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KARMESH YADAV | | | +91-9706683558

EDUCATION Indian Institute of Technology-Guwahati, Guwahati, India

B. Tech., Mechanical Engineering, 2013-2017 CPI: 8.49/10
Summer Fields School, Gurgaon, India
Class 12, Senior Secondary, CBSE, 2013 Percentage: 94.60%
Class 10, Matriculation, CBSE, 2011 CGPA: 10.0/10

INTERNSHIP Autonomous Driving Team, Mathworks Hyderabad August17 - Present

EXPERIENCE State Estimation for an Autonomous Vehicle
Working on improving the state estimation module(EKF) of MathWorks autonomous vehicle.
Modifying Visual Odometry code of ORB Slam for extracting covariance to fuse it in EKF.
Autonomous Indoor Vehicles Team, The Hi-Tech Robotic Systemz May17 - July17
Local Path Planning for an Autonomous Forklift
Studied different local path-planning algorithms for implementation on an autonomous forklift.
Improved Timed Elastic Band planner by incorporating jerk constraint in the objective function.
Integrated TEB into the planning stack to interact with the global planner and controller.
Intelligent Vehicles Lab, National Taiwan University May16 - Jul16
Prof. Kang Li, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NTU
LIDAR based Navigation of an Electric Golf Cart
Developed a two-level motion planner, utilizing the A-star(A*) and Rapidly-exploring Random
Tree(RRT) algorithm, on a local map created using multiple laser scanners.
Created the vehicle model and predicted the vehicle trajectory using Pure Pursuit steering con-
troller and Proportional-Integral(PI) speed controller.
Engine Assembly Plant, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd May15 - Jul15
Industrial Intern as a Quality Control Engineer, KB Plant
Studied and analyzed the manufacturing and assembling procedure of various petrol series engine
for improving the lines material handling capacity.
Enhanced the daily testing capacity of engines on the firing test bench by 16%.

PROJECTS Preventing Monocular SLAM Failure using Reinforcement Learning Aug17 - Present
Prof. K. M. Krishna, Robotics Research Center, IIIT Hyderabad
Working on generating fail safe paths using RRT* to avoid slam failure with a monocular camera.
Learning Q values to predict slam failure using a handcrafted reward function.
Development of an affordable Autonomous Miniature Car Aug16 - Apr17
Bachelor Thesis Project, IIT Guwahati
Prof. S. K. Dwivedy, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati
Developed a 1:10 scale autonomous car with the aim of exploring affordable technologies.
Simulated and implemented Pure Pursuit & Stanley controller on the vehicle.
Applied sensor fusion on vehicle using Extended Kalman Filter with GPS, IMU and encoders.
Design and Fabrication of a Formula Style Racing Car Sep15 - Jan17
Prof. Deepak Sharma, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati
Optimized the steering system using 2-track roll axis model and empirical tire model in MATLAB.
Performed kinematic, dynamic and vibration analysis on a double wishbone push rod suspension.
Quadbot - An autonomous four legged walking robot Jan15 - Apr15
Prof. S.K. Dwivedy, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati
Developed a quadruped robot with the capability of walking, crouching and climbing obstacles.
Designed the quads gait using a moving tail mounted on top to provide dynamic stability.
Efficycle - Double-Seater Hybrid Trike Jul14 - Oct14
Dr. Karuna Kalita, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati
Designed and fabricated a tadpole configuration, two-seater hybrid recumbent tricycle.
Developed a parallel hybrid transmission system, using a 18-speed gear and derailleur system.

TECHNICAL Languages: C, C++, LATEX.

SKILLS Software Packages: MATLAB, Simulink, Solidworks, Ansys, Carsim, SolidEdge, V-Rep.
Hardware: Arduino, Raspberry Pi.
Operating Systems: Ubuntu, Windows, Robot Operating System(ROS).

RELEVANT Mechanical Engg.: Mechatronics, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, Engineering Design
COURSEWORK Methodology, Industrial Organization, Design Of Machine Elements
Mathematics: Linear Algebra and Real Analysis, Vector Calculus, Ordinary and Partial
Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, Portfolio Theory
EECS: Introduction to Computing, Control Systems, Electrical Machines and Sciences
Online Courses: AI for Robotics(Udacity), Vehicle Dynamics(NPTEL), Machine Learning(Coursera),
Reinforcement Learning(Udacity), Robotic Mapping(Youtube, Uni Freiberg)

ACADEMIC Got selected for the Undergraduate Research initiative (UGRI) Program, IIT Jodhpur 2016
Ranked 13th among 250+ teams in Efficycle14, a national level SAE Competition 2014
Ranked 1st in School(Science stream) in All India Senior School Certificate Examination 2013
Achieved the highest grade awarded in All India Secondary School Examination 2011

CO - Team Captain, Formula Bharat17 2016-2017

CURRICULARS Led a team of 25 students in Formula Bharat, a national level engineering design competition.
Achieved an overall rank of 21 out of 100+ participating teams.
Secretary, Automobile Club 2015-2016
Organised various lectures, workshops and competitions for the campus community.
Supervised Team Evolution in Efficycle16, obtaining 7th rank overall.

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