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21st Century Literacy

21st Century Description Sources: Books, Journals, Author, What new learning did I gain? Or
Literacy Websites what is/are my REALIZATION
Media Literacy It is a 21st century skill that What is media literacy? (n.d) Palente As far as media literacy is concern, I
deals with the ability to Technology Cooperative and Bazant. realized that the impact of the
evaluate, analyze, use and technologies in the generation of
create different modes of dia-literacy/ today have greatly affect not just their
media to interact with the learning as well as the behavior. I can
people in the society. say that there is a great difference
between their attitude and in the past
generation. Even though I can say
that I am in the generation of today,
but I still have a good character
respecting with each other that is not
in some of the learners today. They
rely on media most especially the
social media in gathering information
and be updated with the happenings
that is why sometimes they cannot
easily distinguish what is true from
false news. It will really affect their
way of learning also if both of us
want a better education.
Collaborative It is a 21st century that focus I realized in everything we do even
on interacting with the other orative-literacy though in real life or school-related
people whose cooperation is life we really need someone to rely
needed to achieve ones goal with whom we can share with our
and objectives together. problems and the such. In my case I
can say that also in learning, we need
someone who can help us understand
and the other way around. I believe it
is essential and there is true learning
when there is sharing even though
only with peers. No man can live
alone is indeed true.
Social/Emotional A 21st century skill where one Emotional literacy. Why is it considered to be a skill? I
Literacy has the ability to recognize believe because being aware of your
and express feelings, self- otional-literacy.html strengths and weaknesses is a hard
awareness and knowing to realization especially on accepting
manage ones emotions. the individual flaws. Being able to
express ones opinion in a good
manner is a skill that needs to master.
In the learners of today, I assume that
some of the students are impulsive
and do not have enough
understanding on managing
Critical Thinking It is a 21st century skill National council for excellence in Just like in a classroom set up, we
emphasizes on the ability of critical thinking. 1987. need to be able to distinguish how to
an individual to judge fairly, evaluate every student whenever they
being rational and evaluate g-critical-thinking/766 commit mistakes, do unnecessary
factual is an behavior and act impulsively. This
intellectual process that will be a difficult decision whenever
gathered and analyze we are confronted with similar
observation and able to
problems like this. It needs critical
reason it out.
thinking of course and we should
think a hundred times before giving a
punishment to certain students.
Information It is a 21st century skill which Information literacy competency As a pre-service teacher, and as a
Literacy entails the ability of an standard for higher education. 2000. teacher as a whole it is critical for the
individual to evaluate and use Orlando, Florida. students learning to give them wrong
effectively the information information. That is why as a teacher,
(facts) on the needed time. mationliteracycompetency we need to be also an information
literate to avoid misconceptions and
Creativity It is a 21st century skill which Being creative is not just merely
focus on the ability to what-is-creativity/ knowing how to design things but
perceive the world in new also doing something out of your
perspectives, able to find imagination. Being creative is ones
patterns and making unique talent that cater their own
connections between two inner skill that is not consciously
unrelated phenomena. being shown directly.
Communication It is a 21st century skill which Being able to effectively
gives an emphasis on the faculty-staff/toolbox/commlit communicate is a skill that a pre-
ability to act of conveying service teacher like me needs to
message to the other person master. Since communicating is my
or group of persons in which life and I consider it to be, I believe I
the latter must understood the should also focus on the students
verbal or non-verbal way of ability to express their opinion as
well. How? I think by answering their
needs through oral recitation and also
express it through writing.
Globalization It is a 21st century skill which Sutton, M.,2005. The globalization of I realized that as a pre-service
and deals with the ability to multicultural education. teacher I will be facing multicultural
Multicultural appreciate and respect ones and diverse learner. So understanding
Literacy belief, differences, practice jgls their individual differences and
and culture since the people capacity even though it is hard, is a
around the world are diverse. must for us. So that they can feel that
they belong in the society that they
live in. Globalization is being
competent and this calls for us
teachers to prepare them in the future
and in the real world where they can
apply all what they learn in school.
Another, us teachers must be flexible
in every situation that is why it is
indeed a challenge to be a teacher!


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