You are on page 1of 93


Programming Examples

Basic Syntax
HelloWorld.cpp > p. 5
DataTypes.cpp > p. 6
Variables.cpp > p. 7
Constant.cpp > p. 8
TypeCast.cpp > p. 9
ArithmeticOps.cpp > p. 10
RelationalOps.cpp > p. 11
AssignmentOps.cpp > p. 12
MiscOps.cpp > p. 13
IfStatement.cpp > p. 14
TernaryOperator.cpp > p. 15
LogicalOps.cpp > p. 16
Switch.cpp > p. 17
ForLoop.cpp > p. 18
NestedFor.cpp > p. 19
WhileLoop.cpp > p. 20
Array.cpp > p. 21
ArrayTwo.cpp > p. 23
String.cpp > p. 24
StringArray.cpp > p. 25
Functions.cpp > p. 26
Recursion.cpp > p. 27
Scope.cpp > p. 28
Structs.cpp > p. 29
StructArray.cpp > p. 30
Typedef.cpp > p. 31
CIN.cpp > p. 32

Object Oriented
Classes.cpp > p. 33
Constructor.cpp > p. 34
Inheritance.cpp > p. 36
AccessModifiers.cpp > p. 38
FunctionOverloading.cpp -> p. 40
Polymorphism.cpp > p. 41

Pointer.cpp > p. 43
PointerToNull.cpp > p. 44
PointerToVoid.cpp > p. 45
ConstantPointer.cpp > p. 46
MultiplePointers.cpp > p. 47
PointerToArray.cpp > p. 48
ReturnArrayFromFun.cpp > p. 49
PointerToStruct.cpp > p. 50
PointerToFunction.cpp > p. 51
PointerToAClass.cpp > p. 52

Sample Programs
TempConverter.cpp > p. 53
ChemElement.h > p. 54
PeriodicTable.cpp > p. 55
Average.cpp > p. 56
CoinFlip.cpp > p. 57
GuessThePassWord.cpp > p. 58
FibRecursion.cpp > p. 60

IO.cpp > p. 61
FileIO.cpp > p. 62
ErrorHandling.cpp > p. 64
MyHeader.h > p. 65
Header.cpp > p. 66
CommandLine.cpp > p. 67
MemoryManagement.cpp > p. 68
DynamicIntArray.cpp > p. 69
DynamicString.cpp > p. 70
ArrayAnalysis.cpp > p. 72
TicTacToe.h > p. 75
TicTacToeGame.cpp > p. 76
Pieces.h > p. 77
Moves.h > p. 78
Game.cpp > p. 79

Authors Note

Thank you very much for your purchase, and your interest in learning a
wonderful programming language. C++ Examples contains over 50 examples
that are fully functional, easy to use, and unique. Previous programming
knowledge is not required, however previous knowledge can do nothing but help.
The only requirement is patience, dedication, and a passion for learning. However,
as to not deter you from learning C++ I am going to explain how to create,
compile, and run a .cpp source file.
In order to create an editable .cpp source file you first need to choose a text
editor, I am going to use emacs. So to create a .cpp source file type the following
command into your
command line:
emacs SourceFile.cpp

Then to compile, use the following command:

g++ SourceFile.c -o SourceFile

Then to run your file, use:


New topics are presented in this book in an easy to understand way, then programs are
made using the new topic as well as previously discussed topics in order to review and learn
new material simultaneously. This helps you maximize learning a new language. There is much to
learn and practice makes perfect. So let us

Thank You


#include <iostream>//instead of <stdio.h> although that would work
using namespace std;//tells compiler to use std namespace
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Basic syntax, and environment set up of a C++ program.
We will be using the g++ compiler, so if you do not have
this installed now is the time to install it.
Any legal C program is a legal c++ program
Apple and PC use C++ to write their interfaces
C++ was originally named C with classes... Yay classes
We are inside a block comment right now, comments are not ran
when you run a program
//this is a single line comment
//code inside main() will execute when compiled and ran
int main(){
//huge difference than the printf() function
cout << "Hello World!\n";
//can use the newline character,\n, or endl
//we can see our c knowledge can be applied here
printf("--Hello World--\n");
return 0;


Hello World!
--Hello World


#include <iostream>
#include <limits.h>//since we are basically writing c we can do this
using namespace std; //this is new
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Primitive Types: bool, char, int, float, double, void
Type modifiers: signed, unsigned, short, long
so you can add these modifiers to data types based on what you need.
int main(){
bool: is a true/false statement
char: a single character
int/long: are whole numbers
float/double: are floating point values(decimal numbers)
void: a none type

cout << sizeof(char) << " bytes in a char\n";
cout << "Unsigned Data Types range from 0 - MAXSIZE\n";
cout << "Signed data takes into account negative range.\n";
cout <<"Short shortens the bytes, while long lengthens the bytes\n";
cout << "There are 8 bits in a byte\n";
cout << "A char is 1 byte(8 bits), so the max value is (2^8)-1\n";
//unsigned char 0 to 255, signed char -128 to +127
//this can be done with all the data types.

return 0;


1 bytes in a char
Unsigned Data Types range from 0 - MAXSIZE
Signed data takes into account negative range.
Short shortens the bytes, while long lengthens the bytes
There are 8 bits in a byte
A char is 1 byte(8 bits), so the max value is (2^8)-1


#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>//a header file with useful math functions
using namespace std;
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How to declare and initialize a variable.
You can initialize a variable with a function call.

int main(){
//type name = value;
bool b;//declaration
b = true;//initialization
cout << "b: " << true<< "\n";
cout << "range of unsigned bool: 0 to "
int x = 1000;
int y = x;
int z = x+y;
cout<<"x: "<<x<<" y: "<<y<<" z: "<<z<<"\n";
//note: multiple declarations of the same line is ok
return 0;


b: 1
range of unsigned bool: 0 to 255
x: 1000 y: 1000 z: 2000


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
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Constant: How to declare a variable a constant.
Once a constant is initialized, it can not
be changed. Different yet similar to #DEFINE
int main(){

//common practice is to capitalize all
//letters of a constant
const int MAX = 100;
cout<< "MAX: "<<MAX<<"\n";
//below is an illegal move
//comment back in to find out what error it throws
//MAX = 150;//illegal
return 0;


MAX: 100


#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
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How to cast a data type to a different data type, watch out for loss of data. When you type cast you
temporarily assign a data type to the data type you are casting to. Not all of the above header files
are used, I just want to illustrate some useful ones, and all the .h files from C are available in
int main(){

float decimal = 3.14159;
float e = 2.71828;//Eulers Number

cout << "decimal before: " << decimal << \n;
//we are casting a float to an int, temporarily
cout << "decimal after: " << (int)decimal << "\n";

cout<<"e before: "<<e<<"\n";
cout<<"e after: "<<(int)e<<"\n";

//useful for quick conversions,
//passing arguments into functions
//can cast one class to another
return 0;


decimal before: 3.14159
decimal after: 3
e before: 2.71828
e after: 2


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
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What arithmetic operators are: they allow you to perform arithmetic operations on data types.
They include: + - / * ++ -- %
int main(){
//perform arithmetic operations
cout<< "1+1: "<<1+1<<"\n";
//increment operator, -- works the same but subtracts one
int x= 1;
cout<<"1++: "<<x<<"\n";
//modulus operator--> returns the remainder of a quotient
cout<<"5%3: "<<5%3<<"\n";

return 0;


1+1: 2
1++: 2
5%3: 2


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
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What relational operators are: they perform comparison tests.
They include: >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=
They compare two values.
int main(){

cout<< "1<2: "<<(1<2)<<"\n";

cout<<"1>2: "<<(1>2)<<"\n";

cout<<"5%3 == 2: "<<(5%3 == 2)<<"\n";

//is 5%3 not equal to 2
cout<<"5%3 != 2: "<<(5%3 != 2)<<\n";

These operations return a boolean(a true/false statement),
however that boolean is represented as a 1 or a 0. 1 is true, 0 is
return 0;


1<2: 1
1>2: 0
5%3 == 2: 1
5%3 != 2: 0


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
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Assignment operators allow you to assign a variable a value,
while also performing an operation on that same variable.
They include: +=, -=, *=, /=, and %=
int main(){
//using any arithmetic operation
//you can create an assignment operation
int awesome = 99;
cout<<"awesome before: "<<awesome<<"\n";
awesome += 10;//awesome = awesome+10;//awesome++
cout<<"awesome after: "<<awesome<<"\n";
//try some more with all the arithmetic operators
return 0;


awesome before: 99
awesome after: 109


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
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Various other operators we will run across including the sizeof
operator, the dot operator and the arrow operator.
int main(){
//sizeof() operator
cout<<"sizeof(int): "<<sizeof(int)<<"\n";
//comma operator cause a series of operations to be performed
//useful for parameter lists
//dot operator (.) allow member access of an object/struct
//arrow operator (->) allows dereferencing of a pointer to a struct
//or a pointer to a class

return 0;



include <iostream>
using namespace std;
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If statements control the flow of your program. They control what code is ran, and what code is
not ran based off a true/false statement.
int main(){

//go ahead and try changing this value
int test = 222;

cout<<"If code executed, all others skipped...\n";
else if(test==200){
cout<<"Else If code executed, all others skipped...\n";
} else {
cout<<"Else code executed, when none are passed...\n";

bool condition = true;
if(!condition){//bang operator, tests the opposite of condition
//if condition is false
cout<<"Condition is false...\n";
}else {
cout<<"Condition is true...\n";
return 0;


Else code executed, when none are passed...
Condition is true


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TernaryOperator: A ternary operator is pretty much shorthand
notation for if blocks. They are also called conditional
operators. They are a one line statement that assigns a variable one of two values based off a
true/false statement.
int main(){

int number = 99;//this number can be anything

int outcome;
//below is shorthand notation for:
//if 99%2 equals 0 outcome = 1
//else outcome = 0

outcome = (99%2 == 0) ? 1 : 0;

printf("outcome: %d\n",outcome);
//this is a test to see if number is
//odd or even, if number is evenly divisible
//by two (the remainder is 0) then it is an
//even number



outcome: 0


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
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Logical Operators: Logical operators allow you to test multiple booleans in an if statement. They
include the and operator (&&), the bang operator (!) and the or operator (||)
int main(){

int test = 222;
bool condition = true;
bool bang = !true; //what this means: bang = false
if(test<200 && condition){
//if test<200 is true and condition is true
cout<<"If code executed, all others skipped...\n";
else if(bang || condition){
//if bang is true or condition is true
cout<<"Else If code executed, all others skipped...\n";
} else {
cout<<"Else code executed, when none are passed...\n";

return 0;


Else If code executed, all others skipped...


#include <iostream>
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Switch: How to use a switch statement. Switch statements are like if blocks. They switch off of
some variable, usually an int or a char, but any integral type is legal.

int main(){
//try changing this number
int number = 7;//this is what we will switch on
char letter = a;//try switching on a char
case 0://a'
//if number == 0, run this code, and skip the rest
printf("Number == 0\n");
case 1://b
printf("Number == 1\n");
case 2://c
printf("Number == 2\n");
case 3:
printf("Number == 3\n");
default : //again optional
//ran when no cases are met
printf("No number matched\n");



No number matched


#include <iostream>

//no using namespaces std because
//we are not using cout in this program
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ForLoop: How to create and use a for loop, when you create a for loop you first initialize some
sort of counter variable, it is usually an int named i. Second, you set some condition to test each
pass. Once the condition is false the for loop terminates. Third you set up a step. Usually you
increment by one, but you can increment, decrement, multiply, divide, etc.

int main(){

for(int i =0; i<=10;i++){//initialization, condition, step
printf("i : %d \n",i);

return 0;


i : 0
i : 1
i : 2
i : 3
i : 4
i : 5
i : 6
i : 7
i : 8
i : 9
i : 10


#include <iostream>

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NestedFor: A nested for loop is a loop within a for loop, a double for loop. Again C code is legal
in C++ so we will take advantage of the
printf() function again.

int main(){

//Multiplication table
for(int i=1; i<=12;i++){
//when i is 1 this second loop will run 12 times,
//when i is two this second loop will run 12 times
for(int j=1; j<=12; j++){
printf("%d \t", i*j);//will run 144 times
return 0;


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132
12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144

#include <iostream>
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While Loops: How to create and use a while loop, while loops are great when you dont know
how long the loop is going to run for, like taking in user input, or reading from a file.

int main(){
int x = 0;
printf("x : %d \n", x);
x++;//watch out for infinite loop, comment out to see what
//happens, terminate with cntrl+c
return 0;


x : 0
x : 1
x : 2
x : 3
x : 4
x : 5
x : 6
x : 7
x : 8
x : 9


#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
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Array:How to declare an initialize an array. An array is similar to a list of similar data types.
int main(){
//will create an array just big enough to hold
int number_list[]={3, 6, 9, 12, 15};//index from 0 to length-1

cout<<"number_list[2]: "<<number_list[2]<<"\n";
cout<<"number_list[0] before: "<<number_list[0]<<"\n";
number_list[0]= 55;//legal
cout<<"number_list[0] after: "<<number_list[0]<<"\n";

//or you can initialize an array of known size
int new_list[10];
for(int i = 0; i < 10;i++){
new_list[i]= pow(i,2);//squaring each i
cout<<"new_list["<<i<<"]: "<<new_list[i]<<"\n";
//you can use single members of an
//array to initialize similar data types
int member = new_list[9];
cout<<"member: "<<member<<"\n";

//one way to get size of any array
//need to know the data type the array holds
cout<<"size of out new_list[]:

//later we will cover how to pass arrays as arguments to functions
return 0;


number_list[2]: 9
number_list[0] before: 3
number_list[0] after: 55
new_list[0]: 0
new_list[1]: 1
new_list[2]: 4
new_list[3]: 9
new_list[4]: 16
new_list[5]: 25
new_list[6]: 36
new_list[7]: 49
new_list[8]: 64
new_list[9]: 81
member: 81
size of out new_list[]: 10


#include <iostream>

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ArrayTwo: How to declare an initialize a 2-dimensional array. An 2D array is like an array
within an array. You can have 3D arrays, 4D arrays although these may be impractical and very
complicated to keep track of.
int main(){
2-D Array, an array within an array. Organized by row, column, notice double for
loop. This can be used to iterate
through a 2-D array or to initialize a 2-D array.
//initialize with row and column
int box[4][4]={{0, 1, 2, 3},
{10, 11, 12, 13},
{20, 21, 21, 23},
{30, 31, 32, 33}};
for(int r = 0; r<4;r++){
for(int c = 0; c<4; c++){//nested for loop
printf("box[%d][%d]: %d\t", r, c, box[r][c]);

return 0;


box[0][0]: 0 box[0][1]: 1 box[0][2]: 2 box[0][3]: 3
box[1][0]: 10 box[1][1]: 11 box[1][2]: 12 box[1][3]: 13
box[2][0]: 20 box[2][1]: 21 box[2][2]: 22 box[2][3]: 23
box[3][0]: 30 box[3][1]: 31 box[3][2]: 32 box[3][3]: 33


#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
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String: A string in C++ is a string of chars. A one dimensional array of chars. You can think of a
string as a word or a sentence.
int main(){

//you can initialize these arrays the same way
//but you need to include the null byte character '\0'
char name[7]={'D','o','E','a','s','y','\0'};
cout << "name: " << name <<"\n";

//or you can use double quotes
char new_name[]="Frank";
cout << "new_name: " << new_name <<"\n";

//the string.h header file has a bunch of
//useful functions for strings
//strcat(), strlen(), strcpy just to name a few
cout << "length of new_name: " << strlen(new_name) <<"\n";
//for this one^^^ you could use
//the sizeof technique we used last time

//C++ also has a new data type named string
string sentence = Very easy to initialize.;
cout << Sentence: <<sentence<<\n;
return 0;


name: DoEasy
new_name: Frank
length of new_name: 5
Sentence: Very easy to initialize.


#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;
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StringArray: How to declare and use a string array.
int main(){

//this is very different from C, but you can have an array
//of any legal data type within C++
string names[] = {"Frank","Tom","Pauline"};
for(int i = 0; i<3; i ++){
cout<<"names["<<i<<"]: "<<names[i] << "\n";
return 0;


names[0]: Frank
names[1]: Tom
names[2]: Pauline


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Author | Email | Date
Functions: How to make your own functions, and how to call user made functions, we have been
calling printf for quite some time, printf is a function.

//can be any legal data type
//when an array is a parameter, it is good practice
//to include a size parameter,e.g. (char name[], int size, ){}
//function needs to be declared above main
Step One: Above main declare the function but do not write the body
Step Two: Declare the return type, function name, and then the
parameter list, in that order.
Step Three: Write the function body below the main method
Step Four: Call the function in the main method.

//declaring function
int greatestFunctionEver(char goingToGetConverted);

//to return an array, we first need to talk about pointers
//so put this on hold for a moment
int main(){
//function needs to be called in main
cout << "Our Function Returned: "<<greatestFunctionEver('a')<<"\n";
return 0;
//function needs to be defined below main
When you define your own function you first need to declare a return type, the function must return
this type. Second define the function name, this is how you call the function. Third, set up a
parameter list, this can be as large or small as you need.
int greatestFunctionEver(char goingToGetConverted){
return goingToGetConverted;


Our Function Returned: 97


Recursion: A recursive function is a function that calls
itself. Infinite recursion is possible so beware of this.
Also, you must have a proper base case in order to avoid this.
Recursive functions are somewhat easier to read and write
however they do take up more space on the heap so they do take longer to execute. However, for
this size program we
will be alright.

//declare the function
int factorial(int n);

int main(){
int n = factorial(5);//calling the function
//you can assign the output to a variable
// or since we know the return type of
//factorial is an int, we can do with the
//anything we can do with an int: pass it into
//functions, perform operations on it,
//assign it, etc
printf("5!: %d\n",n);
printf("6!: %d\n", factorial(6));

return 0;

Calculates the factorial of n.
Factorial equals n*n-1*n-2*n-3*1
int factorial(int n){
//base case
if (n == 0)
return 1;
//recursive step
return n * factorial(n-1);


5!: 120
6!: 720


#include <iostream
using namespace std;
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Scope: scope is where and when you can use data and functions based on
where they were declared. Scope can be either global or local.
When you try to use a variable outside of its scope you will get an error.

//int i =0;//global scope

int main(){
//we could declare i out here and it would work

for(int i = 0;i<10;i++){//i has local scope within the for loop
cout<<"i: <<i<<"\n"; //so when you try to use i outside of
//the scope of the for loop, an error occurs
//try adding this line below
//cout<<"i: "<<i<<"\n";//won't work, will only work
//when scope of i is local to main, or is global
return 0;


i: 0
i: 1
i: 2
i: 3
i: 4
i: 5
i: 6
i: 7
i: 8
i: 9


#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
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Struct: How to declare and initialize structs
Structs are data structures, you can think of them
as arrays, but they can hold different data types.
int main(){

struct Person{
string name;//kind of useful for easiness,
//however sometimes it is really useful
//to know the size of the data you are working with
//as in knowing the size of a char[]
int age;
};//dont forget this semi-colon

struct Person doEasy; = "Doeasy";
doEasy.age = 100;//the dot operator we learned about in MiscOps.cpp
cout<<"Name: "<< <<"\nAge: " <<doEasy.age <<"\n";
return 0;


Name: Doeasy
Age: 100


#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
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StructArray: How to initialize an array of structs. Just like any
legal data type you can have an array of data structures.

struct Person{
string name;
int age;

int main(){
//notice the double curly brackets
//we are initializing Person structures within the array
Person contacts[3]={{"Frank",23},{"Lisa",34},{"Bell", 20}};

struct Person individual; = "DoEasy";
individual.age = 99;
struct Person friends[1];
//just showing you can use all the same techniques you know
//about arrays
friends[0] = individual;

for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
cout<<"\t"<<"Name: <<contacts[i].name<<"\n\tAge:"
return 0;

Name: Frank
Age: 23
Name: Lisa
Age: 34
Name: Bell
Age: 20


#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
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Typedef: Explains how to use typedef, a keyword in C++. Typedef renames a data type to a name
you choose, they are great for structs.
int main(){
//typedef is a keyword, so it can't be used anywhere else
//it is used to give a type a new name

typedef unsigned char BYTE;
//we can now call BYTE instead of unsigned char
BYTE b;//8 bits
b = (2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2)-1;
printf("Max value BYTE can hold: %d\n,b);

//can have an array as well
BYTE four[4];//32 bits

//can also do something like:
typedef struct Person{
char name[10];//this is still a string
int age;
}Person;//don't forget this

Person doEasy; //notice no struct when declaring
doEasy.age = 100;
printf("Name: %s\nAge: %d\n",, doEasy.age);

return 0;


Max value BYTE can hold: 255
Age: 100


using namespace std;
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CIN: How to take in standard input using cin.
cin is available in C++, but not in C. cin is a bit easier to use than
int main(){

//you can read in any data type
//but the variable you store the input in
//has to correspond
cout << "Enter an int:\n";
int x, y;
cin >> x;
cout << "Enter another number to add:\n";
cin >> y;

string s;
cout<< "Enter a string:\n";
cin >> s;

cout << "Enter a numerator:\n";
double a, b;
cin >> a;
cout << "Enter a denominator:\n";
cin >> b;

cout << "The sum is: "<<x+y<<"\n";
cout << "The string is: "<<s<<"\n";
cout << "The quotient is: "<<a/b<<"\n";
return 0;


Enter an int:
Enter another number to add:
Enter a string:
Enter a numerator:
Enter a denominator:
The sum is: 200
The string is: word
The quotient is: 1.25


#include "stduse.h"
using namespace std;
Author | Email | Date
Classes: How to make a class in C++, a class is like a
data structure however they can hold functions,
we will cover how to create and use those functions
for each individual instance of a class. An instance of a class is called an object. Objects are
legal data types, they are complex.

//first we will declare all of are data and functions
class Person{
string name;
int age;
void printPerson();
};//don't forget this, this is the end of the class definition

//How to define a function out side of the Class definition
void Person::printPerson(){
cout<<"Name: "<<name<<" Age: "<<age<<"\n";

int main(){
Person p1;//p1 is an object, an instance of the Person class = DoEasy;
p1.age = 100;
//calling the printPerson() method inside
//the instance of the class, p1
p1.printPerson();//we are calling the printPerson method
//from an instance of the Person class
//we named that instance p1
return 0;


Name: DoEasy Age: 100


#include <iostream>
#incude <string.h>
using namespace std;
Author | Email | Date
Constructor: You can instantiate a class with a constructor, when you make an instance of a class
(a.k.a when you instantiate a class) you have made an object. A constructor is like a special
function that creates an object. Constructors initialize the data inside the class.
class Person{
string name;
int age;
Person();//default constructor has no arguments
Person(string name_in, int age_in);//constructor with parameters
void printPerson();
};//don't forget this

//default constructor
//lets start to initialize
name = "No Name Set";//could be anything you like, null
age = -1;

//constructor with parameters
//person object will have data with values
//we put into this constructor
Person::Person(string name_in, int age_in){
name = name_in;
age = age_in;
Prints a person object onto the screen
Displays, name: and age.
void Person::printPerson(){
cout<<"Name: "<<name<<" Age: "<<age<<"\n";
int main(){
Person p1;//call a default constructor just like this
Person p2("DoEasy",100);//constructor with parameters

return 0;


Name: No Name Set Age: -1
Name: DoEasy Age: 100


#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
Author | Email | Date
Inheritance: In C++ you can pass down parent class genes to another child class or a
derived class. This saves you from writing extra code, and to be able to use your code again.


//parent class

class SpaceBody{

double mass;
double radius;
//we can use methods such as these to access/change our data
void setMass(double m){
mass = m;
double getMass(){
return mass;
void setRadius(double r){
radius = r;
double getRadius(){
return radius;
void print(){
cout<<"\n\tMass: "<<getMass()<<"\tRadius: "<<getRadius()<<endl;
You can define class functions within the class definition as above
it is a bit nicer. We are going to pass along these functions, and
data into another class.

Child class: Will have all data and functions of base class.
You can inherit as many times as you need although this gets messy.
Planet is inheriting SpaceBody, it now has everything contained
within SpaceBody, you can have these two classes in separate files
to reuse base class as much as you want.
class Planet: public SpaceBody{
string name;
void setName(string n){
name = n;
string getName(){
return name;

Planet(string name, double m, double r);

//this was declared user public
void print(){
cout<<"Name: <<getName();//dont forget to print how the name
//calling a parent class functions
//this was declared outside of public: so we need
//to follow this format
Planet::Planet(string n, double m, double r){

int main(){

Planet earth ("Earth", 45555.9, 890.99);
/*Please note: we could use getMass() or any function
inside the class AstroBody on a class object of type
Planet, Planet has all functions within AstroBody*/


Name: Earth
Mass: 45555.9 Radius: 890.99


#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
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There are three access modifiers: public, private and protected
-Public: can be accessed anywhere outside the class
-Private: can only be accessed by the class or friend functions
-Protected: Like private except it has one extra quality,
these modifiers can be accessed by child classes(derived classes).

class SpaceBody{
void setMass(double m){
mass = m;
double getMass(){
return mass;
void setRadius(double r){
radius = r;
double getRadius(){
return radius;
void print(){
cout<<"\n\tMass: "<<getMass()<<"\tRadius: "<<getRadius()<<endl;

protected://could change this to private and it would
//still work because of polymorphism...
double mass;
double radius;
class Planet: public SpaceBody{
void setName(string n){
name = n;
string getName(){
return name;
Planet(string name, double m, double r);

void print(){
cout<<"Name: "<<getName();
//setting an access modifier to private
private :
string name;

Planet::Planet(string n, double m, double r){

int main(){

Planet earth ("Earth", 45555.9, 890.99);
// = "DoEasy";//this wont work,try commenting back in
//name is private so it can only be accessed by public functions
//within the Planet class, that is why we made getName() and so on

//you need a function from within Planet class to change this


Name: Earth
Mass: 45555.9 Radius: 890.99
Name: MARS
Mass: 45555.9 Radius: 890.99


#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
Author | Email | Date
You can overload a function in C++, overloading a function means:
creating a function of the same name and return type, but of different
parameter lists.

class OutPut{
void print(int x){
cout<<"int: "<<x<<endl;
void print(string s){
string<<"float: "<<s<<endl;

int main(){
OutPut op;

return 0;

int: 100
float: DoEasy


#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
Author | Email | Date
Polymorphism: Polymorphism is when an object takes on
many forms. Polymorphism occurs after after inheritance,
different objects invoke different data/functions based off of what
data type they are.
class SpaceBody{

void setMass(double m){
mass = m;
double getMass(){
return mass;
void setRadius(double r){
radius = r;
double getRadius(){
return radius;
void test(){
cout<<"Printed from SpaceBody Class.\n";
void print(){
cout<<"\n\tMass: "<<getMass()<<"\tRadius: "<<getRadius()<<endl;
double mass;
double radius;

class Planet: public SpaceBody{
void setName(string n){
name = n;
string getName(){
return name;
Planet(string name, double m, double r);

void test(){
cout<<"Printed from Planet Class.\n";
void print(){
cout<<"Name: "<<getName();
private :
string name;

Planet::Planet(string n, double m, double r){

int main(){

//mars is of type Planet and SpaceBody
//this is Polymorphism
SpaceBody mars;
Planet earth("Earth", 33, 1);
return 0;


Printed from SpaceBody Class.
Printed from Planet Class.


#include <stdio.h>
[Author] | [Email] | [Date]
Pointer: A pointer is a special variable which stores the memory address of a data type. A
pointers points to a memory address. When you declare a variable in C++, memory space is
allocated to store that variable. A pointer points to the address where the value of that variable is
stored, they are useful for creating dynamic programs(which we will cover later), but dynamic
programs react and change during run time.

int main(){

int number = 1;
int two;

//to access a memory address use the & symbol
//next to variable name
printf("Address of number: %p\n", &number);
printf("Address of two: %p\n", &two);//placeholder for pointer is %p
//these two addresses will be separated by 4 bytes, or 32 bits
//to declare a pointer use the data type (in this case int) then an
//* next to the name
int *pointerToInt = &number; //declaring a pointer variable
//that points to the address of number

//just using the pointer will return an address
printf("Address of where int is stored: %p\n", pointerToInt);

//to access what the pointer is pointing to use a * on the pointer
//this is called dereferencing the pointer
printf("What The Pointer is Pointing to: %d\n", *pointerToInt);
return 0;


Address of number: 0x7fff5f315be8
Address of two: 0x7fff5f315be4
Address of where int is stored: 0x7fff5f315be8
What The Pointer is Pointing to: 1


#include <stdio.h>
Author | Email | Date
Pointers to null are legal within C++. Null is a none type similar to void, however they are
different. Null is literally nothing, null is used when you dont know what that value of a variable
will be, but you know you want the variable. When a pointer is assigned
to null the pointer does not point to anything, it points to an invalid memory address.Two null
pointers will always be equal.
Pointers to null do not point to anything.
They are useful to perform checks.
NULL is a special data type, it is literally nothing.

int main(){
int *p;
p = NULL;//we now have a pointer to NULL
int *cp = NULL;
printf("p: %p\n",p);//%p is a placeholder for a pointer
printf("p==cp: %d\n",p==cp);//1 is true, 0 is false

//can use a pointer to null in an if statement
//below is equivalent to: p != NULL
printf("p is not null\n");
}else {
printf("p is null\n");

//NULL is nothing, pointers to null are useful in data structures to
//signify the end of the data structure, for example a linked list

return 0;


p: 0x0
p==cp: 1
p is null


#include <stdio.h>
Author | Email | Date
Pointers to void are legal within C++. A pointer to void
can be used to hold a pointer to any data type. Pointers to void
display traits of polymorphism.
int main(){
//Pointer to void can hold any data type
int a = 100;
int *p = &a;//first declare a pointer to an int
printf("Address of p: %p\n",p);
printf("sizeof(p): %lu\n", sizeof(p));
printf("Dereferencing of p: %d\n",*p);
void *vp;//next declare a pointer to void
vp = p;//this pointer can hold any data type,
//useful for function parameters
-a pointer to void will have the same representation and memory
alignment as a char
-a ptr to void will never == another ptr, yet two pointers to void
assigned to NULL will ==
printf("Address of vp: %p\n",vp);
printf("sizeof(vp): %lu\n", sizeof(vp));

return 0;


Address of p: 0x7fff5c39cba8
sizeof(p): 8
Dereferencing of p: 100
Address of vp: 0x7fff5c39cba8
sizeof(vp): 8


#include <stdio.h>
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ConstantPointer: Constant pointers are legal within C++. Once a constant pointer is initialized it
cannot be changed. Nor can the value the address contains be change.
int main(){

int x = 100;
const int *pci = &x;
printf("Address: %p\n",pci);
printf("Dereference: %d\n", *pci);
//this is not legal so it is commented out
//*pci = 200;//illegal
//if pci was not a pointer to a constant you could
//change the value by dereferencing

return 0;


Address: 0x7fff54958ba8
Dereference: 100


#include <stdio.h>
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You can have multiple pointers pointing to the same memory address.
But each of those pointers will have different addresses.
Be careful doing this because memory addresses can become lost
if done improperly. Please note in this example, there is also a reference of a pointer to a pointer.
int main(){
int x = 1000;
int *p1 = &x;
int *p2 = &x;
//pointers have addresses themselves
//and can be retrieved using & operator
printf("Memory address of x: %p\n", p1);
printf("Memory address of p1: %p\n", &p1);
printf("Dereference of p1: %d\n", *p1);

printf("Memory address of x: %p\n", p2);
printf("Memory address of p1: %p\n", &p2);
printf("Dereference of p2: %d\n", *p2);

return 0;


Memory address of x: 0x7fff5bf59ba8
Memory address of p1: 0x7fff5bf59ba0
Dereference of p1: 1000
Memory address of x: 0x7fff5bf59ba8
Memory address of p1: 0x7fff5bf59b98
Dereference of p2: 1000


#include <stdio.h>
Author | Email | Date
PointerToArray: When you access array by name, rather than by an
index, an address to the first index will automatically return. You can use the technique below to
iterate through an array.

int main(){

int *p; //declare a pointer before

int list[]= {777, 222, 100};//initialize array
//if you use list, instead of list[n], a pointer to the first memory
//address in the array therefore, this is like using &list[0]

p = list;//will give us an address same as p = &list[0]

for(int i=0; i<3; i++){

printf("Memory Address of index %d : %p\n", i, (p+i));
//this is called pointer arithmetic
printf("*(p + %d) : %d\n", i, *(p + i) );
//same as printing list[i]

return 0;


Memory Address of index 0 : 0x7fff5ec02bbc
*(p + 0) : 777

Memory Address of index 1 : 0x7fff5ec02bc0
*(p + 1) : 222

Memory Address of index 2 : 0x7fff5ec02bc4
*(p + 2) : 100


#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
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You can return an array from a function, however you have to return a pointer to the first data
member in the array. Then you can use
pointer arithmetic to iterate through the array later on.

We will return a pointer to an int.
int* returnArray(int numbers[], int size);

int main(){
int list[] = {1,2,3};
int* p = returnArray(list, 3);
cout << "Returning array: "<<p<<"\n";
cout<< "We will now dereference each element in array\n";

for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
cout <<"Array["<<i<<"]: \n"<<"\tMemory Address: ;
cout << p << " Dereference: << *(p+i) << "\n";
return 0;
int* returnArray(int numbers[], int size){
//this will return the first element in the array
//we can then dereference this pointer using
//arithmetic to iterate through the array.
return numbers;



Returning array: 0x7fff56879b9c
We will now dereference each element in array
Memory Address: 0x7fff56879b9c Dereference: 1
Memory Address: 0x7fff56879b9c Dereference: 2
Memory Address: 0x7fff56879b9c Dereference: 3


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

Author | Email | Date
PointerToStruct: You can have a pointer to a struct just the same way as any other data type. When
you declare a pointer the memory address belongs to the first data type in the struct. You can
iterate through a struct the same way we learned before.

struct Person{
char name[20];
int age;
}; //notice the semi-colon

//the parameter is a pointer to a struct
void printStruct(struct Person *person);

int main(){
struct Person person;
printf("Size of Struct: %lu\n\n",sizeof(person));
strcpy(, "DoEasy Prod.");
person.age = 1;
struct Person *p = &person;
for(int i =0; i<2; i++){
printf(address[%d] : %p\n,i,(p+i));
return 0;
Since we are using a pointer to a struct as a parameter we pass a pointer to a struct into our
argument, to see what the pointer is pointing to we must use the -> operator, not the *
void printStruct(struct Person *person){
printf("Name: %s\nAge: %d\n", person->name, person->age);


Size of Struct: 24

address[0] : 0x7fff55633bb0
address[1] : 0x7fff55633bc8
Name: DoEasy Prod.
Age: 1


#include <stdio.h>
Author | Email | Date
PointerToFunction: Explains what a pointer to a function is, and how to use them. Once you have
a pointer to a function you can use this pointer to call the function. You can call a function from
the pointer.

int add(int x, int y);
int main(){

//when you declare a pointer to a function you have to set
//it up the same way as you did the original function
//first declare the return type, then name the pointer, then
//set the parameter list, and finally set store the address of the
//original function
int (*ptrfun)(int, int) = &add;
int r = (*ptrfun)(10,3);
printf("r: %d\n",r);
return 0;

int add(int x, int y){
return x+y;


r: 13


#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
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You can have a pointer to a class just like you can have a pointer to another data type we have
covered. Again use the same techniques we saw in the pointer to a struct example. We use the ->
to dereference the pointer and to change the values.

class Person{
string name;
int age;
Person(string name_in, int age_in);
void printPerson();
};//don't forget this

//default constructor
name = "No Name Set";//could be anything you like null is not bad...
age = -1;
//constructor with parameters
Person::Person(string name_in, int age_in){
name = name_in;
age = age_in;
*Prints a person object onto the screen
*Displays, name: and age:
void Person::printPerson(){
cout<<"Name: "<<name<<" Age: "<<age<<"\n";
int main(){
Person p1("DoEasy",100);
//declare a ptr variable just like any other time
Person *pp= &p1;
cout<<"Name: "<<pp->name<<endl;
cout<<"Age: "<<pp->age<<endl; //dereferencing the pointer
return 0;


Name: DoEasy
Age: 100


Author | Email | Date
Converts a temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius and Kelvin.
int main(){
printf("Enter degrees in F:\n");
double tempF;
cin >> tempF;

double tempC = (tempF-32)*(double)5/9;
double tempK = tempC + 273.15;

//%.2f formats a decimal number to 2 decimal places
printf("tempF: %.2f\n",tempF);;
printf("tempC: %.2f\n",tempC);;
printf("tempK: %.2f\n",tempK);;


Enter degrees in F:
tempF: 0.00
tempC: -17.78
tempK: 255.37


ChemicalElemnt: A header file that contains a data structure
that mimics a chemical element.
typedef struct ChemicalElement{
//names cannot be longer that 19 characters
char name[20];
int number;
double mass;
//anymore members you can think of?


Author | Email | Date
PeriodicTable: A C++ source file where you can save chemical elements,
and maybe start creating molecules.
int main(){

ChemicalElement hydrogen;
strcpy(, "Hydrogen");
hydrogen.number = 1;
hydrogen.mass = 1.001;

ChemicalElement oxygen;
strcpy(, "Oxygen");
oxygen.number = 8;
oxygen.mass = 15.9994;

ChemicalElement h2o[3];
h2o[0] = hydrogen;
h2o[1] = hydrogen;
h2o[2] = oxygen;

printf("Printing Water:\n");
double totalMass=0;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
printf("%s: %.2f\n", h2o[i].name, h2o[i].mass);
totalMass += h2o[i].mass;
printf("Total Mass: %.2f\n", totalMass);

return 0;


Printing Water:
Hydrogen: 1.00
Hydrogen: 1.00
Oxygen: 16.00
Total Mass: 18.00


Author | Email | Date
Average: Calculates the average of a random int[]. We cover
how to create a random number using rand() the number after
rand% is the range from [0 to range-1]. Notice the new import
int main(){

int numbers[10];
int total = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
numbers[i] = rand()%101;// includes [0,100]
total += numbers[i];

printf("Array Populated:\n");
double average = total/10;//ten total number, or use sizeof
printf("Average: %.2f\n", average);

return 0;


Array Populated:
Average: 39.00


Author | Email | Date
CoinFlip: Simulates a coin toss by random
number generation.
int main(){

string side = (rand()%2 + 1 == 1) ? Heads : Tails;
return 0;

Output 1:


Output 2:


Output 3:



Author | Email | Date
A game to test out while loops, user input and
logic. The game will end when the user guesses our

Returns 1 if guess == password
Otherwise 0 is returned.
int equals(char* guess, char* password);

int main(){
char PASSWORD[] = "Password";
char* pp = PASSWORD;
char guess[15];//guess can be no longer than 15 characters
//we can use a string however you should practice
//pointer arithmetic, and understand the equals function
printf("Guess the password: \n");
std::cin >> guess;//std:: needed because we left out using namespace std;
}while(equals(guess, pp) == 0);
printf("You win the password was: %s\n",PASSWORD);
return 0;

Returns 1 if guess == password
Otherwise 0 is returned.
int equals(char* guess, char* password){
int i = 0;
while(*(password+i) != '\0'){
if (*(password+i)!= *(guess+i))
return 0;
return 1;


Guess the password:
Guess the password:
Guess the password:
Guess the password:
Guess the password:
You win the password was: Password


Author | Email | Date
FibRecursion: Calculates the fibonacci number up
to the desired place.

int fibonacci(int n);

int main(){

int fibArray[10];
printf("Populating Array\n");
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
fibArray[i] = fibonacci(i);
printf("fibArray[%d]: %d\n",i, fibArray[i]);
return 0;

fibonacci: Returns the the nth fibonacci number.
fib[n] = fib[n-1]+fib[n-2]
int fibonacci(int n){
//base case
if (n == 0)
return 0;
else if (n == 1)
return 1;
return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2);


Populating Array
fibArray[0]: 0
fibArray[1]: 1
fibArray[2]: 1
fibArray[3]: 2
fibArray[4]: 3
fibArray[5]: 5
fibArray[6]: 8
fibArray[7]: 13
fibArray[8]: 21
fibArray[9]: 34


#include <stdio.h>
Author | Email | Date
IO: Weve been dealing with output all along with the printf() function, now lets try some input
using the scanf() function. We can use CIN, scarf, or getchar().
int main(){
//we have already been seeing input, but what if you
//want to get user input from the keyboard?
getchar() and putchar()
char c;
printf("Enter a value>>> ");
c = getchar();
printf("\nChar Entered: ");

scanf() and printf()
char input[100];
int i;
printf("Enter a value>>> ");
scanf("%s %d", input, &i);//this can be any pattern you like
//or you know the user will input
//notice the & sign,
//scanf must have a memory addresses,
//of the variables you are using
//input is the first address of the array
printf("\nInput Entered: ");
printf("%s %d", input, i);
return 0;


Enter a value>>> s

Char Entered: s
Enter a value>>> string 4

Input Entered: string


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
Author | Email | Date
FileIO: How to read input from a file. We will also discuss how to
write to a file, when you write to a file make sure to use the
append option if you dont want to completely write over the file.
int main(){
fgetc(fp) -->reads in a char
fscanf(fp, char[], sourcefile)> reads in a pattern
fgets --> reads in lines
printf: prints to a document
fputs: also prints to a file
Be careful printing to a file as you may delete all the contents,
make sure you are appending to the file to avoid this.

FILE *fp;

char contents[50];//cant be longer than 200
fp = fopen("tester.txt","r");
//if fp == NULL {
fscanf(fp, "%s", contents);
printf("Word 1: %s\n",contents);
fscanf(fp, "%s", contents);
printf("Word 2: %s\n",contents);
fscanf(fp, "%s", contents);
printf("Word 3: %s\n",contents);

for(int i = 0; i<4; i++){
fgets(contents, 50, fp);
printf("Line %d: %s\n", i+1, contents);
fp = fopen("output.txt","w");
//doesnt add a new line character
fprintf(fp,"This will write into file above");
fputs("This will also fo in the file",fp);
return 0;

//line 1 is empty because we have already scanned that line with
//fscanf() function

Word 1: This
Word 2: scans
Word 3: words
Line 1:

Line 2: this is another line

Line 3: file input and output

Line 4: can be very useful


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
Author | Email | Date
Shows how to deal with errors, what to look for,
and stderr, part of the stdlib

int main(){
int numerator = 4;
int denominator = 1;
int quotient;

if(denominator == 0){
fprintf(stderr,"Error: Denominator == 0\nExiting with return status 1.\n");
return 1;
quotient = numerator/denominator;
fprintf(stderr, "Quotient: %d", quotient);

return 0;


Quotient: 4


Author | Email | Date
MyHeader: You can create your own header files within C++. You can later include these in
other programs. Data structures and classes are a common thing to put in header files.
typedef struct Person{
char name[10];
int age;

//can put methods in here,
//can put error handling within those methods as well

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include MyHeader.h//notice the include
Author | Email | Date
Header: Exercises our MyHeader.h header file. Shows how to include
user made header files.
int main(){
Person me;
me.age = 100;
printf("Name: %s\nAge: %d\n",, me.age);
return 0;


Name: DoEasy
Age: 100


#include <stdio.h>
Author | Email | Date
CommandLine: How to pass in command line arguments.
Please note they are passed as an array of strings
so to accept a different data type takes more work.
Command line arguments are arguments next to the ./SourceFile command.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

if (argc == 1){
return 0;
} else {
int i =1;
printf("Command Line Arg[%d]:%s\n", i, argv[i]);
}//end while
}//end else

return 0;

./CommandLine These Are the Args

Command Line Arg[1]:These
Command Line Arg[2]:Are
Command Line Arg[3]:the
Command Line Arg[4]:Args


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
DoEasy | Email | date
How to take allocate memory dynamically. Dynamic memory allocation means memory changes
size, and reacts, during run time.
void *calloc(int num, int size)-->allocates an array of num, elements, each with given size

void free(void *address)-->release a block of memory given by address

void malloc(int num)-->allocates an array of num bytes, which are uninit

void *realloc(void *address, int newsize)-->reallocats memory, extending to size

Dynamic memory allocation is useful when you don't know how much memory space you need
So we can define a pointer to a data type without defining how much memory is required
int main(){

char name[10];
char *about_name;

about_name = malloc(100*sizeof(char));
printf("sizeof(): %lu\n", sizeof(about_name));
printf("address: %p\n", &about_name);
strcpy(about_name,"This string can be as big as the malloc...");
//so if you wan to make this bigger, like n an error check or
//based off of some user input you can use realloc()
//then finally free up the space
printf("name: %s\n",name);
printf("about_name: %s\n", about_name);

return 0;


sizeof(): 8
address: 0x7fff5c8e3b90
name: doeasy
about_name: This string can be as big as the malloc


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DynamicString: How to create a string dynamically.
A dynamic string grows and shrinks as needed.
Most times going into a program you do not know
how long your input is going to be, we will deal with
that right now.
int main(){

//first declare a char* to hold a string,
//but set it equal to the size of one char
//malloc returns a void* so you must cast to the
//data type we are woking with
char* input = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char));
int count = 0;

//next we will get some user input of unknown length
printf("Enter a sentence: ");
char token;
token = getchar();
//can only read in one sentence, hit enter from command line
//to keep program going
while(token != '\n'){
//realloc returns a void* so you must cast
//to the type of pointer you are working with
input = (char*)realloc(input, sizeof(char)*(count+1));
input[count] = token;//add to array
token = getchar();//get the next token
count++;//increment our size
printf("You entered: %s\n", input);
printf("Counted %d tokens.",count);
return 0;


Enter a sentence: this sentence can be any length
You entered: this sentence can be any length


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DynamicIntArray: A dynamic int array can grow or shrink
during run time. We are going to use much the same approach
as before, but with integers.
int main(){

int* numbers = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
printf("Enters numbers, press enter to add a number:\n");
printf("Enter a -1 to exit.\n");
int input = 0;
int count = 0;
while(input != -1){
scanf("%d", &input);
numbers = (int*)realloc(numbers, sizeof(int)*(count+1));
numbers[count] = input;

printf("\nPrinting Numbers:\n");
for(int i = 0; i<count-1;i++){
printf("number[%d]: %d\n",i, numbers[i]);
printf("\nThat was %d numbers.\n",count-1);

return 0;


Enters numbers, press enter to add a number:
Enter a -1 to exit.

Printing Numbers:
number[0]: 0
number[1]: 22
number[2]: 222

That was 3 numbers.


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ArrayAnalysis: Calculates the average, biggest, and smallest number
of a randomly generated array. We are going to discuss how
to return an array from a functions, and how to pass an array as a

int* initArray(int size, int range);
double average(int* numbers, int size);
int biggest(int* numbers, int size);
int smallest(int* numbers, int size);

int main(){
int* pi = initArray(10, 100);
double ave = average(pi, 10);
int big = biggest(pi, 10);
int small = smallest(pi, 10);

printf("Analyzing Array:\n");
printf("\tAverage %.2f\n",ave);
printf("\tBiggest %d\n",big);
printf("\tSmallest %d\n", small);

return 0;

Creates an array of length size, with
random numbers in between [0, range].
When you return an array you must return
a pointer to an array, which you can later
iterate through.
int* initArray(int size, int range){

int* num = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
num = realloc(num, sizeof(int)*(i+1));
*(num+i) = rand()%range;
//this returns a pointer to the first
//address of numbers
return num;

average: Calculates the average of our array.
What we are doing is passing an array into our function.
More specifically we are passing a pointer to our function
which we then can use pointer arithmetic on to
dereference it's members. When you do this it is good practice
to pass in the size as well.
double average(int* numbers, int size){
double total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
total += *(numbers+i);
return total/(double)size;

biggest: finds the largest number in an array.
We will use the same technique as above.
int biggest(int* numbers, int size){
int biggest = *numbers;
//initialize biggest to the first element
for(int i = 1; i < size; i++){
if(*(numbers+i) > biggest)
biggest = *(numbers+i);
return biggest;

smallest: finds the smallest number in an array.
We will use the same technique as above.
int smallest(int* numbers, int size){
int smallest = *numbers;
//initialize biggest to the first element
for(int i = 1; i < size; i++){
if(*(numbers+i) <smallest)
smallest = *(numbers+i);
return smallest;


Analyzing Array:
Average 60.30
Biggest 90
Smallest 0


TicTacToe: The beginning to a TicTacToe game, it needs some work, but it is great practice.
char board[3][3];
int player1 = 1;
int player2 = 0;

void initBoard(){
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
board[i][j] = ' ';

void printBoard(){
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){

Put functions in here to check to see whose turn it is.
And to make moves.


#include <stdio.h>
#include "TicTacToe.h"
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Exercises our TicTacToe.h header file. This file is where
the game is actually played. You can choose to make the game
for one or two players.
int main(){

board[0][1] = 'X';



[ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ]
[ ][X][ ]
[ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ]


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Pieces: Contains pieces present in a game of chess.
char *board[8][8];
char pawn = 'p';
char rook = 'r';
char night = 'n';
char bishop = 'b';
char queen = 'q';
char king = 'k';
char block = ' ';
char *lostBlackPieces[16];
char *lostWhitePieces[16];
void initBoard(){
for(int i = 0; i<8;i++){
for(int j = 0; j<8; j++){
if(i==1 || i == 6){
board[i][j] = &pawn;
else if (i != 7 || 1 !=0 || i != 1 || i != 6)
void printBoard(){
for (int r = 0; r<8; r++){
for(int c = 0; c<8; c++)
printf("[%c]", *(board[r][c]));


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Moves: Contains moves present in a game of chess.
int checkPawnMove(char *p, int fromr, int fromc, int tor, int toc){
if(p != &pawn){
return 0;
else if(tor-fromr == 1 || tor - fromr!=-1){
return 0;
else if(tor < 0 || tor > 7){
return 0;
else if(toc-fromc != 0){
return 0;
return 1;

int jumpWithPawn(char *piece, int r, int c, int tor, int toc){


void movePawn(char *piece, int r, int c, int tor, int toc){
if(checkPawnMove(piece, r, c, tor, toc)==1){
board[tor][toc] = piece;
board[r][c] = &block;


#include <stdio.h>
#include "pieces.h"
#include "moves.h"
A game of chess. Here is where you will implement the header files to
actually play a game of Chess. The game is far from complete but it is a nice start. Have fun :)
int main(){

movePawn(board[6][0], 6, 0, 5, 0);
movePawn(board[5][0], 5, 0, 4, 0);
return 0;

In conclusion, we have only scratched the surface with these examples.
However, now you have a great base on which to build. So get out there and start
building, breaking, and having fun with your own code. Please check out my
website for more information:

For fun and interactive video tutorials check out my youtube channel:

DoEasy Productions

There are playlists on that channel to help guide you through these examples
and to give you ideas for your own programs. Thank you very much.

-Torin Foss

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