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Dr.Chaman Lal BSPT,DPT, Sports Inj.,MPPS(PAK),PG in Clinical Electroneurophysiology(AKUH),R.



(DPT 1st Year 2016-21)

Students Name: Roll No: Date: 18-09-2017

Invigilators Sign: Total Marks: 90 Time Allowed: 3:00 hrs


Q1. For the development of Good posture which Q11. On set command the sprinters are in
factor is not important? a) Stable equilibrium
a) Stable Psychological background b) Unstable equilibrium
b) Good Hygienic Conditions c) Static equilibrium
c) Opportunity for plenty of natural free environment d) Neutral equilibrium
d) Sitting in a same posture for prolonged time Q12. There are _______ varieties of slings used
Q2._____ can be used in treatment of occupational in suspension therapy.
induced tensions: a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8
a) General Relaxation Q13. Endurance Program is based on rule:
b) Physiological Relaxation a) Low resistance, High Repetition Regime
c) Psychological Relaxation b) High Resistance, Low Repetition Regime
d) None of above c) Low resistance, Low repetition Regime
Q3. Savasna literally means_________: d) High Resistance, High Repetition Regime
a) Calm Pose b) Corpse Pose Q14. To prevent atrophy _____muscle work in
c) Silent Pose d) None of above pain free range must be used:
Q4. Work for the _________ is required during re- a) Concentric b) Eccentric
education of a stooping posture: c) Isometric d) Isotonic
a) Lower back extensors & Scapular Protractors Q15. Crook Lying with pelvis lifted is useful in ___:
b) Lower back extensors & Scapular Retractors a) Back Massage Position
c) Upper back flexors & Scapular Retractors b) Hip Lateral Rotators
d) Upper back extensors & Scapular Protractors c) After Child Labour or Visceroptosis
Q5. Dynamic Power Test was developed by ______: d) Hip Abductors
a) de Lorme & Watkins b) Zinovieff Q16. Shoulder flexors are most efficient in _______
c) MacQueen d) DAPRE range while hip extensors are strongest in______
Q6. The following are active movements of patients range.
beside: a) Inner, Outer b) Middle, Inner
a) Assisted movement c) Inner, Middle d) Outer, Inner
b) Mobilization of carpal bones Q17. A patient got accident & developed Spastic
c) Shoulder Resisted flexion Paraplegia, his muscles showed________________:
d) Reflex movement a) Lower Motor Neuron Lesion
Q7. Lever system prevalent in human arm is: b) Peripheral Nerve Injury
a) 1st class lever b) 2nd class lever c) Neuropraxia
c) 3rd class lever d) Double 2nd Class d) None
Q8. The Measurement taken for stick length are Q18. When heels are raised on toes is example of
taken in which positions: which class of lever:
a) Lying b) Standing a) 2nd Order b) 3rd Order
c) Sitting d) Side Lying c) Double lever of 3 order d) None
Q9. Rollator frame is used by which type of Q19. Motor Unit is activated by stimulation of
patients: _______ & all its component fibers:
a) Ataxic Patient b) Rheumatic Patient a) Anterior Horn Cell b) Posterior Horn Cell
c) Hemiplegic Patient d) With leg amputation c) Schwann Cell d) All of above
Q10. For the measurement of __________ crutch Q20. In flaccid Paralysis ___ full range passive
the elbow is slightly flexed (15) from ulnar styloid movements for joint ROM is sufficient twice a day.
process to point 20cm lateral to heel of shoe: a) One-Five b) One-Two
a) Axillary Crutch b) Gutter Crutch c) Five-ten d) Ten-Fifteen
c) Elbow Crutch d) None of these
Dr.Chaman Lal BSPT,DPT, Sports Inj.,MPPS(PAK),PG in Clinical Electroneurophysiology(AKUH),R.EEGT(USA),Member of ABRET,AANEM & ASET(USA)
Answers Key
1. D
3. B
5. D
6. D
7. C
11. B
13. A
15. C
16. D
17. D
18. A
19. A
20. B

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