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Fortunately i live in europe where we use the metric system, in this system 1 cubic meter displaces 1 metric tonne

of fresh wat


1 feet = 0.304 meter


10.3x3.6x1.2= 44.4 cubic meter of displacement

i will substract 4.4 cubic meters for the angled bow, this is a bit to much but will compensate for beer.

So you boat will displace 40 cubic meters = 40 metric tonnes when 4' deep in the water.

one metric tonne = 2,204 pounds

so 40x2,204= your craft can carry 88160 pounds plus some beer.

By the way 4' draft for a flat barge 34' long is a bit much. If you make it longer and less deep you will need a less powerful outb

Oops cross post with Lewis.

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