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Finding Sources for Writing Argumentative Essays ~ Engl 2

1. Introduction to the Librarys Services & Resources Questions & Answers

2. Whats Where IN the library:

Printers (two kinds), scanners, laptops, iPads, copy machines, bill breaker, add value machines,
white boards, group study rooms, reference help, university books, public library books, public
computers, course reserves, water fountains, restrooms, silent study & quiet study floors, library
security officers, lost and found.

3. Whats where on the librarys website:

Where would I go to find

*Subject librarians *citation help

*Research guides *if a book is available on course reserves
*Tutorials *Articles and Databases
*A step-by-step guide on doing research *a link to RefWorks for SJSU students

4. Choosing a debatable/controversial topic

where to look for information about current and controversial issues

5. Websites showcasing controversial topics:

6. SJSU Library Databases addressing controversial topics:

CQ Researcher
Opposing Viewpoints in Context

7. Youve got your topic picked out. Now what?!?

Time to read widely on the subject get a general overview (Wikipedia)

8. Examples of worthwhile news sites:

Associated Press News, Reuters, BBC News, The Christian Science Monitor, National Public Radio,
The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle

9. From your overview reading, starting gathering the following information:

Timeline of events (Has the topic youve chosen always been controversial? When did it
start showing up on peoples radar?)
Citations for books and journal articles
Names of people associated with the topic (prominent figures, experts, researchers,
Key words for searching on databases
10. So whats YOUR position/point of view? Find evidence.

Google Scholar GREAT database to search on IF you have it set up to perform a number
of functions:
o Connect to SJSU Library Databases
Get It@SJSU = Good Grief, its NOT available (use ILLiad)
Find It@SJSU = Full Text available in one or more Library Databases
o Citations provided in various styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.)
o Export citations to RefWorks (citation manager database)
o Save citations easily to your own library connected to Google account
o Use the date fields to bring up more recent articles
o Use of + and - in search string

Using OneSearch catalog (books, articles, media [not all of Kanopy Streaming videos]
o Keyword searching
Make good use of the Refine by limiters on left sidebar.
o Use Advanced Search if you know title, author, call number, ISBN
o CSU+ (You can request books from the other 22 CSU libraries.)

Searching on specific SJSU Library Databases

o Academic Search Complete

Personal experiences
Hypothetical examples
Think Tanks (

11. How good is your evidence?

~ Learning to evaluate the quality of the information you have found.
Currency, Authority, Accuracy, Relevance, and Purpose
PDF "Ask These Questions to Evaluate Your Source" available on this web page:

12. What are scholarly, peer reviewed sources?
13. Whats the difference between primary and secondary sources?

14. What are some counterarguments/alternative viewpoints to your point of view?

You may find alternative viewpoints in the same sources you used to find evidence for
your personal viewpoint.

15. Why is your viewpoint more logical and accurate?

Remember: Most controversial issues do not have a "right" or "wrong" answer -- this is
exactly what makes them controversial and therefore interesting to write about. Focus
less on being "right," and more on creating an argument that appeals to your audience
and ultimately persuades them to support your position.

16. Resources to help you with writing argumentative essays:

17. What if you get stuck?

Doing research and writing formal essays can be overwhelming. Some hints when youre feeling
Talk with someone about your topic and your research. Sometimes talking out loud will
help you think of new strategies and ideas for working on your paper.
Pretend you are doing the research for someone else and that you wont have to write the
essay/research paper.
If youre a procrastinator, try using the assignment calculator for a reality check.
Watch a video on Kanopy Streaming.
Take a break. Power naps help.
Your personal getting unstuck strategies:

18. Where, oh where, is Suzie B. during the week if you have more questions?

Reference Desk, 1st floor (SJSU side), Tues. & Wed., 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

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