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INTA302 TIME SHEET Project Budget: $175/sq.ft. Hourly Rate: $75/hr.

Designer: Shannon Baumgartner Client Name: Building 1

Task - be specific in your decription; one task per line (add
Time Spent per task
lines as necessary by right-clicking and selecting insert>row)
Week 1 Research transitional homes in my location 4 hours
Research Federal design style 20 hours
Team collaboration 1 hour
Total Hours Week 1: 25
Week 2 Researched and customized color palettes 5 hours
Completed Adjacency Matrix 30 minutes
Created multiple Bubble Diagrams 4 hours
Researched and applied codes and regulations 3 hours
Created two Schemtaic Floor Pans 15 hours
Total Hours Week 2: 27.5
Week 3 Furniture and textile research/Spec sheets 12 hours
Schematic Furniture Plans and Presentation 12 hours
Total Hours Week 3: 24
Week 4 Selecting Finishes, Lighting, and Material Maintenance 18 hours
Designing a Floor and Ceiling Treatment and a Custom Built-In Wall
Treatment 18 hours
Total Hours Week 4: 36
Creating Perspective Illustrations and Preliminary Presentation
Week 5 Boards 20 hours
Final Compilation 18 hours
Total Hours Week 5: 38
Week 6 Final Compilation, Justification, and Reflection 8 hours
Total Hours Week 6: 8
Total Project Hours: 158.5 $ 11,887.50

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