left
I,I interrupt kernel
go one word right
0,0 restart the kernel (with dialog)
delete word before
Esc close the pager
delete word after
Q close the pager
scroll notebook up
Edit mode: Linux/PC
scroll notebook down
Home got to cell start
go to cell start
End go to cell end
go to cell end
go one word left
go one word right
delete word before
delete word after Compiled by Jake Vanderplas

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