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Submitted By : Submitted To :
Mariko E. Kubo Mr.Romulo Ocfemia
A History of Taxation

Taxes are considered a problem by everyone. Not surprisingly, taxation problems date back to earliest
recorded history.
Historical Tax Terms:
Tax Farming


During the various reins of the Egyptian Pharaohs tax collectors were known as scribes. During
one period the scribes imposed a tax on cooking oil. To insure that citizens were not avoiding
the cooking oil tax scribes would audit households to insure that appropriate amounts of
cooking oil were consumed and that citizens were not using leavings generated by other cooking
processes as a substitute for the taxed oil.

In times of war the Athenians imposed a tax referred to as eisphora. No one was exempt from
the tax which was used to pay for special wartime expenditures. The Greeks are one of the few
societies that were able to rescind the tax once the emergency was over. When additional
resources were gained by the war effort the resources were used to refund the tax.
Athenians imposed a monthly poll tax on foreigners, people who did not have both an Athenian
Mother and Father, of one drachma for men and a half drachma for women. The tax was
referred to as metoikion

The earliest taxes in Rome were customs duties on imports and exports called portoria.
Caesar Augustus was consider by many to be the most brilliant tax strategist of the Roman
Empire. During his reign as "First Citizen" the publicani were virtually eliminated as tax
collectors for the central government. During this period cities were given the responsibility for
collecting taxes. Caesar Augustus instituted an inheritance tax to provide retirement funds for
the military. The tax was 5 percent on all inheritances except gifts to children and spouses. The
English and Dutch referred to the inheritance tax of Augustus in developing their own
inheritance taxes.
During the time of Julius Caesar a 1 percent sales tax was imposed. During the time of Caesar
Augustus the sales tax was 4 percent for slaves and 1 percent for everything else.
Saint Matthew was a publican (tax collector) from Capernaum during Caesar Augustus reign. He
was not of the old publicani but hired by the local government to collect taxes.
In 60 A.D. Boadicea, queen of East Anglia led a revolt that can be attributed to corrupt tax
collectors in the British Isles. Her revolt allegedly killed all Roman soldiers within 100 miles;
seized London; and it is said that over 80,000 people were killed during the revolt. The Queen
was able to raise an army of 230,000. The revolt was crushed by Emperor Nero and resulted in
the appointment of new administrators for the British Isles.1

The first tax assessed in England was during occupation by the Roman Empire.
Lady Godiva
Lady Godiva was an Anglo-Saxon woman who lived in England during the 11th century.
According to legend, Lady Godiva's husband Leofric, Earl of Mercia, promised to reduce the high
taxes he levied on the residents of Coventry when she agreed to ride naked through the streets
of the town.
When Rome fell, the Saxon kings imposed taxes, referred to as Danegeld, on land and property.
The kings also imposed substantial customs duties.
The 100 years War (the conflict between England and France) began in 1337 and ended in 1453.
One of the key factors that renewed fighting in 1369 was the rebellion of the nobles of
Aquitaine over the oppressive tax policies of Edward, The Black Prince.
Taxes during 14th century were very progressive; The 1377 Poll tax noted that the tax on the
Duke of Lancaster was 520 times the tax on the common peasant.
Under the earliest taxing schemes an income tax was imposed on the wealthy, office holders,
and the clergy. A tax on movable property was imposed on merchants. The poor paid little or no
Charles I was ultimately charged with treason and beheaded. However, his problems with
Parliament came about because of a disagreement in 1629 about the rights of taxation afforded
the King and the rights of taxation afforded the Parliament.
The King's Writ stated that individuals should be taxed according to status and means. Hence
the idea of a progressive tax on those with the ability to pay was developed very early.
Other prominent taxes imposed during this period were taxes on land and various excise taxes.
To pay for the army commanded by Oliver Cromwell, Parliament, in 1643, imposed excise taxes
on essential commodities (grain, meat, etc.). The taxes imposed by Parliament extracted even
more funds than taxes imposed by Charles I, especially from the poor. The excise tax was very
regressive, increasing the tax on the poor so much that the Smithfield riots occurred in 1647.
The riots occurred because the new taxes lowered rural laborers ability to buy wheat to the
point where a family of four would starve. In addition to the excise tax, the common lands used
for hunting by the peasant class were enclosed and peasant hunting was banned (hooray for
Robin Hood).
A precursor to the modern income tax we know today was invented by the British in 1800 to
finance their engagement in the war with Napoleon. The tax was repealed in 1816 and
opponents of the tax, who thought it should only be used to finance wars, wanted all records of
the tax destroyed along with its repeal. Records were publicly burned by the Chancellor of the
Exchequer but copies were retained in the basement of the tax court.

Colonists were paying taxes under the Molasses Act which was modified in 1764 to include
import duties on foreign molasses, sugar, wine and other commodities. The new act was known
as the Sugar Act.
Because the Sugar Act did not raise substantial revenue amounts, the Stamp Act was added in
1765. The Stamp Act imposed a direct tax on all newspapers printed in the colonies and most
commercial and legal documents.

In 1794 Settlers west of the Alleghenies, in opposition to Alexander Hamilton's excise tax of
1791, started what is now known as the "Whiskey Rebellion" The excise tax was considered
discriminatory and the settlers rioted against the tax collectors . President Washington
eventually sent troops to quell the riots. Although two settlers were eventually convicted of
treason, the President granted each a pardon.
In 1798 Congress enacted the Federal Property Tax to pay for the expansion of the Army and
Navy in the event of possible war with France. In the same year, John Fries began what is
referred to as the "Fries Rebellion," in opposition to the new tax. No one was injured or killed in
the insurrection and Fries was arrested for treason but eventually pardoned by President Adams
in 1800. Surprisingly, Fries was the leader of a militia unit called out to suppress the "Whiskey
The first income tax suggested in the United States was during the War of 1812. The tax was
based on the British Tax Act of 1798 and applied progressive rates to income. The rates were
.08% on income above 60 and 10 percent on income above 200. The tax was developed in
1814 but was never imposed because the treaty of Ghent was signed in 1815 ending hostilities
and the need for additional revenue.
The Tax Act of 1861 proposed that "there shall be levied, collected, and paid, upon annual
income of every person residing in the U.S. whether derived from any kind of property, or from
any professional trade, employment, or vocation carried on in the United States or elsewhere,
or from any source whatever.
The 1861 Tax Act was passed but never put in force. Rates under the Act were 3% on income
above $800 and 5% on income of individuals living outside the U.S.
The Tax Act of 1862 was passed and signed by President Lincoln July 1 1862. The rates were 3%
on income above $600 and 5% on income above $10,000. The rent or rental value of your home
could be deducted from income in determining the tax liability. The Commissioner of Revenue
stated "The people of this country have accepted it with cheerfulness, to meet a temporary
exigency, and it has excited no serious complaint in its administration." This acceptance was
primarily due to the need for revenue to finance the Civil War.
Although the people cheerfully accepted the tax, compliance was not high. Figures released
after the Civil War indicated that 276,661 people actually filed tax returns in 1870 (the year of
the highest returns filed) when the country's population was approximately 38 million.
The Tax Act of 1864 was passed to raise additional revenue to support the Civil War.
Senator Garret Davis, in discussing the guiding principle of taxation, stated "a recognition of the
idea that taxes shall be paid according to the abilities of a person to pay."
Taxes rates for the Tax Act of 1864 were 5% for income between $600 and $5000; 7.5% for
income between $5001 and $10,000; 10% on income above $10,000. The deduction for rent or
rental value was limited to $200. A deduction for repairs was allowed.
With the end of the Civil War the public's accepted cheerfulness with regard to taxation waned.
The Tax Act of 1864 was modified after the war. The rates were changed to a flat 5 percent with
the exemption amount raised to $1,000. Several attempts to make the tax permanent were
tried but by 1869 " no businessman could pass the day without suffering from those
burdens" The Times. From 1870 to 1872 the rate was a flat 2.5 percent and the exemption
amount was raised to $2,000.
The tax was repealed in 1872 and in its place was installed significant tariff restrictions that
served as the major revenue source for the United States until 1913. In 1913 the 16th
Amendment was passed, which allowed Congress authority to tax the citizenry on income from
whatever source derived.
It should be noted that the Tax Act of 1864 was challenged several times. The Supreme Court
unanimously supported the tax. After the war the tax was declared unconstitutional by the
same court because it represented direct taxation on the citizenry which was not allowed under
the constitution.

During the 1930's federal individual income taxes were never more than 1.4 percent of GNP.
Corporate taxes were never more than 1.6 percent of GNP. In 1990 those same taxes as a
percent of GNP were 8.77 and 1.99 respectively.3

Social Security Tax Changes

Here is some interesting information about the changes in the FICA taxes since 1937. Thanks to
Harold Eyer for pointing out this site.

The Tax History Project

This site is sponsored by the Tax Analysts group. The selections include "The Price of Civilization" which
provides pictures and documents of tax policy during significant years of our history and "Presidential
Tax Returns". A recommended site.

During feudal times Aids was a type of tax or due paid by a vassal to his lord. The amount of the Aids
varied with the time and place, although in England the aids specified in the MAGNA CARTA (1215 a.d.)
were paid only when the lord's eldest son was knighted or his eldest daughter married. Aids were also
paid to ransom the lord from captivity. Aids were similar to SCUTAGE and TALLAGE. In France, aids
continued as a royal tax until the French Revolution (1789).

A medieval land tax originally raised to pay off raiding Danes and was later used to fund military
expenditures. The tribute was first levied in England in 868 and again in 871. Under the leader Aethelred
(978-1016) it became a regular tax until it was replaced during the reign of William the Conqueror. The
tax rate was two shillings for every "hide" of land which was about 100-120 acres..
A feudal tax paid in place of serving in the army. The Magna Carta (1215) article 12 specifically states
that no scutage or aid shall be imposed on the kingdom unless by common counsel (agreement).
Exceptions include, ransom for the king knighting the king's eldest son and marrying the king's eldest
daugther. In all cases the scutage or aid should be reasonable.

A tax much like "Aids". In Norman England it partly replaced "Danegeld." Kings and lords levied tallage
on the towns within their lands, but there was resistance to the tax and tallage disappeared under
Edward III about 1340. In France the upper classes were exempt from tallage, called the taille and the
burden of it fell on the peasants.

A tax which replaced the danegeld in England. The carucate was collected on plowed ground only.
Tax farming is the principle of assigning the responsibility for tax revenue collection to private citizens or
groups. Tax farming occurred in Eygpt, Rome, Great Britain, and Greece. The principle was considered
very effective for tax revenue collection but suffered from a tendency of the tax-farmers to abuse the
taxpayer for collection. Only when the system included checks and balances for the tax-farmer as well
as the taxpayer did the system seem truly successful. The publicani of Rome were known as some of the
most abusive tax-farmers. Tax farmers bid at auction for the contract rights to collect a particular tax
and was held responsible for any loss. In Eygpt taxes for collected very effectively without tax farmers
until the Greek Ptolemies set up rule. Under the Ptolemies the tax-farmer watched over the taxpayer
and the government tax collector to prevent the scribes from imposing lighter taxes on the poor and
History of BIR
Spanish Era
During the 17th and 18th centuries, the Contador de' Resultas served as the Chief Royal Accountant whose
functions were similar to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. He was the Chief Arbitrator whose
decisions on financial matters were final except when revoked by the Council of Indies. During these times,
taxes that were collected from the inhabitants varied from tribute or head tax of one gold maiz annually;
tax on value of jewelries and gold trinkets; indirect taxes on tobacco, wine, cockpits, burlas and powder.
From 1521 to 1821, the Spanish treasury had to subsidize the Philippines in the amount of P 250,000.00
per annum due to the poor financial condition of the country, which can be primarily attributed to the
poor revenue collection system.

American Era
In the early American regime from the period 1898 to 1901, the country was ruled by American military
governors. In 1902, the first civil government was established under William H. Taft. However, it was only
during the term of second civil governor Luke E. Wright that the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) was
created through the passage of Reorganization Act No. 1189 dated July 2, 1904. On August 1, 1904, the
BIR was formally organized and made operational under the Secretary of Finance, Henry Ide (author of
the Internal Revenue Law of 1904), with John S. Hord as the first Collector (Commissioner). The first
organization started with 69 employees, which consisted of a Collector, Vice-Collector, one Chief Clerk,
one Law Clerk, one Records Clerk and three (3) Division Chiefs.
Following the tenure of John S. Hord were three (3) more American collectors, namely: Ellis Cromwell
(1909-1912), William T. Holting (1912-1214) and James J. Rafferty (1914-1918). They were all appointed
by the Governor-General with the approval of the Philippine Commission and the US President.
During the term of Collector Holting, the Bureau had its first reorganization on January 1, 1913 with the
creation of eight (8) divisions, namely: 1) Accounting, 2) Cash, 3) Clerical, 4) Inspection, 5) Law, 6) Real
Estate, 7) License and 8) Records. Collections by the Real Estate and License Divisions were confined to
revenue accruing to the City of Manila.
In line with the Filipinization policy of then US President McKinley, Filipino Collectors were appointed. The
first three (3) BIR Collectors were: Wenceslao Trinidad (1918-1922); Juan Posadas, Jr. (1922-1934) and
Alfredo Yatao (1934-1938).
On May 1921, by virtue of Act No. 299, the Real Estate, License and Cash Divisions were abolished and
their functions were transferred to the City ofManila. As a result of this transfer, the Bureau was left with
five (5) divisions, namely: 1) Administrative, 2) Law, 3) Accounting, 4) Income Tax and 5) Inspection.
Thereafter, the Bureau established the following: 1) the Examiner's Division, formerly the Income Tax
Examiner's Section which was later merged with the Income Tax Division and 2) the Secret Service Section,
which handled the detection and surveillance activities but was later abolished on January 1, 1951. Except
for minor changes and the creation of the Miscellaneous Tax Division in 1939, the Bureau's organization
remained the same from 1921 to 1941.
In 1937, the Secretary of Finance promulgated Regulation No. 95, reorganizing the Provincial Inspection
Districts and maintaining in each province an Internal Revenue Office supervised by a Provincial Agent.

Japanese Era
At the outbreak of World War II, under the Japanese regime (1942-1945), the Bureau was combined with
the Customs Office and was headed by a Director of Customs and Internal Revenue.

Post War Era

On July 4, 1946, when the Philippines gained its independence from the United States, the Bureau was
eventually re-established separately. This led to a reorganization on October 1, 1947, by virtue of
Executive Order No. 94, wherein the following were undertaken: 1) the Accounting Unit and the Revenue
Accounts and Statistical Division were merged into one; 2) all records in the Records Section under the
Administrative Division were consolidated; and 3) all legal work were centralized in the Law Division.
Revenue Regulations No. V-2 dated October 23, 1947 divided the country into 31 inspection units, each
of which was under a Provincial Revenue Agent (except in certain special units which were headed by a
City Revenue Agent or supervisors for distilleries and tobacco factories).
The second major reorganization of the Bureau took place on January 1, 1951 through the passage of
Executive Order No. 392. Three (3) new departments were created, namely: 1) Legal, 2) Assessment and
3) Collection. On the latter part of January of the same year, Memorandum Order No. V-188 created the
Withholding Tax Unit, which was placed under the Income Tax Division of the Assessment Department.
Simultaneously, the implementation of the withholding tax system was adopted by virtue of Republic Act
(RA) 690. This method of collecting income tax upon receipt of the income resulted to the collection of
approximately 25% of the total income tax collected during the said period.
The third major reorganization of the Bureau took effect on March 1, 1954 through Revenue
Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 41. This led to the creation of the following offices: 1) Specific Tax
Division, 2) Litigation Section, 3) Processing Section and the 4) Office of the City Revenue Examiner. By
September 1, 1954, a Training Unit was created through RMO No. V-4-47.
As an initial step towards decentralization, the Bureau created its first 2 Regional Offices in Cebu and in
Davao on July 20, 1955 per RMO No. V-536. Each Regional Office was headed by a Regional Director,
assisted by Chiefs of five (5) Branches, namely: 1) Tax Audit, 2) Collection, 3) Investigation, 4) Legal and 5)
Administrative. The creation of the Regional Offices marked the division of the Philippine islands into three
(3) revenue regions.
The Bureau's organizational set-up expanded beginning 1956 in line with the regionalization scheme of
the government. Consequently, the Bureau's Regional Offices increased to (8) eight and later into ten (10)
in 1957. The Accounting Machine Branch was also created in each Regional Office.
In January 1957, the position title of the head of the Bureau was changed from Collector to Commissioner.
The last Collector and the first Commissioner of the BIR was Jose Aranas.
A significant step undertaken by the Bureau in 1958 was the establishment of the Tax Census Division and
the corresponding Tax Census Unit for each Regional Office. This was done to consolidate all statements
of assets, incomes and liabilities of all individual and resident corporations in the Philippines into a
National Tax Census.
To strictly enforce the payment of taxes and to further discourage tax evasion, RA No. 233 or the Rewards
Law was passed on June 19, 1959 whereby informers were rewarded the 25% equivalent of the revenue
collected from the tax evader.
In 1964, the Philippines was re-divided anew into 15 regions and 72 inspection districts. The Tobacco
Inspection Board and Accountable Forms Committee were also created directly under the Office of the

Marcos Administration
The appointment of Misael Vera as Commissioner in 1965 led the Bureau to a "new direction" in tax
administration. The most notable programs implemented were the "Blue Master Program" and the
"Voluntary Tax Compliance Program". The first program was adopted to curb the abuses of both the
taxpayers and BIR personnel, while the second program was designed to encourage professionals in the
private and government sectors to report their true income and to pay the correct amount of taxes.
It was also during Commissioner Vera's administration that the country was further subdivided into 20
Regional Offices and 90 Revenue District Offices, in addition to the creation of various offices which
included the Internal Audit Department (replacing the Inspection Department), Administrative Service
Department, International Tax Affairs Staff and Specific Tax Department.
Providing each taxpayer with a permanent Tax Account Number (TAN) in 1970 not only facilitated the
identification of taxpayers but also resulted to faster verification of tax records. Similarly, the payment of
taxes through banks (per Executive Order No. 206), as well as the implementation of the package audit
investigation by industry are considered to be important measures which contributed significantly to the
improved collection performance of the Bureau.
The proclamation of Martial Law on September 21, 1972 marked the advent of the New Society and
ushered in a new approach in the developmental efforts of the government. Several tax amnesty decrees
issued by the President were promulgated to enable erring taxpayers to start anew. Organization-wise,
the Bureau had also undergone several changes during the Martial Law period (1972-1980).
In 1976, under Commissioner Efren Plana's administration, the Bureau's National Office transferred from
the Finance Building in Manila to its own 12-storey building in Quezon City, which was inaugurated on
June 3, 1977. It was also in the same year that President Marcos promulgated the National Internal
Revenue Code of 1977, which updated the 1934 Tax Code.
On August 1, 1980, the Bureau was further reorganized under the administration of Commissioner Ruben
Ancheta. New offices were created and some organizational units were relocated for the purpose of
making the Bureau more responsive to the needs of the taxpaying public.

Aquino Administration
After the People's Revolution in February 1986, a renewed thrust towards an effective tax administration
was pursued by the Bureau. "Operation: Walang Lagay" was launched to promote the efficient and honest
collection of taxes.
On January 30, 1987, the Bureau was reorganized under the administration of Commissioner Bienvenido
Tan, Jr. pursuant to Executive Order (EO) No. 127. Under the said EO, two (2) major functional groups
headed and supervised by a Deputy Commissioner were created, and these were: 1) the Assessment and
Collection Group; and 2) the Legal and Internal Administration Group.
With the advent of the value-added tax (VAT) in 1988, a massive campaign program aimed to promote
and encourage compliance with the requirements of the VAT was launched. The adoption of the VAT
system was one of the structural reforms provided for in the 1986 Tax Reform Program, which was
designed to simplify tax administration and make the tax system more equitable. It was also in 1988 that
the Revenue Information Systems Services Inc. (RISSI) was abolished and transferred back to the BIR by
virtue of a Memorandum Order from the Office of the President dated May 24, 1988. This transfer had
implications on the delivery of the computerization requirements of the Bureau in relation to its functions
of tax assessment and collection.The entry of Commissioner Jose Ong in 1989 saw the advent of the "Tax
Administration Program" which is the embodiment of the Bureau's mission to improve tax collection and
simplify tax administration. The Program contained several tax reform and enhancement measures, which
included the use of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and the adoption of the New Payment
Control System and Simplified Net Income Taxation Scheme.

Ramos Administration
The year 1993 marked the entry into the Bureau of its first lady Commissioner, Liwayway Vinzons-Chato.
In order to attain the Bureau's vision of transformation, a comprehensive and integrated program known
as the ACTS or Action-Centered Transformation Program was undertaken to realign and direct the entire
organization towards the fulfillment of its vision and mission.
It was during Commissioner Chato's term that a five-year Tax Computerization Project (TCP) was
undertaken in 1994. This involved the establishment of a modern and computerized Integrated Tax
System and Internal Administration System.
Further streamlining of the BIR was approved on July 1997 through the passage of EO No.430, in order to
support the implementation of the computerized Integrated Tax System. Highlights of the said EO
included the: 1) creation of a fourth Revenue Group in the BIR, which is the Legal and Enforcement Group
(headed by a Deputy Commissioner); and 2) creation of the Internal Affairs Service, Taxpayers Assistance
Service, Information Planning and Quality Service and the Revenue Data Centers.

Estrada Administration
With the advent of President Estrada's administration, a Deputy Commissioner of the BIR, Beethoven
Rualo, was appointed as Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Under his leadership, priority reform
measures were undertaken to enhance voluntary compliance and improve the Bureau's productivity. One
of the most significant reform measures was the implementation of the Economic Recovery Assistance
Payment (ERAP) Program, which granted immunity from audit and investigation to taxpayers who have
paid 20% more than the tax paid in 1997 for income tax, VAT and/or percentage taxes.
In order to encourage and educate consumers/taxpayers to demand sales invoices and receipts, the raffle
promo "Humingi ng Resibo, Manalo ng Libo-Libo" was institutionalized in 1999. The Large Taxpayers
Monitoring System was also established under Commissioner Rualo's administration to closely monitor
the tax compliance of the country's large taxpayers.
The coming of the new millennium ushered in the changing of the guard in the BIR with the appointment
of Dakila Fonacier as the new Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Under his administration, measures that
would enhance taxpayer compliance and deter tax violations were prioritized. The most significant of
these measures include: full utilization of tax computerization in the Bureau's operations; expansion of
the use of electronic Documentary Stamp Tax metering machine and establishment of tie-up with the
national government agencies and local government units for the prompt remittance of withholding
taxes; and implementation of Compromise Settlement Program for taxpayers with outstanding accounts
receivable and disputed assessments with the BIR.
Memoranda of Agreement were also forged with the league of local government units and several private
sector and professional organizations (i.e. MAP, TMAP, PCCI, FFCCCI, etc.) to help the BIR implement tax
campaign initiatives.In September 1, 2000, the Large Taxpayers Service (LTS) and the Excise Taxpayers
Service (ETS) were established under EO No. 175 to reinforce the tax administration and enforcement
capabilities of the BIR. Shortly after the establishment of said revenue services, a new organizational
structure was approved on October 31, 2001 under EO No. 306 which resulted in the integration of the
functions of the ETS and the LTS.
In line with the passage of the Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 on June 14, the Bureau implemented a
Full Integrated Tax System (ITS) Rollout Acceleration Program to facilitate the full utilization of tax
computerization in the Bureau's operations. Under the Program, seven (7) ITS back-end systems were
released in stages in RR 8 - Makati City and the Large Taxpayers Service.

Arroyo Administration
Following the momentous events of EDSA II in January 2001, newly-installed President Gloria Macapagal-
Arroyo appointed a former Deputy Commissioner, Atty. Ren G. Baez, as the new Commissioner of
Internal Revenue.Under Commissioner Baez's administration, the BIRs thrust was to transform the
agency to make it taxpayer-focused. This was undertaken through the implementation of change
initiatives that were directed to: 1) reform the tax system to make it simpler and suit the Philippine
culture; 2) reengineer the tax processes to make them simpler, more efficient and transparent; 3)
restructure the BIR to give it financial and administrative flexibility; and 4) redesign the human resource
policies, systems and procedures to transform the workforce to be more responsive to taxpayers' needs.
Measures to enhance the Bureau's revenue-generating capability were also implemented, the most
notable of which were the implementation of the Voluntary Assessment Program and Compromise
Settlement Program and expansion of coverage of the creditable withholding tax system. A technology-
based system that promotes the paperless filing of tax returns and payment of taxes was also adopted
through the Electronic Filing and Payment System (eFPS).
With the resignation of Commissioner Baez on August 19, 2002, Finance Undersecretary Cornelio C.
Gison was designated as interim BIR Commissioner. Eight days later (on August 27, 2002), former Customs
Commissioner, Guillermo L. Parayno, Jr. was appointed as the new Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Barely a month since his assumption to duty as the new CIR, Commissioner Parayno offered a Voluntary
Assessment and Abatement Program (VAAP) to taxpayers with under-declared sales/receipts/income. To
enhance the collection performance of the BIR, Commissioner Parayno adopted the use of new systems
such as the Reconciliation of Listings for Enforcement or RELIEF System to detect under-declarations of
taxable income by taxpayers and the electronic broadcasting system to enhance the security of tax
payments. It was also under Commissioner Paraynos administration that the BIR expanded its electronic
services to include the web-based TIN application and processing; electronic raffle of invoices/receipts;
provision of e-payment gateways; e-substituted filing of tax returns and electronic submission of sales
reports. The conduct of special operations on high profile tax evaders, which resulted to the filing of tax
cases under the Run After Tax Evaders (RATE) Program marked Commissioner Paraynos administration
as well as the conduct of Tax Compliance Verification Drives and accreditation and registration of cash
register machines and point-of-sale machines. To improve taxpayer service, the Bureau also established
a BIR Contact Center in the National Office and eLounges in Regional Offices.
On October 28, 2006, Deputy Commissioner for Legal and Inspection Group, Jose Mario C. Buag was
appointed as full-fledged Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Under his administration, the Bureau
attained success in a number of key undertakings, which included the expansion of the RATE Program to
the Regional Offices; inclusion of new payment gateways, such as the Efficient Service Machines and the
G-Cash and SMART Money facilities; implementation of the Benchmarking Method and installation of the
Bureaus e-Complaint System, a new e-Service that allows taxpayers to log their complaints against erring
revenuers through the BIR website. The Nationwide Rollout of Computerized Systems (NRCS) was also
undertaken to extend the use of the Bureaus Integrated Tax System across its non-computerized Revenue
District Offices. In 2007, the National Program Support for Tax Administration Reform (NPSTAR), a
program funded by various international development agencies, was launched to improve the BIR
efficiency in various areas of tax administration (i.e. taxpayer compliance, tax enforcement and control,
On June 29, 2007, Commissioner Buag relinquished the top post of the BIR and was replaced by Deputy
Commissioner for Operations Group, Lilian B. Hefti, making her the second lady Commissioner of the BIR.
Commissioner Hefti focused on the strengthening of the use of business intelligence by embarking on data
matching of income payments of withholding agents against the reported income of the concerned
recipients. Information sharing between the BIR and the Local Government Units (LGUs) was also
intensified through the LGU Revenue Assurance System, which aims to uncover fraud and non-payment
of taxes. To enhance the Bureaus audit capabilities, the use of Computer-Assisted Audit Tools and
Techniques (CAATTs) was also introduced in the BIR under her term.
With the resignation of Commissioner Hefti in October 2008, former BIR Deputy Commissioner for Legal
and Enforcement Group, Sixto S. Esquivias IV was appointed as the new Commissioner of Internal
Revenue. Commissioner Esquivias administration was marked with the conduct of nationwide closure of
erring business establishments under the Oplan Kandado Program. A Taxpayer Feedback Mechanism
(through the eComplaint facility accessible via the BIR Website) was also established under his term where
complaints on erring BIR employees and taxpayers who do not pay taxes and do not issue ORs/invoices
can be reported. In 2009, the Bureau revived its Handang Maglingkod Project where the best frontline
offices were recognized for rendering effective taxpayer service.
When Commissioner Esquivias resigned in November 2009, Senior Deputy Commissioner, Joel L. Tan-
Torres assumed the position of Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Under his administration,
Commissioner Tan-Torres pursued a high visibility public awareness campaign on the Bureaus
enforcement and taxpayers service programs. He institutionalized several programs/projects to improve
revenue collections, and these include Project R.I.P (Rest in Peace); intensified filing of tax evasion cases
under the re-invigorated RATE Program; conduct of Taxpayers Lifestyle Check and development of
Industry Champions. Linkages with various agencies (i.e. LTO, SEC, BLGF, PHALTRA, etc.) were also
established through the signing of several Memoranda of Agreement to improve specific areas of tax

P-Noy Aquino Administration

Following the highly-acclaimed inauguration of President Benigno C. Aquino III on June 30, 2010, a former
BIR Deputy Commissioner, Atty. Kim S. Jacinto-Henares, was appointed as the new Commissioner of
Internal Revenue. During her first few months in the BIR, Commissioner Henares focused on the filing of
tax evasion cases under the RATE Program, in compliance with the SONA pronouncements of President

History of Taxation in the Philippines

Pre Colonial Period(900 1521)
Government were called Barangays
No national government
There was no datu strong enough to unite the archipelago into one nation. Some barangays
however united to form a confederation. It was headed by a ruler called datu or raja.
Ancient Filipinos practice paying taxes for the protection from their datu.
The collected tax or tribute was called buwis or handug.
Pre Colonial Period(900 1521)
The chieftains family members were enjoying exemption from paying taxes.
Non-payment of taxes was already punishable during this period.
Judicial process was influenced by religion and by waiting the intervention of the deities.
Wherein Datu served as the chief judge who was assisted by group of elders in the barangay
that acted as members of the jury.
Pre Colonial Period(900 1521)
Three classes.
tumao class (includes datu) were the nobility of pure royal descent.
timawa class,
warrior class or the the third rank of nobility" and "free men, neither chiefs nor
slaves". required to render military service to the datu in hunts, land wars or sea
raids .
They could acquire property, acquire any job they want, pick their own wives,
and acquire an Alipin. They were however expected to pay taxes, and support
the Maginoo class. They are the only class to pay taxes, and hence their
importance in the community.
oripun class (commoners and slaves),
renders services to the tumao and timawa for debts or favors.
The Alipin did not likely make any money for their services, and hence did not
pay taxes.

The priestly class were scribes that are tasked to record history, and keep track of tributes and
taxes that were expected from the governed.
Spanish Period (1521 to 1898)
The government introduced a
New Income Generating means
Manila Acapulco Galleon Trade (1565 1815)
A ship trade going back and forth yearly between Manila and Acapulco.
Fundamental income generating business for the Spanish
The Galleon trade brought silver from Nueva Castilla and silk from China by way
of Manila.
Spanish Period (1521 to 1898)
Polo Y Servicio (Forced Labor)
Evolved within the framework of the Encomienda System
40 days, of men ranging from 16 to 60 years of age who were obligated to give
personal services to community projects. One could be exempted from the polo
by paying a fee called falla (which was worth one and a half real).
Spanish Period (1521 to 1898)
System implemented by Spanish authorities in the Philippines that
required native Filipino farmers to sell their goods to the government.
Also collected were the mandal , a round stack of rice stalks to be
threshed), an annual enforced sale and requisitioning of goods such as
Spanish Period (1521 to 1898)
Encomienda System (1570)
A Compliance with the decree issued by King Philip II in 1558, distributed lands in Cebu to loyal
Spanish subjects. The encomienda was not actually a land grant but was a favor from the kind
under which the Spaniard receiving his favor was given the right to collect tributesor taxes
from the inhabitants of the area assigned to him. The man who received this favor was called
an encomendero. The encomienda was, therefore, a public office.
The encomenderos were required by law to perform the following duties:
#1. to give protection to the natives
#2. to help the missionaries convert the natives to Christianity
#3. to promote education
Spanish Period (1521 to 1898)
Tribute Buwis
which could be paid in cash or kind, was initially fixed at 8 reales (one real= 12.5 centavos) and
later increased to 15reals, apportioned as follows:
10 reals buwis, one real diezmos prediales(tithes)
1 real to the town community chest
1 real sanctorum tax
3 reales for church support
Custom duties and income tax were also collected.

By 1884, the tribute was replaced by the Cedula personal, wherein colonists were required to
pay for personal identification. Everyone over the age of 18 was obliged to pay.
During the 17th and 18th centuries, the Contador de' Resultas served as the Chief Royal
Accountant whose functions were similar to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. He was the
Chief Arbitrator whose decisions on financial matters were final except when revoked by the
Council of Indies. During these times, taxes that were collected from the inhabitants varied from
tribute or head tax of one gold maiz annually; tax on value of jewelries and gold trinkets;
indirect taxes on tobacco, wine, cockpits, burlas and powder. From 1521 to 1821, the Spanish
treasury had to subsidize the Philippines in the amount of P 250,000.00 per annum due to the
poor financial condition of the country, which can be primarily attributed to the poor revenue
collection system.
American Period (1898 1946)
January 1, 1940,The cdula was imposed by the Americans, when Commonwealth Act No. 465
went into effect, mandating the imposition of a base residence tax of fifty centavos and an
additional tax of one peso based on factors such as income and real estate holdings.
American Period (1898 1946)
The payment of this tax would merit the issue of a residence certificate. Corporations were also
subject to the residence tax.
However, persons who are ineligible to pay the residence tax may be issued a certificate for
twenty centavos.
Example of Cedula
Residence Certificate, is a legal identity document in the Philippines.
Issued by cities and municipalities to all persons that have reached the age of majority and upon
payment of a community tax,
It is one of the closest single documents the Philippines has to a national system of
A person is required to present a cedula when he or she acknowledges a document before a
notary public
Takes an oath of office upon election or appointment to a government position; receives a
license, certificate or permit from a public authority; pays a tax or fee; receives money from a
public fund; transacts official business; or receives salary from a person or corporation.
American Period (1898 1946)
During 1973, significant amendments were put into effect following the enactment of the Local
Tax Code, with amendments on the allocation of the residence tax and on who are covered
under it, as well as payment provisions.
During 1991,Local Tax Code were later subsumed into the Local Government Code. The
residence tax and residence certificate were renamed into the current community tax and
community tax certificate.
American Perio (1898 1901)
1902, the first civil government was established under William H. Taft. However, it was only
during the term of second civil governor Luke E. Wright that the Bureau of Internal Revenue
(BIR) was created through the passage of Reorganization Act No. 1189 dated July 2, 1904.
August 1, 1904, the BIR was formally organized and made operational under the Secretary of
Finance, Henry Ide, with John S. Hord as the first Collector (Commissioner). The first
organization started with 69 employees, which consisted of a Collector, Vice-Collector, one Chief
Clerk, one Law Clerk, one Records Clerk and three (3) Division Chiefs.
Following the tenure of John S. Hord were three (3) more American collectors, namely: Ellis
Cromwell (1909-1912), William T. Holting (1912-1214) and James J. Rafferty (1914-1918). They
were all appointed by the Governor-General with the approval of the Philippine Commission and
the US President.
During the term of Collector Holting, the Bureau had its first reorganization on January 1, 1913
with the creation of eight (8) divisions, namely: 1) Accounting, 2) Cash, 3) Clerical, 4) Inspection,
5) Law, 6) Real Estate, 7) License and 8) Records. Collections by the Real Estate and License
Divisions were confined to revenue accruing to the City of Manila.
American Perio (1898 1901)
In line with the Filipinization policy of then US President McKinley, Filipino Collectors were
appointed. The first three (3) BIR Collectors were: Wenceslao Trinidad (1918-1922); Juan
Posadas, Jr. (1922-1934) and Alfredo Yatao (1934-1938).
May 1921, by virtue of Act No. 299, the Real Estate, License and Cash Divisions were abolished
and their functions were transferred to the City of Manila. As a result of this transfer, the Bureau
was left with five (5) divisions, namely:
1) Administrative
2) Law
3) Accounting
4) Income Tax
5) Inspection.
Thereafter, the Bureau established the following:
1) the Examiner's Division, formerly the Income Tax Examiner's Section which was later
merged with the Income Tax Division and 2) the Secret Service Section, which handled the detection and
surveillance activities but was later abolished on January 1, 1951. Except for minor changes and the
creation of the Miscellaneous Tax Division in 1939, the Bureau's organization remained the same from
1921 to 1941.
In 1937, the Secretary of Finance promulgated Regulation No. 95, reorganizing the Provincial
Inspection Districts and maintaining in each province an Internal Revenue Office supervised by a
Provincial Agent.
Japanese regime (1942-1945)
At the outbreak of World War II, the Bureau was combined with the Customs Office and was
headed by a Director of Customs and Internal Revenue.
1942,The first issue in consisted of denominations of 1, 5, 10 and 50 centavos and 1, 5, and 10
1943, The next year brought "replacement notes" of the 1, 5 and 10 Pesos.
1944, ushered in a 100 Peso note and soon after an inflationary 500 Pesos note. a box of
matches cost more than 100 Mickey Mouse pesos. During January, Inflation plagued the country
with the devaluation of the Japanese money, evidenced by a 60% inflation.
1945, the Japanese issued a 1,000 Pesos note. This set of new money, which was printed even
before the war, became known in the Philippines as Mickey Mouse Money due to its very low
value caused by severe inflation. A kilogram of camote cost around 1000 Mickey Mouse
Japanese regime (1942-1945)
CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES (Effective During the Japanese Occupation)
under Article 3 : The Legislative
Section 11.
(1) All money collected on any tax levied for a special purpose shall be treated as a
special fund and paid out for such purpose only. If the purpose for which a special fund was created has
been fulfilled or abandoned, the balance, if any, shall be transferred to the general funds of the
government.(Chan R.)
(2) No money shall be paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation
made by law.(Chan R.)
(3) No public money or property shall be appropriated, applied, or used, directly or
indirectly, for the use, benefit, or support of any sect, church, denomination, sectarian institution, or
system of religion, or for the use, benefit, or support of any priest, preacher, minister, or other religious
teacher or dignitary as such, except when such priest, preacher, minister, or dignitary is assigned to the
armed forces or to any penal institution, orphanage, or leprosarium.(Chan R.)
Section 12.
(1) The rule of taxation shall be uniform.
(2) The National Assembly may, by law, authorize the President, subject to such
limitations and restrictions as it may impose, to fix, within specified limits, tariff rates, import or export
quotas, and tonnage and wharfage duties.
(3) Cemeteries, churches and parsonages or convents appurtenant thereto, and all
lands, buildings and improvements used exclusively for religious, charitable or educational purposes,
shall be exempt from taxation.
Japanese regime (1942-1945)
Section 13. In times of war or other national emergency, the National Assembly may by law
authorize the President, for a limited period and subject to such restrictions as it may prescribe,
to promulgate rules and regulations to carry out a declared national policy.
Section 14. When the National Assembly is not in session, the President may, in cases of urgent
necessity, promulgate rules and ordinances which shall have the force and effect of law until
disapproved by resolution before the end of the next regular session of the National Assembly.
Japanese regime (1942-1945)
During July 23, 1943, The Japanese occupation administration in the Philippine Islands has
imposed a special war tax on all Jews, according to a report appearing in the Deutsche
Beobachter in Asian, a copy of which was received here today.
The German report states that wealthy Jews, who own real estate and big business concerns
will be forced to surrender (50%)fifty percent of their holdings. Other Jews will be obliged to
pay a tax equivalent to one-third the value of all their possessions.
The Jews have been given until the end of the year to pay, the publication discloses, adding that
those unable to pay the levy by then will have their possessions sold at auction to satisfy the tax.
(According to the most recent statistics available, there are only about 1,500 Jews in the
Philippine Islands, 500 of whom are long-time residents and the other 1,000 refugees who
settled there since the Nazis came to power.)
It was reported that the Japanese had established a ghetto for the Philippine Jews at Manila,
because, they charged, the Jews were aiding the guerrillas.
Post War Era
July 4, 1946, when the Philippines gained its independence from the United States, the Bureau
was eventually re-established separately.
October 1, 1947,This led to a reorganization, by virtue of Executive Order No. 94, wherein the
following were undertaken:
1) the Accounting Unit and the Revenue Accounts and Statistical Division were merged
into one;
2) all records in the Records Section under the Administrative Division were
3) all legal work were centralized in the Law Division.
October 23, 1947, Revenue Regulations No. V-2 dated divided the country into 31 inspection
units, each of which was under a Provincial Revenue Agent (except in certain special units which
were headed by a City Revenue Agent or supervisors for distilleries and tobacco factories).
Post War Era
January 1, 1951, The second major reorganization of the Bureau took place on through the
passage of Executive Order No. 392. Three (3) new departments were created, namely:
1) Legal,
2) Assessment
3) Collection.
On the latter part of January of the same year, Memorandum Order No. V-188 created the
Withholding Tax Unit, which was placed under the Income Tax Division of the Assessment
Department. Simultaneously, the implementation of the withholding tax system was adopted by
virtue of Republic Act (RA) 690. This method of collecting income tax upon receipt of the income
resulted to the collection of approximately 25% of the total income tax collected during the said
Post War Era
March 1, 1954 ,The third major reorganization of the Bureau took effect, through Revenue
Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 41. This led to the creation of the following offices:
1) Specific Tax Division
2) Litigation Section,
3) Processing Section
4) Office of the City Revenue Examiner.
September 1, 1954, a Training Unit was created through RMO No. V-4-47.
Post War Era
The Bureau's organizational set-up expanded beginning 1956 in line with the regionalization
scheme of the government. Consequently, the Bureau's Regional Offices increased to (8) eight
and later into ten (10) in 1957. The Accounting Machine Branch was also created in each
Regional Office.
January 1957, the position title of the head of the Bureau was changed from Collector to
Commissioner. The last Collector and the first Commissioner of the BIR was Jose Aranas.
1958,A significant step undertaken by the Bureau. The establishment of the Tax Census Division
and the corresponding Tax Census Unit for each Regional Office. This was done to consolidate
all statements of assets, incomes and liabilities of all individual and resident corporations in the
Philippines into a National Tax Census.
Post War Era
June 19, 1959 ,To strictly enforce the payment of taxes and to further discourage tax evasion, RA
No. 233 or the Rewards Law was passed, whereby informers were rewarded the 25% equivalent
of the revenue collected from the tax evader.
1964, the Philippines was re-divided anew into 15 regions and 72 inspection districts. The
Tobacco Inspection Board and Accountable Forms Committee were also created directly under
the Office of the Commissioner.
Marcos Administration (1965-1986)
1965,The appointment of Misael Vera as Commissioner led the Bureau.
The most notable programs implemented were the "Blue Master Program" adopted to curb the
abuses of both the taxpayers and BIR personnel and the "Voluntary Tax Compliance Program was
designed to encourage professionals in the private and government sectors to report their true income
and to pay the correct amount of taxes
It was also during Commissioner Vera's administration that the country was further subdivided
into 20 Regional Offices and 90 Revenue District Offices, in addition to the creation of various
offices which included the Internal Audit Department (replacing the Inspection Department),
Administrative Service Department, International Tax Affairs Staff and Specific Tax Department.
Marcos Administration (1965-1986)
1970,Providing each taxpayer with a permanent Tax Account Number (TAN) not only facilitated
the identification of taxpayers but also resulted to faster verification of tax records.
Similarly, the payment of taxes through banks (per Executive Order No. 206), as well as the
implementation of the package audit investigation by industry are considered to be important
measures which contributed significantly to the improved collection performance of the Bureau.
September 21, 1972, The proclamation of Martial Law marked the advent of the New Society
and ushered in a new approach in the developmental efforts of the government.
(1972-1980),Organization-wise, the Bureau had also undergone several changes during the
Martial Law period.
Marcos Administration (1965-1986)
1976, under Commissioner Efren Plana's administration, the Bureau's National Office
transferred from the Finance Building in Manila to its own 12-storey building in Quezon City,
inaugurated on June 3, 1977.
Year 1977 that President Marcos promulgated the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977,
which updated the 1934 Tax Code.
August 1, 1980, the Bureau was further reorganized under the administration of Commissioner
Ruben Ancheta. New offices were created and some organizational units were relocated for the
purpose of making the Bureau more responsive to the needs of the taxpaying public.
Corazon Aquino Administration (1986 1992)
February 1986, After the People's Revolution, a renewed thrust towards an effective tax
administration was pursued by the Bureau. "Operation: Walang Lagay" was launched to
promote the efficient and honest collection of taxes.
On January 30, 1987, the Bureau was reorganized under the administration of Commissioner
Bienvenido Tan, Jr. pursuant to Executive Order (EO) No. 127. Under the said EO, two (2) major
functional groups headed and supervised by a Deputy Commissioner were created, and these
were: 1) the Assessment and Collection Group;
2) the Legal and Internal Administration Group.
Corazon Aquino Administration (1986 1992)
1988 , the advent of the value-added tax (VAT) in, a massive campaign program aimed to
promote and encourage compliance with the requirements of the VAT was launched.
The adoption of the VAT system was one of the structural reforms provided for in the 1986 Tax
Reform Program, which was designed to simplify tax administration and make the tax system
more equitable.
Corazon Aquino Administration (1986 1992)
1988, that the Revenue Information Systems Services Inc. (RISSI) was abolished and transferred
back to the BIR by virtue of a Memorandum Order from the Office of the President dated May
24, 1988. This transfer had implications on the delivery of the computerization requirements of
the Bureau in relation to its functions of tax assessment and collection.
The entry of Commissioner Jose Ong in 1989 saw the advent of the "Tax Administration
Program" which is the embodiment of the Bureau's mission to improve tax collection and
simplify tax administration. The Program contained several tax reform and enhancement
measures, which included the use of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and the adoption
of the New Payment Control System and Simplified Net Income Taxation Scheme.
Ramos Administration (1992 1998)
The year 1993 marked the entry into the Bureau of its first lady Commissioner, Liwayway
Vinzons-Chato. In order to attain the Bureau's vision of transformation, a comprehensive and
integrated program known as the ACTS or Action-Centered Transformation Program was
undertaken to realign and direct the entire organization towards the fulfillment of its vision and
It was during Commissioner Chato's term that a five-year Tax Computerization Project (TCP) was
undertaken in 1994. This involved the establishment of a modern and computerized Integrated
Tax System and Internal Administration System.
Further streamlining of the BIR was approved on July 1997 through the passage of EO No.430, in
order to support the implementation of the computerized Integrated Tax System. Highlights of
the said EO included the:
1) creation of a fourth Revenue Group in the BIR, which is the Legal and Enforcement
Group (headed by a Deputy Commissioner)
2) creation of the Internal Affairs Service, Taxpayers Assistance Service, Information
Planning and Quality Service and the Revenue Data Centers.
Estrada Administration (1998 2001)
With the advent of President Estrada's administration, a Deputy Commissioner of the BIR,
Beethoven Rualo, was appointed as Commissioner of Internal Revenue. One of the most
significant reform measures was the implementation of the Economic Recovery Assistance
Payment (ERAP) Program, which granted immunity from audit and investigation to taxpayers
who have paid 20% more than the tax paid in 1997 for income tax, VAT and/or percentage
1999 ,In order to encourage and educate consumers/taxpayers to demand sales invoices and
receipts, the raffle promo "Humingi ng Resibo, Manalo ng Libo-Libo" was institutionalized. The
Large Taxpayers Monitoring System was also established under Commissioner Rualo's
administration to closely monitor the tax compliance of the country's large taxpayers.
The coming of the new millennium ushered in the changing of the guard in the BIR with the
appointment of Dakila Fonacier as the new Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
Under his administration, measures that would enhance taxpayer compliance and deter
tax violations were prioritized. The most significant of these measures include: full
utilization of tax computerization in the Bureau's operations; expansion of the use of
electronic Documentary Stamp Tax metering machine and establishment of tie-up with
the national government agencies and local government units for the prompt
remittance of withholding taxes; and implementation of Compromise Settlement
Program for taxpayers with outstanding accounts receivable and disputed assessments
with the BIR.

Estrada Administration (1998 2001)

Memoranda of Agreement were also forged with the league of local government units and
several private sector and professional organizations (i.e. MAP, TMAP, PCCI, FFCCCI, etc.) to help
the BIR implement tax campaign initiatives.
September 1, 2000, the Large Taxpayers Service (LTS) and the Excise Taxpayers Service (ETS)
were established under EO No. 175 to reinforce the tax administration and enforcement
capabilities of the BIR. Shortly after the establishment of said revenue services, a new
organizational structure was approved on October 31, 2001 under EO No. 306 which resulted in
the integration of the functions of the ETS and the LTS.
In line with the passage of the Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 on June 14, the Bureau
implemented a Full Integrated Tax System (ITS) Rollout Acceleration Program to facilitate the
full utilization of tax computerization in the Bureau's operations. Under the Program, seven (7)
ITS back-end systems were released in stages in RR 8 - Makati City and the Large Taxpayers
Arroyo Administration (2001 2010)
Following the momentous events of EDSA II in January 2001, newly-installed President Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo appointed a former Deputy Commissioner, Atty. Ren G. Baez, as the new
Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
Under Commissioner Baez's administration, the BIRs thrust was to transform the agency to
make it taxpayer-focused. This was undertaken through the implementation of change
initiatives that were directed to:
1) reform the tax system to make it simpler and suit the Philippine culture
2) reengineer the tax processes to make them simpler, more efficient and transparent
3) restructure the BIR to give it financial and administrative flexibility
4) redesign the human resource policies, systems and procedures to transform the
workforce to be more responsive to taxpayers' needs.
Measures to enhance the Bureau's revenue-generating capability were also implemented, the
most notable of which were the implementation of the Voluntary Assessment Program and
Compromise Settlement Program and expansion of coverage of the creditable withholding tax
system. A technology-based system that promotes the paperless filing of tax returns and
payment of taxes was also adopted through the Electronic Filing and Payment System (eFPS).
August 19, 2002With the resignation of Commissioner Baez, Finance Undersecretary Cornelio
C. Gison was designated as interim BIR Commissioner. Eight days later (on August 27, 2002),
former Customs Commissioner, Guillermo L. Parayno, Jr. was appointed as the new
Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR).

Arroyo Administration (2001 2010)

Barely a month since his assumption to duty as the new CIR, Commissioner Parayno offered a
Voluntary Assessment and Abatement Program (VAAP) to taxpayers with under-declared
sales/receipts/income. To enhance the collection performance of the BIR, Commissioner
Parayno adopted the use of new systems such as the Reconciliation of Listings for Enforcement
or RELIEF System to detect under-declarations of taxable income by taxpayers and the electronic
broadcasting system to enhance the security of tax payments. It was also under Commissioner
Paraynos administration that the BIR expanded its electronic services to include the web-based
TIN application and processing; electronic raffle of invoices/receipts; provision of e-payment
gateways; e-substituted filing of tax returns and electronic submission of sales reports.
The conduct of special operations on high profile tax evaders, which resulted to the filing of tax
cases under the Run After Tax Evaders (RATE) Program marked Commissioner Paraynos
administration as well as the conduct of Tax Compliance Verification Drives and accreditation
and registration of cash register machines and point-of-sale machines. To improve taxpayer
service, the Bureau also established a BIR Contact Center in the National Office and eLounges in
Regional Offices.
Arroyo Administration
On October 28, 2006, Deputy Commissioner for Legal and Inspection Group, Jose Mario C.
Buag was appointed as full-fledged Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Under his
administration, the Bureau attained success in a number of key undertakings, which included
the expansion of the RATE Program to the Regional Offices; inclusion of new payment gateways.
2007, the National Program Support for Tax Administration Reform (NPSTAR), a program
funded by various international development agencies, was launched to improve the BIR
efficiency in various areas of tax administration (i.e. taxpayer compliance, tax enforcement and
control, etc.).
June 29, 2007, Commissioner Buag relinquished the top post of the BIR and was replaced by
Deputy Commissioner for Operations Group, Lilian B. Hefti, making her the second lady
Commissioner of the BIR. Commissioner Hefti focused on the strengthening of the use of
business intelligence by embarking on data matching of income payments of withholding agents
against the reported income of the concerned recipients. Information sharing between the BIR
and the Local Government Units (LGUs) was also intensified through the LGU Revenue
Assurance System, which aims to uncover fraud and non-payment of taxes. To enhance the
Bureaus audit capabilities, the use of Computer-Assisted Audit Tools and Techniques (CAATTs)
was also introduced in the BIR under her term.
Arroyo Administration (2001 2010)
October 2008 , With the resignation of Commissioner Hefti, former BIR Deputy Commissioner
for Legal and Enforcement Group, Sixto S. Esquivias IV was appointed as the new Commissioner
of Internal Revenue. Commissioner Esquivias administration was marked with the conduct of
nationwide closure of erring business establishments under the Oplan Kandado Program.
A Taxpayer Feedback Mechanism (through the eComplaint facility accessible via the BIR
Website) was also established under his term where complaints on erring BIR
employees and taxpayers who do not pay taxes and do not issue ORs/invoices can be
reported. In 2009, the Bureau revived its Handang Maglingkod Project where the best
frontline offices were recognized for rendering effective taxpayer service.
November 2009, When Commissioner Esquivias resigned Senior Deputy Commissioner, Joel L.
Tan-Torres assumed the position of Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Under his
administration, Commissioner Tan-Torres pursued a high visibility public awareness campaign
on the Bureaus enforcement and taxpayers service programs. He institutionalized several
programs/projects to improve revenue collections, and these include Project R.I.P (Rest in
Peace); intensified filing of tax evasion cases under the re-invigorated RATE Program; conduct of
Taxpayers Lifestyle Check and development of Industry Champions. Linkages with various
agencies (i.e. LTO, SEC, BLGF, PHALTRA, etc.) were also established through the signing of
several Memoranda of Agreement to improve specific areas of tax administration.
Benigno Aquino III Administration (2010 Present)
Following the highly-acclaimed inauguration of President Benigno C. Aquino III on June 30, 2010,
a former BIR Deputy Commissioner, Atty. Kim S. Jacinto-Henares, was appointed as the new
Commissioner of Internal Revenue. During her first few months in the BIR, Commissioner
Henares focused on the filing of tax evasion cases under the RATE Program, in compliance with
the SONA pronouncements of President Aquino.
Philippine Taxing System
I.1987 Philippine Constitution sets limitations on the exercise of the power to tax.
The rule of taxation shall be uniform and equitable. The Congress shall evolve a progressive
system of taxation. (Article VI, Section 28, paragraph 1)
All money collected on any tax levied for a special purpose shall be treated as a special fund and
paid out for such purpose only. If the purpose for which a special fund was created has been
fulfilled or abandoned, the balance, if any, shall be transferred to the general funds of the
Government. (Article VI, Section 29, paragraph 3)
The Congress may, by law, authorize the President to fix within specified limits, and subject to
such limitations and restriction as it may impose, tariff rates, import and export quotas, tonnage
and wharfage dues, and other duties or imposts within the framework of the national
development program of the Government (Article VI, Section 28, paragraph 2) The President
shall have the power to veto any particular item or items in an appropriation, revenue or tariff
bill, but the veto shall not affect the item or items to which he does not object. (Article VI,
Section 27, second paragraph)
Philippine Taxing System
The Supreme Court shall have the power to review, revise, reverse, modify or affirm on appeal
or certiorari, as the law or the Rules of Court may provide, final judgments and orders of lower
courts in all cases involving the legality of any tax, impost, assessment, or toll or any penalty
imposed in relation thereto. (Article VIII, Section 5, paragraph)
Tax exemptions are limited to those granted by law. However, no law granting any tax
exemption shall be passed without the concurrence of a majority of all the members of the
Congress. (Article VI, Section 28, par. 4). The Constitution expressly grants tax exemption on
certain entities/institutions such as (1) charitable institutions, churches, parsonages or convents
appurtenant thereto, mosques, and nonprofit cemeteries and all lands, buildings and
improvements actually, directly and exclusively used for religious, charitable or educational
purposes (Article VI, Section 28, paragraph 3); (2) non-stock non-profit educational institutions
used actually, directly and exclusively for educational purposes. (Article XVI, Section 4(3))
In addition to national taxes, the Constitution provides for local government taxation. (Article X,
Section 5) (Article X, Section 6) Parenthetically, the Local Government Code provides that all
local government units are granted general tax powers, as well as other revenue-raising powers
like the imposition of service fees and charges, in addition to those specifically granted to each
of the local government units. But no such taxes, fees and charges shall be imposed without a
public hearing having been held prior to the enactment of the ordinance. The levy must not be
unjust excessive, oppressive, confiscatory or contrary to a declared national economic policy
(Section 186 and 187) Further, there are common limitations to the grant of the power to tax to
the local government, such that taxes like income tax, documentary stamp tax, etc. cannot be
imposed by the local government.
Philippine Taxing System
II. Laws
The basic source of Philippine tax law is the National Internal Revenue Law, which codifies all tax
provisions, the latest of which is embodied in Republic Act No. 8424 (The Tax Reform Act of
1997). It amended previous national internal revenue codes, which was approved on
December 11, 1997.
A copy of the Tax Reform Act of 1997, which took effect on January 1, 1998,
Local taxation is treated separately in this Guide. There are, however, special laws that
separately provide special tax treatment in certain situations.
Philippine Taxing System
III. Treaties
The Philippines has entered into several tax treaties for the avoidance of double taxation and
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to income taxes. At present, there are 31 Philippine
Tax Treaties in force. Copies are available at the BIR Library and the International Tax Affairs
Division of the BIR, which is under the Deputy Commissioner for Legal and Inspection Group.
The Philippine Treaty Series, edited and annotated by Haydee Yorac and published by Law
Publishing House, University of the Philippines, is available in seven (7) volumes, covering the
years 1944 to 1978 . The Philippine Treaty Index, by Benjamin Domingo, covers the years 1978
to 1982. A copy of the Philippine Treaty Index is available in the Department of Foreign Affairs
(DFA) Library. These publications contain treaties entered into by the Philippines. Tax privileges
and exemptions granted under treaties to which the Philippines is a signatory are recognized
under Philippine tax law. Copies of treaties entered into by the Philippines with other countries
and/or international organizations, from 1983 up to the present.
Philippine Taxing System
IV. Administrative Material
The Secretary of Finance, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner, promulgates needful
rules and regulations for the effective enforcement of the provisions of the Tax Code (Section
244, Tax Code of 1997). The Commissioner of Internal Revenue, however, has the exclusive and
original power to interpret the provisions of the Tax Code, but subject to review by the
Secretary of Finance.
Administrative issuances which may be relied upon in interpreting the provisions of the Tax
Code, which are signed by the Secretary of Finance, or the Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
or his duly authorized representative, come in the form of Revenue Regulations, Revenue
Memorandum Orders, Revenue Memorandum Rulings, Revenue Memorandum Circulars,
Revenue Memorandum Rulings, and BIR Rulings.
Revenue Regulations (RRs) are issuances signed by the Secretary of Finance, upon
recommendation of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, that specify, prescribe or define
rules and regulations for the effective enforcement of the provisions of the National Internal
Revenue Code (NIRC) and related statutes.
Philippine Taxing System
Revenue Memorandum Orders (RMOs) are issuances that provide directives or instructions;
prescribe guidelines; and outline processes, operations, activities, workflows, methods and
procedures necessary in the implementation of stated policies, goals, objectives, plans and
programs of the Bureau in all areas of operations, except auditing.
Revenue Memorandum Rulings (RMRs) are rulings, opinions and interpretations of the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue with respect to the provisions of the Tax Code and other tax
laws, as applied to a specific set of facts, with or without established precedents, and which the
Commissioner may issue from time to time for the purpose of providing taxpayers guidance on
the tax consequences in specific situations. BIR Rulings, therefore, cannot contravene duly
issued RMRs; otherwise, the Rulings are null and void ab initio.
Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMCs) are issuances that publish pertinent and applicable
portions, as well as amplifications, of laws, rules, regulations and precedents issued by the BIR
and other agencies/offices.
BIR Rulings are the official position of the Bureau to queries raised by taxpayers and other
stakeholders relative to clarification and interpretation of tax laws.
Revenue Regulations, Revenue Memorandum Orders, Revenue Memorandum Rulings, Revenue
Memorandum Circulars, Revenue Memorandum Rulings.
Philippine Taxing System
V. Case Law
In the Philippines, Supreme Court decisions form part of the law of the land. As such, decisions
by the Supreme Court in the exercise of its power to review, revise, reverse, modify or affirm on
appeal or certiorari, as the law or the Rules of Court may provide, final judgments and orders of
lower courts cases involving the legality of any tax, impost, assessment, or toll or any penalty
imposed in relation thereto are adhered to and recognized as binding interpretations of
Philippine tax law. Court of Appeals and Court of Tax Appeals decisions which have become
final and executory are also recognized interpretations of Philippine tax law.
Philippine Taxing System
VI. Treatises and other books
There are no Philippine treatises exclusively devoted to Philippine Tax law but various
Philippine authors have come up with annotated versions of the Tax Code..
Philippine Taxing System
VII. Periodicals
Periodicals on Philippine tax law are the:
(1) Philippine Revenue Service published by the BIR from 1969-1980;
(2) Philippine Revenue Journal which was both published by the Bureau of Internal Revenue
from 1969 to 2000; and
(3) the Tax Monthly, published by the National Tax Research Center (NTRC).
Philippine Taxing System
VIII. Local Government Tax Law
Local government taxation in the Philippines is based on the constitutional grant of the power to
tax to the local governments.
Local taxes may be imposed, as the Constitution grants, to each local government unit, the
power to create its own sources of revenues and to levy taxes, fees, and charges which shall
accrue to the local governments (Article X, Section 5). With respect to national taxes, local
Government units shall have a just share, as determined by law, in the national taxes which shall
be automatically released to them (Article X, Section 6).
However, certain taxes, such as the following, may not be imposed by local government units:
(Section 133, Local Government Code and Tax Law and Jurisprudence by Vitug & Acosta,
copyright 2000)
(1) Income tax, except when levied on banks and other financial institutions;
(2) Documentary stamp tax;
(3) Taxes on estates, inheritance, gifts, legacies and other acquisitions mortis causa, except as
otherwise provided in the Local Government Code (Code) (except taxes levied on the transfer of
real property ownership under Section 135, and Section 151 of the Code);
Philippine Taxing System
(4) Customs duties, registration fees of vessels (except license fees imposed under Section 149,
and Section 151 of the Code), wharfage on wharves, tonnage dues and all other kinds of
customs fees, charges and dues except wharfage on wharves constructed and maintained by the
local government unit concerned;
(5) Taxes, fees, charges and other impositions upon goods carried into or out of, or passing
through, the territorial jurisdictions of local governments in the guise of charges for wharfage,
tolls for bridges or otherwise, or other taxes in any form whatever upon such goods or
(6) Taxes, fees or charges on agricultural and aquatic products when sold by marginal farmers
or fishermen;
(7) Taxes on business enterprises certified by the Board of Investments as pioneer or non-
pioneer for a period of six and four years, respectively, from the date of registration;
(8) Excise taxes on articles enumerated under the National Internal Revenue Code and taxes,
fees, or charges on petroleum products, but not a tax on the business of importing,
manufacturing or producing said products (Patron vs. Pililla, 198 SCRA 82);
Philippine Taxing System
(9) Percentage tax or value-added tax on sales, barters or exchanges of goods or services or
similar transactions thereon (but not fixed graduated taxes on gross sales or on volume of
(10) Taxes on the gross receipts of transportation contractors and persons engaged in the
transportation of passengers or freight by hire and common carriers by air, land or water except
as provided by the Code;
(11) Taxes on premiums paid for reinsurance or retrocession;
(12) Taxes, fees or charges for the registration of motor vehicles and for the issuance of all kinds
of licenses or permits for the driving thereof, except tricycles;
(13) Taxes, fees, or other charges on Philippine products actually exported except as provided
by the Code (the prohibition applies to any local export tax, fee, or levy on Philippine export
products but not to any local tax, fee, or levy that may be imposed on the business of exporting
said products);
(14) Taxes, fees or charges on duly organized and registered Countryside and Barangay Business
Enterprises (R.A. No. 6810) and on cooperatives (R.A. No. 6938); and
(15) Taxes, fees or charges of any kind on the National Government, its agencies and
instrumentalities, and local government units (Section 133, LGC)
Philippine Taxing System
IX. National Tax Research Center (NTRC)
Constituted under Presidential Decree 74, the NTRC is mandated to conduct continuing research
in taxation to restructure the tax system and raise the level of tax consciousness among the
Filipinos, to achieve a faster rate of economic growth and to bring about a more equitable
distribution of wealth and income. Specifically, the NTRC performs the following functions:
1. Undertake comprehensive studies on the need for additional revenue for accelerated
national development and the sources from which this might most equitably be derived;
2. Re-examine the existing tax system and tax policy structure;
3. Conduct researches on taxation for the purpose of improving the tax system and tax policy;
4. Pass upon all tax measures and revenue proposal;
5. Recommend of such reforms and revisions as may be necessary to improve revenue
collection and to formulate sound tax policy and a more efficient tax structure.
Barangay (pre-colonial). (n.d.) . In Wikipedia. Retrieved June 5, 2015, from
Magpoc, K. (2013, May 28). Pre Spanish Period in the Philippines. Retrieved from
Esteria, P. (2011, November 4). Social Structure of the Lowland Filipinos during Pre-Hispanic Era
and the Maharlika. Retrieved from
Santos, H. (1999, July 28). Literacy in Pre-Hispanic Philippines in A Philippine Leaf. Retrieved from
BIR History, BIR Govt.Ph
Japanese Reported to Have Imposed Special war Taxes on Jews in Philippines, [1943], Zurich,
The Global Jewish News Source

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