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Scientific Revolution: Some key figures include: Copernicus, Bacon, Galileo, and Newton

Enlightenment (new ideas) Some philosophers include:

Thomas Hobbes "Leviathan Voltaire I may not agree

"war of every man against with what you have to say, Adam Smith "The Wealth of Nations laissez faire capitalism
every man" but Ill defend, to death, your
right to say it

John Locke: natural Jean-Jacques Karl Marx

2/6/1690 rights life, liberty, Rousseau "The "The Communist
and property Social Contract" Manifesto"

1600 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 67 1875 1900
Robert Owen -
Louis XIV The Sun King Socialism
John Stuart Mill
"On Liberty"

Coffee houses Luddites - machine breakers

Host philosophes Industrial Revolution laissez faire economics in action
Leads to demands for: workers rights,
Enlightenment - new ideas lead to: unions, and workplace safety;
American Revolution as well as a move away from
laissez faire economics
French Revolution

Haudenosaunee Confederacy: Spreads ideas of: democracy, liberty, individual freedoms, and nationalism
Influenced ideas of democracy

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