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The Middle of
Although many assume implementing employee ment tactics to midlevel leaders. The TINYpulse
Middle managers engagement tactics is the sole responsibility study presents the following benefits.
of talent development, HR, or the C-suite, that A greater likelihood to retain employees.
have a great might be incorrect. According to The Middle Rev- On a 1-10 scale, workers whose managers
effect on employee olution, a recent study from TINYpulse, another handled engagement were more than a full
engagement. group of leaders is playing an increased role: the point less likely to leave their company for a
middle manager. 10 percent raise.
More than 70 percent of the studys 500 re- Better responsiveness to employee needs.
spondents reported that their manager had On a 1-10 scale, workers whose managers
implemented engagement tactics. Of the other handled engagement rated their organiza-
30 percent, more than half said they would prefer tions effectiveness in responding to feedback
if their managers did. nearly a full point higher than those whose
Managers outside the C-suite are incredibly managers did not handle engagement.
important to their organizations and have the A perception of high growth potential. On a
power to inspire and uplift employees, the study 1-10 scale, workers with managers respon-
notes. They are leading the charge in implement- sible for engagement rated their perceived
ing employee engagement strategies at work. growth potential more than a full point
This should come as no surprise. higher than employees who reported to
Most workers interact with their manag- managers who did not.
ers on a frequent basis, at least more frequently Obviously, these benefits align closely with
than with the C-suite, talent development, or the goals of many HR and talent development
HR. That means managers are more likely than professionals. Managers can help these leaders
other leaders to notice when employees are do their jobs, so it may be beneficial to every-
disengaged or apathetic about their jobs. Like- one when managers receive training on best
wise, they are more likely to observe which practices for bringing out their workers most
factors contribute to a happy, punctual, and enthusiastic selves.
profitable workforce.
Thus, its clear why organizations enjoy a slew Alex Moore is the research coordinator for the
of benefits when they hand the reigns of engage- Association for Talent Development;

12 TD | November 2016 PHOTO: THINKSTOCK

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