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Pal&ontologische Zeitschrift

2008, Vol. 82/2, p. 105-112, 30-06-2008

The first Cenozoic fossil bird from Venezuela


with 4 figures

WALSH, S. SANCHEZ, R. 2008. The first Cenozoic fossil bird from Venezuela. - Pal~iontologische Zeitschrift 82
(2): 105-112, 4 figs., Stuttgart, 30. 6. 2008.

Abstract: The first Cenozoic avian remains from Venezuela are described. The material comprises an associated
right tarsometatarsus and tibiotarsus from the earliest Pliocene of the Codore Formation, northwestern Venezuela.
The fossil-bearing horizon represents a deltaic paleoenvironment. The etements are long and narrow, and the pres-
ence of a circular incisura intercondylaris bordered proximally by a prominent and centrally-situated tuberculum m.
tibialis anticus on the tibiotarsus, allows confident referral to the Ciconiidae (storks). The elements are a close match
in morphology and size to the extant Jabiru mycteria (Jabiru Stork), although the presence on the distal tibiotarsus
of a well-defined caudal sulcus, a narrower sulcus extensorius and shallower angled pons supratendineus, and on the
tarsometatarsus of a narrower and deeper sulcus on the plantar surface and a less prominent ridge laterally border-
ing the fossa supratrochlearis plantaris indicate that this is a new species, Jabiru codorensis n. sp. Jabiru rnycteria,
the only living species, still occurs in Venezuela, where it is found mostly in grassy wetlands. These specimens rep-
resent the first fossil record of Jabiru, as well as the first pre-Pleistocene record of fossil birds from Venezuela.

Keywords: Stork Jabiru Venezuela Codore Formation Pliocene

Kurzfassung: Die ersten fossilen Nachweise von V6geln aus dem Terti~ir Venezuelas werden beschrieben. Bei dem
Material handelt es sich um einen assoziierten rechten Tarsometatarsus und Tibiotarsus aus der unterplioz~inen Co-
dore-Formation, nordwestliches Venezuela. Die fossilfiihrenden Horizonte entsprechen einem deltaischen Pal~ioen-
vironment. Die Fossilelemente sind lang und d0nn. Das Vorhandensein einer kreisf6rmigen Incisura intercondyla-
ris, an welche proximal ein prominenter, zentraler Tuberculum m. tibialis anticus auf dem Tibiotarsus grenzt, erm6g-
licht eine zuverl~issige Einordnung dieser Fossilien in die Ciconiidae (St6rche). Die Elemente sind morphologisch
und in ihrer Gr613e tier lebenden Art Jabiru mycteria (Jabiru-Storch) sehr ~ihnlich, obwohl das Vorhandensein eines
klar abgegrenzten kaudalen Sulcus am distalen Tibiotarsus, eines schmaleren Sulcus extensorius und flacheren ab-
gewinkelten Pons supratendineus des Tibiotarsus, sowie eines schmaleren und tieferen Sulcus auf der plantaren
Oberfl~iche des Tarsometatarsus und einer weniger prominent ausgebildeten Kante, welche lateral die Fossa supra-
trochlearis plantaris begrenzt, am Tarsometatarsus auf eine neue Art, Jabiru codorensis n. sp., hindeuten. Jabiru
mycteria, die einzige lebende Art der Gattung, kommt heute noch in Venezuela vor, wo sie haupts~ichlich in grasbe-
wachsenen Feuchtgebieten zu finden ist. Die hier beschriebenen Fossilien sind sowohl die ersten fossilen Nachweise
yon Jabiru als auch die ersten pr~ipleistoz~inen Nachweise fossiler V6gel aus Venezuela.

Schl0sselwSrter: Storch Jabiru Venezuela Codore-Formation Plioz~in

Introduction as indicators of the p r o g r e s s i o n o f global w a r m i n g (e.g.,

CANTERBURY et al. 2000). H o w the high avian diversity
Bird species form a n i m p o r t a n t part of most m o d e r n of neotropical regions will be affected by future envi-
ecosystems, with 9,700 avian species estimated to be i n r o n m e n t a l change has p a r t i c u l a r l y b e e n the focus of a
existence today (STATTERSFIELD et al. 1998). M a n y bird s i g n i f i c a n t research effort i n recent years (HUNTLEY et
species are restricted to specific e n v i r o n m e n t s and are al. 2006). A n i m p o r t a n t aspect o f u n d e r s t a n d i n g how
consequently susceptible to e n v i r o n m e n t a l change. distribution and diversity patterns of l i v i n g species m a y
Avian e x t i n c t i o n rates are thus increasingly being used be affected by future e n v i r o n m e n t a l change lies i n g a i n -

Addresses of the authors: Stig Walsh, Department of Palaeontology,The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD,
UK; e-mail <>. - Rodolfo S~inchez, Museo Paleontol6gieo de la Alcaldfa de Urumaco, Falc6n, Venezuela.

0031-0220/08/0082-105 $ 3.60
2008 E. Schweizerbart'scheVerlagsbuchhandlung, D-70176 Stuttgart

ing an understanding of how those patterns developed Geology and paleoenvironment

over time. Direct evidence of former taxic distribution
is, however, only available through the fossil record. The type section of the Codore Formation crops out
That the fossil record of birds is depauperate is a along the Codore river, 3.5 k m north of E1 Mam6n, and
common misconception. In fact, bird bones are not un- the formation can be recognized from the northeast and
common in m a n y geological deposits, despite their ap- north-central Falc6n region to the Zaz~irida river in the
parent fragility (OLSON 1976, 1985; UNWIN 1996). South west, and close to Coro in the east (MINISTERIO de
America has a particularly diverse avian fossil record, ENERGfA y MINAS 1997) (Fig. 1). In the type locality the
although most Cenozoic reports come from particularly formation comprises around 757 m of fine sandstones,
productive deposits in Argentina (e.g., VUILLEUMIER siltstones, and limestones. The formation can be divided
1984; ALVARENGA & HOFLING 2003). Tertiary fossil into three successive lithostratigraphic units (Fig. I); the
birds have also been reported from Brazil, Chile and basal E1 Jebe Member (301-398 m thick), the Chiguaje
Peru (e.g., CHENEVAL 1993; WALSH & HUME 2001; AL- Member (approximately 72 m thick) and the overlying
VARENGA t~ GUILHERME 2003), but, to our knowledge, Algodones Member (298-303 m thick; not shown here)
no pre-Pleistocene avian fossils have been recorded (MINISTERIO de ENERGfA y MINAS 1997). The sedi-
from Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, or ments of the E1 Jebe M e m b e r were deposited in a dry to
French Guiana. This seems surprising, considering that subhumid climate (indicated by palynomorphs) on an
today almost 1400 endemic or migratory bird species distal alluvial flood plain with small meandering fluvial
are known in Venezuela alone (HILTY 2003). This ab- channels to the west, larger distal river systems in the
sence of data on Cenozoic avian diversity is a major im- central region, and with no channel development to the
pediment to our understanding of the evolution of mod- east. The overlying late early Pliocene marine Chiguaje
ern avifaunas in the Neotropics. Member demonstrates a subsequent marine transgres-
Here we provide the first description of Tertiary sion (LINARES2004), which does not appear to have af-
fossil avian remains from Venezuela. The material com- fected the more easterly parts of the formation (MINIS-
prises a right tarsometatarsus and tibiotarsus that were TERIO de ENERGtA y MINAS 1997). The Algodones
recovered in association by one of us (RS) from the early Member represents a return to an alluvial plain environ-
Pliocene of the Codore Formation, north western Vene- ment with meandering river systems, indicating a rela-
zuela. The specimens are referable to the extant genus tive drop in sea level. The greater channel development
Jabiru, although they clearly represent a new species. in the Algodones Member, compared with that of the E1
The material is accessioned to the collections of the A1- Jebe Formation, suggests that the sea level may have
caldia del Municipio Urumaco. been slightly lower than during the deposition of the E1
Institutional abbreviations: AMU-CURS, Alcaldfa del Mu- Jebe Member.
nicipio Urumaco; BMNH, Natural History Museum, Lon- The Codore Formation overlies the Urumaco For-
don. mation, which has one of the most diverse vertebrate
Anatomical nomenclature follows BAUMEL 8z WITMER faunas of the Tertiary Neotropics (AGUILERA2004).
(1993), with some English modifications. Vertebrate fossils f r o m the lower and middle levels of
the E1 Jebe Member of the Codore Formation are also


2 o
Chlguaj# ~"-"**IL 1414m

o g ---:--'r
~ lO16m
o "--E--.'


Fig. 1. Collection locality of AMU CURS 130-5, with stratigraphy of the Codore Formation (excluding the Algodones
Member) Stratigraphic log modified after LINARES (2004).
The first Cenozoic fossil bird from Venezuela 107

becoming increasingly known, and include mammals, preserve evidence of the proximal articular surface, and
reptiles and fish (LINARES 2004; CARLINI et al. 2006; is probably missing around 90 m m of its total length (re-
SANCHEZ-VILLAGRA AGU1LERA 2006). The two spec- constructed length approximately 340 mm). The dia-
imens reported here (AMU CURS 130-5) come from a physis is rounded in section caudally, b e c o m i n g much
middle level (earliest Pliocene) of the E1 Jebe Member. flatter on the cranial surface. Slight cranial-caudal bur-
The observation that both elements are from the right ial compaction is evident from visible compression
hind limb, their discovery in association with each other, cracks, mostly on the lateral and medial surfaces, and is
their consistency in size and similarity in preservation, more severe at the proximal end.
strongly support derivation from the same individual. In cranial view (Fig. 3A), the sulcus extensorius ex-
Furthermore, these observations indicate that the speci- tends along the medial margin of the distal cranial sur-
mens are very unlikely to have been reworked from un- face, and is narrow and well defined (width of the sulcus
derlying strata. However, we choose to designate only represents 28 % of the total width of the diaphysis in that
the tibiotarsus as the holotype, in order to simplify any region), similar in relative width to Mycteria ibis (Yel-
future revision that may arise in the unlikely event that low-Billed Stork). The pons supratendineus is angled as
the two specimens prove not to be referable to a single it protrudes cranially more shallowly than in Jabiru
taxon. mycteria, and is more similar to that ofM. leucocephala
(Painted Stork). The cranial surface of the pons supra-
tendineus slopes toward the lateral margin unlike in
Systematic paleontology Mycteria (SW pers. obs.) or Ciconia, but like Ephippio-
rhynchus (BOLES 2005) or Jabiru (SW pers. obs.). Dis-
Aves LINNAEUS, 1758 tally the pons supratendineus terminates in an almost
Ciconiiformes GARROD, 1874 perfectly round exit for the canalis extensorius, the rela-
Ciconiidae SUNDEVALL,1836 tive width of which is approximately 50 % larger than in
Mycteriini MAYR 8~: COTTRELL, 1979 J. mycteria, and larger than most other Ciconiidae ex-
Jabiru HELLMAYR,1906 amined, including E. senegalensis (Saddle-Billed Stork).
The incisura intercondylaris is a large, deep and per-
Jabiru codorensis n. sp. fectly circular rounded pit bordered proximally by a
Figs. 2-4 prominent and centrally situated tuberculum m. tibialis
Etymology: Species name in recognition of the provenance of anticus. The presence of this condition allows confident
this jabiru stork from the Codore Formation of Venezuela. referral to the Ciconiidae (e.g., BOLES 2005). The in-
Holotype: AMU CURS 130-5; right tibiotarsus lacking the cisura intercondylaris is slightly laterally compressed in
proximal-most region and exhibiting slight cranial-caudal/ many ciconiid taxa, due to the narrower width of the
dorsal-plantar post-diagenetic compression (Figs. 2A-B). epiphysis. However, the incisura lacks the slightly
Paratype: AMU CURS 130-5; right tarsometatarsus, also notched medial margin of the lateral condyle, consid-
lacking the proximal-most region and exhibiting slight cra- ered by OLSON (1991; SUAREZ & OLSON 2003) as char-
nial-caudal/dorsal-plantar post-diagenetic compression (Figs. acteristic of Mycteria and absent in Ciconia, and is
2C-D), recovered with the right tibiotarsus and believed to be
larger and more regular than in Ephippiorhynchus.
from the same individual.
Locality and distribution: Middle level of the E1 Jebe Mem- The distal extension of the lateral and medial con-
ber of the Codore Formation, Early Pliocene, Urumaco re- dyles is approximately equal. In lateral (Fig. 3C) and
gion, Venezuela. medial views the outline of the condyles is oval rather
than circular; the distal border of the lateral condyle is
Diagnosis: The tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus of this distinctly flattened and notched and is most similar to J.
taxon are almost identical in size and morphology to the mycteria. In distal view (Fig. 3D) the sulcus intercondy-
extant Jabiru mycteria, but the holotype tibiotarsus pri- laris is broad, as in Ciconia, Jabiru and Ephippiorhyn-
marily differs from that species by possessing a narrower chus, and unlike Mycteria (OLSON 1991). The tuberosi-
sulcus extensorius, a shallower angled pons supratendi- tas retinaculi m. fibularis is broad, flattened and does
neus, a sulcus on the distal caudal surface and a shorter not form an elongate ridge, as in Ciconia, or a distinct
sulcus extensorius. The paratype tarsometatarsus differs papilla, as in Ephippiorhynchus (see BOLES 2005). The
from Jabiru mycteria by a narrower and deeper sulcus on distal caudal surface is flattened to the extent that dis-
the plantar surface and a less prominent ridge laterally tinct angles are formed between the caudal surface and
bordering the fossa supratrochlearis plantaris. the lateral and medial surfaces. In Ciconia, Leptoptilus
Description and Mycteria the junction between the caudal and me-
Tibiotarsus (Figs. 3A-D) dial, and caudal and lateral surfaces are much more
The element is long and slender (length 248.5 mm), ta- rounded; only in Jabiru mycteria and Ephippiorhyn-
pering distally from its proximal extremity (maximum chus asiaticus (Black-Necked Stork) are the junctions
diaphyseal width at proximal end 17 mm), and widening observed to be as angular. A distinct sulcus is developed
at the distal epiphysis ( m a x i m u m width of epiphysis ( m a x i m u m width 8.5 mm) on the caudal surface, and
21.5 m m ) (Figs. 2A-B). The proximal region does not extends distally approximately 40 m m until it is delim-

Fig. 2. Holotype material of

Jabiru codorensis (AMU
CURS 130-5). A - B : Tibiotar-
sus in A, cranial and B, cau-
dal views; C - D : Tarsometa-
tarsus in C, dorsal and D,
,. B plantar views. - Scale bar =
10 mm.

ited by the proximal border of the articular surface (Fig. T a r s o m e t a t a r s u s (Figs. 4A-C)
3B). The presence of the sulcus on the least compressed The tarsometatarsus is also long and slender, but, with a
portion of the element, the evenness of this feature and preserved length of 280 mm, is slightly longer than the
the complete absence of compression fissures indicates tibiotarsus. Based on the position of the two cristae hy-
that this linear depression is not related to burial com- potarsi, the missing portion represented approximately
paction. A similar sulcus is absent in J. mycteria. 20 mm, indicating a probable original length of 300 mm.
The first Cenozoic fossil bird from Venezuela 109

tmt IV t II

tmtlII ~ A




C[ t~ trot III
mat III
"" el
Fig. 3. Detail of the distal region of the holotype tibiotar- Fig. 4. Detail of the distal region of the holotype tarso-
sus of Jabiru codorensis n. sp. (AMU CURS 130-5) in A, metatarsus of Jabiru codorensis n. sp. (AMU CURS
cranial; B, caudal, C, lateral and D, distal views. - Ab- 130-5) in A, distal; B, plantar and C, dorsal views. - A b -
breviations are as follows: cl, condylus lateralis; cm, breviations are as follows: fmt I, fossa metatarsi I; fsp,
condylus medialis; em, epicondylus medialis; ese, exit fossa supratrochlearis plantaris; ptmt III, proximal ex-
of the sulcus extensorius; fi, fossa intercondylaris; ii, in- tent of trochlea metatarsi III; r, ridge medially bordering
cisura intercondylaris; n, notch on the condylus latera- the fossa supratrochlearis plantaris; tmt II, trochlea me-
lis; ps, pons supratendineus; s, sulcus on the caudal tatarsi II; tmt III, trochlea metatarsi III; tmt IV, trochlea
surface; sct, sulcus cartilaginis tibialis; se, sulcus exten- metatarsi IV. - Scale bar = 10 mm.
sorius; si, sulcus intercondylaris; trf, tuberositas retina-
culi m. fibularis. - Scale bar = 10 mm.
fracture surface to approximately 40 m m short of the
proximal border of the trochlea metatarsi IV (in Ciconia
With its m a x i m u m width (18.5 mm) at the proximal ex- the snlcus extends to the foramen vasculare distale;
tremity, the shaft tapers slightly up to the flaring of the BOLES 2005). The proximal-most region of the sulcus is
distal trochleae, where it reaches a m a x i m u m width of slightly widened, as in Jabiru, and less so than in spe-
21 mm. The proximal extremity is damaged, and lacks cies of Ciconia, including C. maguari (Maguari Stork).
evidence of the cotylae and all except for the proximal- Much of the lateral and distal regions of trochlea meta-
most region of the hypotarsus. The preserved region is in tarsi IV are missing, and as a result the position of the
shape and relative width most like that ofJ. mycteria, but foramen vasculare distale is difficult to determine. In
the cristae hypotarsi are lightly less prominent. The shaft the preserved trochleae, trochlea metatarsi III (maxi-
is slightly dorsoplantarly compressed due to burial com- m u m width 10.5 m m ) extends little further distally than
paction, although in most Ciconiidae the shaft cross sec- trochlea metatarsi II ( m a x i m u m width 7.0 ram) to create
tion is approximately equant (in Ephippiorhynchus asi- what would probably have been a shallow arch. In distal
aticus the shaft is laterally compressed). The shaft is no- view trochlea II is much deflected plantafly (although
ticeably broader than in Jabiru tarsometatarsi of compa- far less so than in the Phoenicopteridae), and the pre-
rable length, although this may be mostly due to burial served region of trochlea IV also suggests that this
compaction noted above. The plantar surface of the shaft trochlea was similarly deflected.
possesses a shallow sulcus which extends almost from On the plantar surface of the trochlear region, a
the apex of the hypotarsus to slightly short of the troch- well-defined fossa supratrochlearis plantaris is bordered
lear region. In Ephippiorhynchus the sulcus is much nar- laterally by a well-defined ridge, which is angled proxi-
rower and shallower, in Jabiru it is wider and shallower, mally towards the midline. In Leptoptilus, Ephippio-
and in all Mycteria examined extends into the fossa su- rhynchus and Ciconia this ridge is less well-developed
pratrochlearis plantaris. or absent, and, in Mycteria and Jabiru, it is broader than
In dorsal view, the sulcus extensorius is narrow at in A M U CURS 130-5. The proximal portion of the ridge
approximately 5 m m wide, centrally situated, and occu- forms the medial border of the fossa metatarsi I, which
pies approximately 79 % of the shaft, from the proximal is broad and triangular, but otherwise is flattened and

poorly-defined. The shape of this attachment is identical the presence of several characters that preclude referral
to that in J. mycteria (in Ciconia and Mycteria the at- to other living ciconiid genera. The minor differences
tachment is more elongate). observed between these specimens and the same ele-
ments in J. mycteria indicate that this taxon is suffi-
ciently different from J. mycteria to justify erection of a
Discussion new species. The elements are also a close match in size
with J. mycteria, and clearly c a m e from an individual
Based on their narrow and elongate form and their re- well within the size range of the larger living stork spe-
covery from continental strata, we initially suspected cies (KAHL 1973).
that these specimens would be referable to one of the With a fossil record extending at least as far as the
gracile species of the Phorusrhacidae. This extinct fam- early Oligocene, several Cenozoic species of fossil stork
ily of terrestrial predaceous birds is well known in other are known from deposits as widely spaced as western
parts of South America, and would be expected in Ven- and eastern Europe (France, Romania and the Ukraine),
ezuela. However, the presence of a circular incisura in- North and sub-Saharan Africa (Egypt, Tunisia and
tercondylaris bordered proximally by a prominent and Kenya), Asia (India, Pakistan, Mongolia), and North
centrally situated tubercle for the m. tibialis anticus in- America (Arizona, California, Carolina, Florida, Idaho,
stead confirms referral to the Ciconiidae (BOLES Oregon and Texas; e.g., BRODKORB 1961; SHORT 1966;
2OO5). PHILLIPS 1968; HILL WALKER 1979; OLSON 1985a,
Although the absence of the proximal regions of the 1991; BECKER 1987; HAARHOPP 1988; MILLER et al.
tarsometatarsus and tibiotarsus preclude precise determi- 1997; BRUNET 8,: M. P. F. T. 2000). Only a few fossil
nation of the length ratio between the elements, it is very ciconiid species allow comparison with A M U CURS
likely that the tarsometatarsus was around 90 % of the 130-5. OLSON (1991) showed that the type material of
length of the tibiotarsus. The tibiotarsus is not referable to the mid-Miocene Dissourodes milleri SHORT from Ne-
Mycteria based on the angle of the pons supratendineus, braska belongs in Mycteria, primarily on the basis of the
absence of a notch on the medial margin of the lateral presence of a notched medial margin of the lateral con-
condyle, broad sulcus intercondylaris and the angular dyle of the tibiotarsus. As mentioned above, the absence
junction between its caudal and lateral surfaces. The pres- of this notch in A M U C U R S 130-5 (among other char-
ence of an angled pons supratendineus combined with the acters) precludes its referral to any species of Mycteria,
angular junction of the caudal and lateral surfaces also including M. milleri and the much younger (Pleistocene)
preclude referral to Ciconia. The broad and flattened tu- M. wetmorei.
berositas retinaculi m. fibularis also precludes referral to Records for fossil Jabiru include an extinct species,
Ciconia. A rounded junction of the caudal and lateral sur- J. weillsi (SELLARDS 1916), which WETMORE (1931)
faces is also a feature of Leptoptilus. Ephippiorhynchus subsumed in the extant J. mycteria. WETMORE (1928,
can be excluded based on its possession of a less regular 1931) also recorded Jabiru mycteria from the Pleis-
incisura intercondylaris and a distinct papilla for the tu- tocene of Florida and Cuba. However, in a thorough re-
bersositas retinaculi m. fibularis. Although only the dis- vision of the North American fossil ciconiid material,
tal regions are preserved in A M U CURS 130-5, BOLES HOWARD (1942) reassigned all specimens referred to
(2005) noted that the proximal region has limited utility Jabiru to the extinct Ciconia maltha, a large species
for distinguishing extant stork genera. spanning the Upper Pliocene to Pleistocene. C. maltha
The tarsometatarus differs from Mycteria in that apparently enjoyed a wide distribution from Nebraska to
the sulcus on the plantar surface does not extend into the Cuba and is very similar in its postcranial osteology to
fossa supratrochlearis plantaris, and the attachment for J. mycteria (FEDUCCIA 1973). It seems possible that C.
os metatarsale I is much less elongate. The less elongate maltha may have extended into the early Pliocene of
shape of that attachment also excludes referral to Cico- Venezuela. Nonetheless, although A M U CURS 130-5 is
nia, as does the narrower proximal widening of the sul- within the size range of this highly variable species, the
cus extensorius, the failure of the sulcus to extend to the specimens are not referable to C. maltha, as in that taxon
foramen vasculare distale, and the poorer development the sulcus extensorius of the tarsometatarsus extends
of the ridge laterally bordering the fossa supratroch- into the foramen vasculare distale (for instance, com-
learis plantaris. Poor development of this ridge is also pare Fig. 2C of this work with MILLER 1932: 213, fig.
characteristic of Leptoptilus and Ephippiorhynchus, 23b). VUILLEUMIER (1984) listed Jabiru from the late
which is also excluded based on its narrower and shal- Pleistocene of Peru, but provided no source or reference
lower sulcus on the plantar surface. for this record. The validity of identifications for the
By comparison the elements are a very close match taxa listed in this work was severely questioned by OL-
in overall morphology to Jabiru mycteria, although the SON (1985b), and consequently this record cannot be re-
genus does not possess clear apomorphies in the regions garded at face value. The material described in the
of the tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus that are preserved present work therefore constitutes the only fossil record
in A M U C U R S 130-5. Consequently, referral to Jabiru of Jabiru, and confirms the presence of Jabiru storks in
is based mostly on overall morphological similarity and Venezuela at least as long ago as the earliest Pliocene.
The first Cenozoic fossil bird from Venezuela 1 11

Jabiru mycteria breeds from Honduras to northern nas cannot be achieved without such avian diversity data
Argentina in the south, and has been reported in most from the Cenozoic of Venezuela and adjacent coun-
South American countries east of the Andean Cordill- tries.
era, and even as far north as Texas (KAHL 1971). Breed-
ing populations of J. mycteria occur in Venezuela, and
the possibility exists that J. codorensis n. sp. also nested Acknowledgments
in the region during the early Pliocene, although these
adult specimens obviously provide no direct evidence We thank the Museo Paleontol6gico de la Alcaldia de Urumaco
for this. Jabiru mycteria today inhabits swamps and for making the material available for study, A. Carlini for the
wetlands, and is known to hunt fish, amphibians, snakes, preliminary identification of the materials in the Museum in
gastropods, insects, and other invertebrates (KAHL Urumaco and Marcelo R. S~inchez-Villagra and Orangel
Aguilera for placing the specimens at the disposal of SW, and
1971). The environments suggested for the E1 Jebe Mem-
for useful and highly interesting discussions on Venezuelan pa-
ber from sedimentological evidence ( M I N I S T E R I O de
leontology and geology. Jo Cooper and Sandra Chapman (Na-
ENERGfA y MINAS 1997) are fully consistent with the tural History Museum, London) are thanked for allowing ac-
ecological preferences of the modern species. It there- cess to comparative collections of Recent and fossil avian ma-
fore seems highly likely that J. codorensis n. sp. had terial. SW is grateful to Darren Naish and Monja Knoll (Uni-
very similar environmental requirements to J. mycteria. versity of Portsmouth) for useful discussion on the fossil record
If J. codorensis n. sp. was indeed nesting in the region, of Ciconiiformes. Gerald Mayr and an anonymous reviewer are
the former local presence of tall trees within the Codore thanked for critical comment and greatly improving this paper.
Formation wetland habitat is indicated. This work was supported by the National Geographic Society
Considering the E1 Jebe Member paleoenviron- (Grant 7600-04 to M. R. S~inchez-Villagra).
ment it seems entirely unsurprising that a wetland bird
should be the first avian species to be recovered from
these sediments. However, considering the abundance References
and diversity of bird species in the wetlands of Vene-
AGUILERA, O.A. 2004. Tesoros Paleontol6gicos de Venezuela. Uru-
zuela today, and the abundance of vertebrate material in maco Patrimonio Natural de la Humanidad. - 148 p., Caracas
these sequences - particularly in the Urumaco Forma- (Editorial Arte).
tion - it is presently unclear why avian material is appar- ALVARENGA, H.M.F. & GUILHERME, E. 2003. The anhingas (Aves:
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